TRACTS E 002 Evolutionary THEORY - The Religious Cult Sponsored by South African Taxpayers

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1. EVOLUTION MEANS BIG BUSINESS. ny' and Tics are 'bloodsucking insects'). This 5. MRS.

cult (Evolution) has penetrated the hallowed 'AUSTRALOPITHECINES' WERE ONLY APES. BILLION YEARS' AS THEY CLAIM?
1.1 Lucrative Industry. The Theory Of
Evolution has sparked an industry, in the area of halls of our schools and universities, and thát 7.1 Geographical Inflation! If you think
with the explicit approval and support of the 5.1 First Humans From Krugersdorp?
Natural Science, unprecedented in World- Sterkfontein ('Maropeng'), is a remarkable Zimbabwe has a debilitating inflation-rate, just
history. Millions of 'dollars' are earned today in South African Taxpayer. check this: In 1862, Thompson said the Earth
archeological site, but to assert that it is the
salaries; research-grants; sales from schoolbooks, 3.3 Government Supported Evolution? It is an Cradle Of Humankind is ridiculous. Many was '20 million years' old. In 1897, Thompson
university textbooks and books of fiction; sales incredible fact that most governments the World international experts in the field of paleontology doubled it to '40 million years'. In 1899, Joly
from fossils (genuine, facsimiles & fake); movie- over, including our Government, are invariably have already pronounced the Mrs. Ples- and decided that the Earth was '90 million years' old. In
production and lecturing, etc. Let's face it ... this hearty supporters of the Theory Of Evolution. Taung-Skulls as those of apes ... but their views 1921, Raleigh said the Earth was '1 billion years' old.
is one popular (and controversial) subject! This is true i.r.o. our Government as (a) it is are simply never published in South Africa by the In 1932, W.O. Hotchkiss moved the figure up to
observed as it collects taxes from its taxpayers to biased (pro-evolution) local Press. '1,6 billion years'. In 1947, A. Holmes declared
1.2 Revenue? Revenue for the promotion,
finance the teaching of Evolution in schools and Planet Earth to be exactly '3,35 billion years' old but,
teaching and maintenance of the Theory is 5.2 Tourist Money-Spinner. This site
universities; (b) It iniated and sponsored the in 1956, A. Holmes raised it to '4,5 billion years'. At
mainly derived from siphoning off cash from the Sterkfontein/'Maropeng' was probably developed
development and maintenance of the present, the so-called age of the Earth stands at a
taxpayer who subsidises the institutions (e.g. and billed as the Cradle Of Humankind for its
Sterkfontein/'Maropeng' Cradle Of Humankind wopping '4,6 - 5 billion years' (will somebody please
schools; universities; museums; radio & TV- commercial value as an attractive tourist
'World Heritage Site' at Krugersdorp, and (c) it take those instruments away from them!).
Stations etc.) pushing the Theory, whether destination, but serious Christians (ór serious
overtly or covertly, explicitly or implicitly. promulgates laws to coerce you into submitting 7.2 Many Unanswered Questions! If the Earth
your child (in this democratic country, mind you) people ... period) won't be duped into believing
that the first human couple actually hailed from a were really '5 Billion years' old, then:
2. TAXPAYERS ARE FOOTING THE BILL TO to 12 years of religious indoctrination under the
PUSH THE CULT. guise of Natural Science, Biology and Life-Skills dorpie named after the first president of the
(a) The Sea. Why is the Sea only 3,6% salty?
... this in spite of the fact that this fairy tale Z.A.R. (What arrogance).
(96,4% fresh water). If Evolution were true, the
2.1 A Constitutional Travesty. Few taxpayers (Evolution ... where no handsome frog in his 6. DARWIN'S THEORY OF EVOLUTION IS Sea ought to have been, by now (after all these
realise that their hard-earned taxes are right mind will turn into an ugly, tax-paying VIRULENTLY AND IRREVOCABLY RACIST. 'millions of years') only one huge saltpan.
earmarked and used for supporting a full-fledged prince) has been delaying the progress of true
religious cult ... sanctioned, sponsored and Natural Science for at least 150 years! The 6.1 Darwin's Book. How many people today (b) Helium In The Atmosphere. There ought to
enthusiastically supported by a secular quicker our educational institutions are deloused following Darwin realise that old Charlie's Theory be much more helium in our atmosphere, if
government in a democratic country ... a from this pestilential doctrine, the better. is racist? How many Government-officials, Evolution were true ... at least a 1 000 times
shameless Constitutional travesty!
especially those who had first conceived the idea more, says some scientists. Where has all the
2.2 Paying For Indoctrination. Now let's be of 'Maropeng:Cradle Of Humankind', know
honest ... will you willingly sit down at a table and that? His first book carried the interesting, albeit
(c) Oil Levels. Scientists say that the pressure
write out a cheque for a certain specified amount, 4.1 Who Took The Pyramid? If politically incorrect, title of:
of subterranean oil in the Earth's crust is
with the express purpose that your child in school Sterkfontein/'Maropeng' were really the 'Cradle
'On The Origin Of The Species By Means Of Natural 20 000 psi (pounds-per-square-inch), the type of
or at university be indoctrinated with the tenets Of Humankind', where are its great Pyramids,
Selection Or The Preservation Of Favoured Races In The pressure that suggests that the Earth cannot be
of a religious cult (The Theory Of Evolution), primitive astronomical observatories, ancient
Struggle For Life'. much older than 10 000 years.
which may not have the slightest bearing on or ruins, artifacts and relics? Have the christian-
the remotest connection with your own religion, creationists stolen the pyramids to hide the (Notice the racist slur in the title!) (d) Depth Of Moonsoil. The first astronauts
faith, beliefs or ethics as taught in your home? (I evidence? destined for the Moon originally expected to
thought so!). 6.2 Wars Of Europe, The Holocaust & encounter topsoil on the surface of the Moon
4.2 First Languages And Writing Systems? Apartheid. Many historians believe that all the kilometres deep, and took elaborate precautions
3. NO TAXPAYER IS EXEMPT. Where are the proofs of the first rudimentary European wars from 1870 to 1945 were inspired to counter this threat ... so why was the topsoil on
languages, judicial systems, and the by Darwinian (Evolutionary) Theory, and it is the Moon found at the landing-site eventually
3.1 Unethical Tax? Nobody is exempt from this mathematical and writing systems that have just mind-boggling how a nation with such a only ± 1,95 cm. (and nowhere else more than
(immoral & unethical) tax ... whether you are developed there? Where are the clay tablets, traumatic political history of oppression as ours, ± 7,62 cm.) deep? Experts say this means the
Evolutionist; Non-Evolutionist; Creationist; papyrus scrolls and the ancient astronomical could again fall into the trap of supporting and Moon is about 10 000 years old.
Non-Creationist; Man; Woman; Pensioner; instruments & -observations? promoting, with such religious fervour, the very
Poor; Rich; Christian; Heathen; Catholic,
racist type of ideology responsible for such social (e) Sediment In The Sea. After 'millions of
Protestant; Pentecostal; Hindu; Sikh; Famous; 4.3 First Civilisations? Where are the proofs of
injustices as the Holocaust and Apartheid! years' the sediment, deposited annually by rivers
Obscure; Dumb; Wise; Healthy; Sick; Literate; its first rudimentary civilisations spanning a into the Sea, ought to have been piled up by now
Illiterate; Shintoist; Moonie; Muslim; Buddhist; period of '1,75 – 3 million years'? What did Mrs
6.3 Evolution Is A Weird Doctrine. Evolution is > 90 kilometres high ... but, instead, sediment in
Confucianist; Hara Krishna; Mormon; Jehova's Ples and the rest of the 'Flintstones' do all the
the sick brainchild of raving atheistic and racist e.g. the Mississippi Delta demonstrates a planet
Witness; Atheist; Theist; Agnostic; UFO-logist; time ... watch 'Oprah'? Who discovered the
desperadoes living in a science-fiction world of hardly anything older than '30 000 years',
Spiritualist; Naturalist; Bolshevist; Communist; wheel ... the rikshas from Durban? Where is its
natural selection, mutations, the inheritance of according to Walt T. Brown.
Socialist; Libertine; Capitalist; Neo-Nazi; first prototype hidden? Why no archeological
Fascist; Gay; Anti-Gay; Nudist; Liberal; evidence of any significant cultural-historical or acquired characteristics and hopeful monsters.
7.3 Fairy Tale For Grownups. When you ask an
Conservative or even a Blue Bulls-Supporter ... technological development at Sterkfontein Millions of innocents perished in Nazi-Germany's
Evolutionist (Atheist), “Who made the World?”, the
you simply will participate! /'Maropeng' in 'millions of years'? Why no Holocaust (Hitler's Eugenics-experiment) and
Evolutionist will reply, “Nature made itself”. When
significant historical development in South from purges during Stalin's Pogroms, thanks to
3.2 Zero Discrimination. Race has nothing to you ask, “But where did the raw materials come from that
Africa at least in embryonic form comparable to this rabid Evolution-madness. The Natural
do with it (zero discrimination). They will take Nature used to make itself?”, the Evolutionist will say,
that of Egypt, the Fertile Crescent, Europe, Sciences ought to have advanced at least 150
your money regardless of the colour of your skin. years further than where it finds itself today, had “Nature made that too, out of nothing!” Even more in-
Mexico, Peru, Indo-China, etc.?
This they call politics (Politics: Poly means 'ma- it not been for the 'Theory Of Evolution'.
credible than this fairy tale is that South African Man, Orce Man, Nebraska Man, Peking Man, 10.3 Jesus Stood (Stands) For Everything That Is
Taxpayers (Christians included) actually pay the Rhodesian Man, Taung Man, Mrs. Ples and Lucy Noble. When we contemplate the teachings of
Government and the schools to teach their
children this pseudo-academic smut!
were all either falsifications or over-idealistic
Jesus ... the Sermon On The Mount; the
Beatitudes; the classical Prayer For The EVOLUTIONARY
Disciples (John 17); all the Parables and the
7.4 The Polonium-218 Radio Halo. Why does 9.2 Useless Tautologies. Another laughable
hybrid of circular reasoning is the tautology
Promises to the Church (Gospels; Book Of Revelation etc.) THEORY
Robert Gentry's research with the Polonium-218 it is obvious that Jesus Of Nazareth stood for
Radiohalo (a phenomenon observed by geo- 'Survival Of The Fittest' (“I Say, old chap, why did the humility; love; sacrifice; philantropy; charity;
physicists microscopically in all granites) show Panda survive?” ... “Because, my dear man, it is the fittest!”
... “And tell me, why is it the fittest?” ... “Because it survived,
empathy; the support of the weak; the sick, The Religious Cult
that all the granites on our planet could only have elderly, weak, disabled and underprivileged etc.
coagulated (after its formation), in 3 minutes, fool!”). They actually call this 'science'! The most endearing words ever spoken ny Him Sponsored By
and not over 'millions of years'? When granite is 9.3 Living Fossils? The Coelacanth-fish certainly be: “Come to Me. All ye who are weak and South African Taxpayers
melted down and allowed to cool and coagulate, (supposedly extinct for '70 million years', until a live heavy laden, and I will give you rest ... for I am meek and
it cools down to rhyolite, not granite. Were the specimen was caught off the coast of South Africa lowly in heart.” (Matt.11:28,29b). Jesus taught that God
Earth really made from molten granite, the on 22 December 1938) is not extinct at all. helps those who help others.
planet's foundation-stone ought to have been
rhyolite, not granite. 10. THE CLASH OF TWO WORLDS. 10.3 How Do We Marry These Two Opposites?
If somehow you actually could find a way in
7.5 Trees, Coral Reefs & Deserts. Why are 10.1 The Evolution Cult Is Incompatible With which to integrate these two doctrines
(i) the oldest living trees (Sequoia Redwoods); The Bible. Evolutionary Theory and the the (Christianity and Evolution ... thesis and
(ii) the oldest and biggest coral reef (Great Christian Faith are, ideologically, 180°-total antithesis) please enlighten me poste haste ... it
Barrier Reef) and (iii) the oldest and biggest opposites, and absolutely incompatible doctrines. certainly ought to qualify as the 8th wonder of the
desert (Sahara) only about 4 000 years old? Efforts by theists (people who believe in God) to World! May I today encourage readers to desist
(Simple: It must have been hard for an eco- integrate the two concepts ('Creative' or 'Theistic' from such hideous doctrines as Evolutionary
sensitive coral reef, an indigenous forest or a Evolution) ... probably with the purposes of Theory; 'Theistic' or 'Creative Evolution' and also
desert to survive under the onslaught of a (a) accommodating their evolutionist friends; and those popular derivatives ... 'Gap Theory' (i.e. the
planetwide Flood about 4 400 years ago ... a “Now please don't tell the public ... but
(b) not disturbing the intellectual sleep of the superstition of a 'millions of years gap' between
deluge with the impact of probably millions of out of more than 100 million fossil
evolution-minded members in the church, is Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2) and the 'Pre-chaotic Earth
tsunami's or the equivalent, according to geo- fragments in collections the World over,
ridiculous, useless and Unscriptural (Genesis + Theory'. How the authorities, education
physicist Walt T. Brown, of about 8 billion not a single transitional (intermediary)
Evolution ≠ 'Creative Evolution'! ... never in a million years departments, educationists, school principals,
hydrogen bombs). fossil has ever been found to prove
... no pun intended). teachers and 'PTA's can live with this religious
evolution across species, and we've
8. THE LAW OF CREATORSHIP. cult (Evolutionary Theory) under the guise of
10.2 Evolution Stands For Everything That Is been searching for it for over a 100 years
Natural Science, Biology and Life-Skills ought to
Ugly, Cruel And Unscriptural. now!”
8.1 Creator And Creature. Any creator of a boggle even the most gifted of minds. This
specific object is, himself,/herself, invariably (a) What Evolution Does. Evolutionary Theory doctrine, perhaps the most perverse ethical
more intelligent and more complex than that delusion in the Universe, is opposed to ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
teaches (e.g.) (i) the 'survival of the fittest' (which
particular object, and this holds true whether is, by the way, absolute hogwash ... when a whale everything that the Bible teaches us about God, 'The Holy Bible' (KJV)
he/she is (a) designing a paper-airplane, swallows 85% of a school of fish, and the rest Jesus and Special Creation.
Sources & Illustration: Vance Ferrell
(b) folding a serviette or (c) erecting a nuclear escape ... was it the survival of the fittest or the B.A.,M.A.,B.D., 'Science vs. Evolution', & 'The
plant. Random processes such as Evolution  WARNING! Evolution Handbook', Evolution Facts Inc.
survival of the luckiest?); (ii) the ideology of (2001)
could not possibly have 'created' (?) this complex 'favoured races' (see Darwin's book) with the
Universe. This Universe (the object) was To all Authorities; Education Depts.;
purpose of keeping the 'race pure'; (iii) conflict, Educationists; School Principals; Teachers;
obviously created by a Being (the Creator) war, genocide, xenophobia and death as the tools
infinitely more intelligent and complex than the Parents; Guardians; Parsons; Sunday School
or recipes through which Evolution 'operates'; Teachers; Writers and Journalists who teach
Universe itself. (iv) Hitler's Eugenics ... the 'putting out' of the or peddle the Evolutionary Theory:
weak, the elderly and the disabled in order to
8.2 Competing With Divine Intelligence. Now genetically strengthen the 'favoured races'; and
wouldn't it be arrogant and grossly stupid on the “And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be
(v) the disclaiming of the suffering of the converted, and become as little children, ye shall not Contact Us For Our Pamphlet
part of us fallible mortals, with our hilarious IQ's underprivileged, including the poor, the elderly enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore On How To Print And Distribute
of (between) ± 70 to ± 210, not to accept the and the disabled. shall humble himself as this little child, the same is These Christian Tracts From
possibility that God could really be omnipotent
greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso shall Home.
afterall? How does one compete with an IQ of ∞ (b) The Ugly Face Of Evolution. Evolution (if it
(infinity)? receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.
were true) would be cruel; egocentric; hedonistic But whoso shall(please
of these little with
Write a letter .... check yourwhich
(pleasure-seeking); ambitious at the expense of believe in me, it were
9. BEWARE OF THE FAKES. localbetter
to: him that a millstone © P.J. Stassen 2007
others; incourteous; selfish; relentless; atheistic; were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned
9.1 Fakes & Misrepresentations. Neanderthal materialistic; greedy; naturalistic ('the Universe The President Of The RSA, The Presidency, Private
Man was not a robust new species 'evolving' but, in the depth of the sea. Woe unto the world because of EvangelismRSA
made itself' ... Shall we cry or shall we laugh?). Bag x1000, Pretoria 0001. Fax 012 300 5755, E-
instead, a very aged, sickly, arthritic human offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but P.O. Box/Posbus 14492 Sinoville 0129 Pretoria RSA
The evolutionist basically believes that, “Nature Mail
woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!” Cell/Sel 072 237 5793
suffering from diabetes, rickets and bone-
helps those who help themselves!”. This is typical New (Matt.18:4 - 7).
deformities as a result of chronic Vitamin-D
Age-, Secular Humanism.
deficiency. Archeopteryx, Java Man, Piltdown (Jesus Of Nasareth, ± 33 A.D.)

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