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University of the East

Caloocan Campus
ETHICS – requirement

Name: de Guzman Johnlord A.


As most stories begin: Once upon a time, there was a river that was practically overflowing with
alligators. As you may have guessed, it was called the Alligator River. A girl named Aurora lived on the bank of
this river, and on the opposite bank lived Greg. Aurora and Greg were much in love with each other, and wanted
very much to see each other. But there was one slight complication: No boat, and an alligator-filled river stood
between them.

Aurora decided to seek help so that she could see her friend Greg. So she approached Bong, who owned
a boat. Now this was very fortunate for Aurora, because Bong’s boat was what exactly she needed to get across
the river. She explained her situation to Bong, who then replied: “Sure you can borrow my boat, but only under
one condition. The condition is that you sleep with me tonight.

Now this startled Aurora, because she didn’t want to sleep with Bong. She just wanted to borrow his boat
so she could see Greg.

After Aurora had told Bong “Nothing doing”, she wandered down the road until she came upon Henry.
Aurora explained her predicament (her desire to see Greg and Bong’s response) to Henry. He replied: “That’s not
my concern I’ve got other things to do. Leave me alone”.

A despondent Aurora, her options exhausted, finally decided to go back to Bong. She slept with him that
night. The next morning, Bong, true to his word, loaned his boat to Aurora.

Aurora sailed across the river and saw her beloved Greg. After spending a few delightful hours together,
Aurora felt compelled to tell Greg what has happened. After she had related her whole story, Greg blew up
completely. “You what?’ he said, “I can’t believe you did that. I just can’t believe you slept with him. That’s it. It’s
all over. Just forget the relationship. Get out of my life”.

Despondently, Aurora wandered off. She came upon Larry, who was also wandering around. Borrowing
his shoulder to cry on, Aurora poured out her story to Larry. Larry then went looking for Greg (with Aurora close
behind). Larry found Greg and proceeded to beat him up, with Aurora gleefully laughing and applauding the
bloody pummeling.

That’s the end of the Alligator story.

Now, what do you think of these five characters?

(1) Which of them, in your opinion, is the WORST of them all? Why?
: Bong! Knowing that Aurora needs the boat badly. He took advantage of her situation.

(2) Which is the LEAST OBJECTIONABLE or the smallest mistake? Why?

Henry. He didn’t think he let his emotion get the best out of him. Not thinking that Aurora will
do anything just to see him. He is stupid enough to let his emotions get the best of him.

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