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And what’s even better…

Is that the weight has stayed off too…
Even though I didn’t make drastic changes to my diet…
Or have to cut out a whole bunch of my favorite foods.

The 5 Hormonal Blocks that make it impossible to lose
Plus, the 30 second Fix that unclogged my hormones and had
me dropping pound-after-pound in under a week.
The same ones that I used to avoid like the plague, because their
clothes weren’t made for people like “me”…
Trying on outfit-after-outfit…
And every single one seems to mold perfectly to my newfound, slim
It’s a total confidence rush…
So of course I’m going to do that sometimes…
But that’s beside the point…
Because I try on way more stuff from those stores than I actually
Discovering these 5 Hormonal
changed my life…
Especially once Dr. Wood showed me how to fix each of these
And because I’m sure you’re asking…
Of course I’m going to share all 5 hormonal blocks with you inside
this letter…
Plus, I’m going to show you how to fix them too…
Which is something that I normally charges people over $1,000 for…
So let’s keep this between us ;)
“She’s saying I can lose weight without having to
up all my favorite snacks, this must be B.S.!”

If that’s what just went through your mind…

I totally get it…
Because for decades, I was conditioned to think the same thing too.
You can’t lose weight without slaving away at the gym and eating
rabbit food right?
That’s what I was always told…
And here’s why:
These 5 Hormonal Blocks I’m about to share with you…
They keep your body in fat storage mode all the time…
And they keep your metabolism feeling like it’s stuck in a puddle of
When that stuff is going on behind the scenes…
It doesn’t just come down to what you are eating..
 You could be eating a juicy bacon cheeseburger…
 Or be Keto Karen who acts as if she’s allergic to carbs....
 And the weight still just isn’t coming off.
I started joking that my fat was like some awful house guest who
overstays their welcome.
I’d later learn that what I was dealing with…
Is something called weight loss resistance…
Which is the term for what happens when your body refuses to burn
But at the time I just felt frustrated…
And thought maybe this weight gain was my fault…
Or that there was something wrong with me.
So I worked out even harder,
and ate even cleaner…

Yet by the time I hit my mid-thirties…

Things had gone from bad to worst…
Because not only was I starting to gain more fat around my tummy
and my thighs…
Suddenly there was a lot of other weird stuff happening in my body
I started experiencing these waves anxiety that would hit me out of
My energy felt ZAPPED all of the time…
Plus my sleep was getting worse and worse:
I’d wake up in the middle of the night covered in sweat…
Or I’d get into bed exhausted…
Then suddenly get these booming adrenaline rushes.
The cherry on top was the brain fog though…
It felt like my brain was shutting off on me…
I had the hardest time focusing at my job…
And even little things…
Like trying to help my children with their homework…
Became very hard because I just couldn’t focus.
I started feeling scared…
The most recent failure had
been Keto…
Which had started off so promising (I’d lost almost 3lbs in the first
two weeks!)…
But then ended in disappointment…
As I quickly plateaued…
Became fatigued and moody 24/7..
Then gained back all the weight back…
Plus a little extra for good measure.
I’d later discover that the reason Keto didn’t work for me…
And this is the same reason it doesn’t work for a lot of women…
Has to do with those 5 Hormonal Blocks we’re going to talk about in a
But at the time…
I just felt frustrated and depressed…
Like I wanted to crawl into my bed and never come out.
It was like…

What the hell happened?

I’d gone from being a fun-loving, energized woman…
To someone who felt shocked that her friends had the energy to go out
and do anything at all.
When I had to go out…
Like to a birthday party or a work dinner…
It took me two days to recover…
And it got to a point where I realized that this just wasn’t normal…
Something had to give.
I started Googling all the stuff I was dealing with (LOL).
And while most of what I found was ridiculous…
I did find one article that caught my eye.
It was an interview with New York Times Bestselling Author Dr. Sara
And in the interview…
Dr. Gottfried said something that really grabbed my attention…
She said that…
“After digging into the research, I learned that 99 percent of weight
loss resistance is hormonal” she said…
And then later she added that…
“It amazes me how easy weight loss becomes once hormones are back
in their sweet spots.”
Now this really made the hair on my neck stand tall…
Because, like any woman who is honest…
I’d blamed my hormones for stuff before…
But I’d never really thought that they could be the reason why I was
having so much trouble losing weight.
With A 30-Second
“Snack” That
Eliminates Food
Cravings. Texas Saved My Life!
& Burns 34 Pounds In
Less Than 60 Days!

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