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1 Whenever you save this file - make sure to rename the file with your full name

2 Make sure that you have watched the video before attempting these question.
The questions have been attempted in the video and will give you a framework of how to approach the p
3 You can extensively use google for research

4 We will try to understand what is different about the teaching style at top MBA colleges
5 In the next task we will understand how does this different style of teaching and learning change our out
6 Answer all these questions mentioned in this sheet in this sheet itself - there is no need to create a new
work of how to approach the problem solving

MBA colleges
g and learning change our outcomes and the skills we gain
re is no need to create a new sheet to answer the questions
The purpose of the task is for you to understand the following

1 Business problems are complex: meaning that - most decisions that companies have to make are based on multiple
Subjects such as marketing, economics, finance, hr etc

2 Case Studies that are used in teaching students at the top MBA colleges try to capture as much information as poss
The idea here is for you to see, that making decisions in Bluetree is also going to be like solving a case stu

3 A case study method requires you to actually think, which is actually a much better method of learning that the lect
The virtual experiences method that we have developed takes this method a step forward - where you a

To understand the above given points, answer the following questions

Question 1 List down all the sections from the case study Cynthia Carroll at Anglo American (A) (like Anglo American

Answer 1 format

Section What is the purpose of this section

Anglo American This section gives us a summary of the company and how it grew. This h
Caroll joins Anglo american this section talks about how caroll met sir Moody stuwart and how she w
Inherited challenges this section talks about the situation of the mining business at Anglo Am
the south african context this section is all about the three ethnic groups prevalent at south africa
safety this section gives us Moody stuwart's take on the current safety at the m
Anglo - american platinum this section talks about the platinum mines and focuses on the Rustenbu
a shock to the system this section shows Caroll's reaction to the death that has recently happe

Question 2 Which are the 5 most important people in this case study. Why do you think they are important. Also me
1. Cynthia Caroll she is the chief executive of Anglo American and she is the core of this c
2. Moody Stuwart he is the chairman of Anglo american and he is the one who recruited Ca
3. Miners they form the base of the case.They are the labourers working at the mi
4. Government the south african Government play an important role in formulating vari
5. south african mining union the mining union is the voice of all the labourers working at the mine.

Question 3 In the video the question is posed by the professor "What will you do as Cynthia Carroll". Find 2 answers
1. Making structural changes in the company and changing the organisational culture
2. to close down the company as the death rates are increasing and that the deaths of black people matt

Question 4 Do you agree with these 2 answers that you wrote above? Why?
Both these answers make perfect sense and are very rational acoording to me.

Question 5 Come up with 5 potential solutions that the company (Anglo American) can implement to prevent such f
1 educating the miners
2 bring in a common language in the mine
3 make safety protocols very strict
4 avoid dangerous situations
5 threatning to fire the workers if the safety protocols arent followed
Which departments in the company will solve these questions ( use your value chain understanding to an
Human resource management, quality asuurance , safety check departments
Which subjects in MBA do you think these questions will be answered under?
human resourse management, organisational behaviour, strategic management, research
Question 6 How will you prepare for a case study discussion like this in 2 days of preparation time. Describe the acti
1 read the case
2 take notes
3 try and answer the questions
4 looking at them from different lenses and coming up with creative solutions
to make are based on multiple subjects

e as much information as possible from the context and use that to make decisions in companies
ing to be like solving a case study, for which you have to know knowledge of multiple subjects

ethod of learning that the lectures method that we have in our undergraduate colleges
d a step forward - where you actually get to see the real context in videos rather than on paper

erican (A) (like Anglo American, Carroll join Anglo American) below. Mention what do you think is the purpose of this section of the inform

mpany and how it grew. This helps us understand the culture of the company a little bit, based on how it grew over the years. And can also
Moody stuwart and how she was strong enough to get appointed as the chief executive, and also her journey at Alcan Bauxite
e mining business at Anglo American when Caroll was appointed as the chief exective
oups prevalent at south africa, the various national political parties and the language barriers in the country
on the current safety at the mines, how dangerous it is to work at mines and the regulations and laws placed by the south african governe
s and focuses on the Rustenburg mine
death that has recently happened at the mine.

nk they are important. Also mention what might be their roles in the company
an and she is the core of this case study
he is the one who recruited Caroll. He is very instrumental in making key decisions regarding the mining.
he labourers working at the mine.
ortant role in formulating various laws related to safety of labour
ourers working at the mine.

ynthia Carroll". Find 2 answers given by the MBA participants in the Harvard Business School MBA classroom

he deaths of black people matter the same as the way white people's deaths would have mattered.

n implement to prevent such further problems

alue chain understanding to answer this question)

ment, research
aration time. Describe the activities that you will do to prepare for a discussion in this case as you see in the video
e of this section of the information

w over the years. And can also help us understand how could the company make decisions based on its existing culture
y at Alcan Bauxite

d by the south african governemnt about safety.

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