IoT Based Home and Agriculture Automation Report

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IoT based Home cum Agricultural automation




A Mini-Project Report
IoT Based Home cum Agricultural Automation
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering


Under the Guidance of

Assistant Professor




Vamanjoor, Mangalore - 575028, India

JULY 2021
Department of Electronics and Communications i
St. Joseph Engineering College Mangalore
IoT based Home cum Agricultural automation


(Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi)
Vamanjoor, Mangalore – 575028
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
(UG Programme Accredited By National Board of Accreditation, New Delhi)


Certified that the Mini-project work entitled “IoT based Home cum Agriculture
Automation” is carried out by

Bonafide students of VI semester, B.E, Electronics and Communication Engineering

Department of St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangaluru-575028, in partial
fulfilment for the award of Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communication
Engineering of the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the year 2020-21.
It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment have been
incorporated in the report and deposited in the departmental library. The Mini-project report
has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of Mini-project work
prescribed for the said degree.

Ms Shama B N Dr Dayakshini Dr Rio D’Souza

Mini-Project Guide Head of Department Principal
Dept. of E&C Engineering Dept. of E&C Engineering


1. Name:

Designation: Signature with date

2. Name:

Designation: Signature with date

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IoT based Home cum Agricultural automation


Abstract I
List of Figures Ii
List of Abbreviations Iii
Chapter 1
1.1 Preface 1
1.2 Literature Review 2-4
1.3 Objectives of the Mini-Project 5
Chapter 2
Project Description
2.1 Block Diagram 7
2.2 Circuit Diagram 8-12

Chapter 3
Hardware Implementation
3.1 Home Automation System 14
3.2 Agricultural Automation System 15

Chapter 4
Results & Discussions 17-18

Chapter 5
Conclusions & Scope for Future work
5.1 Conclusions 20
5.2 Future work 20

References 21-22

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IoT based Home cum Agricultural automation


We express our deep gratitude to Rev. Fr Wilfred Prakash D’Souza, Director and Rev. Fr
Rohith D’Costa and Rev. Fr Alwyn Ricard D’Souza, Assistant Directors for providing all
the facilities for carrying out our Mini- project work.

We are indebted to our respective Principal, Dr Rio D’Souza and the Management of St
Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore for having provided all the facilities that
helped us in timely completion of the Mini-project.

We are grateful to Dr Dayakshini, Head of the Department, Electronics and Communication

Engineering and the Mini-project Coordinators Ms Deepthi S R and Ms K Aarya Shri for
their support and encouragement.

We would like to offer our earnest gratitude to our mini-project guide, Ms Shama B N,
Asst.Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SJEC,
Mangalore. This work would not have been possible without the encouragement and able
guidance of her.

We wish to express our sincere gratitude to all the Faculty and Technical Staff of the
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SJEC Mangalore, for their
valuable guidance, help and support.

Abhilash K A
Prithish P
Sagar Pawar

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IoT based Home cum Agricultural automation


In this prototype, an interface with an IoT based using a voice-commanded smart two-way automated
system has been proposed and implemented. The ESP8266 NodeMCU micro-controller board is used
as a central unit of this system. The system when used as smart Home Automation, initiated with a
voice command over a smartphone given by the user using Google Assistant with a co-interfaced
IFTTT (If This Then That) and the Blynk app platform which made this feature possible. The
multichannel relay module for loads is interfaced with the central unit. The central unit processes the
data as per the user input. When used for Agricultural monitoring the environmental parameters
including soil moisture, air temperature and humidity (DHT11) has been analysed and displayed on the
OLED screen. Water flow was controlled using the water motor as per soil moisture threshold value.
Hypertext transfer protocol based ESP8266 Wi-Fi based NodeMCU is routed to the Wi-Fi network and
communicated with cloud storage (Thingspeak) and IoT platform Blynk. The data from the sensors of
the specified environmental parameters have been collected, monitored and then sent to the storage
cloud and Blynk through Wi-Fi. The paper focuses on achieving automation of two different fields
with a single hardware system.

Department of Electronics and Communications i

St. Joseph Engineering College Mangalore
IoT based Home cum Agricultural automation

List of Figures

Figure No Figure Caption Page No

Fig 1 System Architecture 7
Fig 2 Circuit Diagram 8
Fig 3 ESP8266 Node MCU 9

Fig 4 4 Channel Relay 9

Fig 5 DHT11,Moisture Sensor and Water pump 10
Fig 6 OLED Display 11
Fig 7 Blynk Interface 11
Fig 8 IFTTT Interface 12
Fig 9 Flowchart for Home Automation 14
Fig 10 Flowchart for Agricultural Automation 15

Fig 11 Results for Humidity 17

Fig 12 Results for Temperature 17

Fig 13 Results for Soil moisture 17

Fig 14 Reading on Serial Monitor 18

Fig 15 The prototype of Automation System 18

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IoT based Home cum Agricultural automation

List of Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
IoT Internet of Things
IFTTT If Else Than That
MCU Micro Controller Unit
OLED Organic Light Emitting Diode

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IoT based Home cum Agricultural automation

1.1 Preface
Internet of things has the potentiality to tempt the world live in; Smart cities, connected
cars and upgraded industries are all constituents of IoT (Internet of Things) Equation.
Nevertheless, employing technology like IoT to the Home automation and Agriculture
industry could have the keenest effect. The achievement of IoT will depend on the growth
of the ecosystem, endorsed by a suitable and healthy environment with a glimpse of faith
with some crucial issues of security, privacy and identification.
In, Prahlad Bhadani et al. have concerned about the need for smart farming techniques for
the Indian farmers, for this, they used Arduino Uno and with the temperature, moisture,
and the humidity sensors. Data is fetched by the sensors sending it to the MCB board
which is displayed on the LCD unit. In, the innovative system has been proposed using
thermal probes soil moisture sensors to evaluate its thermal resistivity and moisture
content, using Arduino Uno with a lab view interface. Ready to use and the cost-effective
system has been proposed in, the user commands are processed through a microcontroller
(Raspberry Pi) with the Python language and also Zigbee protocol is used. A drip
irrigation system is made smart using the solenoid values along with ultrasound sensors.
The crop monitoring is implemented using IoT and monitoring is done by analysing
various environmental Parameters .humidity, moisture content, temperature, soil nutrients
and water sprinklers. Field monitoring is achieved by using various sensors such as soil
moisture, dht11, and Arduino Uno boar is being used which receives data and can be used
by the farmer to monitor. In, the author focuses on the automatic system for plant
watering and also monitoring the necessary conditions for plant healthy growth. With
many technological transformations in agriculture, farming has become more
industrialized and technology driven. The life of farmers has been made much better by
using various smart agri-tech gadgets and other livestock methods. With various
advancements in agri-tech , better control has been established over livestock rearing,
growing crops, cutting cost by the farmers, also has helped to save resources like water.
The idea of smart irrigation using Arduino based on parametric sensors used in
agriculture. The designed system is efficient and built using Arduino ESP 8266 Wi-Fi and
The smart way through which can use energy very efficiently, a home automation system
is implemented using IoT .Electronicand Electrical environment with respect to this
context is any environment which consists of appliances such as fans, television sets,
air conditioners, motors, heater, lighting systems, etc. A remotely accessible
environment is an environment in which each appliance can be remotely accessed
and controlled using software as an interface, which includes an Android application and
a Web application. Such remotely accessible systems are already available in the market,
but have a number of drawbacks as well...In, GudipatiSravanthi et al. have proposed the
voice recognition application based wireless home automation system smart home
automation device has been proposed which uses advanced features such as Blynk app for
easy and user-friendly application .Providing a practical view on the architecture of the

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IoT based Home cum Agricultural automation

working home automation device that focuses on user interface along with actual
communicating devices When home automation system comes to mind think of a system
which controls home appliances automatically and sometimes remotely with various
control systems.

1.2 Literature Survey

1. Title: A Novel Framework for Smart Crop Monitoring Using Internet of

Things (IOT)
Author: Kamal Kumar Ghanshala,Rahul Chauhan , R. C Joshi
Year: IEEE Xplore2019
Methodology: Method proposed here focuses on analysing the soil nutrients (eg.
NPK), soil moisture, temperature and humidity through a sensor node designed
using arduino
Gap Identification: A 4 level framework is proposed namely sensing devices,
sensor data level, base station level, edge computing and cloud data level for smart
crop monitoring.
2. Title: Smart Automated Home Application using IoT with Blynk App
Author: HomeraDurani, Mitul Sheth, Madhuri Vaghasia, ShyamKotech
Year: IEEE Xplore 2018
Methodology: Automation using Blynk App
Gap Identification: Smart Automated House Application using IOT (Internet of
Thing)is a system where basic house facility can be handled by device from any
place such as ON and Off of Light, Fan, AC, Water pump, Gardening of Water
.The monitoring of circuit devices through wireless using Node MCU and
controlling using App Blynk

3. Title: Web Based Home Automation using IoT

Author: Satyam H. Nalawade, NileshkumarK.Verma, Ravindra N. Rathod
Year:IESS 2017
Methodology: Using Server and Client System
Gap Identification: The Server side is implemented using the apache2 web server
on board the Raspberry Pi 3 Board. The webpage is hosted on the webserver
through which the user can access the online control panel to control the
appliances interfaced with the GPIO (General purpose Input Output) of the
Raspberry Pi. The hosted web interface is implemented using HTML and CSS
thus providing a GUI to the user. The logical side of the webpage i.e. the control
inputs are implemented in the background using PHP. Each button is linked with a
python script located on the webserver. Upon the clicking of the control button
the respective python script executes on the Raspberry Pi python handler which
then drives the relay to which the appliances are connected. Thus, the end user can
have an efficient remote control via the internet.

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IoT based Home cum Agricultural automation

4. Title: Voice controlled home automation system using Natural Language

Processing Internet of Things (IoT)
Author:Paul Jasmin Rani ,Jason Bakthakumar,B. Praveen Kumar, U. Praveen
Kumar Santhosh Kumar
Year: IEEE Xplore 2018
Methodology: Voice Controlling using NLP and IoT
Gap Identification: The voice command given by the user is interpreted by the
mobile device using Natural Language processing. The mobile device acts as a
central console; it determines what operation must be completed by which
appliance to fulfil the user's request. The central console might likewise be either a
desktop application, web application or a smart phone application as nearly all of
the data transferred can be processed by the cloud. The appliances are associated
with the mobile device through an Arduino Board that establishes the concept of
Internet of Things. The Arduino Boards are interfaced with the appliances and
programmed in a manner that they respond to mobile inputs.
5. Title: Voice operated home automation system based on Kinect sensor
Author: K. A. S. V. Rathnayake, S. I. A. P. Diddeniya, W. K. I. L Wanniarachch
Year: IEEE Xplore 2017
Methodology: Using Kinect sensor for voice controlling
Gap Identification: In this prototype, built an interface demonstrating voice
control using Kinect V2 as voice receiver and trained a computer system to
identify set of voice commands. Then a circuit was constructed using Arduino and
light bulbs that mimics actual appliances. Measured accuracy of our system. It is
more than 95% when the distance between user and Kinect sensor is 4 m and
when there is about 53 dB noise. Hence, the proposed method can be efficiently
used with a Kinect V2 for voice controlling.
6. Title: Arduino-based smart irrigation using water flow sensor, soil moisture
sensor, temperature sensor and ESP8266 Wi-Fi module
Author: Pushkar Singh, SanghamitraSaikia
Year: IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC) 2016
Methodology: Smart irrigation system using Arduino
Gap Identification: The designed system deals with various environmental
factors such as moisture, temperature and amount of water required by the crops
using sensors like water flow sensor, temperature sensor and soil moisture sensor.
Datas are collected and received by arduino which can be linked to an interactive
website which show the real time values along with the standard values of
different factor required by a crop. This allows user to control irrigation pumps
and sprinklers from far distance through a website and to meet the standard values
which would help the farmer to yield maximum and quality crops.
7. Title: Soil Moisture, Temperature and Humidity Measurement Using Arduino
Author: PrahladBhadani
Year: IEEE Xplore 2019
Methodology: Smart farming using Arduino and temperature, moisture, humidity

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IoT based Home cum Agricultural automation

Gap Identification: The need for smart farming techniques for the Indian
farmers, for this, they used Arduino Uno and with the temperature, moisture, and
the humidity sensors. Data is fetched by the sensors sending it to the MCB board
which is displayed on the LCD unit. In, the innovative system has been proposed
using thermal probes soil moisture sensors to evaluate its thermal resistivity and
moisture content, using Arduino Uno with a lab view interface.
8. Title: Collection and Analysis of System Usage Data in Smart Home
Author: Sandra Ivanović
Year: IEEE Xplore 2017
Methodology: Collecting of data and monitoring
Gap Identification: the method for the collection of data usage within a home
automation system with a big data Gateway platform. Field monitoring is achieved
by using various sensors such as soil moisture, dht11, and Arduino Uno board is
being used which receives data and can be used by the farmer to monitor. In, the
author focuses on the automatic system for plant watering and also monitoring the
necessary conditions for plant healthy growth. The smart way through which can
use energy very efficiently, a home automation system is implemented using IoT
9. Title: Smart Garden Automated and Real Time Plant Watering and Lighting
Author: Md. AdibMuhtasim
Year: IEEE Xplore 2018
Methodology: Smart Gardening using Arduino Uno R3
Gap Identification:Arduino Uno R3 is the primary tool used in this project,
although, apart from that, a couple of other indispensable equipments, such as, a
soil moisture sensor to read the humidity level of the soil, a dc water pump to
pump water onto the plants from a reservoir, an IR sensor is operated via a remote
to perform specific functions, light bulbs for lighting the garden, sonar sensors
with a buzzer for intruder detection and a webcam attached to a servo motor to
capture the intruder's movement, an RTC module to water plants for a user
defined time duration or turn on/off garden lights at any preferable time set
beforehand by the user were used.
10. Title: Voice Recognition Based Home Automation System with People counter
Author: GudipatiSravanthi
Year: IEEE Xplore 2018
Methodology: Voice recognition application based wireless home automation
Gap Identification: The voice recognition application based wireless home
automation system. The idea of smart irrigation using Arduino based on
parametric sensors used in agriculture. The designed system is efficient and built
using Arduino ESP 8266 Wi-Fi and sensors. In, the authors implemented an
automation system based on the web using Raspberry Pi micro-controller linked to
the GUI via Html / PHP platform.

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IoT based Home cum Agricultural automation

1.3 Objectives of the Mini Project

Ready to use and the cost-effective system has been proposed in, the user commands are
processed through a microcontroller (ESP8266 Node MCU) with the C language and also
Zigbee protocol is used. A drip irrigation system is made smart using the solenoid values
along with ultrasound sensors. A smart home automation device has been proposed which
uses advanced features such as Blynk app for easy and user-friendly application.
Providing a practical view on the architecture of the working home automation device
that focuses on user interface along with actual communicating devices. The crop
monitoring is implemented using IoT and monitoring is done by analyzing various
environmental parameters viz.humidity, moisture content, temperature, soil nutrients and
water sprinklers

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2.1 Block Diagram

Figure 1: System Architecture

Earlier systems were designed that could be used particularly for home automation or for
agricultural monitoring. There were no systems designed with the idea of a single
microcontroller capable of doing both the tasks. In the proposed system there is hardware-
based on ESP8266 NodeMCU as a central unit that is capable of working as an Internet of
Things based SHAS(Smart home automation system) and also as an Agricultural
monitoring system. Fig. 1 shows an overview of the automation system. The system
hardware is developed to monitor the house or the agricultural environment with IoT
features such as voice command from the user through mobile, also storage of data on the
cloud. Sensors like moisture (soil) sensor, DHT11 (humidity and temperature sensors) are
interfaced with the ESP8266 (Wi-Fi board) along with sending the data to the IoT
platform used

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2.2 Circuit Diagram

Figure2: Circuit Diagram

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2.21 ESP 8266 NodeMCU the microcontroller unit

Figure 3: ESP 8266 Node MCU

The NodeMCU (ESP8266) is wifi enabled Microcontroller with an open-source platform.
Both hardware and software are framed in such a way that it is a very inexpensive Wi-Fi
SoC (system on a chip) i.e. ESP8266. It is an excellent choice for IoT projects because of
its low cost and easy interfacing with various parametric sensors and other devices. It can
be programmed in both LUA scripts and Arduino IDE software. It can be easily
communicated with the IoT platform based on the HTTP protocol. Interfaced with cloud
storage using API keys (Application Program Interface) therefore easily accessed by the

2.22 Relay Module

Figure4: 4 Channel Relay

It is a switch operable both electrical and mechanical i.e. an electromechanical switch
with a set of input terminals for single or multiple signals , the four-channel relay module
used. It can be operated over a low power signal; therefore, it is an advantage. As it is
capable of controlling a high energy circuit using a low energy signal it is widely used in
interfacing different types of loads on it.

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IoT based Home cum Agricultural automation

2.23 Sensors and Water motors

Figure 5: DHT11, Moisture Sensor and Water pump

In the agricultural monitoring unit sensors such as soil moisture sensor, DHT 11 and
water motor is used. The water content in the soil is fetched from the soil moisture
sensing device through which can monitor the flow of water to the agriculture fields using
water motor. The dht11 gives the humidity and temperature values in the agricultural
environment. It gives the aggregate sum of the water vapor in the air as a measure of
humidity and the temperature for a range of 0 degrees to 50 degrees Celsius with an
accuracy of ±1 %; humidity from 20 % to 90% resolution value with the accuracy of ±
1%. The water motor used here is of single phase 1HP with 0.75 kW power, the voltage
band is of 180-240V with the maximum speed of 3000 RPM.
The Soil Moisture Sensor uses capacitance to measure dielectric permittivity of the
surrounding medium. In soil, dielectric permittivity is a function of the water content. The
sensor creates a voltage proportional to the dielectric permittivity, and therefore the water
content of the soil.

The sensor averages the water content over the entire length of the sensor. There is a 2 cm
zone of influence with respect to the flat surface of the sensor, but it has little or no
sensitivity at the extreme edges. The figure above shows the electromagnetic field lines
along a cross-section of the sensor, illustrating the2 cm zone of influence.

2.24 OLED Display

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IoT based Home cum Agricultural automation

Figure 6: OLED Display

In the given system SSD1306, I2C based 0.96 inches 4 pin OLED (Organic Light
Emitting Diode) display module has been used. It has an advantage over LCD
Technology as it does not require a backlight, it has 128x64 pixels, and its pixels consume
less energy compared to other displays. It is interfaced with NodeMCU to display the data
observed. Fig above shows the OLED display.

2.25 IoT and Software platform

Figure 7: Blynk App interface

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IoT based Home cum Agricultural automation

Figure 8: IFTTT interface

Controlling of the appliances in the house interfaced with the NodeMCU using relays is
achieved using the IoT platform called Blynk, which allows users to control electronic
devices by providing a dashboard where users can create interfaces with various widgets.
To directly understand the foreign commands given to the Google assistant, Blynk is
interfaced with IFTTT to achieve it. It works with three main features that are Libraries
(for hardware communication), Server (for communication between hardware and app)
and App (for interface).Fig.7shows the Blynk app interface
The IoT platform used here is the Blynk app interfaced with NodeMCU along with
IIFTTT to receive a foreign voice command from Google Assistant. It is a
Hardwareagnostic platform that helps in controlling the electronic devices remotely. For
cloud storage, the ThingSpeak cloud platform is used which stores data and provides
graphical representations of the stored data. Arduino IDE software platform is used in this
system to code and upload on the micro-controller device ESP8266 NodeMCU. Fig. 8
shows the IFTTT interface used.

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3.1 The System when used as Smart Home Automation device

Figure 9: Flowchart for Home Automation

The working of the system, when used for home automation, is divided into three parts
User access, Central Processing, and Output action. In the user access section, the user
operates the system by giving a voice command using the Google assistant. Google
Assistant is a widely used voice command service based on artificial intelligence (AI)
using this user can control the functioning of the appliances in the house. This feature is
achieved by using the Blynk app which an IoT platform is allowing controlling of
electronic devices by providing a dashboard through which users can create different
interfaces using widgets. The Blynk app is interfaced with IFTTT (If This Then That) app
so that the Google assistant can directly understand the foreign commands given by the
last end user. These commands are being set by the user itself on the IFTTT app. IFTTT
(If This Then That) is a service on a web platform that allows the user to create applets
that automate the specified task . In the central Processing section, the input is received
from the user in the ESP8266 NodeMCU. The ESP8266 NodeMCU processes the data as
per the input and switches on/off the relay module loads. In central Processing, the
ESP8266 NodeMCU microcontroller receives the input from the user over a wireless connection.
The flowchart for smart home Monitoring as shown in Fig above. The loads are connected to
the multi-channel relay module and action is triggered as per the input data. The
temperature value of the home environment is displayed on the OLED display. The
NodeMCU is interfaced with a cloud storage platform called ThingSpeak where data is
sent. In the output action, the loads for example light is switched on or off; as per
temperature reading user can give voice commands to switch on coolers or AC or room

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3.2 The system used for agricultural monitoring

Figure 10: Flowchart for Agriculture automation

Voice command is given to the Google Assistant using mobile to monitor the lights and
water Motors used. This is achieved through IFTTT and Blynk app platform. ESP8266
NodeMCU is interfaced with environmental parametric sensors which include
moisture(soil) sensor, humidity and temperature sensor and water pump as a load. The
data received from the sensor is forwarded to the NodeMCU and displayed on the OLED
screen and also stored on the cloud storage (ThingSpeak). The water motor is switched on
or off as per the soil moisture threshold value is observed. See the flowchart for
Agricultural Monitoring is shown in the Fig above platform called Blynk, which allows
users to control electronic devices by providing a dashboard where users can create
interfaces with various widgets. To directly understand the foreign commands given to
the Google assistant, Blynk is interfaced with IFTTT to achieve it. It works with three
main features that are Libraries (for hardware communication), Server (for
communication between hardware and app) and App (for interface).

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Figure 11: Results for Temperature

Figure 12: Results for Humidity

Figure 13: Results for Soil moisture

Results up to significant levels are being observed. As an instance, in-home automation
the result being observed is that by just giving a voice command over mobile through
Google assistant user can control his home appliances in an efficient way. The
temperature sensing device helps in monitoring the loads such as air conditioners or air
coolers. All these things are carried out in an energy-efficient manner. Next, the results
are observed when the system is used for Agricultural monitoring; the system is then able
to get the data for environmental parameters including moisture present in the soil,
humidity and temperature readings. These readings have been displayed on the OLED
screen thereby helping in case of physical monitoring of the field.
The results observed have been stored on the cloud storage platform i.e.ThingSpeak, here
the Environmental data in time-axis format is graphically visualized on IoT platform

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which allows the user to get informed about the internal conditions of the environment in
actual real-time which helps the user to analyze and monitor according to the data.
The outcomes are expressed and examined in terms of humidity, soil moisture, and
temperature. The supervised real-time data for humidity, soil moisture and temperature
are taped on the internet server. The collective measure of humidity, temperature and soil
moisture are shown in Fig. 11, Fig. 12, and Fig. 13. The outcomes of the sensors readings
are generated on the software platform (Arduino IDE), the serial monitor is shown in Fig.
14. A working prototype for the system is shown in Fig.15.

Figure 14: Reading on Serial monitor

Figure 15: The prototype of Automation System

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An IoT based hardware system is proposed which is used for smart home automation and
also for agricultural monitoring with the same single MCU hardware. Unlike the other
trends in traditional IoT based automation, this paper mainly focuses on hardware
optimization and energy efficiency. For other devices, separate micro-controllers are used
for home automation or Agriculture monitoring thereby saving energy using just single
hardware. With easy user access and security, it would give a significant contribution to
the advancement of IoT based automation systems.


To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the system, the following
recommendations can be put into consideration like agricultural automation can be added
fertilizer calculator which helps new farmers, rain detector which helps to calculate the
operation of water motor. The idea of using IOT for irrigation can be extended further to
other activities in farming such as cattle management, fire detection and climate control.
This would minimize human intervention in farming activities.

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IoT based Home cum Agricultural automation

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IoT based Home cum Agricultural automation

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[25] Electronic wings:
[26] Thingspeak:
[27] Circuito:

Department of Electronics and Communications 22

St.Joseph Engineering College Mangalore
IoT based Home cum Agricultural automation

Department of Electronics and Communications 23

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