PROJECT On Data Science With Python

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Submitted by:- Shubhomoy Paul
Submitted to:- Ankit Pramanik
Submitted on:- 17/07/2019
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1. Acknowledgment
2. Introduction
3. Objectives
4. Hardware & Software Requirements
5. Future Scope
6. Advantage
7. Snapshots
8. Coding
9. Conclusion
10. Bibliography

The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and
assistance from many people and I am extremely privileged to have got this all
along with the completion of my project. All that I have done is only due to such
supervision and assistance and I would not forget to thank them
I respect and thank Mr.Ankit Pramanik, for giving us all the support and
guidance which made me complete the project duly. I am extremely thankful to
him for providing such a nice support and guidance.

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Name:- Shubhomoy Paul

College:- Budge Budge Institute of


Course:- B.Tech in Computer Science &


Semester:- 7th sem

YoP:- 2020


Mobile no.:- 8697921081

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Python is a multi-paradigm programming language: a sort of Swiss Army
knife for the coding world. It supports object-oriented programming,
structured programming, and functional programming patterns, among
others. There’s a joke in the Python community that “Python is
generally the second-best language for everything.”
But this is no knock in organizations faced with a confusing
proliferation of “best of breed” solutions which quickly render their
codebases incompatible and unmaintainable. Python can handle every
job from data mining to website construction to running embedded
systems, all in one unified language.
At ForecastWatch, for example, Python was used to write a parser to
harvest forecasts from other websites, an aggregation engine to
compile the data, and the website code to display the results. PHP was
originally used to build the website until the company realized it was
easier to only deal with a single language throughout.
And Facebook, according to a 2014 article in Fast Company magazine,
chose to use Python for data analysis because it was already used so
widely in other parts of the company.

Python: The Meaning of Life in Data Science

The name is appropriated from Monty Python, which creator Guido Van
Possum selected to indicate that Python should be fun to use. It’s
common to find obscure Monty Python sketches referenced in Python
code examples and documentation.
For this reason and others, Python is much beloved by programmers.
Data scientists coming from engineering or scientific backgrounds
might feel like the barber turned axe-man in The Lumberjack Song the
first time they try to use it for data analysis—a little bit out of place.
But Python’s inherent readability and simplicity makes it relatively easy
to pick up and the number of dedicated analytical libraries available
today mean that data scientists in almost every sector will find
packages already tailored to their needs freely available for download.
Because of Python’s extensibility and general purpose nature, it was
inevitable as its popularity exploded that someone would eventually
start using it for data analytics. As a jack of all trades, Python is not
especially well-suited to statistical analysis, but in many cases
organizations already heavily invested in the language saw advantages
to standardizing on it and extending it to that purpose.

The Libraries Make the Language: Free Data

Analysis Libraries for Python Abound
As is the case with many other programming languages, it’s the
available libraries that lead to Python’s success: some 72,000 of them
in the Python Package Index (PyPI) and growing constantly.

With Python explicitly designed to have a lightweight and

stripped-down core, the standard library has been built up with tools
for every sort of programming task… a “batteries included” philosophy
that allows language users to quickly get down to the nuts and bolts of
solving problems without having to sift through and choose between
competing function libraries.

Who’s Who in the Data Science Zoo: Pythons and

Munging Pandas
Python is free, open-source software, and consequently, anyone can
write a library package to extend its functionality. Data science has
been an early beneficiary of these extensions, particularly Pandas, the
big daddy of them all.

Pandas is the Python Data Analysis Library, used for everything from
importing data from Excel spreadsheets to processing sets for
time-series analysis. Pandas put pretty much every common data
munging tool at your fingertips. This means that basic cleanup and some
advanced manipulation can be performed with Pandas’ powerful data

Pandas is built on top of NumPy, one of the earliest libraries behind

Python’s data science success story. NumPy’s functions are exposed in
Pandas for advanced numerical analysis.
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-> Python is a powerful open-source programming language, which means
that it’s free to use while having all the properties that a programming
language should have.

-> It is a versatile programming language that supports

Object-Oriented Programming, Structured Programming, and
functional programming patterns.

-> Python has some 72,000 libraries in the Python Package Index that
aid in scientific calculations and machine learning applications.

-> Python sports an easy to understand and readable syntax that

ensures that the development time is cut into the half when compared
with other programming languages.

-> Python enables you to perform data analysis, data manipulation, and
data visualization, which are very important in data science.
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Operating System:- Windows/Linux

Front End:- Python 3.7

Platform:- Anaconda

A laptop or PC with 4 GB RAM and 10 GB hard-disk space.
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Identifying opportunities, framing better business goals and making
effective decisions are some of the best applications of data science.
This is why professionals who can analyze and derive insights from data
have become more important than ever today!

The scope of data science In India includes organizations in banking,

healthcare, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications,
e-commerce, energy, and the automotive industries.

From a global perspective, India is only second to the United States of

America to recruit data science professionals. Among cities, Bengaluru
accounts for the highest number of data science & analytics jobs,
about 27% of the jobs. It was followed by Delhi NCR and Mumbai.

Payscale For Data Scientists In India

The median salary for a data scientist in India is Rs 617,096 per
annum. However, the remuneration varies with the years of experience
you have. Data scientists with more than 5 years of experience could
earn up to 15lakhs per annum. Senior data science professionals with
more than 10 years of experience often earn more than 20 lakhs per

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-> Python can be used in the development of prototypes, and it can help
speed up the concept to the creative process because it is so easy to
use and read.

-> Python is ideal for general purpose tasks such as data mining, and big
data facilitation.
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In nutshell, this training has been an excellent and rewarding

experience. I can conclude that there has been a lot I’ve learnt from
the training. Needless to say, the technical aspects of the project I’ve
done are not flawless and could be improved provided enough time. Two
main things that I’ve learnt that importance of time management skills
and self-motivation.
I’ve yet to complete another one year of studies, in order to achieve a
B.Tech degree in Computer science. Working with Data Science with
python has increased my interest in them.
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The contents have been gathered from following

● Information: Google
● Snapshot & Coding: Self-performed

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