Economies: Welfare Impact of Globalization in Developing Countries: Examining The Mediating Role of Human Capital

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Welfare Impact of Globalization in Developing
Countries: Examining the Mediating Role of
Human Capital
Kehinde Oluseyi Olagunju 1, * , Adebayo Isaiah Ogunniyi 2 , Kunle Francis Oguntegbe 3 ,
Ibrahim Oluwole Raji 4 and Kolawole Ogundari 5
1 Agricultural and Food Economics Branch, Agri-food and Biosciences Institute, 18a Newforge Lane,
Belfast BT9 5PX, UK
2 International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Off Oro-Ago Crescent Garki II, Abuja 901101, Nigeria
3 Department of Economics, Management, Institutions, University of Naples “Federico II”, Monte
Sant’Angelo, 80126 Napoli, Italy
4 School of Industrial Engineering, Università Carlo Cattaneo-LIUC, Corso G. Matteotti 22,
21053 Castellanza, Italy
5 Institute for Justice Research and Development, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306, USA
* Correspondence:

Received: 10 June 2019; Accepted: 16 August 2019; Published: 21 August 2019 

Abstract: Despite remarkable progress in the fight against poverty during the past few decades,
the proportion of the poor living in developing countries is still on the high side. Many countries
have promoted integration as an important development strategy; however, its impact on welfare
of the poor is still unclear. In this study, we examine the roles of education and health dimensions
of human capital in globalization and its impact on the poverty gap and the child mortality rate
using cross-country panel data covering 110 developing countries between 1970 and 2015. We use
a model based on system generalized method of moments (SGMM) to control for unobserved
heterogeneity and potential endogeneity of the explanatory variables. The empirical results reveal
that globalization reduces poverty gap and child mortality rate, and that an increase in the stock
of human capital in developing economies improves welfare outcomes. The study also finds that
human capital strengthens the negative impact of globalization on poverty gap and child mortality
rate. For example, should enrollment in secondary school in Nigeria (in 2013) be increased from 39.2%
to 61.6%, on average, it could translate into 2508 fewer under-five child deaths. We recommend that
interconnectedness and promotion of human capital development should constitute a fundamental
component of policy mix targeted at enhancing reduction of poverty and child mortality rate in
developing countries.

Keywords: developing countries; globalization; human capital; wellbeing

JEL Classification: D60; F63; I31; O15

1. Introduction
Despite remarkable progress in the global fight against impoverishment in the last decades,
the proportion of the world population living in extreme poverty remains inadmissibly high.
As indicated by the World Bank, with more than 700 million people living on $1.90 or less a day,
and more than 300 million people living on less than $2.50 a day in 2015, the reduction of poverty
remains a foremost global concern (World Bank 2017). The depths of poverty in developing countries
are far higher than in their developed counterparts; for instance, more than half of the extreme world

Economies 2019, 7, 84; doi:10.3390/economies7030084

Economies 2019, 7, 84 2 of 24

poor live in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) (World Bank 2017). The consequences of the poor state of
wellbeing pose a threat for human development, increased productivity, social peace, political stability,
and consequently overall economic development (Ogunniyi et al. 2016; Upton et al. 2016). Accordingly,
the World Bank (2017) stresses the need to place the fight against poverty in all its dimensions as a top
priority agenda in the developing countries’ socio-political and economic research and development
plans and programs.
Many countries—including both those developing and those developed—have promoted
integration and openness as part of their reforms in the last three decades with the central aim
of promoting economic growth and improving welfare outcomes. While some countries have reaped
the benefits of globalization, many others, especially the developing countries, seem not to have
gained as expected. The debate about the ambiguity of the benefits of globalization has been well
discussed from both theoretical and empirical stand points. According to the Stolper–Samuelson
trade theorem of the Heckscher–Ohlin (H–O), globalization is associated with reduction of inequalities
in developing countries and also affords the least educated workers opportunities to the benefits
of globalization (Kremer and Maskin 2003; Le Goff and Singh 2014). These predicted gains from
globalization at the country level may come through plausible mechanisms such as cross-border
flow of information, knowledge, ideas, technology, and openness to international trade, resulting
in productivity improvements, investments in innovations, specialization, and efficient allocation of
resources (Le Goff and Singh 2014; Perkins and Neumayer 2005). Similarly, a considerable body of
empirical literature has established the welfare gains from globalization. Tayebi and Ohadi (2009),
Bechtel (2014), Bergh and Nilsson (2014), and Ha and Cain (2017) found that integration into global
economies leads to increase in income per capita, thereby reducing poverty gap and poverty headcount
in developing countries. A similar study by Calderón and Chong (2001) established that export
orientation (“openness”) towards secondary activities may be associated with lower income inequality
in developed countries. However, empirical findings are yet to converge on the positive impact of
globalization, and it appears that globalization could be more detrimental to developing countries,
evidenced in the recent economic and social crisis in East Asia and Latin America. For example,
Kanbur (2000), Gaston and Rajaguru (2009), and Bergh and Nilsson (2014) concluded in their studies
that globalization in all its dimensions only widens the gap that exists between the high and the low
income groups in developing countries, implying that the opportunities from globalization may not be
evenly distributed among citizens of these countries. In the same vein, two notable cross-country studies
on developing countries conducted by Kremer and Maskin (2003) and Calderón and Chong (2001)
argued that trade liberalization is positively related with increased inequality and does not benefit
developing economies, which comprise mainly poor income countries. From the foregoing, the divide
on the direction of the welfare impact of globalization in the developing countries leaves the debate
much less unclear and open.
The stock of human capital in terms of education and health in a country has been perceived to
be an important determinant of welfare, productivity, and economic growth in the world’s poorest
countries (Huay and Bani 2018; Ogundari and Awokuse 2018). Two notable empirical studies argue
that increasing access to education is, on average, associated with more equitable earnings distribution
(Neal and Johnson 1996; O’Neill 1990). Similarly, Huay and Bani (2018) found that increasing
stock of knowledge helps reduce the poverty headcount, gap, and depth in developing countries.
Using Sub-Sahara Africa as a case study, Le Goff and Singh (2014) showed that 10% increase in primary
school completion rate could reduce poverty headcount and poverty gap by 2.8% and 3.5%, respectively.
Bloom et al. (2004), Ogundari and Abdulai (2014), and Ogundari and Awokuse (2018) also argued that
populations that are healthier and better educated are likely to be more productive and could stimulate
higher income per capita and improved welfare. In a study conducted by Mayer (2001), improved
national health systems in eighteen Latin American countries were found to significantly lead to a
reduction in the number of days lost to illness, incapacity, and weakness, thereby enhancing workforce
productivity, turnover, and wages.
Economies 2019, 7, 84 3 of 24

The ambiguity and the complexity of the globalization–welfare relationship are apparent in
literature, which seems to be changing over time. Certain human capital features are likely to have a place
for globalization to have beneficial impacts on welfare in developing countries (Le Goff and Singh 2014).
For example, the welfare improvement of globalization may be easily manifested in countries with
high quality educational systems. Recent literature suggests a mutual relationship between economic
globalization, human capital, and welfare outcomes (Ha and Cain 2017; Le Goff and Singh 2014).
Despite these relevant considerations, most of the existing studies focused attention only on the
one-to-one relationships between globalization and welfare as well as between human capital and
welfare, with little or no crossovers (Bergh and Nilsson 2014). We are not aware of any previous
studies that have examined the role of human capital on the effect of globalization on welfare, and
therefore we attempt to remedy this lacuna in literature by testing whether the effects of globalization
on welfare (measured by poverty gap and child mortality rate) changes with stock of human capital
proxied by education and health in developing countries. The contributions of our study are three-fold.
First, our study adds to the existing studies thus far on the impact of globalization on welfare of the
poor but with a wider coverage. We take advantage of the World Bank’s categorization of countries of
the world based on the gross national income per capita into different income groups and extend our
cross-country analysis to cover 110 developing countries. Second, to the best of our knowledge, we are
the first to provide an analysis of the role of human capital in the relationship between globalization
and poverty in developing countries. This is of importance for poor countries regarding how they can
take advantage of the opportunities surrounding globalization in order to improve the welfare and the
overall quality of life of their citizens. Lastly, unlike previous studies, we disentangle the dimensions
of globalization (economic, social, and political) that contribute to the overall globalization–welfare
relationship. To achieve the objectives of the study, we employ a model based on the system generalized
methods of moments (SGMM) and analyze panel data covering 110 developing countries over an
extended period from 1970 to 2015. In doing so, we examine the relationship between globalization,
human capital, and welfare. We employ the KOF index of globalization as the measure of globalization
level, and our welfare indicators are national poverty gap and child mortality rate. To measure the
education dimension of human capital, we use primary, secondary, and tertiary school enrollment
rates, and government expenditure on health as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) is
used as a proxy for the health dimension of human capital. Our results suggest that globalization
leads to reduction of poverty gap and child mortality rate in developing countries. We also find that
human capital strengthens the negative impact of globalization on poverty gap and child mortality rate.
Finally, contrary to expectations, we show that the poverty gap and the child mortality rate reduction
effects of overall globalization are significantly driven only by its political and its social dimensions.
The rest of the paper is presented as follows. Section 2 outlines the relationship between
globalization, human capital, and welfare. Section 3 presents the empirical analysis followed by the
description of the data in the fourth section. Section 5 presents the empirical results and discussion.
Finally, the conclusion and policy implications of the study are presented in the sixth section of
the paper.

2. Globalization, Human Capital, and Welfare Nexus

There is no widely recognized definition of globalization, but it is typically taken to refer
to the “increasing integration of societies in terms of economic, social, and political factors”
(Bourguignon 2002), and the process through which it occurs is clearly multidimensional in nature
(Arribas et al. 2009). The welfare impact of globalization has become a fiercely debated issue
by social scientists and economists in recent years. The standard trade theory as set out by the
Heckscher–Ohlin model expects that globalization reduces depth, gap, and severity of poverty in
developing countries. A great deal of relevant literature also argues that globalization is “good”
for the poor (Dollar and Kraay 2004; Dollar et al. 2013; Lundberg and Squire 2003). These studies
argue that when developing countries become more integrated into the world economy, the process
Economies 2019, 7, 84 4 of 24

tends to foster specialization, competition, and incentives for stability in macroeconomic policies,
thereby accelerating economic growth and consequently reducing poverty (Agénor 2002; Dollar 2001).
For instance, in the study carried out by Dollar and Kraay (2004), trade volume was found to be
positively associated with growth rate and higher income for the poor, and a similar study by Sapkota
(2011) suggests that gains from integration and openness lead to improvements in quality of life of
the poor in developing countries. Likewise, Ogundari and Ito (2015) found evidence of positive and
significant effects of globalization defined by trade openness on growth of nutrient intake in SSA. Other
welfare and production impacts of globalization include: increase in returns to higher education in
poor countries (Stark 2004); transmission of health technology for health improvements for the poor
(Deaton 2004; Papageorgiou et al. 2007); less social spending (Sinn 1997); enhancement of the structural
transformation through urbanization (Godfrey and Julien 2005).
Although the positive effects of globalization are well established in literature, there are also
plausible notions that suggest poverty-inducing effects of openness and integration, especially on
the poor. For example, social globalization tends to contribute to wider spread of communicable
diseases [e.g., Ebola virus disease, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)], which may be detrimental to
quality of life through lower labor productivity and supply of labor. This adverse effect is particularly
more harmful to the developing countries where there is a lack of functioning health structures to
tackle the potential outbreak of these diseases (Wamala and Kawachi 2007). However, concerted
efforts via international cooperation on global health issues could help foster improved health and
welfare in developing countries (Dollar 2001). In the same line of argument, Yach et al. (2007) and
Mendez and Popkin (2004) proposed that social integration in the form of social norms and lifestyle
patterns, which include unhealthy smoking and eating habits, may have damaging impacts on
productivity and health. Another poverty inducing effect of globalization includes making capital
cheaper and more available, which would result in readily substitution of labor with capital, and many
laborers would have to be laid off in the short run, consequently leading to loss of livelihood of
many (Agénor 2002). Bhagwati and Srinivasan (2002) established that trade openness is significantly
associated with greater commitment to low inflation, resulting in higher unemployment in the short run.
At the macro level, the concept of human capital is often defined as the stock of knowledge,
skills, competencies, and attributes that facilitate the creation of personal, social, and economic
well-being (Brian 2007). Education and health statuses are the most common human capital
measures (Ogundari and Awokuse 2018). The quality and the stock of human capital affect how
well resources are allocated in a society and thereby the possibilities for different households to
boost production and perhaps increase spending on household consumption, which may improve
their welfare. The combination of a well-educated and healthier workforce could increase the
capacity to take advantage of innovation opportunities from globalization and consequently increase
productivity and overall wages (Le Goff and Singh 2014; Ogundari and Abdulai 2014). Early studies by
Barro and Lee (1994) and Rosenzweig (1988) concluded that countries with high ratios of investment
on health to GDP had higher income per capita (a welfare measure). Hanushek and Woessmann (2008)
analyzed the impact of cognitive skills on improving economic wellbeing. They found that cognitive
skills of the population are strongly associated with the level of individual earnings, income distribution,
and overall growth of the economy, which have concomitant effects on national poverty headcount
reduction in developing economies. Using a panel of 100 countries observed from 1960 to 1995,
Barro (2013) found that average years of school attainment at the secondary level is positive and
strongly related to economic growth. The study concluded that educational background of labor force
plays a complementary role in the diffusion and the adoption of technology in the development process.
The importance of education is further supported by Glewwe et al. (2014) and Le Goff and Singh (2014).
Glewwe et al. (2014) found that economic growth is lower in SSA than in other countries of the world,
while Le Goff and Singh (2014) found that poverty incidence in terms of headcount, gap, and severity
are higher in SSA than in other countries of the world. Both studies attributed their findings to low
quality of schools and low investment in education in the continent.
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Having established that globalization and human capital (especially in terms of education and
health) independently influence welfare outcomes, the associated positive or negative impacts of
globalization on welfare may be influenced by human capital. In particular, human capital may mediate
the extent to which welfare gains from globalization are distributed across different groups in society.
According to Newfarmer and Sztajerowska (2012), the opportunities from economic globalization,
such as potential income and employment gains, are not automatic, and such gains can only materialize
by providing framework for improving the stock of human capital in the country. They asserted that
technology transfers from globalization, which can enhance income per capita, may be made redundant
if the level of skills available within the country is not sufficient enough to absorb and properly put to
use such technologies. Similarly, Borensztein et al. (1998) examined the impact of economic dimension
of globalization on welfare in developing countries. They found that improvement in welfare as a result
of economic globalization (proxied by the proportion of products produced by foreign organizations in
the total number of products) is conditional on the level of education human capital in the host country.
Chang et al. (2009) found that the welfare effects of trade openness may be significantly improved
when the investment in human capital is stronger. Gu and Dong (2011) emphasized that the harmful or
the useful impacts of financial globalization heavily depend on the level of financial education in the
country. They asserted that, without substantial improvement in the quality of education and financial
systems in developing countries, the expected benefits of globalization may not be realized. Stark (2004)
found that the social dimension of globalization in terms of information flow (e.g., the use of internet)
may have negative impacts on child wellbeing in the absence of quality education. For example,
several child health related issues have been reported in Nigeria as a result of improper use of vaccines
and drugs obtained via internet sources without due attention to proper orientation and education on
drug use (Ophori et al. 2014).
In the studies of Deaton (2004) and Papageorgiou et al. (2007), they found that globalization
affords developing countries the opportunities of transmission of health technologies for health and
welfare improvement. However, this may not be able generate the expected positive outcomes if the
national health systems (health capital) are not developed enough to effectively take advantage of these
technologies. Furthermore, one of the manifestations of globalization is the increasing urbanization
rate in developing countries, which may have both positive and negative effects on welfare. According
to Welander et al. (2015), effective national health care systems must be in place for the increasing rate
of urbanization to have beneficial effects in developing counties. Similarly, Mayer (2001) argued that
good health capital must be in place for globalization to have beneficial impacts on welfare of the poor.
It is widely agreed upon that economic globalization is key for the transfer of technology for improved
workforce productivity; however, in the absence of quality health capital (for example, good national
health care services), globalization may not be able to create welfare improvement opportunities for
citizens who have poor health due to loss in work hours, incapacity, and reduction in workers’ physical
and mental capacities. In line with this argument, Bloom et al. (2004), Ogundari and Abdulai (2014),
and Ogundari and Awokuse (2018) argued that citizens who are healthier are more likely to have
the mental capacities to absorb technical innovations and put them to use than less healthy citizens,
suggesting that health capital plays an important role in the potential effects of globalization on
productivity of workers, which has strong implications for their welfare.

3. Empirical Specification and Estimation

To examine the impact of globalization and human capital on welfare in developing countries, we
start by specifying a baseline panel model following the globalization–poverty frameworks suggested
by Ha and Cain (2017), Bergh and Nilsson (2014) and Welander et al. (2015) defined below:

Pit = θ + β1 OGIit−1 + β2 HCit−1 + δi + µt + εit , (1)

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where the subscripts i and t represent the country and the time periods, respectively, Pit denotes welfare
measures represented by the national poverty gap (a direct poverty measure) and the child mortality
rate (indirect poverty measure). OGIit−1 is the one year lagged overall globalization index, HCit−1
denotes one year lagged human capital measures, δi represents country specific effects such as country
characteristics that do not change over time, µt is the time specific effect that controls for shocks that
do not vary among countries such as global demand shocks, and εit is the error term. θ, β1 and β2 are
the estimated parameters.
To effectively identify the effect of globalization and human capital on welfare, we include a set
of control variables, CVit , into Equation (1). CVit represents control variables capable of explaining
Pit , which are included to avoid omitted variable bias problems. The choice of CVit is guided by
economic reasoning and previous similar empirical studies (Ha and Cain 2017; Le Goff and Singh 2014;
Welander et al. 2015).

Pit = θ + β1 OGIit−1 + β2 HCit−1 + β3 CVit + δi + µt + εit , (2)

β3 is the coefficient of the estimated parameter of CVit . In order to introduce the role of human capital
in the globalization–welfare relationship, we follow Chang et al. (2009) and Le Goff and Singh (2014)
by adding interaction terms. This is done to allow the welfare–globalization relationship to change
with education and health measures of human capital. We therefore augment Equation (2) by including
the interaction terms.

Pit = θ + β1 OGIit−1 + β2 HCit−1 + β3 CVit + β4 GIit−1 × HCit−1 + δi + µt + εit , (3)

With the understanding that globalization has three main dimensions, we run additional
regressions where we replace the overall globalization index with its three dimensions (economic,
social, and political globalization). The central purpose of these additional regressions is to have a
more precise understanding of the relative contribution of the components of the globalization process
that explain the globalization–human capital–welfare relationship. Similar analyses were conducted
by (Bergh and Nilsson 2014) and Welander et al. (2015).
The estimations of Equations (1)–(3) are complicated by the existence of confounding factors
(Bergh and Nilsson 2014). It is possible that there are unobserved country-, system-, and time-specific
factors that impact welfare that are also related to the country’s level of globalization and human
capital. Also, estimation of these equations poses a challenge of potential endogeneity that may result
from reverse causation. An attempt not to consider these estimation issues would yield inconsistent
estimates. To control for unobserved country-specific effects, potential endogeneity issues, and
collinearity of regressors, we employ the system generalized methods of moments (SGMM) estimator
developed by Blundell and Bond (1998). This estimation technique makes an exogeneity assumption
where any correlations between endogenous variables and unobserved fixed effects are constant
over time, allowing the inclusion of level equations in the system and the use of lagged differences
as instruments for the levels. The SGMM is also able to overcome the econometric problems of
cross-sectional dependence of countries and multi-correlation that are prevalent in macro panel models
(Arellano and Bond 1991).
It is imperative to verify the consistency of the SGMM estimator. To do this, we have to ascertain
that lagged values of the regressors are valid instruments. We examine this issue by considering
the Hansen test of over-identifying restrictions. The no rejection of the null hypothesis implies
that instrumental variables are not correlated with the residual and are satisfying the orthogonality
conditions required. A serial correlation test is also carried out and demonstrates that the errors exhibit
no second-order serial correlation.
Economies 2019, 7, 84 7 of 24

4. Data
We employ an unbalanced panel dataset covering 110 low- and middle-income countries from
which there are available data between 1970 and 2015 (Table A1 contains the list of sample countries)1 .
The selection of the 110 countries is guided by the World Bank’s categorization of countries of the
world by gross national income (GNI) per capita (World Bank 2016)2 . Data used in the study are taken
mainly from the World Development Indicators (hereafter, WDI) dataset (World Bank 2016) and the
KOF globalization index dataset (Dreher et al. 2008).

4.1. Dependent Variables: National Poverty Gap and Child Mortality Rate
The complexity of welfare as a concept makes it difficult to measure (Ravallion 2001).
As highlighted by Ravallion (2003), early studies on the globalization–welfare nexus focused on
income inequality, which is fundamentally a relative measure of welfare. Inequality does not give an
absolute picture of wellbeing, and therefore it may be misleading to capture wellbeing with income
inequality (Ha and Cain 2017). Another commonly used proxy for welfare is the poverty headcount,
an absolute measure defined as the percentage of the population whose income or consumption is
below the minimum threshold (poverty line). According to Cowell et al. (1998), the poverty line is a
threshold income above which a family can provide a minimum nutrition level and other necessities.
The poverty line was operationalized by the World Bank in 2015 using price data from the world’s
fifteen poorest countries. The threshold was set at $1.90 per person per day using a purchase power
parity (PPP) approach to normalize differences across countries in terms of currency exchange rates
and the cost of living (World Bank 2016). The use of poverty headcount as a poverty measure has
been well employed in past studies (Bergh and Nilsson 2014; Le Goff and Singh 2014), albeit it creates
challenges for research that cuts across countries (Ha and Cain 2017).
The present study is a cross-country research, and therefore we follow Ha and Cain (2017) by
adopting national poverty gap statistics sourced from WDI. The poverty gap measures both the depth
and the extent of poverty in a country, operationalized by estimating the total shortfall in income
between all poor people and the poverty line divided by the size of the nation’s population. As poverty
gap is normalized by the PPP, it is appropriate for analyses that involve cross national comparisons
because it is normalized by the PPP. However, its usefulness is dependent on robust and accurate
national assessments of poverty.
An alternative indirect indicator of welfare and poverty is child mortality rate sourced from
WDI, defined as the number of children dying before reaching five years of age per 1000 live births.
This measure has been used in previous relevant studies to compensate the downsides of poverty gaps
(Gerring et al. 2012; Ha and Cain 2017; McGuire 2006). The actual quality of life of the population
living in a poor society is reflected in the child mortality recorded, as it captures the number of children
and infants that survive childhood and grow to become adults (Ghobarah et al. 2004; McGuire 2006;
Stasavage 2005). The data on child mortality rate (indirect measure) are sufficiently available for more
years and countries compared to poverty gap (direct measure).

4.2. Main Independent Variables: Globalization and Human Capital

To measure globalization, we use the KOF globalization index developed by Dreher et al. (2008),
which covers three dimensions—economic, social, and political globalization—all given equal weights
using a principal components analysis. The index takes values between 0 and 100, with higher values

1 For the regression with poverty gap as the dependent variable, we are able to use of 34 countries out of the 110 countries for
the estimation. This is due to missing poverty gap data for most of the countries. We use the entire 110 countries for analysis
with child mortality as the dependent variable.
2 Low income economies are countries with GNI per capita of $995 or below in 2015, while middle income economies, which
include lower and upper middle income, are those with GNI capita lying between $996 and $12,055.
Economies 2019, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 27

child mortality and national poverty gap are negatively correlated with aggregate globalization. Bergh
and Nilsson (2014) reported a similar relationship.
Human capital, defined as the productive capacity of labor, is mainly determined and
Economies 2019, 7, 84 8 of 24
represented by stock of knowledge (education) and health (Ogundari and Awokuse 2018; Young et
al. 2004). To capture education human capital, although there is not yet unanimity on what defines
this dimension
indicating of human and
more globalization, capital, weadvantage
has the employ different measures between
of being comparable of education to and
countries provide
time from 1970for andcross-comparison
onwards, makingamong the for
it suitable indicators, as notedresearch
a cross-national by Ogundari
(BerghandandAwokuse 2018.
Nilsson 2014).
To our
In this studies,
end, we use we education enrollment
take advantage of theat ability
primary, of secondary,
the index andto betertiary school levels
disaggregated intoasdifferent
for the education
components. dimension
In addition of human
to the capital in
use of overall our analysis.
globalization With(OGI,
index regards to the health
hereafter) dimension
for our analysis,
of human
we capital, its
further explore wecomponents—economic
use government expenditure on health
globalization indexas(EGI),
a proxy for globalization
social health capital, similar
index to
the studies
and politicalofglobalization
Ogundari and Awokuse
index (2018) and
(PGI)—which Aziziour
enhance (2018). This is in line
understanding with
of the the reasoning that
government expenditure
capital–poverty on health
relationship. Table is
in the associated
Appendix with better details
A contains health status
of the and health systems
components of the
in a country (Murray and Lopez 1997). Although many other studies have used
index. To the best of our knowledge, only Bergh and Nilsson (2014) employed this index in examining different measures
of health
the human capital, such
globalization–poverty as adult
nexus. survival
As shown rate or1,calorie
in Figure intakemortality
both child per capita (see
and Acemoglu
national and
gap 2007; Bloom
are negatively et al. 2013;with
correlated Hartwig 2010),globalization.
aggregate we choose to use government
Bergh and Nilsson expenditure on health
(2014) reported a
as the only
similar measure due to its availability and the absence of data on other potential proxies.

(a) (b)

Figure 1. (a) Aggregate globalization and child mortality rate (2015) and (b) aggregate globalization
Figure 1. (a) Aggregate globalization and child mortality rate (2015) and (b) aggregate globalization
and poverty gap (2007). Source: World Bank (2016) and Dreher et al. (2008).
and poverty gap (2007). Source: World Bank (2016) and Dreher et al. (2008).

4.3. Control
capital, defined as the productive capacity of labor, is mainly determined and represented
by stock of knowledge
To estimate (education)
the impacts and health
of globalization and(Ogundari
human capital and Awokuse
on welfare2018; Young etcountries,
in developing al. 2004).
we consider a set of control variables, which are included to prevent omitted variable bias inthis
capture education human capital, although there is not yet unanimity on what defines the
specification. The variables are sourced from the WDI dataset. The selection of these variablesfor
of human capital, we employ different measures of education to provide opportunities is
based on economic among the indicators,
reasoning as noted
and relevant by Ogundari
literature. First,and Awokusefor
to account 2018.
the To thisof
level end, we use
growth and enrollment
economic at primary,available
resources secondary,to aand tertiary
nation, school GDP
we include levelsper
as capita.
proxiesAfor the education
positive effect of
dimension of human capital in our analysis. With regards to the health dimension
the level of GDP per capita is expected, as it increases the resources available to catering for of human capital,
we use government expenditure on health as a proxy for health capital,
needs of life. Several studies have found that improved level of national economic wealth similar to the studies of
Ogundari andreduces
significantly Awokuse (2018) and
poverty levelAzizi
(Ha (2018).
and Cain This2017;
is in Olagunju
line with the reasoning
et al. that government
2015). The relevance of
expenditure on health is closely associated with better health status and health
agriculture is accounted for with the inclusion of rural population share, defined as the share systems in a country
of total
population living in the rural areas (FAO 2013). In most developing countries, agriculture of
and Lopez 1997). Although many other studies have used different measures health
is mainly
human capital,
practiced suchregions.
in rural as adultDuesurvival rate or calorie
to resource intake that
constraints per capita (see Acemoglu
characterize the ruraland Johnson 2007;
population, it is
expected for the rural population share to be positively associated with poverty gapasand
et al. 2013; Hartwig 2010), we choose to use government expenditure on health the child
its availability and the
child mortality rateabsence of data
is prevalent inon other
rural areaspotential al. 2018; Olagunju
Economies 2019, 7, 84 9 of 24

4.3. Control Variables

To estimate the impacts of globalization and human capital on welfare in developing countries,
we consider a set of control variables, which are included to prevent omitted variable bias in the
specification. The variables are sourced from the WDI dataset. The selection of these variables is based
on economic reasoning and relevant literature. First, to account for the level of economic growth and
economic resources available to a nation, we include GDP per capita. A positive effect of the level of
GDP per capita is expected, as it increases the resources available to catering for basic needs of life.
Several studies have found that improved level of national economic wealth significantly reduces
poverty level (Ha and Cain 2017; Olagunju et al. 2015). The relevance of agriculture is accounted for
with the inclusion of rural population share, defined as the share of total population living in the rural
areas (FAO 2013). In most developing countries, agriculture is mainly practiced in rural regions. Due to
resource constraints that characterize the rural population, it is expected for the rural population share
to be positively associated with poverty gap and child mortality rate. High child mortality rate is
prevalent in rural areas (Ashagidigbi et al. 2018; Olagunju et al. 2018). Similarly, we include arable land
area, a proxy of agricultural production level, to account for the resource endowments of the countries.
There is a wide difference in the land resources available across the world, which determines the level of
agricultural production, especially in developing countries. Closing this variation is perceived as a way
to scale poverty (Ogunniyi et al. 2017). Similar to Dithmer and Abdulai (2017) and Ha and Cain (2017),
we include economic growth (growth rate of GDP per capita sourced from WDI) to account for growth
in cyclical fluctuation in aggregate output. An increase in economic growth is expected to result in
an increase in aggregated production and consumption of goods and services (including food and
non-food items). Economic growth is generally recognized as an important determinant of food
poverty (Ames et al. 2001). To account for demographic structure of the countries understudied, we
include annual population growth, which controls for the population pressure on available economic
resources. Population growth is expected to be positively associated with poverty and child mortality
because a fast growing national population implies an increase in government’s public service burden,
therefore reducing the effect of social welfare spending. Similarly, increasing population growth leads
to an increase in the demand for food for the whole population and could reduce per capita food
availability (Dithmer and Abdulai 2017; Ogunniyi et al. 2018a).
We account for the significance of infrastructural development as a determinant of welfare
outcomes and thereby include access to electricity, measured as the percentage of the population
with access to electricity. Access to infrastructure and improved technologies can help agri-food,
manufacturing, and processing industries boost aggregate productivity in developing countries,
thereby improving livelihood of the population (Alaverdyan et al. 2015; Ogunniyi et al. 2018b;
Olagunju and Ogunniyi 2015).
Finally, with the understanding of the importance of the quality of macroeconomic policy in
enhancing welfare, we use the consumer price index (CPI) inflation rate to control for national
monetary policy in our model. According to Loayza et al. (2012), high inflation is positively associated
with ill macroeconomic policies. Unstable macroeconomic policies proxied by high inflation rate
have been found to increase poverty gap, headcount, and child mortality in developing countries
(Ha and Cain 2017; Le Goff and Singh 2014). The descriptive statistics of all the variables employed in
the model estimation are presented in Table 1.
Economies 2019, 7, 84 10 of 24

Table 1. Descriptive statistics.

Variable Description N Mean Std. Dev.

Poverty gap Poverty gap at $1.90 a day (2011 PPP) (%) 886 6.9 9.8
Poverty headcount Poverty headcount ratio at $1.90 a day (2011 PPP) (%) 886 18.1 21.0
Child mortality rate Under-5 child mortality rate, (per 1000 live birth) 5688 93.5 72.3
Infant mortality rate Infant mortality rate (per 1000 live birth) 520 50.2 35.09
OGI An index of overall globalization (0–100) 5329 42.9 12.0
EGI An index of economic globalization (0–100) 5150 43.1 13.6
SGI An index of social globalization (0–100) 5467 38.2 16.3
PGI An index of political globalization (0–100) 5467 46.9 21.0
The ratio of total enrollment, regardless of age, to the population
Primary level enrollment 4609 94.05 26.99
in the age group that officially corresponds to the primary level
The ratio of total enrollment, regardless of age, to the population
Secondary level enrollment 3753 48.70 30.61
in the age group that officially corresponds to the secondary level
The ratio of total enrollment, regardless of age, to the population
Tertiary level enrollment 3219 14.62 16.82
in the age group that officially corresponds to the tertiary level
Health expenditure Total government expenditure as health (% of GDP) 1939 4.19 2.18
Rural population The ratio of people living in rural areas to total population (%) 3146 54.3 64.1
Population growth Population growth per annum (%) 5981 1.966 1.328
Arable land Arable land (% of land area) 5603 13.28 13.10
GDP growth rate GDP growth (annual %) 4924 3.953 7.412
GDP per capita GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2011 international $) 3163 6.003 5.219
Inflation rate Consumer prices index (annual %) 4317 48.64 623.6
Access to electricity Access to electricity (% of population) 3380 61.82 35.55
Note: OGI: overall globalization index; EGI: economic globalization index; SGI: social globalization index; PGI:
political globalization index; GDP: gross domestic product; PPP: purchase power parity.

5. Empirical Results

5.1. Correlation Matrix of the Explanatory Variables

In Table A3 in the Appendix A, we report the correlation analysis between the explanatory
variables considered in the regression models. The correlation analysis provides a snapshot of the
degree of bivariate association between variables (Self and Grabowski 2004). The results reveal that
most of variables are not strongly correlated, suggesting that multicollinearity should not be a problem
for our estimations.

5.2. Diagnotics Test Results

Following the standard practice, the consistency of the estimated parameters of our models is
based on the diagnostic test results from the estimated SGMM indicated by presence of first-order
autocorrelation [AR (1)] and the absence of second-order autocorrelation [AR (2)] in the residuals
of the model. These are reported at the lower part of the tables. As anticipated, for all our models,
we reject the null hypothesis of no first-order residual serial correlation but accept the hypothesis of
no second order serial correlation for the models. The Hansen test fails to reject the hypothesis of
jointly valid instruments for all the models. The Hansen test statistic of overidentifying restrictions is
insignificant, which suggests that the set of instruments employed fulfills the exogeneity condition
required to obtained consistent estimates in all the models.

5.3. The Effect of Overall Globalization and Human Capital on National Poverty Gap
First, we examine the extent to which OGI and human capital affect poverty gap using the
regression model given in Equations (1) and (2) and subsequently the joint impact of OGI and human
capital on poverty gap, as in Equation (3). Specifically, Table 2 presents the empirical results for the
three regression specifications estimated with the national poverty gap ($1.90 per day) as the dependent
Economies 2019, 7, 84 11 of 24

variable. Model (1) is the base model. Model (2) adds all the control variables. Model (3) includes
the controls and the interaction term between OGI and education human capital measures (primary
enrollment, secondary enrollment, tertiary enrollment). Finally, model (4) reports the results with the
interaction term between OGI and health dimension of human capital measure (health expenditure).

Table 2. Estimation results, the effects of overall globalization and human capital on poverty gap at
$1.90 per day (PPP), 1970 and 2015.

Dependent Variable: Poverty Gap (1) (2) (3) (4)

OGI −0.184 *** −0.176 ** −0.944 *** −0.281 ***
(0.069) (0.034) (0.295) (0.060)
Primary enrollment −0.046 −0.154 ** −0.263 ** −0.059 **
(0.052) (0.064) (0.118) (0.030)
Secondary enrollment −0.086 *** −0.164 *** −0.043 −0.070 ***
(0.026) (0.045) (0.176) (0.026)
Tertiary enrollment −0.069 *** −0.104 −0.325 ** −0.056 ***
(0.027) (0.046) (0.142) (0.02)
Health expenditure −0.700 * 0.361 −0.113 −1.620 ***
(0.353) (0.265) (0.170) (0.382)
Rural population 0.412 *** 1.240 1.864 *
(0.105) (0.9734) (1.059)
Population growth −0.522 ** −0.032 −0.262
(0.157) (0.577) (0.538)
Arable land −0.282 −0.217 −0.262
(0.413) (0.357) (0.411)
GDP growth −0.097 ** −0.059 −0.057
(0.049) (0.054) (0.053)
GDP per capita 0.140 *** −0.123 *** −0.506 *
(0.033) (0.034) (0.282)
Inflation rate 0.234 *** 0.003 0.006 ***
(0.064) (0.002) (0.002)
Access to electricity −0.030 −0.106 * −0.126 ***
(0.072) (0.055) (0.043)
OGI × Primary enrollment −0.005 **
OGI × Secondary enrollment −0.108 ***
OGI × Tertiary enrollment −0.116 ***
OGI × Health expenditure −0.030 ***
Constant 12.255 *** 58.987 *** 35.121 *** 68.809 ***
(4.278) (15.901) (8.636) (21.999)
Observations 454 454 454 454
Number of countries 34 34 34 34
AR(1) p-value 0.025 0.011 0.001 0.021
AR(2) p-value 0.285 0.830 0.510 0.532
Hansen test p-value 0.721 0.630 0.589 0.258
Notes: (1) Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1. (2) All the variables are in
logarithmic forms.

With respect to the baseline model, model (1), and model (2), the results show that aggregate
globalization (OGI), which includes all three dimensions of globalization, is significantly associated
with reduction in poverty gap. Similar relationships and significances are reported across the
remaining models. Accordingly, in model (2), an increase in the OGI by 10% would lead to the
poverty gap being reduced by 1.7%. As an example, had Mauritania remained in the same level
of globalization as Georgia (in 2014), and assuming all other things had remained the same, it
could have reduced its poverty gap by about 32%, from 53% to 21%. In practice, this could be
accomplished, for example, through removal of trade restrictions and by enhancing information
flow. The results lend support for the view that globalization contributes positively to developing
countries’ welfare (Bergh and Nilsson 2014; Dreher et al. 2008; Ha and Cain 2017; Welander et al. 2015).
Economies 2019, 7, 84 12 of 24

Meanwhile, the impact of primary, secondary, and tertiary school enrollment on poverty gap, as
estimated in all the models, consistently reveals that education is negatively associated with poverty
gap. In particular, estimates in model (2) suggest that a 10% increase in primary, secondary, and tertiary
school enrollment could reduce the poverty gap, which persists in developing countries by 1.5%,
1.6%, and 1.0%, respectively. We only observe the significance of these relationships for primary and
secondary school enrollment. The empirical findings confirm the productivity-enhancing significance
of education as an important dimension of human capital capable of improving welfare, as reported in
the works of Huay and Bani (2018) and Ogundari and Awokuse (2018). Similarly, our findings appear
to support the hypothesis that the poverty reduction effect of education is determined by the country’s
level of economic development, and that developing countries derive more benefits from secondary
and primary school education, while higher education contributes more in the developed countries
(Petrakis and Stamatakis 2002).
The results of the inclusion of the interaction between OGI and the three measures of education
human capital are reported in model (3). With the inclusion of the interaction terms, the coefficient of
OGI still retains its negative sign and significance. The negative coefficient of OGI indicates a reduction
in poverty gap as aggregate globalization increases. The interaction terms are negative and statistically
significant for all the measures of education human capital, which reveal a complementary effect
in which the education human capital strengthens the impact of aggregate globalization on poverty.
In the same vein, we can also deduce that globalization effects in countries with more enrollment in
primary school weakly reduce poverty gap. Developing countries that benefit more from globalization
are those that have high enrollment in secondary and tertiary education. A possible explanation for
this is that developing countries with high education human capital (which reflects an improved level
of learning skills) are better able to explore and to take full benefits of globalization. The findings lend
support to the results of Le Goff and Singh (2014).
Model (4) of Table 2 reports the results of the estimation for examining the impact of the health
dimension of human capital in the aggregate globalization–poverty gap relationship. The negative
coefficient of the interaction effect of OGI and health expenditure indicates that the beneficial effect
of aggregate globalization on closing the poverty gap becomes larger when investment in health is
stronger. Similarly, developing countries with high health human capital proxied by high government
expenditure on health are associated with a reduction in poverty gap, suggesting that having good
health structures and health systems is associated with better management of globalization effects
on the poor. The results provide a plausible explanation for the welfare improvement impact of
globalization, especially in countries with good health structures, lending a contrary argument to the
proposition that globalization is associated with increasing poverty gap, as provided in the study of
Wamala and Kawachi (2007). A possible explanation for this is that integration of developing countries
could result in the spread of or the investment in global health management practices and vaccines,
thereby improving the overall health sector, which may lead to reduction in poverty through higher
labor productivity and labor supply.
Turning to the control variables, we observe uniformities in the signs of the coefficients of
the control variables across models (2)–(4), albeit with different significance levels. As expected,
the coefficients of rural populations are positive in all the models but significant only in model (3),
suggesting that developing countries with high rural population share are poorer. For example,
the poverty gap in Nigeria in 2009 (with 64% living in rural areas) was ten times higher than that of
Brazil, which only had 19% rural population share. The results also reveal that high GDP per capita is
associated with a reduction in poverty gap. The findings confirm the significance of general economic
development in poverty reduction. In recent years, many of the low- and the middle-income countries
have witnessed significant economic growth but were not still able to make significant improvements in
closing the poverty gap and the headcount (World Bank 2016). The result is in line with the findings of
Ha and Cain (2017) that reveal that GDP per capita significantly improves the welfare of the population
living in developing countries. The results also show that arable land area has a negative, although
Economies 2019, 7, 84 13 of 24

not statistically significant, impact on poverty gap, lending support to the hypothesis that reducing
production gap among producers in developing countries would contribute to welfare improvement.
Based on the estimation in model (3), a 10% increase in arable land area would reduce poverty gap by
2.6% on average. This is also consistent with the findings by Dithmer and Abdulai (2017).
Our empirical results also reveal that the coefficients of population growth and inflation are
positively related with poverty gap, although not significantly so, indicating that a large poverty
gap exists in developing countries characterized with high population growth and instability in
macroeconomic policies. Dithmer and Abdulai (2017), Feleke et al. (2005), and Rena (2005) reported
similar findings at global, national, and household levels, respectively. Lastly, access to electricity
enters negatively into all the regressions, suggesting that developing economies that have access to
infrastructural development could reduce the poverty gap. This is consistent with the households and
the national level findings by Olagunju and Ogunniyi (2015).

5.4. Exploring Disaggregated Globalization Index, Human Capital, and Poverty Gap
In this subsection, we report the relationships between the three dimensions of globalization,
human capital, and poverty gap. Specifically, Table 3 (A) reports that economic globalization index (EGI)
is positively associated with poverty gap. In model (6), a 10% increase in the EGI could significantly
increase the poverty gap by 0.9%. This result suggests that a higher level of economic integration in the
world economy is associated with a wider poverty gap in developing countries. One likely explanation
for this relationship is that, as countries open their economies, capital as a factor of production becomes
more available, making firms that are labor-intensive (mostly common in developing countries)
replace labor with capital in production, resulting in workers being laid-off and consequent increases
in the poverty gap. Similarly, as workers are being laid-off, the level of unemployment increases,
which may force some indigenous firms out of business (Bergh and Nilsson 2014). The coefficients of
the interaction terms are all negative and statistically significant, which indicates a substitution effect
whereby education weakens the adverse impact of economic globalization on poverty gap. In other
words, the poverty enhancing effect of economic globalization could be upturned if education and
health human capital development improve in developing countries. The findings are in line with
the results of Le Goff and Singh (2014), who found that the detrimental impact of trade openness on
poverty headcount in Sub-Saharan Africa reduces as the investment in education increases.
In addition, across all the models in Table 3 (B) and (C), we find that increases in social and
political globalization are consistently associated with reduction in poverty gap, indicating that, should
a country increase its level of information flow, participation in international treaties, international
tourism, etc., it could result in a significant reduction in poverty gap. The findings confirm the
significance of social and political integration in welfare improvement. Dimitriadis and Koh (2005)
and Maurer (2013) argue that market performance depends largely on the information flow efficiency.
Information asymmetry is typical in developing countries, causing high transaction costs and potential
market inefficiency. Duncombe and Heeks (1999) and Elbers and Lanjouw (2001) show that access
to rural telephony increases the prices farmers receive for their crops and the earnings from off-farm
activities. As reported in models (7) and (8), the coefficients of the interaction terms are all negative and
statistically significant, indicating complementary effects whereby education human capital strengthens
the impact of social and political globalization in closing the poverty gap in developing countries.
Overall, the results in Table 3 also reveal the component of aggregate globalization that explains the
negative relationship with poverty gap in Table 2. The results show that the negative coefficient of
aggregate globalization comes from both the political and the social dimension rather than from the
economic dimension. Our findings lend support to the study by Ha and Cain (2017), who found that
the foreign direct investment (FDI), a major component of EGI, does not significantly contribute to
reduction of poverty gap in developing countries.
Economies 2019, 7, 84 14 of 24

Table 3. Estimation results, the effects of disaggregated globalization index and human capital on
poverty gap at $1.90 per day (PPP), 1970 and 2015.

Dependent Variable: Poverty Gap (5) (6) (7) (8)

(A) Economic globalization
EGI 0.008 (0.079) 0.094 * (0.052) 0.857 *** (0.216) 0.670 *** (0.462)
Primary enrollment −0.061 (0.051) −0.159 ** (0.063) −0.429 *** (0.123) −0.140 ** (0.055)
Secondary enrollment −0.129 *** (0.026) −0.063 (0.049) −0.218 (0.134) −0.026 (0.045)
Tertiary enrollment 0.022 (0.029) −0.057 (0.048) 0.216 (0.151) −0.102 ** (0.041)
Health expenditure −0.496 *** (0.187) 0.189 (0.271) 0.543 ** (0.235) −0.764 *** (0.291)
EGI × Primary enrollment 0.007 *** (0.002)
EGI × Secondary enrollment 0.004 * (0.002)
EGI × Tertiary enrollment −0.009 *** (0.003)
EGI × Health expenditure −0.025 *** (0.007)
Constant 24.442 *** (8.064) 14.791 *** (6.438) 13.514 * (4.821) 15.140 *** (9.708)
Observations 454 454 454 454
Number of countries 34 34 34 34
(B) Political globalization
PGI −0.150 *** (0.042) −0.081 (0.071) −0.059 (0.075) −0.048 ** (0.017)
Primary enrollment −0.045 (0.051) −0.153 ** (0.066) −0.133 (0.137) −0.292 (0.977)
Secondary enrollment −0.089 *** (0.024) −0.072 (0.049) −0.189 (0.191) −0.426 (0.407)
Tertiary enrollment 0.052 ** (0.023) −0.070 (0.047) 0.122 (0.134) −0.271 * (0.146)
Health expenditure −0.233 (0.197) 0.278 (0.259) 0.224 (0.276) −0.365 ** (0.170)
PGI × Primary enrollment −0.072 (0.040) *
PGI × Secondary enrollment −0.009 (0.005) *
PGI × Tertiary enrollment −0.002 (0.001) **
PGI × Health expenditure −0.003 (0.001) *
Constant 19.176 *** (6.113) 54.925 *** (11.329) 31.424 (9.838) *** 66.657 ** (25.56)
Observations 454 454 454 454
Number of countries 34 34 34 34
(C) Social globalization
SGI −0.330 *** (0.061) −0.186 ** (0.095) −0.175 ** (0.089) −0.130 ** (0.054)
Primary enrollment −0.045 (0.050) −0.168 *** (0.062) −0.167 (0.128) 0.529 (1.009)
Secondary enrollment −0.030 (0.025) −0.044 (0.045) −0.137 (0.185) −0.264 (0.099)
Tertiary enrollment 0.103 *** (0.025) −0.094 * (0.049) 0.088 (0.147) −0.191 * (0.101)
Health expenditure −0.122 (0.188) 0.460 * (0.268) 0.428 (0.274) −0.162 * (0.089)
SGI × Primary enrollment −0.021 (0.018)
SGI × Secondary enrollment −0.010 *** (0.002)
SGI × Tertiary enrollment −0.072 ** (0.003)
SGI × Health expenditure −0.011 (0.001) *
Constant 22.700 (6.383) *** 42.790 ** (18.120) 59.621 (15.946) *** 44.058 ** (18.703)
Observations 454 454 454 454
Number of Countries 34 34 34 34
Notes: (1) Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1. (2) All the variables are in
logarithmic forms. (3) Only Model (6), (7) and (8) include control variables but not reported.

5.5. The Effect of Overall Globalization and Human Capital on Child Mortality Rate
We present the results of three regressions estimated with child mortality rate as the dependent
variable in Table 4. Model (9) is the base model. Model (10) adds all the control variables.
Model (11) includes controls and the interaction between overall globalization index (OGI) and the
education dimension of human capital (primary enrollment, secondary enrollment, tertiary enrollment).
Finally, model (12) adds the interaction between OGI and the health dimension of human capital
(health expenditure).
The results reveal, with regards to model (9) and model (10), that aggregate globalization is
negatively associated with child mortality rate in developing countries. Specifically, as in model (9),
an increase in the level of OGI by 10% could lead to a reduction in the rate of death of under-five
children (per 1000 live birth) by 8.6% in poor countries. By illustration, had the OGI of Afghanistan (in
2015) increased from 38 to 41 units, and had all other things remained equal, it could have significantly
reduced under-five child mortality from 73 to 66 per 1000 live birth. This feat could be attained if,
for example, the government of Afghanistan reduces the import tariffs on antibiotics and vaccines,
signs more international health treaties, and perhaps promotes medical tourism. The findings are
consistent with the studies by Welander et al. (2015) and Ha and Cain (2017), which stressed that
global integration [with particular reference to trade openness in the study by Ha and Cain (2017)]
Economies 2019, 7, 84 15 of 24

by developing countries is positively associated with fewer deaths of children from severe diseases
such as respiratory infections, chicken pox, and meningitis. The coefficients of primary, secondary,
and tertiary school enrollment retain negative signs across all the models, revealing that the stock
of knowledge is negatively associated with child mortality rate. With reference to model (10), an
increase in primary, secondary, and tertiary school enrollment by 10% could significantly reduce the
likelihood that parents in developing countries would lose their children before age five by 1.1%,
2.5%, and 6.0%, respectively. The empirical findings confirm the significance of education, especially
maternal education, in reducing child poverty and mortality in developing countries, as reported in
the studies by Grépin and Bharadwaj (2015) for Zimbabwe and by Ashagidigbi et al. (2018) for Nigeria.
Similarly, the coefficient of the health dimension of human capital (health expenditure) is negative
and significantly different from zero across all the models. This is in line with a prior expectation
that improved health systems in developing countries could reduce child mortality significantly.
Bloom et al. (2004) reported similar results. Similarly, in model (12), countries with high health human
capital are associated with reduction in child mortality, suggesting that good health structures and
systems are associated with better management of the globalization effect on child mortality rate of the
poor. The health dimension of human capital seems to be more in the globalization–child mortality
relationship relative to the education dimension of human capital.

Table 4. Estimation results, the effect of overall globalization and human capital on child mortality rate
(per 1000 live birth).

Dependent Variable: Child Mortality Rate (9) (10) (11) (12)

OGI −0.860 *** −0.325 −0.512 *** −0.606 **
(0.069) (0.404) (0.047) (0.277)
Primary enrollment −0.551 *** −0.107 ** −0.589 *** −0.122 *
(0.031) (0.043) (0.171) (0.063)
Secondary enrollment −0.105 *** −0.247 ** −1.444 *** −0.235 ***
(0.040) (0.120) (0.224) (0.043)
Tertiary enrollment −0.494 *** −0.605 *** −0.535 *** −0.093 ***
(0.045) (0.070) (0.176) (0.034)
Health expenditure −0.840 *** −0.686 *** −0.733 *** −0.942 **
(0.198) (0.131) (0.057) (0.382)
Rural population −−0.417 −0.240 −0.864 ***
(0.500) (0.973) (0.059)
Population growth 0.508 ** 0.099 0.327
(0.026) (1.452) (1.540)
Arable land 0.531 ** 0.223 *** 0.506 **
(0.243) (0.010) (0.285)
GDP growth −0.074 −0.053 0.031
(0.148) (0.069) (0.060)
GDP per capital −0.100 ** −0.120 ** −0.117 **
(0.050) (0.053) (0.051)
Inflation rate 0.113 0.211 0.356
(0.136) (0.154) (0.201)
Access to electricity −0.244 −0.020 −0.004
(0.176) (0.058) (0.082)
OGI × Primary enrollment 0.010 ***
OGI × Secondary enrollment 0.024 ***
OGI × Tertiary enrollment −0.007 **
OGI × Health expenditure 0.091 ***
Constant 14.255 *** 28.987 *** 15.121 *** 18.809 ***
(2.417) (5.143) (2.620) (11.914)
Observations 1792 1792 1792 1792
Number of countries 110 110 110 110
AR(1) p−value 0.000 0.003 0.001 0.000
AR(2) p−value 0.829 0.650 0.711 0.830
Hansen test p−value 0.714 0.516 0.247 0.617
Notes: (1) Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1. (2) All the variables are in
logarithmic forms.
Economies 2019, 7, 84 16 of 24

Turning to the interaction terms, we find that OGI significantly affects the child mortality rate, and
the effect becomes strongest when the interaction between globalization and secondary enrollment is
considered. The interaction term between OGI and secondary enrollment seems to contribute most to
the globalization effect on child mortality rate relative to other measures of education human capital.
This indicates that developing countries that benefit most from globalization in its effect on child
mortality reduction are those that have high enrollment in secondary schools.
With regards to the control variables, as expected, the results reveal that GDP per capita is
negatively associated with child mortality. The population growth is associated with an increase in
child mortality. This may lend support to the findings of Grépin and Bharadwaj (2015) that reveal
that households with large household size are constraints with available resources, thereby lacking
the wherewithal to sufficiently take good care of their children. Contrary to expectations, we find
that arable land is positively associated with high child mortality. A possible explanation for this is
that women in developing countries tend to engage in heavy agricultural activities during pregnancy,
resulting in defects in the health status of children and thereby increasing the potential of high mortality
before children reach the age of five. Similar findings were reported by Grépin and Bharadwaj (2015),
who found that intense agricultural production significantly affects maternal health during pregnancy,
thereby resulting in about 4% infant mortality in Zimbabwe. Consistently, inflation rate has a
positive relationship with child mortality rate, suggesting that unstable macroeconomic policies
could reduce the chance of survival of children in developing countries. Unsurprisingly, access to
infrastructure is negatively associated with child mortality rate. This result lends support to the study
of Olagunju et al. (2018) that found welfare impacts rural infrastructural development in reducing the
likelihood of a child being poor.

5.6. Exploring Disaggregated Globalization Index, Human Capital, and Child Mortality Rate
Table 5 reports the relationships between the three dimensions of globalization, human capital,
and child mortality rate (per 1000 live birth). Model (14) reveals that a 10% increase in the EGI could
reduce child mortality rate by 1.8%. This indicates that the level of economic integration into the world
economy is associated with a reduction in the child mortality rate in developing countries. One likely
explanation for this is that economic integration tends to increase flow of capital, resulting in an
increase in national incomes and enabling households to invest more in the health of their children.
The findings are in line with results of Ha and Cain (2017), who found that trade openness could reduce
child mortality rate in developing countries. The coefficients of the interaction terms are all negative,
which indicates a complementary effect whereby education and health human capital strengthen the
effect of economic globalization on child mortality. In other words, the impact of economic globalization
on child mortality rates can be stronger if education human capital development improves in the
developing economies. The interaction term of EGI and primary education is the only significant
human capital measure. Similarly, as in models (13), (14), (15), and (16), we find that increases in SGI
and PGI are associated with reduction in child mortality, indicating that, should a country increase its
level of social and political globalization, it could result in a significant reduction in child mortality
rate. As in models (15) and (16), the coefficients of the interaction terms are all negative, indicating a
complementary effect whereby education and health human capital strengthens the impact of social
and political globalization in child mortality rate reduction. Overall, the health dimension of human
capital tends to be most important in the complementary roles of the stock of human capital in the
globalization–child mortality relationship in developing countries.
Economies 2019, 7, 84 17 of 24

Table 5. Estimation results, the effect disaggregated globalization index and human capital on child
mortality rate (per 1000 live birth).

Dependent Variable: Child Mortality Rate (13) (14) (15) (16)

(A) Economic globalization
EGI −0.225 (0.221) −0.189 *** (0.067) −1.021 (0.687) −0.171 *** (0.027)
Primary enrollment −0.596 *** (0.032) −0.248 * (0.131) −0.683 ** (0.280) 0.001 (0.021)
Secondary enrollment −0.222 *** (0.046) −0.107 (0.144) −0.121 (0.397) −0.002 * (0.001)
Tertiary enrollment 0.326 *** (0.039) −0.015 (0.184) −0.199 (0.537) −0.003 (0.002)
Health expenditure −0.319 *** (0.001) −0.452 *** (0.013) −0.896 *** (0.189) −0.230 *** (0.026)
EGI × Primary enrollment −0.011 ** (0.005)
EGI × Secondary enrollment −0.001 (0.001)
EGI × Tertiary enrollment −0.004 (0.001)
EGI × Health expenditure −0.042 *** (0.006)
Constant 13.642 *** (1.047) 9.6314 *** (2.589) 10.437 *** (2.780) 5.481 *** (2.078)
Observations 1792 1792 1792 1792
Number of countries 110 110 110 110
(B) Political globalization
PGI −0.683 *** (0.045) −0.201 (0.012) *** −0.198 (0.214) −0.156 *** (0.031)
Primary enrollment −0.519 *** (0.030) −0.247 ** (0.116) −0.342 (0.253) 0.243 (0.601)
Secondary enrollment −0.113 *** (0.038) −0.094 (0.144) −0.196 (0.423) −0.019 (0.013)
Tertiary enrollment 0.444 *** (0.037) 0.103 (0.170) 0.052 (0.500) −0.029 (0.018)
Health expenditure −0.795 *** (0.193) −0.588 *** (0.128) −0.621 *** (0.185) −0.668 (0.415)
PGI × Primary enrollment −0.002 (0.005)
PGI × Secondary enrollment −0.002 (0.007)
PGI × Tertiary enrollment −0.001 (0.006)
PGI × Health expenditure −0.038 *** (0.007)
Constant 13.946 *** (1.048) 10.003 *** (2.571) 11.924 *** (2.162) 5.900 *** (2.053)
Observations 1792 1792 1792 1792
Number of countries 110 110 110 110
(C) Social globalization
SGI −0.589 *** (0.066) −0.269 (0.251) −0.317 (0.249) 0.208 *** (0.032)
Primary enrollment −0.559 *** (0.031) −0.230 * (0.139) −0.255 * (0.134) −0.002 (0.008)
Secondary enrollment −0.108 *** (0.041) −0.085 (0.138) −0.003 (0.387) −0.002 (0.001)
Tertiary enrollment 0.427 *** (0.039) 0.025 (0.167) −0.381 (0.515) −0.002 (0.002)
Health expenditure −0.141 *** (0.097) −0.999 *** (0.059) −0.886 *** (0.208) −0.018 *** (0.083)
SGI × Primary enrollment −0.003 (0.004)
SGI × Secondary enrollment −0.002 (0.006)
SGI × Tertiary enrollment −0.005 (0.006)
SGI × Health expenditure −0.052 *** (0.008)
Constant 14.4336 *** (1.0526) 10.4675 *** (2.719) 12.407 *** (3.090) 8.378 *** (2.113)
Observations 1792 1792 1792 1792
Number of Countries 110 110 110 110
Notes: (1) Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1. (2) All the variables are in
logarithmic forms. (4) All the models include control variables except model (13).

By comparing the coefficients of EGI, SGI, and PGI, which are 0.189, 0.181, and 0.269, respectively,
the results show that political and social globalization have more significant effects on the reduction
child mortality rate than economic globalization. This suggests that the negative coefficient of OGI
comes from both the political and the social dimensions rather than from the economic dimension.

5.7. Robustness Checks

We conduct several robustness tests of our main findings, as reported in Table 6. According to
Sachs and Warner (1997), economic growth and the level of interconnectedness of a country can be
influenced by the country’s geographical features; for example, whether a country is landlocked or not
may determine the extent of access to international markets. Similarly, developing countries that are
subjected to tropical climates are exposed to agri-climatic constraints, which may contribute negatively
to the agricultural productivity and supply, thereby reducing their participation in trade. This can
negatively influence overall economic growth and development. First, with this understanding, we test
Economies 2019, 7, 84 18 of 24

the sensitivity of our results to regional specification by including a tropics dummy3 . As presented in
models (17)–(20), we find that the coefficients of OGI variable remain negative and significant. Also,
we find coefficients of the interaction terms to be negative, as expected. These results are consistent
with our core findings. Second, we attempt to examine the sensitivity of our findings with regards
to alternative measure of welfare. In doing this, we focus our attention to the use of alternative
welfare indicators, which are available for the same period and set of countries as employed in our
core analysis. We employ poverty headcount and infant mortality rate as alternative measures for
poverty gap and child mortality rate, respectively. Results, as reported in models (21)–(24), confirm the
observations for our core models with poverty gap and child mortality rate as dependent variables.
Given that the equation with poverty gap (34 countries) as the dependent variable is a subsample of
the countries used for the child mortality equation (110 countries), we further perform a robustness
analysis using the 34-country subsample for child mortality. The results, as presented in models (25)
and (26), also confirm our main findings.

Table 6. Robustness tests for our analysis.

(17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26)
Poverty Poverty Child Child Poverty Poverty Infant Infant Child Child
Gap Gap Mortality Mortality Headcount Headcount Mortality Mortality Mortality Mortality
OGI −0.044 * −0.045 ** −0.011 *** −0.018 *** −0.034 *** −0.031 * −0.019 * −0.014 * −0.020 *** −0.042 ***
(0.023) (0.017) (0.002) (0.005) (0.011) (0.017) (0.010) (0.008) (0.003) (0.010)
−6.142 *** −0.631 −0.021 −0.031 −0.045 *** −0.001 −0.003 −0.001 −0.292 *** −0.019 ***
(2.141) (0.792) (0.154) (1.241) (0.012) (0.005) (0.005) (0.002) (0.091) (0.006)
−0.185 *** −0.169 * −0.007 *** −0.004 *** −0.048 * −0.036 ** −0.019 * −0.014 ** −0.110 * −0.789 ***
(0.050) (0.094) (0.002) (0.001) (0.027) (0.016) (0.010) (0.006) (0.065) (0.074)
−0.049 * −0.187 * −0.009 ** −0.011 *** −0.041 * −0.024 *** −0.043 *** −0.003 −0.039 *** −0046 ***
(0.027) (0.094) (0.004) (0.001) (0.022) (0.007) (0.014) (0.003) (0.009) (0.007)
−0.050 ** −0.139 *** −0.355 *** −0.492 *** −0.025 ** −0.022 *** −0.042 *** −0.036 *** −3.082 *** −1.281 ***
(0.022) (0.042) (0.083) (0.100) (0.012) (0.005) (0.006) (0.010) (0.317) (0.428)
OGI × Primary
−0.023 * −0.006 −0.001 *** −0.014 −0.537 ***
(0.012) (0.415) (0.000) (0.452) (0.197)
Secondary −0.105 *** −0.003 *** −0.001 ** −0.032 * −0.574 **
(0.031) (0.001) (0.000) (0.018) (0.095)
OGI × Tertiary
−0.114 *** −0.041 ** −0.021 ** −0.011 *** −0.117 **
(0.038) (0.017) (0.011) (0.003) (0.046)
OGI × Health
−0.031 ** −0.007 *** −0.006 *** −0.002 ** −0.304 ***
(0.012) (0.001) (0.002) (0.001) (0.067)
Tropics 0.272 *** 0.647 ** 0.019 ** 0.023
(0.047) (0.242) (0.009) (0.018)
Constant 15.138 *** 5.852 17.792 *** 16.403 *** 10.709 *** 13.283 *** 11.832 *** 10.717 *** 18.305 *** 2.951 *
(3.991) (3.956) (0.321) (0.387) (4.436) (3.369) (2.913) (3.318) (1.623) (1.571)
Observations 523 523 1,828 1,828 523 523 523 523 521 521
Number of
34 34 110 110 34 34 34 34 34 34

Notes: (1) Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1. (2) All the main independent
variables are lagged one year. (3) All the variables are in logarithmic forms. (4) All the models include control
variables, but these are not presented.

6. Concluding Remarks
In the present study, we employ cross-country panel data to analyze the moderating role of
human capital in the impact of globalization on welfare in developing countries. We use an SGMM
estimation technique to account for unobserved heterogeneity. This approach is able to correct for
potential endogeneity that may arise in the estimation. The article contributes to the ongoing debate
on the impact of globalization on welfare of the poor by exploring the mediating role of human capital.

3 We follow Dithmer and Abdulai (2017) classification typology based on the share of population living in geographical
tropics. See Dithmer and Abdulai (2017) for details.
Economies 2019, 7, 84 19 of 24

Our empirical results reveal that aggregate globalization index is, on average, associated with
lower poverty gap and child mortality rate, which leads us to conclude that the benefits of globalization
outweigh its cost in terms of reduction of the poverty gap and the child mortality rate in developing
countries. An interesting revelation from this study is that the education and the health dimensions of
human capital strengthen the impact of aggregate globalization on poverty gap and child mortality
rate. Specifically, the study reveals that developing countries that benefit more from globalization are
those that have high enrollment in secondary and tertiary education and high stock of health capital.
Further insights from our study reveal that political and social integration are the driving forces behind
the negative relationship between globalization, poverty gap, and child mortality rate. We also find
strong evidence that agricultural, economic, and infrastructural development as well as beneficial
macroeconomic policy impact welfare positively.
From a policy perspective, some recommendations can be offered from our findings.
Most importantly, our results point to the importance of a country’s level of globalization and
human capital development for welfare of the poor. Globalization supporting activities and promotion
of human capital development should therefore constitute a fundamental component of a policy
mix to enhance reduction in poverty gap and child mortality rate. For example, the signing of more
international treaties, the promotion of flow information and technical know-how, and the elimination
of trade distorting policies being complemented by an improvement in government expenditure
on education and health could all be effective instruments for this purpose. This is to ensure that
citizens in developing countries are better able to explore and take full advantage of economic, social,
and political integration.
In addition, our results reveal that general economic and infrastructural development are keys for
improving welfare in developing countries, suggesting that policy instruments such as policies targeted
at building infrastructure and improving productivity of economic sectors should be included as
components of national welfare improvement strategies; for instance, increasing government spending
on public goods, stabilizing economic and environmental climates for low inflation, promoting
structural transformation, etc.
Finally, we acknowledge the limitations associated with the study, which provides several
avenues for further research. First, considering that the interactive effect of different measures of
human capital varies, we suggest that future studies should examine some other dimensions of
human capital apart from education and health dimensions that we consider in the present study.
Other dimensions of human capital worth studying include social capital, emotional capital, creativity,
cultural capital, and relational capital. Despite the limitation of our study (largely due to lack of reliable
cross-national data), as new data become available, future studies can follow our general approach to
retest these relationships.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, K.O.O. and A.I.O.; methodology, K.O.O., A.I.O., K.F.O. and K.O.;
software, K.O.O.; formal analysis, K.O.O. and A.I.O.; data curation, K.F.O. and I.O.R.; writing—original draft
preparation, K.O.O., A.I.O., K.F.O., I.O.R. and K.O.; writing—review and editing, K.O.O., A.I.O., K.F.O., I.O.R. and
K.O.; supervision, K.O.O. and K.O.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Economies 2019, 7, 84 20 of 24

Appendix A

Table A1. List of countries.

Afghanistan Dominica Lebanon Rwanda

Albania Dominican Republic Lesotho Samoa
Algeria Ecuador Liberia Sao Tome and Principe
American Samoa Egypt Libya Senegal
Angola El Salvador Macedonia FYR Serbia
Armenia Equatorial Guinea Madagascar Sierra Leone
Bangladesh Eritrea Malawi Solomon Islands
Belarus Ethiopia Malaysia Somalia
Belize Fiji Maldives South Africa
Benin Gabon Mali Sri Lanka
Bhutan Gambia Marshall Islands St Lucia
Bolivia Georgia Mauritania St Vincent and the Grenadines
Bosnia and
Ghana Mauritius Sudan
Botswana Grenada Mexico Suriname
Brazil Guatemala Micronesia Fed Sts Syrian Arab Republic
Bulgaria Guinea Moldova Tajikistan
Burkina Faso Guinea Bissau Mongolia Tanzania
Burundi Guyana Montenegro Thailand
Cabo Verde Haiti Morocco Timor-Leste
Cambodia Honduras Mozambique Togo
Cameroon India Myanmar Tonga
Central African
Indonesia Namibia Tunisia
Chad Iran Islamic Rep Nepal Turkey
China Iraq Nicaragua Turkmenistan
Colombia Jamaica Niger Uganda
Comoros Jordan Nigeria Ukraine
Congo Dem. Rep Kazakhstan Pakistan Uzbekistan
Congo Rep Kenya Papua New Guinea Vanuatu
Costa Rica Kiribati Paraguay Venezuela RB
Cote d’Ivoire Korea Peru Vietnam
Cuba Kyrgyz Republic Philippines West Bank and Gaza
Djibouti Lao PDR Romania Yemen Rep
Russian Federation Zambia

Table A2. Components of KOF Globalization Index.

Components Measure
(i) Actual flows: Trade (in percentage of GDP), foreign direct investment (in percentage of GDP), portfolio investment (in
percentage of GDP), and income payments to foreign nationals (in percentage of GDP).
(ii) Policies: Mean tariff rate, hidden import barriers, taxes on international trade (in percentage of current revenue), and
capital account restrictions.
(i) Personal contact: Outgoing telephone traffic, transfers (in percentage of GDP), international tourism, telephone average
costs of call to USA, foreign population (in percentage of total population).
Social (ii) Data on information flows: Telephone mainlines (per 1000 people), internet hosts (per capita), internet users (as a share of
population), cable television (per 1000 people), daily newspapers (per 1000 people), and radios (per 1000 people).
(iii) Data on cultural proximity: McDonald’s and IKEA per capita, trade in books (% of GDP).
Political Embassies in country, membership in international organizations, participation in UN Security Council missions.

Table A3. Correlations of the explanatory variables.

Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
OGI (1) 1.00
EGI (2) 0.68 1.00
SGI (3) 0.76 0.46 1.00
PGI (4) 0.69 0.14 0.14 1.00
Primary enrollment (5) 0.40 0.32 0.39 0.16 1.00
Secondary enrollment (6) 0.41 0.46 0.36 0.31 0.26 1.00
Tertiary enrollment (7) 0.37 0.42 0.45 0.45 0.30 0.17 1.00
Rural population (8) 0.08 −0.22 −0.14 0.25 0.05 0.00 −0.05 1.00
Health expenditure (9) 0.33 0.12 0.18 0.29 0.17 0.10 0.34 −0.22 1.00
Population growth (10) −0.31 −0.19 −0.43 −0.08 −0.26 −0.39 −0.43 −0.03 0.05 1.00
Arable land area (11) 0.08 −0.24 −0.08 0.35 0.04 0.06 0.13 0.44 −0.41 −0.08 1.00
GDP growth (12) 0.02 0.06 −0.03 0.03 0.02 −0.10 −0.07 0.07 −0.24 0.14 0.04 1.00
GDP per capita (13) 0.26 0.33 0.16 0.28 0.28 0.31 0.29 −0.05 0.06 −0.27 0.13 0.02 1.00
Inflation (14) −0.03 −0.04 −0.04 0.01 −0.01 0.00 0.03 −0.01 0.02 0.12 0.19 −0.08 −0.03 1.00
Access to electricity (15) 0.39 0.36 0.28 0.25 0.40 0.44 0.37 0.06 0.26 −0.11 0.14 −0.02 0.14 −0.03 1.00
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