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com HTML
Html Hyper Text Markup Language Webpage
language Css, Php
html က အစ css, php, asp
Html window
notepad Result Internet Explorer
Notepad++, Dreamweaver html editer
Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome
Web Browser
Html Notepad
၊ save .htm ( ) .html
Encoding: Unicode (or) UTF-8 save
Computer Default
Html save Unicode save notepad

Html file
html R_Click Open with notepad
html ။
result က
Html Language

<html> </html> The main tag

<head> </head> header tag
<body> </body> body tag
<b> </b> makes the font bold
<center> </center> aligns things in center
<br> break line tag
&nbsp; space tag
<p> </p> define paragraph
<H1> </H1> makes the font as a heading
<u> </u> underlines the font
<i> </i> makes the font italic
<pre> </pre> to create pre formated text
<strike> </strike> makes striked text or word
<font> </font> sets font color, size, type
<img> </img> used to add image
<a> </a> linking tag
<marquee> </marquee> make text move
<blink> </blink> make text blink
<ul> </ul> used to list things
<li> </li> used to list things
<table> </table> to define table
<tr> </tr> table row inside table
<td> </td> table column inside row
<hr> horizontal line tag
<form> </form> define forms
<textarea> </textarea> shows text area
<input> </input> creates form types
<select> </select> used to create combo box
<meta> meta tags are used to redirect, refreh pages
<iframe> </iframe> used to create internal frames
<embed> </embed> Embed audio in web page
<object> </object> Include video in web page
<frameset> </frameset> Frameset
<iframe> </iframe> Inline frame
<meta> Meta tag for page ranking
<sub> </sub> Subscript and superscript
<phrase> <phrase> Phrase tag
<input type="image"> button as an image
<area> </area> Links using the image
<fieldset> </fieldset> Fieldset with legend
<!DOCTYPE> Document Type Definiton
<ol="value"> Bullet styles
<acronym> </acronym> Acronym tag
<a href title="value"> Create Tooltip
<canvas> Canvas

Html Tag
Html <html> </html> Page
html open tag <html> html close
tag </html>

Head Tag and Title Tag

Head Tag html Head tag <head> </head>
Head tag
<script>, <style>, <meta> <title>
Title <title> </title>

<head><title>My Page</title></head>
notepad .html save D_Click Run
Web Browser My Page title

Body Tag
Body Tag html page

<head><title>My Page</title></head>
<body>Hay Man, This is my first page.</body>
Run page Hay Man, This is my
first page.

Bgcolor (or) Background color

Bgcolor Bgcolor code page
background color syntax …..
<body bgcolor= “color name (or) color code” </body>
ဒ ….
<head><title>My Page</title></head>
<body bgcolor=“green”> Hay Man, This is my first page </body>

Green color name color code

Color code
“#ffffff” “#000000”

Background tag
Background tag background image
syntax …
<body background=“your image”></body>
<head<title>My Page</title></head>
<body background= “test.jpeg”>Hay Man, This is my first page.</body>
page background test.jpeg


Part_1 HTML

Tay Zar Lin


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