Time Travel Brochure: This Is More Important Contributions Made by Different Civilizations

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RECORDING-KEEPING This is more important Time Travel

MEDIEVAL AGES ( 2 ) contributions made
by different civilizations
Guns Powder & MODERN TIME
Printing Press

Spinning Wheel
Eye Glasses
Z-7 Capucnasan Milaor, Cam.Sur



The Use of Iron and Mining in the Middle About 200 years ago the pace of
Ancient civilizations made significant and Ages One of the most important technological change in western society
important contributions in all fields of life for developments in the Middle Ages was the began to quicken. Today, the system by
humankind. These contributions allowed experimentation and developments in iron which research and development leads to
production. As noted by Bert Hall in his new products is fundamentally different that
humans to develop and function better in essay, "Iron is one of the most useful metals it was in the nineteenth century, To the role
of the individual inventor has been added the
their daily lives. This consequently causes ever discovered, but it is also one of the
more difficult metals to understand in power of organized scientific research and
specialization and modernization, which history, especially in medieval history. Iron
technological innovation. Organized research
and development, which are increasingly
eases such operations even more. Below is a comes in several forms, and the
international in character, have greatly
complications involved in producing each of
list of some of these contributions. increased the production of new knowledge.
them fosters further confusion." The telegraph and, later the telephone
Art and engineering were present in their Spinning wheel carried communication across the country
buildings In the 13th century, the spinning wheel side. The electric lightning supplanted the
was the first improvement made in the dim glow of candles, kerosene, and gas
Irrigation canals made the area the biggest process of cotton spinning. The Great or lights. The automobile and the airplane
Jersey wheel, introduced around 1350,
grain producer in the ancient world could be spun faster on the wheel than
change not only travel but the nature of our
cities and towns. Radio and then television
The origins of the scientific method can also with the traditional distaff. A foot treadle
that powered the wheel was also brought more of the outside world into
be dated back to the Egyptians introduced everyone's homes. Knowledge about the
The manufacture of glass was used on a daily Gun Powder cause of disease brought new treatment and
With the advent of gunpowder in Europe, the nature of prevent measures. Computers appeared
basis and as an ornament in tombs warfare changed radically. This had a deep impact on
the social and political outlook of late medieval
They invented sailing as a mode of transport. Europe. In many ways, the arrival of guns also
contributed to the transition of Europe from the
Alchemy also originated in ancient Egypt. medieval to Renaissance periods. Gunpowder is
Considered the most important military invention of
They discovered the calendar of 365 and a the medieval period.

quarter days, the most scientific calendar of Printing press

ancient times. During the early 15th century, methods of
printing books were already available. But
the traditional printing techniques were slow,
cumbersome and highly expensive, making it
virtually impossible to print books in bulk.
Gutenberg had an experience in metalwork,
goldsmithing, gem-polishing and later as a
publisher and printer as well. It was drawing
on his vast skill set that Gutenberg
endeavored to create a printing press that
was more rapid.
Eyeglasses were one of the most important inventions of the
medieval period. The earliest extant historical source
mentioning eyeglasses in Europe dates back to the 14th
century. This early form of eyeglasses used convex lenses,
suitable only for people with farsightedness. The eyeglasses
are a critically important social invention in that before they
became available, poor eyesight usually deteriorated over time
and there was little the contemporary physicians could do. The
earliest evidence for eyeglasses using concave lens and meant
to resolve nearsightedness date back to the 16th century.

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