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1274 to 297.



24 EDWARD 1, 1296.

know whether with her permission or not, and that he ought to have
Alot Chacyr, for breaking wood, 2d.
boarded [deberel ptancasse] a house for the use of the said Molle; Emma [?her] sister, for nuts collected, zd.
also that he gave her a stirk [eslyrk], which he now unjustly claims.
[An entry illegible.]
William Wodemous complains of the said Molle for trespass; pieces of
The son of Isabel de Honley, and Ydon [?] Gerbot, for
pledges, William son of Hugh de Lyttelwode and Nicholas his
wood [pro peclis (?) hosci].
William Pede, 4d., and William Wyles, Gd., for vert.
John the Cobbler [Su/or] is fined izd. fur brewing contrary to John Spink and William Wilmer, for escapes, iti, each.
the assize. Robert de Sour[byJ, for dry wood, id.
Simon Titink, for escape of 4 pigs, 4d.
WAKEFEUD.—The wife of Nicholas the Carter, and
Ph[ilip], for a cow, id. each.
ROLL FOR 24 AND 25 EDWARD I, 12967.1 H0LNE.—Hugh del Hole, for 4 pigs, 4d.
John Thweles of Almanbiry, for an ox, 2d. Pledge, Gilbert de
to be distrained to answer Thomas de Fekesby.
Thomas de Langfeud appointed William de Lyverseg his attorney
OSSETE.—The land of Walter son of Adam de Buderud is in the
for suit of Court, by his writ.
Earl’s hand, because he is dead.
Margaret de Nevill, by writ and letters patent, appoints Alan the plea of
William the Clerk complains of John de Mora, in a
Clerk her attorney. Summons.
agreement. Pledge, Richard the Serjeant [SerZ’Ic’ns].
John e Thornhill gives 45. for a fine [for respite of] suit of Crigcleston
William the Clerk complains of Richard son of Hugh de
Court until Michaelmas.
for trespass. Pledge, Henry de Hiperum. Summons.
Order to attach John son of Robert de Comberworth, John son ALVERTH0RpE._Robert son of Simon complains of Adam Gerbot
of Adam de Lek [?], Peter le Mouner [Miller], [Adam] Ballok, John attached.
for taking cattle. Fledge, Philip the Grave. Adam is to be
del Leth, Thomas son of Adam Pridican, and Hugh, the priest’s son of Gilbert complains of the said Adam
Adam son of Thomas
man, to answer Richard Osan and his [wife] for assault. pledge, Philip the Grave. He is to be
[Gerbot] in a plea of land ;
The inquisition between Thomas de Scheplay, plaintiff, and
Henry, servant of Sir William de Hamelton, is respited until the Graffard to be distrained to
OSSETE.—Amabel daughter of
Tourn at Burton. trespass.
answer Richard sun of Bate, for
Os5ETE.—Richard son of Bate is fined 6d. for abandoning his plea the
IIoLxE.——The land of Thomas de Hallumsehire is atill [in
of trespass against Amabel daughter of Alkoc Graffard.
Earl’s hands].
SANDALE.—William Hunterle [?] of Thornhill to be summoned to is. . . . i.
lotal of this Court, s
answer Adam Westreis and Alma, his wife
Robert le Flemyng and Richard de Stanley, in mercy for default.
Pardoned, because they have respite by the Earl.
STANLAY.—Hugh de Skayf gives i$d. for license to take
3, acres COURT there on Friday before the Feast of SS. Simon and
of land and i rood of meadow in Stanlay from Robert P. [Oct. z$th], in the year abovesaid [t 296], in the time of John
ever, doing service, etc.; pledges for service and also for his keeping de Donecastet.
his goods in the Earl’s fee, Simon de Philip Torald, Henry
ES5OIGNS._-_NiChOlaS tie Caylly essoigns the first time as to suit
del Bothem, and William de Neuton.
of Court by Alexander the Clerk. Pledge, John Kay.
The beading and some of the earlier entries are torn away, and some lines \Viiliam de Lyveresheg’, attorney of Thomas de Langfeud,
are illegible. The regnal year appears at the Court held on the Friday before Pledge, William
like, by Thomas son of \\ilhiam de Lyvercshegg’.
de Batele)’.


Eadmund Ye Northaund’, the like, by Ed[mund] de Chyvet. William the Clerk against John de Mora in a plea of agreement.
Pledge, Thomas de Thorneton. The defendant does not come, and must be resummoned.
John de Haldewrth, the like, by Robert de San[dale]. Pledge, William the Clerk against Richard son of Hugh de Crigeleston.
John de Tofteclyve. The like order.
- Henry de Lepton, the second time, by William de Bateley. Sir Hugh de Eland and Robert de Hoderode fined 12(1. and 6(1.
Pledge, Gilbert de Stokes. respectively, for default at this Court.
John de Ia More, the first time, by John Kyde. Pledge, Adam Robert Ye Flemeng is to be distrained for default. Respited after
Hod’. wards by the Earl.
Richard de Staneley, the like, by William le Wayte. Pledge, Robert son of Ralph, Grave of Aylweston, proves that a mare
John le Flemeng. It does not lie [non jacetJ, because after a default seized at Wakefeud is his; value 5s.; pledge to answer, etc., Richard
as above. son of Hanne de Wakfeud. He gives 12(1. for the keep of it
Matthew de Schipeden, the like, by Richard Wynter. Pledge, ?; pro cusodia].
Peter Swerd. ALVERTETORPE [?].—Robert de Flansawe against Adam Gerbot, for
Adam le Westren essoigns the first time against William SOil of unjustly impounding his cattle in the field of Flansawe. Adam
John de Thomhill, in a plea of covenant, by Gilbert del Stockes. admits it, and is fined 6(1. Pledge, Ralph de Colley.
Pledge, John le Flemeng. He did not come, and is to be resummoned. The suit between Adam son of Thomas son of Gilbert, plaintiff,
John de Trimigham essoigns the first time from suit [de eadem], and Adam Gerbot, defendant, in a plea of land, is respited till the
by Thomas, his servant [garcia]. Pledge, Peter Swerd. next Court.
William de Schipeden, the like, by Thomas de Schipeden [(1€ SPINETUM.—Adam Wytlof is fined 6(1. for not prosecuting his
eadem]. Pledge, Thomas de Thorneton. suit against William Proudfot, for seizing cattle; likewise Henry
William de Birton, the second time, by Wnilliam de Wylteschire. Lewyn, for the like, against John Wytlof.
Pledge, William de Lowode. SANDALE.—William le Vacher and Cecily, his wife, are fined 6(1.
The suit between William de la Leye, plaintiff, and John de for not prosecuting their suit for trespass against Thomas Dane.
Querneby, defendant, in a plea of seizing cattle, is respited until the RA5TRIK.—The land of Richard de Tothifi is in the Earl’s hands,
Tourn at Rastrik; also that between Henry de Rissewrth and the because he is dead.
said John. HOLNE.—The like as to Thomas de Hallumschire’s land.
RASTIUK. —The suit between Thomas de Fekisby, plaintiff and SPINETUM.—Richard son of Thomas le Brounesmyth, for nuts
Richard son of Hugh de Fekisby [de eadem], defendant, is respited as collected, 6(1. Pledge, Thomas, his father.
above. Thomas Virun’s two boys, for the like, 2(1. Pledge, Thomas the
Henry the Gardiner is to be distrained to answer Thomas de Smith.
Fekesby in a plea of trespass. O55ETE.—Ibbot wife of Richard son of Geoffrey de Schittlington,
Peter de Donyngton proved that a stray horse, value 6s., was his; for the like, 4(1. Pledge, Swayn de Osset.
pledge to answer within a year and a day, Richard son of Hanne. Henry Chacer, for the like, 2(1. Pledge, Richard son of John.
And he gives I 2(1. for the keep of it [?; pra cus/adia]. • Malyna de Thyngelawe, for nuts collected, 4(1. Pledge, Master
The defendants to the suit of Richard Osan and Maude, his John of the Schools [1J(agister Joizannes Scolarum].
wife, to be [dis trained P -
‘Simon Dodeman, for the escape of two steers, 6(1. Pledge, Richard
] •1 le Sausem’ [?Sauseman].
The inquisition’ between Thomas de Schepeley, plaintiff and
STAN LEy.—Alice wife of John Pegald [?], for dry wood, 3d.
Henry, servant of Sir William de Hamelton, is respited till the Tourn
at Byrton [?]. Pledge, Richard del Bothem.
‘Hugh , for vert, 6(1. Pledge
1 Decayed ; see aote, p. 236,
1 The Roll is much rubbed here,


IViargaret [?] daughter of Thomas son of Nalle Adam son of Nicholas Keneward complains of Hugh de Cartewrth
Amahel wife of Hugh de Lofthus, for an escape, 3d.; pledges, for impounding his pigs in his corn [bladïim], with his dogs, so that
Richard del Ker and Richard le Lepere. he almost lost 2 pigs, value 25. The inquisition finds against the
H0LNE.—Thomas son of Christian [?] de Fugeliston, gives 1211. plaintiff, who is fined 1211. Pledge, John the Grave.
for license to take 5 acres of land with buildings, in Fugeliston, from Emma de Oldefeld is found guilty [canvicta] in the suit between
Elias, his brother, for $ years, doing service, etc.; pledge, John son of herself as plaintiff and John de Holne, defendant. Fine, 611. Pledge,
Gilbert. John de Thwong.
John de Mora is to be distrained because he sold his pigs, which
Nicholas de Littlewode complains of Richard del Grene for
-he ought to have agisted [quos deberet agistasse]; he finds surety for
hindering him from carrying his hay across [ultra] his field. Richard
coming before the Steward to do what right shall decree [quad jus
decreveri4 says that he has sufficient way across his land. They pay 1211. for
Henry le Erl complains of John Pollard for seizing cattle. license of concord.
Pledge, William de Locwode. John del Grene gives i$d. for license to take i acres of land in
H0LNE.—Emma de Oldefeld complains of John de Holne for Littlewode from Robert de Littlewode, to himself and his heirs for
trespass. Pledge, John de Thwong. He is attached by John his son. ever, doing service, etc. Pledge, Richard del Grene.
OssETE.—The land of Walter son of Adam [son of Richard]’ de A two-yer-o1d bullock and two three-year-old heifers [juvenca],
Bouderode is in the Earl’s hands, because he is dead. being strays, are given into the custody of the Grave of Sourby, who
Total of this Court, ios. 411. is to be responsible for them in his accounts.’
Total of this Court, 205. 411.

COURT at Byrton on the Sunday after the feast of All Saints,

[Nov. ist], in the year and time abovesaid [[296]. TOURN there the same day [Nov. 4th, 12961.
formerly wife of Thomas de Hallumschire, gives 13s. 4d. JURORS.—Henry de Scheifley, John de Riley, Henry de Birton,
for license to hold a bovate of land, which the said Thomas held, , John de Braythethwayt, John Wyther of Cumbrewrth, John son of
for her life. Pledge, John the Grave. She must do service, etc. Quenilda de Skelmarthorp, Richard de Thornutheley, Simon de
Alice [?] wife of Adam Cusin gives i 211. for license to take an acre Thurstanland, Richard de la Grene, Adam Cusin, Thomas Ferenhoule
of land from Robert son of Matthew del Scoles, in the Netherfal and John de Holne, who say on their oath that Christiana de
del Scoles, to herself and her heirs for ever, doing service, etc. Schelifey brewed once contrary to the assize; fined 611.
Pledge, Adam Cusin. Adam son of Gregory de Schelflay drew blood from Christiana
Adam del Scoles gives I 211. for license to take an acre of land wife of Robert de Richemond. He is to be attached.
in Scoles from Adam son of Richard de Fugeliston, to himself and Elias de Schelfiay is fined 611. for not coming.
his heirs for ever, doing service, etc. Pledge, John son of Gilbert. Adam Girdelyon and William [Fleye]’ are common robbers of
Also another 1211. for half an acre of land there from Alice daughter garbs and other small things; let them be attached.
of Ed[ward] to himself, etc. John son of William de Littlewode stole goods of Nicholas de
Diota daughter of Matthew de Gris complains of Elias de Littlewode, worth 25. 611., and Nicholas accepted them back from him,
Scheffley for debt. Pledge, Thomas Feronhoul [?], whom she appoints without the view of the Bailiffs. They are both to be attached.
her attorney. -
[ The Roll at this point is in very bad condition, and several entries are quite
This appears to be crossed out. 2 See post, p. 252.

Richard de la Grene, the Earl’s villein [na/irnes] bought a messuage of William le Tollere gives . . .
d. for license to recover her
With buildings at Pontefract, and a’ bovate of land with buildings ?] -.
dower from Thomas son of William, her late husband. Pledge,
at Bernesley, and three shillings annual rent at Skelmarthorpe. Richard the Grave.
Therefore, etc. Richard son of John the Miller gives 25. for license to take an
Total of this Tourn, 2s. acre of land with buildings thereon, from Adam his brother in Brigge
buses, to himself and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledge,
Richard the Grave.
[On the back of this membrane, quite by itself; is the following RA5TRIK.—Thomas son of Richard de Thothill gives 6s. 3d. as a
account. It is doubtful where it should be inserted.] relief on his father’s land. Pledge, Richard the Grave of Rastrik.
WAKEFEUD.—Total pannage in the great wood of Wakefield, And Thomas and his chattels are committed to the custody of John
son of Adam de Northuuerum, for 12 years. John’s pledges, Richard
£9 25. 2d.’
del Wode, John de Sundreland, Richard de Northuuerum, and Adam
Total pannage of the new park in the said wood, 26s.
de Wythill. Thomas’s chattels are as follows :—i ox, worth 6s.; 2
Total pannage of the old park, viz. de Lundo, nothing this year.
SANDALE.—TOtaI pannage of Crigeliston wood
cows, us.; i bullock, zs.; 6 bushels of rye [siligo] 35.; so qrs. of

oats, sos.; total, 32s.; out of which he pays 6s. 3d. as relief; as above,
H0LNE.—Total pannage of Cartewrth in Holnefrith, ios. 3d.
HvPERUM;—Total pannage of Hiperum, 275. 3d. leaving 25s. 4d. to the use of Thomas.
HIPERUM.—Adam son of Henry de Northwode gives i8d. for
S0UREBY.—Total pannage of the woods of Sourebyschire, sos.
license to take so acres of land from Adam son of Ivo the Smith,
in Schipedon, in Breriehaye, to himself and his heirs for ever, doing
service, etc. Pledge, Henry de Northwode.
COURT at Rastrik on the Monday following [Nov. 5th, 1296].
Richard son of Hugh de Schepeden, attached on account of a
RA5TRIK.—Beatrice daughter and heir of Hugh de Fekesby gives r. presentment at the Tourn, gives 4oel. to be under the surety of
s 2t1. as a relief on her father’s land there.
Pledge, Henry de Fekesby. Richard son of Ivo de Hyperum, John de Ouerum, Simon de
Thomas del Cote of Fekesby gives 12d. for license to enter 50 1 Schepeden, Thomas son of Elias de Ouerum, Adam son of Ivo, and
acres of free land there. Pledge, Adam the Grave of Rastrik. Richard del Wode, until the next Court at Wakefeud.
The suit between William de la Leys and John de Querneby is The suit between John de Querneby, and William de la Leye,
respited till the next Court at Wakefield. and Henry de Rissewrth, is respited till the next Court at Wakefeud.
RA5TRIK.—Cicely widow of Richard de Thothill gives 25. to have RA5mIK.—Thomas de Fekesby against Richard son of Hugh de
her dower out of her late husband’s land. Richard de Tothill, Fekesby [de eadem], who is to be distrained to come.
William del Bothes and William son of Edith de Thothill are Henry le Gardiner to be distrained to answer Thomas de Fekishy.
pledges for her bringing her chattels into the said land, and for her
Total of this Court, i8s. 6d.
living there and not elsewhere without the Steward’s license.
HIPERUM.—Elias de Benteley acknowledges that lie owes s. to
Eva de Hiperum, and she gives 12d. thereof to the Earl for aid
[auxilium] to recover the said debt. He is fined 6d. for wrongful TOURN there the same day [Nov. 5th, 1296].
Henry de Schepeley complains of Alice widow of Hannecok, in JUa0R5.—John de Querneby, Robert del Stockes, Adam de
a plea of land. Pledge, William son of Hugh. They afterwards Loewode, John le Biren, William de Bradeley, John le Flemeng,
have license of concord. ij Dalton, Alexander del Frith, John del Rode, John de Locwode,
John de Hertesheved, clerk, and Henry de Northwode, who say on
‘The flght margin is much decayed, so that the completion of these entries ] their oath that—
is illegible.

HYPERUM.—Adarn Payfot makes default; fined 6d Richard son of Alot gives 6d for license to take a bovate of
Richard son of Ivo de Presteley raised the hue on Elias de land of the waste, which William son of Simon held and relinquished,
Scheifley, for assaulting him in his tenement, and taking fruit from to himself and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, William
his courtyard, in the name of a distress [?]. He is therefore to be the servant [garcio] of Heyne.
attached. Roger Rotel gives 1211. for license to take half bovate of land
Cicely wife of Adam the Miller is fined 611. for brewing weak ale. from Nolle [?] Bybby, to himself and his heirs for ever, doing service,
William son of Ralph de Bayrestowe stole cheese, and other etc.; pledge, John de Miggeley.
small things to the value of 811., from the house of William s9n of John the Miller of Miggeley gives 6d for license to take 5 acres of
Oto de Schipeden. To be attached. land of the waste in Sourby, which Robert de Ia Lone held and
Richard son of Hugh de Schipeden stole $ sheep [bidemes] from relinquished, to himself and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.
William de Pudesheye, and is guilty of other larcenies. He finds Pledges, Roger Rotel and Wylle del Bothem.
sureties, as appears at the last Court. Thomas son of Lylie complains of Richard the Tailor [Cissor] of
Total of this Tourn, 1211. Ovenden, for debt; pledge, Adam Migge. The defendant acknow
ledges that he owes i8d.; he must pay the debt, and 611. fine; pledge,
Adam Migge.
John de Miggeley complains of Hanne de Holgate for trespass;
COURT at Halifax, on the Tuesday following [Nov. 6th], in the year
he withdraws and gives 611. for license of concord. Pledge, William
abovesaid [1296], and in the time of the said [John] etc.
de Locwoode.
S0URBY;—John son of Richard Hodde complains of Adam son Thomas son of William de Werloweley gives 12d. for license to
of Alice de Hiperurn for debt. Pledge, Adam Migge. The defendant
[ take x bovates of land, with buildings, lying waste in Soland, to
is said to have been pledge for wool, worth 2S. 7d, bought by his himself and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc. Pledge, John son
brother Peter from the plaintiff. The defendant says he was only of William.
pledge for half the wool, for which he paid. The inquisition finds John son of Henry de Halifax gives 1211. for license to take i
for John; Adam is ordered to pay, and is fined 3d. bovates of land of the waste in the same ville, to himself and his
Thomas de Coppeley undertakes to produce his brother William heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, John son of John de
at the next Court at Wakefeud to answer to the Earl for many Northland. And he shall have the messuage and buildings pertaining
trespasses. He himself is summoned to answer for the same. to the same.
Michael de Elistones complains of William dcl Snape for debt. John son of John de Northland gives 811. for license to take i
Pledge, John son of Richard Hodde. The plaintiff says that the bovates of land of the waste in the same ville, to himself and his
defendant owes him 3s. for a quarter of oats, sold to him a year ago heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; he shall have the messuage and
last June 24th; he denies it, and must wage his law. Pledges, buildings belonging thereto. Pledge, John son of Henry de Halifax.
Richard de Cocckecroft and Peter de Barkesland. He afterwards Adam le Crouther gives 611. for license to take an acre of new
waged his law in due form. Michael is fined 611. for a false claim. land in le Lictheseles, to himself and his heirs for ever, at a rent of
Pledge, John Kay. 411. Pledge, Adam Migge.
SouRBY.—Malina daughter of Robert de Ludingdene gives 6d. Ivo son of William de Chesewaldeley gives 1211. for license to
for license to take 2 acres of land with buildings, from Roger Rotel, take a bovate of land of the waste at le Helm, to himself and his
in Sourby, for 12 years, to herself and her heirs, doing service, etc.; heirs for ever, doing service, etc. Pledges, Hugh del Helm and
pledge, Roger Rote]. William son of Michael.
Adam le Crouther has the Steward’s license to take half a perch Hugh del Helm gives 1211. for a similar license; pledges, Ivo de
of land from Hugh de Lictheseles to himself and his heirs for ever, Chesewaldley and WTilliam son of Michael.
doing service, etc.; pledge, Roger Rotel,

William son of Michael gives i 2(1. for the like; pledges, Ivo de TOURN at Wakefeud on Thursday after S. Martin’s Day [Nov. iith],
Chesewaldeley and Hugh del Helm. in the same year, etc. [1296].
The buildings on these 3 bovates are to be equally divided
JuRoRs.—Robert de Wyrunthorpe, Henry le Erl, Richard de
amongst them [Marginal iwle].
Bretton, Robert de Wodusme [sic, William de Dewisbiry, Baudewyn
S0uRBY.—Richard the Fuller of Sourby, for nuts collected in
de Seyville, Henry de Chyvet, Richard de Salsa Mara, Robert de
Sourby wood, 2(1. Pledge, John Hodde.
Boiling, Robert Er!, John de la Sale and Hugh Kay, who say on
Ellota and Alice, daughters of Henry de Holgate, for the like, 3d their oath that—
Pledge, John son of William de Werlouleye.
OSSETE.—Margery wife of Robert the Lister [tinctorJ, Amabel
Agnes daughter of Nalle, for the like, 2(1. Pledge, Thomas de
wife of William the Clerk, Agnes wife of Robert the Clerk, and
Rolledesete. -

Malina de Grenegate, brew contrary to the assize; fined 6(1. each.

Thomas son of Roger de Werloweleye, for the like, I2d Pledge,
Thomas Starre of Choreiwell stole 12 sheep [bidentes] from
Roger, his father. Thomas de Bouderode, and fled. Let him be attached when found.
Maude daughter of Nicholas de Werloweley, for the like, and
Adam le Westren of Floketon, and Martin de Floketon de eadem],
for selling them, 6(1. Pledge, her father. are fined 6(1. each for not coming.
William de Stodelay, for the escape of 2 beasts in le Bernd
Magge Bacyn of Floketon and Simon, her son, were indicted at
ackeres, 4(1. Pledge, Henry de Stodeley, who is fined 2(1. for the I the last Tourn, and again at this, for breaking the house of William
son of Robert de Floketon, and stealing two bushels of oat meal
John de Routonstall, for 7 beasts in the same place, 6(1. Pledge, and a russet over-tunic worth 40(1., and they were harboured at the
John de Miglay. houses of Adam le Westrin and of Martin de floketon. They are
Total of this Court, 13s. 6(1., beside 4(1. new rent. all to be attached.
John son of the said Magge, and John his brother,’ similarly
indicted for stealing an ox of William de Floketon’s in Emmeley
TOURN there the same day [Nov. 6th, 1296]. Park; they were harboured at the houses of Adam le Westrin and
Martin de Emmeley.
J UR0R5.—Heflry de Ryssewrth, John de Stanesfeud, Thomas de ALVERTHORPE.—GerbOt de Alverthorpe took half a rood of new
Langfeud, Roger de Estewode, Richard de Waddeswrth, Richard del
land in Alverthorpe, at d. rent, which has been in arrear for a long
Dene, John de Haldewrth, Thomas de Connale, Thomas de Aula,
time. The land is to be seized.
John de Miglay, Hugh del Wyteleye, and Hugh de Langley, who say
OssETE.—Elias le Champion of Ossete is fined 6(1. for not coming.
on their oath that—
SANDALE.—JOhn le Pindere of Sandale drew blood from Agnes
Souauv.—John the Miller of Migley sells by a false strike’ [curn
de Norton; to be attached.
una Jatsa straka vendit mercirnonia sua]. The measure is to be
WAKEFEUD.—JOhn Cussing assaulted Peter le Sadelore at night,
destroyed [deponatur mensura], and he is fined i 2(1.
and he raised the cry; to be attached.
Richard Lorimar’ of Stanesfeud has incroached [decurbat on the
: AiVERTHORpE.—WilljatD son of Walter de Neuton obstructed a
highway with a hedge and ditch. The road is to be made up again,
pathway at Neuton, where there was a road for men in the close
and he is fined 6(1.
Total of this Tourn, i8d time, and for men and horses in the open time. To be re-opened.
He is in mercy.
A corn measure, containing two bushe1s
11t is by no means uncommon to find two brothers of the same Christian name.

WAKEFEUD.—A person named Frode was indicted at the last ment was made to this effect in John de Mora’s house in Westagate,
Tourn for larceny, and as he was under age he abjured the town, in the town of Wakefeud. The defendant refuses to carry out this
and afterwards returned. He is to be brought before the Steward agreement; the plaintiff claims damages ioos. The defendant denies
that his condition [status] may be ascertained. it, and is ordered to wage his law. Pledges, Peter Tersy and John
Philip Wif and Robert le Lorimer are fined 6d. each for not the Clerk of Thornhill.
coming. William the Clerk sues Richard son of Hugh de Crigeliston for
John Torald is pardoned for not coming, because he is the trespass; he does not come, and is to be distrained.
forester. Richard Osan and Maude, his wife, against John son of William
Walter Apecok, German Ko, and Robert son of Gelle Dod, de Combirwith, John son of Adam de Lee, Peter the Miller, Adam
fought at night in Walter’s house, and raised the cry [tevaverunt Balloc, Thomas son of Adam Pridecan, and Hugh the priest’s man,
clamorem], and drew blood from German. They are to be attached.’ They do not come, and are to be attached.
in a plea of assault
Robert Ters and Adam Halfmark are to be attached for a similar WAKEFEUD.—Henry Ic Erl against John Pollard, says it was
offence. They drew blood from each other. agreed that, Henry should put his cattle in the Earl’s meadow on
Total of this Tourn, 4s. the Earl’s herbage, for 8d., whereupon John wrongfully impounded
them. The defendant says that the plaintiff offered him only 6d.
for the herbage, which was insufficient, and therefore he impounded
the cattle. Henry replies that he asked him for 3d. after the cattle
COURT at Wakefeud, on Friday, the Feast of S. Edmund the were impounded. The defendant must wage his law. Pledge,
Archbishop [Nov. 16th], in the year abovesaid, etc. [1296]. Robert the Goldsmith.
Elias de Schelfiey is to be resummoned to answer Diota daughter
Ess0IGNs.—Sir John de Horbiry essoigns the first time as to suit
of Matthew de Grys for debt.
of Court,. by Hugh the Carter. Pledge, John de Tofteclive.
Adam son of Gregory de Schelfley, indicted at the Tourn for
Peter Swerd, the like, by Adam de Scheifley. Pledge, John de
drawing blood from Christiana wife of Robert de Rychemund, finds
Nicholas de Littlewode as surety for satisfying the Earl; fine, 6d.
Maude de Birstall, the like, by Robert the Cobbler [Sutorl.
Hugh de Birton and Cicely, his wife, complain of Richard the
Pledge, Robert de Mirfeud.
L Clerk of Wakefeud, William de Birton and Henry de Birton [de
John de Crosland, the like, by Richard de Crosland. Pledge,
eadem] in a plea of pledge. To be resummoned.
Robert de Mirefeud.
Richard del Bothem complains of Nicholas de Caylli for assault.
John de Trimigham, the second time, by William de Castelford.
Pledge, Hugh Skayf. Nicholas is attached by John de Querneby,
Pledge, William the Clerk.
Baldewyn de Seyville and John le Flemeng.
Adam le Westren essoigns the second time aainst William son
Nicholas de Kaylli complains of the said Richard for trespass.
of John de Thornhill in a plea of agreement, by John de Birton.
Pledge, Thomas de Thorneton.
Pledge, Alan the Clerk of Hymeleswrth. The defendant is to be
Thomas de Coppeley is fined 25. for not producing William, his
brother, for whom he was surety. Pledge, William de Castelford.
William the Clerk against John son of John de Mora, says that
Richard son of Hugh de Fekysby is to be distrained to answer
in 21 Edward I [1292-3], the defendant’s father agreed to lease
Thomas de Fekysby [de eadem]. The suit is postponed until Richard
8 acres of land and x acre of meadow to the plaintiff for 30 years,
can be found.
for 265. 8d.; and he was to be put in seisin at Michaelmas, 23
Henry le Gardiner, distrained to answer the same Thomas by
Edward I [1295]; and John appointed his son John, the defendant,
4 thraves [travas] of oats, does not appear, and nothing else can be
to give William seisin, or else to pay him the 265. 8d., and an agree-
found to distrain upon; the oats are therefore to be retained in the
1 See post, p. 258. Earl’s hands; and the suit to be postponed till Henry can be found.
24 EDWARD I, 1296. 251

Sir Hugh de Eland, I2d., and William de Birton, 6d., for default.
WAKEFEuD.—William Nelot complains of Philip son of Ellen,
Richard de Staneley is pardoned for the like, because he has no
saying that he ousts him from i4 perches of land, into which he has
obtained entry only through the plaintiff’s father Nigel, while he was
TH0RNE5.—John de Mora gives 1211’. for respite of homage and out of his mind. Philip says that Nigel was perfectly capable of
for his pigs, until the Earl has expressed his pleasure therein,
or selling the land, and craves an inquiry.
until he comes to these parts.
ALvERTH0RPE.—William son of Simon complains of Adam Gerbot
O55ETR.—Richard Broun of Heton gives fr/. for license to marry
in a plea of land. Pledge, William de Castelford. Summons.
Amabel his daughter. Pledge, Robert Pes.
SPINETUM.—Philip de Mora is elected Grave by the whole
Richard son of Hugh de Schipeden, indicted at the Tourn at
Rastrik for stealing 8 sheep [biden/es], puts himself on the verdict of
I Graveship, and is admitted.
They will answer for him.
Malin is elected keeper of the Earl’s warren in Thornes
the following :—John de Tofteclive, Robert de Mirefeud, Henry de
[Spine/urn], and is admitted.
Lepton, Thomas de Thorneton, William de Schipeden, Adam Hode,
O55ETE.—Richard son of Jordan is elected Grave by the whole
Adam de Midelton, John de Haldewrth, John de Miggeley, Edmund
Graveship, and is admitted. They will answer for him.
le Normaund, William de Rastrik, and Simon Dodeman; Who say on
STANLEY.—Robert Broun complains of Roger Bele for s. 6d.,
oath that he is a good and true man. He therefore goes quit. owed him for a cow, sold to him and Mariota his wife. The
SPJNETUM.—Eva widow of William Grenehod gives 12d. for an defendant admits the sale, but says he paid part of the money, which
inquisition as to a garden in Thornes [Spine/urn], from Which John [ the plaintiff denies. They have a loveday until the next Court.
son of John Kyde is ousting her; and as to half a bovate of land
So have the said Robert and Adam son of Cote, in a plea of
against Thomas Pegere. John Kyde says that the said Eva and debt. Pledges, William de Locwood and Robert de Wyrunthorpe.
William, her husband, surrendered the garden to him and Ellen his OSSETE.—Adam Bulloc of Bouderode gives 3s. for license to take
wife, and their heirs for ever, in marriage, in the Court at Wakefield,
acres of land near Ravenesbrok, to himself and his heirs for ever,
and that he has only a life interest in it, and that John, his son and from Richard son of Adam de Bouderode, doing service, etc.;
heir, is under age; and he craves judgment whether or not he is pledges, Thomas de Bouderode and Robert Pes.
bound to answer. He is to hold in peace until said John is of age, John son of Gilbert de Boudere [?Bouderode] gives i ni. for
and Eva is pardoned the 12d. fine, because she had no inquisition. license to take an acre of land, with buildings, in Bouderode, from
And on the plaintiff being asked if she wished to continue the suit the widow of Walter son of Adam, his nephew, whose heir he is, as
against Thomas Pegere, she said that she did not; he is therefore to is testified by the Graveship, to himself and his heirs for ever.
hold in peace. Pledges, Adam Bullok and Richard son of Adam de Bouderode
SPINETUM.—The suit between Adam son of Thomas son of
SANDALE.—William del Okes, 3d., John Skinner, 2d., and John
Gilbert, and Adam Gerbot, regarding the land that belonged to Bate Cukewald, 21/., for vert.
de Flansow, is respited until the next Court; and the sister of the O55ETE.—Cicely de Baggehill, for the escape of two beasts in the
said Bate and all his heirs are to be summoned to attend then. new park, 61/. Pledge, Richard le Sausem[er].
ALVERTHORPE.—Agnes de Bretton complains of Adam son of ALvERTH0RPE.—Amabel de Flansowe, for dry wood, 21/. Pledge,
Gerbot, and says that he sold to her and Adam, her husband, an William Hoskel.
acre of land near the fulling mill, surrendering it in open Court to Emma Wlf for the like, id. Pledge, Richard the Forester.
them and their heirs. The defendant admits it, and says that when STANLEY.—Emma le Longe for brush-wood [busce], 61/. She pledges
he was Grave, her rent was in arrears, and by the Steward’s order he her over-tunic; also for an old hazel [corulus], ii Pledge, Roger le
seized the said land into his own hands, and not otherwise. The Bele.
Court finds for Agnes, who is to recover seisin; Adam’s fine is Philip son of Agnes, for dry wood, 21/. Pledge, Martin his
forgiven, because he is poor. Pledge, William son of John Hoskel. brother.
24 EDWARD 1, 1296. 253

Hor.NE.—Adam de Locwod, for the escape of beasts in William son of Ralph de Bayrestowe to be attached for larceny
Holnefr[ith], 35. Pledge, Nicholas de Littlewode. • in the house of William son of John de Schipeden, as appears at
The wife of Gilbert del Hale, for 3 pigs, 4d. Pledge, the said the Tourn at Rastrik.
Gilbert. [ STANLET.—Richard le Leper, elected Grave, would not swear, nor
Macok del Merse, for 3 beasts, 3d. Pledge, Gilbert de Schepeley.
WAKEFEUD.—William Nelot complains of John, his brother, for
E act as Grave; he is fined 6s. 3d. for contempt. Pledges, Symon de
Monte and Richard del Ker.
ousting him from i roods of land, in Which he has no entry save L
through Nigel his father when he was mentally incapable; the
F Richard del Bothe, attached for returning from the Scotch war’
without warrant, and against the will of the Earl, pays s. to be
plaintiff claims a term of 12 years therein. An inquisition is to be
under the surety of William son of William and Gilbert de Alstanley
had thereon. Also for ousting him from a rood of land of which
till the Earl comes. William son of William and Gilbert de Alstanley
said Nigel died seised. John says that his father demised it to him
in the presence of the Steward and Sir William de Rollesby, pay 5s. each for the like. Also John son of Hugh de Littlewode,
vouching the rolls in warranty. William also sues Adam Witlof for los.; Richard de Cartewrth, 55.; Thomas son of Emma, r8d.; John
an acre of land, under the like circumstances. An inquisition is to Morolf, r8d.; Henry MaP of Crigeliston, as.; and William Cort, 35.,
be taken thereon. He also sues Robert the Fuller for 465. 8d., owed k for the like.
on account of the fulling-mill for one year, when [William’s] father WAKEFEUD.—William de Locwod has license to take to himself
was Grave, and Robert and his father were farmers of the mill, and and his heirs for ever new land, 4ft. in width and 48ft. in length, in

paid nothing for that year. Robert says the whole was paid by him front of his house, on which to build a wall or paling, paying Id.
and his -father, and begs an inquiry. He also sues Robert the:, rent.
Goldsmith for i8s., the farm of a house when he lived in Ripon. -
John Kay has license to take a piece of new land, 4 feet broad
The defendant says that the money was paid by Robert Hereward, and 67 feet long, to himself and his heirs for ever, for the like
his attorney, and craves an inquisition. purpose. Rent %d.
H0LNE.—Nicholas de Littlewod, indicted at the Tourn at Birton Order to attach Thomas Starre, Magge Bacyn of Floketon, John
for receiving back goods stolen from him by John son of William ,

son of the said Magge, and John his brother, Adam le Westrin of
de Little[wode], to the value of 25. 6d., gives 25. to be quit. Pledge,
1 Floketon, and Martin de Floketon [de eadem], all indicted at the
William de Locwode.
STANLEY.—Simon de Monte is in mercy for not collecting the j Tourn at Wakefeud.
ALVERTHORPE.—A piece of land in Alverthorpe is to be taken

wood-apples [poina bosci] faithfully, whereby the Earl lost two hogsheads
of cyder [cissera]. Pledge, Robert Pesci. L. into the Earl’s hand, on which Gerbot owes rent for a long time.
H0LNE.—John son of William de Littlewode, indicted at the i Order to attach John le Pindere of Sandale, John Cussing, Frode,
Tourn at Birton for larceny, is dead, and therefore quit. Walter Apecok, German Ko, Robert son of Gelle Dod, Robert Ters
Adam Girdelyon and William Fleye, indicted at the Tourn at A and Adam Halfmark, Adam son of Gregory, Richard son of Ivo de
Birton for larceny, are to be attached. Presteley, Elias de Schelf, and William son of Ralph de Bayrestowe,
H0LNE.—Richard de la Grene is to be attached by pledges that indicted at various Tourns.
he will not remove his goods out of the Earl’s liberty, and to account H0LNE.—Thomas Warm gives 25. for an inquisition as to a
for his acquiring land elsewhere than in the liberty, with the Earl’s bovate of land, from which he is ousted by William son of the Grave
property [de catallis C’omitis].
of Heppewrth.
Elias de Schelf is to be attached to answer for insulting Richard : Total of this Court 635. rod.
son of Ivo de Presteley for that he raised the hue, as presented at -

the Tourn at Rastrik. - ‘The Earl of Warenne took a promineot part in the Scotch campaign of 1295—6.

Or perhaps ‘‘the Miller,” molendinarius,


COURT there on Friday, the Morrow of S. Nicholas [Dec. 6th], in William de la Leys, complainant against John de Querneby for
the year abovesaid, etc. [25 Edward I, 1296]. taking cattle, as appears in the Court at Wakefield on Friday after
the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, last year; an inquisition
EssoIGNs.—Sir John de Horhiry essoigns the second time touching
was ordered, but John acknowledges that he was not seised of the
suit, by Adam le Carter. Pledge, Hugh le Carter.
rent for which distraint was made. Therefore William goes quit.
John le Flemang, attorney of Sir John de Heton, the first time,
John’s fine is pardoned by the Steward. The Court is asked to tax
by William de Bateley. Pledge, John de Trimigham.
the damages.
Maude de Birstall, the second time, by Richard the Forester.
Hugh de Birton and Cicely his wife give 6d. for license of concord
Pledge, John de Trimigham.
with Richard the Clerk, William de Birton and Henry de Birton
Thomas de Thorneton, the first time, by John de Thorneton.
[de cadent]. Pledge, William de Castelford.
Pledge, William de Bateley.
William de Coppeley, charged with many trespasses in Sourby
John son of John de Haldewrth, the like, by William de Halifax.
forest, was ordered to be distrained. Distraint is made by 2 OS.,
Pledge, John de Trimigham.
which Robert Talvace owes him. Robert finds pledges for paying
Henry de Leppton, the like, by Henry le Serjaunt of Schepeley.
the same to the Earl, unless William shall have meanwhile made
Pledge, Robert de Mired’ [? Mirefleld]. Afterwards he came.
satisfaction, viz. John de Trimigham, Peter Swerd, Hugh the Carter
Henry son of Robert le Erle essoigns against John Pollard for
of Horbiry and John de Heptonstall.
trespass. A day is given. Pledge, William de Castelford.
Richard del Bothem against Nicholas de Caylli, for assaulting him
William de Birton, the first time, by Robert son of John de
and wounding him on the head with his sword in his own house,
Birton. Pledge, William de Castelford.
also for carrying off one of his horses which Richard had impounded
William de Schipeden, the like, by Thomas de Schipeden [de in his corn, after cutting the tether with his sword; damages, ioos.
eadem]. Pledge, Peter Swerd.
The defendant denies it, saying that when he came to redeem his
John son of Robert de Cumberwrth, the first time, against
horse, impounded in the common pasture, Richard beat him with a
Richard Ossan and Maude his wife, in a plea of trespass, by Thomas
stick, and used insulting words, etc.; he claims damages roos., and
Tagin’ of Floketon. Pledge, Richard son of Michael de Fugheleston. says that he had only acted in self-defence. They both crave an
Edmund le Normand, the first time, by William de Chyvet.
Pledge, Robert Liftfast [?]. HYPERUM.—Elias de Schef is fined 6d. for raising the hue.
John de Mora, the first time, against William the Clerk for
SANDALE.—Hugh Tubbing complains of Nalke de Drigker for
trespass, by Robert the Cobbler [Sn/or] of Nortmanton. Pledge, debt. Pledge, John the Monk. Summons.
Henry de Lepton. He afterwards appeared at the bar, and neither Richard de Staneley gives i 2d. for respite of suit of Court until
offered himself to warranty nor to wage law; it is therefore challenged.
William de Lyveresshegge, attorney of Thomas de Langefeud,
1 Michaelmas next.
ALvERTHORPE.—Adam son of Thomas son of Gilbert de Thornes
essoigns the fitst time touching suit, by Thomas son of William de dc Spine/c], against Adam son of Gerbot, for half a bovate of land
Lyvereshegge. Pledge, John de Tofteclive. in Alverthorpe, formerly held by Bate de Flansowe; it is found
Alan de Hymeleswrth, attorney of Lady Margaret de Neville, the [a//inc/urn eszfl by the inquisition and by their acknowledgment that
like, by Jordan del Ker. Pledge, John de Tofteclive. Bate de Flansowe died withoht heir of his body, and had 4 sisters.
William son of John de Thornhill is to be further distrained to Adam Gerbot was the heir of one sister, the plaintiff was the heir
answer Adam le Westreys of Floketon and Alma, his wife, in a plea of another, and Hugh son of James de Scharneston of a third, and
of agreement. Eva widow of John Swan was one of the sisters. It is held that
Richard son of Hugh de Crigeliston gives 6d. for license of the land must be divided into equal portions amongst the sisters
concord with William the Clerk. Pledge, John Monk. and their heirs; Adam Gerbot therefore may hold one-fourth, and
SANDALE.—Richard End of Crigeliston surrenders 6 acres of the others make fine for their entry as follows :—Adam son of
land, which he holds of the Earl in Crigeliston.

Thomas pays nothing for entry, because he paid for the inquisition, SANDAL.—Thomas de Holgate, and John, his brother, left the
and is poor. Pledge, Philip Thorald. Hugh de Scharneston pays 6d. Scotch War’ without warrant, and are fined 31. 4d. each. Pledges,
for entry on his one-fourth of his uncle’s land; pledge, Richard the one for the other.
Gerbot. Eva Swan pays 6d. for her entry; pledge, William son of STANLEv.—RObert Broun and Roger le Bele have a love-day
John Hoskel. until the next Court, and if they cannot agree, an inquisition is to be
HOLNE.—Adam de Swynesheved of Wivedale is deceased intestate, held then. Robert also has license of concord with Adam son of
and his cattle fall to the Earl, viz. z cows and half a cow and half Cote, in a plea of debt.
a bullock, of which one cow? [nude una vat-ca ad princijale]. H0LNE.—Jordan the Miller is fined 21. for a certain offence
These are in the custody of the Grave, who is to come before the [dc/it-turn], of which he was charged before the Steward. Pledge,
Steward at the next Court. John son of Gilbert.
Martin de Floketon, attached for harbouñng, gives 21. 6d. to be Richard de Ia Grene of Holne finds sureties that he will not
under the surety of William son of Robert, William son of Peter, remove his goods, viz. 3 oxen, cows, 24 sheep [bidcntes], and 10
Thomas Tagon and John del Siki [?], until York Gaol delivery. qrs. of oats, from the Earl’s fee. Pledges, John son of Gilbert, Adam
Pledges, Adam son of Richard de Floketon, and Adam son of Cusin, Nicholas Keneward, and John son of Geoffrey de Littlewod.
Martin. OSSETE.—Beatrice, servant [ancilla] of the Chaplain of Erdeslawe,
Adam le Westreys, attached for the like, has license to be under 64. for dry wood. Pledges, William at Kirk [ad Ft-des/am] and John
the surety of Hugh the Carter, Richard Cusin, Thomas Tagon, Adam le Rasede.
son of Richard, and Adam son of Andrew. Two servants [ant-i//c] of Lofthus, for the like, 6d. Pledge, Robert
SANDALE.—JOhn son of William de Plegewyk gives 12d. for de Wyrunthorpe.
license to take half a bovate of land in le Neubiggin, from Adam WAKEFEUD.—Magge wife of Gilbert le Tinker, for broom
son of Peter de Neubiggin, to himself and his heirs for ever, doing [husselus], 2d. Pledge, William Attebarre.
service, etc. Pledge, John the Monk. John son of Molle, for a root [radix], id. Pledge William
STANLEv.—Richard del Bothem gives 6d. for license to take i% - Attebarre.
acres of land from Simon Titing, to himself and his heirs for ever, STANLEY.—_RObertPescy’s servant [ant-il/a] for broom [husselus],
doing service, etc. Pledge, Rohert son of Walter. 3d. Pledge, Robert Pescy.
SANDALE.—RaIf the Smith of Crigeliston, surety for John le H0LNE.—Ralph de Carlecotes, for going off the road [extra v/am],
Pindere of Sandale, is fined 6d. for not producing him at this Court. to the lord’s damage, 6d. Pledge, William son of Richard the Grave.
John is to be attached. William Cubbok, for the escape of 2 mares, 2d. Pledge, Gilbert
WAKEFEUD.—JOhn Cussing, attached for assaulting Peter le son of Michael de Thurstanley.
Sadelare, is fined 6d. William de Locwood is pledge for his satisfying WAKEFEUD.—Adam Halfmark is fined 3d. for raising the hue
the lord. [uthesiurn], as appears in Wakefeud Tourn. Pledge, John son of
Robert Ters is attached for drawing blood; his fine is forgiven Colle.’
by the Steward. German Ko, presented for the same, is pardoned the fine, because
STANLEY.—Emma Quintin gives 6d. for license to marry. Pledge, • he is poor. Pledge for his keeping the peace, Henry son of German
Robert son of Walter. le Mercer.’
O55ETE.—Eda widow of Robert Soneman gives 41. for license to The inquisition between William Nelot and John, his brother, in
withdraw from the Earl’s land, with her chattels, and to marry a plea of land, comes by Henry Schorthose, Peter Tursy, John
wherever she wishes. Cussing, Adam Gerbot, William Attebarre, Philip WIt John Pollard,
ALvERTHORPE.—Adam Gerbot, Adam son of Thomas, Eva Swan Lance del Clif, Gelle Cussing and William Pede, who say on their
and Hugh son of James, are to be summoned to answer Robert son
1 See page 253, note i.
of Simon, in a plea of land.
‘ See ante,
p. 248.
oath that the said Nigel was in possession of all his senses when he A piece of land in Alvirthorpe, for which
Gerbot tie Alvirthorpe’s
demised the land, as the defendant says. The defendant is therefore rent is in arrears, is to be taken into the
Earl’s hand.
to hold for his term. The similar actions against Philip son of Ellen, Total of this Court, 265. 711.
and Adam Witlot are also given for the defendants. The actions
for debt against Robert the Fuller, and Robert the Goldsmith, are
also given for the defendants. William is fined 611. for them aU,
COURT there on the Friday after the Circum
because he is poor. Pledges, John Pollard and William Attebarre.’ cision of our Lord
ALvIRTH0RpE.—Adam Gerbot has license, because he is poor, to
[Jan. 1st], in the year abovesaid, etc.
[ Edward 1, 1297].
take half a bovate of land, with the buildings, in AlvirthorPe, from William de Birton gives 1211. for respite of
suit until Michaelmas.
John Schirlok, his brother, to himself and his heirs for ever, doing Pledge, Richard the Clerk.
service, etc. Pledges, William Attebarre and John Pollard. Esso;GNs.—Edmund le Normaund essoigns the
second time, by
WAKEfEUD.—A stray coyllard2 is in John Pollard’s custody, and William, his servant tgarcio]. Pledge, John
son of Ralph the Smith.
at Yilliam Arthur’s house. John de Trimigham, the first time, by Roger
de Werloweley.
The sum of 6s. for a stray horse is in the hands of Gelle Pledge, John tie Haldewrth.
Cussing and John Nelot, for which they are to answer within a year Peter Swerd, the like, by William Maufesur.
Pledge, John tie
and a day, namely on All Saints’ day. Tofteclive.
STANLEY.—SimOfl de Monte of Stanley is fined 21. for the wood- John de Crosland, the like, by John Gurdon. Pledge
, John de
apples [pro pomis bosci], that he did not collect as he ought to have Querneby.
done.3 John de Mora, the like, by William de Ovend
ene. Pledge,
Walter Apecok, German Ko, and Robert son of Gelle Dod, put William the Goldsmith.
themselves on an inquisition of the neighbours with regard to the John son of Robert tie Cumbrewrth, the second
time, against
outrage tPro contumetio] presented against them at Wakefeud Tourn. Richard Ossan and Maude, his wife, by Peter
de Kesse Burg
The neighbours say that German Only is guilty, and his fine is [?Kexborough]. Pledges, Robert de Mirefeld and Henry
de Lepton.
pardoned because he has no goods. The others are quit. Baudewyn de Sayvill, the first time touching suit,
by Hugh his
John Hunkel of Thornhill complains of John de Amyens and son. Pledge, William de Castelford.
Richard his forester, for assault. Pledges, William de Locwod and Henry le En, the second time, against John Pollard,
in a plea of
Richard the Clerk. Richard is attached by corn found in a barn at trespass, by William the Goldsmith. Pledge, Henry son
of German.
Floketon; John is not found. John de la More, the second time, against William the
Clerk, in a
ALvIRTHORPE.—Eva daughter of Ralph de Uchethorp, and Robert plea of debt, by John Graffard. Pledge, Henry de Lepton
. William
her brother, complain of William le Lazer for assault Pledge, offers himself and puts in his challenge, as before.’
Philip Thorald. Nicholas tie Cailly, plaintiff, essoigns the first time agains
t Richard
Juliana wife of Ralph tie Uchethorp complains of the said del Bothem, defendant, by Thomas his brother, as to an
William for the like. Pledge, Henry Ye Nonne. Pledge, Robert de Wyrunthorpe. A day is given.
John Kay complains of the said Eva wife of Ralph de UchethOrp, John de Cilly, defendant, against the same Richard, plainti
ff in
for trespass. Pledge, Robert Estrild. They afterwards agreed, and a plea of trespass, by William de Bateley. Pledge John
, Kay. A
he is pardoned because he is poor.4 day is given.
Adam le Westren and Alyna his wife give 611. for license
1 See (tn/C, 251, 252.
pp. concord with William son of John de Thornhill in a plea
of agree
A ram; old French, coil/art. ment. Pledge, Adam Cusin.

See ante p. 252.
He was liable to a fine for compromising his action without license of concord. ‘ See alt/c, p. 254.
25 EDWARD 1, 1297. 261

SANDALE.—HUgh Tubbing against Nalke

de Dritker for debt.
H0LNF._Matthew de Longley gives 2$. for license to take a
The defendant is to be resummoned. bovate of land (less roods) in Wivedale from Richard son of
for trespass.
William de Bello Monte complains of Roger le Bole Richard de Ia Grene, to himself and his heirs for ever, doing service,
Roger is to be
Pledges, Henry de Lepton and John le Flemeng. etc. Pledge, John de Holne. He has also license to take a rood
attached. of land from Richard son of Richard de Langeley, to himself and
HOLNE.—The Earl’s share of the chattels of Adam de his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.
3$. 6d, half a cow, 2S., half a
deceased intestate, viz, one cow, worth A certain house has been left empty by William Yoil; the boards
the Grave of Holne has to
bullock, i 2d, total, 6s. 8d., for which of the inner walls [tie parietibus] have been carried away by persons
answer.’ unknown. An inquisition is to be taken thereon at the next Court.’
son of
Thomas son of Matthew de Heppewrth, against William HIPERUM._Half a bovate of land in Northouuerum, escheated to
a bovate of land as his
the Grave of Heppewrth [tie eadern], claims
after the death of the Earl after the death of Malina, widow of Adam de Northouurum,
right and inheritance, of which he was seised is given in equal shares, with the buildings, to Richard son of Jordan
was wrong fully
Matthew his father; and whilst he was under age he de Northuuerum, and John son of Walter, to them and their heirs
tion is ordered.
ejected, as he says, by an inquisition. A new inquisi for ever, doing service, etc. They give 2S. for entry.
at Birton,
The matter is subsequently postponed until the Tourn
WAKEFELD._PrOfit of a pig bought from Michael de Eliston by
after Easter. ‘the receiver, and put in the lord’s pannage, 2S. 6d. The Grave of
y against
John Hunkel appoints William the Goldsmith his attorne Wakefield is answeable.
assault. The
John de Amyens and Richard, his forester, in a plea of
SPINETuaI._PhiIip Pikescufle married the daughter of Hamelyn
defendants are to be attached. de Thornes [tie Spineto], the Earl’s villein, without license; he is fined
drawing blood, as
SANDALE,—Iohn de Sandale pays 6d. for 25. Pledge, Richard de Castelford.
presented at the Tourn. Pledge, Thomas son of Robert STANLEY.__RObeTt Broun against Roger le Bele, claims 35. for a
Richard le Leper acknow ledges that he owes the Master of New
he was pledge for 1 cow sold to him, which the defendant acknowledges. He is ordered
15$., becaus e
Lands .[Mzgistro tie nova terra] to pay it. Pledges for payment of the debt and 6d. fine, Henry del
William Cokkespore for arrears of a collection of the Bothem and Robert Daneys.
it ails]. Pledge s for payment, I
t?; pro arreraglis zmlus cottecte fratern , Richar d son of Broun, ALvIR1HoRpE._T inquisition between Robert son of Simon,
Walter son of Thomas del Spen, Henry Lewyn plaintiff, and Adam Gerbot, defendant, in a plea of land, comes by
and Simon de Monte. Henry del Bothom, Philip Thorald, William Attebarre, Henry le
take 3
HOLNE.—Adam de Wivedale gives izd. for license to Nonne, Richard son of Broun, William Hoskel, Richard son of Philip,
to himself
acres of land in Wlvedale from Nicholas son of Adam, John the Smith, Ralph de Colley, William Culle, Robert son of
w de
and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc. Pledge, Matthe Walter de Stanley, and Adam Nacke, who say on their oath that
a neither Adam nor his parceners hold any of the perches of land
Richard son of Thomas del Cote gives 3$. for entry into which Robert claims against them, as belonging to the half bovate of
bovate of free land in fekeby [sic] called Bernardoxegang, belong land he bought from Henry de Hoibrok. He is fined 6d. for a false
te, to himsel f and his heirs for ever, doing service ,
to Thomas Atteco claim. Pledge, Philip Thorald.
etc. Robert Daneys complains of William Attebarre, and says that
RASTRIK.—The same Richard gives 12d. for license to take % when he bought a bovate of land from Adam de Neuton, William
from Thomas
acres of native land, and To acres of land in Custerode

heirs for ever, doing service, Attebarre, who had previously bought another bovate, gave him the
del Cote, his father, to himself and his worse part of the said two bovates and took the best part. The
etc. Pledge, the said Thomas. defendant says that when he bought his land Adam certified him
See ante, p. 256. where the said bovate lay in the fields, and he took no other land.
They refer to an inquisition of the neighbours, viz. Henry del

‘See jost, p. 269.

25 EDWARD I, 1297. 263

Bothem, Adam Gerbot, Philip Thorald, and others, who find for tbe COURT at Wakefield, on Friday, the Feast of the Conversion of
plaintiff. The said messuage [sic] is to be divided between them S. Paul [Jan. 25th], in the year abovesaid, etc. [1297].
according to the quantity of their land, and the land likewise, accord EssoIGNs.-_John de Trimigham essoigns the second time from
ing to what belongs to their bovates. suit, by Peter Willes; pledge, Henry de Rissewrth.
Eva daughter of Ralph de Uchethurp, and Juliana, her mother, John rYe Querneby, the first time, by John de Stanland; pledge,
against William le Lazer for assault. The bailiff of the town comes Robert rYe Wyrunthorpe.
and claims the case for the Borough Court, because he [?William] Alan rYe Hymeleswrth, attorney of Lady Margaret de Nevill, the
is a burgess of the town, and the trespass was committed in the like, by John de Combrewrth; pledge, Robert de Mirefeld.
town. The claim is altowed.’ Sir John de Horbiry, the like, by Hugh le Carter; pledge, Robert
de Mirefeld.
OssETE.—John the Fuller of Ossete, for dry wood, 4(1. Pledge,
Maude de Birstall, the like, by Robert the Cobbler [Sutor] of
Adam Niper.
Northmanton; pledge, John de Tofteclyve.
Adam Schilving of Horbiry, for vert, 2S. Pledge, Philip Ters.
Henry rYe Lepton, the like, by Henry rYe Lepton [sic]; pledge,
STANLEY.—Adam son of Cote, for dry wood, 2(1. Pledge, John Peter Swerd.
Issabell. John son of John de Haldewrth, the like, by John Specth’;
Cicely daughter of David de Erdesley, for vert, and breaking the pledge, Adam de Staynland.
pale, 6(1. Pledges, John le Rollere and Nicholas Nodger t?]. William de Schipeden, the like, by Thomas de Schipeden; pledge,
Martin son of Agnes le Colier, for dry wood, 4(1. Pledge, Peter Swerd.
Thomas Cope. John rYe Crosland, the like, by John Gurdon, the second time;
WTiIliam de la Leye complains of John de Querneby for seizing pledge, Peter Swerd.
cattle. Pledge, Henry de Rassewrth. Summons. Richard Osan and Maude, his wife, against John SOIl of Robert
Robert le Harpur complains of William the Goldsmith for rYe Cumbrewrth, for carrying off 2 cartloads of turfs, value 25., and
afterwards beating and breaking the head of plaintiff Maude; they
trespass. Pledge, William son of Margaret de Walton. The defendant
claim 205. damages. The defendant denies taking the turfs, and
is attached by Robert the Goldsmith, his brother.
must wage his law; pledge, John Wyther. As he does not deny
Thomas the Carpenter of Walton complains of Thomas Campion
beating Maude; he is held convicted [sit attinctus]; fine 25., and he
and William le Bercher for trespass. Pledge, William de Castelford.: must pay the damages, which are taxed by the whole Court at 6s. 8(1.
They are attached by Robert Ye Harpur. Pledges, Thomas Fetnhoule and Robert de Mirefeud.
STANLEY.—John son of John de Saint Swythin complains of William The said Richard also complains of the said John for carrying
son of Thomas del Spen, for trespass; pledge, Hicke the Serjeant. off 34 much ewes [bidentes] from the fields of Schefley, in the Earl
He is attached by Walter, his brother. of Warenne’s fee, into Combrewrth, in the Earl of Lincoln’s fee, where
SPINETUM.—John Peker and Richard Pegor, his brother, complain he impounded them under a shed [?; sub cumuto], and milked them,
of William son of Thomas the servant [garcio] of Lettice, f6r keeping them there one day, when he let them all go except one,
- which he still retains, worth s.; damages, 4os. The defendant
wounding them; pledges, Philip the Grave and Thomas Peger. They
are attached by John MaIm and Thomas Peger. There is a cross denies taking them on Scheifley Moor, but acknowledges to a good
and lawful seizure on Cumbrewrth Moor, outside the Earl of \Varenne’s
action, for assault.
fee, and the impounding, but not sitb cumuto; he denies keeping the
John son of Robert de Cumbrewrth complains of Richard Osan
one sheep. The plaintiff denies that he pastured his sheep on
and Maude, his wife, for trespass; pledge, Robert de Mirefeld.
— Cumbrewrth Moor, as alleged. The defendant must wage his law on
Total of this Court, 26s. iod. • all points. Pledge, German son of Philip.

‘See ante, P. 178, note I.

Richard Ossan and his wife are to be attached to answer the John Walboc, for vert, 2d.; pledge, John Poket.
said John for trespass. They also sue John and Agnes his wife for WAKEFELD.—Robert Dernelove, for dry wood, 2d.; and Idonea
the like. Pledge, Henry de Schelfley. Tyan, 2d.; pledge, John Torald.
William the Clerk against John de Mora, claims judgment against STANLET.—The wife of Thomas son of Hawe, for the like, 2d.;
him, on the ground that he essoigned for trespass after he was pledge, John son of Philip.
ordered to wage his law for a debt of 265. 8d. He is ordered to H0LNE.—Richard son of John son of Gilbert gives 25. for license
pay the debt, and damages, and a fine of 6d. Pledge, Richard de to take acres of land, with buildings, in Heppewrth, from Thomas
Heton, chaplain. son of Richard Franceys, to himself and his heirs for ever, doing
WAKEFEUD.—JOhn Pollard has license of concord with Henry le service, etc. Pledge, John son of Gilbert.
Erl, in a plea of trespass. The fine is forgiven, because he is on the Henry son of Richard del Scoles gives 41?. for license to take an
lord’s service. acre of land in Heppewrth from the same Thomas, to himself and
SANDALE.—Nalke de Dritker is to be distrained to answer Hugh his heirs for ever, doing service, etc. Pledge, John son of Gilbert.
Tubbing, in a plea of debt. Peter de Brus of Fugeleston gives TSd. for license to take 6
John son of William de Thornhill gives 12d. for license of concord acres of land, with buildings, in Wlvedale, as a relief after the death
with John de Amyas [sic] and Richard the Forester, in a plea of of Thomas his brother, whose heir he is, to himself and his heirs
[ for ever, doing service, etc. Pledges, John the Grave and Roger de
William de Bellomonte against Roger le Bele for a brass posnet Longley.
taken by him. Roger says he bought it in Pontefract market, and HIPERUM.—ROger son of William del Briggehuses gives 2s. for
so the whole Court bears witness. He is therefore to retain it, and license to take a bovate of villein-land [terra nativa], and
4 acres of
William to go sine die. free land in Hiperum from William son of Peter de Hiperum, to
John de Mora acknowledges that he owes rós. 8d. to William [ himself and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc. Pledge, William
son of German de Wakefeud; if he does not pay, he grants that the the Grave.
Earl’s Bailiff may levy for it. STANLEv.—Simon Tyting gives 6d. for license to take half an acre
The suit between Robert le Harpur and William the Goldsmith of land in Stanley from Robert Frapet, to himself and his heirs for
of Wakefeld for trespass, is referred to the Court of the town of evth, doing service, etc.; pledge, Robert son of Walter.
Wakefield, because the trespass was committed in the town.’ O55ETE.— Diana, widow of Richard Hirning, gives 25. for license
Thomas the Carpenter of Waleton gives 6d. for license of concord to marry; pledge, Adam de Chykenley.
with William le Bercher and Thomas le Campion, in a plea of
SPINETUM.—JOan, widow of Thomas Dade, gives 6d. for license to
trespass; pledges, Thomas de Walton and Robert de Hegrode. take a bovate of land from Richard le Westr[en] in Thornes
STANLEv.—JOhn son of John de Saint Swythin withdraws his suit [Spinetum], for 6 years after the i r years she has in the same, to
against William son of Thomas del Spen; he and his pledged are in herself and her heirs, doing service, etc.; pledge, Thomas de Garderobe.
mercy, 6d.; pledge, Walter del Spen. L STANLEv.—Robert Bron against Roger le Bele, claiming i8d. for
STANLEY.—Walter del Bothem for dry wood, 3d.; pledge, Hugh the custody of a cow which he let to farm to him. The defendant
the Forester. fails to wage his law, and is to pay the x8d. and 3d. fine.
The wife of John Cort, for the like, 2c1.; pledge, Richard del ,‘
SPINETUM.—Willian-L son of Thomas, plaintiff, against John Pegor
Bothem. and Richard his brother, does not prosecute his suit. Fined 21?.
Robert son of Ralph de Uchethorp, for broom [hussetus], 2d.; because he is poor. John Malin is fined 21?. for not producing him
pledge, Hugh the Forester. to answer said John and Richard. William is to be attached.
Thomas son of Simon, for dry wood, 3d.; pledge, Robert son of “ Robert Peger gives 6d. for license to take a bovate of land from
Walter. Eva, widow of William Grenehod, for 12 years, to himself and his
1 heirs, doing service, etc.; pledge, Thomas Pegor.
See au/c, p. 178, note I.

William Proudfot complains of John MaIm for trespass; pledge, away the fence), to an inquisition of the neighbours, who find for the
Philip WT1f. plaintiff on the first head, John being fined 6d., and say, on the
RASTRIK.—Nicholas Stote of Linley complains of Alice, his sister, second, that the fence was not defensible [quad dicta seftis non Jieit
for debt; pledge, William de la Boure. They afterwards agreed. dejensibitis]. Therefore William is fined 6d.
His fine is pardoned because he is poor. John Pegere and Richard, his brother, against William son of
ALVERTHORPE.—JOhn le Raset complains of William Hoskel, in a Thomas, for assaulting them, and wounding John in the arm [per
plea of pledge; pledge, Hannecok le Nunne. medium brachium] with a knife; they claim 205. damages. The
Alexander Walthew complains of Richard son of Brun for defendant says that he acted in self-defence. They refer to an
trespass; pledge, Adam Gerbot. inquisition of the neighbours, who say on their oath that after the
SANDALE.—Adam Sprigunnel complains of Richard de Brereley parties had been drinking in the house of William Proudfot, a
for trespass; pledge, John the Monk [monacus]. quarrel arose over a pot of ale [de una otta gervisie], and they left
Total, i 6s. id.
the house, and Richard struck William with a stone, and William
drew his knife and ran after him; Richard fled, raising a shout,
whereupon his brother John came up, and seized William by his
hood and held him, and Richard came back and beat William badly
COURT held there on Friday, the Morrow of S. Valentine’s Day, in on the back, whereupon William cut at John’s arm with his knife,
the year abovesaid, etc. [1297]. and called Richard a thief. William is fined 6d. And John 6d.,
EssoIoNs.—Edmund le Normand essoigns the first time from suit, because he held him.
by Edmund de Chivet; pledge, Robert de Mirefeud. ALVERTHORPE.—JOhn le Raset against William Hoskel, says that
John de Querneby, the second time, by Simon son of Robert de ; he became surety for Adam Gerbot, as to a trespass committed in
Querneby tde eadem]; pledge, John de Tofteclyve. the plaintiff’s grass and on his land, which Adam acknowledges.
Peter Swerd, the first time, by Richard the Serjeant; pledge, [William] must satisfy John, and pay 3d fine.
John de Tofteclyve. STANLEY.—N1ChO1aS son of Robert de Bateley gives 12d for
Maude de Birstall, the second time, by Robert the Goldsmith; license to take 2 acres and a rood of land from John Bu]lok, in
pledge, Adam H ode. Stanley, to himself and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledge,
John de Querneby essoigns against William de la Leye by Robert de Bateley.
Stephen de Skelmarsh, in a plea of seizing cattle; pledge, Robert de ALVERTHORPE.—JOhn le Rased complains of Adam Gerbot for
Mirefeud. trespass; pledge, Philip Thorald.
John de Haldewrth, the second time from suit, by John Specth; Alexander Walthew against Richard Brun, who is fined 6d. for
pledge, William de Schipeden. not coming. Let him be distrained to answer.
SANDALE.—RiChard Ossan and Maude his wife, plaintiffs, and SANDALE.—Adam Sprigunnel and Richard de Brereley have a
John son of Robert de Cumherwrth, have a love-day until the next love-day.
Court, salvo jure, when they are to come without essoign; p]edge, STANLEV.—Richard del Bothem, forester of the town in the great
Henry de Birchtwayt. wood, is fined 12d. for not guarding his bailiwick, and for carrying
Richard del Bothem and Nicholas de Caylly have a love-day. away the Earl’s timber; pledges, Robert de Bateley, Henry del
SPINETuM.—William Proudfot against John Malin, says that • Bothem, Walter del Bothem, Philip Thorald, Richard son of Philip,
William Pimeriche demised to him a rood of land for four crops and Richard son of Broun; they are all in mercy, and fined 12d.
[vestura], and afterwards sold the land, with other lands, to the said for not producing him; and he is to be attached to answer the lord.
John Maim, reserving the plaintiff’s term for crops. The defendant William, servant [garcia] of Richard del Botheni, for vert, 8d;
denies it. They refer this (and a dispute as to a garden opposite pledges, Robert de Wyrunthorpe and Roger le Bele.
the plaintiff’s house, from which, he asserts, the defendant carried Gille de Uchethorp, for dry brush-wood, 3d.; pledge, Robert her
25 EDWARD I, 1297. 269
Thorald and Adam Gerbot. Also 611. for license to take a rood of
Margery Pogge, for the like, 4d; pledge, Nicholas son of Robert
land on the dike [super fossalarn] in Dosynerode, from John Isabbell,
de Bateley. to himself and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.
Alice Albrey of Stanley, for the like, 211.; pledge, Hugh the
Alexander Waltwe against Richard son of Broun, says that the
Forester. defendant’s wife called his daughter a thief, by telling her that she
The son of Alan de Wodehall, for breaking into the garden of
must have broken into their house; this is found [attinctum esi] by
Wodehall, 3d.
an inquisition. Therefore Richard must satisfy Alexander’s daughter,
The son of Hugh de Lofthus, for cutting brush-wood, id; pledge,
II and is fined 1211.; pledges, Adam Gerbot, Robert son of Simon, and
William Nelot. Philip Thorald.
ALvERTH0RpE.—Williarn son of John Hoskel, for vert, 4d; pledge,
John son of William de Erdeslawe gives 6s. 811. for license to
Richard Gerbot. enter upon certain land in the Earl of Lincoln’s fee, which he
The son of Richard Broun, for dry wood, 3d bought of Magge Winter, the Earl’s villein tnathal.
WAKEFIELD.—JOhn son of Sibbe, for breaking the pale, id.;
ALvERTH0RPE.—Gerbot de Alverthorpe gives 811. for the arrears of
pledge, Geppe de Aula.
rent on a certain piece of land that he took from the waste.
The son of Isabel de Honley, for dry wood, id.; pledge, William WAKFEUD.—William Archer [?] gives 1211. for a stray coyllard’;
son of John.
pledge, John Pollard.
STANLEY.—The wife of Robert del Spen, and her maid-servant
Richard son of Henry de Wakefeud complains of John de Amyas
[ancitta], for breaking the pale, 2d
for debt; pledge, John de Ferie.
WAKEFEUD.—PhIIip son of Ellen was made parker of Wakefeud
ALvERTH0RPE.—Robert Derneluve complains of Adam Gerbot for
in the park; pledges, William Wyles, John Pollard, Henry Schorthose,
trespass; pledge, William de Castelford.
John de Feri, William the Goldsmith and William Nelot.
Meraduk de Notingham, seized on suspicion of larceny, gives
Thomas Sleman, for vert, 2d; pledges, John son of Colle and
6s. 811. to be under the surety of William his brother, William the
Adam Halfmark.
Clerk, Henry de Hiperum, Thomas son of Ralph the Lister [tindor],
STANLEY.—MariOta de Wyrunthorpe, for vert, id.; pledge, Richard
John le Beste, and John Gurdon, until the next Court.
H0LNE.—Hanne son of Richard de Scoles gives 611. for license
SANDALE.—The land of John the Carpenter of Crigeleston, viz.
to take 2 curtilages and an acre of land in Heppewrth from Alice
3 acres, is in the Earl’s hands, because he is dead. Afterwards John,
daughter of Adam, and Goda her sister, to himself and his heirs for
his son, gives 1211. as a relief thereon, to hold to himself and his
ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, Adam Cusin.
heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, John the Monk.
It is found [attinctum] by the inquisition that Robert de Harop
ALVERTHORPE.—Walter del Bothem acknowledges that he insulted
carried away [boards] from the inner walls [de parietibus] of a certain
Thomas de Garderobe with offensive words. He must satisfy
house, formerly held and left by William Yoel, to the value of 211.
Thomas, and pay I2d fine; pledge, Philip Thorald.
He is therefore fined 211.; pledge, Gilbert de Alstanley.’
OssETE.—Richard del Dene of Heton sold a house to Richard
It is found [attiiictum] by the inquisition that Robert Furli [?]
Bron of that place, and dug stone [peiram] to burn, and sold it, to
called Adam Benne a thief; fine 611. Adam is fined 411. for making
the detriment of the Earl. He must be distrained to make satisfaction.
a wrongful complaint against him.
Thomas son of John de Dewysbiry, and Richard son of Hancok for
William de Munketon complains of Robert de Wadusme
Attebroke of that place, dug stones in the Earl’s villein-land; there
trespass; pledges, Henry the Clerk of Netvlands and Edmund le
fore, etc., as above. [They are fined 611. at the next Court.]
Normand. He is to be attached.
ALvIRTH0RPE.—William Attebarre gives 1211. for license to take
Hugh Tubbing complains of Alexander del Ker for debt; pledge,
half a bovate of land in Neuton, formerly held by Adam de Neuton,
Robert the Clerk. He is to be attached.
to himself and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledges, Philip
1 2 See ante, p. 26;.
See ante, p. 258, note 2.

Eva daughter of Ralph de Uchethorp complains of Magge SANDALE.—Gilbert son of Roger del Hill has license to pay
Codling for felony; pledges, John, her brother, and Walter Hog. relief on half a bovate of land in Crigeleston, with the buildings
To be attached. -
thereon, formerly his father’s, to hold to himself and his heirs for
H0LNE.—Maude del Scoles gives Thaif the goods which belonged ever. His fine is remitted because he is poor.
to the share of her daughter, deceased, who was married to Adam
S0uREBY.—John son of Richard de Sourby gives 12(1. for license
son of Richard; and it is found by an inquisition of the neighbours
to take an acre of land and meadow in Ye Smatehellet-es, with
that her share was worth 21S. on the day of her death, of which the
buildings, in Sourby, left waste by William son of Yvo, to himself
Earl will have a moiety for an aid. Pledge, Adam son of Richard.
and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, Adam the Grave.
Total of this Court, 40S. 2(1.
Simon Dudeman gives 3s. 4d for help [auxitiurn] to maintain
him in the seisin of certain land.
RA5TRIK.—Adam the Grave of Rastrik gives 6(1. for license to
COURT there on Friday in the First WTeek of Lent, in the year take a rood of new land, near to le Briggerode, paying id. rent;
abovesaid, etc. [1297]. pledge, William del Bothes.
EssOIGNS.—Alan de Himeleswrth, attorney of Margaret de Nevill, H;PERuM.—William del Bothes gives 6d for license to take a
essoigns the first time from suit,by Jordan del Ker; pledge, Robert rood of new land in two places, near le Oldhertheside and Wlveley
de Myrefeud. heud, to himself and his heirs for ever, rent id.; pledge, Adam the
Sir John de Horbiry, the like, by Hugh le Carter; pledge, William Grave.
de Castelford. WAKEFEUD.—The daughter of William Benne, and the daughter
John de Mora, the like, by Henry son of W. de Thornhill; of Alan Fisc, for brush-wood, id each; pledge, John son of Sibbe.
pledge, Peter Swerd. Annote Resthanbe [?], for the like, id.; pledge, John Thorald.
Nalke del Ker essoigns against Hugh Tubbing, in a plea of debt, Sarah daughter of Robert de Castelford, for the like, id.; pledge,
by William de Bateley; pledge, William de Castelford. Anote la Lene.
John de Trimigharn, from suit, by William de Halifax; pledge,
The daughter of Richard Drake, Beton’ sister of Hagett, and the
William de Castelford.
daughter of William Benne, id. each for the like.
William de Schipeden, by Richard Wynter; pledge, William de
The son of William Hadde, for the like, id Pledges his tunic.
William de la Leye, plaintiff, and John de Querneby, have a The wife of Watte Pollard, for the like, id; pledge, Adam le
love-day. Parker.
STANLEY.—A1ICe wife of Dande de Lofthus, and Malina daughter
Richard Ossan and John son of Robert de Cumbrewrth withdraw
from their several cross actions, and are fined 12(1. each; pledges, of Custe de Lofthus, for the like, 3d. each; pledge, Hugh the Forester.
Robert de Mirefeud and Adam de Heley. OssETE.—Joan daughter of Robert, for the like, id.; pledge,
Nicholas de Caylli gives I 2d for license of concord with Richard Robert del Wro.
del Bothem, in a plea of trespass; and 12(1. to withdraw from his The wife of Richard Hiring, for the like, rd; pledge, Swayn de
own suit against him. Ossete.
SANDALE.—RiChard de Brerely gives 6d for license of concord The two daughters of Cicely de Baggehill, for the like in the new.
with Adam Sprigunel; pledge, John the Monk. park, 6(1.; pledge, Robert de Baggehill.
H0LNE.—Adam del Donnes gives 12(1. for license to take 2 Alote Peny, for the like in the new park, 2(1.; pledge, John Peny,
acres of land in Cartewrth from Adam del Dalton, to himself and her son.
his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, Richard de Cartewrth. The wife of Adam Luvelavedy, for the like there, 2d; pledge,
Adam Ye Parker,


It was presented at a Steward’s Tourn in the time of Peter de William de Ia Leye essoigns against John de Querneby, by Henry
Lumdo that Richard Gerbot stole a quarter of oats from his father’s J Fraunceys of Stanley, in a plea of seizing cattle; pledge, Robert de
barn, worth rod.; and he comes and puts himself on the verdict of Mirefeud.
the underwritten jurors, as appears below. Maude de Birstall, the first time from suit of Court, by Robert
Magge Codling, sister of Henry Schorthose, arrested at the suit the Cobbler [sutor of Northmanton; pledge, Adam Hode.
of Evote, daughter of Ralph de Uchethorp, with regard to a burnet :4
Peter Swerd, the like, by Hicke the Serjeant; pledge, Adam Hode.
hood [pro into capudo burneui], says that she bought the said hood
John de Crosland, the like, by Henry Gurdon; pledge, John de
honestly in Wakefeud market. Eva withdraws her complaint, and
she and her pledge are in mercy, and she is delivered to prison -
because she withdrew. And the said Magge nevertheless puts herself John de Tofteclyve, attorney of Lady Alice de Everingham, the
on the verdict of the following twelve men, viz. Richard de Bretton, like, by Richard de Ia Haye; pledge, Robert de Mirefeud.
Nicholas de Caylli, Peter Swerd, Edmund le Normaund, John le Henry de Lepton, the like, by Elias de Thwrstanland; pledge,
Buteller, John de Haldewrth, Adam Hode, Robert de Mirefeud, Alan de Himeleswrth.
Adam de Heley, John de Toftclyve, William del Okes and Robert Edmund le Normaund, the like, by John the Clerk Teuet [sic];

the Goldsmith, who say that the said Richard’ and Magge are good pledge, William del Okes.
and true. They both go quit. Eva is to remain in the lord’s prison John de Trimigham, the second time, by Thomas, his servant
until she finds security to satisfy the lord for her said withdrawal. gardo]; pledge, Baldewyn de Sayvill.
Fine, r2d. Alexander del Ker, defendant, essoigns against Hugh Tubbing, by
Meraduk de Notingham, mainprised in the last Court, appears in
William de Bateley, in a plea of debt; pledge, William del Okes.
open Court. And as he is not found guilty of anything, nor does
Nicholas de Caylli, from suit, by John Walhoc; pledge, William
any one prosecute him, and as it is testified by letters patent of
the Mayor of Nottingham and his Bailiffs, and by other letters from de Castelford.
them and twelve of the best men of that town, that he is good and Geppe the Fulur, defendant, essoigns against William the Chapman,
true,—he therefore goes quit. by John de Miggeley, in a plea of trespass; pledge, William del
Thomas de Coppeley complains of John de Stansefeud for taking Okes.
cattle; pledge, William de Castelford. ALvIRTHORPE.—JOhn le Rased, plaintiff against Adam Gerbot,
S0UREBY.—William the Chapman complains of Geppe the Folur does not come, wherefore Adam craves judgment, and goes quit.
for trespass; pledge, Bate the Lister [tindor] of Halifax. He is John is fined 6d.
attached by John de Miggeley. Thomas de Coppeley gives 6d. for license of concord with John
ALvIRTH0RPE.—Richard son of Philip de Alvirthorpe complains de Stanssefeud, for seizure of cattle; pledge, William de Castelford.
of William Attebarre for trespass; pledge, John son of Philip.
SouREBv.—William the Smith of Rachedale gives 12d. for license
Total of this Court, 14s. 7d. to take a bovate of land in Soland waste, with buildings, formerly
held by William de la Grene of Soland, to himself and his heirs for
ever, doing service, etc.; pledges, John son of John de Northland and
COURT there on Friday after the Annunciation of the Blessed
John, his brother.
Virgin [March 25th], in the year abovesaid, etc. [r297].
Robert son of William de Saltonstall gives a 2d. for license to
EssoIGNs.—William de Wodusme essoigns against Robert de take a bovate of waste land in Soureby, which Adam son of John de
Wodusme [tie eadem], by John the Clerk of Newlands, in a plea of Horton left on the lord’s hands, with the buildings thereon, to
assault; pledge, William de Bateley. himself and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, John son
F of Richard.
Richard Gerbot of the previous entry.

William de Lingarthes gives 6d. for license to take half a bovate Emma de Baggehill [de eadern], for the like, id.; pledge, Robert
of waste land in Solande, which Adam the Miller left on the lord’s her brother.
hands, to himself and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, Alota Peni, and Emma, her maid [ancitta], for breaking the pale,
id. each; pledge, their promises [vadinwnia].
John son of John de Northland.
RASTRIK.—Adam the Grave of Rastrik gives ;2d. for license to The wife of Ralph de Northwode, John the Fuller, John Maunsel,
take half an acre of new land in Rastrik, to himself and his heirs Richard son of Bate, and Alice daughter of Alcok, ia each for the
for ever, doing service, etc., rent 2d.; pledge, John le Barn. escape of a cow in the new park; pledge,
Richard the Grave.
S0UREBY.—HeflrY son of Hugh the Fulur gives 6d. for license to HIPERuIr.—Agnes wife of Ralph de Bayrestowe for the like, 4d;
take a house, with a curtilage and i rood of land in Soureby, to pledge, Henry the Grave.
himself and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, Adam the John de Bayrestowe, for the like, 21L; pledge, William son of Ode.
Grave. Geppe Ic Colier, for the like in the Blacker, 611.; pledge, William
OsSETE.—Richard del Dene, accused of digging stones [pefras] in Bulder.
the lord’s land, is pardoned by the Earl. William de Halifax and William Yunghare, for the like, 411. each;
WAKEFEUD.—JOhn Tevet gives 12d. as a relief on land that pledges, the one for the other.
belonged to Robert, his brother, and John de Rissewrth, to hold to STANLEY.—RObert son of Philip Moye claims an acre of meadow
himself and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, John Pollard. in Stanley, and says it does not belong to the bovate which he left
John Pollard gives 6d. for license to take i4 acres of land in waste [vasta] on the Earl’s hands, but that his ancestors bought it,
le Rodes from John Tevet, to himself and his heirs for ever, doing and took it in the Earl’s Court before Sir William de London,
service, etc.; pledge, John Tevet. formerly Steward; and he prays an inquisition, which is taken by
Received 3s. 4d. from the timber of the old barn at Wakefeud, Robert son of Walter, Simon de Monte, Robert Pescy, Philip
le Syur,
blown down by the wind, sold to Thomas de Garderobe. Richard del Ker, Richard le Leper, Adam de Uchethorpe, Hugh
ALVIRTHORPE.—It is presented by an inquisition of the neigh- [ Skayf, John son of Robert, and Hugh Tagge; who say on their oath
hours that William de Barra took the horse of Robert son of Philip that his statement is correct. Therefore he recovers seisin, and may
in pledge [in nameum], and put it in a harrow [in herciamj. Fine, 3d. hold in peace.
WAKEFEUD._Walter the Chaplain, for the escape of 6 pigs in the Walter de Toftec]yve complains of John de Tofteclyve [de eadem]
Earl’s pannage, 1211.; pledge, John le Raset. for seizing cattle; pledge, Willianf de Castelford. He is attached
ALV;RTH0RpE._Alexander de Alvirthorpe, for brush-wood, 2d4 by Thomas de Thyngelowe.
pledge, Gerbot. de Wyrunthorpe complains of Richard del
STANLEY.—Eva fled of Wyrunthorpe, for the like, id.; pledge, Bothem and Elizota, his wife, in a plea of agreement; pledge, Thomas
• de Garderobe.
Philip fled.
Total of this Court, is. 211.
Agnes daughter of Gelle de Stanley, for the like, id; pledges her
smock [camisia].
The wife and servant [garcio] of Richard del Bothem, for the
like, 211.; pledge, Nicholas son of Robert. COURT there on the Friday in Easter-week, in the year abovesaid
WAKEFEUD. —The son of Philip the Tailor [Cissor], for the like,1
211.; pledge, Philip Thorald.
EssoIGNs.—Robert de Wodusme, defendant, essoigns
The son of Magge de Rachedale, for the like, id.; pledges his1, against
coverlet [tapee]. William de Monketon, by Robert the Clerk of Wraleton, in a plea
Robert Chobard, for the escape of 7 pigs, 611.; pledge, Robert son of trespass; pledge, Thomas de Walton.
- Peter Swerd essoigns the second time from suit, by Adam Migge;
of Dia.
OSsETE.—The wife of Robert de Baggehill, for brush wood, 6d. pledge, Henry de Lepton.

pledge, Robert the Forester of Stanley.


25 EDWARD 1, 1297. 277


SOUREBy._Alexander de Middelton gives 61. for license to take
st William le Chapman,
Geppele Folur, defendant, essoigns again a bovate of waste land in Soureby (left by William son of Hugh),
ass; pledge, William de
by Richard Wynter, in a plea of tresp to himself and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledges, Hugh
Castelford. de Lictbesel’ and Adam le Crouther.
first time against John
Walter de Tofteclyve, plaintiff, essoigns the Hugh de Licthesel’ gives 121. for license to take an acre of new
for seizing cattle; pledge,
de Tofteclyve, y Robert de Neuton, land in le Lictheseles, to himself and his heirs for ever, rent 21.;
Robert de Mirefeud.
from suit, by Robert the pledge, Adam the Grave.
Maude de Birstall, the second time,
ge, Robert de Mirefeud. SANDALE._Wil1ian-i de Sandale gives 3s. for license to take a
Cobbler [Sit/or] of Northmanton; pled
und son of John de bovate of land from John son of William de Wodethorpe, for i6
Edmund le Normaund, the like, by Edm
Chyvet; pledge, John de Haldewrth. years, to himself and his heirs, doing service, etc.; pledge, John the
as de Schipeden; pledge, Monk.
William Drake, the first time, by Thom
John de Trimigham. OSSETE.—John de Goukethorpe gives 61. for license to marry
Henry Gurdon; pledge,
John de Crosselande, the second time, by Euginea, his daughter; pledge, Richard the Grave.
Adam Hod. WAKEFEUD.German son of Philip, for vert, 41:; pledge, Adam
a love-day.
Hugh Tubbing and Alexander del Ker have de Ouchetorpe.
com e to prosecute his suit
Robert Dernelove, plaintiff, does not ‘ Robert son of Richard de Castelford, for dry brush-wood, 41.;
quit. Robert is fined 61.
against Adam Gerbot, who therefore goes
neby have a love-day, in a pledge, William de Castelford.
William de Ia Leye and John de Quer
Walter Pollard, for the like, 41.; pledge, Robert de Castelford.
plea of seizing cattle. ‘
tiff, does not come to Agnes servant [ancittaJ of Henry Schorthose, and the daughter of
Richard son of Henry de Wakefeud, plain
as, for debt. He therefore William Nelot, for the like in the old park, x1. each; pledge, Henry
prosecute his suit against John de Ami
is to be distrained for Schorthose
goes quit. Richard is fined 6d.; John
numerous defaults. The son of Eda the Cobbler [Su/rix], it?., and the daughter of
SPINETUM.—William son of
Thomas the Grave complains of Agnes de Bretton, xl. for the like; pledge, John son of Sibbe.
p Wif. He is attached I
William Proudfot for trespass; pledge, Phili STANLEy._Nicholas son of Robert de Bateley, for vert, 41.;
is afterwards fined 3d. for
by Robert son of Nalke. The plaintiff pledge, Richard Spink.
not proceeding, and the defendant goes Hugh Typet, for dry brush-wood, 21:; pledge, Robert Typet.
WAKEfEUD.—John le Bute ller give s 61. for license to take an
s, of which he already ALVIRTHORpE._Rjchard son of Broun, for the escape [of animals],
acre of land from John Thevet, for 10 year 3d.; pledge, Philip Thorald.
which have elapsed, to him-
holds a lease for 12 years, two years of
ges, William the Clerk and Adam Wif, for ivy, xl.; pledge, William son of Walter.
self and his heirs, doing service, etc.; pled
STANLEY.—Malin de Wyrunthorpe against Richard del Bothem
William de Castelford.
s 121. for license to take and Elizabeth, his wife, says that Elizabeth sold the plaintiff a feather
S0uREBY.—Adekyn de Tornhawe give
to hims elf and his heirs for ever, bed [unum icc/urn piurnate] for 121., for which she paid them, viz.
bovate of waste land in Solande,
Smith of Soland and Thonias by a piece of linen worth 71. and in money d. They deny it.
doing service, etc.; pledges, William the
de Barkesland. The matter is postponed until the next Court.’
er gives 6s. 81. for license
HIPERuM.—Roger son of John the Mill
his garden, and half an acre Total of this Court, i6s. iol.
to take half an acre of new land near
elf and his heirs for ever, rent.
of new land in le Smythieker, to hims
Apparently the bed had not been delivered.
41.; pledge, John le Barn.


COURT there on the Friday after the Feast of S. John of Bevedey. made for d. awarded to them by the community of the plebicite’
[per communita fern plebiceti] for trespass committed by it in the fields
[May 7], in the year, etc. [1297].
of Stanlay. German says that they took the horse off his own
EssoIGNs.—Alan Almot, attorney of Lady ‘Margaret de Nevill, ground, and not in the fields of Stanley put in defence. An
essoigns the first time from suit, by Jordan del Kerre; pledge, • inquisition is ordered.
Robert de Myrfeud. O55ETE.—Richard Baycock gives 3d. for license to take 4% acres
William de Lyversege, attorney of Thomas e Langfeud, the like, of land and half a rood in Bouderode, from Walter the Clerk of
by Richard de Lyversege; pledge, Robert de Myrfeud. Dewysbiry and Cicely his wife, to himself and his heirs for ever,
Thomas de Thorneton, the like, by John de Thor-neton; pledge, doing service, etc.; pledge, Robert the Lister [tinder] of Dewysbyry.
John de Toftcleve. H0LNE.—Amabel
daughter of Emma de Fouleston gives 6d. for
William de Mounketon essoigns against Robert de Wodesome, • license to take an acre of the waste in Fouleston, to herself and her
by Hugh de Crygeleston, for trespass; pledge, William de Castelford. heirs for ever; pledge, John son of Gilbert.
Walter de Toftclyve, plaintiff, the like against John de Toftclyve,
ALVERTHORPE.—Peter Tyrsy gives ód. for license to take half an
by Jordan del Ker, for seizing cattle; pledge, Robert de Mirfeud. acre of land in Neuton from Henry le Nonne for i 2 years from
William de la Leye, against John de Querneby, by the same, for•
Michaelmas next, doing service, etc.; pledge, Philip de Mora.
seizing cattle.
Richard de Collay gives 12d. for license to take half a bovate of
SANDALE.—Henry Tubbyng withdraws his suit for trespass against.
land in Alvirthorpe from Alexander Walthef, to himself and his heirs
Alexander del Ker, and is fined 6d.; pledge, the said Alexander. for ever, doing servke, etc.; pledge, Ralph de Collay.
William le Chapman withdraws his suit for trespass against * SPINETUM.—JOhn Kyde gives 6d. for license to take half an acre
Geoffrey le Folur, and is fined 4d.; pledge, John de Stansfeud. of land in Thornes [Spincturn] from Robert le Drapur, for i 2 years
Adam de Bergh withdraws against John le Flemyng for trespass;
from Michaelmas next, doing service, etc.; pledge, Philip de Mora.
fined 2s.
HOLNE.—Adam de Wlfdale gives 6€?. for license to take 2j acres
Malina wife of John de Dalton is fined 12d. for not prosecuting of land, with buildings, in Wlvedale, from Henry son of Alan de
her suit for seizing cattle against John le Flemyng. Wlvedale [dc eadern], to himself and his heirs for ever, doing service,
SANDALE.—An inquisition of jurors say that William de Holyn-,.
etc.; pledge, John son of Gilbert. The said Henry pays 6d. to take
thorp and Adam, his brother, assaulted and resisted Thomas de 24 acres, as above, from Adam de Wlfdale [de cadent].
Holgate and Richard Beusire. Fine for each offence, 12d.; pledge,
ALvERTHORPE.—Hugh the Tailor [cissor] gives 6d. for license to
Thomas son of Robert. take the fourth part of a garden, formerly Bate de Flansowe’s, and
STANLAT.—Amabel daughter of Thomas de Stanlay gives 12d. one fourth of a croft that was his, from Adam Gerbot, to himself
for an inquisition against Juliana de Ouchethorpe, with regard to a and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, Adam Gerbot.
debt of 3s. 8d.; pledge, Thomas son of Simon. WAKEFEUD.—William Wyles gives 12d. for license to take half an
John W’thundes’ to be resummoned to answer Robert de acre and half a rood of land in le Rodes from John Tevet, to
Wyrunthorpe for trespass. himself and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, John Pollard.
SANDALE. —Alice wife of Henry, against William Trubbe, says that
ALTERTH0RPE.—Robert son of Ralph de Ouchethorp gives 12d.
he broke her head with a stick and drew blood. He acknowledges’ for license to take a bovate of land, with buildings, in Neuton, from
it, and must satisfy her, and pay 4€?. fine; pledge, John Mounck. Juliana, his mother, to hold after her decease to himself and his
STANLAv.—German Filcok against Robert son of Robert the heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, Adam Gerbot.
Grave, Walter son of Adam, Robert son of Geoffrey, and William O55ETE.—Thomas de Bouderode, Robert the Lister [tinctor] of
Tagge, for unjustly taking his horse, on his own ground, and detaining Dewysbyry and Adam Bulloc, for the herbage of Dewysbyry wood
it, contrary to gage and pledge. They say that the seizure was sold in gross, 405.
1 This curious name has appeared frequently before under its Latin form of 1 Trauslation aud meaning douhtful.
(/111? Can/bus. C. -

25 EDWARD I, 1297. 281

SPINETuM.—Thomas son of Hawe de Snaypethorpe, for vert, 3d.; COURT at Rastrik, the Monday following, in the year abovesaid,
pledge, Ivo the Smith. etc. [1297].

O55ETE.—Edward de Horbyry, for dry [wood], 3d.; pledge, Henry HIPERuM.—Gilbert del Both’ against Richard le Bagger claiming
Boce. a debt of s. io%d. The defendant says that he paid it to the
Adam Dypsy of Horbyry, for the like, 3d.; pledge, Swayn de plaintiff and his son John in money and goods. This is borne out
Ossete. by an inquisition. He therefore goes quit, and Gilbert is fined 25.
ALVERTHORPE.—Agnes daughter of Bron de Alverthorpe, for the Pledge, William del Both’.
like, 2d.; pledge, Richard Gerbot. Thomas the Webster against Alkoc le Waynwrith, says that on
WAKEFEUD.—Amabel wife of Thomas de Lodeham, for vert and Sunday, the Octave of Easter Day, he was going along the high road,
dry [wood], as.; pledge, Nicholas the Carter of Sandale. or a pathway where he had perfect right to go, with a horse-load of
John Cussing for 2 cart-loads of vert and dry [wood], as.; pledge, bread, towards Halifax Church, when Alcok came and stopped the
William son of Walter de Neuton. way, taking his hood, which he still retains; and meanwhile his horse
Robert le Roller for dry [wood], 6d.; pledge, John Cay. ran off with the bread, which fell and broke, so that out of 3s.
STANLAY.—William son of Thomas Ede, for ivy, 3d.; pledge, Hugh worth, only is. worth was left. Alcok says that the plaintiff was
the Forester. going across a field sown with rye [siligo], where he had no right to
WAKEFEUD.—Ibbota daughter of Ralph le Cornur, for dry [wood], be. The inquisition says that the plaintiff did go into a sown field,
3d.; pledge, John son of Colle. which was not prohibited, and that Adam wrongfully took a pledge.
Nalle [?daughter] of John Wythundes, for the like, 3d.; pledge, Alcok must satisfy the plaintiff, and is fined 611.; pledges, Hanne le
John Torald. Pinder and William de Hiperum.
STANLAY.—Gelle de Stanlay for vert, 6d.; pledge, John Walhoc.
Alcok le Waynwrith complains of the said Thomas the Webster
WAKEFEUD.—Agnes widow of Robert Edus’, for her son, for dry : for beating him severely on the back with a stick, on the same
[wood], 3d.; pledge, Robert le Roller. occasion. Thomas says that he did so in self-defence. The
Amabel widow of Thomas Etewel, for vert, 3d.; pledge, Adam 1 inquisition finds that he did so deliberately, and not in self-defence.
Balle of Northgate, who is also surety for 211. for his daughter for He is fined 611. and must satisfy the plaintiff; pledge, William son of
the like. -

ALvERTH0RPE.—Robert Estryld gives i 211. for license to take 2%
Adam son of John the Miller against Hanne the Grave and
acres of land in Neuton from Henry le Nonne for i8 years, doing William del Bothes, for trespass; pledge, John le Barn. He says
service, etc.; pledge, Henry le Nonne. that in a certain taxation [taxaüo] they taxed him 1211. too much.
HIPERuM.—Gilbert del Both’ complains of Richard le Bagger for The inquisition finds that he was properly taxed. He is fined 611.
debt; pledge, William del Both’. 1 for a false claim; pledge, Adam de Rastrik.
Thomas the Webster complains of Alcok le Waynwryth for John de Haldewrth cQnstituted himself a bailiff in the Earl’s
trespass; pledge, John le Barn. I land, and distrained Thomas del Cote and Richard del Heliwall, and
ALvIRTHORPE.—Geoffrey son of Robert the Chapman complains ;
was allowed time by the Steward until this Court. As he does not
of John Withehundes in a plea of land; pledge, Henry de Swynlington. come he is fined 611. It is presented [attinctum] that lie made the
O5SETE.—Amabel the cowkeeper [custos vaccarum] of Goukethorp distraint for arrears of rent, so goes quit.
complains of Alcok, the man of Robert de Chykenley, for trespass; ‘1 William del Bothes complains of William de Hiperum, and says
pledge, Adam de Goukethorp. I that he owes 2011. for a certain tithe [?] sold to him [tie quadam
William the Goldsmith complains of John de Mora for the seizure j decti sibi vent/i/a], and that he called him a usurer. The defendant
of cattle; pledge, William de Castelford. I denies the debt, and must wage his law. And as to calling him a
Total, 22S. 211.1 usurer, the defendant says that he gave the plaintiff 1211. to have
tThe 4W. above I. not Included1 as ft Is not strictly .p&dng, profit. of the Court.
25 EDWARD 1, 1297. 283
respite of a debt of jos. which he owed for a certain tithe t?Pro
RAsTR;K.—Adam le Racur, dwelling and holding land in Fekesby
quadam dec]. The plaintiff admits the payment of the 12d., but says is fined 611. for not coming to the Tourn.
that he allowed it as the first payment for the said tithe [?]. He
The township of Fekesby is fined 1211. for not presenting this
must therefore wage his law. Pledges, Alcok le Wraynwrith for the default, but concealing it.
defendant, and John de Pudesheye for the plaintiff.
- Total of this Tourn, 35.
HIPERuM.—John le Barn complains of Richard son of Ivo de
Presteley, as pledge for Richard the Miller of Uuerom for a debt
connected with the mill, 95. of which is in arrear. The defendant
COURT at Halifax on the Tuesday following, in the year abovesaid
acknowledges it, and must pay the debt, and 6d. fine.
Alcok Ye Waynwrith complains of John son of Thomas the
Webster, for trespass; pledge, William del Bothern. SOURERY.—HUgh de Lictheseles is ordered to retain 2 COWS in
John de Nuteschawe complains of Gilbert de Halifax, John his his custody until they are delivered by the Steward.
brother, and John Ye Harpur of Northland for debt; pledge, Robert John de Nutesawe against John le Harpur of Northland, Gilbert
de Skirecote. de Halifax and John his brother, claims is. 611., for which they were
Total of this Court, 4s. 6d. pledges for William del Bothern in the 22nd year. The defendant,
John Ye Harpur, denies it, and is to wage his law; pledge, William
del Bothem. Gilbert and John his brother admit that they were
pledges, but for a mark only; and they say that when they were
TOURN there the same day.
distrained for the said debt, the principal debtor entered his chattels
12 JURoRs.—Robert del Stockes, John le Flemeng,
Adam de and delivered their chattels, wherefore they hold they ought to go quit.
Locwod, Master Thomas de Dalton, John le Barn, William de The plaintiff says that he never took their chattels for the debt, and
Bradeleye, Alexander del Frith, John the Clerk of Hertesheved, Ralph as to this he is to wage his law; pledge, John de Trimigharn.
de Gouclocharwes, John del Rode, John de Perci, and Thomas de Gilbert and John afterwards say that the wife of William del Bothem,
Fekesby, who say on their oath— who was the principal debtor, made a fine with the said John for all
That John son of William son of Emma de Staynland drew actions connected with this debt, to wit, a mare and a foal, and
blood from William le Pindere of Staynland [de eadern]. He is therefore they hold they ought rightly to go quit. John denies this,
fined 1211. and is to wage his law; pledge as before. He is fined 1211. for
And that Henry le Pindere drew blood from Peter son of Alice; suing them in the Consistory at York, to the Earl’s prejudice.
SouRfvY.—Adam Migge, Grave of Soureby, gave the Steward to
And that John de Aula drew blood from Adam son of John, as [
to which a plaint is now pending in Wakefield Court.’
understand that a certain bovate of land in Soureby, held by the son
of John de Horton, was left quite waste tfi’ omnina vastal, where
And that Adam Gige drew blood from John de la Lache, and
vice versa, and as they do not belong to the manor [qula sunt
upon the Steward gave the bovate to a certain tenant. Afterwards
it was presented [attinctu7n] that Maim, wife of John de Horton,
extraizei], they are both to be attached.
held the third part thereof by way of dower. He [Adam] is fined
John son of Adam de Rastrik, Richard de Linley and John de
la Lache lopped one of the Earl’s timber trees [amputaveruut tic
Adam son of Hugh the Miller of Waddiswrth, gives 4S for license
quodam tingiw meremeum comitis], close to the water, and carried the
of concord with Adam son of Peter; pledges, Richard de Waddiswrth
wood [busca] to the house of William the Smith of Clifton, without
and Hugh, his [Adam’s] father.
his know]edge. They are to be attached.
It is found by the inquisition that John son of Thomas the
Beatrice, wife of Thomas, the lord’s servant [garcio], cut wood
Webster did assault Alcok le Waynwrith at Halifax Church, and beat
[busca] from the same trunk [tie eodem liugna]. She is to be attached.
him badly with a stick. John must satisfy Alcok, and pay a fine of
‘The Borottgh Court.
1 See aizit’, p. 282.

John Hodde complains of Adam Migge, claiming 4od as surety John the Miller gives I2d for license to take 2 acres of waste
for Adam son of Alice. The defendant admits it, and must pay; land, and an acre of land which Richard Hodde held and this day
fined 6d.; pledge, Roger Rotel. surrendered, both lying in Smaleholeres, to himself and his heirs for
Adam Migge is fined 12d. for contempt. ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, Hugh de Lictheseles.
Elias son of Ivo complains of John son of John de Holgate for Total of this Court, 13s. 6d.
taking one of his [Elias’s] oxen, and yoking it ito his [John’s]
plough for 3 days; damages, 45. The defendant admits it, and must
satisfy the damages. Fine 6d.
TOURN there the same day.
Hugh son of Roger and Thomas de Roaldesete, executors of
Thomas de Westwode, admitted that they, as such, owed John de 52 JuRoRs.—Henry de Rissewrth, Richard del Dene, Thomas de

Nutesschahe 4s. gd. They are to he distrained to pay. Langefeud, William de Herteley, William de Stodley, Richard the
Robert son of William the Tanner against Thomas de Sothill, Tailor of Waddewrth, William de Schakelton, John de Miggeley,
claims 5s. from him as pledge for Thomas de Schakelton. An Thomas de la Sale of Northland, Adam de Hillingwrth, Thomas de
inquisition finds for the plaintiff. The defendant must satisfy it; Connhale, and William the son-in-law of Juliana de Halifax, who say
fine 6d.; pledges, John the Miller of Miggeley and Richard son of on their oath that—
William de Miggeley [de eadem]. Peter son of William de Saltonstall stole a russet super-tunic,
William le Milnere is elected Grave of Soureby by the whole and a piece of cloth, etc., from William de Geldehirde’s house, which
Graveship. They will answer for him. he burgled, and fled the country. He is to be attached by his body.
Roger Rotel gives I2d for license to take a house and toft with Alice, formerly wife of Roger del Helm, drew blood from her
3 perches of meadow in Soureby, and a culture of arable land in le own arm, and maliciously charged it on Michael son of Roger del
Dedequenerode, to himself and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc. Wyteleye. She is to come before the Steward to answer the same.
Pledge, John de Milnere [sic]. [Margin: vacal.]
Juliana Wade complains of John de Nutesschawe on an agree Alan Longhers and William de Bayldon killed Adam son of
ment; pledge, John de Miggeley. Agnes de Schakelden, and stripped him of his clothes, and took 135.
Thomas de Coppeley, indicted of many misdeeds in his bailiwick, in silver. They are to he attached by their bodies.
whilst he was the Earl’s Master forester in Sourebyschire, puts Gilbert son of Alexander de Cravene burgled the houses of
himself on the verdict of the following :—Thomas de Langefeud, German del Grenewode and John le Westrene, and carried off much
William de Herteley, William de Stodley, Richard the Tailor [Gissor, goods. To be attached.
William de Shakelton, Thomas de la Sale, Adam de Hillingwrth, Geoffrey the Fuller of Halifax assaulted Jordan Spync and
William the son-in-law of Juliana, William de Sothill junior, William Margery, his wife, drawing blood from the latter. To be attached.
de Saltonstall and Thomas Lylye, who say on their oath that while S0uREBY.—The wife of Thomas de Aula and the wife of Jordan
Thomas was forester in Sourebyschire he committed no offence Spync brew and constantly sell [ale] contrary to the assize. Fined
within his bailiwick, nor was in any wise guilty, except that he killed 12d. and 6d. respectively.
a hart [liissa], and sent it to the Vicar of Rachedale, on behalf of Cicely, wife of Gilbert the Grave, and Magota de Ripon, are
the Earl, with a view to his drawing the malefactors of that neigh presented for the same, but pardoned by the Steward.
bourhood away from the Earl’s chase, so that they should not enter Adam son of Hugh le Frere drew blood from Adam le Herde
to do wrong there; and he took nothing in return for the hart; and [ wykman; he made satisfaction, therefore he goes quit.
the said Thomas avowed the gift thereof before the Earl, who William de Sothill junior obstructed [decurbat] a road in
pardoned him. He therefore goes quit. Waddeswrth, by a new fence, to the nuisance of the neighbours. It
Adam Migge gives 25. 6d. for a stray mare sold to him. is ordered to be removed. Fine, 6d.
Total of this Tourn, 25.


COURT at Birton on Thursday before S. Dunstan’s day [the TOURN there the same day.
Deposition, May i9th], in the year abovesaid, etc. [1297]. 12 JUR0RS.—John de Ryley, John Wythir, Adam de Heley, John
H0LNE.—Ahce daughter of Luvecok de Ulvedale gives 611. for de Bi-aythetweyt, Henry de Birton, Richard de Ia Grene, Adam
license to take half a bovate and i acre and i rood of land from Cusin, Adam son of Emma de Scoles, Richard son of Adam de
Nalle, her mother, in Ulvedale, with buildings thereon, to herself and Rodes, Thomas Ferenhoule, Nicholas son of Richard de Schelfley,
her heirs for, ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, John son of Gilbert; and Adam de Lecht’, who say on their oath that—
reserving to the said Nalle, for her life, a house in which she can H0LNE.—The wife of Thomas de Schepeley, Maude wife of John
the Smith, Emma le Baggere, Christiana de Schelfley, Cicely de
live, half an acre in the Estfeld and half an acre in the Westfeld,
Wytestockes, Christiana the Nurse [la lVoi-ice], and Eva daughter of
with remainder to Alice and her heirs.
Simon de Skelmarthorpe, brew and sell [ale] contrary to the assize;
Richard son of Luvecock de Heppewrth gives 6d for license to fined 611. each.
take an acre of land from Thomas, his brother, to himself and his Diota- daughter of Elias de Schelfley, presented for the like, is
heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, Adam son of Richard de pardoned because she has nothing in goods.
Scoles. John son of Quenilda and Roger son of Henry are fined i zd
Robert son of John son of Gilbert gives 4d for license to take a for refusing to present to the Jury, and concealing this offence.
house with a parcel of land in Heppewrth from Thomas son of Elias Hanne Bassard [?] of Schelfley, and Maude daughter of Matthew
del Barneside, to himself and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; de Scheifley [de eadem], stole 5 sheep [l’iden’es] from Peter de Bylam,
pledge, John son of Gilbert. and are guilty of other larcenies. They are to be attached.
Agnes de Deneby gives 6d for license to take acres of land in Richard de la Grene of Thurstanland stole beasts from Thomas
del Norththorpe and Joan, wife of Adam de Heley of Mirefeud.
the West field of Uverthwong from Richard son of John de
He is to be attached.
Uverthwong, to herself and her heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; Total, 4s. 6d.
pledge, Richard son of John.
Adam son of Elias de Wlvedale gives i 211. for license to take
5 acres of land from his father, to himself and his heirs for ever, TOURN at Wakefield on the Sunday next before Ascension Day,
doing service, etc., he undertaking to maintain his father all his life,
etc. [1297].
and to find him in all necessaries of food and clothing; pledges,
12 JUR0RS.—Robert de Wyrunthorpe, Richard de Bretton, Henry
John de la Grene and John son of Gilbert.
de Chyvet, Robert de Wodusme, Richard de Sausemare, William de
Diana daughter of William le Parmenter admits that she owes
Dewysbiry, Baldewyn de Seyville, Morice de Ecclishill, John le
255. to John de Ryley; to be paid at the rate of 55. a year, at the
Buteller, Robert le En, German son of Philip the Mercer, and Henry
feast of All Saints. de Swynlington, who say on their oath that—
Thomas son of Warm against William son of Richard, claims a Robert Gunne of Northmanton made default; fine 611.
bovate of land in Heppeworth, as his right. The defendant pays 4os., The whole ville of Northmanton concealed the default; fined 25.
and the plaintiff quitclairns to him the said bovate, with its buildings, John the Cobbler, living in Wakefeud, drew blood from Adam
except an acre of meadow which William surrenders to Thomas and Hoppegogil [?]. To be attached.
his heirs for ever, doing service, etc. The 405. is to be paid as John son of Simon the Cobbler stole 2 pairs of shoes [sofutares]
follows, ros. t Whitsunday, los. at S. Oswald’s day, ios. at Christmas, from Robert Mareschal, value 811., and sold them to Hugh the
and ios. at Easter. The land is to be in pledge until payment. Cobbler, who well knew that they were stolen. John and Hugh are
both to be attached.
Pledge, John son of Gilbert.
Hobbe de Chedel fined 611. for default.
Total of this Court, 2S. rod.

William son of Adam le Wyte, Gilbert le Tinkelere, and Richard John de Haldewrth, the first time as to suit, by John de
le Potmaker, broke into the house of Adam le Wyte, and carried off Pudeshey pledge, Adam H ode.
15s. of silver, new money, and 21 [?shillings] old money. To be Peter Swerd, the first time, by Hicke the Serjeant; pledge, Robert
attached. de Mirefeud.
Agnes de Oldton, guilty of several petty larcenies, as of boots John le Flemeng, attorney of Sir John de Heton, the first time,
and shoes [sd de catigis ei sotutarthus], was received at John le by William de Schefley; pledge, Adam de Wllewro.
Coupere’s house. Let her be attached. Maude de Birstall, the first time, by Robert the Cobbler of
William le Wayte drew blood from William son of Peter de Northmanton; pledge, Robert de Mirefeud.
Floketon. To be attached. John de Trimigham, the first time, by Adam Migge; pledge,
Gerbot de Alvirthorpe obstructed a certain watercourse by a ditch William de Castelford.
he had made at le Uvergatelone, so that in the winter no one could Thomas de Thorneton, the second time, by John de Thorneton;
get across with a cart. The ditch to be demolished. He also con pledge, Henry son of Robert le En.
tinued a purpresture, which was presented at a Tourn last year, and Henry de Lepton, the first time, by Adam de Lepton; pledge,
is still as it was. To be destroyed. Robert de Mirefeud.
Tilliam Herloc drew blood from Adam Broun. To be attached. John le Harpur of Northland, the first time, against John de
William the Miller drew blood from William Herloc. To be Nuteshagh, in a plea of debt, by Jordan de Heton; pledge, Elias de
attached. Birton.
A pocket [unurn pokettuin] full of corn, worth id., was found in Edmund le Normaund, the first time as to suit, by Henry son of
le Milneholm, and is in the custody of John de Thyngelowe, Robert le Erl; pledge, Adam Rode.
Constable of the ville. It is to be brought before the Steward at William de Schipedon, the first time, by William son of Thomas
the next Court. del Dene; pledge, John de Mora.
John de Tofteclif complains of Wa]ter his brother for seizing William the Goldsmith, the first time, against John de Mora, in a
cattle. Pledge, Hugh Kay. He is attached by William Child. plea of seizing cattle, by Robert his brother; pledge, Henry le Erl.
H0LNE.—Richard del Both’ complains of John de Thowg in a William de Hiperum, the first time, against William del Bothes,
plea of land. Pledge, Hicke the Serjeant. Summons. in a plea of debt, by Peter del Cloegh; pledge, Jacke Blade.
SPINETUM.—A bovate of land, which John Wytlof held in Thornes William de Munketon, plaintiff, gives 6d. for license of concord
[Spinetum] is in the Earl’s hands because he is dead. with Robert de Wadusme; pledge, the said Robert.
HIPERui1.—Jacke Blade complains of Richard de Presteley and Robert de Wyrunthorpe against John Wythehundes, who is to be
Hugh de Presteley for debt. Pledges, Gilbert and Jordan de Halifax. distrained for not coming.
Summons. Walter de Tofteclive against John his brother for driving an ox
ALvIRTH0RPE.—Gerbot de Alvirthorpe’s land is in the Earl’s and cow of his from a place called Donigelawe,’ within the bounds
hands because he is dead. of Erdeslowe, outside the said John’s fee, to Thingelowe, where he
Total of this Tourn, 35. impounded them for 2 days, until they were delivered by Richard
the Serjeant, the lord’s sworn bailiff; he claims 4os. damages. The
defendant avows the seizure, saying that one Adam de Doniglawe is
COURT there on the Friday before Whitsuntide, 25 Edward [I], in the true tenant, and holds a bovate of land of the said John, for
the time of John de Doncastre, Steward [1297]. 1 which 3s. rent was in arrear, and that he took the cattle in the said
Querneby the first time as to suit, tenement in his own fee. Walter craves judgment, because John
EssoIGNs.—John de essoigns
by Elias de Mirefeud; pledge, William de Castelford. Also against 1 In the
record ol the matter, in duplicate, at this same Court, this place is
William de la Leye in a plea of seizing cattle; pledge, Adam de called Denebankchgvedla,zd
25 EDWARD I, 1297.
does not deny the taking and driving out the cattle out of his own Elias son of Robert de Doncastre
fee. John denies it was out of his fee, and is ordered to wage his gives 6d. for license to take
io acres of land until the
coming of age of John son of John,
law. Pledge, Richard le Pindere. son-in-law of Alan, doing service,
etc.; pledge, John
the Monk
ALvIRTH0RPE.—Geoffrey son of Robert the Chapman, against
John Wythehundes, claims an acre of land in Alvirthorpe. John William son of William the Cowherd [vaccarius] of
does not come, and the land is therefore to be taken into the lord’s gives 6d. for license to take half an
acre of land from Robert de
hands. Doncastre, to himself and his heirs
for ever, doing service, etc.;
pledge, John the Monk.
Gilbert le Tinkelere and Richard le Potmakere, indicted for
RASTRIK._Adam the Grave of Rastrik gives
[breaking into] the house of Adam le Wyte’s wife, as in the Tourn I2d for license to
take 3 acres of land from Hanne
at Wakefield,’ referred themselves to the verdict of the following :— the Miller, to himself and his
heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledge,
John Patrik, Adam Hod, John de Croslande, Walter de Tofteclive, Richard the Grave of Ossete.
OSSETE._RiChard Broun of Heton gives i2d.
William del Okes, John de Ia Sale, Thomas de Ludham, Ralph son for license to take
a house with a curtilage in
Heton from Adam his brother, and
of Nicholas, Gelle Cussing, Richard de la Haye, Simon Dodeman Walter son of Adam, to himself and his
heirs for ever, doing service,
and John de Tofteclyve, who say on their oath that they are good etc.; pledge, Richard the Grave of
and true men. They accordingly go quit. ALVIRTRORPE.HUgh the Tailor [Cissor]
gives 12d for ]icense
S0uREBY.—John de Nuteschatwe gives ;zd for license of concord to take the fourth part of half a
bovate of land from Eva Swan, to
with Gilbert de Halifax, John his brother and Juliana Wade, in a himself and his heirs for ever, doing
service, etc.; pledge, Adam
plea of debt; she pays him 2S. 6d for all actions between them; Gerbot.
pledge, William de Castelford. Juliana Wade gives 6d. for license of H0LNE.—John de Littlewode gives 45. for license
to take 2 acres
of new land to himself and his heirs
concord with John de Nuteshaghe; pledge, John de Miggeley. for ever; rent $d.; pledge,
Richard de la Grene.
OssRrE.—Amabel the Cowkeeper [custos vacca rum] of Gouke
SOUREBy._Alcok Brok, for the escape of 2
thorpe complained of Alcok, Robert de Chykinley’s man, for beating horses at Saltonstal,
4d; pledge, William Pelet.
her, and rescuing certain cattle found in the lord’s herbage. An Alcok Lorles, for the like, 3d; pledge, Thomas
inquisition is ordered for the next Court. le Wollestere.
John son of Henry de Halifax, for the like, 4a;
pledge, John his
ALvIRTH0RPE.—Adam Gerbot gives 45. as a relief on the lands brother.
of Gerbot, his father, to hold to him and his heirs, doing service, William Swaype, for the like, 3d; pledge, William
etc.; pledge, Richatd Gerbot. Michael del Wytleye, for the like, 6d; pledge,
Nolle son of Roger.
Richard Gerbot gives 25. for license to take 19 acres of land William and Henry de Stodley, for the like, 5d.
and 3d.; pledges,
from Adam, his brother, to himself and his heirs, doing service, etc.; the one for the other.
John de Miggeley, for vert, 6z’.; pledge,
pledge, the said Adam. William the Grave.
John Schirlok gives I2d for license to take xi acres of land HoINE.—John de la Grene, for vert, 4d; pledge,
Richard, his
father. -

from Adam, his brother, to himself and his heirs, doing service, etc.;
John de Cumbrewrth, for the escape [of cattle],
pledge, Richard, his brother. 2d; pledge,
Richard son of Sarah.
SANDAI.E.—Robert son of John gives 6d for license to take xo Thomas Pridecan, for the like, 2d; pledge, Richard son
acres of land until the coming of age of John son of John son of of Sarah.
F Ralph de Carlecotes, for the like, 4d.; pledge,
Richard son of
John, son-in-law gener] of Alan de Crigeiston, doing service, etc.; Elcok.
pledge, Thomas son of Robert. SPINETUM.—Phillp del Hill, for the like, 6d; pledge, Richard
See ante, p. 288.


John de Mora, the first time, by William Maufesur; pledge,

Thomas Viron’s wife, for brush-wood [busca], 3d.; pledge, Ivo the
Smith. Thomas de Thorneton.
ALvIRTH0RPE.—HaflfleCok le Nunne, for the like, 4(1.; pledge, William de la Leye, the first time, against John de Querneby for
Robert le Campion. seizing cattle, by William de Ryley; pledge, Robert de Mirefeud.
STANLEv.—John Dun’s wife, for the like, 2(1.; pledge, the Grave William de Hiperum, the second time, against William del Bothes
of Stanley. for debt, by Jacke Blade; and also against the same as to waging
WAKEFEUD.—MalkYfl Ia Nulere’s daughter, for the like, 211’.; pledge, his law, by Hicke the Serjeant; pledge, William the Clerk.
William le Hekelere. John de Tofteclyve, the first time against Walter de Tofteclyve
John Teveth’s wife, for the like, 2(1.; pledge, the Grave of Stanley. [de eadem], for seizing cattle, by William the Goldsmith, and by
Agnes daughter of Roger son of Kytte, for rushes Carried beyond William Gurdon; pledge, William de Locwode.
the pate of the old park, 6(1.; pledge, Hugh Kay. Peter Swerd, the second time, as to suit, by John de Northland;
SPINETUM.—Robert Prest complains of Clarice de Snaypethorpe for pledge, Thomas de Thorneton.
debt; pledge, Gelle Cussing. Therefore, etc., by John the Shepherd. Nicholas de Caylly, the first time, as to suit, by William de
ALvIRTH0RPE.—Roger Bele complains of Maude, widow of Gerbot Castelford; pledge, Richard the Serjeant.
de Alvirthorpe; pledge, Thomas son of Hawe. HIPERuM.—Richard and Hugh de Presteley are to be distrained
H0LNE.—ThomaS son of Warm complains of William son of the to answer Jacke Blade.
Grave, for trespass; pledge, Hanne son of Richard. John Wythehundes gives 6tL for license of concord with Robert
Alice, formerly wife of Nicholas de Brokholes, complains of Robert de Wyrunthorpe; pledge, Henry Lewyn.
son of MoUe de Fugheleston; pledge, Matthew son of Walter de John le Harpur waged his law in due form against John de
Thurstanland. Nuteschawe, and goes quit. The latter is fined 6(1. for a false claim;
John de Tofteclyve sues Walter, his brother, for driving an ox, pledge, WTilliam the Grave of Soureby.
a place called le STANLEY.—Amabel daughter of Thomas de Stanley claims 35. 8(1.
5 cows and 28 lambs belonging to him, from
Wonge, to Tofteclyve, where he kept them until they were liberated from Juliana de Uchethorpe. An inquisition finds that Juliana owes
by the sworn bailiff; damages, 6s. 8(1. Walter justifies the seizure, in 4d., which she must pay. Both parties are in mercy, but the fines
his own fee, for ios. arrears of rent of a tenement of which he was are forgiven; pledges, Thomas, the father of Amabel, and Adam de
seised by the hand of one Adam le Carter, his true tenant, and Uchethorpe.
prays the return of the cattle. Richard del Bothem gives 4d for license of concord with Malina
Total of this Court, 23S. 5(1. de Wyrunthorpe; pledge, Henry, his brother.
I. John Patrik gives 12(1. for a swarm of bees [pro uno examine
a.piuinJ found on his land; pledge, William de Castelford.
H0LNE.—Richard del Bothe sues John son of Hugh for carryitig
COURT there on Friday before the Nativity of S. John the Baptist
away part of his hay from his meadow. The defendant says that it
[June 24th], in the abovesaid year of the reign of King
Edward, etc. t25 Edward I, 1297]. was from his own meadow. The plaintiff also says that the defendant
$ pastured sheep in his corn, doing damage to the amount of half a
EssoIGNs.—EdmUfld le Normaund essoigns the second time as to thrave of oats. He also says that the defendant sold him two
suit, by Henry Warm; pledge, Robert de Mirefeud. stones of wool for 75., and that he gave him God’s money.’ and
Maude de Birstal, the second time, by Robert the Cobbler of afterwards the defendant broke the agreement, to the plaintiff’s
Northmanton; pledge, John de Querneby. damage of 25. The defendant says that the plaintiff of his own free
John de Trimigham, the second time, by Thomas his servant will took back the God’s money and released the wool. The
[garcio]; pledge, William de Castelford.
John de Crosland, the first time, by Henry Gurdon; pledge, ‘See quotations under Gad’s-penny in the English Dialect Dictionary.
John de Querneby.

inquisition finds for the plaintiff on all points. The defendant is S0uREBY.—Hancok Coltenote complains of Roger Rotel for
fined 12d., must satisfy $ garbs of oats, and pay for the hay and trespass;
pledge, John son of Richard Hodde.
with respect to the wool. Th damages are taxed at x•8d. RAsTRIK.—Ellen daughter of Maude de Soureby complains of
OssETE.—The inquisition between Amabel the Cowkeeper [cusios Henry de Fekesby in a plea of land; pledge, Robert de Soureby.
vaccarum] of Goukethorpe, and Alcok, the man of Robert de SPINETUM.—The servant [andita] of Ivo the Smith, for brush
Chykenley, says on oath that Alcok found the cattle that Amabel wood, 6d.; pledge, John Graffard.
keeps ib the corn and grass of his lord, and was about to impound Ivo the Smith, for broom, 6d.; pledge, Thomas son of Hawe.
them when she rescued them, and broke his head. She is fined for ALvIRTH0RpE.—Mariota de Wyrunthorpe, for brush-wood, 6d.;
a false claim, but the fine is pardoned because she is poor. pledge, Adam Gerbot.
Geoffrey the Fuller of Halifax is fined 6d. for drawing blood Walter the Turner, for vert, i 2d.; pledges, Robert de Bateley and
from Margery, wife of Jordan Spinc; pledge, Thomas de Aula. William son of Thomas son of Eda.
John the Cobbler [Sufor, William Herloc, and William the Miller Nicholas son of Robert de Bateley, for brush-wood, 3d.; pledge,
are fined 6d. each for the like; pledge, Richard de Sausemare. Robert de Bateley.
HOLNE. —Alice, formerly wife of Nicholas de Brocholes, against William son of Walter, for vert, 1211.; pledges, Philip Torald and
Robert son of Molle de Fugheleston, says that Nicholas, her late. Henry le Nunne.
husband, in the 20th year [r291-2] gave him two bullocks to keep, The same William, for bnish-wood, 3d.; same pledges.
for the first work [ad primum taborem], worth i 6s., and after the first H0LNE.—Nicholas de Littlewode, for an escape, 611.; pledge,
work of the year he was to give up the said oxen to Nicholas or Michael de Holne.
Alice; and when Nicholas applied for the oxen the defendant would Thomas del fyney, for the like, 611.; pledge, John son of John
not give them up, but still retains them; she claims 405. damages. de Holne.
The defendant denies it, and must wage his law; pledge, William John the Carter of Emmelay, and William Beufrere, 3d., for using
Wodemus. Alice puts Robert de Mirefeud in her place for this a road not allowed [?;pro injusta via]; pledge, the one for the other.
action. John the Grave of Cumbrewrth for an escape, 3d.; pledge,
SPINETuM.—Robert Prest sues Clarice sie Snaypethorp for 2 id. Richard son of Michael.
She says that she is not her husband’s executor. An inquisition is William and Henry de Stodley, for the like, 6d each; pledges,
ordered. the one for the other.
Richard the Cleric’s tenement is in the Earl’s hands, because he Henry del Schagwe, for the like, 3d.; pledge, Adam del Schagwe
is dead. [de eadem].
SANDALE.—William son of Robert de Donecastre gives 12d. for Thomas de Waddeswrth, for dry wood, 1211.; pledge, Richard his
license to take 6 acres of land in the town of Crigeleston from his brother.
father, to himself and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, Richard de Werloweley for vert, 1211.; pledge, Peter Swerd.
Elias de Doncastre. William le Geldehird, for putting fire in two dry trees [?; quill
Thomas son of Robert gives 6d. for license to take half an acre posuit zgiem In duabus succus’], 6d; pledge, Thomas de Aula.
and half a rood of land in Crigeliston from William de Colley, to John de Cockecroft, for dry wood, 3d.; pledge, Thomas de Aula.
himself and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, Elias de Thomas de Buttrewrth, for an escape, 3d.; pledge, John son of
Doncastre. John de Soland.
STANLEY.—HUgh Skayf gives 6d. for license to take i roods of John de Haldewrth, for the like at Saltonstall, 3cL; pledge,
meadow in Stanley from Gelle Quintin, to himself and his heirs for Richard de Saltonstall.
ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, Simon de Monte. John son of Dobbe de Southouerum, for the like, 611.; same pledge.
H0LNE.—Thomas Waryn and William son of the Grave have a
1 Sic;? for Si(C1S arboribuc.

HIPERUM.—Henry dcl Rode, for dry wood, 3d.; pledge, Peter de HIPERuI’.i.—William de Hiperum and William del Bothes have a
Suthcif. love-day.
Thomas de Hiperum, for the like, 2d.; pledge, Adam del John Tofteclyve withdraws from the law he waged against Walter
Briggehuses. his brother; he must pay damages, assessed at 6d, and 2S. fine;
William de Bayrestowe, for an escape, 4d.; pledge, Adam the pledge, Robert de Wyrunthorpe.
Forester. William the Goldsniith against John de Mora, says that on the
Fresh orders to attach Elias de Schelifey, Richard son of Hugh Thursday before S. Elen’s day this year he had his plough yoked in
de Fekesby, William de Coppeley, Henry le Gardiner, Adam Girdelion, a place called le Mere, and that John came and took a mare out of
William Fleye, William son of Ralph de Bayrestowe, Thomas Starre, his plough, and drove her to Thornes [Spinelum], detaining her in his
Magge Bacin de Floketon, Simon, John and the other John, her pound [Jatdaj there, until she was delivered by the Earl’s sworn Bailiff;
sons, a person called Frode, John son of Simon the Cobbler, and he claims 4os. damages. The defendant justifies the seizure, because
Agnes de Oldton—(for whose attachment orders have been issued it was made in his own fee for i zd. arrears of rent from the said
at each successive Court, since their indictrnent),—with the following tenement, of which he was seised by the hand of one William de
note :—As the Bailiff of the Liberty has their names, and has orders Uchethorp, his true tenant. The plaintiff acknowledges it was in his
to attach them whenever he can find them, it is unnecessary that fee. The defendant is therefore to recover the mare, and William is
they should be continued in the Roll from Court to Court as fined 6d. for a false claim; pledges, Thomas son of Ralph the Lister
heretofore. [i1nctar, and Henry son of German.
Fresh orders to attach to William de Saltonstall, Alan Longhers, WAKEFEUD.—RObert Prest, plaintiff, does not appear against
William de Bayldon, and Gilbert son of Alexander de Cravene, Clarice, widow of Hugh de Snaypethorp; she therefore goes quit.
Hanne Bassard [?] of Scheifley, Maude daughter of Matthew de He is fined 3d.; pledge, Jolm Pollard.
Scheifley [de eadem], and Richard de Ia Grene of Thurstanland; with H0LNE.—William son of the Grave gives 6d. for license of concord
a note similar to the last. with Thomas Waryn.
H0LNE.—Magge wife of Waryn complains of William son of the S0uREBY.—Henry Coltenote, the like, with Roger Rotel.
Grave, in a plea of dower; pledge, Roger de Longeley. The suit between Ellen daughter of Maude and Henry de Fekesby
Total of this Court, i8s. iod. is respited till the Tourn at Rastrik, because it is a plea of land.
ALVERTHORPE.—Adam Gerbot complained of Maude, his step
mother [noverca] for trespass. He did not come when called, and is
therefore in mercy. The fine is pardoned because he is poor.
CO LIRT there on Friday after the Translation of S. Thomas the
John de Tofteclyve complains of Walter his brother on an
Martyr [July 7th] in the year abovesaid [1297].
agreement; pledge, William de Locwode.
EssoIGNs.—Alan de Hymeleswrth, attorney of Lady Margaret de [ H0LNE.—Richard son of John the Grave of Home gives 6d. for
Nevill, essoigns the first time as to suit by Jordan del Ker; pledge, license to take an acre of land from Henry son of Richard del
Robert de Mirefeld. Scoles, to himself and his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledge,
William de la Leye essoigns the second time against John de John the Grave.
Querneby in a plea of seizing cattle, by Matthew de Thurstanland; OssETE.—Richard de Buderode gives 12d. for license to take an
pledge, John le Flemang. acre of land in Buderode from John son of Gilbert, to himself and
Alice, widow of Nicholas de Brocholes, the first time against his heirs for ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, Thomas de Bouderode.
Robert son of Molle in a plea of detaining cattle, by Richard de William de Locwode complains of Walter de Tofteclyve for
Bretton; pledge, John de Ryley. trespass; pledge, William the Clerk.
Peter Swerd, the first time as to suit, by William the Goldsmith; SANDALE.—Richard de Brereley gives 12d. for license to take 6
pledge, William de Castelford. acres of land from William Curt, to himself and his heirs for ever,
doing service, etc.; pledge, Richard the Miller [te itfoliner].
25 EDWARD 1, 1297. 299
Cicely daughter of Adam de Wodethorpe gives 6d. for license to
ALYIRTH0RPE.—Walter son of Adam compla
marry; pledge, John the Grave. ins of Adam Gerbot
for trespass; pledge, Richard son of Philip.
STANLEY.—JOhn Poket and Hugh Typet, for brush-
wood, 4d. each; Henry de Swynlington complains of Eva Donne in
a plea of land;
pledge, Hugh Tepet. pledge, William de Castelford.
Amabel, wife of Richard Bere of Lofthus, and Alice daughter of
Total of this Court, i 25. 3d.
Malle, for vert in the new coppice [?; in novo coupicio], zs.; pledge
Thomas son of Oda.
WAKEFEUD. —Adam Pollard, for brush-wOod, 4d.; pledge
, Hugh the
Forester. COURT there on Friday, the Morrow of S.
Peter ad Vincula
SOUREEY.—Hugh de Lictheseles, for an escape, 3d.; pledge, John [Aug. 1st] in the year abovesaid, etc. [1297].
Hodde. EssoIoNs.—Henry de Lepton the first time as to
suit [of Court],
Adam le Crouder, for the like, 3d.; pledge, Matthew de Bosco. by John de Skelmarthorpe; pledge, Robert de
Thomas Lii and Roger son of Amabel, for the like, 3d. each; Maude de Birstall, the first time, by Robert the
Cobbler; pledge,
pledge, John Hodde. Adam de Heley.
Williasi-i de Aveneley, for the like, 3d.; pledge, Roger son of John de Crossland, the first time, by Henry
Gurdon; pledge,
Amabel. Peter Swerd.
Thomas de Thorneton, the first time, by John, his
O55ETE.—Agnes, sister of Michael de Goukethorpe, for vert, Gd.; man; pledge,
John de Tofteclyve.
pledge, Adam de Chykenley.
Hugh son of William de Northland, the first time
John Peny’s wife, for dry wood, 3d.; pledge, Robert Peny.
pledge, Peter Swerd.
Richard son of John de Ossete, for an escape in the new park, William de Lyvereshegge, as attorney of Thoma
Gd.; pledge, Richard son of John. s de Langfeud,
the first time, by Richard, his son; pledge, John
de la More.
Walter de Tofteclyve against John his brother, claiming the return Alice widow of Nicholas de Brocholes essoigns the
second time
of cattle, which were taken in his fee for ros. arrears of rent. They against Robert son of Molle in a plea of seizing
cattle, by Jordan
are ordered to be returned. del Ker; pledge, Robert Mirefeld. Robert essoig
ns against Mice,
H0LNE.—John del Scoles complains of Adam del Scoles [de eadern] the first time, by William son of the Grave of
Heppewrth; pledge,
for trespass; pledge,. Richard son of Michael. William Wodmous.
STANLEY.—Richard del Bothem and Helizabeth, his wife, com William de la Leye, plaintiff against John de Querne
by for seizing
plain of Roger le Bele and Mariota, his wife, for assault; pledge, cattle, withdraws; fine 12d.
HYPERUM.—William de Hiperum gives Gd. for license
Henry del Bothem. There is a cross suit; pledge, Adam son of of concord
with William del Bohes, and vice versa.
Jacke Blade and Richard de Presteley have a love-d
WAKEFEUD.—RObert de Soureby complains of Ralph son of ay.
H0LNE.—Magge [late] wife of Waryn agains
Nicholas, for trespass; pledge, Robert Typet. t William son of the
I Grave claims one-third of a bovate of land of which Waryn, her
STANLEY. —Richard del Ker complains of Gelle Quintyn, for husband, died seised as of fee. The defendant says
that Waryn lost
trespass; pledge, Walter son of Bateman. the land, because he held it wrongfully, and that
she has no right
John Walhot and Emma his wife complain of Gelle Quintyn in therein. They beg a respite till the Tourn at Birton
a plea of land; pledge, Richard le Leper. SPINETUM.—Clarice widow of Hugh against Ivo
the Smith, who
SANDALE.—Hugh son of Robert del Holins complains of Isabella does not come. And as the land which she sues for
is held by

Lorimer, for trespass; pledge, William del Holins. him in villeinage, let it be seized into the lord’s hands
until, etc.
25 EDWARD 1, 1297. 3m

Thomas son and heir of Richard the Clerk claims to hold i Dobbe de Stansefeud’s son, for the like, 611; pledge, William the

bovates of land in Querneby, of the Earl, in chief, for i$d. rent, and Smith of Solande.
2 acres of land of the Graffard fee, for 411. rent. And he pays H0LNE.—Elkoc Habraham of Schepeley, for the like, 211; pledge,
3S. 811. for a relief. Henry the Serjeant of Schepeley.
The tenement of Thomas the Cook and Agnes his wife, held of Adam son of Malle, 3d., and Thomas Cokerobyn, 3d. for the like;
the Earl in Sandale, is in the Earl’s hands, because they are both pledge, Elkoc Habraham.
dead. Roger son of Mocok, for the like, 3d.; pledge, the said Henry.
H0LNE.—It is presented [aftinctum est] that John del Scoles STANLEY.—Nicholas son of Robert de Bateley, for brush-wood,
made an unfounded complaint against Adam del Scoles [de eadem]; i2d.; pledge, Adam Nacke.

fine 611 Richard Spink’s wife, for fern, 211; pledge, Thomas de Garderobe.
Robert de Bateley, for brush-wood, 211.;
WAKEFEUD.—Ralph son of Nicholas gives 4d for license of The servant [ancilla] of
concord with William de Soureby, in a plea of trespass. pledge, the said Robert.
The heirs of Thomas the Cook and Agnes his wife did fealty to Richard le Leper, for brush-wood, 611.; pledge, Walter son of
the lord for the tenement they held of him, and paid 35s. 611. for a Eaternan.
relief; pledges, William de Ayketon, German son of Philip, and John ALvIRTH0RpE.—Robert le Campion, for the like, 3d.; pledge,
Kay. William son of Thomas son of Ode.
STANLEY.—It is presented by an inquisition that Roger le Bele Richard son of Broun, for fern, 3d.; pledge, Philip Thorald.
beat Richard del Bothern. He must pay him damages, and 611 WAKEFEUD.—The servants ancitte] of John Kyde junior, and
fine; pledge, John Bulloc. Also that the insults [contuvietia] between John Godcnave, 211. each for brush-wood; pledges, John son of Sibbe
Mariota le Bele and Elizabeth wife of Richard del Bothem, are still and Robert Lorymer.
kept up on both sides. They are each fined 611. STANLEY.—Adam Spink for cutting two alders outside the pale
Gelle Quintin gives 611. for license of concord with Richard del of the great wood, towards Erdeslawe, 611.; pledge, Roger le Bele.
Ker, in a plea of assault; pledge, Roger le Bele. Richard del Bothem for carrying off the timber of Brother John
SANDALE.—Isabella wife of Robert le Lorimer gives 611. for, of S. Oswald’s, 611.
license of concord with Hugh son of Robert del Holynes; pledge, Philip le Syur was pledge that Richard del Bothem should bear
Robert le Lorimer. himself faithfully towards the Earl, and because Richard was not
John son of John de Haldewrth is to be distrained for default. found so, Philip is fined r2d.
RA5TRIK.—Richard le Melemaker gives 611. for license to take Gilbert Quintin, for carrying away 7 cartloads of brush-wood from
threequarters of a bovate of land from John, servant [garcth] of the great wood, as.; pledges, Robert Pescy, Robert Richard, Robert
Richard de Thothill, for ii years from Martinmas next, doing service, son of Walter, Thomas le Rede, Richard del Ker and Robert son of
etc.; pledge, William de Wodehuses. Geppe.
SOUREBY.—ThOrnaS de Thorneton, for the escape of 2 horses in Adam son of Thomas de Lofthus, for breaking the pale and
Schakeltonstall, 411.; pledge, Richard de Saltonstall. carrying away brush-wood, 5s.; pledge, Hugh de Thorpe.
Thomas del Hegeleye, for the like, 311; pledge, Richard the Tailor Nicholas de Lyuet’s tenement at Lupesheved is to be taken into
of Ovendene. the Earl’s hand until a relief is paid, because he is dead.
John de Sondreland, for the like, 3d.; pledge, Richard de Saltonstall. ALVERTHORPE.—AI1Ce widow of Hugh de Alvirthorpe complains
Peter de la Lache de Haldewrth, for the like, 3d.; pledge, William of Alice widow of William the Tanner and Robert, her son, in a plea
Pelet. of land.
Roger de Lictheselis, for the like in le Baytinges, 911.; pledge, SANDALE.—Henry, servant [garcio] of Hugh de Serleby, complains
John son of John de Solande. of John Patriks in a plea of agreement; pledge, John the Grave.
Michael de Wordhill, for the like, 911.; pledges, the said John, and
Roger Manipeny.

Adam son of Martin complains of John de Panhale for debt; William de Lyversegge, attorney of Thomas de Langefeud, the
pledge, Adam son of Richard, who also sues the said John for debt. second time, by Richard de Lyversegge [de eadern]; pledge, John de
Roger the Fuller of Mirefeud complains of John Scot, William Tofteclif.
his brother and William Herloc, for assault; pledges, Adam de John de Querneby, the first time, by William Wodemus; pledge,
Hopton and John the Tailor. They are to be attached. Baudewyn de Sayville.
Richard Fraunceis complains of Dom Roger, Chaplain of Hertes
Maude de Birstall, the second time, by Robert the Cobbler;
heved, for trespass pledge, German Philecok. He is to be attached.
pledge, John de Tofteclif.
John son of Richard likewise sues the said Dom Roger for
trespass; same pledge. Peter Swerd, the first time, by Adam de Floketon; pledge,
HIPERuM.—Adam son of John de Hiperum complains of John Robert de Mirefeud.
de Hiperum [de eadem] for assault; pledge, Alcok le Waynwricht. John de Crosland, the second time, by John Gurdon; pledge,
STANLEY.—Walter del Bothem complains of Roger le Bele and John Kyde.
Mariota, his wife, for trespass; pledge, Adam de Uchethorp. Edmund le Normaund, the first time, by Henry de Chyvet;
ALvIRTH0RPE.—Adam Gerbot complains of John, his brother, and pledge, John de Ia More.
Malle, widow of Gerbot, for trespass; pledge, William Hoskel. William de Schipeden, the first time, by Richard son of Alice;
John Schirlok complains of Adam his’ brother for trespass; pledge, William de Castelford.
pledge, Richard, his brother. Walter de Tofteclif essoigns the first time against John, his
SPINETUM.—Malyna Lyleman against Philip Wlf in a plea of brother, in a plea of seizing cattle; pledge, German son of Philip.
dower; pledge, William Proudfot. John Maufe [?], the first time, against Richard son of Ivo, in a
The heirs of Thomas the Cook and Agnes, his wife, give 55. in plea of debt, by William the Miller; pledge, W[illiarn] de Castelford.
respect of the time when their tenement was in the Earl’s hand,
Roger the Fuller against William Scot for insulting him with
before they made fine for their relief.
malicious words in Dewsury, before William’s porch, and for
WAKEFEUD.—JOhn Cussings gives I 2€!. for license to lengthen his
wounding him on the head with a sword, with which John Scot, who
booths {batha] towards the North, to extend as far as those of
Peter Tirsy and John Kyde, paying 3d a year; and also 12€!. to is not present, made William wound him [sic]; he claims damages,
405. William submits that he is not obliged to answer a complaint
lengthen them soft, towards the South, paying another 3d. a year;
pledge, Gelle Cussing. counted [narrañz] in such a way, seeing that Roger admits in his
Walter Hogg gives I 2d. for license to lengthen his booth feet count that John Scot inflicted the wound, and that there was only
to the South, paying id. rent; pledge, John Neloc. one wound, and has therefore cleared him, William, sufficiently, since
Robert the Lorirnar gives 12d. for license to lengthen his booth two persons could not inflict one wound at one and the same time;
ft. to the South, paying id. rent; pledge, Walter Hogg. he therefore claims judgment. [Judgment not set out.]
Total of this Court, 69s. 2€!. New rents, 9€!. Roger the fuller against William Herloc, who does not come.
William Scot, his pledge, is fined 6€!. for not producing him. To be
COURT there on Friday the Morrow of the Decollation of S. John Roger the Fuller against John Scot, who does not come because
the Baptist [Aug. 29th] in the year abovesaid [1297]. he is in Scotland. He is to be attached, when found.
EssoIGNs.—Alan Almot, attorney of Lady Margaret de Neville, Dom Roger, Chaplain of Hertesheved, gives 12€!. for license of
essoigns the first time as to suit of Court, by Jordan del Ker; concord with Richard, and John son of Richard in a plea of assault;
pledge, Robert de Mirefeud. pledge, John the Clerk and Roger the Couhirde.
Nicholas de Cayllie, the first time by William de Beu’l’ [?Beverley]; HIPERUM.—Adam son of John de Hiperum, plaintiff, is fined 6€!.
pledge, John le Butteller. for not proceeding with his suit against John de Hiperum [de eadem].
25 EDWARD I, 1297. 305
ALvIRTH0RPE.—Adam Gerbot, plaintiff, is fined 211. for the like
against Maude,’ widow of Gerbot, who goes quit. Also 211. for COURT there on Friday, the Vigil of S. Matthew the Apostle
wrongfully impounding John Schirlok’s pigs. [Sept. 21st] in the year abovesaid, etc. [1297].
Edusa daughter of Richard Broun gives i 211. for license to take
EssorGNs.—Edmund le Northmaund essoigns the second time as
i i acres of land from John Schirk in Alvirthorpe, for the term of
to suit, by Edmund son of John of that place [de eadem]; pledge,
her life, she doing service, etc., with reversion, after her death, to the
Robert de Mirefeud.
said John and his heirs for ever.
Walter de Tofteclif essoigns the second time against John, his
H0LNE.—Richard de Thwong, Hugh del Hole and Adam
brother, in a plea of seizing cattle, by William Maufesur; pledge,
Strekayse sue John de Thwong for assault.
Richard le Sausemer. Also the first time against the same by John
S0uREBY.—Sabina widow of Ivo de Werloweley complains of
the Clerk of Erdeslowe, in a plea of agreement; pledge, William de
William son of Agnes de Halifax, for seizure of cattle; pledge, Adam
Richard son of Ivo, the first time, against Jacke de Presteley, in
RAsTRIK.—Thomas son of John le Barn complains of Henry son
a plea of debt, by William de Bateley; pledge, Hugh de Presteley.
of William de Elande, John the Fuller, and Henry son of Thomas,
HIPERuM.—Jacke Maufe [?J and Hugh de Presteley have a love-day.
for trespass; pledge, Henry de Tothill. The first defendant is attached
William Scot, defendant, is to wage his law against Roger the
by Peter de Skelton.
Fuller; pledges, William de I)ewysbiry, and Richard the Grave of
ALvIRTH0IPE.—Williarn Wlmer [?] complains of John the Smith
of Neuton for debt; pledge, John le Rased. He is attached by
Roger the Fuller against William Herloc, says that whilst he was
Philip Thorald.
contending with William Scot in Dewysbiry, Herloc came up opposite
Alice de Alvirthorpe complains of Edusa daughter of Richard
Scot’s door, with his bow bent [curn arcu suo lentato], and by his
Broun, in a plea of land; pledge, Philip Thorald.
threats prevented him [?the plaintiff] from getting away, and John
Peter le Peddere complains of Richard son of Philip, for trespass;
Scot came and felled him with a blow from a stick on the back;
pledge, William son of John. He is attached by Philip the Grave.
he claims 4os. damages. The defendant denies it, and must wage
The Grave presents that Adam Gerbot paid no relief on 2
his law; pledges, John Scot and William Scot.
acres of land and a garden,. after his father’s decease. They are
The same Roger against John Scot, for striking him on the back
therefore to be taken into the lord’s hand.
; with a stick, as above, and also for wounding him on the head with
Richard de Salsa Mara [Sa[tmarsh] complains of Richard Suart,
a sword. John denies it, and must wage his law; pledges, John de
for assault; pledge, Walter de Tofteclif.
Tofteclive and William Scot.
Adam son of William de Erdeslowe complains of Richard Suart
H0LNE.—Roger son of Molle de Fugheleston wages his law in
and Nicholas de Bateley, for trespass; pledge, Richard le Sausemer.
due form against Alice widow of Nicholas de Brocholes, and there
SANDALE.—Margery del Hill of Crigeliston complains of Robert
fore goes quit. She is fined 611.; pledge, Matthew de Thurstanland.
Estrild in a plea of dower; pledge, Thomas son of Bate de Wlveley.
Thomas de Schepeley acknowledges that he owes i 2S. to William
ALvIRTH0RPE.—Maude wife of Gerbot complains of Richard
de Bateley, to be paid in 3 weeks, under a penalty of 6s. 811. to the
Gerbot, in a plea of land; pledge, Philip Thorald.
James de Heton, son and heir of Nicholas de Lyuet, gives
Adam son of Martin and Adam son of Richard appointed
£4 6s. as a relief on the land held by his father in Lupesheved;
Robert de Mirefeud their attorney in two actions against John de
pledge, Thomas son of Richard the Clerk.
Total of this Court, £4 9s. 411. S0UREBY.—John de Miggeley carried away the Earl’s timber;
fine as.; pledges, Roger the Grave and Adam Migge.
1 Previously called Malle; ante, p. 302.

OSSETE.—DOm Richard son of Walter de Heton, chaplain, gives STANLEY._RObert Estrild complains of
Simon de Monte of
I2d for license to take a bovate of land in Heton, with a toft Stanley in a plea of land; pledge, German
Phylecok; he says that
belonging to it, from Adam Broun of Heton, for 6 years, doing he carried oft against the bailiff’s prohibition,
the crop of an acre of
service, etc.; pledge, Richard the Grave. land sown with rye [sitt-o] in the 24th year,
and the crop of an acre
SANDALE.—JOhn Munke gives 12d for license to take a bovate of land sown with oats in the 25th year, worth
15s. The defendant
of land from Eva, his mother, to himself and his heirs for ever, says that he acquired the land in the presence
of Peter de Lundo,
doing service, etc., he maintaining and providing for her all her life; the Steward. The rolls are to be searched.
pledge, Robert the Clerk. ALV;RTH0RPE._peter le Peddere against
Richard son of Philip,
ALvIRTH0RPE.—John the Smith gives 4d for license of concord for calling him a thief. Richard acknowledges it, and is to make
with William Wimer, in a plea of debt; pledge, John Kay. satisfaction; fine 3d.; pledge, Henry del Bothem.
John son of John de Haldewrth makes fine of 2S. for default of Maude, widow of Gerbot, complains of Ed[usa]
daughter of
suit of Court. Richard Broun; pledge, Philip the Grave. The
plaintiff claims her
SPINETuM.—Clarice widow of Hugh against Ivo the Smith, claims third, as dower, in xx acres of land now held by the
defendant, of
one-third of an acre of land, as her dower. Ivo says she ought not which Gerbot, her husband, died vested and seised.
The defendant
to have dower therein, because she is free and not a villein [nat/va], says that Gerbot de Alvirthorpe, the plaintiff’s late
husband, surren
neither does she reside in the Earl’s fee. He may hold in peace, dered the said land to John, his son, before he married
the said
and she is in mercy for a false claim. The fine is pardoned Maude, and John surrendered the land to her [the
defendant] in
because she has nothing in goods. open Court. They refer to an inquisition of the neighbours,
ALvIRTH0RPE.—Alice de Alvirthorpe against Edtusa], daughter of Ralph de Cofley, John the Smith, Peter le Pedder,
Richard Broun, says that she holds an acre of land which belongs to Waltheu, Thomas Peger, John Malin, Simon de Monte,
Adam de
the inheritance of herself-and her sisters, because Agnes, their mother, Uchethorpe, Philip de Mora, Robert son of Walter, Richard
sold it after their father’s death. The defendant says that Hugh, Grave of Ossete, and Philip the Grave, who say on their oath
their father, sold the land, and not Agnes, their mother. They refer Gerbot de Alvirthorpe surrendered the ii acres to John
to an inquisition of the neighbours, viz :—Alexander Waltheuf, Peter his son (in open Court, before Alexander Lucas, Steward),
to him and
le Peddere, John Malin, Thomas Peger, Ralph de Lupesheved, Ralph his heirs for ever, and John surrendered it again to Gerbot
for his
de Colleye, Thomas son of Hawe, John the Smith, William Attebarre, life, so that Gerbot had nothing in it but a life
estate. The
William Proudfot, Roger son of Alote, and William son of Thomas, defendant is therefore to hold in peace, and Maude is fined 6d. for
who say on their oath that Hugh de Alvirthorpe sold the land to a false claim. She also pays 6d. for agreeing with Richard
Richard Estrild and his heirs for ever, who sold it to Gerbot de in a plea of land, without license.
Alvirthorpe and his heirs, from whom Edusa has entry. Let her SPINETuM.—Margery wife of Elias le Grete complains of John
hold in peace. Alice is fined 6d. for a false claim.. Monke, for trespass; pledge, William de Castelforth.
SPINETUM.—Malina Lyleman against Philip Wif claims a third of ALVIRTHORPE.—It is presented that Adam Gerbot has
a rood of meadow, in dower, which was demised by her late husband the grass and thrown down part of a bank [fossaturn] belonging
William Lileman, to the defendant. The defendant says that the Walter son of Adam. He must make satisfaction; fine, 2d. Walter
land was demised for years, and he has no other claim thereto; is fined 2d. for an unjust complaint against Adam
regarding his
and as he cannot answer without Thomas, son and heir of the said garden.
William, let him therefore be summoned to the next Court. Duve [?] widow of Ralph de Uchethorp carried away Henry de
SANDALE.—Marg[ery] del Hill of Crigeliston withdraws her suit Swynlington’s corn. She must make satisfaction, and he is to recover
against Robert Estrild, who therefore goes quit. Her fine is forgiven seisin of the land from which she carried off the crop. Fine,
because she is poor. STANLEy.—Williarn son of John de Erdeslawe, for the
escape of
5 pigs, 4d; pledge, Thomas de Garderobe.

25 EDWARD I, 1297. 309
WAKEFEUD._RObert Estrild gives 611. for license to take 3 roods
William de Heyleys and Hugh de Lofthus, for the escape of 2
of land in le Rodes from John Theuet, to himself and his heirs for
oxen, 3d. each; pledge, Richard le Leper.
ever, doing service, etc.; pledge, William Wyles.
Thomas de Lofihus, for z pigs, 4d.; pledge, Adam de Uchethorpe.
ALvIRTH0RpE._Willjam de Castelford gives 6d for license to
Philip le Syur, for 5 pigs, 2d.
take an acre of land in Alvirthorpe from Adam Gerbot, for 12 years,
Nicholas de Bateley, for pigs, 4d
for 6 pigs, 3d. doing service, etc.; pledge, Richard son of Broun.
Robert de Wyrunthorpe,
OSSETE.—Mai-gery wife of Richard le Pindere complains of John
Hugh del Bothem, for i pig, id
Maunsel for trespass; pledge, William son of Ralph de Northwod.
Richard del Bothem, for his dog found in the great wood, and
SANDALE. —Robert Attegrene complains of Emma, widow of
kept after the prohibition of Thomas de Garderobe, 21.
Adam son of Penne, for trespass; pledge, Robert son of Adam.
John Issabbell, for the escape of 6 pigs, 2d.; pledge, Hugh Blue.
Beatrice widow of Payn complains of William de Colley, in a plea
WAKEFEUD.—Robert le Furbur, for 4 pigs, 4d.; pledge, Robert
of dower; pledge, Nelle de Donecastre.
Henry Calf and John, his brother, complain of Robert le Harpur,
John Thorald, for 5 pigs, 3d
for trespass; pledge, John Patrik.
William Ybbor [?], for 6 pigs, 4d; pledge, John le Rollere.
William Belechaunt, for brush-wood, 6d.; pledge, Hugh Bylle. RASTRIK.—Richard Knox complains of Alexander son of Adam
the Miller, for trespass; pledge, Henry de Schepeley. He is attached
Hugh Bille, for the like, 211.
by Adam, his father.
Ralph Bukke and his daughter, for fern, 2d; pledge, Robert del
Spen. ALvIRTH0RPE._Adam Gerbot complains of John, his brother, for
William Attebarre, for his dog found by the forester on a hare, 1211. trespass; pledge, Richard his brother.
ALvIRTH0RPE.—Richard Gerhot, for the escape of 6 pigs, 3d. Total of this Court, i8s. 411.
Nicholas de Bateley, for the like, 3d., and John Flachard, for the
like, 211.
S. 11.
OssETE.—John Moloc, for a horse, 6d; pledge, William son of
Sum total of all perquisites 25 311
I ordan.
Robert Sonernan, for ferns and apples [poma], ;d; he pledges his Of which charged on the Grave of Rastrik 015 6
tunic. On William de Locwode, Serjeant until Easter 472

William Scot of Dewysbiry complains of Roger the Fuller of On William de Castelford, Serjeant from then... 370

Mirefeud, for trespass; pledge, John Scot. He is attached by John Also for the relief of James de Lyuet [added]’ 460
le Flemeng. On the Grave of Ossete 170
The sworn bailiff presents that Thomas de Hopton, Richard his On the Grave of Stanley 289
brother, and Adam son of John Fox, entered the Earl’s liberty at On the Grave of Wakefeud 1146
Schelf, and there seized a man by night, and ill-treated him, and forcibly And of new rent [added]’ 009
carried bun off against his will from the Earl’s liberty into the Earl
On the Grave of Alvirthorpe iii 6
of Lincoln’s liberty.
On the Grave of Spinetum... 010 2
John Fox, charged therewith on behalf of Adam his son, says
On the Grave of Home 3192
that his son is not his mainpast, and did not go there by his
On the Grave of Sandale 131
sending; he wishes to do what is right, and is ordered to wage his
law; pledge, Henry del Bothem. On the Grave of Hyperum... 185
Thomas de Hopton comes and denies it; an inquisition is On the Grave of Soureby 211 $
‘ These two stuns are not included in the above total.
Richard, brother of Thomas de Hopton, is to be attached.

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