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Quick Guide

Software Version 4.4

On-Call Clinical Consultants


We’re here to assist you with questions about operating your equipment.

Effective Date: 3/27/2015
Locating a Study in Worklist

1. Double-click the Synapse icon .

2. If prompted, log on with the username and password provided by the PACS Admin.

3. Locate the Patient/Study to view by selecting the appropriate folder:

Recent = 7 days

4. Enter patient information (as shown) to refine the search:

5. Double-click on a listed study to display.

6. Select an image with a left mouse click. To view the next image, rotate the mouse

7. Right-click to access the Synapse Image Tool menu.

8. Return to list by clicking on the UP icon or
clicking on the folder at top of page if using Windows 7.

Synapse Help

Synapse Help is always available from

the Help menu on the top toolbar when
Synapse is open.

Synapse Help is also available by clicking on the question mark located in the top right-
hand corner of the toolbar:

Effective Date: 3/27/2015
Filtering Worklists or Folders

Worklists or other Lists may be filtered by various methods.

The Search Bar can be used to filter lists by any column on the List View. If any search
criteria is used, the Search Bar will be highlighted (yellow on color monitors and gray on
monochrome monitors).

Multiple Search criteria can be used across multiple columns or in the same column by
using the down arrow.

Multilevel Sort can be used for up to three levels by pressing the Ctrl key while clicking
on the column headers.
Arrows next to column headers represent the sort hierarchy.

Filters can be saved by selecting Save Filter settings in Synapse Properties View

Advanced Filtering Worklist

Filtering Worklists by reservations or assignment type. Select the checkbox to filter by
Reservation, My Reading, Others Reading, My Review and Others Review. (Privileged

List filtered by My Reading and CT Modality:

List filtered by My Reading and Priority column sort:

Effective Date: 3/27/2015
Using the Search option to locate studies

The Synapse Search option can be found in multiple places.

1. Desktop Icon.
Right-click the Synapse icon and then left-click Search.

2. List View.

Left-click Search icon .

3. Start > Search > Synapse.

4. Search directly from image view.

Effective Date: 3/27/2015
The Search feature can be used for finding a patient study without navigating to a
Worklist. Also, it can be left open and incorporated into the interruption workflow
After choosing Search from List View, Synapse Desktop icon or Start button, an
individual data source or multiple data sources may be selected to search.

Additional search criteria are available including an age range. Once any criteria is
entered, a Query By Example (QBE) field opens with possible patient names

Once the patient’s images are viewed, the case may be closed, this returns the
user to the either the Worklist or the previous image view. If the automated
dictation workflow is being used skip the study using F9 on the keyboard or
clicking on the Skip icon . .

Accessing Patient and Study Information

The Synapse PowerJacket is the Master Patient Information Jacket and all information
associated with selected patients is accessible from this window.

The PowerJacket may be accessed from the Synapse Toolbar by clicking on any of
these icons:
Effective Date: 3/27/2015
Synapse PowerJacket:

The columns in the Synapse PowerJacket may be sorted by left-clicking on a column.

Sort by Modality

Sort by Study Status

Effective Date: 3/27/2015
Synapse PowerJacket Comparison Checkbox
Selecting the Comparison checkbox then left clicking on the Compare button will bring
the comparison study into view. Selecting the All box at the top will select all of the
available comparisons:

After choosing the comparison/historical images from the patient PowerJacket, the
comparison images are delineated by the highlighted time and date of acquisition:

Current Comparison

Some Shortcuts for PowerJacket Content

Alt + I Displays the study Information.
Alt + N Displays the study Notes.
Alt + R Displays the study Report.
Alt + U Displays Documents in PowerJacket.
Alt + E Displays Series Picker in PowerJacket.

The next comparison study may also be viewed by clicking the Next comparison icon.
The icon will be yellow if another comparison is available. Clicking on the Previous
comparison icon and turning off comparisons are also available.

Previous Next Compare Off

Effective Date: 3/27/2015
Removing Specific Tools from the Synapse Toolbar

Right-click on the icon then left click to remove or unpin from the toolbar.

Hidden tools can be added by right clicking on the Synapse Tools Extender:

Then left click on the tool icon to pin the icon back in the toolbar:

Effective Date: 3/27/2015
Interactive Series Description: Replaces Series in Active Viewport

1. Hover the cursor over the series description in the active viewport:

2. Left mouse click to choose a replacement series from the dropdown list:

3. The series is replaced in the active viewport with a new series:

Effective Date: 3/27/2015

The Dashboard allows quick access to folders. The Dashboard can be launched from
the Synapse icon on the Desktop or from any folder list.

1. Right-click on the Synapse icon. Left-click Dashboard:

2. Folder List View:

Left-click the Dashboard icon.

Left-click the folder to view content and view images. The Dashboard is configurable by
the user.

Content and color are set in Synapse Properties.

See Synapse Help for more information.

Effective Date: 3/27/2015
My History
My History allows access to the user’s most recently viewed items.

To activate, left-click the My History icon from List View .

My History Folder List View:

My History Activate from Image View:

Items may be viewed in My History as in any other folder.

Columns contain the status and when the item was last viewed.

Dictation is possible from My History, but F8 Dictate cannot be used.

Close My History by clicking Close All.

Effective Date: 3/27/2015
Context Menu Tools

1. Activate by right-clicking on an image, then left clicking on the desired tool:

2. Place the cursor on Tools for an additional set of choices:

Additional Tools

Keyboard shortcuts are available for many tools. Holding down the shortcut key on the
keyboard and left-clicking on the image will present the user with the tool.

Effective Date: 3/27/2015
Auto-Compare Options
Auto-Compare Optioins are available in the Synapse Properties Reading Protocols tab.
Refer to Synapse Help or more detailed information on Auto-Compare Options.

To Auto Compare the first/next available historical study and

Alt + C
go through the list of comparison studies.

To Auto Compare the current study with the previous set of

Alt + Shift + C
comparison studies.
Alt + X Closes all opened Comparison studies.
Alt + S Show Next Reading Protocol Step.
Alt + A Show Previous Reading Protocol Step.

Effective Date: 3/27/2015
Page Layout
1. Click on the Page Layout icon to change the number of Viewports on a

2. Click on a layout to change:

3. Click Show Less to select one viewport on the active monitor or on all monitors.

4. Select the Pencil icon to manually select a layout. Hover and drag the cursor to
highlight the selection.

Effective Date: 3/27/2015
Series Reorder
The series order in the Power Jacket Series Picker thumbnails or in the Series Picker
Toolbar can be changed.

1. Left-click and drag the series to another location and drop on the highlighted
area of choice between the series thumbnails.

2. The series is now moved. The new location is visualized in the Series

Sync: View the new series order in the series chooser and update the image view.
Save: Save the new order for that exam and update the image view.
Restore: Return to the previous series order:

This can also be performed in the Series Picker toolbar while in the image view mode.

Effective Date: 3/27/2015
Hot Key Shortcuts
R Activates Ruler.
H Activates Ruler for Horizontal Ratio
V Activates Ruler for Vertical Ratio.
T Activates Text.
A Activates Arrow.
D Activates Density Value.
G Activates Angle.
F Activates Freehand ROI.
E Activates Elliptical ROI.
B Activates Bookmark.
Activates/Deactivates IntelliLink. Double-
clicking the mouse wheel can also be used.
S Activates/Deactivates IntelliScroll.
K IntelliScroll Add/Remove.
= Zoom to fit
- Zoom to 1X
C IntelliScroll Remove All.
. Toggles CAD findings on/off
J Activates/Deactivates IntelliScroll Auto Link.
Q Lock the reference lines as currently displayed.
U Unlock reference lines.

Hot key usage: Press and hold letter key, then left mouse click

Image Navigation
N + Left-mouse click on image Activates Cine.
Home Returns to first image in the Series/Study.
End Jumps to the last image in the Series/Study.
Middlemouse button down + mouse Displays scrolling images on the selected
move window.
Page down Scrolls down one page.
Page up Scrolls up one page.
Up arrow Scrolls up one row of tiles.
Down arrow Scrolls down one row of tiles.
Right arrow Scrolls up one tile.
Left arrow Scrolls down one tile.

Effective Date: 3/27/2015
Series Manipulation
By using the drag and drop operation, series or images can be rearranged for viewing or
copies of the series can be created.

To move an entire series:

Click and hold the left mouse button on the series, then drag and drop into another
To create a copy of a series in another window:
With the cursor on the required series, press and hold Ctrl + left mouse button or right
mouse button, then drag/drop into another window.
To swap an image or series from one tile to another:
Hold the Shift key and drag the image or series.
To clear an image or series in a tile:
Right mouse click to display the Context menu, and then select Clear from the Context

Selecting Images
Ctrl + A Selects all images or series for image manipulation.
Ctrl + Left-click Selects multiple images.
Shift + Left-click Selects sequential image.
Left-click outside of
De-selects all.

Image Manipulation Tools

Left mouse button hold +
Activates image tool window/level, zoom and pan.
Right mouse button
Toggle right mouse button to change the tool.
Alt + Left click+ mouse Right and Left : Window width
move Forward and Back : Window level
Alt + Ctrl + Mouse move Image zoom or interactive ROI zoom.
Alt + Shift + Mouse move Image pan or interactive ROI size change.
O + Left mouse button
Activates Interactive ROI.
on image
NumPad + 0 ~ 9 The number pad keys are linked to Presets.
L + Left mouse button Lock Tool activate.
Esc Dismiss Locked Image Tool.
" = " + Left mouse button Zoom to 1X.
" - " + Left mouse button Toggles Zoomed image back to fit Display

Shift T Toggles text overlays

Shift A Toggles Annotations
Shift S Toggles DICOM shutter
Effective Date: 3/27/2015
Synapse® Toolbar Icons

Opens the PowerJacket

Show Study Information (Alt+I)
Radiology Reports Page (Alt+R)
Access Synapse Notes (Alt+N)
Show Attached or Scanned Docs (Alt+U)
Open Series Chooser (Alt+E)
Initiate Dictation/Mark Dictated (F8)
Skip selected Exam for Dictation (F9)
Launch 3D Application (F7)
DICOM Tools Menu
Start Dictation for Selected Exam (Alt+D)
Page Layout
My History (Alt+Y)
Series Picker View/Config
Synapse Search
Toolbar Extender

Effective Date: 3/27/2015
Effective Date: 3/27/2015

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