Wireless Personal Communications

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Wireless Personal Communications

HHTSGWO: Hybrid Heat Transfer Search And Grey Wolf Optimizer to Ensure Security
in Cloud-Based IOT Environment
--Manuscript Draft--

Manuscript Number: WIRE-D-21-01146

Full Title: HHTSGWO: Hybrid Heat Transfer Search And Grey Wolf Optimizer to Ensure Security
in Cloud-Based IOT Environment

Article Type: Manuscript

Keywords: Cloud Security; IoT; Homomorphic encryption; adaptive convolution artificial neural
network; and metaheuristic optimization

Abstract: IoT is a network formed by billions of interconnected physical objects/devices.

Organizations often store the massive data generated by the IoT devices in the cloud
for decision-making and to enhance the customer experience. However, the IoT
devices also hold sensitive data such as users' personal information, Social Security
Number, Banking credentials, business information, health insurance details, etc which
often sabotaged leads to a loss of the user's information, goodwill, or capital. The
state-of-art techniques often fail to provide an optimal privacy preservation scheme in
the cloud when accessing confidential information and it requires separate secure
storage for the sensitive information. An Aquila algorithm optimized Adaptive
convolutional kernel-based Artificial Neural Network (AOACK-ANN) is used to classify
the sensitive and normal IoT data received for the devices and the sensitive data is
secured using an optimal homomorphic scheme. the hybrid Heat transfer search and
Grey wolf optimization (HHTS-GWO) algorithm are used for encoding the sensitive
information and select an optimal key with the maximum key breaking size to upload in
the cloud. The efficiency of the proposed technique is evaluated by comparing it with
other conventional techniques. The proposed AOACK-ANN security technique offers
accuracy, precision, F1-Score, and testing time of 99.57%, 99.35%, 98.95%, and 8.36
seconds. The Optimal HHTS-GWO-Homomorphic encryption (OHGHE) scheme offers
low encryption/decryption time, higher key breaking time, and consumes low memory
for encryption and decryption.

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HHTSGWO: Hybrid Heat Transfer Search And Grey Wolf Optimizer to

Ensure Security in Cloud-Based IOT Environment
J. Thresa Jeniffer1*, Dr. A. Chandrasekar2
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, St. Joseph’s College of
Engineering, Chennai, India.
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, St. Joseph’s College of
Engineering, Chennai, India.
*Corresponding Author Email: thresa.jeniffer@gmail.com

Abstract:- IoT is a network formed by billions of interconnected physical objects/devices.

Organizations often store the massive data generated by the IoT devices in the cloud for
decision-making and to enhance the customer experience. However, the IoT devices also hold
sensitive data such as users' personal information, Social Security Number, Banking credentials,
business information, health insurance details, etc which often sabotaged leads to a loss of the
user's information, goodwill, or capital. The state-of-art techniques often fail to provide an
optimal privacy preservation scheme in the cloud when accessing confidential information and it
requires separate secure storage for the sensitive information. An Aquila algorithm optimized
Adaptive convolutional kernel-based Artificial Neural Network (AOACK-ANN) is used to
classify the sensitive and normal IoT data received for the devices and the sensitive data is
secured using an optimal homomorphic scheme. the hybrid Heat transfer search and Grey wolf
optimization (HHTS-GWO) algorithm are used for encoding the sensitive information and select
an optimal key with the maximum key breaking size to upload in the cloud. The efficiency of the
proposed technique is evaluated by comparing it with other conventional techniques. The
proposed AOACK-ANN security technique offers accuracy, precision, F1-Score, and testing
time of 99.57%, 99.35%, 98.95%, and 8.36 seconds. The Optimal HHTS-GWO-Homomorphic
encryption (OHGHE) scheme offers low encryption/decryption time, higher key breaking time,
and consumes low memory for encryption and decryption.

Keywords: Cloud Security, IoT, Homomorphic encryption, adaptive convolution artificial

neural network, and metaheuristic optimization.

1. Introduction
The Internet of Things (IoT) [10, 21] is a network of physical objects or things that has an
internal sensor, RFID chip, or other technologies embedded in it to sense the external
environment. The main aim of IoT devices is to exchange information within devices without
any manual intervention. These devices are also known as smart devices since they are powered
by different technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, real-time analytics, etc.
there are various serious issues in the emergence of IoT mainly in the areas of security and
privacy. These are the major concerns that need to be addressed in IoT devices since their
implementation is emerging worldwide.
Occasional password changes, a lack of device upgrades, and unauthorized use are the
main causes of rising cybersecurity threats.This exposes users' sensitive IoT data to malicious
access.If IoT security practices are not in action, IoT devices are vulnerable to data breaches and
other attacks. The weak security protocols and policies implemented in IoT also make it prone to
different cyberattacks. Organizations often collect real-time IoT data to enhance their business
decisions and satisfy their customer requirements. The splurge in the IoT data often forces the
organization to store them in the cloud. In some scenarios, the IoT devices access the cloud to
store their data and avail different services. Cloud [12] offers major advantages such as faster
data transfer, scalability, minimized IT costs, automatic updates, etc when compared to on-
premise storage.
However, the major problems associated with the Cloud Service Provider(CSP)are
security, privacy, and storage management. In different scenarios, the data collected from the IoT
device can be sensitive or contain confidential information of the organization. As a result,
organizations are often concerned about the security of their data stored in the cloud. This paper
uses an Aquila algorithm optimized Adaptive convolutional kernel-based Artificial Neural
Network(AOACK-ANN) to classify both the sensitive and non-sensitive data captured from the
IoT devices. The sensitive data is separated from the non-sensitive ones and secured using an
optimal homomorphic encryption scheme known as Optimal hybrid Heat transfer search and
Grey Wolf Optimization-based Homomorphic encryption(OHGHE).
The OHGHE is the novel algorithm proposed in this paper to handle the increasing security
issues in the cloud. The optimization algorithm is formed by hybridizing two metaheuristic
algorithms namely the heat transfer search and Grey wolf optimization(GWO). These two
algorithms are mainly hybridized to overcome the existing drawbacks present in the single
metaheuristic algorithm [11, 22-24] such as trapping in local optima, slower convergence rate,
parameter tuning necessities, higher computational complexity, low population diversity, etc.
They also do not guarantee a global optimal solution and also they are sensitive to the population
size and other parameter settings. The proposed OHGHE algorithm helps to achieve a trade-off
between the exploration and exploitation phase. The major contributions of the paper are
delineated below:
 This paper presents a novel AOACK-ANN architecture to classify sensitive and non-
sensitive IoT data.
 The novel OHGHE algorithm is proposed to ensure the secure and safe storage of IoT
data in the cloud.
 The main aim of the hybrid Heat transfer search and GWO (HHTS-GWO) optimization
algorithm is to maximize the key breaking time and offer enhanced security.
 The proposed methods' efficiency is evaluated using different performance metrics.
The rest of this paper is arranged as follows: Section 2 presents the literature survey.
Section 3 presents the different methodologies used to form the proposed framework. Section-4
presents the working of the proposed methodology and section-5 demonstrates the efficiency of
the proposed technique via the different experiments conducted. Section 6 concludes the paper.

2. Literature Survey
Mufti Mahmud et al.[1] presented a brain-inspired trust management scheme to secure the
neuroscience application in the cloud-based IoT framework. To achieve this technique they
propose an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) brain-inspired trust management
model (TMM). The ANFIS-TMM technique monitors both the behavior and data-related trust of
the nodes and this model's effectiveness is verified by its capability to identify the malicious
nodes with high accuracy. Their proposed model offered an end-to-end secure and reliable
communication between the nodes however this scheme's accuracy is low.
Byung‑ WookJinet al.[2] designed a secure communication protocol for user
authentication and message control using a Ring Learning With Error(RLWE) based
homomorphic encryption(HE) for the cloud-based IoT framework. The main aim of applying
homomorphic encryption in this work is to design a certification management technique that
prevents user information leakage and offers protection. The RLWE-homomorphic encryption
technique is capable of withstanding different attacks with less time and computational
M.Vedarajet al.[3] proposed a predictive security architecture for an IoT-based system
using Homomorphic Encryption with Random Diagonal Elliptical curve cryptography integrated
with Multi-nomial smoothing Naive Bayes (HERDE-MSNB) model. The HERDE-MSNB model
is capable of predicting the disease of the patient accurately without compromising the security
in the IoT-based cloud system. The HERDE algorithm is capable of both encrypting and
decrypting the patient information and the doctor decrypts the encrypted data and predicts the
patient's disease. The proposed work is implemented using the UCI dataset but not every
parameter present in the dataset is taken into consideration which decreases the robustness of the
proposed model.
E.Karthika et al.[4] investigated the problem of secure routing in the cloud-based IoT
systems and provided a solution using the consistent behavior analysis model. This model
functions by monitoring the behavior of the edge nodes in the cloud to derive information such
as number of IoT devices used, number of service access, the total amount of bytes supported,
and number of transmissions. The security of each node is determined based on their previous
transmission behavior, state, number of packet drops, etc. The edge support measure is computed
for each vehicle to calculate the trustworthiness of the IoT devices. This technique offers
performance in terms of security up to 96.5%.
M. Anuradha et al.[5] presented a secure cancer prediction system using Deep Neural
Network(DNN) and Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) algorithm for an IoT-based cloud
framework. The model initially extracts the patient's blood test details to find whether their test
result is normal or abnormal. The patients whose blood test results are abnormal(presence of
cancer) are encrypted and stored in the cloud for further analysis. The authentication and security
of the patient's information are provided using the AES algorithm.
Jafar A. Alzubiet al. [6] presented a Hashed Needham Schroeder(HNS) Cost Optimized
Deep Machine Learning(HNS-CODML) model to secure the transmission of the Industrial IoT
framework. Initially, the HNS based public key generation strategy computes the public key and
this technique also improves the execution time by allowing only the authorized users to access
the data via a secure communication channel. In the next step, the cost function is computed
using two passes.
Zhihong Tian et al.[7] presented a distributed deep learning model to detect the attacks that
take place in IoT edge devices by investigating the URL s of the web pages. To form the
distributed deep learning environment, several deep learning models are trained separately and
implemented using different servers. The word2vec model used can efficiently identify the
malicious URLs. To yield more robust decisions and improved performance, the deep learning
architecture needs to be optimized.
Mahbub E Khodaet al.[8] presented a robust malware detection application for industrial
IoT applications using machine learning techniques. To prevent adversarial attacks, their
proposed technique selects the adversarial samples based on specific conditions to enhance the
classifier's performance. The first machine learning technique is based on selecting the malware
cluster center and the second one is a kernel-based learning technique that depends upon a
probability value. They have used three classifiers namely Bayesian, Support Vector
Machine(SVM), and Random Forest to evaluate the performance and higher performance is
achieved for clean samples rather than samples that are mixed with adversarial ones. The major
drawback encountered by this model is that the adversarial samples formulated using DNN
deteriorate the performance of the classifiers.

3. Methods
The different methodologies used to formulate the proposed framework are presented in this

3.1 Aquila Optimization Algorithm

Aquila is a Latin word for eagles which mainly implies its dark color and they are mainly known
for their predatory behavior. The Aquila bird rapidly moves towards the prey with the help of its
strong claws and sharpened toenails. The AO algorithm[16]is mainly inspired by the hunting
behavior of Aquila and it is presented as follows:

3.1.1 Initialization of solutions

The AO algorithm is mainly a population-based technique and the optimization rule is mainly
initialized with a set of candidate solutions(A). The candidate solutions belong to the population
and are generated arbitrarily between the lower bond(Lb) and upper bond(Ub) as shown in
equation (1). The best solution obtained after each iteration is considered the optimal solution.

 a1,1  a1, x a1,d 1 a1,d 

 a  a 2, x  a 2,d 
 2,1
   ai , x   
A 
       (1)
a M 1,1  a M 1, x  a M 1,d 
 
 a M ,1  aM ,x a M ,d 1 a M ,d 

The present candidate solutions obtained are represented as A and utilizing equation (2) it
is randomly generated. The location which is also represented as assessment value is represented
as Ax of the xth solution. The dimensional size of the problem is represented as d and the total
number of candidate solutions presented in the population is represented as M.
 
Axy  r  U B y  LB y  LB y , x  1,2,....,M ; y  1,2,....,d (2)

Where r represents the random number and the yth upper and lower bound is represented as
U B y and L B y .

3.1.2 Statistical modeling of AO algorithm

The AO algorithm mainly imitates the Aquilas four hunting behavior and the hunting steps taken
for each behavior are statistically modeled as follows. The four hunting steps are represented as
shown below:

 Step-1: Exploring the search space in high soar with a vertical stoop
 Step-2: Searching within a diverge search space using contour flight by a short glide
 Step-3: Exploiting the convergence space with low flight and slow descent attack.
 Step-4: Swooping by walk and grab prey.

Utilizing these four different behaviors the AO algorithm transforms from the exploration
to exploitation step based on a specified condition if i    * I . If the condition is satisfied then
the algorithm executes the exploration procedure or else it will go with the exploitation phase.
The Aquila behaviors are modeled using a mathematical optimization procedure to identify the
best solution based on the predetermined condition. The four stages are namely expanded
exploration, narrow exploration, expanded exploitation, and narrow exploitation.

Stage-1: Expanded Exploration(A1)

In stage-1, the Aquila identifies the area of the prey and chooses the best hunting area using step-
1 delineated above. The Aquila widely explores the search space from high soar to identify the
area of interest(the location of the prey). The A1 behavior is mathematically represented using the
following equation

 i
A1 i  1  Abest (i )  1    A (i )  Abest (i )  r  (3)
 I

Where A1 i  1 represents the solution that is present in the next iteration of i using the
phase-1 strategy. The best solution obtained till now is represented as Abest (i) and it represents the
1 i 
relative position of the prey. The exploration phase is managed using the condition   with
 I 
several iterations. The equation shown below helps to compute the positions mean value
obtained for the current solution( A (i ) ) at the ith iteration

 A (i), y  1,2,...., d
A (i)  x (4)
M x 1

Where r is a random number between 0 and 1, i represent the present iteration, I represent
the maximum number of iterations, d is the dimensionality of the problem, and M is the total
number of Aquila birds present in the population(candidate solution).

Stage-2:Narrow Exploration(A2)
The Aquila captures its prey from a high soar by revolving around the target and preparing the
land to conduct the attack. This process is the same as explained in step-2. To conduct this
attack, the AO algorithm narrowly invades the area of the prey(objective). The A2 behavior is
mathematically formulated as follows:
A2 i  1  Abest (i)  Levy (d )  Arand (i)  (b  a)  r (5)

Here A2 i  1 represents the solution found in the next iteration, Levy(d ) is the levy flight
distribution function, Arand (t ) is a random solution taken within the range 1 to M, and d is the
dimensionality of the search space.
l 
Levy (d )  z  1
p 

In the above equation, z implies a test value whose value is equal to 0.01, and the variables
l,p is a random number whose value falls between 0 and 1. The value of α is computed using the
below equation.
 
    
  1     sin   
   2   (7)
 1    1  
 
  
    2  2  
 
  2  

b  o  cos( ) (8)

a  o  sin( ) (9)

Here, o  o1  J  d1 (10)

    d1  1 (11)
3 
1  (12)

In the above equations, o1 is present in the range [1,20] for a predetermined number of
search cycles, J is a minimal value fixed to 0.00565, d1 is an integer value starting from 1 to d,
and  is a minimal value that equals 0.005.

Stage-3:Expanded Exploitation(A3)
The attack pattern for this scenario is the same as specified in Step-3. The prey's location is
accurately identified initially and the Aquilla lands vertically and conducts the attack. The
mathematical representation of the above behavior is depicted as follows:

 
A3 i  1  Abest (i)  A i     r  U B  LB  r  LB   (13)

In the above equation, A3 i  1 is the solution that will be obtained in the next iteration, r is
a random value between 0 and 1, and  is an adjustment parameter to control the exploitation
phase and it is allocated a value of 0.1.

Stage-4: Narrow Exploitation(A4)

In this stage, the Aquila walks near the pray and gets hold of them at the last location. The
behavior is explained using the below equation.

A4 (i  1)  Q factor  Abest (i )  E1  Ai   r   E 2  Levy(d )  r  E1 (14)

In the above equation, A4 (i  1) presents the solution in the next iteration and it is obtained
using step-4. The quality function is represented as Q factor and it is used to achieve the tradeoff
between two search schemes, Ai  represents the current solution at the iteration i, E1 represents
the movements stimulated by the Aquila to catch the prey when it tries to escape, and
E2represents the flight slope of the Aquila when it identifies the prey that tries to escape from the
initial position(1) to the last position(i) and the value decreases from 2 to 0.
2 r () 1

Q factor i   i 1 I 2

E1  2  r ()  1 (16)

 i
E 2  2  1   (17)
 I

In short, to evaluate the appropriate locations of the near-optimal or best-obtained solution,

the AO search strategies use an iterative trajectory.In the optimization processes of the AO,the
position of each solution is adjusted depending on the best solutionobtained.Four distinct search
strategies for exploration and exploitation(i.e., A1, A2, A3, and A4) are presented to highlight the
tradeoff between the AO's search strategies (i.e., exploration and exploitation) Finally when the
end condition is satisfied, the AO's search process is terminated. Algorithm 1 describes the AO's
Pseudo-code in detail.
Initialization Stage:
Initialize the population of the Aquila optimizer (A)
Initialize every parameter of the AO algorithm
While(termination criteria not satisfied) do
Compute the fitness function
Abest(i) = Select the best solution based on the fitness value obtained
For(x=1,2,…,M) do
Update the mean value( A ) of the present solution
Update the values of a,b,E1,E2, Levy(d), etc
If i    * I then
If r  0.5 then
Step-1: Execute the operations in A1
Update the present solution using equation (3)
If fitness(A1(i+1))< fitness(A (i))
If fitness(A1(i+1))< fitness(Abest(i)) then
End If
End If
Step-2: Execute the operations in A2
Update the present solution using equation (5)
If fitness(A1(i+1))< fitness(A(i))
If fitness(A2(i+1))< fitness(Abest(i)) then
End If
End If
End If
If r  0.5 then
Step-3: Execute the operations in A3
Update the present solution using equation (13)
If fitness(A3(i+1))< fitness(A(i))
If fitness(A3(i+1))< fitness(Abest(i)) then
End If
End If
Step-4: Execute the operations in A4
Update the present solution using equation (13)
If fitness(A4(i+1))< fitness(A(i))
If fitness(A4(i+1))< fitness(Abest(i)) then
End If
End If
End If
End If
End For
End While
Return the best solution(Abest)

3.2 Adaptiveconvolutional kernel-based Artificial Neural Network

The kernel's receptive field size is determined by a smooth envelope function that can change its
size (increase or decrease) in a base kernel grid[15]. A 2D convolution matrix calculates the
output R as R=[rx,y] by computing the weighted sum of kernel coefficients(m×m shape) P=[px,y]
times the input Z=[zx,y] for every possible locations x,y. The output matrix of a relevant size((N-
m)×(M-m)) can be represented using the equation below.
R  Z P 
N  m / 2  ,M  m / 2 
 m / 2  m / 2   (18)
 s    z x s ,y o  p x s ,y o 
 m / 2  o   m / 2   x   m / 2  , y  m / 2 

To make the above equation more concise, the detailed representation of the offsets,
subscripts and index limits is excluded, as shown below.
M ,N
m m 
R  Z  P   z x  s , y  o  p s ,o  (19)
 s o  x, y

3.2.1 Envelope function

The kernel coefficient matrixP is connected with an envelope E=[es,o] in the adaptive model
transformation, which handles kernel formation with element-wise multiplication.
M ,N
m m 
R  Z  P  E    z x  s , y  o  p s ,o e s ,o  (20)
 s o  x, y

While the above equation seems to incorporate a new weight, the envelope coefficients are
not actually independent. The envelope is represented in a 2-dimensional Euclidean space. The
envelope is present in the kernel domain which is also known as the base grid. For an odd-sized
square kernel, let us take a base grid of size m×m, and the smooth and differentiable function

present in this domain is represented as Ef for a parameter set   R .
E f : s, o ,    es ,o  R Where s, o  | s, o  1,2,..., m and   1 ,  2 ,...,   (21)

The functional form shown in the above equation is chosen for Efto manage the shape of
the envelope by masking the weights with the coefficients es,o.The error derivations can be
derived using a chain rule when Efcan be differentiated for the parameter ρ.
 R  R
p`s ,o : p s ,o    ` :     (22)
R p s ,o R  

In the above equation  represents the learning rate,  ` represents the envelope
parameter, p`s ,o represents the updated kernel weight, and the error value is represented using
ε.The interrelationship between the weights and envelope coefficients is presented in detail by
exploring the partial derivatives of ε with respect to p s ,o and  . In equation (23), the es ,o value
mainly indiucates a scalar coefficient.

 N M
 rx , y N M
 N M
    z x  s , y o es ,o  p s ,o  z x s , y o (23)
p s ,o x y rx , y p s ,o x y rx , y x y rx , y
This process explains that the envelope not only manages the forward signal but also
affects the weight update process. As same as equation (23), the derivative is computed with
respect to   .

 N M
 rx , y
  (24)
  x y rx , y  

rx , y N M es ,o
  z x  s , y o p s ,o (25)
 s o 

As a result, the below expression is derived

 N M
  N M e 
    z x  s , y o p s ,o s ,o  (26)
 x y rx , y  s o  

3.2.2 Selecting an envelope function

The envelope function is selected using a Gaussian function because it is both continuous and
differentiable and does not increase the extrema. The position is controlled using a center
variableς, the orientation and form spread are controlled using a covariance variable  , and the
variableη performs the normalization function.

h    1  h  
E f h,  ,    e 2

In the above equation, the variable h is present in the two-dimensional Euclidean space and
it is represented as h  R 2 , the two-dimensional center variable comprises of two parameters ςa
 2  ab2 
and ςb, and the covariance value is a 2×2 matrix which equals  aa2 2
. Here,  e is the only
 ba  bb 
trainable parameter and it can adjust the size of the circular envelope shape for a set of
parameters present in  :  a  0.5m,  b  0.5m,  e  .

3.2.3 Envelope parameter initialization

The weight initialization step is the most critical step in the neural network design and it helps to
enhance its training and generalization capability. In this paper, the AO algorithm is mainly
introduced to find an optimal weight initialization strategy. The envelope coefficients adjust the
variance of the propagated signals and calculate the weights in the adaptive kernel. Furthermore,
since an adaptive kernel's total fan-in is greater than its individual fan-in, it is unclear what value
should be used to calculate weight variance, as suggested by prominent initialization schemes
When the parameter  e is updated during the training process it leads to changes in the
output variance, envelope, and product kernel. To address this problem, we are using an
element-wise multiplication operation P  E to normalize the envelope value E while keeping the
weight variance value unchanged. Even if we keep the mean value of the variances constant it is
not possible to modify the variance of the individual weights( p s ,o ). In this case, a single
summation is used in place of two as shown in the below equation and the mean of variance for
anm×m matrix Q= q s ,o mm is shown below
M Variance[Q] 
s ,o
s ,o ) (28)

In the same way, the backpropagation of the error variance can also be taken. With the help
of equation (17) and the following assumptions(A1 z x  s , y  o  and A2 e s ,o  ), the mean of the
gradient variances of the weight is computed as follows:

   1 m ,m     m,m
 m ,m   
M Variance  2 Variance p    e2  12  A (e 2
)  A2 ( ) (29)
 P  m 
 rs ,o 
1 s ,o
s ,o  s ,o  m s ,o  s ,o
Normally, a convolutionallayer uses more than one kernel to compute multiple outputs. In
the forward run, each kernel k computes its envelope using the value  ek and normalize using
 EK  .

 ek 
  h  T h   
 
  e 2 e  
K 2

hQQ  

  (30)

In the initialization of σevalue, certain rules need to be followed and the value should be
non-zero and positive. Mainly the value of σeis initialized within the range [1/m,m] and during
the training phase, the value should be monitored not to reach above 1/mto prevent over
shrinking and avoid fluctuations.

3.2.4 Grey Wolf Optimization(GWO) algorithm

Grey Wolf Optimization(GWO)[13-14] is a population-based algorithm that replicates the
hunting behaviors of grey wolves along with their social organization. The social organization of
the grey wolves is divided into four alpha(α), beta(β), delta(∆), and omega(Ω). The variables α,
β, ∆, and Ω represent the position of the prey and the grey wolves' position are randomly situated
around the victim. The last position is the position in the region of the circle which is mainly
based on the positions ofα, β, ∆, and Ω. In the GWO algorithm, a specified number of grey
wolves in a group moves through a multidimensional space to find the prey(optimal solution).
The grey wolf's position is taken as the different position variables in the GWO algorithm
and the fitness value is represented as the distance between the grey wolf and the prey. After a
sequence of iterations, the GWO algorithm saves the best solutions obtained. The main aim of
this algorithm is to reach the prey within the shortest distance. Each grey wolves movement is
determined based on the following four phases:

Phase-1: Prey searching(Exploration)

The grey wolves deviate their position from each other to find the prey. The parameter

NR is used with random values to deviate the search agent from the victim. To search the prey

in the search space, the parameter BR is used to allocate random weights. With the help of the
 
NR and BR parameters in the exploration phase, the algorithm moves to the global search space.

The impact of the obstructions in approaching the prey is also evaluated using the parameter BR.

Phase-2: Enclosing prey

The position of the three best wolves is evaluated using α, β,and ∆. Every other wolf in the pack
updates its position based on the position of these three wolves. The enclosing prey behavior can

be indicated using PR . The anticipated boundary is statistically represented using the following
   
PR  BR  AV (i)  A(i) (31)
   
A(i  1)  AV (t )  NR  PR (32)
 
In the above equation, i represent the present iteration, B R and N R represents
 
thecoefficient vectors, A(i ) is the position vector of the grey wolves, and AV (i ) is the position
  
vector of the prey. The random vectors s1 and s 2 are present in the interval 0 to 1 and y is
linearly decreased from 2 to 0.
   
NR  2  y  s1  y (33)
 
BR  2  s 2 (34)

Phase-3: Chasing
The chasing phase is also known as hunting where the β and∆wolves join.Predicting theoptimal
location of the prey is often complex and the hunting behavior is based on α, β,and ∆ is
represented using the following equations.
  
PR  BR . AV (i)  A (35)
  
PR  BR . AV (i)  A (36)
  
PR  BR . AV (i)  A (37)

At last, the position of different wolve classes is adjusted as shown below:

  
A 1  A  NR1. PR (38)
  
A 1  A  NR 2. PR (39)
  
A1  A  NR3. PR (40)
  
A 1  A 1  A1
A(i  1)  (41)

Phase-4: Attacking prey(Exploration)

When the prey stops moving, the grey wolves start their hunting process by attacking it and it
 
mainly depends upon the value y . NR is a random value present in the interval [-2y,2y]. The
search agents mainly update their positions based on the location of α, β, and ∆ wolves present in
both phase-3 and phase-4.

3.2.5 Heat Transfer Search

The heat transfer search algorithm[18] is mainly inspired by thermodynamics and heat laws
which are mainly based on conduction, convection, and radiation stages. If a temperature
gradient exists across the system, within the system, and inside the molecules of the system, the
heat transfer process begins, and it continues until the system and its surroundings achieve
balance and hit a certain temperature. The HTS optimizer is initialized with u number of initial
solutions and v number of design parameters. In each iteration i, the set of solutions is updated(
i  1,2,3,..., im ; im represents the max imum number of iterations ) via the three-phase heat transfer
reproduction phase. The working of the HTS algorithm is presented in algorithm-2.

Algorithm-2: Steps in HTS algorithm

Initialize objective function f(A), u(population size),v,initilaizecontolling parameters such as
convection factor C1f, conduction factor C2f, and radiation factor Rf, and end condition Emax or im
Initialize the randomly generated population with both upper and lower bounds
For i=1 to imdo
Sort the population in ascending order for the objective function f(A) and choose the best
solution(A1) as the adjacent(An)
Randomly create values for M to select the heat transfer stage with equal probability where
Forj=1 to vdo
Create a new population for the conduction stage
If M<0.3333 then
If E<Emax/C2fthen /* Set the value of C2f as 2/*
If f(Aj)>f(Ak) then
Aj  Ak  (M  Ak )
` 2

Aj`  Aj  (M 2  Aj )
End If
If f(Aj)>f(Ak) then
Aj  Ak  (rand (0,1) j  Ak )

Aj`  Aj  (rand (0,1) j  Aj )
End If
End If
Else if M<0.666 then
If E  E max / R f then /* Where R f =2/*
If f(Aj)>f(Ak)
Aj  Aj  M * ( Ak  Aj )

Aj`  Aj  M * ( Aj  Ak )
End If
If f(Aj)>f(Ak)
Aj  Aj  rand (0,1) j * ( Ak  Aj )

Aj`  Aj  rand (0,1) j * ( Aj  Ak )
End If
End If
End If
If E  E max / C 2 f then /*Create the new convection stage population with a
C2 f value of 10*/
Aj`  Aj  M * Ag  A * abs(M  rand (0,1) j ) /* Where A is the mean
value of population*/
Aj`  Aj  M * Ag  A * round (1  rand (0,1) j )
End If
End If
If f ( Aj` )  f ( Aj ) then
A j  Aj`
End If
If E≥Emaxthen
Break the optimization loop
End If
End For
End For
In algorithm-2, C1f, C2f, and Rf are element of [0,1] and C1f+ C2f+ Rf=1. To obtain the best
solution(balance) this algorithm uses three stages called conduction, convection, and radiation.
The non-linear, linear, and polynomial functions are solved using conduction, convection, and
radiation stages. The HTS algorithm only solves a certain problem at a point and the other
functions will be inactive at that time. The larger number of computational steps(new solution
generation, different mode selection, new solution function evaluation, elimination of duplicate
solution, etc.) used in the HTS algorithm makes it slower for complex optimization problems.

3.2.6 Formulation of hybrid Heat transfer search and GWO (HHTS-GWO) algorithm for solving
a multi-objective problem
The complexity associated with the real-life problems and the huge volume of data used makes
no specific optimizer to solve the problem within a limited time and lower computational
cost.The HHTS-GWO algorithm is capable of solving multi-objective problems by analyzing
various solutions and also within a single run. The metaheuristic algorithms designed to solve a
single objective problem are usually sensitive to the size of the population and other parameter
settings, often stuck in local optima, slow convergence rate, less population diversity, etc[17]. If
a metaheuristic algorithm is said to be efficient then it should abide by two rules namely
exploration(global expansion) and exploitation(local strengthening). The exploration phase
mainly enhances the searchability to find a new solution better than the old one. The main aim of
the exploration phase is to find the global best solution. The exploration phase prevents the
algorithm from being trapped in the local minima and from converging in the local best solution.
An efficient meta-heuristic algorithm needs to achieve a tradeoff between these two phases.
To overcome the problems associated with a single objective algorithm, we have proposed
the HHTS-GWO algorithm. Initially, the search mainly calculates the solution using the three
stages of the HTS algorithm depending upon the probability value.If the probability value M falls
in the interval [0,0.25], then the thermal conduction phase is selected, and if the value of M falls
within the range 0.25<M≤0.5, then the thermal radiation phase is selected.The thermal
convection mode will be selected when the probability of M falls within the range of 0.
5<M≤0.75 and the GWO algorithm will be automatically initialized when the value of M>0.75.
In the GWO algorithm phase, the population is formed by the number of grey wolves also known
as search agents. Initially, the position vectors of the search agents are formed for searching and
the enclosing prey operation is conducted in both the upper and lower boundary of the grey
wolves. The fitness value in the GWO is the distance of the prey from the wolf. Depending upon
the fitness value, the three best wolves are identified and classified as α, β,and∆. The hunting
phase of the GWO algorithm helps to achieve a trade-off between the exploration and
exploitation stages. It also helps to get rid of the worst solution and enhance the convergence
speed of the optimizer. The flowchart of the HHTS-GWO algorithm is presented in Figure-1.
The steps involved in the HHTS-GWO algorithm is delineated as shown below:

Figure-1: Flowchart of HHTS-GWO algorithm

Step-1: Initialize the population of HTS and GWO phase, design variables, convection,
conduction, and radiation factors, α, β,∆, end criteria, lower bonds, upper bonds, Emax, im, etc.
Step-2:Estimate the solutions that were created at random.
Step-3: Generate the probability value M randomly
Step-4: Between the previous Pareto archive and the present population, find the non-dominated
solutions of the union set. These solutions can be found in the newly generated archive.The
excess number of non-dominated solutions generated is eliminated using the normal line process.
Step-5: If the value of M is 0<M≤0.25, then execute the conduction phase in the HTS algorithm
and alter the population based on the below equations.
If i  im / Conduction factor

, j  Ak , j  1 if f ( Aj )  f ( Ak )
Axnew old

, x  Ax , j   2 if f ( Ak )  f ( A j )
Aknew old

Where 1  M 2 Akold
, j ; 1  M Aj , x , ρ represents the conduction steps, and A represents
2 old

the conduction factor. The design variables are randomly selected such as j∈(1,2,3,…,v)and
x=1,2,3,…,u. Here x  k , k  (1,2,3, ,., u ) and it is a randomly selected solution from the
If i  im / Conduction factor , then the solution is modified as

, j  Ak , j   3 if f ( A j )  f ( Ak )
Axnew old

, x  Ax , j   4 if f ( Ak )  f ( Aj )
Aknew old

In the above equation, 3  randAkold

, j ;  4  randAx , j ; and a rand is a random number

present in the interval 0 to 1.

Step-6: If the value of M falls in the interval 0.25<M≤0.5, then the thermal radiation phase is
activated. The new solutions generated using these phases are shown as follows:
If i  im / radiation factor

, j  Ax , j  R1 if f ( Ax )  f ( Ak )
Axnew old

, j  Ax , j  R2 if f ( Ak )  f ( Ax )
Axnew old

Where, R1  M Akold
, j  Ax , j ; R2  M Ax , j  Ak , j  , and R represents the steps in the radiation
old old old

If i  im / radiation factor , then the solution is modified as

, j  Ax , j  R3 if f ( Ax )  f ( Ak )
Axnew old
, j  Ax , j  R4 if f ( Ak )  f ( Ax )
Axnew old

Here R3  rand Akold

, j  Ax , j  and R4  rand Ax , j  Ak , j  ,
old old old

Step-7: If the value of M falls in the interval 0.50<M≤0.75, then the thermal convection phase is
activated. Depending upon the following mathematical formulas, the solution is updated.
If i  im / convection factor

, j  Ax , j  C
Axnew old

Where C represents the convection step, Ag and Aµrepresent the surrounding and mean of
the system, and the temperature change factor is represented as Z.
C  M ( Ag  A * Z ) (51)
Z  abs(M  rand ) if i  im / convection factor (52)

Z  round (1  rand ) if i  im / convection factor (53)

Step-8:The algorithm moves to the GWO phase when the value of M is greater than 0.75.
  
Initialize the GWO parameters such as search agents(A), y , NR , BR , and im, and the values are
initialized as shown in equations (54) and (55).
   
NR  2  y  s1  y (54)
 
BR  2  s 2 (55)

The value of y is linearly decreased from 2 to 0 for each iteration and the process is
illustrated using the below equation:
 2
y  2i (56)

Step-8(a):Randomly generate wolves from the pack

Step-8(b):Estimate the hunting fitness function using the below equations (31) and (32). Hunting

is mainly used to find the most tremendous search agent( A1 ), the agent who has the next best
 
value( A 1 ), and the third-best agent( A1 ). Their values are computed using equations (35)-
(40).The hunting process can be modified using equation (41).
 
Step-8(c):Evaluate the fitness value for every hunt and update the evaluation of A1 , A 1 , and

A1 .

Step-9: If the present solution is better than the previous one, then replace the previous solution
with the updated solution and save it in the archive. Otherwise, keep using the previous solution.
Step-10: Identify the best solution(Abest) using a non-dominated sorting strategy.
Step-11: If the end condition is satisfied, then save the solutions in the external archive, or else
start from step-3.
Step-12:Output the excellent Pareto optimal set achieved.

4. Proposed IoT based security model

The paper mainly aims to secure sensitive data from IoT devices using a cryptography-based
authentication scheme. To classify the sensitive IoT data, the Aquila algorithm optimized
Adaptive convolutional kernel-based Artificial Neural Network(AOACK-ANN). The AO
algorithm is mainly used to initialize the random parameters for the ACK-ANN model. The
AOACK-ANN is integrated with the backpropagation algorithm to classify both sensitive and
non-sensitive data.
After the classification process is completed, the sensitive data is secured using an optimal
homomorphic encryption algorithm. The encryption process secures the information using keys
such that it can be authorized.The optimization of the keys is achieved using the HHTS-GWO
algorithm.In this manner, the keys can be encrypted and the IoT data can be securely stored in
the cloud. The overview of the proposed model is presented in Figure-2.

Figure-2: Flowchart of the proposed IOT-Cloud security model

4.1 IoT data collection and pre-processing

The IoT technology is applied to different areas in recent years and the data for this work is
collected from different application areas such as hospitals, e-commerce websites, finance,
logistics, politics, waste management, and many more. The IoT dataset generated is taken as
DST  DST j ; {DST j  DST1 , DST2 , DST3 ,..., DSTm } (57)

In the above equation, DST represents the IoT dataset, DST j represents the data taken from
different IoT areas(finance, healthcare, logistics, etc). Not every IoT field provides a structured
data output, some maybe also unstructured and complex. These datasets have unique data
structures, access policies, memory, etc. They can be rarely stored or generated. To overcome
this complexity, the data is pre-processed by removing the unnecessary details.

4.2 Sensitive data requirements

The three main security objectives that need to be satisfied in the IoT domain areauthenticity,
integrity, and confidentiality.
Authenticity: To avoid data theft, authentication is necessary for the establishment of a
connection between two IoT devices, as well as the sharing of some public and private keys
between IoT nodes.
Integrity: The communication protocols may perceive differences in the length of the message.
Confidentiality: Data within an IoT device is classified to ensure that it does not come into touch
with unapproved items.
To enhance the security and privacy of the IoT data, confidentiality, data integrity, and
authenticity should be guaranteed. To satisfy these security constraints, we have proposed a
novel optimized Homomorphic encryption scheme which secures the sensitive data in a form of
the encrypted format in the cloud. In this way, the CSP or an unauthorized user will be rejected
access to the sensitive information stored in the cloud. The optimized homomorphic encryption
algorithm authenticates the key, encodes, and decrypt the data stored.

4.3 Secure storage of IoT information in the cloud using Optimal HHTS-GWO-Homomorphic
The conventional encryption techniques are used to secure the folders in the cloud after it is
transferred to it. The OHGHE algorithm acts as a public-key cryptosystem for encrypting the
data. The OHGHE strategy is capable of performing operations on the encoded data without the
need of obtaining secret information. The user is the one who is the owner of the secret key. The
OHGHE algorithm performs four computations: Key generation, encryption, evaluation, and
Key generation: The key is mainly used to encrypt/decrypt whatever data is generated. The key
generation algorithm keeps on selecting the additional parameters to obtain the private and
public keys. The private key(Kprv) is used for encryption while the public key(Kpub) is used for
decryption. The public key is generated as K pub  (n, r ) , where n=j.z in which j and z are the two
large prime numbers. The private key is generated as K prv  ( , ) where γ=L.C.M(j-1,z-1) and

  r  mod m 2  mod m . By using this technique random keys are produced for both

encryption and decryption and these keys are optimized using the HHTS-GWO algorithm.
Encryption: In the encryption stage, the sensitive data is transformed into a matrix form and the
elements in the matrix are processed based on the below equations. In the next step, both the
public and private keys generated are optimized using the HHTS-GWO algorithm. To select the
optimal key, the following procedure is followed:
Key Initialization: Generate the initial population of both the HTS and GWO phase
which randomly generates keys  j   1 ,  2 ,...,  m , where j  1,2,..., m and m indicates
the total number of values allocated for the key.
Fitness-Function: To evaluate the fitness of each solution generated by the HHTS-GWO
algorithm, an objective function is designed. The objective function is formulated using
the below equation:
fitness  max(  ) (58)

In the above equation,  represents the maximum key breaking time and it is the
optimal solution generated using the fitness function. The solutions generated by the
HHTS-GWO algorithm are the key breaking time of each data matrix and if the solution
matches the optimal fitness value then the algorithm is terminated or else the value of the
private and public key is updated using the solution achieved. To create a design
variable/grey wolf, which represents an optimum key solution, all keys are randomly
picked and sequenced until all processes are drawn. The total number of solutions to be
applied is equal to the number of bonds in the solution. The size of the HHTS-GWO
population determines the number of keys or the amount of searching in the solution
space. In this analysis, the optimal keys are used to evaluate the integrity of the security
Optimal key-based encryption: Homomorphic Encryption(HE) algorithm[12] promotes
encryption only when the plaintext and ciphertext are verified by an equivalent algebraic
operation. It enables the server to access encrypted data without first decrypting the
primary plain data. Then, the ciphertext X is computed using the following equation.

X  n p  rand Ok mod Ok

The above equation represents the encryption process, where p is the information
selected to encrypt, rand represents the random number and Ok is the optimal key
Decryption: Decryption is the process of converting the ciphertext to plain text. It mainly
transforms the encrypted data to plaintext and this process occurs only using the user's secret
key. The plain text is retrieved from the ciphertext using the following process:

p  L(r  mod m 2 )  mod m; Where L(a)  a  1 2 (60)

Evaluation: On the encoded data, homomorphic operations such as addition and multiplication
may be performed, resulting in new encrypted data whose decryption yields identical features.
The homomorphic operations can be linked to the comparable estimations of two encrypted data.
Finally, this approach can generate the encrypted key to have the most incredible privacy-
preserving confidential IoT data in the cloud.

5. Experimental Analysis
The experimental results achieved using the proposed methodology are delineated in this section.
The methodologies were implemented using Matlab in an 11th Gen Core i5 Laptop equipped
with a 16 GB RAM and 512GB SSD hard drive. The cloud is formed via an Intel Xeon E5640
CPU, 2.66 GHz RAM, 2 x 146 GB 15,000 Rpm + 2 x 300 GB 10,000 Rpm (total 4 drives), and a
Xen PVM hypervisor. A total of 50 IoT NODES IS SET using a Raspberry Pi model 3B with an
ARMv8 processor. The IoT devices are connected to different sensors such as temperature
sensor, humidity sensor, surveillance camera built-in pi-matrix, pi-matrix, PIR motion detector,
etc. For conducting the experiments we set the iterations and population size as 100 and 10 for
both the AO and HHTS-GWO algorithms.

5.1 Performance metrics

The performance of the proposed methodology is evaluated using the following metrics.
Accuracy: Accuracy represents the number of correctly identified sensitive data instances from
the overall instances. It is computed as follows:

 xx  y y 
Accuracy    *100 (61)
 xx  y y  xy  y x 
Where, xx represents the true positive, y x represents the false positive, x y represents the
false negative, and y y represents the true negative. The parameter x represents that the instance
has been positively predicted as sensitive parameter y represents that the instance has been
positively predicted as non-sensitive, the parameter x represents that the sensitive instance has
been incorrectly predicted as non-sensitive, and the parameter y represents that the non-
sensitive data is incorrectly predicted as sensitive.
Mathews Correlation Coefficient(MCC): It defines the cumulative correlation coefficient
against the actual sensitive data and predicted sensitive data instances. The MCC score falls in a
range of -100% to 100%. A model is said to be reliable when the MCC score reaches 100%.

MCC  
xx  yy    yx  xa  
 * 100 (62)
 ( xx  xy )( xx  y x)( y x  y y )( y y  xy ) 
 

Precision(ρ): It represents the number of positive instances correctly predicted using the model
and it is represented as

 xx 
    (63)
 xx  yx 
Recall(  ): It denotes the model's capability to identify the actual sensitive data present in the
dataset correctly and it is represented using the below equation.

 xx 
    (64)
 xx   x y 
F1-Score: It is the harmonic mean of both ρand  and it is computed as shown as follows:
 
F1  Score  2 (65)
 
Encryption Time: It is the time taken to convert the plain text to ciphertext. It mainly depends
upon the key size, plain text block size, and mode. The encryption time is computed in
milliseconds. An efficient security system should have less encryption time to offer fast
Decryption Time: The time taken to convert the plaintext from ciphertext is called decryption
time. It is similar to the encryption time and also affects the performance of the system if it is
Memory used: The memory used mainly represents the memory size used for implementation
and it varies for each work. It is also based on the key size, number/type of operations present in
the algorithm, and initialization vectors. A high amount of memory consumption shows an
increased cost, hence the memory usage should be always kept as low as possible.
Key breaking time: The key breaking time denotes the capability of the model to withstand
different attacks. If the key breaking time of a model is high, then it is said to be secure against
various attacks and if it is low, then it is said to be less secure.

5.2 Performance analysis

The performance of the proposedAOACK-ANN model is evaluated by evaluating it with
different performance metrics such as MCC, Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1-Score. It is
compared with different state-of-art techniques such as SVM[8], Random Forest[8], ANFIS[1],
DNN[5], HERDE-MSNB[3], and HNS-CODML[6]. The comparative analysis results show the
results of the different techniques evaluated using the IoT dataset created. From the table-1, it is
clear that the proposed model provides higher performance when compared to others.
The low performance is mainly achieved using the random forest technique. This table also
evaluates the training and testing time taken by each model. The training and testing time of the
proposed approach is mainly lower because of the use of the AO algorithm to initialize the
parameters. Even though deep learning techniques such as DNN[5] offers improved accuracy, it
suffers from high time complexity when compared to the remaining machine learning
techniques. This demonstrates that the proposed model can be used in time-sensitive IoT
Table-1: Comparative analysis using different performance metrics
Technique Accuracy(%) MCC Precision Recall F1- Training Testing
Score Time(s) time(s)
SVM[8] 87 86 87 86 85 785.6 21.56
Random Forest[8] 85 84 83 82 81 1745.51 18.95
HNS-CODML[6] 90 88 87 88 87 514.26 29.32
HERDE- 91 85 89 88 89 2154.36 30.25
ANFIS[1] 92 89 90 90 90 698.55 41.25
DNN[5] 95 85 94 93 91 2856.54 65.24
ProposedAOACK- 99.57 98.31 99.35 99.65 98.95 356.25 8.36

5.3 Security Analysis

The security analysis is conducted for our proposed Optimal HHTS-GWO-Homomorphic
encryption(OHGHE) scheme using encryption time, decryption time, key breaking time,
memory, key size, etc. Table-2 presents the results achieved for the proposed methodology using
different performance metrics.
Table-2: Results achieved for the proposed Optimal HHTS-GWO-Homomorphic
encryption(OHGHE) scheme
File Size Encryption Decryption Encrytion Key Memory Memory
(MB) time (ms) Time(ms) Size (MB) breaking taken for taken for
time encryption decryption
(MB) (MB)
5 456,988 456,988 8 98 8 9
10 458,725 458,725 18 96 12 14
15 478,995 478,995 20 98 17 19
20 482,365 482,365 28 99 23 26
25 501,254 501,254 27 99 28 32
30 502,365 502,365 35 95 35 38
35 514,782 514,782 38 98 40 42
Figure-3 provides the comparison results achieved by the proposed technique in terms of
encryption and decryption time with the state-of-art techniques such as AES[5],HERDE[3],
Optimal Homomorphic Encryption (OHE)[9], and RLWE[2]. The proposed technique doesn’t
consume too much time when there is an increase in memory usage when compared to the other
techniques such as AES, HERDE, and OHE. The other techniques such as AES[5], HERDE[3],
andOHE offers low performance due to slightly increased computational overhead.

Figure-3: Comparison in terms of encryption and decryption time. (a) Decryption time and
(b)Encryption time

Figure-4: Comparison in terms of key breaking time

Figure-4 presents the results of key breaking time using different techniques. Since the
optimal key is found using the HHTS-GWO technique in our proposed method it offers a higher
key breaking time for various data sizes. The AES algorithm offers the lowest key breaking time
when compared with the remaining.
Figure-5: Comparison in terms of key generation with an increasing number of owners
Figure-5 presents the key generation time comparison when there is an increasing number
of data owners. The techniques such as AES and HERDE consume higher time when there is an
increase in the number of data owners. However, the proposed framework consumes low time
when compared with the other techniques and the second-best performance is offered by the
RLWE[2] technique.

6. Conclusion
The rapid increase in IoT devices and their distributed natures raises its concern for security and
privacy. This paper proposes an AOACK-ANN network to classify both the sensitive and non-
sensitive data present in the IoT devices and offer secure storage in the cloud. The AO algorithm
is used to optimize the initial parameters of the ACK-ANN network and yield fast convergence.
The sensitive information is then securely stored in the cloud using an Optimal HHTS-GWO-
Homomorphic encryption(OHGHE) scheme. The maximum key breaking time is set as the
fitness of this algorithm. The performance of the proposed methodology is evaluated using
different performance metrics such as Accuracy, Recall, MCC, F1-Score, Precision time,
encryption/decryption time, encryption memory, maximum key breaking size, etc. In the future,
we plan to identify different attacks that take place in the cloud and IoT environment and also
evaluate the model's efficiency in attack detection.


Compliance with Ethical Standards

Conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Human and Animal Rights
This article does not contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any of the

Informed Consent
Informed consent does not apply as this was a retrospective review with no identifying patient

Funding: Not applicable

Conflicts of interest Statement: Not applicable

Ethics approval:
Consent to participate: Not applicable

Consent for publication: Not applicable

Availability of data and material:

Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were created or analyzed in this

Code availability: Not applicable

Authors’ contributions
JTJ agreed on the content of the study. JTJ and AC collected all the data for analysis. JTJ agreed
on the methodology. JTJ and AC completed the analysis based on agreed steps. Results and
conclusions are discussed and written together. Both author read and approved the final


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Author's Picture & Biography Click here to access/download;Author's Picture &
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J. Thresa Jeniffer obtained her Bachelor Degree in Information Technology, in the year 2012 from St.
Joseph’s College of Engineering, Anna University. She also received her Masters Degree in Computer
Science and Engineering from St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Anna University in 2014. Currently
she is working as an Assistant Professor in the department of Information Technology, St. Joseph’s
College of Engineering, Chennai, India. She has seven years of teaching and research experience. Her
research interests include IoT, Machine Learning, Wireless Sensor Networks, Network Security and Grid

A. Chandrasekar is Professor and Head of the Department of CSE at St. Joseph’s College of Engineering,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He has overall teaching experience of over 21 years in Engineering Colleges. He
has guided more than 30 Research Scholars and more than 50 M.E. students. He has published over 110
research articles in refereed International and National journals and he is guiding research scholars and
M.E. students in the areas of Network Security, Cloud Security, Data mining, Artificial Intelligence and
Big Data Analysis.

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