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Hello guys, there is no doubt cracking the Programming Job

interviews are not easy and it's even more difficult if you want to
crack Coding interviews of tech companies like Google, Microsoft,
and Amazon, but you can still crack it by carefully planning and
preparing the essential topics which matter most like Data
structures and Algorithms, System Design, Multithreading and
Concurrency, SQL and Database design, OOP, Linux concepts,
Computer networks, and of course working on your problem-
solving skills.

Being an author of Java and a programming blog, I often receive

queries about how to prepare for coding interviews? How to
pass Google or Microsoft Software Developer interviews? Or how
can I get a software development job on Amazon or Facebook?

After answering many of my readers one by one on Facebook and

LinkedIn, I thought to put together a list of essential topics for
coding interviews.

This list will give a good head-start for your preparation for any
tech company interview like Google and Amazon. However, even if
you are not targeting Google and just want a Software developer
job, you can still prepare these topics.

In fact, preparing for tech giants like Google, Amazon, Apple, and
Facebook means you are miles ahead of other candidates, and you
will most likely secure many job offers from smaller firms,
startups, and investment banks.

That’s why I suggest aiming higher becuase even if you don’t get
what you want, you will still get job offers that are desirable by
many programmers.

Another critical thing to note is that different interviews need

different skills. For example, when you go for a Java developer
interview, you are bound to know Java. Similarly, for a Python
developer interview, it’s expected you to know Python and some
popular Python frameworks like Django and Flask.

For a Web developer, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are core skills,

and you will be grilled on those, apart from modern web
development frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue.js, with a
bit of node.js as well.

I’ll not touch, that topic but I’ll share essential skills that are
required to pass all of those interviews. They are also known as
core programming skills, and it’s expected from every Software
developer to know that.

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