Reflection For The 5 Level of Leadership

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Leadership is an essential and important part in the study of business.

presentation today brings me not just only about leadership but it is also a new
page of it – level 5 of leadership and what characteristics a leader needs to have.
In the beginning, Darwin Smith said : “Business is not about profit. It’s about
personal and organizational greatness”. A good company can earn a great
amount of money through its business but to become great company, it must
have really great managers, leaders. Jim Collins asked: “How on earth did a
company with such a long history of being nothing special transform itself into
an enterprise that outperformed some of the best-led organizations in the
world?” and he took this question explain through the book, I believed that
leadership is the first thing to be mentioned. Level 5 leadership is the highest
level of leadership. It is the combination of himility and professional will. Level
5 leaders are those who blends incredibly humble, never waivers or doubts and
leads others to follow a cause with intense professional will. They are willing to
put aside their ego or self-interest, put their ambition first and foremost for the
company’s development. When a level 5 leader presents in a company and there
is a culture of high expectations, there will be a transformation within the

Great company has great leaders. Having knowledge about what great leaders,
level 5 leadership, encourage me to practice more in the study of business and
become a good leader..

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