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qhmevd ems

Name Hauishabh heLd

Rall No. O20 IT KO76
emesteni 5T
l h a t ia doaical and Physical addses Spaces
CPU wh1le a paoysom
As Ljisal Ainea Sgeneruted
is Vistual
Ounñina Ihe loacal acdsessa
addsess as it doesnot exist physicull, theroc t is
also known a Vstual Addses Ths addsessis wed a a
eferanca to accass tha physica Mimo lacahon by CPU.
we d thSet
The fes m
ka ical addse. 3paca is
all lpgical addsese enested
Tha hasduxrse device called lemory -

Mangqemant Unit
wed os mappio logical addsoss toib cosTepaxina

ldeotfesa physical locaticm a c d

Physical dddzass datu in a manov n Loes neve
deaks wita tho Phisicaladdses but can acess
Cooseapsndioa loaica addseas.ha acs param-
eneates the lgaica addses and thinks that tha
unnig in hs ogical address bt tha
prsngsom needs physical mama s exeurtan,chocfot,
fha laical addses mut
maped be to dha phsical
addse MMU bepre th¡4 axe e d Iha t&m
PhysicalAddsess Spoca is ed t all physical addscsa
to dho logical adasesses In
addes Spoce
appio in
a mechanisrm
dns2 wapppg 1 which a pooce Cao be
toge Cdik
to oths
(dish) Dut otmemo
o s move)b
maka that
psocosses. At Some lates time, dha
Stem apo back dha psoces s dha Secmda
osage Dmain mamo
Though pes fos mana is wua aftacedby SuappinN
poOces but it telps in nning
in paalle
pobcea and dhars h seaamo
Swappi IS also knoun a atechnigu Ds memoHN

fasrhthanipg in OsS2
AnsB emon Paxhtming is dha sstem which tha memo85
Compute stem isdividod ito sectme jo
dhe neaida ot pogmams Ihosemmoo
divisins knouwoa pashhm9. e e here ade
diPfesent wa inwhch me Can be paxtihianad
ixed, Vomabla, and dunamic paatrtionng

DFixed Paatthsming he ea liest and ona tha

Simpleat techniqua which Can be uaed
o load move dhan ito dha muin mamay
mem allocatian.
iS Fixed pastitaning Catig uou
Jothis techniqu, tho mio mao4 s divided ito
pcnhtians e u a l o dAesotizea
lhe O8S alway 3a0ide io dha ist pamtihuo while dt-
cab be wed f o tare h e s psmcesseA
Dthe paatrhn
Tha ic assignad to ha psoce in Cantiquoue
Jn cedpashtisning
* apastibhn can overdap
A psocoss must be Cmtguou pseDenT in
exe curtion.
techniqu , $ha paottton
yoarmiE Patihaog n this
Size is not daclased intially-
is declascd at dha tim G poces loodun
Ihe st pas hiham ic gecsved opesabna tem.
he hemainin Spaco is divided ioto poats Tha
Size each pastion will be egual todha S12e d h
Pooces lh pasthan Sizo Vasia accosang9 tD dha need
PDcess So tte 1ntena tgnantat1o Can
be avoided

OBest.ft, hast-and Wost -ft a llocaatan Scheme.

Bestt he bet ft deak with allocohna dha smalleet

ee parth an which mees dho equrse mant
of tha seqyerh POcoss Ibis
algos ithmn hst Seuchs
ehse list t see postitiang and consdas dha
Smallea hole that s ada quate H #sies dhen ts icA
t nda hole which s clase o actuak proces
Size heeded.

Abvantgge : Memoy uhlizatimn ic much bettes than frast

ac it eache tha Smallest taee posh tim
Trast qvauable
Disadvantuge: t is 8bues and mq even endo ll
memo with urelestholes
D tn dh t t appoach it toslocate tha
rs see pahtian os ha la laxae en
enouah which Can accomodate du
cas. hoisha
++ oftes ho ding tha ra urtable oee Pasthan.
Advante Faatest algathm bacause Seavches
Qitle 0 Pocible.
Deadyacdse Ihe hemainina unused memo aseas left
aftex allocahum aeemoRT berome waste if
mallesIh sequat o lages mema
Dequisemant Cánnut be accomplished

lost -t n uwost approach is to locate

lagqet availa ble see pout 3o dhat dha
postim left l be
bia enoyghto be uoetul.
tis dtha seose bast

Havache: Reduces tha Tote ot paoduchom q small

Disadartae aPocess equsina Jcages mamo

arssivs at a latex ataac thaq t cannst be
accomod ated cs dto laqa hale s drsca du splt&

5)Viatual Memo in Os
Ans 5 Virtua meme sastos49e allocahom Schemeinwhich
Secunda memo1 Can be addsosked a thoun i t w e
d m a i n monan h ddseisa a psoaam may
UAe tD Gefexenca memos ase disting uishe d

addsessea dhe rora tarcas3stem

Ond psOTsomAensate d
Physicaltosoge Sita
ae tsanslated auhmatical to tho om aspmodiqg machne
islimited b1 dha
lha Sizevtual eddness Stunage
tho amputex tem nd
gdd sessing Scheme
amount econdarg memo is avoiable not by
dha actua num bex f dha mäair Stosa ocahona.
o this Scheme is dhat
Iha main visible advontage
p am Con be
lane Ohan phpcal mema
Viotua memot Senves two PLsposeaA. Fisstit allouac
to extend tha ue 4 physicak mermo ing dish.
Secnd, it allowc u o me mema psolecfon
becauoe ench Vntua addse s taons lated o 4 Pbtsica

Uses wsitten e s s o handling O u i n e ase aed n whan

an e s t o occLse d is tho data oetupakim.s Compufahun.
and feotra a Po amm ba
>Cestain optians
used Barsel
ha ability to exeate a
pmqam hat is ml1 psha in

memo Uouldountes mon beni

7 Less umber I/O uwauld be heedad to laad as fuap

each Uoes psagsam i0D mmoH

What is Pogin i OP

ms 6:Fagin 18 amemoH management schame th a
eliHinates the heed
nhauou allo cahm a
Phsical mem SchemaPesmtstha phSicall
addsessao spatu ota psacess to be nm-comiauous

Logical Addaess o vitucl addsae: n gcdsess qenesaded

loqical Adcdous spaca a Vistual addsess pace
Iha Set all logl cal addsetao aoasoted p m
Phscal Adto An addsas actual avalabla m
mem unt
2Phal dddrsess paaTRa get of all physice qddsass es
Coreopon dipq to th bgica addoesa
D C P a a n a i s astosage mechanism used *o Tetsieve
Psocesses m tha SeLnda torage intd dha main memost
ha main idea behind dhs pagina3 is to divide each
Psocass 10
dhs svsm pege The main mempa
also be dividad 10 da fosm somco
Ope paqe atha psoces is to be gtured n Y q
samo dhe memos no paqe Con be tosad at tha
dffesant locahons the mem but dhe psiost
alaysTo hod tho (amtiauous omao os holea

Segmentatim in OS

O In
Operahio4tem 4 Keamantatian i amamax
Managema at echo:
techniqua in which dhe mamon divi dod
t t dh9 voaiablea Size pasts each post ic lsnouun o4
Segment which con be allocated Dqpsoceis
The details each seeqmentain Cise Sodted
in _a to ble Called0S Segmant able Scament table
isStose.d 10 one(o6 manp a the Seqmants.

Deamont table ontuins mainl fuwo infos matin about

Base: is dhe baoe addsess d dhe Sea man
Limt H is the enadh dha Sea mert

beHer tohaa Cegmantahin which dividep

tha psoces
into dho egments. Each egmant
9ame HP
unchions Such a a maiouoction_Can beincladad
Ond dha libsan fuochons Coh be
neludod dha othiz Sqmant
Segmantati un->
Thesc ase fwo ypes
Vistual meri
eoch Psocess dividad 1nto numbes
which ase sesident at an
Segments not all
ond point jn ime.

i) Smple Segma taion

each poocess K divided it a numbes segmante,
cro e lo aded igto memo

all uwhich
though not necessas Lontiguau
Demand Paging in

das Accosdinq to dha

to exeadfe Some

On apast
pooce tha
1n oda

heeda to be Pseent in dthe main memos whi ch
that anl a e Paaa uill n l be pseaentin dhe
mon mamo at ar tima.

deidin9 , which page heed to ba kapt jo the

main Momot and which heed to be kept in tha
Seuon das mm
gping to be d-hlt becauoe
adana dhut a psocess will
we Caonst s
sequise4 Pes hular Pe at paticulas bme.

hesetose, to ovstome This psoblem dhese is concep

called Demand pagin I ntoducad. Suagerts
all Page dhu fsames io dhe
het qse Teq othar wad
it that do nat Jogd on Pge in dthe man
memo t eqused.
PO Page. Keplacarnant. Algers ithm
lhexe a P,eplacment aathms,
Each alaosithm hao a difterent mattodb which
tha pq Con be veplacad.

Cphimal Page Rephcamaat 7est this algosithm

Teplaas Ha prge
Lhich uwil_not be sefersed So lana in futus
NIhoygh it caonot be psa chically implemantable but
it can be sed a a
bench a s . Ches alaarithms
COTmpared tD dhis in teami o t i m a i t

Lenßt secent uRed (LRU) pag eplacamant+ alaridh

this algs ithm Seplacas dha page which hao nat
been efessed to a lmg timehe alaogithm
Tot oPposite to dhe ptima page eplaccma nt
algusithmgs In dhis we loo at dha past instead
oating utre

i)FIEO Jo this algoaithm, a queu is maigta ina d.

The pae ch Is acsignad the
isst will be oeplacad tosIn o t woodo, dhe
Poge which eoidesall dha save end at dh
quaue will be deplazad 0n dthe crey page 4allt.
pinsiy Thsauhin4
System iS
is a Conditioo 55
Spending a ma3

when dhs

Sesviin ha poa s b t dhe

actual PaDce.ssnq done is ve neaaible


dearec mumporamm i

he baaic Loncept involved is that a pocess is

too ew 6ame dhan chame uill be

too many and ToD equQOt tults a
wosk would don b dhe
eult ,
Ko uocfu
und dhe CPU uil izatiom woud
CPU scheduks wowd Ato
dsasticall4 The otesn
the CPU uilizahon 4 landing
to impo ove
SDme mose psocesses i o dha

ina caoin8 dha deasee rhiizanao muhpoamfn

uathu decrecoe
his ould e H io a
a choine.d TCacthiom
CPU uilizatim Tesing4
ighes page au O an


Ota dag sec
haodle Thmashing
oskina Set mada
ost ult Fseauan
i Pagc
Demand egmantthan
is OS
demaod Segmentahon which
ing Opesahog Syetom also Uocs

is Siilasto damard paging Segmeotation whec

Systern D demand

hese s ipsuffient hasdwase avaliabla to

im plemet 'Demandoblrada
a Valid bit to Specity
ha Segmant
the egmontIS alsead Phsical memo os ot
a emant is not in phical memo dha Semant
TautneouHs,which toaps to dha Dpeoaio `Hstem
and bsings dhe needad Samont imp Phjaical
mueh ke a tault
Demaod Searmantatiom albws
os pgeo dhat ase tem
Teferenadwitheach othes to be bsought icto
memo Tgedhes dhis decreoseo dha numbos a
Fa fauts
Anotbes sprt Sesve uwauld ba to keep 8ome 4a
Seamans oge tables n dick and Swop dhom
into me when neecded

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