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|H]a|c||e]R|s| Hackers TOEIC Listening David Cho nv vd xokr dn 6x0 wor bea THE ‘WANK eu ud xt EE Nha Tri Viet Hackers TOEIC Capt 201, 0a ono ‘Wivedtoni pbc nV dr acaas sar teen Haha Langins Reta Co, {estan eto. tre Manager ‘igre pt ol plea emote, ren ari en. ‘ovary mary sate neces! Pop, tr, area, tet te ew parson OEIC an Engish test taken bynon-rative speakers who want o use English Inthe international werplace, In sotua fact, TOEIC is avery changing examination One eason fo his is TOEIC questions use mary tic words, Leamers, therefore, ned a conse se number of business-related vocebulay items. Arter reasons TOEIC ques ‘ions actualy que logical thinking. Many candidates who ave not amie wth ‘vocabulary tems and not confortable wih this typeof thinking may the est hart atan the sore they needs Belore you star studying fr he tst,the fst thing you should do | set a golf youate aking the etn order to apply for a, et what proficlency levels ‘equited. Nex, nd relevant and beneical materia o practice so as to develop your testaking strategies. Being aware ofthe practical demand cf lamers, we have designed a set of Hackers books af basic and intermediate levee ~ Hackers TOE Usterng anc Hackers TOBC Reading whose materials and questions ar wel selected fm a ‘ay of sources and from the most racent TOEIC tests. lt of clear and etl explanatons plus a wee range of practice actos in these books wil ‘etanly meet your needs an enable yeu to achieve ahigh score on the TOEIC test ‘This series of books can be usedtin clas with he assistance of an instuctor or for cl sty, Hopetuy, you wl find these books ty practical snd hls, ad you wil soon _achiove your expected goa CONTENTS Mn Fetnrs6 | Abas THK | TOE 10 | Pee OBC Le Tt 2 | Hows Sy | Bagc | Testing Pit, TestTakng Sissies, and”) Testing Poin, Test Ting Satis and ‘Study Sateen = ‘Stay Stratos os Basic Points for Test Taking Basle Points for Test Taking 1 tei se gaa pos toes 1 ting an nese wat ba lor ese so | ata ~ 2. Leinart ote 2 Unig eterno 72 somes 3 | ote wee ative 98 5. tequsieg tween cnseg wens 38 4 Undestnseg pst atin * 4 orig orate pss « Achieving Your Goal * Achieving Your Goal 4 | course} information Guestns ‘course ldentibing Photographs Based onthe | Oats Whe/Wheeaw | 108 umber fPopl or the Existence of oda a a _efee Sones, 3. Quon wih han ‘op en as pn 46) esis ach "op 2. pape ote tam genon 5. me My in 5. Roopars foes me % cnecnvalae i Course 2 IenihingPhtoraph Based on course Yes/No Oestns Seer ee | are gusine na 1. Paap es 8 Pesan e 2 Pant apap 6 sania a S.Ptpseetahawsorimemek {Rote fattesintmeti | Course Other edn Types and Shp mei taons a Sateen 1. Anat sion i Power Test a 2. Tague e {oe von tes . | Power Test ve Gxx=» (GEzvEp Basic Points for Test Taking | Basic Points for Test Taking ee | enieemsivere ot | Laces — er vane . Smee |e . a a | tia . pe eatclas ead 2 a . cents at a, on 2 scones a 7 eo : ae | io . Frases an = = 2 | ee : = A so 2 | | Power Test 20 | ae = ee : = : feo . | ser travers 0 om ce 0 sg Main Features Ins book every Pa ofthe TOE est has een present and aranged na ougy Snr frmat wh he folowing eas: 0 A large collection of actual questions A oteat ruber factual questons have been clete ar range to help you Both practi and hance yourtst‘aking ably. ‘An MP3 CD for listening practice ‘An MCD is provided to entle you to pact a varity of storing acts to gra ual famlinze yoursl wih the fomat and question types of he ata st Explanations of testing points, test-taking strategies, and study strategies ‘Aide range of testing pins tat you may encounter in he actu! es scarey ‘explained. Mor important, es akng satgis and study sategiee ae brely pes ‘eed taciate you test aig and leaing, Basic points for test taking ‘asi ports ar carly analyzoto provide you wih 2 good ‘Common expressions xprossons hat are requnty fund inthe TOEI este prseniod in every section of the book andrea out am the MPS Cfo youto lar and rane ey 6H ig prsshratetron Hackers Practice and Hackers Test Hachors recice and Hackor Tost have bon designed nd regulary been provided ‘wth he am of helping you apply he aie ana strategies you have jst eared he receding sections Power Test 1 he end of each Pat, Power Test which resemble the TOEIC etn tame of are feu and question numbers powder yo to check you progress. Two actual tests ‘Aer earning athe four parte, yeu wil hve an opportuni odo two acu ets 0 ‘ste yourachewsment, Oz ‘Some major differences between American English and British English Some major diterences betwen American Enish and Beh Engleh we dion ‘8 ponted cuts 8 0 rduce your ae atening to a vatiey of awa ‘he TOPIC Ltenng ee, Useful vocabulary Last bu rot east, neal voeabulay tems tat may be foundin the TOEICesthave boon presen in categories. Each tm goes wih a good exarnle ands reac ot to alp yu both ar he vocabuary in cate and erorore yout pronunciation by Istoring othe MP3 Co. About TOEIC What is TOEIC? OEIC i shat for Tet of Engi or intatonl Commusicaton, ie an Engle et designs specicaly to measie the eveyday busness Exgish skis of nonnative peopl wot ah iremational ener also alews empoyes 0 mate ing dace, promotions ar fers copending on eb seers cuaiatons snd Englsh potency, TOEIC qusctone are sos ‘ana variety rea none etings and stations: ‘+ apr Dlopmrt-remach rset Hen eos eo eg, eg. rec enn Ipbsopleaors, eb asanaererts soles. sear reepions sears + Metco pt nanan, ‘+ Eatetalmen ceva mise ath quaycontal fens rau res + offer rece, bears mange, cen, ‘nce onc buaeing barra —__‘s Peon, eens and ma mage + GeywtBiess corse reateors, + Puchaond- tere. hp ng mange, wa» etal reson, chy compton, ‘ars, usressolerg oneeress, aloe ree conan 1 eave rac! racy eto + Toate, ale, tal bbe tp ar cts doeate cn xp tots shes, station ad ape amaze, Hows Capote Pept cers, carrer senator an cesar Sesto buyrgerening ee TOEIC test format Number simon ae ae Questions MM | score ar | Pobre Deseo 7 Lntening Pat | Ounstons &Reonsas = Comprehension Pats | Ssot Consens Snpleetennealdeaos an | Son Take a Pan | Sarge Canlaon cy easing Far Test Carlton 2 poy 2 ronintes| 8 PO Dou Passages 2 | To Tae 200 [zone 900_| Registration, test taking, score report 1. Registration Youcan regtr br he TOE testo ori son ae tein your aunty. ‘Conte! Vea fr eisroton foraton Ho Chi Mik Cy Of sa coins Da Nang Oe tats mg CeeTeR Me, an Tce Speman ‘etna ac IB Semone Era img aNoiOfice eva degen 15 Dn nn a a, hn penan so ach ‘paranoia Peat asain Sastre 2, Test taking Conte st dey, you ust + Provide poo yur éanty othe super. + Oniyhave on your dose your ideo car _Enauremabie phones, gor ard ary crore devas a schol and paced wih porcnl Belongings cus th ost 0m. Notion ating, eberow aying am, arte cana sng hae. steno te supers ar. what you sr aba do, Tal ine superior or iwplator at ones youthrkyouare at ve toga bocket ori tees boots nearer legie ees cael nolo te nstuctons pred ne est boc Friyourrame an epson numba on your answer set ele te tar fh tet sien caret othe cored instruction to tamlaieyousel wh te stening volun ane tes00m + Ronemba yu tt ct anc rgitaton unr a hal youcan ck ours elon. 3. Score report Fsuts ae iesud by tos contr, uly 20 days ar he et Inston o organization whee youhae repstred may access yur eel before yourecane iby ma TOEIC Tips Before entering the test room 1. Mako sur youkrew ne ct, ro, yours venue and ave Store the sehecue tring ne. 2. Bing along your elation tm andcticaion car 88g long yourrtatecks, MPS CD rary study mars youhave ota youcantaealook arg he wating ne. During the test 1. Choose the correct answers and mark them on your answer sheet © Listening Test While ne ocrded general direction ad rections for Pans 1 and? ae ga, yu sod ake soot hs tere to ade quesonsin Parca many ss pose When you tear Now tue bap Par sp eaieg sn neat eno Pat Wo cancatae on etening When cong Past and2, you shou 1 wat jut are crn on ut ai a one et oct 1 Netspenate nu ir en one ton + ven oe ase cee aah usin. + Tyoanner ony question ees ty iy, \Wle the econ for Part are ghen, mate ue his eto racagan tb queso numbered from tt 49 andthe possible ansme choos, and reed the questions nunbeed fom 71173 ‘sd tha postbearewer cies wha the crecton or Part are gen Sirlfnessh, ure Ine hokey words in ac hase questions Fr Past ag you can markyou choles rigtton question ne et bok and ter rarer ‘am ono yeu anaws cheat Osing so, you an abet of as ie, 10a TO Listy vw han com 2 Reading Test Inne Rear ection (6 mints you hav te pace yousel, You may hav ost 0 seconds foreach quetion Par Sand Pr 6, you may have aber Smite foreach ecg pas ‘8 n Par 7. Tetlore, you sald py ose aenion te time ing he Paadng eatin ot thet. So, work uicky and mark your enswers on your stew sheen aay. Hy dor row ne answer toa qusson, come beck ite, ‘Your sco wl be basedon he rumber of qustone you arava cacy, ltyou mark ore than ov ase, ht question wil be courted as wong even Oe ofthe a sors you marks isconet 2, Complete your test ‘An amouncementfthetst-ending tee wl be made we tines: 15 mists and 3 mines belo the teste up. We ete itis ished, you have sist your et okt and sneer stociohe igter eda sahara aes TO ig 11 Parts in the TOEIC Listening Test Part 1: Photograph Descriptions Pat consis of 1 quasons umber rm 010. Fot ach question youl to a pot raph ang Intent four tatomens Your i to choose the eaten thal best deserons thepretogaph. 1A Thoyreholiing an outiorcaremony. * (8) Toye playing basket outdoors, (©) Toye seting up benches on the ras {D1 Theyre watching 2 game on lvson, Part 2: Questions & Responses Pa 2 corsets of 30 quostonsnuméed rom 1 040 For each quston yi Wl oar @ {uesion ora sstoment ané ee possbe response. You [0b ft chee the bes spanse to sac ofthe questions or state 1. Wve you lose your wate? 19) By say +18} On the bu {Ch Twenty dolare 12-08 sensation Part 3: Short Conversations an 3 cons of 30 questions numbered tom 41 a 70, You wil hea ome short emretons beeen Wo people Youten ead tee questo aboutesch cinersaion nyu st hone ‘Thr ar four posable arse coices reach he quston Your bisa hoze he bes nove act he tons (what re th spears cusing? (A) heat events (CLA doco’ sopointmant {B)Achangeofasiess +10} Work sehadtes Part 4: Short Talks Pst consis 30 questions numbered tom 71100. You wit hear en shor tas gen sgl specter. Each short aki follwes by tree aeons pes nyo esl bola ete are our possbe answer chaos reach of sa qusttons, You st choose he (0. What wi ecur dng he dt? (A) An inspection wit be condita (CT et dor wl be lst for tan mits +8) lr wi sound, (0) The power st How to Study Individual Study Plans eis aisle ha you compe he lagnost est on page 17 so mat you can ery our orl ot ng, ase on your scr re you can dace an apreprate study Pan yeuesal level 1. “This ie svagete tty plan for thoes whose sor blow 22 Leen Couseby Cowen tis book, paying cos atenton tothe prnurciatinassons. 2. Reaan stuy seis and agp Dem oe speci xargs ha ohow {Baten wht younave learnin each Course, coe pretion ecto and ctu ‘uestens 4 Lookstyouritorectanewes agin then steno he MPOCD, repeat er whatyouhave ear ae onembe tom. 5 Usten again and rissing Words in the practice sats raking deat, 6. youl make mista nang Seaton retiothe eleven pars ns book revew nem ere carey, “Tiss a suppose’ ud plan forse whse scores inthe rarge ot 23.5, 5. Learn Coursey Cousens bok, paying close stterson othe pronunciation estore 2. Read he sy statogas ac apply hor othe space exercise tha flow '3.Batadon what you ve era in each Case dota pact sactons an aca ‘uesiens. 4 Lookatyouinconect answer aga, enter the MPC, repeat at va you have eae any ramembar em '5 Lsieothe MP8 CD wocrtnres ts snail na misng mean th actos secone| fortacng dation 1s TCLs “Tha suggestod suey pun Note whose score inthe range 96-45, 1, dust tonto common wecabiy ts and wressions ths tok and unetand| ‘nee meanings 2. Reed esc statis ac apt ther othe specie execs at fon. 8 Bases on what you hao lane in ech Course, he pastes acta and ata 4. Lookat your incor: answers apa, hen ite fhe MPC repeat a wha you have rd an yt remember 5. Uston othe MPS CO nce el and he missing Wor he prac sation or takeg deter level 4 ‘les gen sty pn roses sx ne ge 450 4st sen oe conmon erably fers and exes nth book an urea inet earings 2. Read nest satis ard apy tham tothe specie eerciee ta flow. 5 Based on wha you havo aed in ach Cour, othe pacte sectns ad acta ues 4. Lookat your neat answers apn, thentntothe MPaCD repeat er whatyouhane| heard an ryt remember, 5. Ustonttte MPS CD ance ony andi he mising words int pte sctons or takeg etn, 6 ead te sat of questions for ea tk anc choose he cae answer io each question ‘bared one ornate hat you hearin the tk. Then, do the same rhe rental. mentation ces TOC eng —15 Learning Styles Which earning sls apap or you? "I preato y by myset> Individual learning style Make aus of htock andthe MPaCD oly erance your study eit “lpr to sudy with ny group pares” Group learning style Group members can cross check h ees of shot et ns Bow and Help ex lan deur questions that hor partes encour shal embers can improve ther Engh sil special the tenng sil. "prot tay with etree or raione” __ Visual learning style eam na vocabulary toms ooking at lusalve pices and clos caning ou your su plan; lo soe your praia by acon th anny fr mss, prefer goo an gah cs” _Formal learning style ‘end an Engi lass and conaut you ache whenever yu have robles wth your Engish 16 tae TOC tang wishin ceca eer 8 Markyour ane (A) (8) (6) .Markyour ens (A) (8) (6) B.Markyour answer (A) (6) (0) 9. Markyour answer. (A) (8) (C) 10. Markyouranewer. 4) (8) (6) Me Mankyouranemer_ (A) (8) 12 Markyouranewer. &) (@) (0) 18 Narkyou anewer (A) (8) (0) Mak your answo. Mack your ano. Mask your awe. Mk your ange Mark your awe. Mark your ansane Mark your nen vert | | i | | | @ @ @ @ © ® o ° ° ° ae) 21. Whats he man ig? 24. Whale he prblan? (8) Upeatng batonng sta (8) Te sever nat wang 22. What mot ay the kayetespeaka’s 25 hati tho man word about? seeciaty? 1) Ho tout tne meet. (Te ernment 18) is pat sing 23, Why the woman concemed? 28 What does he woman sugget? (9 Se ue ora meet, 1) Resco he mastng (@ystemadea rsthe oF He 1B) Honing o tern someutr (©) Se nas to send at sforaton (©) ange toc macine (0) Stes te atend a cnr, 1 Del tne etn 27. Wy WG coming nt? 42, How nou he woman cana Me Css? 1) He miea ne us 18 ytepneve (8) eet caertn vat 15) 8) messoger (0) Heo antrer mecing (sera (O) He ove. (0) Byteeran 28, What polions he worn ping 7 (a Human resources manosee 53. mere moat hay ae he speaker? (G) Sais representative 1) ta wareneuse (0) ofie manager 8) Aacethng soe . (0) Fanci arast 1) a contornce [D) Aten aipor 29, nati the woman asked toc? Wat ina sean re {4. When is be woman gong Alaska? (@) Came dekin an nour 1 Toeay g [c) Sub an psetion @) Tororo ‘ 0, Why the woman ing to contact 5, Whats the woman concerned abu? (ras? 1) The warmth of het (a) Tog hie mabe teepane ruber 12) Te cies cost (0) Tocteck te ime ofa meeting (0) Me conference ation (0) Toone spent f peduss 51 What oes he ran sy about Mr. Cross telephone mute? ard {8 Ware does ak probaly take pce? (0 menacing ant (© Ina raring ity 47. Who serves the machina? cea {Ware does hs nnouncement probably tke (2 ot, 40, is Mie Fesrckso? (1 singer 1, What wie, adhoc iar te pecrmanes? (0) Sn auogants oes T0825 {2 watypa of sre bang avers? WA cling sore 45, Azcrdng he advertisement, hy do «5. yi th speakarcaling? (To roast an acres (0) Tonge ameetne wth» snoer 46, Wat coos be spake recommend? 1) Vang weno (2) Ordenga trent ten (cating acter sore 47-Yhoe does the speak sy wl be temerow| 49, Howleng win pet ke? 50. What are empyees asheso do? (Pack mer geoal lenges (@ Tava tesubeay Delay Reet cred ere Cee re) Cea 28-hces ToEC sing Se SE See es 10 poop or objctlecene, ged cet een eels Cee een x possible statoments hat Lstening and marking both correct and incorrect ansvers Sa For photographs of abjcts/scenes, you should learn common expe eee anes Fee tee eee eae Cee You should familiarize yoursel with statements having confusing words Se ee PB eon arr 1. Learning basic grammar points used to describe locations and states Photograns in Part usualy focus one oraten an sts of people or obec scenes. You, thereto, should lean some tase grammar points that are usa fo coscibe me ocr snd sles of pene o objects /scoesin he shtagapns © Subject +be + prepositional phrase/ There +be + noun + prepositional phrase ‘That stuctres ar fen usc sere ha octane an sates of pope or bets snes treprotoaaphs lets tsten! > ‘Sor sont eon the wats “Thora teos by the water Lets check up Oy ster an chess ta sitonental closet inmeanng eine ane you her andhen cone the gappes stances (You wi ea tee tres) 1.9 The woman ent an Sa Apicwes oar ve wept, {8 Thomans rotor he eran 18 A pte bw he eres. © Themen © Afames picture 2. 8 Alm pit onesch se fe be, 7.0 The Wo Wlootores ate putin nephone {8 A amp px bes tebe wet, © Thewiea ame 1 oe talghone putin atelenanebcth |. Apecup nck isbxkre wo tthe * eee 8, Ean aeenone reco st bese 8 1 There a pekip tuck nh baka telephone ‘© Apleu tuek Tete me pele rine lator 12 Thee ave 4. @ ame satin ve estauaet 1 Mere ae sent emp sees te 8. 08 hose nas many nds nthe restaua > Thee is 5. The bung ae opast ech ter 10.2 Cas a ftoning och a 1 The budags se bese ach te. @ cos wei ines. 20-Hase TOHUseg ‘The present continuous tense ‘The present continuous tans oto sed deter the sat of pple objects scenes inthe protograpis. Let's stent 0 He wearing ap hes wearin loves os wowing lasses. @ Let's cheek up! 0 ste nd choot to eaten! als onal inrearing tothe on you Fear and hen complete the paped santnces (Yui hau tee tne 1.0 Tecogisneningen be gs 8. Theyre ot ean 2 Tho oxi stayin the gs (@ Tey sonang een he ang © Thedog 2 Thayee the ating. 1 Tey a ochingat each @ Tyre sitingon the tte, © Thayne Theyre 3. & eq istoppng ene. 8. @ Sue pepo ate geting he us, 3 Sore gage in De ay, (8 Some pecle are warn ge cn he © Some ggg tes. © Some people 4.8 Some peope ae ern, 1 Some people re gernaatawrishap. 8. The apes at put on he dx, | Sore poop (© Tepapersar steed ng onthe c 5 Thy are werg pate cating 1B Toye puting fey go 10.) Te women ae engi seh > Thay sate ge (8 The women ae akg one ant: © The women © The present perfect tense Te presen pert ede l met used to scrote sate stuston of people or objects in he photogracs Let’stistenl Tha carhas stopped at egos station. The man has stepped out ofthe cr Let's checkup 0 [ten ad choot th ater nea seat meaning othe one you hear, and hen complete the gepped sentncas ou wit ew tee trea) 1. Hoa woes we 5. @ The mannas jst be seta (B Hes sone some ene. (9 Tre mans jst ses he tee She © Theman the tats. 2.8 Meman has cones thee. 7.6 Te oes onthe een, 1B Themonisclesingte oe. © Ma wee Masa et ofienes © Themen ‘teotfen > Thewee 2. Te soa tas bon pre, 8. @ Atus samognecasin e seat 1B Thestostis bag es 1 Abus as js stopp © The sreet > Abus 08 Theater as ousted othe ate, @ Avante jst cone 5. @ Amanhas dor the chekin, 10.8 People ve ben quo ae (@ Aman as aoe te checkout tes Aman shot roam, Pope ae ooking at he pees. © People a! @ Thepassivewoice In Part, he pasive vice ost usedto descibe the stat of cbects scenes. Test, ne subjects of he sates are things bec Let’ tistent 0 Tes a placed on ace Let's check upl ston anc chaos he stator! tha closest n meaning tothe one yau hea, nd thn amp ‘he gapped sertnces. (Yuwie tieee times 1. Thebog not vile pedsrans {Tre ecesrans ae cain he Wee. > Thebridge & Ttonds ave been eye was. (@ Tetons ave cometh wal 2 Theale €@ Tey hae mate e ot © Tey re aig he bed. ‘The be 4. Theos bomin the wate © Tey hv thon he oo oo he wae. © Treboat the wate 1 Toy arsome cars thee (8 Some ca camino the ak 2 Te uses ae bitte sae dies. (8 Toy bu te nouses inte same sy, © Thehousss 1B Tho mmoreets te eave, The ser (8 Thay ave ured oe gs © Thelghe @ Thay ae butdng te huses inte Te neues ae her anther inte > The houses Te teats oe foingin he wt, © The boat aa 2, Learning basi grammar points used to describe actions Inaction tote locates andes of people or bec scones, hologram Pat algo focus ‘nthe acts of people. You, teeore, shoul! ern sore bale rama pone Ia re sed 0 scibe tho acton of people nthe photograph © The present continuous tense ‘The presen coninuou tase mot wedin Pat 1 ta desobe the acon of people nthe photograph Letstistenl 0. Het ping the wal , He's holding onto the ide. Let's checkup! 0 ster nd choose the aera at soe in rearing oe one you ear, and hen complete ‘ha gapped sotoncos. (Yu wl ea tee tines) 1.2 e's theres, 16.2 The mons xing sone dur. ‘wes mgs he .& Me manisurtrg a ep 2. the woman sake. cy 7.09 Theyre con ae pases The woman ismasncates, (8 Tarelookngfr soe papers © The woman 2 Thevie 3. meman's ep e es. 8. Theyre wating down te mun, wo Terran is examining is {© eye sing on > Themen Theyre 4. Stes ange wah sonst 2. Toman seepingin abs 1 She's ing somebody ba pope @ Theanine ae, > shee 10 mother porson © Theman 5. Thewatriblinginte rt 10. The woman s stopenginama The fore being watoos 1 Theworan s ptt label on ope © The woman > Thewomsn @ The present continuous passive ‘The present coninvous passive is also use to describe the actions whch ae being pete ‘Tre subjects ote posse answer cnc roost cet, but samatimes hey maybe peel, Let’ listen! 3 ‘Tho bet being pled by he van Let's checkup! 0 ster and choos the satan has closest in meaning oe one you het, and en corte the gapped sarterce. (You wl hentia ies) 1.8 Medora nite lane. 6. The prope resting ina eat (@ Tesojsarepassrgout Mer 3 Tho peel ae other sei > Fes bythe boys D The paople thor son 2. Te scars examining sonar, 7.0 People ae getngcr ne she, © The rsp nt opened Pepleareuniaara shirest. ° byadodor, © The capo 3. Samy uroackingtb gps 8. The enipmen dara. B Sonetoty wena 3 The ecioment erg rove >The > Tha euipment B Atow nck tougher cay B Saco bes a et toca. © One cl he (or epi The bones 5. somepeopleaemevngtte macines, 10.8 Te ais forse > Mechinas The plants © There +be + people animals + Vang This stutue, a wren theres used in lace of ne al sje, most uted odesrbe the ‘scton of peop /aneals inte photorapts Let's listen! “hare ae two men crying something ‘hate a two men moving someting Let's check upl 0 {ste ane choose the satoment hate cost meaning the one you hear, ana hen complete the piped ertenes (You wl Pr three tmes) 1. Moy people sinc inthe pel 6. Amani iin th ae {B Many pope a aieing ie ing @ Aman echoing un the ter cxmpattion © Theis 1.0 Pople ae wan son te mere 2. Amn senate house. © People ate sinmingin te ar. Amanisstncrgn font We ow 5 Thee we £80 The fish are bongo athe mata. 8. Many pees ee quire 1 Peo te shigat th waters eo. 1 Mary pope ae athe 2 Ther re > Thor ae 2 Some bes aefinain tbe 1 Pepe ate sing to nea > There © Thereare 10. Same people wang neal 5. People ponesingoutoor, (B Some people are guingioestotteaials 1 Peopleate pant. ei scone > There a euece oor ps8 ‘pee = © Get Have «objet + past partiple ‘Thistle scald ease form, whieh sued whan we ararge or smabody to do some tng or Us: Gti sazinen of have, usualy in infor spoken Engish Lets listent 0 ‘alanis geting her ta ise ‘woman geting her it washed at's checkup! oy ster nd chose ne ator ha closest n meaning oho one you hea, a han complete ‘We gppes sentences (rou wl hear Pe ees) 1. Meworanshaugsmetoty partner 5. @ The woran cute er ha fora. ( Tewonar stage rarest (8 Te WaT Spanner neon a. |} The woman is 2 The woman 2. Messe isc 5. The man shea sorbed aka ues nome sonetny sre ier phe 6 Me man stirga pete © Themen 3. Theol woman saving sorb wash ern. 1, ® Onwaftha women shin somebody (8 Told Womans woah hae st err The olf womans (8 Oe tthe omen tratngher i © One othe women sels hag amet tah hot tempera. 1. Te pent chectnghispue B She fig her ompaaue. 1B Te patent snamgserebo, cht i 2 Sheis ee © Too paint meaner ae oC stag -37 usr 00.460 si ~” 3. Distinguishing between confusing words Te correc arsworto equation of artis he onthe ety descins what an be sen the photograph. The decir - wrong anewas ae corse fr oe fhe folowing reasons, 1. Siie-sounding words The sateent conta a wor thet sounds ik, bts othe sane as, sortie vise inthe photograph 2 Meaning The statarent dre not corey descibe whats shawn in he phctoyaph © Similar-sounding words ‘he tracers statemerts in Part | areal similar sourdng words Les listent 2 (AI He's ooking trough alain ode (6) Hes puting the papers in a ie. Let's checkup! 0 Listen ote siiar-soundng words arte sateen, then orl th words you hor 1. @ appoining pontine 20. @ wang Beirne 2.wese woe 2. bat cory 20 6 22.8 one 8 toning 4. @ cooks ox Be teeing petng 5 eave ® shove 28.0 pate wise 6 Bunting 1B ring Bering baking 7. poet 1 pat 26. @ tam Wiom 8 @arecty —Barectxy 27. ceserpton——B presen 8. @iver tae 28.0 foor @ toner 10.8 ie ton 73. apermen —@ parent 1. aah © cock 50. towne Walowne 12.@nohirg ——B woe 31. moroshone _ memszope 13. @ cau 8 ot 32.0 stk Bm M4 @osessng —® dessng 33.0 pis Boe 15. ies os 38. @ rang Bang 16. fing © pocig 35. srg ping 17.8 ate arm 3. @ verdng ——_@berdng 18. hat he 37.@ otendrg —— @teng 19.0 eur (8 ttre 28. @ ting Bore © Words ofthe same form but cifferent parts of speech In Engi, words othe ame frm but trent pa ol spech con cote Isteners, Questions in Pa quant employ theseto riled examinees. Let’ tisten! Lets checkup! (a) They eatng@ book na bookstore (6) Tay often Book seats wall n advance. Liston te statoners and desde whee the ward you hearin each one a oun or ava 2. lose 5 wi awe 9p 10-pay 1 ply tage ® nou @ noun @ romn 8 rain @ row @ nou @ noun @ ron 8 rain @ rae @ noun @ veun Bee Bree Bye ave ove B vet Bree Bree Bye aren Bren Bre eo se TC Us 39 4. Learning idiomatic expressions Some quetons in Par ato use kemat exresins you donot now net mdrings, yu ‘illhave aloo afew n urcestrang ine statemnis and choosing correc arses © Got, Put set Let’ listen! 0 The man's puting wp a bck wal et Put set et out of e vehicle ton hi shin fet upa microphene eof he bus putupasion Set down i og etacos the sae pucouthe re fete techs Let's check up! O- Listen and choose the ttre tha closest in meaning othe one you heer, and tan care tne gappes sowencos, (You wil ares mes) 1. Te womans getingon he ca 6.08 Mabnes have been sat ede 18 Me woman geting nec @ Meo«s hve been iin pi, © The woman is © The boxes 2. Flog rset on te dsk 7.09 Thewoman sarge oxtan, Fes nv been puton ono sect desk, Te worn sting the cua 2 Hes tng poe te br 8. The man steno ht Hes tn tpt vay tb (@ Tremanis ning is act on © Hes ving to © The mens 4 Peopoareenorng eb 9.9 Te sate tos ben pa dom foto (5 Pope ate les te bitin the soe, 2 People aro 6 The tase as boon put down ast he 2 arm tore on pia. © These Same items 10, Tet titres have been asin 19 Te er cues woe 40 aeToe tng hare @ Hang, Pull Take Let's listen! « Tho man i taking api Hang Put Toke hangup a son ull up weds tate eset ang up te sephone _pulloutof th ston tate of he shoes hang tro the cing pul wp tthe urd tate down the sions hunpoutthesheets pulldown te shoe tats roe fulton ton tate order a at overt th er tate someting ot fhe box Lets check up! 0 ston and choos tha ater tas coseat w maaning ofa ove you ew, and then Somele the gapped sornoos. (You wll ear vee tres) I. Tevain lina stato, The rsa the stator, © hewonans awa heshaes {© Me woman resign te she, © Tha woman is 1 The lores have beer bout Wash The ete ‘ogee, w Tefoots var aien uote rear The man is 6. See pele aot down someting, ® Sea pele ao eséng books. © Same people Tre womens costing ne ores €@ Tre vam removing er ves. Te woman 8 Te shook, > The shopper @ Aslgns bing nine up byte soskeoe. stondray hes, oe 0 oO oo © © 2 Achieving Your Goal Identifying Types of Photographs IEERI Photographs about the number of people or the existence of objecs/ scenes InP, statements may be designed depending on he number poopie and whathe hr object / scenes nthe photorapts 1. Photographs of ne person + Sha looking ovr tho manu 2 Photographs of morethan one person 28 general ‘rin e2eh ear. oF wat acho them doing 3, Photographs of objects /scenes sconesin he petograp. +The lpnes are pated atthe terin erawor chee goer dectbe tne eral sane o he Photographs about common settings or locations bets scenes n he ptographs Photographs of workplace + Thoyte wotngtogater ata desk 2. Photographs of particular pace Proiogiaphs of a part plsce hat rludes alps, hotels, baba’, nosis, aes, book +The spnes ae parted onthe grou. 2 Photographs of house or housework Yar, he teraee, ec. :oF someting indoors ike the hg room th che, he Baoan, at + There imp betwen the bad 4 Photographs of atte in thee time Progra of acti ih Photographs of mobil situations Identifying Possible Incorrect Answers Simitar-sounding words note same a, something visbien hotograch ave genraly used as svat, 1A) Hus asting the don the mirophone Words of similar forms butilferent pats of speech ich contain wed of sin or bute pao speech (ndhence ater mean 5 Dissna A] Descriptions of people or things that donot exist n the photographs Sates tht cosrbe (a) erse() or hing) wich coe) nat ent nthe olograchs mayb IN The spectors are stain long the rack oma 46-10 ai BD Incorrect descriptions 0, (A) He ooking trough the , (8) Th drawers areal open t Unknown situations Son stoners archon swe coca because ey te onan Wh Ty Action verbs used to describe states Some sataments use action erbs 1 desebe he current aol something, wich may mislead Meee ree acs Rae crete sates 1. Photographs af one person “hs tbe of photorane is died iro photograghs a on person enly and hose a ane person wt bjt scenes sound ne her © Photographs ofone person only ‘Thisype of photographs focuses on te act the parson nthe otographAlsubgts the talent eter to is porson, a hey are folowod wh the doscpton a hehe ection. The freee continuous een canbe haar inthe sates Focal strategies As the subjects nthe four statements eae, you jt nat sen othe vers. ‘You shad lve ou the dtc elering othe objects which exist oo not ‘stn the photogs Example O4 (A) Hos choosing 2 sad dressing, (6) Hes reaching fr some venotabes. (€) He saectng a cairo ston (0) Hes tacking un the te in i ask. Expressions 0 Below ar some ust exressonerlald io cmon aciore which ae fen ound nthe do ‘espe statpmens of sty, Listen and repeat caver ies, "earings ene gate serary tang 61 mount ooking hough te window ‘chrcingheecton ine io sctcing ewan ertng se rig soe paper Eee» croinetoncn bbe YR tenes ee bs @ Photographs ofone person with obecs/scenes . ‘Tis typeof photographs consis of bth a perton anc objets /scenes. The rere continuous tense an he preeertconinvous pass canbe hea into sates Fecal seatages You hae tote tothe ves deserbing the peso actions, nd the lactins/ states of bets You should pay dose attention tothe tates refering 16 the objets ens nd bing in present continuous passe. Youhve to lave out the satemkats tht decerbe someting which des nt wt inthe photographs shane com ce 08 ng A Example (aA man sing up he eds 18) A ladder itbeng put wy. [Ch The wood nas been sacked onthe gourd. {b) The roof ofthe houses Bing ie. = Expressions 0 ‘Below wre sro ula expressions eae ocareon actions a oats sae of bjs which ten oun inthe descipive ales is ype sien an epet seve es ing wih ‘elocnted ast the wa hangar ne oe ean gst dor abe the we pacer TOC te Hackers Practice {Ghoote ne sateen! hat bes cescribs what ou see each pet 2, Photographs of more than one person This ype of photooracs is dc ita pheograps of persons are tose of more han bo peeans wih oes /sceres. © Photographs oftwo persons tee pe GTC he te wo peo. The sb fi tron ow othon Bah ham Jet Yu mut nto athe jc ad te es inthe sere ‘he mutual tons ae an he xe ave chee example 01 1A They ae ering gat wa. {8} The men a sbking had (6) They ee bth wens (0) The mn ee ing 1 xe te Expressions O. Below ar soe us eprewie sods cormon actos and als whch a fen ound ‘he descriptive tatamen of styp. Len and eps evra ines, "ese for here be +. + pert gore shavogamects, adres one's cleseue ‘ating wth ach ter postngeaen ner sspaing bands @ Photographs of more than two persons with objects scenes ‘The stusoe for he type af photograph usualy involve rau, shops, hal, pic, ee Tre subpcts ote staements may be the pecpe or he objects, and the mul actions of ne repeln the photographs maybethe corer answer choles. Fecal evetaglee You shoul focus onthe ml actions ofthe peel othe oman statins in the phorgraphs Yu havea be nto abo the options refring to the actions fon one prion, casa omtines thy may Be wrong ers You shuld be ae ease no al options desing the objets in the phot yap ar cere ans. Example (a) Poop ae wating to be sat (@) Some ofthe abies re occ. (C The restaurant close for he dey. (0) The chase sacked upon the bl Expressions ‘ten ound nha ctopve sateen ote yp. Lit sate te cc ih poope cen te flaw pepe tet ofpeple ‘he goupad nga entigin sa goons ‘me peel re splasirg ingen re stove ‘regener teen vesunbatingon te teach walla ts pe swage te ands Q Hackers Practice (Chee th statement hat beet seber what ou eae in each ltr E s 43, Photographs of abjects/scenes Photographs of abjecs scenes ao sidedino photographs in ose-up and those taken a ditoce © Photographs in close-up Some cbocsaranged on a dig table, ona desk or he rom ld Upc ln rm, toate taken in clos-up, The statements describing tha mos us he passive sructre ere prepoe oe 5 Focal sttgies You shu concent on stern othe lations tts of he objects You have to avout he options ong he jects een to people You alo have to omit the options containing the section ets inthe pest con ample {BI Some flowers are in» eae onthe loo. Expressions 0 {dow ae somo ued xpasson aiea to corman lesions and sales of cece which are ‘ote fod inthe dascrpne saloments of his yp. Lien and repeat saver tres PRE oe a Bey ete @ Photographs taken roma distance bldng, to. Ta deserve stents conto subjects refering tose Focal staples Covect answer ches are most those desnbing gnarl backgrounds inthe photog aphs You have to leave out he incorct option which desert prope rac that nt eit the photo You must mit he income options hat describe sorb action nthe presen Example 0. {0} The hous is beng repaired, Prva Expressions 0 Below oe some ul expressions rated toa wc ange of canes wih av fh oud he eserves fis ype. Listen andrea! sever tines ring oats troup fest com entre ee og @ Hackers Practice je ee 4 Hackers Test Identifying Photographs Based on Common Ree raa ee ae 1. Photographs of a workplace holga showing an fc, a constuction sto, a fata, a labora, a mating om, ec usualy court one or wo oto tan question in Par © Photographs ofan office Theteptogapns mos show somebody wecing wh & computer taking an Be phone, wring Samet, sting ou ls, You saul erty wheter tha ptograph sone Snes tan ‘one person and alo amiiaize yours wth corimeneepeesons desing action aking place loa ote, Example 0.16 (Al e's ping on te keyboards (8) Hes resting btn amon the es {0 Hes porting at he moni {01 He's noting te rcsiver co his as = Expressions Below ae sore ustl expression rote oa wid ange of eos wich ae olen Fund ae ese statements ol his Lkon a epea evar! in ‘daoiag raters eo ugh em Spang troup a cer 5 1 be seated rr te 0m noetangg uses cas annie des @ Photographs ofa construction site ora Example 1) He's operating 2 machin = Expressions. ‘oto ae sre ued expression led to common acne es pacigu the eau © Photographs ofa laboratory Possible pographs of his ype usualy inc 5 potgTapt of th Wp do person ooking n'a mlrocope, holding a brample « 1A Stes woking ina borat, (8) shes (Cl Stabe (01 Sho prescribing some mace Expressions. cul expressans eed io corimon acts which eae fou te ge eravnabe id ltelngasaroie spout io is ‘xjasting seen netunent sng oboe aeugmere ong te merce Photographs ofa meeting room Posse photograe af tis yp yay ehow a peraon denn a presentation, pling board/srean, ao. or several people aking thing notes, ee You shad enna mio epiting acon commonly taking pace na acting bxample 1A Th people ae siting across rom each te Expressions ‘Below ae some uf expression related o commen acione and sates which ae ohn urd stag opposteooh tor making2 eseaion saMeg presenta | @ Hackers Practice 3 2, Photographs of a particular place Protgrape oa hte, a apt, aos a barbara brary, shop, ot wily acount or © Photographs ofa hotel an aport Possible pstogapne of he te pial chow covet gaople aning sont ofa checkin ‘teak qutiog,eatnng ngage, te, You shoul lam some pesiblexpressions decried Wa ample 0. 4 1A The dues ve puting vay her cones, 1B] Tha mani icing Hs bag up of te oo [Cj Th clerks using he telephone. [b) The Wises are unpacing the suitcses Expressions 0 the desepive statements fs yp. Listen an raea! several iva, eee otra al epoca eaten at! mtr e o| =pilngueags en acon fullg ones gee resrng tee sminga:tiecisoner ‘rstarangatite fet cesk phi er suteases ane the eater EE: copcacirs boomer @ Photographs ofa publ place Possible pretagyaphe oli te typely show sever] ppl at brary, asp rata ‘You soul am ome posible exessonedacorbing what paople thas pees uly doo wat some carson een opts are a ample () Book are on cela in he soe ain (0) Hosking a bok om he shel = Expressions 0 ‘ow ae son ue pressor relate o coronation and aais Wich ae caargs panied paling pes tinged be Soe tos ang one gama parts wire inatto 3, Photographs ofa house er housework Phetograps of oxtcor scenes such san ertece, agar, el. onside Scenes a ing © Photographs of outdoor scenes These photographs rosty sow soens ouside bung, soanes ot nentanceo a garden. You steus lean srs exesson abut ne ote abou sates which eit door a Example 0 IN Te oud being vidoe 1c) The oe rn onto th hoses. 1 Each house sa crivway and gage, Expressions Bokw are sore ua expressions li io common actions and tata which ar olen oud dase slatoments os pe, Listen anc pest several nes, ‘posh we nara ‘earned on he pate ‘seu stops Bsn ied n ne garen ulna toon aa @ Photographs of scenes inside ahouse Possible phtopapts of hs ype pea show scenes of becom, ang 20m, asvies in eae : {A} The wornan is sipping irom a glass, z D1 The waivss x seing a bewmage oa costa Expressions ©. jeandin Below ae some ul expressions relied to commen ass and aes wich are tne deseeove statements oie pa. Listen and repeat bel tines rearargrg a ume lange te sta ‘chopongub te gts Sasi toss i > prepimgsone ond shapesrg are ones ‘sing sonening wigan on Hackers P 4 Photographs of activities in the free time Posse poogaphs of tis yoo tplealy show a sho, aresturar,a pe, tbr echites, © Photographs ofa restaurant /shop Posiblephetoraphs ofthis type hal show some poole ordering foe, seme tables and rn aretarant, pele gong shppin, ee. You shu am sna expressions mention the sia of sre seas rabies inte estan ogee wits some acon vrs aed oat tes that are te ound inte ste ae son, Example (8) The water is tringing back ter change. omy Expressions ‘Below are come uid cxprocsona rated i earvnon ectone and wales which olan fund DT argc ont ube eng te tabecat) Tl w eng se to te pavons inspecting raha purchase plc ei nwigingsere so © Photographs of outdoor activites Possible phctograe ol his ype typically show soe people king photographs wakng/ so sample 7 9} Thee entrng ho pt [ch Theyre raking the anes, = Expressions ‘he script talents of hs ype. Liston and roa sve ines. taking bon he nn taking ean park posing rough ees mcssng neh re puting ny ner equpmen asin ta 8 meropr scancattngon her subect Je sensrgaroot tin eng tin deiones ping peture iia eran | p2ong rough he oe @ Hackers Practice 5. Photographs of mobile situations Posse photgrane ofthis pe play show sore poopie geting one af soe moans ‘uestions in Part 1. Yu shculd eam sare expressions laos to maine of anspor an fame acon vrs eseing what peopl aa station, bus stop, ec. ote do. Example 0. Nat efe batn to emee [P| Theyre geting ff he win, Expressions ‘olow are some eas expressions rlteciocarmon actions and states which fe Oe ound a Ihe desctetve statment ofthe pa, Ute bi ade rahe ck erage tes seve coon esting us "fling sar Lapin ta = ingrmanercotan nbongresurocea chao sped a ie @ Hackers Practice E ae Ce eae ete tt eee eee cee eee eee i Cee ee ees Be tral ae penn einen toner bomen Ee 2 Stati: es ee ee ee eee tee ks fo ee ea cod ee eee ie ey Pp miegunihe pen nituupenrsey nee yA) De ae eaten ee SEI te Pe ee es nent es cee ee eet eens td Eerie eee art 2, the rsporaee wich corti sar scundng wore oF words of mute Cee ee ee YBa CR aim a ig 1. Listening and understanding what is being asked ‘Aster re na witen answer cno#s 0 cont belo or hile questions Ding se, you ‘Should pey no aeson tote et boot but st sen to each question cr tater together wn ne vee responses om ta MP3 CD. To choose a cote! espone, you haven Iter cre {uly the questa ner atthebegiring ot anntrmaton qusion on he mae fan ends ‘td queson For Yes/No questions satemen, you howe py atenton to subs and hor © Ustening to questions witha question word Let'stistent ‘Wy 6 you taketh subnay to work? (a es ecer han he bus (8) days » wot {C1 You hols hing ne ot Usten and choose the covet feapanses and he complete the mating worden fe questions botow. (You wi ear esch quaston doe nes) 1 otabicos ® 2 onvecaton? s 3. Doyou row @ ® “ ensruraewn? 2) ® 5. Shaonbeleawng— @. 6 forainng? ® 2 Imedeaer? ® 8 Con aut me ire twnee? ® 8 shenewdesis? @ 10, pean ® 90 er TOE Leng wor shantiecm nad (C1 No there ae encuah to TE tet check upl 0 {User and choose the eaeleapanes, and han compel the miseng worse he queso ‘below. (You wl eareach question thee mos mo torage et? he bing ror wSwecen? icy the party Wedneseay? Lawes Fistor? Hons & ofthese catalogues? a meron? eceeerseee eeeseseeae Pron. 8 som com ee TOR ei 2. Listening and understanding neutral responses "Neutral response can be ice into wo types nde reeponses and amiguous responses © indirect responses Let's listen! 3 “Tas wine comes fom the Loe Vly, dosnt? (A) Tank, butve ha enough (8) That what tay one nel (©) Ye would love come, Let's checkup! stan teeth conesaton ac choose he response hai sina mening oth nen ihe 1 @icantcame, icone 2 Brine com wert (B Teterecaste wong ‘3. laste wos est haan (sa semen OK, 4 @ how g ost tern wenger, 5. @itovert done tet Bin done ©. ®ierjqe be pafomane to. {® dante pertorance ata. 92a TE ite woahantivie cn ‘Ambiguous responses Lets stent © Wil Gndy conte era year ote ary? (A) Se hast made up het ind ye {8} She coms 1 wrk or. (© Bator nest mont == Typical ambiguous responses ©. ‘Below ae some abiquous responses you ray nd Pa? othe TOEIG vst Let’ cheek upl 0 ‘Leto each conto and oc he responses a raring oe nen he 1. ident inom Brsretmy buses 2, eri soon, BLdontiaow en, 2. rm tintng water thie mort (@ team cede nom a re. 4 @emaretng manag may ot accept (@ Te maraing mnager wil ake 5. meen ve ih (8.7 vio of ne phage dies the 6 BYoucaretiateit mcr ersuptoyeu 7. @rmvotsue. Bihavenocrace 3, Distinguishing between confusing words Pat 2 tends to design responses tat may conse oxarioesby reposting the ara words nhs ‘usstons using sila sourcing words r word f tile meanings. © Similarsounding words Let’ listent What oe yu al esse up oP 1A The adress was wrong, 1B) have an imporas party 6 goto. {C) Not uni tis evening et: Ada nt gre enc ry ars nh gun ih ay eas Let's check up! 0 ster tthe two snl scundng worn each par ven ar hen wie hehe banks rowed 1. @ooyautinktheyl ——eurpopeea?” 8. Dishementenar —_aftichoien. 8 fre (Bilcantelee that el nese 1B Woldyoutietohawea ——beaknow? 9, How yautiedto ——_themovne Bisihowo renew roectas corpany? uch as possible (BW cant weakoue 2 @ wat eschedlny 10. @d0youwarkinme —— eeperinen? B Wewerevery Bie ones 4 @Wousjeu ——tumegsounthe muse? 11. Have youctechedte et? BN meomyreretown. Bi twy ment 5. @rendoyas twmptonowi? «12. haath uly he? Tey! ow fete tomar, (8 Den wn 6 @vityou treme? 18. Nertyou gngto ate he campo Gimgngwce — tomegacen ” ths steroon Binaert — teemae. 1.@ymenaeyougongto ou 14 @oojoumnmereutseat (reas tase sipples rom te erator? ie, (w laort mekitsve5 9 face ToRe tng sree oy © Words of mutiple meanings et’ listent ‘Where should change be Yo Got iy Hal? (Al doit have any change (8) sony but earthly yu (C1 Yo. auc than he Not: Charge uid en ne erent ron een Thre of adr ay Let's check upl O- ten o each par of sinters or questions and hen Gonty which meaning each word ven ‘orto 1 intrest 6.cover varie pve ce'satenion someting topo smeone ans os. arace td oscoermere aut or acieny aia surance (8 none tou erm hop our iodo soneane lear des wren money nan seein bank other they a ere rane eanaton i 7 goods) 2 enor a pensatorneesing Be bese aunty det (tires wich are preset be sos ethernet ay the ay wien peel ort ae 3. check arenes ®iomate ceri hatsovetnngiscarechy —_@ tan someting be super ‘xainng Rah tees Sapemestom, wedeaeadotrowyo ise payments fom you bnkseccurt = Let tomakesomatingy ing epee lave es. to roth soveing wih jou whenyoug> io gstngeern srg OUD Browanywroseinecrpmanety 4 Seany (a angeet smarting tat ae ee tone someting toe sae Ba goipot pore aragedin ao (tote sorting Fra one pace to snather ennai com cs 00 Une 95 i al al ai 4, Understanding possible questions Part onan some imate questions ha commonly asked, You shad farsa yours wih thee questions s that you wil noha uch tele when ing your actuals. © Questions of xed expressions Let’ listen! How do you ike your new job? |Av tm planning to sty for 1B) ike aso ta. (ch ve been working fora month Typical questions of ied expressions Below ae soe plea questions of ed eqressone which am at sugges, nig shia i ermitlon aking aout as or experiences, et Wy dort you cal rien? How about hing wakora wile? Would youl oat or ar? CREE ow do yout you row cles? Dorr youthine we sous nary? Would youpetr ote? woul your i cosa ne doo? Bf He you evra are? Let's checkup! a 8 5 w. Personal questions Let’ listent 0 What did yu ay you do? (AI For th ast yao (8) a count (Chloe French ofc, “ype personal aueston 0 ( Bow ve eo typca quasins used io ask aba a persons 0, poetn or place a Bog it eos a ia? neti ty owe do youd? 4 at oe Med poessioay? rere you ton? 4 Lats checkup! 0 steno each comeraton ar mark Othe osponoe ie epproprie, mark iF le at 1 ie a 2 ‘epi én ae To sng -97 1. Map yor asa. 2. Mork you anne. 3. Mok our anes 4. Manor ane 5 Mosk your anes, 6. Man our anes 7. Mork your ens, 8. Nak our anes 9, Man your answe 11 Mark your ans. i 13 Mk youransne. 15 Merk jour anne. | sr ty » “ 0 w ® ® o ® ® e ® o » © © o ° o © © 16. rou anne: 17 Maryanne. 19, Mar jour ane. 20. Man your ave. 21. Mark your anes, 22 Mat you ase. 23. Mark you ane, 2 Mar youre. 25. Ma you ase. 25. Mas your one 21. Nat your ase. 78, Mas your anos, 29.Nak your ane. wo @ ol 0 @ « wo » @ © w 8 © @ © wo © » @ © wet » 8 0 w @ © wo © woo ao o wo 0 Achieving Your Goal & Identiying Question Types the qusston covet The quostons/ sistas you earn Part 2c! he TOEIC ot can oughly be deine ee estegtes: 1 teformaton questions note responds by Yes/No answer, but an approprate piece of rfematon must be proved Irermaton cussion bain wth a Weston ward othe word How. Tis yp {2.Whois the woman next Joyce? 1 She the new marketing manager Yes/No questions Yes/No questions bag wth an sua vera mace ver or or lhe vr be Ast name upg, th answer tors pe o estione sat win ter Yes or No and then a phase ‘aise based on corer ponding atl nfrmaton. Sometimes Yes Nos imple, Responses wih Yes/No ao nat cur much in Pan 2 ne TOEICtest, as thae a ran to San Depo rom his station? ‘Yes ter ine lesung ina hur 3. Other question types and statements sve quetone tag questions and Aarave questions 75 asa kom a8 oF quasone, The stray must provide reins ne ton nctananewe stating wih Yes or No (Wud you prefer or bee? Arne the teak. Tag question, i ‘veslonforpemisionoreguests A.B my gest 100-0 iin Identifying Incorrect Responses The mat cormony ound actor af he espenses contain the ward wich ae the sara 35 Those the questions, caratves (meet ~ meeting) sil sounding word plane ~ plan, x homo- eras wte ight fats fax) ‘iii sm wl we ire collect the Sta? 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