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Negudi ky: Uy ban nan dan tinh Ty Ninh Co quan: Tinh ‘Tay Ninh ‘Thoi gian ky: wee UY BAN NHAN DAN CONG HOA XA HOI CHORE NARD20 TINH TAY NINH Doc lip -Tywdo-Hanh phic !4:44:03 +07:00 86: 3114 /QD-UBND Tay Ninh, ngéy22 thang 12 néim 2020. QUYET DINH Cong bé Gid ca may va thiét bj thi cdng xy dyng edng trinh quy IIL va quy IV nim 2020 trén dja ban tinh Tay Ninh CHU TICH UY BAN NHAN DAN TINH TAY NINH Cain cit Lugt T6 chite chinh quyén dia phwong ngdy 19/6/2015; Lugt stta déi, b6 sung mot s6 diéu ctia Ludt 6 chike Chinh phat va Ludt t6 chive chinh quyén dia phucong ngay 22/11/201 Cain cit Ludt xdy dung ngay 18/6/2014; Ludt sica déi, bb sung mét s6 diéu ctia Lugt Xay dng ngay 17/6/2020; Cain ett Nghi dinh sé 68/2019/ND-CP ngay 14/8/2019 cita Chinh phi vé quan I chi phi déu tu xdy dung; Céin ott Thong te sé 09/2019/TT-BXD ngay 26/12/2019 cia B6 Xdy dung vé Huéng dan xéc dinh vai quan ty chi phi ddu ne xay dung; Can cit Thong tw sé 11/2019/TT-BXD ngay 26/12/2019 cita BG truing BG Xay dung Incéng din xéc dinh sid ‘ca may vat thiét bj thi cong xy dung; Cain cit ‘Thong tu sd 02/2020/TT-BXD ngay 20/7/2020 ctia BG Xdy dung sta abi, bd sung m6t s6 diéu cita 04 Thing tu cé lién quan dén quan Ij) chi phi dau te xdy dung; Theo dé nghj ctia Gidm adc Sé Xdy dung tai Té trinh s6 4046/TTr-SXD ngay 15/12/2020 vé viée cng bé Don sid niin cong xdy dung; Gid ca may va thiét bj thi cing xdy cheng céng trinh qu Ill va IV ndim 2020 trén dia ban tinh Tay Ninh, QUYET DIN: Ditu 1. Céng bd kém theo Quyét dinh nay Gia ca may va thiét bj thi céng xdy dyng cOng trinh quy III va quy TV nam 2020 trén dja ban tinh Tay Ninh. ‘Didu 2. Quyét dinh nay c6 higu lye thi hanh ké tir ngiy ky. Digu 3. Chdnh Van phong Doan BQH, HPND va UBND tinh; Gidm déc cae S6, ngimh: Xay dung, Ké hogch va Dau tu, Tai chinh, Céng Thuong, Giao théng Vén tai, NOng nghigp va Phat trién néng thén; Kho bg Nha nuée; Thii truong eae S6, nginh 6 lign quan; Chit tich UBND cc huyén, i, thinh phd Tay Ninh; Chi tich UBND ede x, phung, thi trin; cdc t6 chite, cé tham gia hoat déng diu tu va xay dmg trén dia ban tinh cn cit Quyét dinh thi hanh/ Noi hans Nowbted = BO Xay dung; -TT: TU, HBND, UBND tinh; =CT, cde PCT UBND tinh; + Tring tim Cong béo ~ Tin he tinh, = Laru: VP moo mma1206 + Nguy€n Manh Hing DON GIA GIA CA MAY VA THIET BI THI CONG XAY DUNG CONG TRINH CONG ‘TRINH QUY III VA QUY IV NAM 2020 TREN DIA BAN TINH TAY NINH (Céng bé kém theo Quyét dinh sé 3M /OD-UBND ngay 22/12/2020 ctia Uy ban nhan dain tink Tay Ninh) 1. CO SG PHAP LY ~ Nehi dinh s6 68/2019/ND-CP ngay 14/8/2019 ciia Chinh phi vé quan ly chi phi dau tu xy dung. - Thong tu s6 09/2019/TT-BXD ngay 26/12/2019 cia BO Xay dung vé Hudng din ‘xde dinh va quan ly chi phi dau tu xdy dung. = Thong tu s6 11/2019/TT-BXD ngay 26/12/2019 cia BO tring BO Xay dung huéng din xéc dinh gid ca may va thiét bj thi céing xy dung: ~ Th6ng tu s6 02/2020/TT-BXD ngiy 20/7/2020 cia BO Xiy dung sin 8i, bd sung mét s6 digu ella 04 Théng tw eé lién quan dén quan ly chi phi dau tu x4y dung. I. HUONG DAN SU DUNG 1, Gi ca may va thiét bj thi cdng (sau day goi tit la gid ca may) céng bé kem theo Quyét dinh nay lam co sé lép va quan ly chi phi du tu xy dung trén dja ban tinh ‘Tay Ninh, 2. Ap ung d6i v6i cic co quan, td chic, c4 nhdn cé lién quan dén xdc djnh va quan ly chi phi dau tw xay dung ciia dy én sir dyng von ngfin sch nha nude, von nha nude ngoai ngan séch, dy an dau tu theo hinh thiic déi téc cOng tw (PPP) theo quy dinh tai khoan 1 Diéu 2 Nghj dinh s6 68/2019/ND-CP ngay 14/8/2019 cia Chinh phi vé quan Iy chi tuxiy dung. 3. Khuyén Khich ac t6 chite, cd nhén cé lién quan dén viée quan ly chi phi dau tu xiiy dung sir dung cdc nguon vn khac 4p dung theo quy dinh cua Quyét dinh nay. 4. Gid ca may duge xée dinh theo huéng din tai Thong tw s6 11/2019/TT-BXD dim bio eée nguyén tie sau: 8) Gid ca méy li mite chi phi binh quan xée dinh cho m$t ca lim vige theo quy dinh eta may va thiét bj thi cng xay dung. b) Gia ca may duge xac dinh trén co so yéu clu quan ly sit dung may va thiét bj thi cong xy dung, céc dinh mite hao phi tinh gid ca may va mat bing gid cba dia phurong. ©) Gid ca may duge xée dinh phit hop véi quy dinh vé may thi cong xay dung trong dinh mite dy ton xdy dyng c6ng trinh, 4) Gi ca may cia céng trinh cu thé duge xée dinh theo logi may thi cOng xay dg st dng (hoe dy ‘kign sir dung) dé thi cong x4y dyng c6ng trinh pha hyp v6i thiét ké t6 chic xay dung, bién phap thi cOng xy dung, tién d6 thi cOng xAy dung céng trinh va mit bing gié tai khu vue xay dung cOng trinh. Il, NOI DUNG GIA CA MAY 1. Gi ca may 1a mite chi phi binh quan xéc dinh cho mét ca lam vige theo quy inh cia may va thiét bi thi cOng xay dung. my. Chi phi nhan e6ng digu khién duge xe dinh thea dam gid nhin cing xay dymg quy TH, quy IV nam 2020 trén dia ban tinh Tay Ninh, 4) Chi phi khée: Chi phi khdc trong gid ca may 1a cée khoan chi phi cn thiét dim bao dé may hoat dong binh thuimg, cé higu qua tgi cOng trinh, gdm bao hiém may, thiét bj trong qua trinh sir dung; bao quin may va phuc vu cho céng téc bio dudng ky thugt trong bio quan mdy; ding kiém céc loai; di chuyén may trong nGi bd cOng trinh va cée khodn chi phi ¢6 lién quan true tiép dén quin ly may va sir dung may tai cong inh chya duge tinh trong céc noi dung chi phi khac trong gia xdy dymg cong trinh dir todn xy dmg, 7. Bang gid ca may vi thiét bj thi cong xy dung duge tinh tofin cho 02 khu vue: a) Khu vue 2: Thanh phé Tay Ninh, thi x4 Trang Bang va huyén Gd Dau. _ _») Khu vue 3: Thj xi Hda Thanh va céc huyén: Duong Minh Chau, Tan Bién, Bén Chu, Tan Chéu, Chau Thanh. IV. XU LY CHUYEN TIEP 1. Truong hop dy én dau tu x4y dung, béo edo kinh té ky thudt dau tu xy dyng, dy todn xay dug da duge co quan o6 thim quyén phé duyét truce ngay Quyét din nay 6 higu luc thi hanh thi thye hign theo quyét dinh da dugc co quan ¢6 thim quyén phé duyét kh6ng phai diéu chinh dy an dau tur xdy dumg, béo céo kinh té ky thuat ddu tu xay dung, dy toan xay dung. 2. Trudmy hyp dy én dau tu xay dung, bdo edo kinh té ky thugt du tu xay dumg, dy toan x4y dymg chua duge co quan cé thiim quyén phé duyét ké tir ngay Quyét dinh nay cé higu Iye thi hinh thi thy hign theo quy dink tai Quyét dinh nay, 3. Truéng hop dir toan xay dung thy hign theo quy dinh tai khoan 2 cia Mue IV lam vugt téng mic dau tu thi vigc tham dinh, phé duyét dy ton xdy dung thye hign theo quy dinh tai Nghi dinh s6 68/2019/ND-CP. V. BANG GIA Ca MAY VA THIET By THI CONG XAY DUNG QUY MH, TV NAM 2020 TREN DJA BAN TINH TAY NINH 1. Chuong 1: May va thiét bj thi cong xay dymg, 2. Chuong 2: May va thiét bi chuyén ding khéo sat, thi nghiém. TEOT _[eoise [erste _[oerene _[soreon _[OOSTIET ri se ome |eotee —_|eescocr|uczwe | szocos [6991901 ra sar ai ereturt aeoree_[awwuart[cectae[sowcty [art umt___feeomae_|_s | moo [var crevitt ewiee [owertt [zettae [eueote [osr009 com [wean es [a eso [at THAD TST TA worms [nee _[emes [ear ween [rweere a Pore esiser [meets [covesey [ereter [orseorr [socsnee is HOT zeraime [reset [oowsse [ersiee [soveorr |ecraore i m0 ieecort_[wsete [eacoree [ewer | uvses [aap sart is 590 eacoroe [reeeie [estat [evetee [torte [soso asx zt [ose | oro = Cap mPa) wae aE OD TT Terese _[erowse [emer _[receee foarte [esa Tat [RTL ESET cot _[eotse eortsoe [eereec[osoois [ure eur uxt | peULE moro pa oan] se [oe z z _ ap stevie Jecorse [riozose Jusceer sore |rssoese uot — freuen: | s [es Tor Joc a coe eA cuvesre Jocouse ussere furcee |uceese Joooosre ut femmes | s | o's | at [oe] om wa nem oe] 2 sc't o%p Aon wre [aoe [wavars [Taree —[erwretrt_ ono rors Ta [Pape + [a foep woe Pe wesTor [ecouse [wrevsey lusceec _|usonrt [racesre uxt Fe [or [or | ose cost [oar cave [ueczae [sore [oorwez ua Ss [or for | most couse feccinoe |ueccac_[izeeee _[oev'eor rs es farfor| eset ieos0e | oust [ers osoe [ueeeat | uisse9_[eocearr Tas es [cr [oc | Fos Tettost [eos [eieoist [creat [fortes [ooo seo ist es [ar foet| a9 wsrooct ferovse fossstct |usceac _|atwses [oars uit es [ar fore| toro orecert [ecouse [ecwuart |usecaz [cicosr | mrone ust ws [ut [oz] — Foro Bi BON = HO AES bw Oe TE ‘NYTNTVALYGONQD ILL AY er) ea See, | mm ‘aa He i Food dans | Hee 0 up ea ee harwedenier [at DNA AY ONQO TILL IW HHL YA AYW A NOAH ‘yah me a attr es ane aa . 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TESOL [FOTTET SE _foerere [reer [aes | BOT TRIS TE SECOOLOT | TessOC [eer OeroT_[oarene [Fors | eevee | TOT | RAAT ee RDI NE To = ont veestart |tes'soe |esssseet foorste |euwsurr [oszeovor | cuxiszaxr [rommesc | 9 | oe | a] sie 16 Geecizor [essoe |soverear fose'see fozoses forsorrtr | woxszaxr [immerse | 9 | oe oe RO TUR UNDP ceecert [ooozer [eceseet oooozs seeser | umtewuext sles 682 THRSST | OTe [SRFSET —Pooo OTS Bert | oer [ee [ar for wasesca — [ae OY Py SDM = CHT AU Ens) UHHH AMEN AT TED Teor We TFT CERCLA eS awe |rsesee |eiesre feocese verg yee S| ss | st | oxz | upumry dup upénn)| use news — | wore covet sor'9z1 yee s | so] ar]ow ee Tao 5 FT Tas foo alan na fi le iron ” ‘aver S000 wea va | "8 |PVes] oc] fant a "0 an soma ea [G2 apm aoa Chip rr] tepid a eity [het |osecneaionie) ene tdateone | Shevyed haves conv seemed | alge ‘dey Sie] —aoara [80 ar Tass] eso] 92257] sesoar| — aera] S58 302| 600m! [80 isa 374105 —s18077| 292.287] ans exo] — 267.039] — Lan. 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