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Project Title: Design of Heat Recovery Machine (Economizer)

Hosting Company: MOHA Soft Drinks Industry SC(Gondar plant)

Prepared by:

Name Id Number

1, Ayto Addisu……………… 0903752

2, Henok Wassie……………..0904456

3, Nigusu Sisay……………….0904951

4, Belay Andebet…………….

Company supervisor: Mr YakobLegesse

Mentor: Mr Gessessew L.

Mr Birhanu A.

Mr Kalkidan M.


We would like to declare that we have successfully completed the four month internship program
at the company called Gondar MOHA soft drink factory. We have been stayed from November up
to February, 2021. During that time we have improved our theoretical and practical knowledge.
We would like to clear that the report is done by referring different references and by asking the
workers in the company. All the contents inside the report are our observations, suggestions, and
explanations except that we have taken from reference materials. On this report, we spent full of
our effort. We declare that this final internship report has been submitted to Bahir Dar Institute of
technology school of Mechanical and industrial Engineering.

Mr Gessessew likeleh ……………………………………..

Mr Birhanu A ……………………………………….

Mr Kalkidan M. ………………………………………..

Mentor: signature

Ayto Addisu …………………………………

Nigusu sisay ……………………………………..

Henok wassie ……………………………………

Belay andebet …………………………………….

Student Name signature


First of all, we would like to thanks to almighty God for keeping all things to be happened in good
manner, we would like thanks to Bahir Dar University for giving this chance to get practical skills
& Gondar Pepsi Cola plant for accepting our to get costless knowledge. We thanks my family,
they support me in financially and morally. There are many people around that have supported me
all the way through and to make things easier. We thank our advisor Mr. Gessessew Likeleh play
a grateful role to accomplish our task. We thank for managers and employees of Gondar Pepsi
Cola Company specially the company supervisor Mr Yakob Legesse.We have very grateful to our
partners for their endless love, trust and sacrifice for ours. we would like deeply thankful to all
workers (team leaders and operators) of Gondar pepsi plant who assisted by providing all the
relevant information and reading material during internship period. Next thanks for our friend that
share idea for writing this report.


Executive Summary
MOHA Gondar Pepsi Cola plant is one of soft drink plant in Ethiopia,Currently Gondar Pepsi cola
plant manufactures Pepsi and Mirinda only. It uses oldest technology, different machines, human
skills and methods to manufacture its products qualitatively and quantitatively. By gaining this
internship opportunity we gain several advantages. For example this Internship program help us
the opportunity to apply our theoretical knowledge in real world to the practical skill. Almost all
the courses we took in campus focused on theoretical part but by getting this internship chance we
can apply our theoretical knowledge in the real factory’s world. And test our performance on
solving the different types of problems that we have faced during MOHA soft drink industry. In
this report we tried to included all activities during our internship programs from the beginning
until the end. In first chapter of our project we try to includedthe background or history of the plant
and different section of the company etc.In the third chapter we identify the problem in the plant
and try to solve the problem by designing economizer. So in this chapter we including: definition,
background, problem statement and justification, objective of the project, methodology,Literature
Review,material selection for each parts of our design machine,analysis, results and discussion
etc. in this chapter we focused on project works, in Gondar plant we have several problems we
have been seen but we focus on boiler rooms, in this room there is fire tube boiler, this fire tube
boiler used to convert liquid water into steam forms for different uses. The main reason why we
focus on this area is during converting liquid water into steam a large amount of heat energy is
lost. As a result this the plant large amount of heat is lost and the cost of fuel consumption is large.
So in order to solve this problems the economizer should be designed. By designing this machine
we increase the temperature of cold fluids by installing this devises before entering this cold fluids
in the boilers. But, the plant have not this machines. So we try to solve these problems by design
this heat recovery machines(economizers). So in our project from inlet temperature of cold
fluids℃( water) 25 and inlet temperature of hot fluids(flue) of 294℃. By using our designed heat
recovery machine we got the outlet temperature of cod fluids(water) and hot fluids(flue) of
65.38℃ and 181.6℃ respectively. In addition we analysis the overall heat transfer coefficient(U),
maximum heat transfer rate, actual heat transfer rate and effectiveness of the machine. Finally in
this chapter we analysis the total cost of designed machine. In the fourth or last chapter of this
project we include general conclusion and recommendation, references, part drawing and assembly


Table of Contents
DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................... I

Acknowledgement ....................................................................................................................................... II

Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................... III

1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the company ............................................................................................................... 1

1.3. Main Products Of Gondar Pepsi-Cola Company ............................................................................... 4

1.4 The Main Customer of the company .................................................................................................. 4

1.5. Organization structure........................................................................................................................ 5

1.6. Raw materials of the company ........................................................................................................... 9

1.7. Functional units of the company ...................................................................................................... 10

1.8. Production process of the company. ................................................................................................ 19

CHAPTER-TWO ........................................................................................................................................ 35

2. Internship experience ............................................................................................................................. 35

2.1 The section in which We have been working ................................................................................... 35

2.2 Tasks We have been executing ......................................................................................................... 35

2.3 Engineering methods, tools and techniques used.............................................................................. 35

2.4 challenges and problems that we have faced .................................................................................... 36

2.5 Measures we have taken to overcome challenges and problems ...................................................... 36

2.6 The overall benefit we have gained from internship......................................................................... 37

CHAPTER- THREE ................................................................................................................................... 41

3. Heat transfer by Economizer .............................................................................................................. 41

3.1 Background of economizer ............................................................................................................... 42

3.2.How does it works ............................................................................................................................ 42

3.3 Problem statement............................................................................................................................. 42

3.4 Objective of the project..................................................................................................................... 43

3.5 Methodology ..................................................................................................................................... 44


3.6. Literature Review ............................................................................................................................ 45

3.6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 45

3.6.2. Types of Heat Exchanger .............................................................................................................. 45

The Compact Heat Exchanger ................................................................................................................ 47

Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger .............................................................................................................. 48

Plate and Frame Heat Exchangers .......................................................................................................... 49

Other technologies applied to waste heat recovery................................................................................. 50

3.6.4. Fouling Factor ............................................................................................................................... 52

3.6.5. Pump Specification ....................................................................................................................... 52

3.5.6. Material Selection ......................................................................................................................... 53

Analysis of Heat Exchanger.................................................................................................................... 53

Calculation of Heat Exchanger ............................................................................................................... 55

3.7. Design of helical Coil Pipe Structure............................................................................................... 66

3.8. Design of Chimney .......................................................................................................................... 68

3.9. Fabrication, Assembly, and Maintenance ........................................................................................ 69

3.10 Cost analysis ................................................................................................................................... 71

CHAPTER 4 ............................................................................................................................................... 78

4. GENERAL CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .................................................................. 78

4.1. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 78

4.2. Recommendation ............................................................................................................................. 78

References............................................................................................................................................... 80

Appendix................................................................................................................................................. 81



Figure 1 Gondar pepsi cola plant ............................................................................................................. 3

Figure 2: products produced in gondar pepsi cola plants ...................................................................... 4
Figure 3: Fire tube boiler ......................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4: air compressor .......................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 5: workshop room in Gondar plant ............................................................................................ 16
Figure 6: bench drilling machine............................................................................................................. 17
Figure 7 : Tig, oxy acetyl and arc welding machines ............................................................................. 18
Figure 8: LATHE machine ...................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 9: coagulation tank ....................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 10: sand filter tank........................................................................................................................ 22
Figure 11: carbon filter tank.................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 12: cartridge filter......................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 13 ultra violet (UV) radiation ...................................................................................................... 23
Figure 14: Bottle washer .......................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 15 : final syrup reservoir in syrup room..................................................................................... 28
Figure 16: filler machine .......................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 17: Capping machine .................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 18: Date coding machine .............................................................................................................. 34
Figure 19: heat recovery machine or economizers ................................................................................ 41
Figure 20: parallel flow heat exchanger.................................................................................................. 46
Figure 21: counter- flow heat exchanger ................................................................................................ 47
Figure 22: cross-flow heat exchangers, (a) finned with both fluids unmixed and (b) unfinned with
one fluid mixed and the other unmixed. ................................................................................................. 48
Figure 23: shell and tube heat exchanger ............................................................................................... 49
Figure 24: plate and frame heat exchanger ............................................................................................ 49
Figure 25: One shell pass and 2,4,6……….tube passes. ........................................................................ 65
Figure 26: helical coil pipe ....................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 27: chimney of economizer........................................................................................................... 68
Figure 28: bolt ........................................................................................................................................... 70
Figure 29: nut ............................................................................................................................................ 70


List of Tables

Table 1: pump descriptions ........................................................................................................... 52

Table 2 : Properties of H2O at Twater, i= 25℃ ............................................................................. 56
Table 3: properties of gases at Tflue, i= 294℃............................................................................ 57
Table 4: Chimney values .............................................................................................................. 68



Ai = Inside And Surface Area Of The Heat Exchanger Surface

Aₒ = Outside Surface Area Of The Heat Exchanger Surface
As= The Heat Transfer Surface Area Of The Heat Exchanger
Cc = Heat Capacity Rate Of The Cold Fluid

= Heat Capacity Rate Of The Hot Fluid

= Maximum Heat Capacity
= Minimum Heat Capacity

Cp= Specific Heat

= Hydraulic Diameter For A Helical Tube
Dᵢ= Inner Diameter Of The Tube
Dₒ= Outer Diameter Of The Tube
= Heat Transfer Coefficients For Inside Flow
; = Heat Transfer Coefficients For Inside Flow
K= Thermal Conductivity Of The Exchanger Material




1.1 Background of the company

Pepsi is a carbonated soft drink manufacturedbyPepsiCola. Originally created and developed in
1983 by Caleb Bradham a pharmacist in New Bern NorthCarolinaand introduced asbrads drink, it
was renamed as Pepsi Cola on august 28, 1898 after the root of the word “dyspepsia” and the cola
nuts used in the recipe and then as Pepsi in 1961 it was a mixture of carbonated water, cane sugar
syrup, and an extract from cola nuts. To sell this product, Bradham formed the Pepsi Cola
Company in 1903.In addition to selling the drink at drugstore counters; Bradham bottled Pepsi for
sale on store shelves. At this time, bottling was a new innovation in food packaging .However, due
to major increases in the price of sugar, Bradham began to lose money on Pepsi and in 1923 he
filed for bankruptcy.

The Craven Holding Company of craven country, North Carolina, purchased the company’s assets.
In 1931 Charles G.Guth of the Loft Company in New York City purchased Pepsi-Cola from the
holding company. Guth had difficulty getting the business going again, but he increased sales by
selling larger bottles at an unchanged price. By 1933 Pepsi Cola was sold by 313 franchised U.S.
dealers bottled in the united states, Cuba, and England and Sold in 83 countries

The consumption of soft drinks in their various forms has taken place for many centuries in order
to meet the body’s fundamental requirement for hydration. The most obvious source of hydration
is water, but in earlier times the consumption of water was very hazardous as it was frequently
contaminated by micro-organisms. Outbreaks of cholera, dysentery and other waterborne illnesses
were common in many European cities prior to the twentieth century.

1.1.1.Pepsi in Ethiopia
NefasSilk Pepsi Cola is the first Pepsi Cola plant in Ethiopia; it has established in 1966 as a share
company with an initial capital of 1 million Birr. The capacity of the bottling line at that time was
20,000 bottles per hour (bph). In 1986, the plant had renovated and expanded to a capacity of
50,000 bph with twin fillers.


The Ethiopian beverage corporation made a new feasibility study on Pepsi cola product, which got
the blessing of the government to erect the currently operating plant in 1986. Individual owner
established Dessie Plant, Dessie soda industry in 1979. After that, the plant discontinued other
soda products, started producing Pepsi Cola, Miranda brand, and carbonated Tossa Water MOHA
soft drinks industry Share Company has franchise agreement with Pepsi Cola Company in
Ethiopia. It is one of the MIDROC corporate companies. MOHA is an abbreviation of the name
of the president of the MIDROC Company Mohammed Hussein Ali Al Amoudi, which is further
abbreviated as Mohammed International Development Research and Operation Company. MOHA
soft drinks industry Share Company established in January 1996, following acquisition of four
state owned Pepsi plants by Saudi Arabian Ethiopian business magnet and the largest foreign
investor in Ethiopia, Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Ali Al Amoudi. The company currently has
seven operating units in the country which are Nifas silk plant, Teklehaimanotplant and summit
plant in Addis Ababa, and Gondar plant, Dessie, Bure and the Hawassa plant in the southern
nations and nationalities people’s region and it is a sole producer of Pepsi cola product in the

1.1.2.MOHA Soft Drinks S.C Gondar Plant

Gondar plant was established in April 3,1970E.C owned by the government the number of workers
was 40 male and 8 females, the main products of the plant was snap orange and snap cola in July
1979E.C with the expansion expense 4,432,968birr continue its production of Pepsi as new brand
until 1988E.C and transferred to Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Ali Al Amoudi with a purchase price
of 15,680,000birr through a bid floated by the Ethiopian privatization agency and continue its
production by including in MOHA Soft drinks Industry share company the number of workers at
that time was 115 male and 68 female workers and now the workers 142 male and 96 female
among those workers 10 are contract workers and 20 are piece rate workers.

In Gondar plant most of the time they produce Pepsi and Miranda orange with the production
capacity of 2000 case per 8 hours at initial stage and now a day’s 1600 case per 8 hours there is
three shift work in this plant to produce more as its initial capacity and committed to quality and
excellence by creating positive image in what they do and build wining company by satisfying the
custumer around the town.


FIGURE 1:Gondar Pepsi Cola Plant

1.1.3. Mission of Company

The mission of the company is to reach, maintain, and expand our national market leadership
through optimal customer service and exceed the expectation of customer /stake holders for our
existing and new products both in quality and quantity. They believe,They will continuously
improve their customers need, employees, partners and the communities in which they serve.
These will accomplished through the development of their employees, an emphasis on cost,
efficiency, market expansion and profitability. The company will expand their marketing and
improve their positions by placing emphasis on innovation and technological to the competition.

1.1.4. Vision of the Company

The vision of the plant is:

 to insure the competitiveness of the company through the sustained innovation of its
infrastructure and work towards information technology focused,
 well managed and led organization for achieving best quality, huge volume products based
on customer’s demand and be recognized as a profitable and growth oriented company.
 To make each of the Pepsi products to be a drink of first choice amount consumers and
obtainable throughout the Ethiopian market
 To create superior value for its shareholders, its customers and employees


1.2.5 Future Plan of the Company

Future program of the Gondar Pepsi-Cola company is to change the place of plant by installing
new machine the plant wants to change its original place from paisa toAzezoto expand the plant
and to satisfy the customer needs market share and fully satisfy N/part of Gondar and all part of
Amhara region.The installation of machines have started and production will be started next year.

1.3. Main Products Of Gondar Pepsi-Cola Company

The international PepsiCo Company have more than hundreds of types of food and beverage
Products. But there are only few products of PepsiCo are producing in our country and these
products became well known brands of Pepsi in Ethiopia.

These products are:-

 Pepsi
 Miranda orange

FIGURE 2: Products Produced in Gondar Pepsi Cola Plants

1.4 The Main Customer of the company

The plant distributes on those products for many parts of Gondar regime and to all part of north
Gondar i.ewest, middle & north Gondar now a day and south Gondar.

The company distributes its products only for domestic markets. These are:
 For local customers mainly to the nearest Zone and Worde towns,
 for hotels and individual person, Café, restaurant, Schools, universities,
Merchants,Governmental and nongovernmental organizations.


1.5. Organization structure

The plant/company’s has their own organization structure to perform their task. And the plant
manufactures currently two types of soft drinks with standard of Pepsi Co international by the
following flow structure.


Over all work flow of the company


1.5Responsibilities of the department

 Direct, plan, coordinate, organize, control, and administer the overall operation of the
company. .
 Represent the company in all fields of activities.
 Approve annual budget justify to the board chairman.
 Keep and maintain proper booking of the company accounts.
General Manager
 Develops strategic plan by studying technological and financial opportunities.
 Presenting assumptions, recommending objective.
 Establishing plans, budgets, and result measurements, allocating resources, reviewing
progress, making mid-course correction.
 Coordinate efforts by establishing procurement, production, marketing, field, and technical
services policies and practices; coordinating actions with cooperate staff etc.
Vehicle maintenance supervisor
 Maintain records and reports as Beasley.
 Maintain tools and machinery used in the maintenance shops.
 Assist mechanics in the ordering and requisitioning of all parts and approve materials
required for the repair and maintenance of district vehicles.
 Maintain an accurate inventory of parts by insuring that issued parts are accounted for
accurately on each work order etc.
Executive secretary
 Provide office support services in order work shire efficiency and effectiveness within the
band office. Such as;
 Receive, direct and relay telephone messages


Human Resource manager

 Developing and implementing strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business
 Bridging management and employee relations by addressing, or give other issues.
Production manager
 Decide date, time
 Forming production team
 Minimizing' through put time's and work in process inventory
 Making most efficient utilization of the available sources for production
 Reducing material handling cost
Quality control manager.
 Specifying quality requirements of raw materials with suppliers.
 Investigating and setting standards for quality and health and safety.
 Insure products meet quality and efficiency standards set by the company.
Finance manager
 Managing budgets.
 Controlling income.
 Collecting, preparing reports, budgets, accounts, and financial statements etc.
Technical manager
 Estimate, plan, scheduling, budgeting, leading technical teams.
 Provide annual spare part availabilities
 Must provide technical training to teams when required and serve as technical monitor to
team members.
Mechanical maintenance supervisor

 Review weekly maintenance schedule

 Review and assign work to maintain employees
 Ensure prompt repairs by responding to emergency break downs


Sales manager
 Implement national sales programs by developing field sales action plan.
 Maintains sales volume, product mix, and selling price by keeping current with supply and
demand, changing trends, economic indicators and conspirators.
 Determines annual unit and gross profit plans by implementing marketing strategies,
analyzing trends and results etc.
Electrical maintenance supervisor
 Plan and estimate electrical jobs.
 Maintain records on electrical jobs and assign to appropriate personnel.
 Examine electrical services for proper working procedures etc.
Medical and safety & General Services supervisor
 Responsible for monitoring and assessing hazardous and unsafe situation and developing
measures to insure personal safety
 It may exercise emergency authority to prevent or stop unsafe acts when immediate action
is required
 Ensures the site safety and health plan is prepared and implemented

1.6. Raw materials of the company

1, Water:-Carbonated or treated water constitute up to 94% of a soft drink. Carbon dioxide adds
that special sparkle and bite to the beverages and also acts as a mild preservative. Carbon dioxide
is uniquely suitable gas for soft drinks because it is inert, nontoxic and relatively in expensive and
easy to liquefy.

Impurities in the water are removed through a process of coagulation, filtration and chlorination.
Coagulation involves mixing flood into the water to absorb suspended particles. The water is then
poured through a sand filter to remove fine particles of rock. To sterilize the water small amounts
of chlorine are added to the water and filtered out.

2, Carbon dioxide:- imparts a pungent slightly acidic taste to the finished product as well as
creating greater eye appeal.CO2 to extent used as preservatives.


3, Food grade raw materials:-These raw materials have direct contact with the product and
they are not toxic for the product. From these: -Sugar, Water, Carbon dioxide, Flavorant, Common
salt, Acidulatesand Colorant

4, Non –Food raw materials:- Those raw materials are not direct contact with the product
and they are toxic for the product mostly they are used for water treatment and bottle washing
purpose .From these:-Activated carbon, Coagulants like Aluminum sulfate Caustic soda Lime,
Lubricant ,Chlorine, Calcium hypo chlorate and Crown cork

5, Sweeter - are a critical ingredient of Pepsi cola products and there use must be properly
controlled which greatly affect the sensory experience

1.7. Functional units of the company

In Gondar MOHA soft drink plant, there are different sections, this different functional units in
the company are water treatment room, syrup preparation room, boiling and steam formation room,
cooling compressor section, air compressor section and quality assurance section. In addition to
this there is power-generating room known as diesel generator room, which feed the loads while
the source from EEPCO is lost. They do their own tasks cooperatively since one section can do
nothing without the other section for example the boiler do nothing without water treatment, the
filler do nothing without bottle washer.

1.7.1 Water treatment room

This is one of the rooms of the company which is used for water treatment process is takes place.

The process makes water more acceptable for a desired end use (hard water is changed into soft
water). Finally, on this treated water the salt added to make soft water this soften water. This soften
water can be distributed into different rooms for different purposes to the required rooms like the
washing room, boiler room and soon.

In water treatment, there are two types of water treatment process

1. Hard water treatment and

2. Soft water treatment (rain)


1.Hard water treatment

In MOHA soft, drink plant, there is a main water (hard water) tanker. This water is interning to
the Coagulation Tanker. The Coagulation Tanker is where the desired chemical reaction is takes
place and water is sanitized. This water is transferred to the intermediate tanker. From the
Intermediate Tanker pumped to Sand Filter Tanker to filter small duct materials. This tanker has
contained sixm3 water after this process the water that outs from sand filter tank are goes into the
Buffer Tanker and transfer to Carbon Filter Tanker. Carbon filter is the water purification process
by removing chlorine, colour, odours, tastes and organics. After this to kill small microorganisms
that found in the treated water passes through the Polishers, after this water inter to the Ultraviolet
Disaffection Treatment to kill microorganisms by using ultraviolet ray. This is Strong sunlight
disinfects water by permanently de-activating Bacteria, Spores, Moulds and Viruses. After all this
process, the water treated is ready to the production process.

2. Soft water treatment

There are two softener tanks which are similar size and application but at a time only one of them
will work while the other one will be regenerated using brine tank that holds sodium chloride.
Generally, its application is to change the hard water into soft one and its mechanism is that to
remove calcium which could increase the hardness of the water and plus to this those minerals
could have effect on boiler and bottle washer machines by forming scales on the machine body.
Therefore, removing those minerals made the water soft and safe.

1.7.2 Boiler room

The basic function of this room is boiling water and changes to steam. Steam pressure, oil furnace
and height of water level are regulated automatically. Thermal energy is transported to the water
inside the boiler body by means of heating. The water grows warmer and vaporizes the steam so
the pressure in the boiler rises. Transported through pipe to bottle washer, syrup room,crate
washer, and CIP machine (clean in place, it is used to clean and sterilize internalpartsof the


FIGURE 3: Fire tube boiler

There are three types of boilers namely, fire tube, water tube and electrical tube boiler. The plant
uses fire tube boiler to produce steam.In Fire tube boiler flame is move inside the tube and water
is on the outside of the tube meaning on the shell side, while water tube boiler water moves inside
the tube and flame on the outside of tube.

A boiler machine requires different raw materials to produce steam. These raw materials possess
combustion process. During combustion the heat energy is produced. This heat energy is applying
to the water inside the boiler tanker, then the water heated more and more it changes to steam
which is required product.
The boiler machine requires sensor solenoids which controls the amount of water present inside
its tanker. This simply indicates that when the amount of water present in its tanker is less, it opens
the water valve from the reservoir water tanker, and when it is excess amount of water, it closes
the reservoir water tanker. These two values are sensitive materials.

The use of boiler in Gondar MOHA soft drink is:

 Sanitization of Carbon filter for water treatment room

 For dissolving water and sugar in the syrup room
 For bottle washer
 Sanitization of the hole system when there is change of product (for instance from Pepsi
to Miranda).


1.7.3 Syrup room

The syrup preparation process and the sugar dissolving process are the most significant process
for the company. The sugar is supplied in sacks on pallets the sugar is then fed into supply hopper
by hand. An inclined conveyor worm is installed to feed the sugar out of the hopper to the
dissolving tank. The sugar feed system and storage facility must be in a dry room in which the
temperature can be controlled. As immediately as the sugar is entered into the sugar dissolving
tank a pipe tube containing steam having temperature ranging 85-90 degree Celsius inside will
automatically start rotating to dissolve the sugar. Then the dissolved sugar is transferred to the next
step for filtration process. A filter tank having filter sheets will filter the dissolved sugar and trap
unnecessary particles passed with the dissolved sugar.

1.7.4 Air compressor room

An air compressor is a device that convert power (using an electric motor, diesel or gasoline
engine, etc.) in to potential energy stored in pressurized air,which has used to produced a pure air
inorder to distribute different the Gondar plant the type of Compressor are a single
storage, oil injected screw compressor driven by an electronic three-phase ac motorTwo air
compressors in the room work independently. This mean when one compressor works, the other
does not works. Atmospheric air, which comes from the outside, contains dust, moisture and other
gases. Compressor has filter and dried the dust, moisture and the other gases and the pure air stored
in pure air storage tank. This pure air distributed/passed to different machines through different
lines. When tank pressure reaches, its upper limit the air compressor shuts off, the compressed air
could use for a variety of application such as -utilizing the kinetic energy of the air as has released
and the tank depressurizes. When the tank pressure reaches its lower limit, the air compressor turn
on again and pressurizes the tank.

Parts of Air Compressor Machine

In take air filter: - prevent dust from entering a compressor, if the dust is gate in to the air
compressor machine, there will be un masked for sticking valves, scoured cylinders, excessive
wear etc.

Inter stage cooler :- reduce the temperature of the air before it enter the next stage to reduce the
work of compression and increase efficiency they are normally water cooled.

After cooler: - is used to remove the moisture in the air by reducing the temperature in a water
cold heat exchanger.

Air dryer: -the remaining trace of moisture after cooler are removed using Air dryers. So by using
this machine (Air dryer) the moisture content will be removed.

Moisture drain trap: -is used for removal of moisture in the compressed air.

Air reservoir tank: - is serving as storage of compressed air.

Figure 4: Air Compressor


Use of Air Compressor in Gondar MOHA Soft Drink S .C

 Cleaning of the bottle
 Push the piston of the bottle on filling beverage
 Dry the moisture on the bottle by using video jet
 Cooling the beverage

1.7.5 Quality assurance room

The quality control or laboratory room is the element for the production of quality, nutrition and
desirable product. All the quality and standards of each ingredient will be controlled in the
laboratory room. In This room inspect the following by taking samples of:-

 Water Treatment,
 Simple Syrup,
 Finished Syrup (Final Syrup),
 finished product,
 Hot water for bottle washer and
 Caustic concentration of bottle washer by taking empty Bottle after washing

1.7.6. Workshop Room

In Gondar plant there is small Workshop rooms it gives several functions like maintaining different
machine parts, producing different machining operations. It gives the following listed services for
a plant:-

2.Fitting and
3. Welding


Figure 5:Workshop Room InGondar Plant

Drilling operation

Drilling is an operation of making circular hole by removing volume of metals from a job or
work pieces by cutting tool called drill. a drill is a rotary end cutting tool with one or more
cutting lips and usually one or more flutes for the passage of chips and admission of cutting
fluid. A drilling machine is a machine tool designed for drilling holes in metals. it is one of
the most important and versatile machine tools in workshop. besides drilling round holes, many
other operations can also be performed on drilling machine such as counter boring, counter
sinking, reaming etc. in a drilling machine the drill is rotated and fed along it’s axis of rotation
in a stationary work pieces. adrilling operation is the most common machining process, one
estimate is that 75% of all metal cutting material removed comes from this operations.These
are some drilling machines found in Gondar plant workshops:-


FIGURE 6: Bench Drilling Machine

1. Fitting operations

These days small, medium and heavy industries are using automatic machines. But Bench and
fitting work also plays a significant role for completing and finishing a job to the desired
accuracy.Most of semi-finished works can be accomplished with fairly good degree of accuracy
in a reasonable time through various kinds of quick machining operations. They still require some
minor operations to be performed to finish the job by hand. The term bench work denotes the
production of an article by hand on the bench. Whereas fitting is the assembling of parts together
and removing metals to secure the necessary fit, and may or may not be carried out at the bench.
These two types of work require the use of a large number of hand tools and other devices or
equipment’s that involve a number of operations to accomplished the work with the desired shape
and size. Some of the commonly used tools are discussed as under.

Tools used in bench and fitting are classified as under:-

o Measuring tools
o Holding tools
o Cutting tools

o Tightening tools and

o Striking tools

2. Welding operations
Welding is a process for joining two similar or dissimilar metals by fusion. It joins different
Metals/alloys, with or without the application of pressure and with or without the use of filler
Metal. The fusion of metal takes place by means of heat. The heat may be generated either from
combustion of gases, electric arc, electric resistance or by chemical reaction. During Some type of
welding processes, pressure may also be employed, but this is not an essential requirement for all
welding processes. Welding provides a permanent joint but it normally affects the metallurgy of
the components. It is therefore usually accompanied by post weld heat treatment for most of the
critical components. The welding is widely used as a fabrication and repairing process in

In Gondar plant there is some different types of welding machines, these welding machines are
TIG, Oxy Acetyl and Arc Welding machines.

Figure 7 : Tig, Oxy Acetyl And Arc Welding Machines


 Lathe Machines

Lathe is one of the most versatile and widely used machine tools all over the world. It is commonly
known as the mother of all other machine tools. The main function of lathe is to remove metal
from a job or a work pieces to give it the require shape and size. The workpiecesis securely and
rigidly hold in the chuck or between the centers on the lathe machine and then turn against single
point cutting tool which will remove metal from the job in the form of chips. In lathe not only
turning operation is doing, beside simple turning operations lathe can also be used to carry out
operations like drilling, boring, taper turning, knurling, screw thread cutting, grinding etc.

FIGURE 8: Lathe Machine

1.8. Production process of the company.

The production process of soft drinks is start by just taking the crates from the pallets which are
collected from market & feeding to conveyers manually. Conveyers are a mechanical system that
used to move cases & bottles by rotational motion. The conveyers’ needs lubricantused to facilitate
Production cycle & reduces the breakage of bottles by means nozzles.

The manufacturing process of Soft drink starts with water, which is treated and cleaned to meet
exacting quality control standards usually exceeding the quality control standards usually
exceeding the quality of the local water supply. This process is critical to achieving high product
quality and consistent taste profiles The process to manufacture soft drinks (like pepsi ) product
has divided into five parts. These are:-


1. Water Treatment
2. Bottle washing
3. Syrup making
4. filling
5. Testing of Product

1. Water treatment:- Water is the main component of a soft drink, usually accounts for
between 85−95% of the product and acts as a carrier for the other ingredients. So this water should
be treated. Water treatment is the process of removing undesirable chemicals, biological
contaminant, suspended solids and gases from raw water and that makes the water more clean and
acceptable for specific end use. The source of the water is ground water and sometimes uses
municipal water. When they have shortages of the ground water they use municipal water because
the municipal water is coasty than ground water and can NOT get sufficiently.

The water treatment selection is depends on the source of water. The raw water supplies are
contaminated by different pollutants when the water affected by pollutant the water may have
suspended solids, Bad odor, Taste and Smell.

In Gondar MOHA Soft Drink Branch to Treat Water Uses Coagulation System.

Coagulation: -this is the most widely used treatment technology for water in the industry.

i. Coagulation Tank

Coagulation tank is also known as reactiontank, it is the first tank in the water treatment room. The
desired chemical reaction takes place and water is sanitized. Coagulation is a chemically water
treatment process by changes smaller particles in to heavier that is they can quickly settle out.

The aluminum sulfate, lime and chlorine join the raw water as it flows in to the mixing zone of the
tank. The coagulant, usually Aluminum sulfate with the assistance of the chlorine and lime, forms
heavy flock which entraps particles of debris, dirty organic matter and other undesirable material
in the water, and settles slowly toward the bottom of the tank.

The treated have water flow upward to toward treated water drawn of pipe and out of the tank
(toward the sand filter and reminder of the system) while still receiving the benefit of chlorine.


The treated water then flows through a sand filter for straining (and removal of flock particles), a
carbon filter to remove chlorine,(and color, odors, tastes and organics)and final polishing.
Terminal ultraviolet disinfection follows the polisher.

FIGURE 9: Coagulation Tank

ii. Sand Filter Tank

The purpose of sand filter tank is to remove only physical matters and unwanted materials from
the raw water like floating materials present in the ground water. The sand removal filter tank
consists of three layers. At the bottom of the tank there are sands which also called gravels and
they are relatively larger in size. On the medium part of the tank there are also sands which are
lesser in size than gravels and also they cover a few heights above the gravel. Finally the upper
part of the tank is filled with fine sand filters followed by anthracite at top up that enhances
filtration of foreign matter or suspended particles coming with raw water which may occur during
storage at concrete tank. Then the raw water have filed in to thus three layers in order to remove
the unwanted or undesired materials. After those, filtration method the water is goes in to carbon


FIGURE 10: Sand Filter Tank

iii.Carbon filter: - It is a filtration method and it used to treat the water that comes from the
sand filter thank by using activated carbon (fine activated carbon). Use of activated carbon is used
to trap the chlorine that comes from sand filter used to catch the suspended matter in the water.

FIGURE 11: Carbon Filter Tank

I v, Cartilage filter

This is used to remove suspended activated carbon that comes from the carbon purifier and other
unwanted particle that may be passed through the carbon purifier before transferred to UV. The
filter bag used for filtration is called polisher.


FIGURE 12: Cartridge Filter

V, Ultra Violet (UV) Radiation

It is the final treatment for the product water. It is used for destroying any microorganisms present
in water. It’s known as the critical control point for the quality of the water. After passing through
UV, now the water can be used for production purpose, such as syrup preparation and filling room.

FIGURE 13Ultra Violet (UV) Radiation

2. Bottle washing:-is an important part in soft drink plant. The empty durable and returnable
bottle used are returned from market in plastic carats are fed to a bottle washing machine (washer).


Bottle washer machine is used to remove the dirty or other unwanted things in the bottle by using
different chemicals and other methods. This machine is very important and usable to be effective
for bottle washing and it is suitable to wash that bottle with a little (minimum) amount of time and
labor. The bottle is waiting for 30 minute in the washer machine from the inlate up to finaloutput,
which is clear from dust and microorganisms.

FIGURE 14: Bottle Washer

Chemicals Used in Bottle washer

o Caustic Soda (Sodium Hydroxide): is used to wash the inside and outside of the
bottle. It can also washes the contaminants, dirt, and other unwanted substance off
from both sides of the bottle.
o DIVO BRITE: it is a chemical used to strengthen caustic soda during washing. It
will be added in each 5minute in caustic one and in each seven minute in caustic
two for 15seconds.


o DIVO LE 92: this chemical is used to remove scale formed during the drainage
and also in addition it uses to dry the jelly ness and the foam occurred because of
the caustic.
o DIVO NP 30: It used to control the PH value of the water in the bath.
o Chlorine: - It used as disinfectant. It is added on warm water and it kills
microorganisms if any.
NB:-Both DIVO LE 92 and DIVO NP 30 are added on the cold water.

These chemicals are the bottle washing elements that washes in their own steps. The washing
machine washes the bottles and gives to the drier machine which dries the bottles and transfer to
the conveyor. After this the conveyor feeds the bottles to the filler machine continuously.

╬ Detail for Bottle Washer Room

 High Pressure Jetting

It is the first step for bottle washing. Its principle is that it uses high amount of pressurized water
(highly pressurized) to wash the internal part of the bottle, slightly the external art of the bottle
will also be washed. As it is the first step of washing, physical matters such as dirty particles.

 Pre-Jetting

After highly pressurizing with water, the bottles will be goes to pre jetting. During pre-jetting
caustic is applied to the water present in it and by using the motor pump only the outer part of the
bottle will be washed. Warm water also brought to pre jetting from warm water in order to help
the bottle washing.


 Caustic One

Caustic soda or sodium hydroxide is the critical element that used to wash a bottle during bottle
washing. The reason for using this chemical is that because of its ability to remove or clean
contaminants and dirty substances from internal and external parts of the bottle. In each 5 minute
caustic soda will be added for 15 seconds and its set point temperature is 70ºC.

 Caustic Two

In this step the mechanism is almost similar to caustic one. It is applied after caustic one just for
further cleaning. Therefore the only difference between caustic one and two is that the contact time
and set point temperature which means in the case of caustic two, caustic is added in each seven
minutes for 15 seconds and its set point temperature is 65ºC

 Post Caustic

Is simply washing the bottle to remove remaining caustic from caustic one and two found in the
Bottle It is done by high pressurized water. The other point is that during post caustic washing, it
is only the outer part of the bottle will be washed.

 Warm Water One and Two

Both warm water one and two have similar application which is to wash out the caustic in and out
of the bottle. The washing is performed with high pressurized water. Their only difference is that
their temperature. Warm water one applies a 48oc water whereas 38ºC is for warm water two.

 Cold Water

The other step for bottle washing and washes the bottle to remove if any caustic is remained after
washing with warm water one and two respectively. It applies low temperature compared to warm
water one and two. The water used for warm water one and two and cold water must be changed
in every 8hrs.


 Fresh Water

The final step before discharging the bottles into filler room.Its duty is only to rinse the bottle with
32ºC water.

NB: If the bottle fails one of the above inspections, it will be removed.

3.Syrup preparation room:-Syrup is comes from Latin word sirupusit mean a condiment
that is a thick, viscous liquid consisting primarily of a solution of sugar in water. So, in order to
prepare this syrup must be follow the following steps:-

STEP1:-Firstly, the required amount of treated water (which comes from water treatment room
after it passes the UV ray boils at 800ºC by the steam generated from the boiler since inside the
dissolving tanker. Two treatments’ separate the circulation of steam from the dissolving sugar.
This implies that they are not contact with each other but only transfer of heat from high
temperature to the lower.

STEP2:-calibrate of required amount of sugar in kg will be added to this steam since it depends
on the type of production and the amount of unit they are producing.

STEP3:- By using electrical motor (induction motor) of its shaft is connected to agitator starts to
rotate in order to mix very well.

STEP4:- After this, simple syrup (that mean only water plus sugar without any flavor) will pass
to candle filter. In this candle filter there is ahyplomepowderwhich had dissolved by water. This
powder circulate through the pipes in the candle filter so anything other than simple syrup just like
dust and other particles will be filtered and pumped to another step.

STEP 5:- Up to this step, the temperature is at 800ºC so tiny plates, which have two sides, will
lower this temperature. The first side allows the simple syrup to pass and the second side allows
the cold water to pass which has cooled by cooling tower of syrup. This process will lower the
temperature of the syrup up to 250ºC without direct contact but only by heat exchanger from lower
body to higher body.

STEP 6:-Finally, this low temperature simple syrup will be pump to mix tank.


STEP7:- Finished (final) syrup: - In this unit, there are huge tankers and, which had used to store
and convert the simple syrup in to the final syrup, but before these, it should be check the brixand
the amount of simple syrup. The next step is adding of flavor and other ingredients in to the tanker,
but those ingredients are different for different soft drinks. Then agitate with an induction motors
until the components are mixed and it’s have a manual or standard for this work, so the laboratory
technician’s check the quantity and quality in every 4 hours, after all this process the final syrup
will be produced.

FIGURE 15 : Final Syrup Reservoir In Syrup Room

4. Filling room
Process takes place in the filling room:-
 Empty bottle inspection
 Cooling compression (ammonia compressor)
 Carbon cooler
 Bottle filler
 Crowner
 Date coder
 packing

i. Empty Bottle Inspection

In this process the washed bottles are inspected manually by peoples and electrically through light
screening in order to check any untreated bottle. The inspection includes properly unwashed
bottles, rust and bottles that can’t be used for specific kind of product. The purpose of inspection


is to insure the safety of the work in the processes. People inspect manually 150 bottles per minute
and 18,000 bottles per hour. In order to inspect empty bottles that comes from the bottle washer,
there are several parameters to inspect the coming each bottles. Then let’s see each parameters one
by one:-
Neck Finish: -in this time we inspect the bottle neck, by checking whether it is cracked or
Base:-in this time we check the bottles bottom part or base, whether it is:-
o too thick or too thin or
o if it is cracked or not.
Inside Wall: -in this time we check whether the inside wall is cracked.
Residual Liquid: - checks whether a residual liquid is present in the bottle
Caustic: - check whether there is any caustic in the bottle that comes from bottle washer.
Too Short:-in this time we check the length of the bottle, whether it is too short.
Too long :- it is the same with the above ,however. In this we check whether the length
Of the bottle is too long
ii. Cooling compression (ammonia compressor)
This section is main part of the company. It used to lower the temperature of the product in the
carbon cooler which contains cool treated water, finished syrup and carbon dioxide by liquid
ammonia which is cooled by cooling tower for ammonia. by the way these all processes are
happened by conduction system that is by simple contact of the tubes which carries each
component. After the liquid ammonia had works, its useful function the liquid ammonia changes
to vapor form. After this, it has pressurized by ammonia compressor in order to reach the cooling
tower. This cooling tower for Ammonia has tiny and circular tubes in order to pass the vapor
ammonia through the pipes. Water could spray through the pipes and at the same time, the
ventilator starts to rotate and supply cool air. After ammonia is cooled the ammonia will be stored
in the reservoir if the filler is malfunctioning, otherwise it will be pumped to the carbon cooler by
three phase induction motor and the process recycle itself back and forth.
iii. Carbon cooler
This section is the backbone of the company, which has used to prepare the last product makes for
the soft drinks. In carbon cooler room, all the three components of soft drinks (i.e treated water,
finished syrup, and carbon dioxide) have mixed in correct proportion to form soft drinks. The


products are Pepsi, and Miranda, as the type and amount of their own syrup, and Cool water with
carbon dioxide. In this room all, the processes are finished except filling and packaging.
The amounts of syrup and water have mixed at the ratio of 1:5 that is one percent of syrup with
five percent of water. The soft drink produced is cold as that of in the fridge. This is because of
the liquid ammonia that lowers the temperature of the product up to 80ºC. This process happens
after mixing the syrup and water as well as carbon dioxide by simply conduction process of pipe,
which is coming from cooling room and cools the water in this room.
The use of cold filling process is:-
o To minimize foaming at the filler
o To Minimize the cost of the company for bottle replacement
o To protect the bottle from cracking due to high temperature and pressure in the
Capping process and
o To Minimize the risk of the workers around the filler due to explosion of the

IV.Bottle filler
The filling room contains both filling machines and capping (packaging) machines. it is the last
step in the production processes .this machine is a rotating device and it used to fill the bottle
with in soft drink. This machine contain 15 cylinders or fingers that have used to fill the soft drinks
into the bottle in sequential system and the main drive of filling machine is three-phase AC
induction motor. From these cylinders, only half of them fill the bottles and the other tries to carry
to the capping machine. without any interruption the filling machine produce an average of 60,000
bottles of soft drink per hours, from these produced products approximately 50 to 90 of bottles are
don’t fulfill the standard( this mean they may be over or under fill the bottles) so these are loss of
the company.
These cylindrical pistons try to adjust the process in a circular manner. The first, which is nearest
to the clean bottle conveyer (after manually inspected with the help of florescent lamp and
reflector) has peaked one bottle and the spring of the finger could compress and rotates. This
rotation allows the filling tank to open the valve and after some radius, the valve has closed. At
this stage, the product has already filled and rotates to transfer another stage.


Bottle filling process

In the bottle filling process before filling the bottle in four successive operations, it must be
positioning action precced.
The first start wheel transfers the bottles to the bottle lift plates. Then The bottle lifts raise the
bottles towards the filling valves. Vertical thrust for the bottle lifts has provided by compressed
air. The bottle lifts keep the bottle pressed against the seals of the centering cups to ensure a perfect
seal between bottle and valve.
After positioning, the valve has designed to fill the bottle in four successive operations identified
 Pressurizing (counter pressure)
 Filling
 End of Filling (liquid shut-off), and
 Closing and Decompression(snift)
i.Pressurizing (counter pressure)
A pneumatic valve opener had trips the valve control lever, to open the valve; this causes gas from
the filler bowl to flow into the bottle thus placing the bottle under pressure. A second mechanical
control rotates the valve control level and leaves it in an intermediate position thus freeing the
ii. Filling
When the pressure in the bottle reaches the same pressure as the filler bowl, a return spring opens
the liquid valve and is barometric (gravity) filling commences. The liquid flows down into the
bottle; a conical deflector ring mounted on the vent tube prevents the creation of any turbulence in
the liquid. As the liquid fills the bottle, the gas flows back to the filler bowl. The gas in the bottle
has pushed back to the filler bowl through the gas passage hole. If a bottle breaks during filling,
the pressure in the filling bowl closes the gas valve and the liquid valve.

iii. End of filling (liquid shut-off)

The filling phase finishes when the liquid in the bottle reaches the mouth of the vent tube, blocking
the gas exit and thus the return of the gas to the filler bowl. Filling level varies according to the


length of the vent tube. The liquid valve is siphon shaped to prevent both the return of gas to the
filler bowl and overfilling of the bottle.
iv.Closing and decompression (snift)
A mechanical control trips the valve control lever which closes the liquid and the pressure valve;
these stay closed during the decompression phase. The control rail presses the valve button which
decompresses the bottle by "snifting" the gas left in the neck of the bottle. The bottles are now full
with the pressure released. The bottle lifts (pushed by the cam) and the centering cups (pushed by
springs) begin to descend and return to their lower position.

FIGURE 16: Filler Machine

V. Crowner
It is a device used to seal the bottle with crown corks after the filler machine full fill the product.
At the top of this machine, there was an induction machine, whose rotor has connected to the
agitator. The function of this motor has used to separate the crown cork into different side of the
disk after the addition of new cork infeed channel or in the inlet part. After this, the cork will go
down to the capping part by the help of air, which comes from the air compressor room, which
will be ready for capping. The capping machine whose gear has coupled to the rotor of three-phase
induction machine of the filler rotates in order to cap at the specified place to fit with the filled
bottle. Finally, the capping machines transfer the bottles to conveyor of the chain.


FIGURE 17: Capping Machine

Full Bottle Inspector (FBI)

FBI is use to inspect the following parameters of the filled bottles. This inspection area also
inspects the status of a full bottle. There are parameters used to check the full bottle. The basic
parameters are the following:-
 Under Fill: This parameter checks the fill height of the product, and if the height of the
product in the bottle found to be under its standard height the bottle will be discard from
the process.
 Uncrowned: If the cork does not fit correctly, it will be checked and removed from the
process line.
 Empty Bottle: When a bottle cracked in the bowl, it will jump some number of bottles
without filling. During this moment the FBI will remove those empty bottles.
The above parameters have checked manually by their necked eye with the help of florescent lump
covered by light reflector.

Vi.Date coder
The date coder is use to write the production and expiration date of soft drinks on the surface of
the glass filled with the soft drinks. In date coding machine we use sensors, The sensor senses the
movement of the glass filled with the soft drinks and sends the message to the CPU, which is
connected, to it. By receiving the message from the sensor, the CPU sends the command to the
date coder to write or print the date at which the soft drink has produced and its expiration date. If
this information has not printed on the surface of, the glass filled with soft drinks the soft drink is


out of use by the customer. The purpose of this is not only for the company. The users or the
customers of the company should read the date of production and the expiration date of the soft
drinks to get the expected benefit and to keep their health in good conditions.

FIGURE 18: Date Coding Machine

Vii.Testing of product
After the syrup had produced, it have verified in laboratory; in order to meet the parameters, get
standard quality products, maintain the Standard, information and uniformity in products the sugar
contents and carbonation in the bottle. The syrup had checked in regular intervals by Bricks-
hydrometers, Refrectometer (a device used for the measurement of an index of refraction), and
pressure gauge

viii. Packing
The purpose of packing is to arrange the full & empty bottles in a proper order for the safety of the
bottles. In Gondar Pepsi cola plant packaging is done manually. The full bottle in the case is put
by human.



2. Internship experience

2.1 The section in which We have been working

In Gondar MOHA soft drink plant there were different sections, and we have been working almost
in all sections of the company those sections were very essential for the manufacturing of soft
drink and they have their own procedure and safety majors to be ready for the final production.
But most of the time we mainly focus on production section. Especially in production section we
get great knowledge about the working principles of different machine.

2.2 Tasks We have been executing

In addition of visiting the overall section of the plant,we also perform the following tasks:-

 We participate in putting empty bottle into the conveyer as well as putting filled bottle into
the case.
 Weparticipates weekly maintenance schedule in machine cleaning and lubrication.
 We also participating in different maintaining actions like repairing of valves and different
parts of machines in plants.

2.3 Engineering methods, tools and techniques used

After we joined the department our task were helping the mechanics in every job what they are
doing after a while we showed them our ability in the arc welding and mechanical works by
practice and they let us work as a mechanic in every problem.

In all maintenance poses and operation of the machine we have used several machine tools some
of them are listed below:-

 Measuring instruments,
 holding tool
 cutting tools
 welding machine etc


And some of the Engineering methods that we have used are:

 Inspections by sense organs including visual inspection of machines that may lead to
determining the root cause.
 Dismantling if necessary.
 If dismantling is the course action that is to be taken, then dismantle properly as per
maintenance procedure manual.
 Inspecting all the machine parts whether the failure is due to wearing, aging, shortage of
lubricant etc

2.4 challenges and problems that we have faced

Since MOHA Gondar plant is an old plant, so wefaced so many challenges some of are:-

 Most of manuals on the company are written by foreign language.

 There is no enough data of the company.
 There are some restricted areas that we can’t enter.
 The machines were not have spare part
 Thereis no enough practicing program due to small area of the plant and fear of corona

2.5 Measures we have taken to overcome challenges and problems

In order to face the challenges,we also expected to take measures to overcome for these challenges.

Here are some of the measures we have been taken:-

 Use the available manuals and time effectively.

 Following the company rules and regulations.
 Asking the operators politely to corporate with us at their free time.
 Make close relationship with each of workers & operator of the company.
 By using internet access to support our internship program


2.6 The overall benefit we have gained from internship

2.6.1. In Terms of Improving Our PracticalSkill

While we were working in the company we have gained multidimensional practical skills such as:

 How soft work manufacturing system works and see its mechanical parts
 How the working flow organize
 How to identify the problem of certain machine
 How to solve the problem in recommended ways
 How to operate a machine safely
 How to service different machines

2.6.2. In Terms of Upgrading Theoretical Knowledge

This Internship program gave us the opportunity to apply our theoretical knowledge in real world
to the practical skill. Most of courses we took in campus focused on theoretical part but thanks to
the internship program we got the chance to apply our theoretical knowledge in the real factory’s
world. So This internship program help us to upgrade our theoretical knowledge through:-

 knowing the general safety rules of each operation and cares for the machine
 reading and referring different manuals of machine and understand how to maintain each
 We know working mechanism of different machineries and how to use them

2.6.3 Regarding improving team playing skill

Team work is prerequisite to the success of any organization, and the success of the individuals
who work there. It increase the work performance as well as creates a proper working flow and
information distribution between team members which insured that project is completed in a timely
and efficient manner. In this internship we got a chance to work with a team and gain the following


 During team playing, our ideas may be varied, Idea disputes were solved through peaceful
communication at this moment we learn to respect others idea, listening carefully, and rise
my idea openly.
 we got an opportunity to relate with different categories of people that are most likely to
be met in real life situation who had different backgrounds and behavior as well as regions
 the help of company operators, technicians, engineers and supervisors as a team player
tried to modify and give solution for some technical problem.

2.6.4. In Terms of Improving Leadership Skill

Leadership is a mechanism of influencing others to accomplish certain task. We got the
opportunity to compare our leadership principles with the leaders/managers in the company.

There are some of Leadership principles these are: -

 firstly thinking globally not personally then

 respect, listen and work with all concerned bodies of the company

we have got a lot of leadership qualities from both the management and from every ordinary
worker and gain the following skills in terms of leadership:-

 Gain industry knowledge first hand from an organization and professionals.

 Controlling group performance
 Managing resources like raw materials, labor etc.

2.6.5 Regarding understanding work ethics, industrial psychology and related

 Punctuality and time management
 Accept and follow rules and regulations of the company
 Respect property rights (Honor copyrights and patents; give proper credit; not steal,
damage, or copy without permission)
 Respect the privacy of others
 Honor contracts, agreements, and acknowledged responsibilities.


2.6.6 Regarding improving entrepreneurship skill

Entrepreneurship needs a skill of creativity. So we realized that how can we pick out weakens on
certain mechanisms on given company and change them to a job. This makes us to understand that
we should be a good solution seeker for problems instead of keeping them alive.

As an entrepreneur we have learned that:-

 How to coordinate works and solve problems

 How to manage business
 How to use scarce resources
 How to enhance decision making capability
 Identifying the difference between entrepreneur and manager

2.6.7 Regarding improving inter personal communication skill

The purpose of communication is to get our message across to others clearly and unambiguously.
The interpersonal communication skill has a vital role in the world of job. Because it helps to get
a better relationship with our co-workers, this will result a best work flow, motivation to work and
a good managerial environment between the managers and the workers especially this helps
students to get knowledge and experience from the workers.

This internship helps us much to improve our interpersonal communication skill in terms of:-

 How can we communicate with my managers

 How can we give comments
 How can we develop a friendly relationship with our co-workers, even they are older than
 How to solve problems with negotiation
 Understanding written and spoken information and write our technical report.
 How to ask a question to our co-workers in a polite way


2.6.8 Recommendation and conclusion on my internship experience Conclusion
The internship program is very necessary for the students to apply the theoretical knowledge to
the practical skills and to ensure to develop our communication skill and the leader ship skills. So
our university should give a greater attention for the internship program for the students to capture
the practical skills. Generally, both BAHIR DAR University and students should be given
emphasis for the internship program in order to encourage the communication skill and to produce
the practical skills and knowledge. The practical attachments has given us additional practical skill,
widened theoretical knowledge, business & leadership skill of success & improved the personal
communication. Recommendation
While we are in Gondar MOHA soft drinks Pepsi cola plant we observed some problems made
and we tried to give respective professional recommendations for challenges of the workers,
affection of environment and obstacles of the operators etc.

 Enough operator instructions and manuals should be present in the worker

/operators for each section to perform appropriate activities. Most of the operators
did their activities in habitual actions, engineers should be necessary for the safety
and security of the machines and equipment’s.
 Using imported bottles rather than bottles manufactured in Ethiopia.
 Less cooperation between management & technical workers.

Generally we recommended that the company leaders/managers should analyze the problem and
find the solution for each problem, it helps to ensure the production safety. And also the company
managers should solve the environmental problem of the employers in each section and they must
create a good relationship with employers in order to increase profitability.



3. Heat transfer by Economizer

Economizers are mechanical devices intended to reduce energy consumption, or perform a useful
function such as preheating a fluid. The term economizer is used for otherpurposesas well such as
Boiler, power plant, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning. In basic terms,an economizer is a
heat exchanger. The orientation of an economizer can be vertical,horizontal,or cylindrical
depending on boiler size and space available, and it fitted directly to the boiler near the flue gas

Economizer is a device that uses the waste heat from a boiler flue to preheat the feed water which
removes heat from the flow gases about to go up the chimney, So in Gondar pepsiplant the effect
of using economizer is to reduces heat losses and increasing the efficiency of fire tube steam boiler.

Figure 19: Heat Recovery Machine Or Economizers


3.1 Background of economizer

The first successful economizer design was used to increase the steam-raising efficiency of the
boilers of stationary steam engines. It was patented by Edward Green in 1845, and since then has
been known as Green's economizer. It consisted of an array of vertical cast iron tubes connected
to a tank of water above and below, between which the boiler exhaust gases passed. This is the
reverse arrangement to that usually but not always seen in the fire tubes of a boiler; there the hot
gases usually pass through tubes immersed in water, whereas in an economizer the water passes
through tubes surrounded by hot gases. While both are heat exchanger devices, in a boiler the
burning gases heat the water to produce steam to drive an engine, whether piston or turbine,
whereas in an economizer, some of the heat energy that would otherwise all be lost to the
atmosphere is instead used to heat the water and/or air that will go into the boiler, thus saving fuel.
The most successful feature of Green's design of economizer was its mechanical scraping
apparatus, which was needed to keep the tubes free of deposits of soot. The economizer of a boiler
is the part where heat is taken out of flue gas.

3.2.How does it works

In the above we have define what mean an economizers and know the background(history) of an
economizers, now let’s see how it works. In boiler system, an economizer captures the heat of flue
gas and transfers it to the feed water. The process is simple. As the flue gas exists the boiler, it
enters an economizer with finned tubes. Then The finned tubes absorbs the heat and raises the
temperature of the boiler feed water, lowering the needed energy input.

3.3 Problem statement

During practicing (internship time) in Gondar pepsi cola plant we have visualize(seen) different
sections or rooms such as production room, syrup room, water treatment room, boiler room etc.
So during working time we have challenging or seen several problems in different rooms,
especially our project area target on boiler room, So we have select one of the problems and based
on that problems we have done these projects. In the boiler estimated about 450°c up to 500°c
temperature is produced due to the composition of furnace oil (range oil) and air through the fire
chamber this large amount of heat is used to convert the cold water to steam and the remaining
heat lost in industries through ways such as discharge of hot combustion gases to the atmosphere
through chimneys, the major contents of this discharge of hot gases are CO,SO₂,O₂ and these hot

gases affect the environment and due to the depression of the ozone layer the temperature will be
increase and it affects all living things. To reduce the pollution of the environment we may use the
fin structure in the system. During that time the smoke collides with the fin and finally fouling can
be produced, and this fouling can be removed during sanitation program therefore we can reduce
the emitted gases to the ozone layer and although to reduce the energy loss, This energy loss can
be recovered through heat exchanger(economizer) and put to the other use such as preheating other
industrial fluids like water in order to increase the requirement of steam.

In addition, it has proven that the initial cost of boiler is small part of total cost of boiler during its
lifetime .The major costs resulting from the fuel costs. Therefore it is important to use a high
efficiency steam boiler that consume lower rate of fuel, for this purpose some equipment can be
used in steam boilers that one of them used in this project that is economizer. It is found that the
method of heat recovery from flue gas by economizer is one of the effective ways to save energy
in fire tube boilers.

Another reason why we design economizer is in boiler the exhaust gas from it is generally in the
Temperature range of 200℃ -250℃, so there are a huge amount of losses from the boilers,
Therefore. To reduces this losses we design heat recovery machine or economizers is installed
after it.

3.4 Objective of the project

3.4.1 Main objective:-the main objective of this project, designing of heat recovery
machine(economizer) focus on recovering heat that lost through boiler chimney flue gas and the
advantage of heat recover include:-

 To design chimney cross-section and

 To design coil pipe structure Based on some information on the company’s manual.


3.4.2 Specific Objective:- the goal of this project is to installing economizer or heat recovery
machine on the flue gas side between steam boiler and the chimney, In addition:-

 To upgrade our knowledge about heat recovery machine and to understand material
selection for economizer.
 To gain basic knowledge about heat recovery machine(Economizer)

3.5 Methodology
Methodology is a systematic method to resolve a research problems through data gathering using
various techniques. So problem solver’s should be follow this systematic producers in order to do
their projects. As a result of this we have an engineering students so in order to design,
manufacturing and evaluate the performance of the economizer we follow this systematic method

1, Data gathering:- this is the first step, so in this step we should collect or gathering all

informations either on company workers or different company and other

Reference books that can be helpful for design our projects.

2, Conceptual design:-it is the second step, in this step we initiate the design and come up

with a number of design concepts, finally we share our individual

Design ideas and then narrow down to a single best design concepts.

3, Material selection:-This is another step in this step we should select the appropriate

Material For each part of our design works, the selection of a

Proper materials for engineering purposes is one of the most difficult

Problems for designer’s. During selecting the best material the cost of

the selected material should be consider because the best material

is one which serves the desired objective at minimum cost. So

during selecting the best materials for our work we consider the

considerations( it’s cost and other qualities).

4, Analysis of temperature:-in this step we finding the temperature of water and the flue

At outer chimney and coil pipe respectively.

5, Design of parts:-by considering the given parameters which we measurethe chimney

Cross-section from the company.

6, Detailed drawing:-we draw the detailed drawing of each component’s of the

Economizer and the assembly of the economizer with

Complete specification for manufacturing processes suggested.

3.6. Literature Review

3.6.1 Introduction
Heat exchangers are devices that facilitate the exchange of heat between two fluids that are at
different temperatures while keeping them from mixing with each other. It used in both cooling
and heating processes. They are used in refrigeration, power station, chemical plants and other
different plants. Heat transfer in heat exchangers involves convection in each fluid and conduction
through the wall separating the two fluids. In order to account for the contribution of all the effects
of convection and conduction, an overall heat transfer coefficient, U, is used in the analysis. Heat
transfer rate depends on the temperature differences between the two fluids at the location and the
velocity of the fluids (time of interaction) between the fluids.

3.6.2. Types of Heat Exchanger

Due to the different types of applications for heat exchanges, different types of hardware and
different configurations of heat exchanges are required. This has resulted to different designs of
heart exchangers which includes and not limited to. These are some types of heat exchangers:-


Double Pipe Heat Exchanger

Double type heat exchangers are the simplest exchangers used in industries. On one hand, these
heat exchangers are cheap for both design and maintenance due to these characterstics making
them a good choice for small industries.

It Consist of two concentric pipes of different diameter, in application, one fluid passes through
the pipe of smaller diameter while the other flows through the annular space between the two pipes.
The flow of fluid in heat exchanger are arranged in different ways. These are:-

Ⅰ, parallel flow

In parallel flow heat exchanger both fluids( cold and hot fluids) enter the heat exchanger at the
same end, and travel in parallel to one another to the other side.

FIGURE 20: parallel flow heat exchanger


Ⅱ, Counter flow

However, in counter flow heat exchanger both fluids(cold and hot fluids) enter the heat exchanger
at opposite ends and flow in opposite directions.

FIGURE 21: Counter- Flow Heat Exchanger

The Compact Heat Exchanger

These are another type of heat exchangers it designed to allow a large heat transfer surface area
per unit volume. The ratio of the heat transfer surface area of a heat exchanger to its volume is
called the area density β. Heat exchangers with β >700 are classified as compact heat exchanger
e.g. car radiator, human lung amongst others. They allow high heat transfer rates between
fluids in a small volume. They are therefore best suited for applications with strict limitations
on the weight and volume of heat exchanger. They are mostly used in gas-to-gas and gas-to-
liquid heat exchanger to counteract the low heat transfer coefficient associated with fluid flow
with increased surface area. The two fluids in this type of heat exchangers move in directions
perpendicular to each other, a flow configuration referred to as cross-flow. This type of flow
may be classified as unmixed or mixed.


Ⅰ, Unmixed Flow
In this type, Plate fins force the fluid to flow through a particular inter-fin spacing and prevent
it from moving in the transverse direction.
Ⅱ, Mixed Flow
The fluid is free to move in the transverse direction. The presence of mixing can have adverse
and significant effects on the heat transfer characteristics of a heat exchanger.

FIGURE 22: Cross-Flow Heat Exchangers, (A) Finned With Both Fluids Unmixed And (B)
Unfinned With One Fluid Mixed And The Other Unmixed.

Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

These are another type of heat exchangers,the main constituents of this type of heat exchanger
seem to be the tube box,shell,the front rear end headers,and baffles or fins. Contains a large
number of tubes packed in a shell with their axes parallels to that of the shell. One fluid flows
through the tubes while the other flows through the shell but outside the tubes. Baffles’ placed
in the shell increases the flow time of the shell-side fluid by forcing it to flow across the shell
thereby enhancing heat transfer in addition to maintaining uniform spacing between the tubes.
These baffles are also used to increase the turbulence of the shell fluid. The tubes open to some
large flow areas called header at both ends of the shell. These types of heat exchanger can
accommodate a wide range of operating pressures and temperatures. They are easier to
manufacture and are available at low costs. Both the tube and shell fluids are pumped into the
heat exchanger and therefore heat transfer is by forced convection. Since the heat transfer


coefficient is high with the liquid flow, there is no need to use fins. They can also be classified
into parallel and counter flow types.

FIGURE 23: Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger

Plate and Frame Heat Exchangers

They are usually constructed of thin plates which may be smooth or corrugated. Since the
plates cannot sustain as high pressure and or temperatures as circular tubs, they are generally
used for small and low to moderate pressure/temperatures. Their compactness factor is also
low compared to other types of heat exchangers. The plates can be arranged in such a way that
there is cross flow i.e. the hot and cold fluids flowing in directions perpendicular to each other
to enhance the heat transfer characteristic.

FIGURE 24: Plate And Frame Heat Exchanger


Other technologies applied to waste heat recovery

o Regenerators
This is a type of heat exchanger where heat from the hot fluid is intermittently stored in a
thermo storage medium before it is transferred to the Cold fluid. In this type of heat
exchanger can be the same fluid. The fluid may go through an external processing step and
then it is flowed back through the heat exchanger in the opposite direction for further
o Recuperates
As it’s name indicate recuperate mean to get something back that you have lost, so It is a
counter-flow energy recovery heat exchanger used in industrial processes to recover waste
o Run around coil
It is a type of energy recovery heat exchanger most often positioned within the supply and
exhaust gases of an air handling system, or in the exhaust gases of an industrial process to
recover the heat energy. It Comprises 2 or more multi-raw finned tube coils connected to
each other by pumped pipe work circuit.

3.6.3. Over All Heat Transfer Coefficients

A heat exchanger typically involves two flowing fluids separated by a solid wall. During analysis
of heat transfer in heat exchangers, various thermal resistances in the path of heat flow from the
hot to cold fluid are combined. Heat is first transferred from the hot fluid to the wall by convection,
through the wall by conduction and from the wall to the cold fluid by convection. Any radiation
effects are usually included in the convection heat transfer coefficients.

The total thermal resistance, R, for the whole system is given by:

R= thermal resistance of inside flow + thermal resistance of the systems material + thermal
resistance of outside flow.

R=R =R +R +R = + + ……… ( )



K= Thermal conductivity of the exchanger material

R= Total thermal resistance from inside to outside flow

A , A =Inside and outside surface areas of the heat exchanger surfaces respectively.

h , h = heat transfer coefficients for inside and outside flow respectively

D , D = Inner and outer diameter of the tube respectively

L= Length of the tube

during the analysis of heat exchangers, it is convenient to combine all the thermal resistances in
the path of heat flow from the hot fluid to the cold one into a single resistance R, and to express
the rate of heat transfer(Q) between the two fluids as:-

̇= = UA∆T = U A ∆T = U A ∆T…………….( )


U:-is the overall heat transfer Coefficient, whose unit is W/m² · °C, which is identical to the unit
of the ordinary convection coefficient h. but when cancelling Temperature (∆T) the equation can
be reduced into:-

1 1 1 1 1
= = =R= +R + ………. ( )
UA UA U A hA h A

The reason why we have two overall heat transfer coefficients Uᵢ and Uₒ for a heat exchange is
that every heat exchanger has two heat transfer surface areas Aᵢ and Aₒ, which, in general, are not
equal to each other. When the wall thickness of the tube is small and the thermal conductivity of
the tube material is high, as is usually the case, the thermal resistance of the tube is negligible
(R ≈0) and the inner and outer surfaces of the tube are almost identical (Aᵢ≈Aₒ ≈As).

Then the overall heat transfer coefficient equation can be reduced(simplified) into:-


≈ + …………………………………………………. ( )

3.6.4. Fouling Factor

The performance of heat exchangers usually deteriorates with time due to accumulation of deposits
on the heat transfer surface. The accumulation of deposits leads to increased resistance to heat
transfer and causes the rate of heat transfer in a heat exchanger to decrease. This accumulation of
deposits on the heat transfer surface is known as fouling and the net effect of fouling is represented
by a fouling factor, Rf which is a measure of the thermal resistance introduced by fouling.

3.6.5. Pump Specification

Pump is a mechanical devices a mechanical devices used to raised fluids( gases or liquids) from
low level to high level from a reservoir. Most of the theory applicable to hydraulic pumps has been
derived using water as the working fluid, but other liquids can also be used as a working fluids. In
Gondar plant there is boiler feed water pumps transport water into boilers using high pressure.
Thus, a boiler feed pump is built to handle extremely high water pressure to deliver the feed water
into the boiler systems. So in Gondar plant in boiler room the pump that used to feed water from
a water tank to boiler has these characterstics, we get these pump descriptions from boiler plant
operating manuals:


Rated voltage 220-240 V

Rated current 2.0 A
Head max 35m
Suction head max 8m

Volume flow rate 35 l m

Mains frequency 50 HZ
0.37 KW
Rated power 0.5 HP


3.5.6. Material Selection

The selection of a Proper material for engineering purposes is one of the most difficult Problems
for designers.So during selecting the best suitable material for our design works, we consider
several criteria or properties. These are some considerations when selecting materials for designing
of parts of economizer (heat exchanger):

 The cost of the material

 Corrosion resistance of the material
 Thermal conductivity of the material
 The emissivity of the material etc.

So based on the above considerations we select the best suitable material for each parts of the
economizers. For helical coil pipe we can use several materials such as copper, copper/nickel,
carbon steel and stainless steel, but from above materials we chosen copper materials for helical
coil pipe because compare the above materials with the above considerations copper is the right
material for designing of helical coil pipe structures. We also select material for chimney is
stainless steel. Because material for chimney is should be high thermal conductivity, high durable,
high material strength etc. so stainless steel is appropriate material for designing of chimney of

Analysis of Heat Exchanger

Heat exchangers are commonly used in practice, and an engineer often finds himself or herself in
a position to select a heat exchanger that will achieve a specified temperature change in a fluid
stream of known mass flow rate, or to predict the outlet temperatures of the hot and cold fluid
streams in a specified heat exchanger.

There are two methods used to analysis of heat exchanger, these are log mean temperature
difference ( or LMTD) and the effectiveness–NTU method.

The log mean temperature difference (LMTD) method is easy to use in heat exchanger analysis
when the inlet and the outlet temperatures of the hot and cold fluids are known or can be
determined from an energy balance. The heat transfer surface area (As) of the heat exchanger in
this case is known, but the out let temperatures are not. The LMTD method could still be used for


this alternative problem, but the procedure would require tedious iterations and thus it is not
practical. In an attempt to eliminate the iterations from the solution of such problem,then the
effectiveness-NTU method which greatly simplified heat exchanger analysis Effectiveness
relations of the heat exchangers typically involve the dimensionless group UAs/Cmin. this quantity
is called the number of transfer units NTU and is expressed as:-

NTU = ……………………………………………Eq(5)

Q̇ = C (T , − T , ) = C (T , −T , )…………………...Eq( 6)


U: is the overall heat transfer coefficient, and

As: is the heat transfer surface area of the heat exchanger

In addition,The heat capacity rates of the cold and the hot fluids, can also be calculated as

C =ṁ C

C =ṁ C


C : heat capacity rates of cold fluid

C : heat capacity rates of hot fluid


Calculation of Heat Exchanger

During calculation of heat exchanger the following assumptions are considers:

1. The thermal resistance of the inner tube is negligible since the tube material is highly conductive
and its thickness is negligible (Yunus A. Cengel Heat transfer, second edition Livero).

2. Both the flue and water flow are fully developed since heat transfer occurs mostly in this region.

3. Properties of the flue and water are constant because if their properties are not constant they will
affect the performance of the heat exchanger.

4. Steady operating conditions exist since the properties being measured does not change with time
(Yunus A. Cengel Heat transfer, second edition Livero).

5. The heat exchanger is well insulated so that heat loss to the surroundings is negligible and thus
heat transfer from the hot fluid is equal to the heat transfer to the cold fluid (Yunus A. Cengel Heat
transfer, second edition Livero)

6. The thickness of the tube is negligible since it is thin-walled.

7. Since for most cases, the kinetic and potential energies of fluid streams do not change during
process fluid they are negligible (Yunus A. Cengel Heat transfer, second edition Livero).

8. The overall heat transfer coefficient is constant and uniform because if the overall heat transfer
coefficient varies the heat transfer mechanism will completely changed on the liquid side when
the liquid finally starts boiling(Engineering heat transfer by M.M.Rathore,R.Kapuno.)

Then let’s start analysis parts,

By using thermometer we measure the temperature of water before entering the helical coil or
economizer coils. So the thermometer read the temperature of water 25℃.


We assign initial temperature of water:T , =25℃.

We also measure the initial temperature of the flue (gases) by using Thermometer, the thermometer
read the temperature of flue (gases) 294℃.

We also assign initial temperature of flue or gases:T , = 294℃.

Then from the above given parameters we take different values of parameters from Table A1


Ρ 997 kg m

C 4.180 .

µ 0.891 * 10-3

K 0.607

Pr 6.14

Like the above we also take the above values of parameters of flue or gases from table A-
1,however.The initial temperature of flue is 294℃ so this temperature is doesn’t get directly from
the table A1 then in order to determine this values we use interposition method.

Since the initial temperature of flue or gases(294℃) is found between temperature of 200℃ and

T , (℃) ρ(kg m )

200 …………………………………….. 0.748

294 …………………………………….. x

300 ……………………………………. 0.617


So, =
. .

X=0.625kg m

like the above way we also determine other properties(C ,pr, k and µ)


Ρ 0.625
C 1.1205
µ 27.98* 10-6
K 0.0473
Pr 0.684

From the above given table parameters we determine kinematic viscosity of water and flue as

. ∗ / .
V = µ⁄ρ = kg

= 0.894*10-6m /S

. ∗
and, V = µ⁄ρ =

= 4.48*10-5m /S

Also from the company we take the volume flow rate of both water and flue, so from a given
volume flow rate we determine the mass flow rate of both water and flue( gases).

Volume flow rate of water (V ) = 0.602* 10-3m /S, and

Volume flow rate of flue (V ) = 1.28 m /S.



Mass flow rate of water(ṁ ) =V *ρ

= 0.602* 10-3m /S * 997 kg m

0.6 kg/s

Mass flow rate of flue (ṁ )=V *ρ

=1.28m /S * 0.625 kg m

= 0.8 kg/s

 The Chimney diameter and thickness are found from the company or plant manual
Chimney inner diameter= 0.310m
Chimney thickness = 0.006m
 As the number of helical coil(N) increase, the outlet temperature of fluid also increase. So in
our project we taken the number of helical coil is 38. We can take the number of helical coil
above taken value but when we take large number of coils it’s cost also increase therefore to
reduce cost of helical coil we take the above number of helical coils.

Analysis of the overall heat transfer coefficient U

From equation 4 the overall heat transfer coefficient U can be determined as:

= +

so in order to calculate overall heat transfer coefficient U first we must determine convection heat
transfer coefficients inside and outside the tube, so both convection heat transfer coefficient( hi
and ho) determined by using forced convection relations.

The convection heat transfer coefficient (h) can be determined from equation:

∗N u


so ,we must determine the values of K and N .

Where K: is thermal conductivity and

Nu: Nusselt number

Then we determined Nusselt number. When the flow of fluid is turbulent and assuming the flow
to be fully developed. The nusselt number can be determined as:

N = 0.023Re0.8 Pr0.4…………eq(*)

o The Reynolds number and mean velocity of fluid flow can be determined as:

From equation:

ṁ =ρV A

The mean velocity V can be determined as:

V =

Where Ac: is cross section area

A =

The Reynolds number can be determined as:

Re =

Where v: is kinematic viscosity

So, let’s to determine the Reynolds and mean velocity of both water and flue.


 The nominal pipe size for helical coil for our design is1 , we selected this pipe sizing

based on our supervisor’s suggestions. So, based on this nominal pipe size we take inner
diameter and thickness of helical coil of tube.
D , = 32.13mm=0.03213m and t= 1.40mm

 The mean velocity of water in the helical tube and the Reynolds number are:

ṁ ṁ .
V = = =
∗ .
= 0.743m/s

Ac =0.000812 m2and , Dh= 0.03213m

Where D : inner diameter of helical coil

. ∗ .
Re = = = 26,703
. ∗

Since the calculated values of Reynolds number is greater than 4000 so the flow of water in helical
tube is turbulent. In addition we assuming the flow is fully developed then the Nusselt number can
determined from equation(*)

N =0.023Re0.8 Pr0.4

N = 0.023(26,703)0.8(6.14)0.4.


Then the convection heat transfer coefficient for cold fluid(hi) can be determined as:

h= *N

= *165.3

= 3122.85 W/m² · °C


 The mean velocity and Reynolds number of flue in the annular space are:
The diameter of annular space is determined as:
D annularis determined from diameter of chimney and diameter of helical coil.
D =D +D + 2t

So, D =D −D –2t

= 0.228m
Where: t: is tolerance between inner diameter of chimney and helical tube outer diameter. We
taken the tolerance 25mm in one side of chimney. Then on both side of chimney we take

ṁ ṁ .
V = = ∗0.2282
= = 31.4 m/s
. ∗ .

. ∗ .
Re = = = 159,803.6
. ∗

Since the calculated values of Reynolds number is greater than 4000 so the flow of flue ( hot fluid)
in annular tube is turbulent. In addition we assuming the flow is fully developed then the
Nusseltnumber can determined from equation(*).

N = 0.023Re0.8 Pr0.4 = 0.023(159,803.6)0.8( 0.684 )0.4

= 287.5

Then the convection heat transfer coefficient for hot fluid(h ) can be determined as:

h = *N

= * 287.5

=59.64 W/m² · °C


Then the overall heat transfer coefficient U can be determined as:

= + = +
. .

U=58.5 W/m² · °C

 In order to determine the heat transfer rate( ̇) we can use either LMTD method or effectiveness
NTU methods. Therefore we use effectiveness NTU methods because the use of LMTD
methods in this case will involve tedious iterations.

So, in effectiveness NTU method the first step is to calculate the heat capacity rate of both cold
and hot fluids. After calculating both values,We taken the minimum values for calculating
maximum heat transfer rate.

 The heat capacity rate for hot and cold fluids are determined as:

Cc = ṁ C

Ch =ṁ C

Where: Cc: heat capacity rate for cold fluid

Ch: heat capacity rate for hot fluid

So, heat capacity rate of cold fluid (Cc)

Cc = ṁ C = 0.6kg/s * 4.180 .

= 2.508

And, heat capacity rate of hot fluid (Ch)

Ch =ṁ C = 0.8 kg/s*1.1205



Therefore from the above calculated values the minimum values is heat capacity rate of hot

fluid (Ch).

C =Ch=0.8964
And , C= = = 0.357
Where, C: is capacity ratio

Then the maximum heat transfer rate can be determined from equation (6)

Q̇ =C (T , −T, )

= 0.8964 *(294℃ -25℃)

= 241.13kw

Therefore the maximum amount of heat transfer rate in this heat exchanger is 241.13kw.

In order to find heat transfer surface area first we must to determined the length of one turn of
helical coils.
L= p+ (2πr) ……………eq(***)
Where, p: pitch of helical coil
r: maximum radius of helix

Therefore, r = .

D , =D D
= 0.228+0.03213
= 0.260m
So, r= = 0.13m and pitch of helical coil(p) is 0.05m

Then the length of one turn of helical coil from eq(***) is :

L = 0.05+ (2π ∗ 0.13)
= 0.867m
Therefore, the total length of helical coil is:


L = N* L = 38* 0.867
= 32.9m
 The heat transfer surface area can be calculated as:
As = π ∗ d * L
Where: n: is number of helical coil
d : Inner diameter of helical coil
L : Total length of helical coil
So, As= π ∗ d * L
=π* 0.03213* 32.9
= 3.32m

So, we can determined the NTU of this heat exchanger from equation(5)


. ∗ .
NTU = = 0.514
. ∗

After determining the NTU and Capacity ratio (C) ,then we determining the effectiveness of heat
exchanger (ε).

N.B The effectiveness of heat exchanger is the ratio of actual heat transfer to maximum
possible heat transfer.

We can determine the effectiveness of heat exchanger either from this equation:

( √
ε = 2(1 + C + √1 + C )-1
( √

or by reading the effectiveness of heat exchanger from diagram…..from the value of capacity
ratio(C) and NTU values.


Figure 25: One shell pass and 2,4,6……….tube passes.

From the graph the values of effectiveness is:

ε= 0.42

Then after determining the effectiveness of heat exchanger we solve actual rate of heat transfer.

 Actual rate of heat transfer can be determined as:

Q̇ actual = Q̇ = 0.42*241.13kw
= 101.27kw

Then we determined the outlet temperature of the cold and the hot fluids.

The outlet temperature of the cold and the hot fluid can be determined as:

 The outlet temperature of cold fluid(T , ) can be determined from rate of heat transfer
Q̇ = C (T , −T, )
So, T, =T, +
= 25℃ +

= 65.38℃


 The outlet temperature of hot fluid( T , ) can be determined from rate of heat transfer
Q̇ = C (T , ⎼T , )
Then, T , =T , -
=294℃ -


3.7. Design of helical Coil Pipe Structure

In this project we use helical coil tube structure in economizer or heat exchanger, we will try to
modify other coil pipe structure by this type of structures, because helical coil tube structure
compare to other type of structures,It occupies less space and provides more surface area for
effective heat transfer compare to other type of structures. In addition it is much suitable than other
kind of pipe structure in the chimney.

We taken the nominal pipe size for helical coil for our design is1 ,we selected this pipe sizing

based on our supervisor’s suggestions and this selection is sufficient for our design. And we select
the material that for design of helical coil tube is copper due to it’s high corrosion resistance and
high thermal conductivity rate, in addition it also ……cost So, based on this nominal pipe size we
take some parameters from tables of standard copper tube dimension.

 Helical coil pipe structure parameters

o Inner diameter = 32.13mm=0.03213m
o Outer diameter=34.93mm=0.03493m
o Thickness = 1.40mm=0.0014m
o Number of turns=38
o Inlet temperature of cold fluid= 25℃, from given data that we taken from measurement.
o Outlet temperature of cold fluid= 65.38℃
o Material selection= copper
 Height of helical coil can be determined from:
H= ( p* N) + d
= ( 0.05* 38) + 0.03493


= 2m
Where, p: pitch of helical coil
N: number of turns
d : Outer diameter of helical coil

The pitch of helical coil of pipe can be determined as:

P = 1.5d =1.5*0.03213

= 0.05m

FIGURE 26: Helical Coil Pipe


3.8. Design of Chimney

We have taken the following parameters of chimney from company or plant by measurement and
reading some manuals.


Inner diameter 0.310m

Outer diameter 0.322m
Height 3m
Maximum temperature released to the room 60℃
Thickness 0.006m

FIGURE 27: Chimney Of Economizer


3.9. Fabrication, Assembly, and Maintenance

3.9.1 Fabrication
There are several types of machines that can be used to coil pipe one type uses a spinning drum
that draws a relatively short length of pipe around it pipe is guided perpendicular to the main bend,
or laterally, by a separate roller to create the spiral. A second type, the three- roll bender, is a
manually operated machine that uses two rollers to guide the pipe, and a third to apply force,
creating the bend. Using lateral forces, a spiral can also be created. The third type is called a helical
coil spiral and pitch rolling bender, and it is similar to a manual three-roll bender. It pushes the
pipe through a set of three rollers to bend it, while separate rollers create the spiral by bending it
latterly. Other machines use a similar method with more rollers to better control the shape.Also
fabrication of chimney cross-section can be done using flat rolling and bending operations, first
the work is squeezed between two rolls so that its thickness is reduced by an amount called draft
after flat rolling process bending operation can be done by straining of the metal around a straight
axis, During the bending operation, the metal on the inside of the neutral plane is compressed,
while the metal on the outside of the neutral plane is stretched. The metal is plastically deformed
so that the bend takes a permanent set upon removal of the stresses that caused it. Bending produces
little or no change in the thickness of the sheet metal. In addition the holes that the bolts and nuts
will be inserted can be fabricated by pressing or punching operation this can be done by cutting of
the sheet metal along a closed outline in a single step to separate the piece from the surrounding
stock and producing the desired hole.

3.9.2 Assembly
Assembly is a process by joining two or more parts to produces a single devices (machines). So in
our project after designing each parts of the economizer(chimney and helical coil pipe). First by
inserting the helical coil structure inside the chimney.Then We joins each of the chimney by using
bolt and nut joining techniques.

Lets see the 3D picture of bolt and nuts used for assembly of economizers:


FIGURE 28: Bolt

FIGURE 29: Nut

3.9.3 Maintenance
Several problems may occur during operating of machines, so during such kind of problems
happen we must mainten the part of machine in order to continue it’s works,in Gondar plant
maintenance of the machine is done once in the week. And overall maintenance of machines in
the plant is done in last month of the year.


In economizer maintening and cleaning of the chimney and helical coil is done once a year because
of it’s good adjusted of the burner it will be possible to clean the chimney after a long period too.
So in order to clean the chimney and helical coil pipe first open the bolt and the nut that the
chimney joined, then by means of drawing the wire brush through the chimney we clean the
chimney passages. And it is cleaned by sweeping out of the remaining part .And although the fin
and the helical coil copper tube can be done in the same way.

3.10 Cost analysis

Cost analysis is the method of determining the total cost of the material spent to manufacturing
each parts of the design objects. During designing process many engineer’s in addition to other
properties of materials they also considers the cost of the material. During cost analysis design
parts not only cost of materials are considers the manufacturing and labor cost also should consider.

 During cost analysis, the following type of costs are considered:

o Material cost
o Manufacturing cost, and
o Labor costs

Material cost analysis of each parts of a design object

Material cost analysis of helical coil tube

In order to analysis the material cost of the helical coil tube the total mass of helical coil must be

M =ρ * V

Where: M : is the total mass of helical coil tube

V : total volume of helical coil tube

ρ : density of helical coil material

 Then the total volume of helical coil can be determined as:

Volume of helical coil can be determined as:


Volume of helical coil (V ) = do *L

= 0.03493 * 0.867

= 0.003324m

Since the material that helical coil is constructed is copper so it’s density is:

ρ = 8940 m

Currently ,The cost of 1 kg of copper is:

1kg of copper = 2.4$= 96 birr.

o the cost of copper material per kg are found from internet access.

So , total mass of helical coil is :

M =ρ * V

= 8940 m * 0.003324m

= 29.8 kg

Therefore, the total cost of helical coil is:

Total cost of helical coil = mass of helical coil * cost of copper per kg.

= 29.8kg * 96 b

= 2860.8 birr


Material cost for chimney of economizer

In the cost analysis of chimney of economizer, we must also determining the total volume of
chimney. In order to analysis the material cost of the helical coil tube the total mass of helical coil
must be determined.

M =ρ * V

Where: M : is the total mass of chimney

V : total volume of chimney

ρ : density of chimney material

 Then the total volume of chimney can be determined as:

Volume of chimneycan be determined as:

V = volume of hollow cylindrical part of chimney

= (Do − Di )* H

= ((0.322m) − (0.310m) ) * 3m

= 0.0179m

Since the material that chimney is constructed is stainless steel so it’s density is:

ρ = 7500 m

Currently , The cost of 1 kg of stainless steel is:

1kg of stainless steel = 2.6$= 104 birr

So , total mass of chimney is :

M =ρ * V

= 7500 m * 0.0179 m


= 134.25 kg

Therefore, the total cost of chimney of economizer is:

Total cost of chimney = mass of chimney * cost of stainless steel per kg.

= 134.25kg * 104 birr per kg

= 13,962 birr

And we buy bolt and nut from standard dimension, so total cost spend for bolt and nut is:

Cost of each bolt and nut for birr is 20 birr .

So we use 42 bolts so total cost spend is 840 birr.

In addition cost for pump is 2000 birr.

Therefore, total cost for materials is: 19, 662.8 birr

Labor cost for manufacturing of economizer

Labor cost is the cost spend for works during manufacturing of each parts of the economizers. So
we spend the total labor cost of 2800 birr for human workers.

Manufacturing cost for all parts of economizers

The cost spend for machining of each parts of the economizer , such as for different machining
operations such as bending, milling etc is 250

Total cost of economizer = total material cost + total labor cost +total manufacturing cost

= 19,662.8 birr+ 2800 birr + 2500 birr

= 24,962.8 birr


3.11 Results
Finally we summarized the result of our project in table form:

No Design outputs Values

1 Overall heat transfer coefficient(U) 58.5 W/m² · °C

2 Effectiveness( ) 0.42

3 Outlet temperature of water(T , ) 65.38℃

4 Outlet temperature of flue(T , ) 181.6℃

5 Chimney Inner diameter(D ) 0.310m
Outer diameter(D ) 0.322m
Thickness(t) 0.006m
Height(H) 3m
6 Helical coil tube Inner diameter(D ) 0.03213m
Outer diameter(D ) 0.03493m
Thickness(t) 0.0014m
Height(H) 2m
Pitch(p) 0.05m
Total length of Coil(L ) 32.9m
Number of turns(N) 38

7 Total cost 24,962.8 birr


by installing the economizer or heat recovery machine on chimney, before entering the boiler the
temperature of water increase from 25℃ to 65.38℃ by transferring heat from hot flue to the cold
water. Since heat transfer from hot flue to cold water through heat transfer mechanism the
temperature of flue decrease from 294℃ to 181.6℃. So as we expected our output results are
effective. However as we understand from our designed project the outlet temperature of cold fluid
and hot flue depend on the mass flow rate and the number of turns of helical coils. In order to
increase outlet temperature of cold fluid before entering the boiler we must decrease the mass flow
rate and we must increase the number of turns of helical coils. In addition by analyzing from given
values we determine the values of overall heat transfer coefficient is 58.5℃. Our designed project
results are not 100% accurate, because during design of this projects theories relies on certain
assumptions where various loses have not been taken in to account. In addition the total cost of
our designed heat recovery machine is increase in a little bit compare to the total cost of the
machine we expected. because, the material we selected for each parts of the designed objects are
costy.So the total cost of the designed heat recovery machine ( economizers) is 24,962.8 birr.So
by designing the economizer and installing on the chimney we increase the temperature of cold
fluids before entering the boiler as a result of this the amount of heat energy required to convert
cold liquid water in to vapor form is decrease compare to the amount of heat energies required
before designing the economizer. So by designing this heat recovery machine we decrease the fuel
consumption of boiler. In addition of decrease fuel consumption of the fuel, we try to reduce the
pollution of the environment by designing fin structure. Since the discharged hot gasses Such as
CO, SO₂ and O ₂ Through chimney. Then those hot gasses affect the environment and due to the
depression of the ozone layer the temperature will be increase and it affects all living things. So
by using fin structure in the system, during using fin structure in the system the smoke collides
with the fin and finally fouling can be produced, and this fouling can be removed during sanitation
program. So the pollution of environment decrease. in addition we also reduces energy loss.


When we completed our project , it is can be conclude that the most objectives of this project
are successfully done. This project has lead to several conclusions, however the major
conclusions are The design of economizer is more of a selection procedure, selection of its
components to be more precise rather designing each and every component. Regarding the out
let temperature of the water system should be preferred due to its simplicity, better sensitivity,
higher reliability, low maintenance and compactness for the same capacity. By designing and
installing the heat recovery machine or economizer in the chimney we can get an effective
temperature of 65.38℃ and the cost is also effective for this project. In addition by designing
this project we can reduce some energy loses in the boiler. However, today′s understanding of
human impact on the environment and the importance of keeping the green house gas at the
lowest possible should be reason enough to invest in any equipment that will work in the
planets best interest.

Our designed Economizer are effective but in order to design more effective heat recovery
machine (economizer), we should recommended the following things:

o We should be decrease the mass flow rate

o We should be increase the number of turns of helical coil structure and
o We also by modifying the chimney cross section we can more effective our designed




4.1. Conclusion
During our internship program we have gained a lot of experience and knowledge by cooperating
with the company workers. however during our internship time we also seen several problems in
the plant. Among these problems we see problems in boiler rooms of the plant, in this room a large
amount of heat is lost from the boiler to the environment, so this lost of heat is costy, in addition
the discharge of these hot gases affect the environment. So in order to solve these problems we
focus on these problems and share our project ideas to our company supervisors. The supervisor
told this idea is good and advice to continue on these ideas. Then by gathering and collecting
different data and information from the company's manual, text books and other reference, we
have tried to solve this problem in a good way. Finally we designed heat recovery machines

4.2. Recommendation
Finally we recommended that for Gondar plant and our university:

o The company is not comfortable to the workers in several things, for example most
company’s materials are needed human labors, the chairs of the company are not
comfortable, in addition environmental condition not suitable. Therefore to make the
workers effective and proper the above problems should be solve either bay buying new
materials or by modify the machines.
o The company uses old technology, so it should be changed with the new technologies.
o Most machines operating manuals found in the company written in the languages that the
machines produce. So it difficult to understand. As a result of this the company should be
translated these manuals in English languages.
o In the company there is a lot of waste water, so it should treat these waste water by using
water treatment methods and reused this water for other purposes.
o We observe most of the workers do not use machine operating manuals; it causes a new
worker who comes to work in the company faces problem.


o Number of simple syrup tank is small in number due to this reason this factory is produce
a little amount of product per day, so the company must be solvethis problem by increasing
the amount of tank.


1. Yunus A. Cengel Heat transfer.second edition, Livero
2. Gondar Pepsi Cola plant industry manuals.
3. Design of helical coil pipe heat exchanger in mini power plant
4. Internet websites( that mean from www. Google .com).
5. Tables for flue gases are found from


Table A1: saturated water temperature table


Table A2: flue gas properties table

Table A3: Types L Copper Tubes Dimension English and SI units.








7 6




3 PUMP 1



6 BOLT 38

7 NUT 38


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