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Last Saint

Skill prio Setup cosmo Single DPS AoE DPS CATK PATK Control Rarity Energy Buffer Debuffer Support Other
(RC=Repaired Cloth)
1221 > 1231 >1241 > 1441 > 1444 > Felina-Marsh-Decelerator / Rosary-Cstone / Tena-
Athena x x SS 6 => 0 Energy
1455 > 3455 > 3555 > 4555 Knowing-SpiritPrint / Humming-Moon

Hades 1213 > 1313 > 3323 > 3343 > 3543 > RisingDragon-BookOfDead / Rosary / Tena-
x x SS 2/0 Max HP Revive dmg link
(RC idem) 4543 > 4545 SpiritPrint-Knowing / Humming-Nether

Decelerator-THSnake / Cancel out

Hypnos 1144 > 1154 > 1155 > 1555 > 4555 x x x SS 2/0 Speed Heal
Pstone / Tena-Spiritprint-Knowing / Crystal-Moon of turn
1321 > 1323 > 1343 > 1355 WindElf-THSnake-Felina/ Rosary / Tena- Damage, PDEF/CDE
Poseidon x x x Freeze SS 0/1/2/3
(skill 1 if PGC) SpiritSprint-Knowing / Humming-Nether Status Hit, F, Speed
Felina-Daffodil-Kingfisher-SilverDragon /
Aiolia Thunder > Lightning x x S 2
Pstone / Tena-SpiritPrint / Staunch-Crystal
2112 > 2115 > 2215 > 5215 > 5515 > Felina-Daffodil-Kingfisher-SilverDragon /
Aiolia RC x x S 2
5555 Pstone-Firedrop / Tena-SpiritPrint / Crystal
Vulcan chain /
Aiolos Golden Arrow > Justice x x S 4
Pstone / Tena-SpiritPrint / Staunch

Aiolos RC 1231 > 1431 > 1441 > 1551 > 5551 Damocles / Pstone / Tena-SpiritPrint / Crystal

Vulcan chain / Firedrop / Tena-SpiritPrint-Knowing

Aldebaran Giant Horn x x S 2 Self DEF
(pvp) / Staunch
Random dmg Random dmg PDEF
Aphrodite 1221 > 1251 Chimera-SilverDragon / Pstone / Seiya / Staunch x S Special
split split + Poison
Random dmg Random dmg PDEF
Aphrodite RC 1122 > 1125 > 1155 Chimera-SilverDragon / Pstone / Seiya / Staunch x S Special
split split + Poison
Decelerator-Windflower-Hyacinth /
Camus Aurora x x Freeze S 2 Ice Stack
Rosary / Seiya / Letter-Lotus-Humming
RisingD-Soap-Decelerator /
Camus RC Ice Ring x x Freeze S 2 Ice Stack
Eagle-Rosary / Seiya / Letter-Lotus-Humming
BookOfDead / Eagle-Rosary / Tena-SpiritPrint /
Deathmask Praesepe Soul > Wraith x x S 4 Heal
Damocles-Felina-THSnake-Daffodil / Pstone / Tena-
Dohko 1221 > 1521 > 1551 x x x S 4 Auto Attack
SpiritPrint / Staunch-Crystal
Damocles-Felina-THSnake-Daffodil / Pstone / Tena-
Dohko RC 1221 > 1521 > 1551 x x x S 4 Auto Attack
SpiritPrint / Staunch-Crystal
THSnake-Chimera-RisingD / Firedrop-Pstone /
Evil Saga 1333 > 1335 > 1355 > 1555 > 5555 x x S Special
Tena-SpiritPrint-Knowing(pvp) / Staunch-Crystal
Grand Pope Another Dimension RisingD / Flower / Seiya / Moon-Letter x x S 4
Dimension +
RisingD-Fairy / Rosary / Tena-SpiritPrint / Moon-
Hyoga POG 1221 > 1421 > 1441 > 1541 > 1551 x S 0
PvP: 2113 > 2114 > 2314 > 3314
THSnake-WindElf-BloodElf-KingGiant-Vulcan /
Ikki GC x x S 2
Rosary / SpiritPrint-Tena / Hummingbird
PvE: 2121 > 4121 > 4322 > 4342

RisingDragon / Flower-Eagle-AntiStick / Tena-

Kanon Triangle x x Exile S 4
SpiritPrint-Knowing / Moon-Letter
Decelerator-Hyacinth / Flower-Eagle-AntiStick / Cancel
Krishna Skill 3 > Skill 4 x S 1
Seiya / Moon-Lotus-Letter cosmo
Felina / Pstone-Firedrop / Tena-SpiritPrint / Crystal-
Milo Antares x x S 0 PDEF
Felina / Pstone-Firedrop / Tena-SpiritPrint / Crystal-
Milo RC 2115 > 5115 > 5155 x x x S 0 Bleed
THSnake-RisingD / Flower-Rosary / Tena-
Minos 1412 > 1512 > 1515 > 1555 x x Mind control S
SpiritPrint-Knowing / Moon-Hummingbird
1221 > 1421 > 1441 > 1442 > 1552 > Soap-RisingDragon-Vulcan / Eagle-Flower / Tena-
Mu x x S 2 Shield Barrier
1555 SpiritPrint-Knowing / Lotus-Moon
3341 > 3342 > 3442 > 3444 > 3544 Felina / Rosary / Tena-SpiritPrint-Knowing /
Myu x x S
> 3545 > 3555 PurpleNether-Humming
THSnake / Rosary / Tena-SpiritPrint-Knowing /
Orpheus 2511 > 5511 > 5551 S
RisingDragon / Eagle-Flower / Tena-SpiritPrint-
Pandora 1122 > 1124 > 1134 > 1234 > 1245 x S 1 Anti Debuff Heal
Knowing / Moon
Felina-King Giant /
Pavo Mayura Phantom > Sky x x S 2
Rosary ou Eagle / Tena-SpiritPrint / Humming
Felina- chimera /
Radamenthe 1124 > 1144 > 1155 > 1555 x S
Pstone / Tena-SpiritPrint / Staunch- Crystal
VulcanChain-WindElf / Rosary / Tena-SpiritPrint /
Saga Explosion > Crush x x S 3

Saga RC 1215 > 1515 > 1555 WindElf / Rosary / Tena-SpiritPrint / Hummingbird x x x S 3

RisingDragon / Eagle-Flower / Tena-SpiritPrint /

Saori 1122 > 1152 > 1155 x S 1 Cheat Death CATK Purify
Vulcan-Damocles / Pstone-Firedrop / Tena-
Seiya Divine Cloth 1441 > 1451 > 1551 > 1555 x x S 3
SpiritPrint / Crystal-Moon
Cosmic Star > Daffodil ou King Giant
Seiya Sagittarius x x S 2
Pegasus Meteor = God Binding Pstone / Tena-SpiritPrint / Staunch
Decelerator-Hyacinth / Flower / Seiya / Moon-
Shaka Purif > Treasure x Silence S 2
Decelerator-Hyacinth / Flower / Seiya / Moon- Silence
Shaka RC 1312 > 1512 > 1515 x S 2
Lotus-Letter Mute/Hush
Felina-Vulcan / Rosary / Tena-SpiritPrint /
Shaka Arayashiki Acala > Heaven > Namo x x S 4 Purify
Shaka Arayashiki
Not Released x x S 4 Purify
Soapberry / Firedrop / Tena-SpiritPrint-Knowing /
Shion Crystal = Stardust > Endless x x S 2 Shield Barrier
THSnake-Daffodil / Firedrop-Pstone / Tena-
Shiryu Divine Cloth 4214 > 4215 > 4515 > 5515 > 5555 S 3>2
SpiritPrint-Knowing / Crystal-Staunch-Nether
1122 > 1124 > 1144 > 1145 > 1155 > Daffodil / Firedrop-Pstone / Tena-SpiritPrint- Dmg reduction
Shun GC x x S 0/2
1555 Knowing / Crystal-Moon Cheat death

Shun Nebula Stream lvl 2 > Storm Felina / Rosary / Tena-SpiritPrint / Hummingbird x x S 2

Kingfisher-Daffodil-King Giant / Firedrop-Pstone /

Shura Flurry > Crit passive x x S 2
Tena-SpiritPrint / Staunch-Crystal
1212 > 1214 > 1224 > 1334 > 1534 > Kingfisher-Daffodil-King Giant / Firedrop-Pstone /
Shura RC x x S 2
1554 > 1555 Tena-SpiritPrint / Staunch-Crystal
RisingDragon-Iris / Flower-Eagle-AntiStick / Seiya / Sleep
Sorrento Climax level 2 > Lullaby x S 2/4
Letter-Lotus Deep Sleep
Sorrento RC Not Released x S 2/4
Deep Sleep
1221 > 1241 > 1441 > 1451 > 1454 > Decelerator-Laurel-Marsh / Rosary-Eagle / Tena-
Underworld Shun x S 1 Double Round Heal
1554 > 1555 SpiritPrint-Knowing / Hummingbird-Moon

Algol Medusa Punch RisingD / Eagle / Seiya / Letter ou Lotus x Petrify A 2

Last Saint
Skill prio Setup cosmo Single DPS AoE DPS CATK PATK Control Rarity Energy Buffer Debuffer Support Other
(RC=Repaired Cloth)
Algol RC Medusa Punch RisingD / Eagle / Seiya / Letter ou Lotus x Petrify A 2

THSnake/ Rosary-Eagle / Tena-SpiritPrint / Book- Speed

Baian Rising Billows = God Punch x x A 1
Humming (1x /fight)
Roc-BloodElf-Hyacinth / Flower-Eagle / Tena-
Daidalos Spiritual Chain Black x A 1 DPS DPS
SpiritPrint / Moon-Humming
King Giant ou Blood Elf
Erda Cassiopeia Fan Matrix x x A 2
Firedrop ou Pstone / tenacity ou SpiritPrint /
Staunch Decelerator / Eagle / Seiya / Letter ou
Hyoga Restrictive = Cold Breath x Freeze A 1 Ice Stack
Teeth = Cleanse Iris-Decelerator-RisingDragon / Firedrop / Seiya / Speed
Ichi x x A 1 Poison
(selon compo) Moon +poison proc
King Giant ou Vulcan Chain
Ikki Wings x x A 4
Rosary / Tenacity ou SpiritPrint / Humming
Vulcan Chain, Felina ou King Giant
Ikki firebird Searing = Protection x x A 1 Burn
Rosary / tenacity ou SpiritPrint / Humming
Equinox / Pstone ou Firedrop / Tenacity-SpiritPrint
Scylla Io Scylla Power x x Stun A 2
/ Staunch-Crystal
Diamond lv.4 > Tentacles Equinox-RisingDragon / Flower-Eagle-Rosary /
Isaak Kraken x x Freeze A 2
> Polar Tena-SpiritPrint-Seiya / Moon-Humming
King Giant
Jabu Gallop > Force x x x A 2
Pstone / tenacity ou SpiritPrint / Staunch
Soap / Rosary-Eagle / tenacity ou SpiritPrint /
Jamian Sacrifice > Ancestor x A 0 Heal
RisingDragon-Fairy / Flower-AntiStick-Firedrop / Group dmg reduc
June Chameleon Breath x A 1
Tena-SpiritPrint / Moon-Letter & dmg split
Laurel Tree
Katya Gem Tears x A 1 Anti rez Heal
Rosary-Cstone-Eagle / Tena-SpiritPrint / Book
Iris ou Soap
Kayza Hunt lvl 3 > Trap A
Firedrop ou Eagle / Seiya / Moon
LaurelTree / Rosary, Cstone ou Eagle / tenacity ou
Marine Eagle God Technique x A 1 Heal
SpiritPrint / Book
Roc-Manjuska-RisingDragon-Fairy /
Misty Wind Shield x Taunt A 1 Reflect Shield
Flower-Firedrop / Seiya / Lotus-Letter-Moon
THSnake / Rosary-Eagle / Tena-SpiritPrint-Knowing
Raimi Worm (need lvl 5) > Leeching A
/ Humming-Nether
Decelerator-Iris-RisingDragon / Firedrop / Tenacity-
Shaina Poisonous Fangs > Thunder x A 1 Speed Poison
SpiritPrint / Moon
RisingDragon / Firedrop / Tenacity ou SpiritPrint /
Shiryu Shield > Soul > Punch x A 2 Intercept
Moon ou Letter
Shiryu outrage Wrath > Soaring x x A 0
Rosary / tenacity ou SpiritPrint / Humming
RisingDragon-Fairy-Iris /
Shun Nebula > Angled x Restrict A 2
Flower-Firedrop / Seiya / Letter-Lotus-Moon
Laurel Tree
Thetys Death Reef = Memory x Petrify A 1 Heal
Cstone ou Eagle / Tena-SpiritPrint / Moon ou Book
Roc, Felina, Daffodil ou King Giant
Yuzuriha Combo > Steps x x A 2 Auto atk
Pstone / tenacity ou SpiritPrint / Staunch
RisingDragon / Eagle-Flower / Seiya / Letter-Moon-
Armor of the Dead Deatheater x Devour B 1
Decelerator, Windflower, Roc ou Iris
Asterion Bait (passive) > Million ghost x Energy B 1
Eagle / Seiya / Lotus, Moon ou Letter
Decelerator, Hyacinth, Windflower ou Iris
Babel Will of flame > Red lotus x B 1 Burn
Eagle / Seiya / Humming, Lotus, Letter ou Moon
Felina ou King Giant
Ban Roar > Bombard x x Taunt B 2
Eagle / Tena-SpiritPrint / Humming, Moon ou book
Decelerator, Windflower ou Hyacinth
Black Swan Black Ice x Freeze B 2
Eagle / Seiya / Letter-Lotus-Moon
RisingDragon-Soap / Firedrop ou AntiStick /
Cassios Common Hatred x B 2 Self Def Auto Taunt
SpiritPrint / Letter ou Staunch
Decelerator, Windflower ou Hyacinth
Dante Hell Steel x B 1 Speed
Eagle / tenacity ou SpiritPrint / Book ou Letter
RisingDragon-Soap / Firedrop / Seiya / Letter ou
Geki Bearlike = Hanging x stun B 1
Fairy / Flower-Eagle-AntiStick / Tena-SpiritPrint-
Kiki Flash of wit x B 0 Energie
Knowing(pvp) / Moon
RisingDragon-Marsh / Flower-Eagle-AntiStick /
Luna Vast Galaxy x B 1 Double Round
Tena-SpiritPrint / Moon
Roc /
Moses Giant Cetus x Stun B 1
Firedrop-Flower / Seiya / Lotus-Moon-Letter
RisingD-Iris-Fairy /
Nachi Wolfpack x B 0 DPS
Firedrop / Tena-SpiritPrint / Moon-Letter
RisingDragon-Iris / Flower-Eagle-AntiStick / Tena-
Nero Priest Barren x Silence B 1 Anti Heal
SpiritPrint / Moon
Seiya Comet > Absolute Roc-BloodElf / Firedrop / Tena-SpiritPrint / Staunch x x B 2
Roc, Decelerator, Hyacinth ou Iris
Xiaoling Godlike > Mini fist x Energy B 1
Firedrop / Seiya / Lotus, Letter ou Moon

Futurs persos / Not released

Gemini Kanon Not Released S

Valentine Not Released A

Thanatos Not Released SS

Guide by Minaor (SEA version Server 1 - Global version Server 24). Special thanks to Dayma for the contribution !
Tierlist by Mako, Dayma, Ryuug ©
Last Update : 16/04
SEA Version - GD & Jamir based

New up Down







Banner (SEA Saints Number
Week Note/Misc
Version) (SEA Version) of Saints
12/06/2019 Official RELEASE of the Game
12/06/2019 1 Saga 1
19/06/2019 2 Aiolos 2
26/06/2019 3 Shaka/Aiolia 3&4
03/07/2019 Dohko
4 5 Version globale : voir ci-dessous !
10/07/2019 Aiolos / Milo rerun
5 Global version : see below !
17/07/2019 6 Shion / Mu 6
24/07/2019 7 Kanon/Saga 7 1er Lucky Cat

31/07/2019 8 Arayashiki 8
9 Shun Nebula 9 & 10
14/08/2019 10 Dohko/Shion rerun
21/08/2019 11 Poseidon 11 2ème Lucky Cat

Banner Saints Number

28/08/2019 Hyoga POG Week Note/Misc
12 12
(Global Version) (Global Version) of Saints
04/09/2019 13 Araya/Kanon rerun 09/09/2019 Official RELEASE of the Game
11/09/2019 14 Seiya God Cloth 13 +8e Sens + reset coupons x2 11/09/2019 1 Aiolia 1
18/09/2019 Poseidon / Dohko 18/09/2019
15 Dohko Added to the Pool 2 Aiolos 2
25/09/2019 16 Pandora / Shion 14 3ème Lucky Cat 25/09/2019 3 Shaka 3 Lucky Cat

02/10/2019 17 Rhadamantis 15 02/10/2019 4 Saga 4

09/10/2019 18 SeiyaGC / Hyoga POG rerun 09/10/2019 5 Aphro rerun

16/10/2019 19 Hades 16 4ème Lucky Cat 16/10/2019 6 Dohko 5

rerun rerun
23/10/2019 Poseidon / Araya 23/10/2019 Aiolos
20 + Treasure Pavillon 7 Lucky Cat

29/10/2019 21 Rhada/Pandore rerun + ?? hades temple ??? 30/10/2019 8 Kanon / Saga 6 Kanon Added to the Pool
05/11/2019 22 Esaga 17 5ème Lucky Cat 06/11/2019 9 Krishna 7
12/11/2019 23 Hades / DM rerun 13/11/2019 10 Araya 8
19/11/2019 SGC / Shion 20/11/2019 Hyoga pog / Shun nebula Lucky Cat
24 Shion Added to the Pool 11 10
26/11/2019 25 Ikki GC 18 6ème Lucky Cat 27/11/2019 12 Shion 11
Ajout de Kanon au pull rerun
03/12/2019 ESaga / Kanon 4/12/2019 Dohko
Milo RC added + 8e Sens
26 Camus RC Added 13
10/12/2019 27 Athena 19 7ème Lucky Cat 11/12/2019 14 Seiya Divine Cloth 12
17/12/2019 28 Ikki GC / Araya rerun 18/12/2019 15 Rhada 13 Rhada added to pool
Suppression Skill-up Rebate +
24/12/2019 Underworld Shun 25/12/2019 + Skin Pavillon
29 20 Reset Coupons x2 16 Poseidon 14
Shaka RC added
31/12/2019 Athena 1/1/2020 Poseidon Double week Banner
30 Shura RC added 17
Lucky Cat
07/02/2020 IkkiGC / ESaga rerun 08/01/2020 Pandora
31 18 15 Pandora added to pool
+ Skin Pavillon
+ Double BAN in GD rerun
14/01/2020 HyogaPog / Hashun + Item Mall full of item in GOLD 15/01/2020 Dohko / Shion Shion & Dohko Added to
Hyoga POG added to the Pool the Pool
32 Aiolia RC added 19
9ème Lucky Cat + Fin Double
21/01/2020 Myu 22/01/2020
33 21 BAN GD 20 Ikki GC 16
28/01/2020 Athena / Hades rerun 29/01/2020 PGC / Hyoga POG H. Pog Added to the Pool
34 21 PGC Added to the Pool

Lucky Cat bug

04/02/2020 Pandore / Rhada rerunn 05/02/2020 Minos
35 22 17 + 2nd Lucky Cat

10 ème Lucky Cat rerun

11/02/2020 Shiryu GC 12/02/2020 Araya
36 22 + Double Ban Return in GD 23 + RC Milo / Camus
Poseidon Added to the Pool.
18/02/2020 Myu / Poseidon Update Skin Pavillon 19/02/2020 Hades Astral EXPERT
Dohko RC added

37 PGC added to the pool 24 18

25/02/2020 38 Minos 23 Reset coupons x2 26/02/2020 25 Hades Double Week Banner
Lucky Cat
03/03/2020 Hades Shun / PGC Assault War 04/03/2020 Ikki GC
+ Treasure Pavillon
39 26 IkkiGC Added to the Pool

10/03/2020 Shiryu GC / Ikki GC rerun 11/03/2020 Poseidon
40 27 Poseidon add in Pool

11ème Lucky Cat Special : "Saint you don't

17/03/2020 Hypnos 18/03/2020
41 24 Saga RC / Seiya RC 28 have"

41.5 - - - 21/03/2020 28.5 Esaga 19 Seal Tower V2

24/03/2020 42 Minos / Myu rerun 25/03/2020 29 Esaga 1.5 week banner
rerun / Lv account 70 / PVP : 8e LC + RC Aiolia
31/03/2020 Athena / Hades 01/04/2020 Hashun
43 Fire clock selection 30 20 PVP Fire clock selection

07/04/2020 44 Lyra Orphee 25 12eme Lucky Cat + Aiolos RC 08/04/2020 31 Myu 21

14/04/2020 45 Hypnos rerun 15/04/2020 32 Hadès / Myu
Special : "Saint you don't
21/04/2020 rerun 22/04/2020 Athena
46 have" 33 22
13e LC
28/04/2020 Minos / Evil SAGA rerun 29/04/2020 Athena 9e LC (au 04/05)
47 ESaga added to Pool 34
05/05/2020 48 06/05/2020 35
12/05/2020 49 13/05/2020 36
19/05/2020 50 20/05/2020 37
26/05/2020 51 27/05/2020 38
02/06/2020 52 03/06/2020 39
09/06/2020 53 1 year Anniversary ? 10/06/2020 40
54 41

Banner log by Dayma (SEA version Server 1)

Level 10 Stats Shrine Boxes + Drops Max Max Substat available on :
Cosmo Name substats
bonus bonus Red Yellow Blue
Set Bonus SS S Version Globale : (max 6/cosmo)
(SS) (S) Cosmo Cosmo Cosmo
Eagle Eye 348 2,4% 319 2,2%
Monday - Lundi Patk/Catk flat 55 50 x x x

Firedrop 348 3,6% 319 3,3%

Tuesday - Mardi Patk/Catk % 3,03% 2,73% x x x
Flower Ring 5,04% 43 4,62% 39
Wednesday - Mercredi Cdmg 1,19% 1,08% x x

Pstone 12,92% 43 11,84% 39

Thursday - Jeudi Crit level 57 51 x x

Cstone 12,92% 43 11,84% 39

Friday - Vendredi HP flat 340 306 x x x

Antistick 11,76% 11,76% 10,78% 10,78%

Saturday - Samedi HP % 3,03% 2,73% x x x
Set : 15% status resist PDEF CDEF PDEF CDEF

Rosary 9,69% 210 8,88% 192

Sunday - Dimanche Any Cosmo in boxes + Cdef/Pdef flat 19 18 x x x

White Mist 76 77
Version SEA : Cdef/Pdef % 2,23% 2,01% x x x
Set : 10% Cdmg Resist PDEF CDEF PDEF CDEF

Seiya 2348 6,6% 2152 6,05%

Monday - Lundi Status hit 4,40% 3,96% x x
Set : 10% HP HP Status hit HP Status hit

Bloom 2349 11,76% 2153 10,78%

Tuesday - Mardi Status res 4,40% 3,96% x x x

Tenacity 2349 11,76% 2153 10,78%

Wednesday - Mercredi Speed 16 13 x x

Body Care 10,78% 91

Thursday - Jeudi Life steal 3,83% 3,45% x

Dual Def 100 99

Friday - Vendredi heal 2,15% 1,94% x x

Peace Fruit 11,76% 77

Saturday - Samedi

Knowing 15,93% 9,43% 14,63% 8,65%

Sunday - Dimanche Any Cosmo
Set : 15% Status Resist HP Status Resist HP Status Resist

Spirit Print 119 2237 109 2051

Level up SS Cosmo
Set : 10% Cdmg Resist CDEF HP CDEF HP

Jadelight 7 660 6 Blood Elf Decreases target pdef & cdef by 10% for 2 rounds (can stack) Cosmo
Level Gold
Set : 15% Status Hit HP Speed HP Speed Main Stat : HP Example of character (mostly pve) : Ikki GC, Seiya XP
Moon 33 40 31 37 Chimera Increases 15% Patk and 4% crit for 4 rounds + permanent speed reduce by 30% after attacking. Example
1>2 1680 10000
Set : 20 speed Speed PDEF Speed PDEF HP of character : Aphrodite

Lotus 5,13% 13,2% Book of the dead recover 20% hp and increases 20% patk and catk for 3 rounds when friendly unit dies. Overheal
2>3 2550 15000
Set : 20 speed HP Status Hit HP Status Hit HP converted into a shield. Example of char : Deathmask

Book 220 9% 202 8,25% Two Headed Snake Deal +40% dmg against saints that have already acted this round.
3>4 5050 30000
Set : 10% HP CATK Heal CATK Heal PATK CATK Example of character : Ikki GC, Evil Saga, Poseidon

Staunch 216 198 Daffodil Increases patk by 1% for every 1% HP lost.

/ / 4>5 7600 45000
Set : 10% HP Crit level Crit level HP Example of character : Shiryu GC, Aiolia, Dohko

Letter 13,2% 13,2% 12,1% 12,1% King Giant Dmg +60% against unit below 40% HP.
5>6 15000 60000
Set : 10% HP Status Hit Status Resist Status Hit Status Resist HP Ex: Ikki GC (pve mainly)

Hummingbird 236 30 216 28 Vulcan Chain Dmg +40% against unit above 70% HP.
6>7 24500 135000

Crystal Fire 264 25 242 23 Felina Dmg +50% if this character didnt consume energy in the previous round.
7>8 32000 180000
Set : 100 Pdef Pierce PATK Speed PATK Speed PDEF CDEF Ex : Myu, Athena

Purple Nether 123 12% 113 11% Sword of Damocles After using an active skill reduces initial max HP by 24%. Increases patk by 20% and crit by 200 towards
8>9 39500 225000
Set : 10% HP Pdef Pierce Cdmg Resist Pdef Pierce Cdmg Resist Speed main target for every energy spent. Ex : Dohko

Butterfly Decelerator Decreases target speed by 30 for 2 rounds (can stack)

9 > 10 77120 450000
Set : 20 speed PDEF Status Resist PDEF Status Resist Speed Ex : Shaka, Hypnos, Ushun

Rising Dragon Teeth When HP drops below 20% for the 1st time, applies a 20% HP shield (survive if fatal blow). Ex : Hades,
Total : 205 000 1 150 000
HP Pope, POG

Equinox Increases attack by 20% and max HP by 10% for summoned units.
Speed Ex : Io

Marsh Fairy Gives +1 energy at the start of each turn (can't exceed 8 total energy)
Future Cosmos
HP Ex : Kiki, Athena, Ushun, POG

? 10,8% 7 Roc 50% chance to give +1 energy when you attack

Set : 10% HP PDEF Speed PDEF Speed HP Ex : Daidalos, Seiya, Misty

? 1620 124 Hyacinth When you attack decreases target's patk and catk by 10% for 2 rounds (can stack x5)
Set : 15% Pdmg Resist HP Pdef Pierce HP Pdef Pierce PDEF CDEF Ex : Shaka, Hypnos

? 31 9,96% Iris Increase all allied unit speed by 10

Set : 5% Cdmg Speed Status Hit Speed Status Hit Speed Ex : Shaina, Ichi

? 8,9% 209 Kingfisher Crit strikes have 70% chance to deal true damage
Set : 5% Crit Dmg PATK PATK PATK PATK HP Ex : Shura, Aphro

? 9,9% 77 Laurel Tree Increases Healing by 20%

Set : 10% CATK CATK Cdef Pierce CATK Cdef Pierce Speed Ex : Ushun, Marine

Decreases dmg recieved by 15%
Manjuska Increases reflect by 20%
PDEF CDEF Ex : Misty

Wind Elf Increases cdmg by 10%. When you deal dmg to non summoned units, increase the effect by 4% per unit
PDEF CDEF for 3 rounds. Ex : Poseidon

Soapberry After action heal 20% HP if below 45% HP.

HP Ex : Shion

Increases catk by 50% (can stack) in the next round after killing a non summoned unit.
Silver Dragon
Each attack has 25% chance to inflict dmg equal to 4% of target max HP (up to 110% x attack). Ex : Aphro
Decreases status hit by 20% for 2 rounds for targets you attack.
After taking a critical hit produces a shield equal to 15% max hp (doesnt stack) for 1 round)
Rock Collossus Gives a shield at the start of the battle. Each point of defense grants 5 shield. Also increases pdmg res and
PDEF CDEF cdmg res by 25% for 1 round.

Water Curtain
When crowd controlled and below 50% HP, skip to next round and get an extra move.
Last Update Daily/Weekly routine
16/04 QC = Quick Complete possible
Repop chaque semaine : Respawn each week :
- Tour des spectres (focus "?" pour trade gemmes, buy les coffres pour shards si cash player) - Seal Tower (focus "?" to trade gems, buy coffers for shards if cash player)
- Split shop pour acheter adv gemmes / xp - Split shop to buy adv gems / xp
- Astro Cycle - Astro Cycle
- Legion Assault (Important : mettre ses persos le lundi pour récup des points) - Legion Assault (Important : add char monday to earn points)

Repop chaque jour : Respawn each day :

Menu Event Event Menu
- Free Stamina x2 : 12h30 / 18h30 - Free Stamina x2 : 12h30 / 18h30
- Faire les différentes quêtes - Do the different quests
Menu Daily Daily Menu
- Activity & Train Ground : recup les rewards - Activity & Train Ground : get the rewards
- Daily Bounty (star trial/cloth cemetery/etc.) Quick Complete (QC) si full persos validés - Daily Bounty (star trial/cloth cemetery/etc.) Quick Complete (QC) if full character validated
- Athena Trial (QC si vous ne pouvez pas monter facilement) - Athena Trial (QC if you can't raise higher easily)
- Hades Temple (QC si bon score) - Hades Temple (QC if already great score)
- Legion Dungeon (QC si bon score) - Legion Dungeon (QC if good score)
Menu PVP PVP Menu
- Field of Honor : Faire 1 victoire en Sacred Duel chaque jour et recup les rewards daily+weekly quand dispo - Field of Honor : Do 1 Sacred Duel win daily and get the daily & weekly reward when available
- Saint Arena : x5 fight, idéalement x10 pour + de rewards dont book violet (QC sauf si low rank) - Saint Arena : x5 fight, idealy x10 for more rewards (QC unless low rank)
- Galactic Duel : x3 fight (dont 1 win idéalement) - Galactic Duel : x3 fight (need 1 win)
- Train Hall : gardez 9 tickets, dépensez le reste (QC) - Train Hall : keep 9 tickets, spend the rest (QC)

Menu Shop Shop Menu

- Shop Item : Refine stone si -20% - Shop Item : Refine stone if -20%
- Shop Legion : skill tome shard si -40/-60% - Shop Legion : skill tome shard if -40/-60%
- Shop Honor : Skill tome shard x2 - Shop Honor : Skill tome shard x2
- Shop Cosmo : Nether SS/S si promo - Shop Cosmo : Nether SS/S if on sale
- Shop coeurs : book violet à 750 (1500 si vous avez plus que 3000) - Shop coeurs : purple book at 750 (1500 if you got more than 3000)
- Shop pack : 10 diamants = 100 stam le lundi - Shop pack : 10 diamants = 100 stam monday
Menu Empower Empower Menu
- Cloth Chest : x2 silver chest et x1 gold chest gratos - Cloth Chest : x2 free silver chest and x1 free gold chest
- Cloth shop : check si pas de pièces intéressantes dispos (refresh 12h) + acheter orichalc si besoin - Cloth shop : check available pieces (refresh 12h) + buy orichalc if needed
- Saint Temple : Upgrade si dispo - Saint Temple : Upgrade if available
Menu "Party" "Party" Menu
- x3 mirage invasion (faisable en Auto AFK) - x3 mirage invasion (doable Auto AFK)
- Farm 500 coeurs + 200 friendship (Auto AFK) - Farm 500 hearts + 200 friendship (Auto AFK)
- Pope adv treasure (Auto AFK) - Pope adv treasure (Auto AFK)
Menu Legion Legion Menu
- Boss de legion le soir - Legion boss each evening
- Commissions (QC) - Commissions (QC)
- Aide : demander des shards, en donner au moins 2 - Aid : ask for shards and give at least 2
- Rewards : recup x2 - Rewards : get x2
- Weekly pack : recup - Weekly pack : get it
Autre Other
- x2 free stamina chaque jour - x2 free stamina each day
- Quiz dans le chat : répondre "Praise my beauty" à chaque question - Chat quizz : answer "Praise my beauty" to all questions

Last Update
Tips Divers / Misc Tips

Economisez vos livres bleus, c'est la ressource la plus rare du jeu ! Verouillez les par sécurité ;)
Save & lock your blue books, it's the most precious resource in the game ! >> used to upgrade your top characters skills
>> pour up les skills de vos tops persos
Event Cerberus/Invasion : Faites systématiquement les events Cerberus quand ils apparaissent en farm Underworld Invasion (Cerberus) : Do all Cerberus events when farming xp/cosmo/awaken mats, drop/stamina ratio is at least
xp/cosmo/awaken, le ratio est au moins 40% supérieur au farm normal ! 30% better.
Recharge stamina : La 1ère recharge payante (30 diamants = 60 stam) est très intéressante. La 2eme Stamina refill : 1st paid refill is great (30 diam = 60 stam). 2nd is decent, but after that ratio is not really great.
s'envisage mais après le ratio n'est pas terrible. Tips : farmez epic ruin en lead de groupe même Tips : farm epic ruin as the lead of a party even when out of stamina. When x2 Cerberus spawn : stop the
out of stamina. Quand x2 Cerberus pop arrêtez le hosting, achetez de la stam pour x2 Cerb hosting, buy stamina & do x2 Cerberus
Daily 1x/jour sans stam > Pope treasure (party lobby) > rapide et très bonnes rewards possibles Daily :1x/day without stam > Pope treasure (party lobby) > fast & great rewards
Daily 3x/jour sans stam > Mirage invasion (party lobby) > shards du perso que vous voulez parmi : Daily : 3x/day without stam > Mirage invasion (party lobby) > shards of the character you want from :
Shun, June, Seiya, Erda, Yuzuriha, Hyoga, Isaak, Geki, Jamian, Algol, Ikki Firebird Shun, June, Seiya, Erda, Yuzuriha, Hyoga, Isaak, Geki, Jamian, Algol, Ikki Firebird
Paliers : dès que la puissance de vos personnages le permet, progressez dans les niveaux d'epic Tiers: as soon as your characters power alows it, you should do the next level of epic ruin/shrine/dimension/etc. The higher the
ruin/shrine/dimension/etc. Plus le niveau est haut est meilleur sera le ratio stamina/reward ! level the better the stamina/reward ratio !
Niveau d'amitié des persos : à chaque niveau d'amitié gagné, vous gagnez 9 shards du personnage. Vous
Friendship : each level of friendship grants 9 shards of the character. It's 81 shards you can earn when reaching level 10 of
avez donc un total de 81 shards à récupérer une fois un perso au niv 10 d'amitié. Il est également nécessaire
frendship. It's also mandatory to have a frendship level of 2 to 4 for some 8th sense nodes. To farm frendship : farm a content that
d'avoir un niveau d'amitié de 2 à 4 pour unlock certaines 8eme sens. Pour farm cela : farmez en boucle les
you can easily/quickly complete. Optimally when you want to focus a specific character, put it in a team of characters that already
contenus facile à enchainer rapidement. Idéalement pour focus un perso spécifique, accompagnez le de
have a lvl 10 frendship so that he earns all points, because you have a limit of 200 pts/day.
persos tous déjà niveau 10, car vous ne pouvez farm que 200 points par jour.
Farm Cosmo, Titan VS Shrine : Une fois le shrine débloqué le titan devient presque inutile. Le ratio du shrine Cosmo farm, Titan vs Shrine : When Shrine is unlocked, Titan becomes almost useless. Shrine's ratio is far better. Never use Titan
est bien supérieur. Ne faites le titan que si vous avez besoin d'un cosmo spécifique qui ne drop que là bas. anymore unless you have a specific cosmo to farm there that you can't have from Shrine.
Choix attaque auto : Lancez le mode auto, cliquez sur le portrait du perso et choisissez le skill. Auto attack choice : Set auto mode, click on character picture and chose the skill you want him to use.
Cosmo : un cosmo S peut facilement être meilleur qu'un SS selon les substats, la diff main stat
Cosmo : S cosmo can easily be better than a SS one regarding substats. Main stat difference is quite low.
n'est pas significative.
Refine : guaranteed substat at level 4 (and 8) : use that mechanic to test/filter cosmo you want to raise more
Refine : une substat garantie arrive au niv4 (et 8), montez plusieurs cosmos niv4 pour filtrer ceux qui
(double/triple top substat at lvl 4 should be your goal)
valent la peine d'être montés plus haut (objectif double/triple top sub au niv4)
Split les Saints A/B inutiles en currency pour recup 200 fioles/semaine pour x5 Adv. Gems Split useless A/B Saints to get 200 currency/week for x5 adv gems
Reset chaque semaine (menu en bas à droite dans la liste des persos) Reset each week (bottom right menu in character list)
Persos C : Gardez la majorité, ils seront utilisés pour le rebirth de vos growth tome (livres violets). Keep most of your C characters they will be used for growth tome rebirth
Items : Achat diamant = Adv Gem pack quand vous avez 1k diamants. Autres items Items : Diamond buy = Adv gem pack when you have 1K diam.
intéressants (quand en reduc idéalement) = refine stone Other diam worth items (when sales %off) = refine stone
Achat golds = refine stone, scroll... mais les golds sont très précieux pour up les cosmos. Gold buy = refine stone, scroll... but later gold becomes scarce when you start upgrading cosmos, so save it when you can
Legion/Honor Shops : Skill tome shard en priorité, le reste n'est pas intéressant. Les shards Legion/Honor shops : Priority = skill tome shard, rest isnt really interesting.
Seiya Sagit/Pavo peuvent s'envisager si vous voulez ces persos. NB : attendez 40/60% de réduc You can take Seiya/Pavo shards if you want these characters.
sur la shard legion shop (pas de reduc sur honor shop) NB: up to 60% off at legion shop, but not sales at honor shop
Cosmo Shop : Vous pouvez utiliser des golds pour acheter des cosmos mais je ne le Cosmo shops : You can use gold to buy cosmo but I don't recommend it (unless it's nether in sale) because gold is
recommande pas (sauf Nether en promo) car les golds sont très précieux pour up les cosmos. really valuable when you start upgrading cosmos.
Refine box : intéressant quand en promo 40/60% minimum Refine box : interesting when 40/60% off at least
Hearts Shop : Farmez 500 coeurs/jour > facile à faire en afk farm titan/ruin/etc. Hearts Shop : Farm 500 hearts/day > easily done when afk farming titan/ruin/etc. when in party or
quand vous n'avez plus de stam (en solo hosting ou en groupe) hosting out of stam >> Buy 750 cost book (1500 = wait refresh)
>> Achetez ensuite le book quand il est à 750 (1500 = attendez que ça refresh)

A/B Saints que vous pouvez split

Beginner Comp examples (no S) Long term A/B Saints
(A/B Saints you can split)
Daidalos/Kiki Hyoga Luna Shiryu Top Situational/Specific
All black saints, Jango, Sanct commander, Ocean Witch, Dante, Mii, Asterion, Armor of the dead
Luna Isaak Babel Erda/Ban Kiki Shun Hyoga (pvp freeze team) Yuzuriha All A/B saints une fois leur skill au max / all A/B saints when max skill
Seiya Luna Ikki Firebird Jabu Luna Misty Isaak (ikki gc synergy) Shiryu NB : gardez 1 de chaque pour quête legion (legion commissions)
NB : Keep 1 of each for legion quest (legion commissions)
Io Io Jabu/Whatever Kiki June Nero Priest Jamian (ikki gc/0 energy team) Moses

June June June June Seiya (pve boss) Daidalos Shaina (legion war speed race) Ichi
Marine Marine Marine Marine Katya Io
Marine Nachi

Summon tips - NB: Le fb officiel dit que ces indications n'ont pas d'influence
Level 80 kit (S Saint)
NB: official fb says these indications doesnt influence the chance
Lucky < Luckier < Luckiest 5* Books : 4
Time are changing No pull or free space 4* Books : 3
Northern Luck Pegasus XP for saint + 8th sense : ~20M
Western Luck Aries or Virgo 7th sense stone : 163
Eastern Luck Sagittarius, Libra, Scorpio, or Crane Awaken stone II : 30
Southern Luck Scorpio, Cancer, or Aries Awaken stone III : 18
Beginnings and endings Entre/between Aries et Pisces Star Pulse : 132
Near Endless Curiosity Scorpio or Hound Star Jade : 332
Three constellations in luck Scorpio Solar Dust : 3640
Time Flies Scorpio or Taurus Golds for 8th sense : 5M
Fire Makes Metal Virgo or Sagittarius

XP & Book for a 5* & 6* Saint

> Merci à Ryuug pour la contribution !
4 books 5*
3 books 4*
1 book 4* 1 book 5* (> 1 Saint Total for Saint 4* > 6*
(> 1 Saint 5*)
35,1M (+Saint xp...
XP 1,37M 4,1M 7,75M 31M ~18M for level 1 > level 80)
Total : 53M (books + saint)

C/B Saints 11 33 44 176 209

Books 1 3 4 16 19

Guide by Minaor (SEA version Server 1 - Global version Server 24). Special thanks to Dayma & Trollzoku for the contribution !
1st Chart = SEA version (South East Asia) // Global players : see the 2nd chart below
Last update:
Important : Les achats en coupons sont calculés sur une base d'un 1er achat d'un pack de coupons (x2). Si vous achetez des coupons en "normal" (x1) il faut diviser par 2 le ratio !
Warning : Coupons based ratio are calculated with the 1st buy (x2) coupons packs. If you buy "normal" coupons pack (x1) you should half the ratio !
Adv. Gems/$ Note Adv Gems
Pack $ Price Coupons Price Coupons buy
Ratio & Pack Bonus (+diam/coupons value)
> Top Offer 11,88 1st buy (x2) Coupons Ratio 900 59,40 Rebate card 30 day Coupons/$ : 375
Graude Foundation level fund 32-45

[Limited time offer] 1st buy (x2) Coupons Ratio < Ratio basé sur cette valeur
> Top Offer 6,00 300 10 1st buy (x2) Coupons/$ : 180
300 coupons New Year Misc. bonuses < Ratio based on this value

[Limited Time Offer]

> Top Offer 5,00 Refresh at each banner ! 2 10 "Normal" buy (x1) Coupons/$ : 90
Golden 10 draw box

[Rebate Card]
> Top Offer 4,62 Note: 30 days investement 13 60
Rebate card 30 day gem

[Limited time offer] 1st buy (x2) Coupons Ratio

> Top Offer 3,94 3200 70
3200 coupons New Year Repair Cloth mat + other bonuses

[Saint Medal / Fighter Medal] 1st buy (x2) Coupons Ratio

> Top Offer 3,60 720 14,4
Promotion Medal (lv30+) Calcul = Level 30 Saint Medal

[Limited Time Offer]

> Top Offer 3,33 xp, cosmo xp, ss cosmo or flowers 3 10
$2.99 Starter Pack / Annivers pack

[Limited time offer] 1st buy (x2) Coupons Ratio

> Top Offer 3,10 5800 100
5800 coupons New Year Skill tome + other bonuses

[Limited time offer] 1st buy (x2) Coupons Ratio

> Top Offer 3,00 300 5
300 coupons box/pack 120 stam, 200k xp

[Limited time offer] 1st buy (x2) Coupons Ratio

> Decent 2,70 800 12
800 coupons box/pack x1 SS cosmo, 300k xp

[Limited time offer] 1st buy (x2) Coupons Ratio

> Decent 2,70 4000 60
4000 coupons box/pack SS cosmo, XP, grwth tome/skill shard

[Sale Bundle] 1st buy (x2) Coupons Ratio

> Decent 2,67 3960 58,80
3960 coupons Supreme gem pack XP, cosmo XP, golds

[Limited time offer] 1st buy (x2) Coupons Ratio

> Decent 2,60 9000 130,00
9000 coupons box/pack 8th sense mat, cosmo xp, SS cosmos

[Limited time offer] 1st buy (x2) Coupons Ratio

> Decent 2,52 2500 35
2500 coupons box/pack XP, cosmo XP, flowers

[Sale Bundle] 1st buy (x2) Coupons Ratio

> Decent 2,50 1800 25
1800 coupons Super gem pack 50k xp 1 growth tome

[Mystery Mall]
> Decent 2,50 8 20
8$ Adv Gems x20

[Limited time offer] 1st buy (x2) Coupons Ratio

> Decent 2,48 5800 80
5800 coupons box/pack SS cosmo, XP, Cosmo xp, Skill tome shards

[Sale Bundle] 1st buy (x2) Coupons Ratio

> Decent 2,40 450 6
450 coupons Basic Gem pack 30k gold 10k xp

[Sale Bundle]
> Decent 2,33 gem chest (random) 2 4,66
1.99$ Daily Gem Box

[Limited Time Offer]

> Decent 2,29 1M xp, 300 stam 35 80
34.99$ Big Bang Large Pack

[Limited Time Offer]

> Decent 2,20 x3 s cosmo, 200k xp 5 11
4.99$ Weekly discount box

[Lucky Booth]
> Meh... 2,00 60 stam 1 2
0.99$ (Daily Reward)

[Limited Time Offer]

> Meh... xp, cosmo xp, growth tome 65 128,8
64.99$ Raining Deal Large Pack 1,98
> Meh... 1,98 1st buy (x2) Coupons Ratio 1000 11
1KCoupons = 1KDiamonds = 11Gems

[Limited Time Offer]

> Meh... Cosmo, XP, Refine mat 13 25
12.99$ Start Work Value Pack 1,92
[Limited Time Offer]
> Meh... skill tome, 2M xp, x30 star jaden 50k cosmo xp 65 120
64.99$ Big Bang super pack 1,85
[Limited Time Offer]
> Meh... xp, SS cosmo, 300 stam 35 60
34.99$ Raining Deal Mid Pack 1,71

[Lucky Booth]
> Meh... 2.99$ Strengthening Gift 1,67 3 5
[Sale Bundle]
> Meh... 1,65 60 stamina 1 1,65
0.99$ (Daily discount box)

[Lucky Booth] 500 stamina

> Meh... 1,47 30 44
29.99$ Level 40 pack (coupons intégrés dans les adv. gems)

[Limited Time Offer]

> Meh... 1,43 Common gems/XP/Refine 7 10
6.99$ XXX small box/pack

[Limited Time Offer]

> Meh... 1,41 50k cosmo xp, 2M xp, growth tome 100 141
99.99$ Super/Best value limited box

[Limited Time Offer]

> Meh... 1,35 20 Skill tome, x2 ss cosmo 20 27
19.99$ Weekly super discount box

[Limited Time Offer]

> Meh... 1,29 x2 ss cosmo, 800k xp, grwth tome/cosmo xp 35 45
34.99$ XXX Large box/pack

[Limited Time Offer]

> Worst Offer 1,25 300k xp, 10k cosmo xp, 100 flower box 16 20
15.99$ XXX Mid box/pack

[Limited Time Offer] x3/4 ss cosmo, 400 stam

> Worst Offer 1,23 65 80
64.99$ XXX Super box/pack 1M/1.5M xp, 50k cosmo xp

[Sale Bundle]
> Worst Offer 1,2 skill tome shard 5 6
4.99$ XX card exclusive

Last update:

[Rebate Card] < Ratio basé sur cette valeur

> Top Offer 10 20 200
Diamond annual card 1st buy (x2) Coupons/$ : 120 < Ratio based on this value
> Top Offer 8 250 17
Graude foundation lvl 10 - 30 "Normal" buy (x1) Coupons/$ : 60
1st Chart = SEA version (South East Asia) // Global players : see the 2nd chart below
Last update:
Important : Les achats en coupons sont calculés sur une base d'un 1er achat d'un pack de coupons (x2). Si vous achetez des coupons en "normal" (x1) il faut diviser par 2 le ratio !
Warning : Coupons based ratio are calculated with the 1st buy (x2) coupons packs. If you buy "normal" coupons pack (x1) you should half the ratio !
Adv. Gems/$ Note Adv Gems
Pack $ Price Coupons Price Coupons buy
Ratio & Pack Bonus (+diam/coupons value)
> Top Offer 8 500 33
Graude foundation lvl 32 - 45

[Lucky Booth]
> Top Offer 5,00 2 10
Gem Refuel Bundle

[Rebate Card]
> Top Offer 3,30 10 33
30 day Diamond card

[Rebate Card]
> Top Offer 3,00 20 60
30 day Gem card

[Limited Time Offer] 3600 coupons

> Decent 2,67 800 stam 3600 80
New Year special

[Limited Time Offer]

> Decent 2,50 4 10
Golden 10 Draw Box

[Mistery Mall]
> Decent 2,33 6 14
Adv. Gems

[Limited Time Offer]

> Decent 2,00 6000 100
6000 coupons XX special

[Limited Time Offer]

> Decent 1,80 1000 stam 6000 90
6000 coupons year of the rat

[Sale Bundle]
> Meh... 1,71 420 6
420 coupons box

[Rebate Card]
> Meh... 1,70 10 17
7 day Diamond card

[Limited Time Offer]

> Meh... 1,60 600 8
600 coupons box

[Limited Time Offer] 1200 coupons

> Meh... 1,50 300 stam + 5 skill shard 1200 15
Easter Carnival

[Limited Time Offer]

> Meh... 1,50 4000 50
4000 coupons box

[Sale Bundle]
> Meh... 1,45 4800 58
4800 coupons box

[Limited Time Offer]

> Meh... 1,40 25 35
25$ box

[Limited Time Offer]

> Meh... 1,40 6000 70
6000 coupons box

[Rebate Card]
> Meh... 1,40 10 14
7 day Gem card

[Sale Bundle]
> Meh... 1,40 1800 21
1800 coupons box

[Sale Bundle]
> Meh... 1,40 600 7
600 coupons box

[Limited Time Offer]

> Meh... 1,36 1500 17
1500 coupons box

[Limited Time Offer]

> Meh... 1,33 30 40
30$ box

[Sale Bundle]
> Worst Offer 1,25 8 10
8$ box

[Limited Time Offer]

> Worst Offer 1,20 3000 30
3000 coupons box

[Limited Time Offer]

> Worst Offer 1,20 10 12
10$ box

[Limited Time Offer]

> Worst Offer 1,17 60 70
60$ box

[Sale Bundle]
> Worst Offer 1,10 30 33
30$ box

[Limited Time Offer]

> Worst Offer 0,75 100 75
100$ box

[Limited Time Offer]

> Worst Offer 0,71 70 50
70$ box

Guide by Minaor (SEA version Server 1 - Global version Server 24)

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