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Information and Communication

Assessment 2 : Presentation and Graphic

Thursday 25 February 2021

Time: 75 minutes
Write your answers in the spaces provided. Some questions must be answered by
crossing the letter A, B, C, and D.

1. Ken meets his friend, Jacob.

Draw a diagram to show how Ken’s smartphone can be used to provide Jacob’s tablet
computer with an internet connection.

Label each component and the connectivity you use in your diagram. (4)

2. Ken is using Wi-Fi to connect his devices to the internet.

What is the function of router?

a. Turn on signals into Bluetooth

b. Make the internet easier to use
c. Send and receive data to computers
d. Break through the walls (1)

3. Ken streams an online video. He sees the notice shown in Figure 1.

Describe what has happened to Ken.

4. Ken uses PIN to unlock his tablet.

List three other methods he could use to prevent unauthorized access to her data.

1. …………………………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………
5. Ken uses a smartwatch when exercise.

A smartwatch can connect to a Bluetooth health monitor.

Which one of these describes Bluetooth?

a. A high speed wired connection

b. A high-resolution connection
c. A type of wireless connection
d. An energy saving connection
6. Some data needs to be encrypted when it is transferred.

Describe how encryption helps keep data secure.

7. Robert works in a company that uses a local area network.

Describe two benefits to workers of using a local area network (LAN).

1. ………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. Personal data is often transmitted over the internet.

One method of securing data before transmission is:

a. Using encryption
b. Filtering
c. Streaming
d. Using a firewall
9. To link network systems, you need a:

a. WAN
b. Gateway
c. Booster
d. Broadband connection

10. Identify one risk to the data stored on his computer when connected to the internet and for
each give two actions that can be taken to reduce the risk.

Risk ………………………………………………………………………………………

Action 1……………………………………………………………………………………

Action 2……………………………………………………………………………………
11. Many colleges restrict the websites that students may access.

The type of software used to do this is:

a. Filter software
b. Editing software
c. Communication software
d. Web authoring software (1)
12. A device used to strengthen a wireless signal is:

a. An adaptor
b. An actuator
c. A tracker
d. A booster (1)

13. Jason has downloaded the images from his camera onto his laptop.

Give two reasons why he should also make backup copies of the images.


14. Computer users are advised to create a strong password.

Give two characteristics of a strong password.



15. Jimmy has created a strong password.

Give two actions Jimmy should take to keep his password secure.


16. Teaching staff, administrative staff and students are given file access rights.

Explain what is meant by file access rights.


17. Bob and John have created a home network to connect their PCs and printer.

The diagram shows the network.

(i) One device in the diagram is labelled ‘A’.

Identify the name of device labelled ‘A’. (1)


(ii) All devices connected to the network are identified by name.

State one other way a device on the network can be identified. (1)

18. Home networks can use both wired and wireless connection.

Identify two advantages of using a wired rather than a wireless connection.



19. Identify two disadvantages of using a wired rather than a wireless connection.



Total Marks : 38 Marks

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