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School Name: Qualification: -

Teaching Experience: - Subject: -


You are requested to read the statement and answer truly and frankly about each statement in
the following ways. Please (√) tick against the selected answer.
Directions: -

1. Read the statement carefully.

2. Answer each statement truly and frankly.
3. There are five alternatives to choose like.
i. Strongly Agree (SA)
ii. Agree(A)
iii. Undecided(U)
iv. Disagree (DA)
v. Strongly Disagree (SDA)

Further, I assure you that the response recorded by you will be kept secret and will not be
used for any purpose other than research.

Teaching Methods:
In this section I would like to get your idea of how often you use the following teaching
methods for enhancing your student’s’ performance.

Sr.  Statements: SA A U DA SDA

1 I prepare lesson plan regularly          

2 I develop student’s interest in the lesson.

3 I create opportunities for peer learning by forming small sub-groups of
4 I give attention to each student individually
5 I communicate the subject matter clearly before the students.          
Assessment Methods:

In this section I would like to get your idea of which assessment methods you use in classroom
to enhance your student’s’ performance.

Sr.   Statements: SA A U DA SDA

1 I use paper-pencil class test strategy for classroom assessment either          
after the topic or a unit
2 I incorporate self-assessment strategy during classroom activity
3 I develop peer assessment Performa for students as assessment
4 I use quiz for assessing the students’ performance either after the
topic or a unit
5 I measure the understanding of the student by asking
question at a right time.

Feedback Mechanism:
In this section I would like to get your idea of which feedback giving mechanism you prefer in
classroom to enhance your student’s’ performance.

1 I use face to face immediate oral feedback strategy in questioning          
during classroom activity
2 I provide students with specific feedback to facilitate learning rather
than just getting the correct answer
3 I give feedback to individual students at the end of each lesson
4 I give feedback to students using comparative scale of their performance to
previous one
5 I use different assessment marking strategy to provide feedback to
Classroom Management Strategies:
In this section I would like to get your idea of which classroom management practices you
follow for conducive learning environment in classroom to enhance your student’s’

Sr.  Statements: SA A U DA SDA

1 I come to classroom in time.
2 I use the available resources including room walls, blackboard, TLM          
etc. effectively in classroom
3 I allow students to participate in classroom management by assigning
responsibilities (e.g., bringing chalk to class, cleaning the backboard,
distributing books from teacher to the class)
4 When I teach, I often, monitor the attention of the students.
5 I make the students to participate in the lesson.

Teacher’s Attitude:
In this section I would like to get your idea of which of your personal competency & behavioural
practices impact students’ achievement during classroom activity.

Sr.  Statements: SA A U DA SDA

1 I praise students for their contributions in classroom.          
2 I treat all my students alike without showing partiality.
3 I patiently accept the ideas of the students.
4 I encourage my students to ask questions.

5 I get the feedback from students about my lesson.

What strategies/tools are used by you to develop students’ interest? (Please explain in your
own word)
What techniques I used to encourage students to ask question in class?

What techniques/tools you used to make students participate in lesson?

Would you like to add anything or want the researcher to know anything else that the
researcher may not have asked?

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