Chapter 13 - Control of Microbial Growth - Terms To Know: Sterilization

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Chapter 13 – Control of Microbial Growth – Terms to know

Sterilization – the killing of all forms of life on an object or in a material.

Can be done by: Heat (121°C for 20 min in autoclave)
Gas – ethylene oxide
Radiation – gamma rays or high energy e- beams

Pasteurization – the heating of a liquid to 72°C for 15 sec which kills pathogenic bacteria

Disinfection – usually involves the use of a chemical agent which greatly reduces the number
of vegetative forms of life on surfaces or within a material

Antisepsis – the disinfection specifically of skin, mucous membranes, or other living tissue

Germicide – a chemical agent that rapidly kills germs (not very specific or useful)
Bactericide - a chemical agent that rapidly kills bacteria
Fungicide - a chemical agent that rapidly kills fungi
Virucide - a chemical agent that rapidly kills viruses

Bacteriostatic – when bacterial growth and reproduction has been stopped – BUT the bacteria
are not dead.

Asepsis or Aseptic technique – A means to prevent unwanted bacteria or fungi from

entering a particular area (agar plate, patient’s body). In a clinical setting, this
is done using gowns, masks, gloves, instrument sterilization, and UV lights

Degerming – cleansing of the skin via scrubbing, washing, or use of an antiseptic in order to
remove surface microbes.

Sanitization – use of chemicals or scrubbing on eating utensils, toilets, etc. to reduce the
number of pathogenic organisms for public health purposes.
Means of Control of Microbial Growth

All of the Chemical and Physical means used to control microbial growth, kill bacteria by one of
the following 3 mechanisms:
• Denature or disrupt the 3-D shape of the microbe’s proteins
• Damage or Destroy the microbe’s DNA
• Damage the microbe’s cell membrane or cell wall

Physical Means of Control of Microbial Growth

Heat – causes denaturation of proteins to cause death.
• Moist heat (steam) – Steam at 100C – 10 min kills bacteria, 30 min kills
viruses, and 20 hours kills spores. Autoclave uses increased pressure to get
the steam above 100C, to 120C, so that 15-20 min, will kill all.
• Dry Heat – takes longer and must be hotter than moist heat (170C, 2h).

Low Temperature – doesn’t kill typically, but slows metabolism – has bacteriostatic effect.
Example: putting cultures in the fridge. This saves them from overgrowing but doesn’t kill

Desiccation – drying of a surface on which bacteria might grow – many bacteria/viruses require
water to remain viable (alive) , causing death through destruction of the cell wall and cell
Some bacteria are very resistant to desiccation: Staph aureus and some viruses – these
remain viable but don’t reproduce when dry – when in dust, bed linens, dried mucous or pus, and
on countertops.

Radiation – kills bacteria and viruses by breaking DNA so can’t reproduce; 2 types of radiation
can sterilize:
• Gamma irradiation or high energy electron beams, very penetrating. Used to sterilize
vaccines and foods
• Ultraviolet (UV) light, not penetrating, only sterilizes surfaces. Used in operating rooms,
on vaccines, utensils, some foods.
note: Microwave energy is too low to kill bacteria directly; can however, generate moist heat to
kill bacteria – but very uneven.

Filtration – actual removal of bacterial cells from a liquid that can’t be autoclaved (heat labile
solutions). The liquid is passed through a filter paper that has pores smaller than a bacterial cell
(0.45um); so as the liquid passes through the paper the bacteria remain on top of the paper.
Chemical Means of Control of Microbial Growth

1. Phenols/Phenolics/Bisphenols: Kill bacteria by denaturing cell proteins. Examples are

hexachlorophene and Triclosan (antibacterial ingredient in commonly available “antibacterial

2. Halogens: Chlorine (Cl2) and Iodine (I2) – Kills bacteria by disruption of 3-D structure of
proteins, through oxidation. Examples of I2 are Betadine surgical soap, tincture of I2. Examples
of Cl2 are chlorine gas used to disinfect drinking water, and chlorine bleach as a surface
disinfectant of dialysis equipment and other medical surfaces.

3. Alcohols: Kill bacteria by denaturing cell proteins, ethanol and isopropyl alcohol
(rubbing alcohol) are bactericidal when used at 64% to 90% solution. These must be diluted in
water to be effective; that is 70% solution is more effective than a 100% solution – this is
because water is required to denature the proteins. Also, alcohol is sometimes added to other
chemicals to enhance their effectiveness – this is called a “tincture”.

4. Quaternary ammonium compounds (Quats)- Kills bacteria by an unknown mechanism.

Lots of cleaner/disinfectant solutions contain these compounds – Lysol Kitchen/Bath Cleaner,
also Cepacol mouthwash. These typically have a “alkonium chloride” ending to their name. They
are very effective against gram positive bacteria (Staph and Strep),
but Pseudomonas aeruginosa (gram neg rod) can live in the disinfectant – a potential problem in
hospital burn units.

5. Aldehydes –formaldehyde, formalin (formaldehyde + alcohol), Cidex. Kills bacteria by

altering 3-D shape of proteins – very effective, used to sterilize hospital instruments, respiratory
therapy equipment, to preserve tissue.

6. Gaseous Chemosterilizers – Ethylene oxide and Ozone (O3)- both kill by altering protein
structure. Both are very harmful to humans. Ethylene oxide (sometimes ozone) is used in
hospitals to sterilize medical equipment and supplies like plastics, syringes, lenses, artificial
heart valves, heart lung machines, mattresses – things that must be sterile but are sensitive to heat
(autoclave) or chemicals.

7. Food Additives – Sulfates, nitrates, and organic acids (benzoate, sorbate)- cause death of
bacteria and fungi through metabolic enzyme inhibition.

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