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August 9-13, 2021

The Official Publication of Lanise Elementary School

LES kicks off “The Local Government Unit of Claveria remains

steadfast in its commitment to serve our schools
in whatever ways to guarantee that education is
Brigada Eskwela; served to all our learners”, said Mr. Rodfranco
Caballero as he commenced his message in

stakeholders behalf of Mayor Meraluna S. Abrogar who was on

an equally important business.

chart support for Meanwhile, the representative of Pantawid

Program commonly known as 4Ps and IPs
BE-LCP assured the school of their continued support in
ensuring the continuity of education.

August 12, 2021 - Despite the threat of Other stakeholders who participated in the
the pandemic, Lanise Elementary School virtual conference were the representatives of
officially launched this year’s Brigada the Alumni Association, Municipal Environment
Eskwela Program in consonance with the and Natural Resources Office, Sigma Upsilon
Implementing Guidelines stipulated in DepEd Upsilon Fraternity Sorority, Barangay Saguniaang
Memorandum No. 48 s. 2021 anchored on Kabataan, and the General Parents Teachers
the theme “Bayanihan para sa Paaralan”. Association.

This year’s launching activity was “Brigada Eskwela program signifies the
conducted virtually via ZOOM, convening importance of collaboration and partnership
stakeholders from the government, non- engagements in enabling education continuously
government organizations, individuals, at work in this time of crisis”, said Mr. Gerum O.
private groups, among others, who have Salatan, the school head, as emphasized that
likewise expressed their support to the education is everyone’s business not by the
school to ensure the continuity of education school alone.
amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

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