Microbial Metabolism-Ch 8-2

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Microbial Metabolism-Ch 8

There are 3 big pathways that bacteria can do to get energy from their food
which are listed 1-3 below. Fill out the overall reactions/equations for each
step of aerobic cell respiration, anaerobic cell respiration and fermentation.
I gave you space to draw out the general/overall reaction like I did in the
Powerpoint lecture for each process too. You can write the answers as text
and sentences too if that is what you prefer instead.

1.​ A
​ erobic Cell Respiration
A. Glycolysis: Starts with Glucose → what products/wastes are made?

Glucose ​→​ 2 Pyruvates + ATP + NADH

Glucose (C​6​H​12​O​6​) + 6 O​2​ ​→ ​6 CO​2​ + 6 H​2​O + Energy

B. Citric Acid Cycle: Starts with Pyruvates → what overall

products/wastes are made?

2 Pyruvates​ →​ 2 Acetyl COA ​→​ CO​2​ + ATP + NADH + FADH​2

2 Pyruvates​→​ 2 Acetyl COA ​→​ 4C ​→​ 6C (Citric Acid) ​→​ CO2 + NADH +
ATP ​→​ 5C​ →​ CO2 + FADH​2​ + ATP ​→​ ​4C​ ​→​ ATP
C. Electron Transport Chain (ETC): Starts with NADH → what is made
from that?

​NADH and FADH release high energy electrons (H+) to produce ATP

​ AD+ ​→ 3​ 6-38 ATP

NADH​ ​→ N

2.​ A
​ naerobic Cell Respiration
A. Glycolysis (write the overall equation)

Glucose ​→​ Pyruvate ​→​ ATP and lactic acid (animals); or ATP, ethanol,
and CO​2


B. Kreb’s Cycle (write overall equation)

2 Pyruvates​ →​ 2 Acetyl COA ​→​ CO​2​ + ATP + NADH + FADH​2

C. ETC (draw/write overall equation)

NADH and FADH release high energy electrons (H+) to produce ATP

No oxygen, uses terminal electron acceptor in place, like nitrate or sulfate

3.​ F
​ ermentation

A. Glycolysis: Starts with Glucose → ​what products are made?

Glucose​ ​→​ Pyruvates + 2ATP + NADH ​→​ (Fermentation) ​→​ Organic

acids or alcohol + CO​2 (gas)

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