Listening K10-K11

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Lan Huong:  Hello, I’m Lan Huong. Our programme is “My Favourite Musician”. Now
our guest tonight
is Quang Hung, a well-known actor. Welcome to the programme, Quang Hung.
Quang Hung: Thanks. Lan Huong.
Lan Huong:    Now Quang Hung, can you tell us about the Vietnamese musician you like
best, please?
Quang Hung:  Sure. Recently, there have been quite a few good musicians. Their songs
are very popular and easy to listen to.
Lan Huong:    Do you like them?
Quang Hung: Well, I do like some of them. But I think the best Vietnamese musician of
all times is Van
Cao. He’s really my favourite musician.
Lan Huong:   Van cao, the author of Tien Quan Ca? Well, can you tell us why you like
Quang Hung: He’s a great musician. Just listen to Tien Quan Ca. whenever I hear it, I
want to stand up and sing out as loud as possible. It’s hard and solemn. And I always feel
great, feel proud of my country when I hear it.
Lan Huong:  That’s true. It’s very rousing. Do you know when he wrote it?
Quang Hung: In 1944.
Lan Huong:   Do you like any other songs by Van Cao?
Quang Hung: Oh, yes, lots of them. Especially the songs about rural life in Vietnam.
They are sweet and gentle, and very lyrical.
Lan Huong:  Well, let me see if we can play one of the songs for you.
1. Who is the guest of the show?
A. A well-known singer
B. A famous actor
C. A famous actress
D. A well-known writer
2. Quang Hung thinks Van Cao is____________.
A. a bad musician
B. the best Vietnamese musician of all times
C. the least famous musician
D. hard and solemn
3. According to Lan Huong, Tien Quan Ca is _____________.
A. easy to listen
B. very rousing
C. very lyrical
D. very boring
4. The man feel _________ when hearing Tien Quan Ca.
A. proud of his country
B. proud of himself
C. sweet
D. thrilled

5. When did Van Cao write Tien Quan Ca?

A. In 1844
B. In 1914
C. In 1944
D. In 1949


Lan : Hi, Huong, Titanic is on at Thang Tam Cinema next week.
Can you go with me on Wednesday?
Huong: Wednesday? Sorry Lan. I have lots of work to do during the day and I’m going to
the singing Club at night. Can we go on Thursday instead?
Lan:  I don’t think so. I’m going to visit my grandparents on Thursday.
Huong: Well, what about Monday? I suppose you are free on Monday.
Lan:  No, sorry. I’m going to see a play with Tuyet on Monday. What about Friday?
Huong: Sorry Lan. Friday is not a good time for me. I’m taking Chinese classes on
How does your weekend look like, Lan?
Lan:  Um …, I’m busy on Saturday. But I’m free the whole day Sunday.
Huong: I’m going on a picnic to Hoa Lu with some of my friends on Sunday. I’ll be back
late at night.
Lan:  Well, I guess that we just leave …. Uh, wait a second, what day are we both free,
1. What are Lan and Huong planning to do together?
A. See a movie
B. See a play
C. Go to the singing club
D. Go to work
2. Huong is going to ______________ at night on Wednesday.
A. see a film
B. work
C. the singing Club
D. Chinese classes

3. What is Lan going to do on Thursday?
A. see a play with Tuyet
B. visit her grandparents
C. take Chinese classes
D. work late
4. Who is Huong going on a picnic to Hoa Lu with on Sunday?
A. Tuyet
B. Some friends
C. Her grandparents
D. Lan
5. On what day are they both free?
A. Tuesday
B. Wednesday
C. Thursday
D. Sunday


   Pelé is considered one of the greatest football players of all time. He was born in 1940 in
Brazil. As a football player, Pele’ was famous for his powerful kicking and controlling the
ball. He joined a Brazilian football club in 1956, and in 1962 he led the team to its first
world club championship. Pelé became the only player to participate in three World Cups
in 1958, 1962, and 1970. By 1974, Pele’ had scored 1,200 goals and became a
Brazilian national hero. He played for an American football club for two years before he
retired in 1977. Later Pelé became an international ambassador for the sport, working to
promote peace and understanding through friendly sport activities.
1. When and where was Pelé in?
A. in 1940 in Brazil
B. in 1914 in Brazil
C. in 1940 in America
D. in 1914 in America
2. When did he lead the Brazilian football club to its first World Cup championship?
A. in 1956
B. in 1962
C. in 1970
D. in 1977
3. How many World Cups did he take part in?
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
4. When did he retire?
A. 1917
B. 1977
C. 1970
D. 1971
5. What did he do after his retirement?
A. A famous actor
B. A famous MC
C. An international ambassador
D. A sport leader



Good evening. It’s 10.15 and it’s time for “The Asian Games Report”. It’s the 3rd day of
the Games. Well, today’s most important event was the women’s 200-metre freestyle. The
Japanese, Yuko was the first and got the gold medal. She made a new record time of 1 minute 58
seconds. The Japanese athletes won two gold medals yesterday, and three the day before, so in
the first three days they’ve won six gold medals.
...Here we’re in the Gymnasium. Lily, the Chinese gymnast, has just finished her display.
She’s got an average of 9.5 points. That’s the best score today! Lily’s won the gold medal!
...And this is Lee Bong-ju coming from Korea. This is the second time he completed in
the long jump- at the Asian Games. Last time he jumped 8.5 metres. Today he’s won a gold
medal for men’s long jump for men’s long jump. He jumped 8.9 metres.
...Now we’re waiting for the last high jumper, Vichai coming from Thailand. The bar is at
2.30 metres and... it seems too high for him. Vichai has just jumped! ...Ooh! He’s crashed into
the bar! He’s landing. The bar has fallen too. He’s getting up and walking away. But he’s very
1. Yuko won the gold medal in women’s swimming. She set a new world record time of…...
A. 200 seconds                         C. 1 minute 58 seconds
B. 1 minute 38 seconds            D. 1 minute 48 seconds
2.  Lily got an average of……………points in her gymnastics event.
A. 9.5                B. 5.9               C. 15             D. 5
3. Lee Bong-ju jumped ……………..and he won the gold medal in men’s long jump.
A. 8.5 m         B. 8.9 m          C. 9.8 m         D. 18 m
4. The bar that Vichai had to jump over was at……………..
A. 3.2m          B. 2.3 m           C. 2.0 m        D. 2.5 m
5. Which of the following sports events was NOT mentioned in the report?
A. swimming                    C. long and high jumps
B. gymnastics.                  D. weightlifting

UNIT 13: HOBBIES                                              

My hobby is reading. I read story books, magazines, newspapers and any kind of material that
I find interesting.
My hobby got started when I was a little boy. I had always wanted my parents to read fairy
tales and other stories to me. Soon they got fed up with having to read to me continually. So as
soon as I could, I learned to read. I started with simple ABC books. Soon I could read fairy tales
and stories. Now I read just about anything that is available.
Reading enables me to learn about so many things. I learned about how people lived in
bygone days. I learned about the wonders of the world, space travel, human achievements,
gigantic whales, tiny viruses and other fascinating things.
The wonderful thing about reading is that I do not have to learn things the very hard way. For
example, I do not have to catch a disease to know that it can kill me. I know the danger so I can
avoid it. Also I do not have to deep into the jungle to find out about tigers. I can read all about it
in a book.
Books provide the reader with so many facts and so much information. They have certainly
helped me in my daily life. I am better equipped to cope with living. Otherwise I would go about
ignorantly learning things the hard way.
So I continue to read. Reading is indeed a good hobby.
1. What does he like doing in his free time?
A. Collecting story books
B. Drawing pictures
C. Designing materials
D. Reading books
2. When did he start his hobby?
A. when he started reading ABC book.
B. when he was a child.
C. when his parents read fairy tales to him
D. when he collected some kind of materials
3. What does he get from his hobby?
A. He can widen his knowledge
B. He can travel around the world.
C. He can explore the jungles with his friends.
D. He can get some information about the tiny virus.
4. What can help him deal with the difficulties in daily life?
A. The field trip in the jungle.
B. The information and facts from books
C. The information related to some diseases.
D. Experience from life
5. Where does he get facts and information?
A. From books
B. From magazines
C. From newspapers
D. From fairy tales


In a speech to the Congress in 1961, the US President Kennedy challenged the nation to put a
man in the moon before the end of the decade. After the president’s speech, NASA’s Apollo
program was developed to meet the challenge.
On July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 was launched. The astronauts on board of the spacecraft were
Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins.
On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon. He was followed by
Aldrin 40 minutes later. TO walk on the moon surface, the astronauts need to wear a spacesuit
with a portable life support system. This controlled the oxygen, temperature and pressure inside
the spacesuit.
Armstrong and Aldrin spent a total of two and a half hours on the moon’s surface. They
performed a variety of experiments and collected soil and rock samples to return to the Earth. An
American flag was left on the moon’s surface as a reminder of the achievement.
The crew of Apollo 11 returned to the Earth on July 24, 1969. They successfully completed
their historic mission. It is regarded as the greatest human efforts in the history of man kind.
1. When did the US President Kennerdy’s speech happen?
A. 1969
B. 1916
C. 1961
D. 1996
2. When was the Apollo 11 launched?
A. On July 16th 1969
B. On July 20th 1969
C. On July 24th 1969
D. On July 6th 1969
3.Who was the first one to step on the moon?
A. Neil Armstrong,
B. Buzz Aldrin
C.Michael Collins.
4.How long did the astronauts stay on the surface of the moon?
A. One hour and a half
B. Two hours
C. Forty minutes
D. Two and a half hours.
5. What did the astronauts bring when they returned to the Earth?
A. A sample of soil and rocks
B. A American flag
C. A spacesuit
D. Some protective devices

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