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Direction: Make a speech out of the given topics and choose only one preferable for you.

Below is the format for your speech making. It could be hand written or encoded in a long-
sized bond paper. Be sure to write it in a creative way. Your speech will be used also for
your video making. Take a picture of your speech and send it on July 07, 2021- Wednesday.


1. Why humans should colonize mars
2. When will AI exceed human performance?
3. What is the future of commercial space flight?
4. Should nanotechnology research continue?
5. Should we bring extinct species back from the dead?
6. Potential for super greenhouse effect on earth
7. What is gene therapy?
8. Why whales should not be hunted for food
9. Stephen Hawking’s contributions to science
10. When will the next solar superflare hit earth?
11. How can you improve public speaking skills?
12. What leadership style is the most suitable for your personality?
13. How to get a fresh start after a breakup / divorce?
14. Why you should become a freelancer
15. Why being lazy isn’t always a bad thing
16. What Richard Branson recommends to everyone to make everyday a success
17. Why you should visit at least 5 countries by the time you’re 30
18. Gluten isn’t bad for health
19. Scientific evidence on why you shouldn’t skip your breakfast
20. Why success if often an extreme tolerance for failure
21. Do professional athletes make too much money?
22. Why your country should promote legal immigration
23. Is it possible to eliminate poverty in every country in the world?
24. The internet should be free for everyone
25. Why punishing children for bullying others isn’t a solution.
26. The U.S. should encourage the spirit of volunteerism
27. Society should make monopolies illegal
28. Is our society too dependent on technology?
29. Why we need to support local businesses
30. Being gay: choice or nature?
31. Cell phone use while driving should be banned in all U.S. states.

32. How to spot a toxic employee?
33. Give 5 reasons why we should abolish tipping restaurant servers
34. Why the minimum wage should be raised?
35. Top reasons why best employees invest in employee wellness programs
36. The best ways to increase employee engagement for better performance
37. Should age discrimination be a criminal offence?
38. All internships should be paid internships
39. The minimum age for unsupervised driving should be raised to 18
40. LGBT workers are protected from workplace discrimination.

41. Airline passengers should sacrifice their privacy for the sake of flight safety
42. Your government should promote conservation
43. Your government should make animal testing illegal
44. The use of the internet by teens should be limited
45. The internet contributes to media bias
Issac Garces St. Poblacion, Ubay, Bohol
Tel # : (038) 518-0279 / 331 – 1037 fax no. (038) 518-027
Email Address: /

SUBJECT: Argumentation and Public Speaking

“Why whales should not be hunted for food?”
When I was an elementary student I perceived all whales are dangerous because of their gigantic
body, big mouth, and sharp teeth like sharks. Yes, as an elementary student we are malleable of different
animals that we see in the pictures, movies, and any other visuals. DVD’S and CD’s are rampant on that
time; my father always buys me DVD that contains shark movies so that I will only stay at home instead
of swimming under our house. Starting that time, I’m already afraid to swim because of what I’ve seen in
the movie and because of that I want all sharks including whales to be killed. However, as the time goes
by learning, “sharks are different from whales” and not all whales are dangerous”. Whales are marine
mammals, together with dolphins and porpoises they are collectively known as cetaceans. There are
around 40 different kinds of whales. We have the killer whale- which is the dangerous one, sperm whale,
humpback whale, Beluga whale, Blue whale and so on. Sad to say, today, According to
savedolphin.eii,org modern whaling is conducted primarily for meat in commercial whaling. Whales are
also being killed in a misguided effort to reduce competition for fish, and several small cetaceans like
smaller whales, dolphins, and porpoise species are hunted for the use as a bait to catch fish, especially
sharks. Whales are considered as the apex predator in the ocean. It’s easy for us to say that “just kill that
whale because it’s only a whale”.

Now, why whales should not be killed for food? As a future teacher, it is our duty and
responsibility to inform our students in any alarming issue in the world so that they will open their mind
of immense change in our ecosystem because of hunting this important mammal. Whaling is prevalent in
some countries like Norway, Japan and Iceland to produce whale meat. However, in 2012 it revealed that
that there is extreme mercury levels in whale meat that causes fatal development in humans. In fact, in
Japan during 1950s and early 1960s, hundreds of children around Japan’s Minamata Bay were born with
horrific birth defects after their mothers ate seafood contaminated with mercury compounds, which had
been poured raw into the bay since the 1930’s. If you think eating whales is delicious? Forget that
because it might be the end of your life. Thousands more suffered from brain damage. The second reason
is whales are the ecosystem engineers. They help maintain the stability and the health of the oceans and
even provide services to human society because they reverses the effects of climate change as they
reproduces a phytoplankton which are the foundation of the aquatic food web, the primary producers,
feeding everything from microscopic to multi-tons whales that absorbs 37 billion metric tons of CO 2 on
our planet and contributes 50 percent of all oxygen to our atmosphere a 3x bigger than the Amazon
Forest. For instance, a computer without a CPU can function or not? Can be, but? It does not function
correctly, right? So if whales will be removed in the oceanic chain so everything will be change in
functioned. Probably Sharks are the new Apex in the ocean if this notion will never stop; the species of
whales will go into extinct and create a disastrous climate change that never happened before.
As quoted by the Slyvia Ocean an American Biologist "We are now facing paradise
lost." Wherever and however it might be done, let us spread awareness to protect cetaceans and other
marine creatures as possible. Remember that each of one has the power to inform what is the right thing
that we should do even it is not that important to perceive as of the moment; hence, there is always a
long-term effect that we cannot regret for.

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