Injustice System in The Philippines

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Injustice System in the Philippines

(Persuasive Speech)

Geoff N. Molina
Grade 11 STEM Veritas

Ruhollah Khomeini once said “If you don’t know what justice is, ask your reason, for
reason acts like an eye for man.” Our society has been governed with injustice, many people lost
their hope as the law that they abide threatens them, the government that they had once
supported turned their backs as corrupted officials gains more power. Blood had shed and tears
are wasted as people mourn for their grievance, they fight for their rights but still, the ones who
win are those who sit in power, we continue to fight back but it is not enough for us to win.
Poverty, hunger, greed, social injustice; they are all the same as we live in this world especially
in this country we still continue to strive for the strength to fight for ourselves because the only
ones that we could trust is the person that we see in the mirrors as we face it.

The justice system in the Philippines is unavailing and glacial thus it is a root of failure.
Every day as we watch the television or walk around the streets we sink in our minds about our
safety. Crime rates have been getting higher and higher each year, the operatives solve some of
them but most of the heinous crimes took years before it could bring peace and order. We look at
the politicians whom we vote us our safe haven but we do not know that behind their promises
they took away what is ours and use us to clean their identity, we accept their offers but in the
end, we are the ones who dealt with their depravity. They took our innocence, as they took it, we
just bowed our heads and kept the words that we meant to scream in our minds because no one
would listen to us, the law is not equal its wisdom only sees power. We saw everything but we
are blind to understand the cycle of our society in truth the injustice that we see is only a quarter
of reality, thousands of killings or police abuses are happening every day because they have
cultivated our sense of impunity as they inspired themselves with purge of violence. A loaf of
bread is not enough to fill in the gap that we sacrificed, we bathe in our own bloods for us to live
and survive, we could not disobey or bear a grudge because they would be able to find us and
make us suffer. Justice for them is grave of false thoughts but for us it is a reward and gift of life.
It is not just the politicians but also one of us men who aim for glory. They hold on to the
persons with high power and as they make a wrong move they always find a way to blame us
especially those who are weak who could not bring to fight for themselves, they use our
weakness as a way for them to run and escape in justice, they are the corrupt of the society. We
must pray as we close our eyes and hope to give us the strength to fight for justice.

We are a democratic country therefore we all have the right to choose and speak for
ourselves, we should never be afraid to let everyone hear our voices as we let our cries speak
with the truth, we must all speak for fairness and equality even to the poor or the wounded they
must be able to be respected. Our freedom could never be bought by money nor by any amount
of gold, we should face reality with hope and strength so that we could embrace violence. The
Philippines has been a slave to the invaders but still we did not lose hope, we unite to fight and
fall together and with that, we should continue to be. As laws govern us, let it be a guide to
everyone so that peace and justice we will always retain furthermore never let your fear
consumes you because it would let you stay silent forever. The reward for life is for everyone we
just need to respect it for freedom is free and always remember that justice is a reason to seek the
true meaning and identity of ones ethics.

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