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Level of study : Senior High School

Subject : Chemistry
Topics : Basic Law of Chemistry
Class / semester :X/1
Time allocation : 3 x 45 minutes

A. Standard of Competency
2. Understanding chemical base laws and its implementation in Chemical counting
B. Basic Compotence
2.2 Prove and communicates applies it chemical basic laws through experiment and
applies mole concept to solve chemical counting
C. Indicators
1. Cognitive
a. Product
1) Proving Lavoiser’s Law through experiment
b. Process
Conducting observations to prove Lavoiser’s Law through experiment
1) Conducting observation
2) Fill the observation table
3) Analyze the data
4) Make a conclusion
2. Psychomotor
Do an experiment about Lavoiser’s Law through experiment
3. Affective
a. Character
1) Accurate or precisely
2) Take turns and follow the rules
b. Social skill
1) Cooperate well
2) Communication well
3) Be a good listeners
D. Instructional Objectives
1. Cognitive
a. Product
1) Students are able to prove Lavoiser’s Law based on experiment
b. Process
1) Given equipment, material and worksheet, student be able to do
experiment to prove Lavoiser’s Law based on the experiment data
2) Given the mass of substances before reaction, students are able to calculate
the mass of substances after reaction.
2. Psychomotor
Given equipments, material, and worksheet, students are able to do
experiments based on the procedure
3. Affective
a. Character
Involved in teaching and learning student-centered, at least students can
make progress in demonstrating character accurate, take turns and follow tha
b. Social Skill
Involved in teaching and learning student-centered, at least students can
make progress in demonstrating social skill cooperate well, communicate
well, and be a good listener.
E. Lesson material
§ Chemical Base laws:
- Lavoisier's law
Conservation of mass law “In closed system, mass of substance before and after
reaction are constant ”.
Learning model : Cooperative learning
Type : NHT
Learning method : Discussion and debriefing
1. Introduction (10 minutes)
Phase 1: Presenting Goals and giving motivation
- Motivating students by giving question: “ Have you ever used mosquito
repellent mosquito burn? Which one is weightier mosquito repellent mass
before burnt and after it burnt?”
- Explaining the instructional objectives which will be reached and informs
lesson model will be done.
2. Main Activity (60 minutes)
- Relating lesson material which will be studied
with last material about chemical formula and chemical base law
Phase 2: Presenting information
- Explaining the outline of lesson material about Lavoiser’s Law
- Communicating the strategy of learning activity that will be used (NHT)
Phase 3: Organizing students into learning team
- Dividing the class into eight groups that contain of five students for each
group (the group should contain heterogeneous members)
- Giving student worksheet
- Asking students to look at the experiment procedure in their worksheet
- Explaining the procedure that must be done by students in their experiment
- Giving opportunity to student to ask the rule that has not been clear in
learning that will be implemented
Phase 4: Assisting teams to work and study
- Guiding students do the experiment based on the procedure
- Reminding all of students in each group that they must cooperate and
accurate to do the experiment
- Asking student to fill the questions in the worksheet
Phase 5: Giving evaluation
- Asking one-two group to present the experiment result and the other
students become good listener.
- Guiding students to do analysis referring the questions in the worksheet.
- Asking the students to communicate their analysis and the other students
become good listener. Students are taught to take turns and follow rules in
response the task of the teacher with a raised the hand and only speak after
being appointed.
- Asking the other students to respond the answer of their friend to practice
communication ability.
3. Closing (10 minutes)
Phase 6: Giving appreciation
- Giving information about the best group and give the reward to them
- Assisting the students to conclude the matter
- Closing the lesson
Instructional source: Chemistry Student Book, Student worksheet
Learning material : Presentation media.
The assessment that be done by the teacher include three aspect, that is :
1. Cognitive aspect include process and product
2. Affective aspect include character behavior and social skill.

Approved by: Gresik, August 2011

Head Master of SMAN 1 Manyar Teacher of chemical subject

Drs. H.M Syafaul Anam, MM

NIP. 196502071988031012

Name :
Class :
Absent number :

A. Standard of Competency
2. Understanding chemical base laws and its implementation in Chemical counting
B. Basic Competence
1. 2 Prove and communication applies it chemical basic laws via experimental and
applies mole concept in solve chemical count
C. Indicator
- Proving Lavoiser’s Law through experiment

Doing conservations of mass Jurisdictional Enquiry :

Steps of experiment :
1. Reaction among KI's solution with Pb solution (CH 3 COO) 2
a. Enter 5 mL KI's solutions 0,5 m into one of form tube foot y. which flips over,
and 5 mL Pb solutions (CH 3 COO)2 into the one foot again
b. Enter shaped tube y. that into one chemical glass 300 mL cautiously, then
weighs therewith that glass its content. Note its mass.
c. Cant tube Y. so solution on the two its foot gets mingling. Notice happening
reaction. Weigh chemical glass back tube therewith contains that solution. Note
it’s mass.
d. Mass compare therewith save its content before and after reaction.
2. Do same experiment by using of CuSO4 solution and KI's solution

Data Analysis:
What is the Conclusion of it experiment?
Observating of Character Behaviour
(Assessment sheet 3)

Name :
Class :

For each of the following character behaviour, give the assessment of student’s
behaviour character use the following scale:
A. Very good
B. Satisfy
C. Showing progress
D. Requires repair

Task Performance A B C D
1 Cooperation
2 Accurate
3 Take turns and follow the

Gresik, August 2011

Teacher of chemical subject


Observating of Social Skill

(Assessment sheet 4)

Name :
Class :

For each of the following social skill, give the assessment of student’s social skill use
the following scale:
A. Very good
B. Satisfy
C. Showing progress
D. Requires repair

NO Task Performances A B C D
1 Communication
2 Good listener

Gresik, August 2011

Teacher of chemical subject


Level of study : Senior High School
Subject : Chemistry
Topics : Basic Law of Chemistry
Class / semester :X/1
Time allocation : 3 x 45 minutes

2. Understanding chemical base laws and its implementation in Chemical counting
2.2 Prove and communicates applies it chemical basic laws through experiment and
applies mole concept to solve chemical counting
1. Cognitive
a. Product
1) Accounting reactions yielding mass if known mass of on the contrary
2) Determining comparison of elemental mass composer in a compound
according To Proust’s Law
3) Analyzing compound to prove Dalton’s law
b. Process
5) Accounting reactions yielding mass if known it reagent mass in an
equation reacts or contrariwise.
6) Determining comparison of elemental mass composer in a compound
according on Proust’s Law
7) Analyzing a compound to prove in Dalton’s law
2. Affective
a. Character
3) Help a friend
4) Accurate or precisely
b. Social skill
4) Cooperate well
5) Communication well
6) Be a good listeners

1. Cognitive
a. Product
1) Given the worksheet, students are able to account reactions yielding mass
if known mass of on the contrary
2) Given the worksheet, students are able to determine comparison of
elemental mass composer in a compound according To Proust’s Law
3) Given the worksheet, students are able to analyzing compound to prove
Dalton’s law
b. Process
3) Giving the question in the worksheet, students are able to account reactions
yielding mass if known it reagent mass in an equation reacts or
4) Given the worksheet, students are able to determine comparison of
elemental mass composer in a compound according on Proust’s Law
5) Given the worksheet, students are able to analyze a compound to prove in
Dalton’s law
2. Affective
a. Character
Involved in teaching and learning student-centered, at least students
can make progress in demonstrating character accurate, and help a friend.
b. Social Skill
Involved in teaching and learning student-centered, at least students
can make progress in demonstrating social skill cooperate well, communicate
well, and be a good listener.
1. Proust's law
Law of constant Comparison “elements mass comparison in a compound are
constant ”.
2. Dalton’s law
Bifilar multiple law “if two elemental types are able to form more than two
compound types, and if mass one of element in that compound is same, therefore
elemental mass comparison the other element is an integer number and simple”.
3. Gay-lussac’s law
Find that gases volume comparison between reagent and product are simple and
integer number with requirement it is measured on same temperature and
4. Avogadro's law
Comparison of gas volume that looked in reaction equal with its reaction
coefficient, with requirement it must be measured in same temperature and
Learning model : Cooperative learning
Type : NHT (Numbered Heads Together)
Learning method : Discussion and debriefing
1. Introduction (10 minutes)
Phase 1: Presenting Goals and giving motivation
- Motivating students by giving question: “ Can you made a cake with
irregular material composition? What will happen?”
- Explaining the instructional objectives which will be reached and informs
lesson model will be done.
2. Main Activity (60 minutes)
- Asking about substances comparison in a
Phase 2: Presenting information
- Explaining the outline of lesson material about application of chemical basic
- Communicating the strategy of learning activity that will be used Number
Head Together (NHT)
Phase 3: Organizing students into learning team
- Dividing the class into eight groups that contain of five students for each
group (the group should contain heterogeneous members)
- Giving the head number to each group
- Giving student worksheet
Phase 4: Assisting teams to work and study
- Asking student to answer the questions in the worksheet in the own group
- Assisting students to unify opinions of the answer of questions in the
worksheet and ensure each member groups have understood the answer

Answer the questions
Phase 5: Giving evaluation
- Calling one number of group member randomly
- Asking the student who has been called their number to raise the hand and
answer the question
- Asking the students to respond their friends answer
3. Closing (10 minutes)
Phase 6: Giving appreciation
- Giving information about the best group and give the reward to them
- Assisting the students to conclude the matter
- Closing the lesson
Instructional source: Chemistry Student Book, Student worksheet
Learning material : Presentation media.

The assessment that be done by the teacher include three aspect, that is :
§ Cognitive aspect include process and product
§ Affective aspect include character behavior and social skill.

Approved by: Gresik, August 2011

Head Master of SMAN 1 Manyar Teacher of chemical subject

Drs. H.M Syafaul Anam, MM

NIP. 196502071988031012

Name :
Class :
Absent Number :

A. Standard of Competency
2. Understanding chemical base laws and its implementation in Chemical counting
B. Basic Competence
2.2 Prove and communicates applies it chemical basic laws through experiment and
applies mole concept to solve chemical counting
C. Indicators
a. Accounting reactions yielding mass if known by reagent mass or on the
b. Determining comparison of element mass composer in a compound
according to Proust‘s Law
c. Analyzing a compound to prove Dalton’s law


1. A compound consisting 30,67% sodium, 19,55% boron and its rest oxygen.
Determinative RE is that compound (Ar: Na = 23, B = 11, O = 16).
2. Get what mass substance that exists in:
a. 5 moles H2SO4
b. 3,01 x 10 22 Fe atom
c. 500 ml NaCl 0,1 M
d. 48 liter gases NH3 (STP)
(Ar: H = 1, Fe = 56, Na = 23, Cl = 35, N = 14)
3. 10 liter gas C2H6 is a-fired by oxygen gas yields CO 2 and water steam. On same
temperature and pressure, determine:
a. Equation reacts
b. Volume of oxygen gas which is needed
c. Volume of CO2 gas which is produced
d. Volume of H2O which is produced
4. 8,4 gram a gas have volumes 3,36 liters on temperature 0 oC and pressure 1 atm. If
Empirical formula gases is CH2 , write down its molecular formula of that gas!

Observating of Character Behaviour

(Assessment sheet 3)

Name :
Class :

For each of the following character behaviour, give the assessment of student’s
behaviour character use the following scale:
A. Very good
B. Satisfy
C. Showing progress
D. Requires repair

NO Task Performance A B C D
1 Help a friend
2 Accurate

Gresik, August 2011

Teacher of chemical subject


Observating of Social Skill

(Assessment sheet 4)
Name :
Class :

For each of the following social skill, give the assessment of student’s social skill use
the following scale:
A. Very good
B. Satisfy
C. Showing progress
D. Requires repair

NO Task Performances A B C D
1 Communication
2 Good listener
3 Cooperate

Gresik, August 2011

Teacher of chemical subject


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