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The subject English has two components, English Language and Literature in English. Each of these
components will consist of a Theory Paper of 80 Marks and Project Work of 20 Marks.

There will be two papers in English Language:
Paper I: Theory (3 hours): 80 Marks
Paper II: Project Work: 20 Marks
PAPER I: THEORY - 80 Marks

Question One: Question One

A composition on one of a number of subjects. Candidates will be required to select one composition
… 20 Marks topic from a choice of six. The choice will normally
Question Two: include narrative, descriptive, reflective,
argumentative, discursive topics and short story.
(a) Directed writing (article writing, book review,
film review, review of cultural programme, The required length of the composition is 400 – 450
speech writing, report writing, personal profile, words.
and statement of purpose) based on suggested
points. …15 Marks The main criteria by which the compositions will be
(b) Proposal Writing based on a given situation. The marked are as follows:
proposal should include (i) An Introduction (a) The quality of the language employed, the range
(ii) Objectives (iii) List of measures to be taken. and appropriateness of vocabulary and sentence
A concluding statement is desirable. structure, syntax, the correctness of grammatical
…10 Marks constructions, punctuation and spelling.
Question Three:
(b) The degree to which candidates have been
Short-answer questions to test grammar, structure and
successful in organising the content of the
usage. ...15 Marks
composition as a whole and in individual
Question Four:
Question Two
Comprehension. …20 Marks
There are two parts in this question and both parts are
NOTE: It is recommended that in Paper 1, about (a) The piece of directed writing will be based on the
45 minutes should be spent on Question one, information and ideas provided. The required
55 minutes on Question two, 30 minutes on length will be about 300 words. The range of
Question three and 50 minutes on Question four. subjects may include article writing, book
review, film review, review of cultural
programme, speech writing, report writing,
personal profile and statement of purpose.
Skills such as selecting, amplifying, describing, Question Four
presenting reasoned arguments, re-arranging and A passage of about 500 words will be provided.
re-stating may be involved. The candidates’ Questions based on the passage will be as follows:
ability in the above skills, including format, will • Questions that test the candidates’ knowledge of
be taken into account as well as their ability to vocabulary and ability to understand the content
handle language appropriately in the context of and infer information and meanings from the
the given situation. text.
(b) Candidates will be required to write a proposal • A question that elicits the main ideas of all or
based on a given situation. The proposal should part of the passage.
include an introduction, objectives and a list of In this part of the question, the candidate will be
measures to be taken. A concluding statement is required to frame a summary (keeping to a word
desirable. The candidates will also be marked on limit), in a coherent manner. Marks will be
linguistic ability. awarded for expression and the candidate’s
Question Three ability to summarise clearly in complete
sentences. Marks will be deducted for linguistic
All the items in this question are compulsory and
their number and type / pattern may vary from year to
year. They will consist of short-answer, open It is recommended that this part be done in the
completion items or any other type, which will test grid form.
the candidates’ knowledge of the essentials of Use of abbreviations will not be accepted.
functional English grammar and structure. Only two
All questions are compulsory.
or three types will be included in any one

In addition to the syllabus prescribed above for Class XII, candidates are also required to be assessed in Project


Project Work in Class XII consists of assessment of Details of assignments for Project Work are given
candidates in three projects, one each on Listening, below:
Speaking and Writing skills. Listening Skills (to be internally assessed by the
Listening and Speaking skills are to be assessed subject teacher)
internally, by the School, during English course An unseen passage of about 500 words may be read
work in Class XII. aloud, twice, the first time at normal reading speed
Writing Skills are to be assessed externally by the (about 110 words a minute) and the next time at a
Visiting Examiner, appointed locally and approved slower speed. The passage may be taken from any
by the Council. novel, newspaper, magazine article, journal and so on
but not from an ICSE or ISC textbook. Students
may make brief notes during the readings followed
by answering objective type questions based on the
passage, on the paper provided.

Speaking Skills (to be internally assessed by the * Internal Evaluation by the Teacher (10 Marks):
subject teacher)
Assessment Description Marks
Students are to be assessed through an individual Criteria
presentation of about three minutes followed by a
Listening Response to questions 5
discussion with the subject teacher, for another two
Skills (Aural) based on listening
or three minutes.
Some of the themes which may be addressed are:
1. Narrating an experience Speaking - Content 1
2. Giving directions or instructions on how to make Skills (Oral) - Fluency 1
or operate something - Vocabulary 1
3. Providing a description - Sentence structure 1
4. Giving a report - Confidence 1
5. Expressing an opinion or a theme-based
conversation TOTAL 10

Writing Skills (to be externally assessed by the **Criteria for Evaluation by the Visiting
Visiting Examiner) Examiner (10 Marks):
A piece of written work of about 500 words must be Assessment Description Marks
produced. Criteria
List of suggested assignments for Project Work: 1. Presentation Overall formatting 2
1. The text of a brochure (headings, sub-headings,
2. A product description paragraphing) within a
3. A process description (e.g. instruction to operate word limit of 500 words
a device, a recipe, a scientific experiment) and a separate title page.
4. Description of a sporting event 2. Originality No plagiarism 2
5. An autobiographical experience 3. Use of Use of suitable 2
6. Review of a television serial appropriate terminology, vocabulary
language and illustrations for the
EVALUATION specific task chosen.
Marks (out of a total of 20) should be distributed 4. Structure Must read as a unified 2
as given below: whole.
1. Internal Evaluation by Teacher* 5. Style Lucid style, which 2
• Listening Skills (Aural) 5 Marks communicates the
message effectively
• Speaking Skills (Oral) 5 Marks
2. Evaluation by Visiting Examiner of 10 Marks TOTAL 10
Writing Skills**
TOTAL 20 Marks

There will be two papers in Literature in English:
Paper I: Theory (3 hours): 80 Marks
Paper II: Project Work: 20 Marks

PAPER I: THEORY – 80 Marks

Candidates will be required to answer five questions NOTE:

as follows: Candidates will be tested ONLY on the portion of
One textual question (compulsory) on the the syllabus that is prescribed for Class XII.
Shakespeare play together with four other questions
on the three texts.
Question 1 compulsory.... 20 Marks, four other
questions, each carrying 15 Marks. Literature in English (English Paper – 2)
(Note: Candidates are reminded that infringement of
the rubric will certainly invite penalty during the I. Drama: The Tempest: William Shakespeare
marking of answer scripts.) (Act III, Act IV and Act V only)
The textual question, which will be set on the II. Echoes: A Collection of ISC Short Stories
Shakespeare play, will contain three short passages (Evergreen Publications (India) Ltd, New Delhi).
and candidates will be required to answer questions
1. To Build a Fire – Jack London
set on two of the passages. These Questions may
require candidates to explain words and phrases, to 2. The Story of an Hour – Kate Chopin
rewrite passages in modern English, or to relate an
3. The Singing Lesson – Katherine Mansfield
extract to the work as a whole.
The rest of the questions on the Shakespeare play and 4. The Sound Machine – Roald Dahl
on the other prescribed texts will be set on the 5. B. Wordsworth – V.S. Naipaul
episodes, the plot or plots, themes or ideas,
characters, relationship and other prominent literary III. Reverie: A Collection of ISC Poems (Evergreen
qualities of the texts prescribed. Publications (India) Ltd, New Delhi)
1. The Darkling Thrush- Thomas Hardy
2. Birches– Robert Frost
3. Crossing the Bar – Alfred, Lord Tennyson
4. Dover Beach – Matthew Arnold
5. We are the Music Makers – Arthur William
Edgar O’Shaughnessy

In addition to the syllabus prescribed above for Class XII, candidates are also required to be assessed in Project
Work. Project Work consists of assessment of Writing Skills. The objective is to produce original, creative and
insightful perspectives on the drama/short stories/poems.


Project Work in Class XII consists of assessment of EVALUATION

Writing Skills which are to be assessed internally
by the subject teacher and externally by the Marks (out of a total of 20) should be distributed
Visiting Examiner appointed locally and approved as given below:
by the Council.
1. Internal Evaluation by Teacher* 10 marks
Candidates will be required to undertake one written
assignment of 1000-1500 words, which should be 2. Evaluation by Visiting Examiner** 10 marks
structured as given below: TOTAL 20 marks
A. The written assignment must be given a title in
the form of a question which should allow the * Internal Evaluation by the Teacher (10 Marks):
candidate to explore the drama or the chosen
short stories/poems in depth. Assessment Criteria Candidates should Marks
be able to:
B. The written assignment must follow the structure
1. Process Identify the topic. 3
given below:
Plan a detailed
• Introduction: written assignment.
- Explanation of the question that has been Produce a written
framed outline.
- Reason for choosing the text 2. Understanding, Use a range of 4
- Brief explanation of how the candidate Application of literary aspects such
Knowledge and as plot, setting,
intends to interpret the chosen text and
Analysis characters, action,
literary materials used in the process style and ideas in
• Main Body – organised and well-structured order to present an
treatment of the question using appropriate organized and well-
structured complete
• Conclusion – comprehensive summary of the 3. Presentation Prepare the document 3
points made in the main body. (overall format:
headings, sub-
Note: The text/texts analysed in the Class XI paragraphing) writing
Project Work must not be repeated in Class XII. within a word limit of
1000-1500 words and
provide a separate
title page.
**Criteria for Evaluation by the Visiting List of suggested assignments for Project Work:
Examiner (10 Marks) 1. Analysis of a theme from any short story/poem in
Assessment Criteria Candidates should Marks the prescribed texts.
be able to: 2. Analysis of a character from the drama or any
short story/poem in the prescribed texts.
1. Presentation Prepare the document 4
(overall format: 3. Background – historical, cultural, literary context
headings, sub- and relevance of the writer/poet chosen.
headings, 4. Summary / paraphrase of the chosen text.
paragraphing) writing 5. Appreciation of literary qualities of the chosen
within a word limit of text.
1000-1500 words and
6. Identifying with a character in the chosen text
provide a separate
and presenting his/her personal perspective.
title page.
7. Imagining an alternate outcome or ending or
2. Understanding, Use a range of 6 extension of the chosen text and its impact on the
Application of literary aspects such plot/setting/characters/mood and tone.
Knowledge and as plot, setting,
Analysis 8. A script for dramatization, based on the short
characters, action,
story/poem chosen.
style and ideas in
order to present an 9. Writing a short story based on a poem.
organized and well- 10. Comparing and contrasting two
structured complete characters/themes from different short
assignment. stories/poems of the prescribed texts.


Note: No Question Paper for Project Work will be set by the Council.


There will be two papers in the subject: Morgan’s laws; law of implication (p ⇒ q ≡
~p ∨ q); law of biconditional ((p ⇔ q) ≡
Paper I: Theory……….. 3 hours….70 marks
(p ⇒ q) ∧ (q ⇒ p)); identity (p ≡ p); law of
Paper II: Practical…….. 3 hours….30 marks negation (~ (~p) ≡ p); law of excluded middle
(p ∨~p ≡ true); law of contradiction (p∧~p ≡
false); tautology and contingency
Paper I shall be of 3 hours duration and be divided simplification rules for ∧, ∨. Converse,
into two parts. inverse and contra positive.
Part I (20 marks): This part will consist of (b) Binary valued quantities; basic postulates
compulsory short answer questions, testing of Boolean algebra; operations AND, OR and
knowledge, application and skills relating to the entire NOT; truth tables.
(c) Basic theorems of Boolean algebra
Part II (50 marks): This part will be divided into (e.g. duality, idempotence, commutativity,
three Sections, A, B and C. Candidates will be associativity, distributivity, operations with 0
required to answer two questions out of three from and 1, complements, absorption, involution);
Section A (each carrying 10 marks) and two questions De Morgan’s theorem and its applications;
out of three from Section B (each carrying 10 marks) reducing Boolean expressions to sum of
and two questions out of three from Section C (each products and product of sums forms;
carrying 5 marks). Therefore, a total of six questions Karnaugh maps (up to four variables).
are to be answered in Part II. Verify the laws of Boolean algebra using truth
tables. Inputs, outputs for circuits like half
and full adders, majority circuit etc., SOP and
1. Boolean Algebra POS representation; Maxterms & Minterms,
(a) Propositional logic, well formed formulae, Canonical and Cardinal representation,
truth values and interpretation of well formed reduction using Karnaugh maps and Boolean
formulae (wff), truth tables, satisfiable, algebra.
unsatisfiable and valid formulae. Equivalence
2. Computer Hardware
laws and their use in simplifying wffs.
Propositional variables; the common logical (a) Elementary logic gates (NOT, AND, OR,
NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR) and their use in
connectives (~ (not)(negation), ∧
(and)(conjunction), ∨ (or)(disjunction), ⇒
(implication), ⇔ (biconditional); definition of (b) Applications of Boolean algebra and logic
a well-formed formula (wff); `representation gates to half adders, full adders, encoders,
of simple word problems as wff (this can be decoders, multiplexers, NAND, NOR as
used for motivation); the values true and universal gates.
false; interpretation of a wff; truth tables; Show the correspondence between Boolean
satisfiable, unsatisfiable and valid formulae. methods and the corresponding switching circuits
Equivalence laws: commutativity of ∧, ∨; or gates. Show that NAND and NOR gates are
associativity of ∧, ∨; distributivity; De

universal by converting some circuits to purely (c) Basic input/output using Scanner from JDK;
NAND or NOR gates. input/output exceptions. Tokens in an input
stream, concept of whitespace, extracting
SECTION B tokens from an input stream (String Tokenizer
The programming element in the syllabus (Sections B class).
and C) is aimed at algorithmic problem solving and
6. Primitive values, Wrapper classes, Types and
not merely rote learning of Java syntax. The Java
version used should be 5.0 or later. For programming,
the students can use any text editor and the javac and Primitive values and types: byte, int, short, long,
java programs or any other development environment: float, double, boolean, char. Corresponding
for example, BlueJ, Eclipse, NetBeans etc. BlueJ is wrapper classes for each primitive type. Class as
strongly recommended for its simplicity, ease of use type of the object. Class as mechanism for user
and because it is very well suited for an ‘objects first’ defined types. Changing types through user
approach. defined casting and automatic type coercion for
some primitive types.
3. Implementation of algorithms to solve
problems 7. Variables, Expressions
The students are required to do lab assignments in Variables as names for values; named constants
the computer lab concurrently with the lectures. (final), expressions (arithmetic and logical) and
Programming assignments should be done such their evaluation (operators, associativity,
that each major topic is covered in at least one precedence). Assignment operation; difference
assignment. Assignment problems should be between left hand side and right hand side of
designed so that they are sufficiently challenging. assignment.
Students must do algorithm design, address
correctness issues, implement and execute the 8. Statements, Scope
algorithm in Java and debug where necessary. Statements; conditional (if, if else, if else if,
Self explanatory. switch case, ternary operator), looping (for, while,
do while, continue, break); grouping statements in
4. Programming in Java (Review of Class XI blocks, scope and visibility of variables.
Sections B and C)
9. Methods
Note that items 4 to 13 should be introduced
almost simultaneously along with classes and Methods (as abstractions for complex user defined
their definitions. operations on objects), formal arguments and
While reviewing, ensure that new higher order actual arguments in methods; Static method and
problems are solved using these constructs. variables. The this Operator. Examples of
algorithmic problem solving using methods
5. Objects (number problems, finding roots of algebraic
equations etc.).
(a) Objects as data (attributes) + behaviour
(methods); object as an instance of a class. 10. Arrays, Strings
Structured data types – arrays (single and multi-
(b) Analysis of some real-world programming
dimensional), address calculations, strings.
examples in terms of objects and classes.
Example algorithms that use structured data types
(e.g. searching, finding maximum/minimum,

sorting techniques, solving systems of linear SECTION C
equations, substring, concatenation, length, access Inheritance, Interface, Polymorphism, Data
to char in string, etc.). structures
Storing many data elements of the same type
12. Inheritance, Interfaces and Polymorphism
requires structured data types – like arrays.
Access in arrays is constant time and does not (a) Inheritance; super and derived classes;
depend on the number of elements. Address member access in derived classes; redefinition
calculation (row major and column major), of variables and methods in subclasses;
Sorting techniques (bubble, selection, insertion). abstract classes; class Object; protected
Structured data types can be defined by classes – visibility. Subclass polymorphism and
String. Introduce the Java library String class and dynamic binding.
the basic operations on strings (accessing Emphasize inheritance as a mechanism to
individual characters, various substring reuse a class by extending it. Inheritance
operations, concatenation, replacement, index of should not normally be used just to reuse
operations). some methods defined in a class but only
when there is a genuine specialization (or
11. Recursion
subclass) relationship between objects of the
Concept of recursion, simple recursive methods super class and that of the derived class.
(e.g. factorial, GCD, binary search, conversion of
(b) Interfaces in Java; (Conceptual)
representations of numbers between different
bases). Emphasize the difference between the Java
language construct interface and the word
Many problems can be solved very elegantly by
interface often used to describe the set of
observing that the solution can be composed of
method prototypes of a class.
solutions to ‘smaller’ versions of the same
problem with the base version having a known 13. Data structures
simple solution. Recursion can be initially
motivated by using recursive equations to define (a) Basic data structures (stack, queue,
certain methods. These definitions are fairly implementation directly through classes;
obvious and are easy to understand. The definition through an interface and multiple
definitions can be directly converted to a implementations by implementing the
program. Emphasize that any recursion must have interface. Conversion of Infix to Prefix and
a base case. Otherwise, the computation can go Postfix notations.
into an infinite loop. Basic algorithms and programs using the
The tower of Hanoi is a very good example of how above data structures.
recursion gives a very simple and elegant solution (b) Binary trees, tree traversals (Conceptual).
where as non-recursive solutions are quite
The following should be covered
Binary trees: apart from the definition the
following concepts should be covered: root,
internal nodes, external nodes (leaves),
height (tree, node), depth (tree, node), level,
size, degree, siblings, sub tree, completeness,
balancing, traversals (pre, post and in-order).

PAPER II: PRACTICAL – 30 MARKS are expected to do a minimum of twenty assignments
for the year.
This paper of three hours’ duration will be evaluated
by the Visiting Examiner appointed locally and EVALUATION:
approved by the Council.
Marks (out of a total of 30) should be distributed as
The paper shall consist of three programming given below:
problems from which a candidate has to attempt any
Continuous Evaluation
one. The practical consists of the two parts:
Candidates will be required to submit a work file
1. Planning Session
containing the practical work related to programming
2. Examination Session assignments done during the year.
The total time to be spent on the Planning session and Programming assignments done 10 marks
the Examination session is three hours. throughout the year (Internal Evaluation)
A maximum of 90 minutes is permitted for the
Programming assignments done 5 marks
Planning session and 90 minutes for the Examination
throughout the year (Visiting Examiner)
Candidates are to be permitted to proceed to the
Terminal Evaluation
Examination Session only after the 90 minutes of
the Planning Session are over. Solution to programming problem on 15 Marks
the computer
Planning Session
Marks should be given for choice of algorithm and
The candidates will be required to prepare an
implementation strategy, documentation, correct output
algorithm and a hand written Java program to solve
on known inputs mentioned in the question paper,
the problem.
correct output for unknown inputs available only to the
Examination Session examiner.
The program handed in at the end of the Planning NOTE:
session shall be returned to the candidates. The Algorithm should be expressed clearly using any
candidates will be required to key-in and execute the standard scheme such as a pseudo code.
Java program on seen and unseen inputs individually
on the Computer and show execution to the Visiting
Examiner. A printout of the program listing including There should be enough computers to provide for a
output results should be attached to the answer script teaching schedule where at least three-fourths of the
containing the algorithm and handwritten program. time available is used for programming.
This should be returned to the examiner. The program Schools should have equipment/platforms such that all
should be sufficiently documented so that the the software required for practical work runs properly,
algorithm, representation and development process is i.e. it should run at acceptable speeds.
clear from reading the program. Large differences
between the planned program and the printout will Since hardware and software evolve and change very
result in loss of marks. rapidly, the schools may have to upgrade them as
Teachers should maintain a record of all the
assignments done as part of the practical work through Following are the recommended specifications as of
the year and give it due credit at the time of now:
cumulative evaluation at the end of the year. Students

The Facilities: Software:
• A lecture cum demonstration room with a • Any suitable Operating System can be used.
MULTIMEDIA PROJECTOR/ an LCD and • JDK 6 or later.
O.H.P. attached to the computer. • Documentation for the JDK version being used.
• A white board with white board markers should • A suitable text editor. A development
be available. environment with a debugger is preferred
(e.g. BlueJ, Eclipse, NetBeans). BlueJ is
• A fully equipped Computer Laboratory that recommended for its ease of use and simplicity.
allows one computer per student.
• Internet connection for accessing the World
Wide Web and email facility.
• The computers should have a minimum of
1 GB RAM and a P IV or higher processor. The
basic requirement is that it should run the
operating system and Java programming system
(Java compiler, Java runtime environment, Java
development environment) at acceptable speeds.
• Good Quality printers.

Assessment of Assessment of the Practical Examination TOTAL MARKS
Practical File (To be evaluated by the Visiting Examiner only) (Total Marks are to
Unique be added and
Identification Internal Visiting Algorithm Java Program with Hard Output entered by the
S. No.
Number (Unique Evaluation Examiner internal Copy Visiting Examiner)
ID) of the candidate 10 Marks 5 Marks Documentation (printout)
3 Marks 7 Marks 2 Marks 3 Marks 30 Marks











Name of the Visiting Examiner:_________________________________

Signature: _______________________________


There will be two papers in the subject:

Paper I: Theory - 3 hours ... 70 marks Paper II: Practical - 3 hours ... 15 marks
Project Work ... 10 marks
Practical File ... 5 marks


There will be no overall choice in the paper. Candidates will be required to answer all questions. Internal
choice will be available in two questions of 2 marks each, two questions of 3 marks each and all the three
questions of 5 marks each.


1. Electrostatics 14 Marks

2. Current Electricity

3. Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism 16 Marks

4. Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

5. Electromagnetic Waves

6. Optics 20 Marks

7. Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 13 Marks

8. Atoms and Nuclei

9. Electronic Devices 7 Marks

TOTAL 70 Marks


PAPER I -THEORY- 70 Marks electric field E experiences an electric
 
Note: (i) Unless otherwise specified, only S. I. force FE = qE . Intensity due to a
Units are to be used while teaching and learning, continuous distribution of charge i.e.
as well as for answering questions. linear, surface and volume.
(ii) All physical quantities to be defined as and (c) Electric lines of force: A convenient
when they are introduced along with their units and way to visualize the electric field;
dimensions. properties of lines of force; examples
(iii) Numerical problems are included from all of the lines of force due to (i) an
topics except where they are specifically excluded isolated point charge (+ve and - ve);
or where only qualitative treatment is required. (ii) dipole, (iii) two similar charges at
a small distance;(iv) uniform field
1. Electrostatics between two oppositely charged
parallel plates.
(i) Electric Charges and Fields
(d) Electric dipole and dipole moment;
Electric charges; conservation and 
derivation of the E at a point, (1) on
quantisation of charge, Coulomb's law; the axis (end on position) (2) on the
superposition principle and continuous perpendicular bisector (equatorial i.e.
charge distribution. broad side on position) of a dipole,
Electric field, electric field due to a point also for r>> 2l (short dipole); dipole in
charge, electric field lines, electric dipole, a uniform electric field; net force zero,
electric field due to a dipole, torque on a torque on an electric dipole:
dipole in uniform electric field.   
τ= p × E and its derivation.
Electric flux, Gauss’s theorem in
Electrostatics and its applications to find (e) Gauss’ theorem: the flux of a vector
 
field due to infinitely long straight wire, field; Q=vA for velocity vector v A,
uniformly charged infinite plane sheet. 
(a) Coulomb's law, S.I. unit of A is area vector. Similarly, for electric
  
charge; permittivity of free space field E , electric flux φ E = EA for E A
and of dielectric medium.   
Frictional electricity, electric charges and φE= E ⋅ A for uniform E . For
 
(two types); repulsion and non-uniform field φ E = ∫dφ =∫ E.dA .
attraction; simple atomic structure - Special cases for θ = 00, 900 and 1800.
electrons and ions; conductors Gauss’ theorem, statement: φE =q/∈0
and insulators; quantization and   q
conservation of electric charge; or φE =  ∫ ⋅ dA =∈0 where φE is for
Coulomb's law in vector form;
(position coordinates r 1 , r 2 not a closed surface; q is the net charge
necessary). Comparison with Newton’s enclosed, ∈o is the permittivity of free
law of gravitation; space. Essential properties of a
Superposition principle Gaussian surface.
   
( F= 1 )
F 12 + F 13 + F 14 + ⋅⋅⋅ . Applications: Obtain expression for E

due to (1) an infinite line of charge, (2)
(b) Concept of electric field and its a uniformly charged infinite plane thin
intensity; examples of different fields; sheet.
gravitational, electric and magnetic;
Electric field due to a point charge (ii) Electrostatic Potential, Potential Energy
   and Capacitance
E = F / qo (q 0 is a test charge); E for
a group of charges (superposition Electric potential, potential difference,
principle); a point charge q in an electric potential due to a point charge, a
dipole and system of charges;
equipotential surfaces, electrical potential 1 2 1 1 Q2
energy of a system of two point charges CV = QV = ) and energy
and of electric dipole in an electrostatic 2 2 2 C
field. density.
Conductors and insulators, free charges (c) Dielectric constant K = C'/C; this is also
and bound charges inside a conductor. called relative permittivity K = ∈r =
Dielectrics and electric polarisation, ∈/∈o; elementary ideas of polarization of
capacitors and capacitance, combination matter in a uniform electric field
of capacitors in series and in parallel. qualitative discussion; induced surface
Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor, charges weaken the original field; results

energy stored in a capacitor. in reduction in E and hence, in pd, (V);
(a) Concept of potential, potential for charge remaining the same Q = CV
difference and potential energy. = C' V' = K. CV'; V' = V/K;
Equipotential surface and its and E ′ = E ; if the Capacitor is kept
properties. Obtain an expression for K
electric potential at a point due to a connected with the source of emf, V is
point charge; graphical variation of E kept constant V = Q/C = Q'/C' ; Q'=C'V
and V vs r, VP=W/q0; hence VA -VB = = K. CV= K. Q
WBA/ q0 (taking q0 from B to A) = increases; For a parallel plate capacitor
(q/4πε0)(1/rA - 1/rB); derive this with a dielectric in between,
equation; also VA = q/4πε0 .1/rA ; for C' = KC = K.∈o . A/d = ∈r .∈o .A/d.
q>0, VA>0 and for q<0, VA < 0. For a ∈0 A
Then C ′ = ; for a capacitor
collection of charges V = algebraic d 
sum of the potentials due to each  ∈ 
 r 
charge; potential due to a dipole on its partially filled dielectric, capacitance,
axial line and equatorial line; also at C' =∈oA/(d-t + t/∈r).
any point for r>>2l (short dipole).
Potential energy of a point charge (q) 2. Current Electricity

in an electric field E , placed at a point
Mechanism of flow of current in conductors.
P where potential is V, is given by U
Mobility, drift velocity and its relation with
=qV and ∆U =q (VA-VB) . The
electric current; Ohm's law and its proof,
electrostatic potential energy of a resistance and resistivity and their relation to
system of two charges = work done drift velocity of electrons; V-I characteristics
W21=W12 in assembling the system; U12 (linear and non-linear), electrical energy and
or U21 = (1/4πε0 ) q1q2/r12. For a power, electrical resistivity and
system of 3 charges U123 = U12 + U13 + conductivity. Temperature dependence of
1 q1 q 2 q1 q3 q 2 q3 resistance and resistivity.
U23 = ( + ). +
4πε 0 r12 r13 r23 Internal resistance of a cell, potential
For a dipole in a uniform electric field, difference and emf of a cell, combination of
derive an expression of the electric cells in series and in parallel, Kirchhoff's laws
  and simple applications, Wheatstone bridge,
potential energy UE = - p . E , special
metre bridge. Potentiometer - principle and its
cases for φ =00, 900 and 1800. applications to measure potential difference,
(b) Capacitance of a conductor C = Q/V; to compare emf of two cells; to measure
obtain the capacitance of a parallel- internal resistance of a cell.
plate capacitor (C = ∈0A/d) and (a) Free electron theory of conduction;
equivalent capacitance for capacitors in acceleration of free electrons, relaxation
series and parallel combinations. Obtain time τ ; electric current I = Q/t; concept of
an expression for energy stored (U = drift velocity and electron mobility. Ohm's
law, current density J = I/A; experimental
verification, graphs and slope, ohmic ∆V=+ε and going from +ve to -ve terminal
and non-ohmic conductors; obtain the through the cell, we are going down, so ∆V
relation I=vdenA. Derive σ = ne2τ/m and = -ε. Application to simple circuits.
ρ = m/ne2 τ ; effect of temperature on Wheatstone bridge; right in the beginning
resistivity and resistance of conductors take Ig=0 as we consider a balanced
and semiconductors and graphs. bridge, derivation of R1/R2 = R3/R4
Resistance R= V/I; resistivity ρ, given by R [Kirchhoff’s law not necessary]. Metre
= ρ.l/A; conductivity and conductance; bridge is a modified form of Wheatstone
  bridge, its use to measure unknown
Ohm’s law as J = σ E .
resistance. Here R3 = l1ρ and R4=l2ρ;
(b) Electrical energy consumed in time R3/R4=l1/l2. Principle of Potentiometer: fall
t is E=Pt= VIt; using Ohm’s law in potential ∆V α ∆l; auxiliary emf ε1 is
E= V ( R ) t = I Rt. Potential difference
2 balanced against the fall in potential V1
across length l1. ε1 = V1 =Kl1 ; ε1/ε2 = l1/l2;
V = P/ I; P = V I; Electric power consumed potentiometer as a voltmeter. Potential
P = VI = V2 /R = I2 R; commercial units; gradient and sensitivity of potentiometer.
electricity consumption and billing. Use of potentiometer: to compare emfs of
(c) The source of energy of a seat of emf (such two cells, to determine internal resistance
as a cell) may be electrical, mechanical, of a cell.
thermal or radiant energy. The emf of a
3. Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
source is defined as the work done per unit
charge to force them to go to the higher (i) Moving charges and magnetism
point of potential (from -ve terminal to +ve Concept of magnetic field, Oersted's
terminal inside the cell) so, ε = dW /dq; but experiment. Biot - Savart law and its
dq = Idt; dW = εdq = εIdt . Equating total application. Ampere's Circuital law and its
work done to the work done across the applications to infinitely long straight wire,
external resistor R plus the work done straight and toroidal solenoids (only
across the internal resistance r; εIdt=I2R dt qualitative treatment). Force on a moving
+ I2rdt; ε =I (R + r); I=ε/( R + r ); also charge in uniform magnetic and electric
IR +Ir = ε or V=ε- Ir where Ir is called the fields. Force on a current-carrying
back emf as it acts against the emf ε; V is conductor in a uniform magnetic field,
the terminal pd. Derivation of formulae for force between two parallel current-
combination for identical cells in series, carrying conductors-definition of ampere,
parallel and mixed grouping. Parallel torque experienced by a current loop in
combination of two cells of unequal emf. uniform magnetic field; moving coil
Series combination of n cells of unequal galvanometer - its sensitivity. Conversion
emf. of galvanometer into an ammeter and a
(d) Statement and explanation of Kirchhoff's
laws with simple examples. The first is a (ii) Magnetism and Matter
conservation law for charge and the 2nd is A current loop as a magnetic dipole, its
law of conservation of energy. Note change magnetic dipole moment, magnetic dipole
in potential across a resistor ∆V=IR<0 moment of a revolving electron.
when we go ‘down’ with the current
(a) Only historical introduction through
(compare with flow of water down a river),
Oersted’s experiment. [Ampere’s
and ∆V=IR>0 if we go up against the
swimming rule not included]. Biot-
current across the resistor. When we go Savart law and its vector form;
through a cell, the -ve terminal is at a application; derive the expression for B
lower level and the +ve terminal at a (i) at the centre of a circular loop
higher level, so going from -ve to +ve
carrying current; (ii) at any point on
through the cell, we are going up and its axis. Current carrying loop as a
magnetic dipole. Ampere’s Circuital +ve charge and end on -ve charge.
 
law: statement and brief explanation. Magnetic flux φ = B . A = BA for B
  
Apply it to obtain B near a long wire uniform and B A ; i.e. area held
carrying current and for a solenoid  
(straight as well as torroidal). Only perpendicular to For φ = BA( B A ),

formula of B due to a finitely long B=φ/A is the flux density [SI unit of
conductor. flux is weber (Wb)]; but note that this
(b) Force on a moving charged particle in is not correct as a defining equation as
  
( )
FB q v × B ; special
magnetic field = B is vector and φ and φ/A are scalars,
unit of B is tesla (T) equal to 10-4
cases, modify this equation substituting 
 gauss. For non-uniform B field, φ =
dl / dt for v and I for q/dt to yield F =  
  ∫dφ=∫ B . dA .
I dl × B for the force acting on a
current carrying conductor placed in a 4. Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating
magnetic field. Derive the expression Currents
for force between two long and parallel
(i) Electromagnetic Induction
wires carrying current, hence, define
ampere (the base SI unit of current) Faraday's laws, induced emf and current;
and hence, coulomb; from Q = It. Lenz's Law, eddy currents. Self-induction
Lorentz force. and mutual induction. Transformer.
(c) Derive the expression for torque on a (ii) Alternating Current
current carrying loop placed in a Peak value, mean value and RMS value of
    
uniform B , using F = I l × B and τ = alternating current/voltage; their relation
   in sinusoidal case; reactance
r × F ; τ = NIAB sin φ for N turns τ
  and impedance; LC oscillations
= m × B , where the dipole moment (qualitative treatment only), LCR series
 
m = NI A , unit: A.m2. A current circuit, resonance. AC generator.
carrying loop is a magnetic dipole; (a) Electromagnetic induction, Magnetic
  flux, change in flux, rate of change of
directions of current and B and m
using right hand rule only; no other flux and induced emf; Faraday’s laws.
rule necessary. Mention orbital Lenz's law, conservation of energy;
magnetic moment of an electron in motional emf ε = Blv, and power P =
Bohr model of H atom. Concept of (Blv)2/R; eddy currents (qualitative);
radial magnetic field. Moving coil (b) Self-Induction, coefficient of self-
galvanometer; construction, principle,
working, theory I= k φ , current and inductance, φ = LI and L = ε ;
dI dt
voltage sensitivity. Shunt. Conversion henry = volt. Second/ampere,
of galvanometer into ammeter and expression for coefficient of self-
voltmeter of given range. inductance of a solenoid
(d) Magnetic field represented by the µ0 N 2 A
=L = µ0 n 2 A × l .
symbol B is now defined by the l
 
equation F = qo ( v × B ) ; B is not to be
 
Mutual induction and mutual
defined in terms of force acting on a inductance (M), flux linked φ2 = MI1;
unit pole, etc.; note the distinction of dφ2 dI
   induced emf ε2 = =M 1 .
B from E is that B forms closed dt dt
loops as there are no magnetic Definition of M as

monopoles, whereas E lines start from

ε2 phasors add like vectors)
M = or M = φ 2 . SI unit to give V=VR+VL+VC (phasor addition)
dI 1 I1
and the max. values are related by
dt V2m=V2Rm+(VLm-VCm)2 when VL>VC
henry. Expression for coefficient of Substituting pd=current x
mutual inductance of two coaxial resistance or reactance, we get
solenoids. Z2 = R2+(XL-Xc) 2
µ0 N1 N 2 A tanφ = (VL m -VCm)/VRm = (XL-Xc)/R
=M = µ0 n1 N 2 A Induced
l giving I = I m sin (wt-φ) where I m
emf opposes changes, back emf is set =Vm/Z etc. Special cases for RL and
up, eddy currents. RC circuits. [May use Kirchoff’s law
Transformer (ideal coupling): and obtain the differential equation]
principle, working and uses; step up Graph of Z vs f and I vs f.
and step down; efficiency and (f) Power P associated with LCR circuit =
applications including transmission of 1
/2VoIo cosφ =VrmsIrms cosφ = Irms2 R;
power, energy losses and their
power absorbed and power dissipated;
electrical resonance; bandwidth of
(c) Sinusoidal variation of V and I with signals and Q factor (no derivation);
time, for the output from an oscillations in an LC circuit (ω0 =
ac generator; time period, frequency 1/ LC ). Average power consumed
and phase changes; obtain mean
values of current and voltage, obtain averaged over a full cycle P=
relation between RMS value of V and I (1/2) VoIo cosφ ; LC circuit; at
with peak values in sinusoidal cases resonance with XL=Xc , Z=Zmin= R,
only. power delivered to circuit by the
source is maximum, resonant frequency
(d) Variation of voltage and current in a.c. 1
circuits consisting of only a resistor, f0 = .
only an inductor and only a capacitor 2π LC
(phasor representation), phase lag and (g) Simple a.c. generators: Principle,
phase lead. May apply Kirchhoff’s law description, theory, working and use.
and obtain simple differential equation Variation in current and voltage with
(SHM type), V = Vo sin ωt, solution I = time for a.c. and d.c. Basic differences
I0 sin ωt, I0sin (ωt + π/2) and I0 sin (ωt between a.c. and d.c.
- π/2) for pure R, C and L circuits
respectively. Draw phase (or phasor) 5. Electromagnetic Waves
diagrams showing voltage and current
Electromagnetic waves, their characteristics,
and phase lag or lead, also showing
their transverse nature (qualitative ideas only).
resistance R, inductive reactance XL;
Complete electromagnetic spectrum starting
(XL=ωL) and capacitive reactance XC,
from radio waves to gamma rays: elementary
(XC = 1/ωC). Graph of XL and XC vs f.
facts of electromagnetic waves and their uses.
(e) The LCR series circuit: Use phasor Qualitative descriptions only of
diagram method to obtain expression electromagnetic spectrum; common features of
for I and V, the pd across R, L and C; all regions of em spectrum including transverse
and the net phase lag/lead; use the   
nature ( E and B perpendicular to c ); special
results of 4(e), V lags I by π/2 in a
features of the common classification (gamma
capacitor, V leads I by π/2 in an
rays, X rays, UV rays, visible light, IR,
inductor, V and I are in phase in a
microwaves, radio and TV waves) in their
resistor, I is the same in all three;
production (source), detection and other
hence draw phase diagram, combine
properties; uses; approximate range of λ or f
VL and Vc (in opposite phase;
or at least proper order of increasing f or λ.
6. Optics magnifying power of a compound
microscope with image at D. Only
(i) Ray Optics and Optical Instruments expression for magnifying power of
Refraction at spherical surfaces, lenses, compound microscope for final image
thin lens formula, lens maker's formula, at infinity.
magnification, power of a lens, Ray diagrams of refracting telescope
combination of thin lenses in contact, with image at infinity as well as at D;
combination of a lens and a mirror, simple explanation; derivation of
refraction and dispersion of light through magnifying power; Ray diagram of
a prism. reflecting telescope with image at
Optical instruments: Microscopes and infinity. Advantages, disadvantages
astronomical telescopes (reflecting and and uses.
refracting) and their magnifying powers.
(ii) Wave Optics
(a) Refraction through a prism, minimum
deviation and derivation of Wave front and Huygen's principle. Proof
of laws of reflection and refraction
relation between n, A and δmin. Include
using Huygen's principle. Interference,
explanation of i-δ graph, i1 = i2 = i
Young's double slit experiment and
(say) for δm; from symmetry r1 = r2; expression for fringe width(β), coherent
refracted ray inside the prism is sources and sustained interference of light,
parallel to the base of the equilateral Fraunhofer diffraction due to a single slit,
prism. Thin prism. Dispersion; Angular width of central maximum.
dispersion; dispersive power, rainbow
- ray diagram (no derivation). (a) Huygen’s principle: wavefronts -
different types/shapes of wavefronts;
(b) Refraction at a single spherical proof of laws of reflection and
surface; detailed discussion of one case refraction using Huygen’s theory.
only - convex towards rarer medium, [Refraction through a prism and lens
for spherical surface and real image. on the basis of Huygen’s theory not
Derive the relation between n1, n2, u, v required].
and R. Refraction through thin lenses:
(b) Interference of light, interference of
derive lens maker's formula and lens
monochromatic light by double slit.
formula; derivation of combined focal
Phase of wave motion; superposition of
length of two thin lenses in contact.
identical waves at a point, path
Combination of lenses and mirrors
difference and phase difference;
(silvering of lens excluded) and
coherent and incoherent sources;
magnification for lens, derivation for
interference: constructive and
biconvex lens only; extend the results
destructive, conditions for sustained
to biconcave lens, plano convex lens
interference of light waves
and lens immersed in a liquid; power
[mathematical deduction of
of a lens P=1/f with SI unit dioptre.
interference from the equations of two
For lenses in contact 1/F= 1/f1+1/f2
progressive waves with a phase
and P=P1+P2. Lens formula, formation
difference is not required]. Young's
of image with combination of thin
double slit experiment: set up,
lenses and mirrors.
diagram, geometrical deduction of path
[Any one sign convention may be used difference ∆x = dsinθ, between waves
in solving numericals]. from the two slits; using ∆x=nλ for
(c) Ray diagram and derivation of bright fringe and ∆x= (n+½)λ for dark
magnifying power of a simple fringe and sin θ = tan θ =yn /D as y
microscope with image at D (least and θ are small, obtain yn=(D/d)nλ
distance of distinct vision) and infinity; and fringe width β=(D/d)λ. Graph of
Ray diagram and derivation of
distribution of intensity with angular 8. Atoms and Nuclei
(i) Atoms
(c) Single slit Fraunhofer diffraction
Alpha-particle scattering experiment;
(elementary explanation only).
Rutherford's atomic model; Bohr’s atomic
Diffraction at a single slit:
model, energy levels, hydrogen spectrum.
experimental setup, diagram,
diffraction pattern, obtain expression Rutherford’s nuclear model of atom
for position of minima, a sinθn= nλ, (mathematical theory of scattering
where n = 1,2,3… and conditions for excluded), based on Geiger - Marsden
secondary maxima, asinθn =(n+½)λ.; experiment on α-scattering;
distribution of intensity with angular nuclear radius r in terms of closest
distance; angular width of central approach of α particle to the nucleus,
bright fringe. obtained by equating ∆K=½ mv2 of the α
particle to the change in electrostatic
7. Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter potential energy ∆U of the system
Wave particle duality; photoelectric effect, [ U = 2e × Ze r0∼10-15m = 1 fermi; atomic
4πε 0 r0
Hertz and Lenard's observations; Einstein's
photoelectric equation - particle nature of structure; only general qualitative ideas,
light. Matter waves - wave nature of particles, including atomic number Z, Neutron
de-Broglie relation. number N and mass number A. A brief
account of historical background leading
(a) Photo electric effect, quantization of to Bohr’s theory of hydrogen spectrum;
radiation; Einstein's equation formulae for wavelength in Lyman, Balmer,
Emax = hυ - W0; threshold frequency; work Paschen, Brackett and Pfund series.
function; experimental facts of Hertz and Rydberg constant. Bohr’s model of H
Lenard and their conclusions; Einstein atom, postulates (Z=1); expressions for
used Planck’s ideas and extended it to orbital velocity, kinetic energy, potential
apply for radiation (light); photoelectric energy, radius of orbit and total energy of
effect can be explained only assuming electron. Energy level diagram, calculation
quantum (particle) nature of of ∆E, frequency and wavelength of
radiation. Determination of Planck’s different lines of emission spectra;
constant (from the graph of stopping agreement with experimentally observed
potential Vs versus frequency f of the values. [Use nm and not Å for unit ofλ].
incident light). Momentum of photon
p=E/c=hν/c=h/λ. (ii) Nuclei
Composition and size of nucleus. Mass-
(b) De Broglie hypothesis, phenomenon of energy relation, mass defect; Nuclear
electron diffraction (qualitative only). reactions, nuclear fission and nuclear
Wave nature of radiation is exhibited in
interference, diffraction and polarisation;
particle nature is exhibited in photoelectric (a) Atomic masses and nuclear density;
effect. Dual nature of matter: particle Isotopes, Isobars and Isotones –
nature common in that it possesses definitions with examples of each.
momentum p and kinetic energy KE. The Unified atomic mass unit, symbol u,
wave nature of matter was proposed by 1u=1/12 of the mass of 12C atom =
Louis de Broglie, λ=h/p= h/mv. 1.66x10-27kg). Composition of nucleus;
mass defect and binding energy, BE=
(∆m) c2. [see fission and fusion]
Einstein’s equation E=mc2.
Calculations related to this equation;
mass defect/binding energy, mutual

annihilation and pair production as Elementary ideas about electrical
examples. conduction in metals [crystal structure
not included]. Energy levels (as for
(b) Nuclear Energy
hydrogen atom), 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, etc. of
Theoretical (qualitative) prediction of an isolated atom such as that of
exothermic (with release of energy) copper; these split, eventually forming
nuclear reaction, in fusing together two ‘bands’ of energy levels, as we
light nuclei to form a heavier nucleus consider solid copper made up of a
and in splitting heavy nucleus to form large number of isolated atoms,
middle order (lower mass number) brought together to form a lattice;
nuclei, is evident from the shape of BE definition of energy bands - groups of
per nucleon versus mass number closely spaced energy levels separated
graph. Also calculate the by band gaps called forbidden bands.
disintegration energy Q for a heavy An idealized representation of the
nucleus (A=240) with BE/A ∼ 7.6 MeV energy bands for a conductor,
per nucleon split into two equal halves insulator and semiconductor;
with A=120 each and BE/A ∼ 8.5 characteristics, differences; distinction
MeV/nucleon; Q ∼ 200 MeV. Nuclear between conductors, insulators and
fission: Any one equation of fission semiconductors on the basis of energy
reaction. Chain reaction- controlled bands, with examples; qualitative
and uncontrolled; nuclear reactor and discussion only; energy gaps (eV) in
nuclear bomb. Main parts of a nuclear typical substances (carbon, Ge, Si);
reactor including their functions - fuel some electrical properties of
elements, moderator, control rods, semiconductors. Majority and minority
coolant, casing; criticality; utilization charge carriers - electrons and holes;
of energy output - all qualitative only. intrinsic and extrinsic, doping, p-type,
Fusion, simple example of 4 1H→4He n-type; donor and acceptor impurities.
and its nuclear reaction equation; (b) Junction diode and its symbol;
requires very high temperature ∼ 106 depletion region and potential barrier;
degrees; difficult to achieve; hydrogen forward and reverse biasing, V-I
bomb; thermonuclear energy characteristics and numericals; half
production in the sun and stars. wave and a full wave rectifier. Simple
[Details of chain reaction not circuit diagrams and graphs, function
required]. of each component in the electric
circuits, qualitative only. [Bridge
9. Electronic Devices rectifier of 4 diodes not included];
(i) Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, elementary ideas on solar cell,
Devices and Simple Circuits. Energy bands photodiode and light emitting diode
in conductors, semiconductors and (LED) as semi conducting diodes.
insulators (qualitative ideas only). Intrinsic Importance of LED’s as they save
and extrinsic semiconductors. energy without causing atmospheric
pollution and global warming.
(ii) Semiconductor diode: I-V characteristics in
forward and reverse bias, diode as a PAPER II
rectifier; Special types of junction diodes:
LED, photodiode and solar cell. PRACTICAL WORK- 15 Marks
(a) Energy bands in solids; energy band The experiments for laboratory work and practical
diagrams for distinction between examinations are mostly from two groups:
conductors, insulators and semi- (i) experiments based on ray optics and
conductors - intrinsic and extrinsic; (ii) experiments based on current electricity.
electrons and holes in semiconductors.

The main skill required in group (i) is to remove circle with a dot)  or ⊗ . A blob ( ) is a
parallax between a needle and the real image of misplot.
another needle. (v) The best fit straight line should be drawn. The
In group (ii), understanding circuit diagram and best fit line does not necessarily have to pass
making connections strictly following the given through all the plotted points and the origin.
diagram is very important. Polarity of cells and While drawing the best fit line, all
meters, their range, zero error, least count, etc. experimental points must be kept on the
should be taken care of. line or symmetrically placed on the left and
A graph is a convenient and effective way of right side of the line. The line should be
representing results of measurement. It is an continuous, thin, uniform and extended
important part of the experiment. beyond the extreme plots.
There will be one graph in the Practical question (vi) The intercepts must be read carefully.
paper. Y intercept i.e. y0 is that value of y when x =
0. Similarly, X intercept i.e. x0 is that value of
Candidates are advised to read the question paper
x when y=0. When x0 and y0 are to be read,
carefully and do the work according to the
origin should be at (0, 0).
instructions given in the question paper. Generally
they are not expected to write the procedure of the Deductions
experiment, formulae, precautions, or draw the
(i) The slope ‘S’ of the best fit line must be found
figures, circuit diagrams, etc.
taking two distant points (using more than
Observations should be recorded in a tabular form. 50% of the line drawn), which are not the
Record of observations y − y1 ∆y
plotted points, using S = 2 = .
• All observations recorded should be consistent x2 − x1 ∆x
with the least count of the instrument used (e.g. Slope S must be calculated upto proper decimal
focal length of the lens is 10.0 cm or 15.1cm place or significant figures as specified in the
but 10 cm is a wrong record.) question paper.
• All observations should be recorded with (ii) All calculations should be rounded off upto
correct units. proper decimal place or significant figures, as
specified in the question papers.
Graph work
Students should learn to draw graphs correctly NOTE:
noting all important steps such as:
Short answer type questions may be set from each
(i) Title experiment to test understanding of theory and
(ii) Selection of origin (should be marked by two logic of steps involved.
coordinates, example 0,0 or 5,0, or 0,10 or 30,5; Given below is a list of required experiments.
Kink is not accepted). Teachers may add to this list, keeping in mind
the general pattern of questions asked in the
(i) The axes should be labelled according to the
annual examinations.
Students are required to have completed all
(ii) Uniform and convenient scale should be
experiments from the given list (excluding
taken and the units given along each axis
demonstration experiments):
(one small division = 0.33, 0.67, 0.66, etc.
should not to be taken) 1. To find focal length of a convex lens by using
u-v method (no parallax method)
(iii) Maximum area of graph paper (at least
60% of the graph paper along both the Using a convex lens, optical bench/metre scales
axes) should be used. and two pins, obtain the positions of the images
for various positions of the object; f<u<2f,
(iv) Points should be plotted with great care,
u~2f, and u>2f.
marking the points plotted with (should be a

Draw the following set of graphs using data Demonstration Experiments (The following
from the experiments - experiments are to be demonstrated by the
(i) ν against u. It will be a curve.
1. To convert a given galvanometer into (a) an
 v ammeter of range, say 2A and (b) a voltmeter
(ii) Magnification  m =  against ν which is
 u  of range 4V.
a straight line and to find focal length by 2. To study I-V characteristics of a semi-
intercept. conductor diode in forward and reverse bias.
(iii) y = (100/v) against x = (100/u) which is a 3. To study characteristics of a Zener diode and to
straight line and find f by intercepts. determine its reverse breakdown voltage.
2. To find f of a convex lens by displacement 4. To determine refractive index of a glass slab
method. using a traveling microscope.
3. Using a metre bridge, determine the resistance 5. To observe polarization of light using two
of about 100 cm of (constantan) wire. Measure polaroids
its length and radius and hence, calculate the
specific resistance of the material. 6. Identification of diode, LED, transistor, IC,
resistor, capacitor from mixed collection of
4. Verify Ohm’s law for the given unknown such items.
resistance (a 60 cm constantan wire), plotting a
graph of potential difference versus current. 7. Use of multimeter to (i) identify base of
Also calculate the resistance per cm of the wire transistor, (ii) distinguish between npn and pnp
from the slope of the graph and the length of type transistors, (iii) see the unidirectional flow
the wire. of current in case of diode and an LED,
(iv) check whether a given electronic
5. To compare emfs of two cells using a component (e.g. diode, transistors, IC) is in
potentiometer. working order.
6. To determine the internal resistance of a cell by 8. Charging and discharging of a capacitor.
a potentiometer.

PROJECT WORK AND PRACTICAL FILE – Suggested Evaluation Criteria for Theory
Based Projects:
15 marks
 Title of the Project
Project Work – 10 marks
The Project work is to be assessed by a Visiting  Introduction
Examiner appointed locally and approved by the  Contents
 Analysis/ material aid (graph, data, structure,
All candidates will be required to do one project pie charts, histograms, diagrams, etc.)
involving some physics related topic/s under the
guidance and regular supervision of the Physics  Originality of work (the work should be the
teacher. candidates’ original work,)

Candidates should undertake any one of the  Conclusion/comments

following types of projects:
• Theoretical project Suggested Evaluation Criteria for Model Based
• Working Model Projects:

• Investigatory project (by performing an  Title of the Project

experiment under supervision of a teacher)  Model construction
Candidates are to prepare a technical report  Concise Project report
including title, abstract, some theoretical
discussion, experimental setup, observations with
tables of data collected, graph/chart (if any), Suggested Evaluation Criteria for Investigative
analysis and discussion of results, deductions, Projects:
conclusion, etc. The teacher should approve the
draft, before it is finalised. The report should be  Title of the Project
kept simple, but neat and elegant. Teachers may  Theory/principle involved
assign or students may choose any one project of
their choice.  Experimental setup
 Observations calculations/deduction and graph
 Result/ Conclusions

Practical File – 5 marks

The Visiting Examiner is required to assess the
candidates on the basis of the Physics practical file
maintained by them during the academic year.


There will be two papers in the subject:

Paper I : Theory (3 hours) ……80 marks
Paper II: Project Work ……20 marks

PAPER I (THEORY) – 80 Marks

The syllabus is divided into three sections A, B and C.
Section A is compulsory for all candidates. Candidates will have a choice of attempting questions from
EITHER Section B OR Section C.
There will be one paper of three hours duration of 80 marks.
Section A (65 Marks): Candidates will be required to attempt all questions. Internal choice will be provided in
two questions of two marks, two questions of four marks and two questions of six marks each.
Section B/ Section C (15 Marks): Candidates will be required to attempt all questions EITHER from Section B
or Section C. Internal choice will be provided in one question of two marks and one question of four marks.




1. Relations and Functions 10 Marks

2. Algebra 10 Marks

3. Calculus 32 Marks

4. Probability 13 Marks

5. Vectors 5 Marks

6. Three - Dimensional Geometry 6 Marks

7. Applications of Integrals 4 Marks

8. Application of Calculus 5 Marks

9. Linear Regression 6 Marks

10. Linear Programming 4 Marks

TOTAL 80 Marks
1. Relations and Functions - Formulae for 2sin-1x, 2cos-1x, 2tan-1x,
3tan-1x etc. and application of these
(i) Types of relations: reflexive, symmetric, formulae.
transitive and equivalence relations. One to
one and onto functions, composite functions. 2. Algebra
• Relations as: Matrices and Determinants
- Relation on a set A (i) Matrices
- Identity relation, empty relation, Concept, notation, order, equality, types of
universal relation. matrices, zero and identity matrix, transpose
- Types of Relations: reflexive, of a matrix, symmetric and skew symmetric
symmetric, transitive and matrices. Operation on matrices: Addition
equivalence relation. and multiplication and multiplication with a
scalar. Simple properties of addition,
• Functions: multiplication and scalar multiplication. Non-
- As special relations, concept of commutativity of multiplication of matrices.
writing “y is a function of x” as y = Invertible matrices, if it exists (here all
f(x). matrices will have real entries).
- Types: one to one, many to one, into, (ii) Determinants
Determinant of a square matrix (up to 3 x 3
- Real Valued function. matrices), properties of determinants,
- Composite functions (algebraic minors, co-factors. Adjoint and inverse of a
functions only). square matrix. Solving system of linear
(ii) Inverse Trigonometric Functions equations in two or three variables (having
unique solution) using inverse of a matrix.
Definition, domain, range, principal value
branch. Elementary properties of inverse - Types of matrices (m × n; m, n ≤ 3),
trigonometric functions. order; Identity matrix, Diagonal matrix.
- Principal values. - Symmetric, Skew symmetric.
- sin-1x, cos-1x, tan-1x etc. - Operation – addition, subtraction,
x multiplication of a matrix with scalar,
- sin-1x = cos −1 1 − x 2 = tan −1 . multiplication of two matrices
1 − x2 (the compatibility).
1 π
- sin-1x= cosec −1 ; sin-1x+cos-1x= and 1 1 
x 2 1 2 
E.g. 0 2  = AB( say ) but BA is
similar relations for cot-1x, tan-1x, etc.  2 2
1 1 
not possible.
- Singular and non-singular matrices.
- Existence of two non-zero matrices
whose product is a zero matrix.
- Inverse (2×2, 3×3) A −1 =

• Martin’s Rule (i.e. using matrices)
- Derivatives of exponential functions.
a1x + b1y + c1z = d1
- Derivatives of logarithmic functions.
a2x + b2y + c2z = d2 - Derivatives of inverse trigonometric
a3x + b3y + c3z = d3 functions - differentiation by means
of substitution.
 a 1 b 1 c1   d1   x - Derivatives of implicit functions and
A = a 2 b2 c 2  B = d 2  X =  y 
    chain rule.
- e for composite functions.
a 3 b3 c3   d 3   z 
- Derivatives of Parametric functions.
AX = B ⇒ X = A −1 B - Differentiation of a function with
respect to another function e.g.
Problems based on above. differentiation of sinx3 with respect
• Determinants to x3.
- Order. - Logarithmic Differentiation -
- Minors. Finding dy/dx when y = x x .
- Cofactors. - Successive differentiation up to 2nd
- Expansion. order.
NOTE 1: Derivatives of composite functions
3. Calculus
using chain rule.
(i) Continuity, Differentiability and
Differentiation. Continuity and • L' Hospital's theorem.
differentiability, derivative of composite , forms only.
functions, chain rule, derivatives of inverse
trigonometric functions, derivative of (ii) Applications of Derivatives
implicit functions. Concept of exponential
Applications of derivatives:
and logarithmic functions.
increasing/decreasing functions, tangents
Derivatives of logarithmic and exponential and normals, maxima and minima (first
functions. Logarithmic differentiation, derivative test motivated geometrically and
derivative of functions expressed in second derivative test given as a provable
parametric forms. Second order derivatives.
tool). Simple problems (that illustrate basic
• Continuity principles and understanding of the subject as
- Continuity of a function at a point well as real-life situations).
x = a. • Equation of Tangent and Normal
- Continuity of a function in an
• Increasing and decreasing functions.
- Algebra of continues function. • Maxima and minima.
- Removable discontinuity. - Stationary/turning points.
• Differentiation - Absolute maxima/minima
- Concept of continuity and - local maxima/minima
differentiability of x , [x], etc. - First derivatives test and second
- Derivatives of trigonometric derivatives test
functions. - Application problems based on
maxima and minima.

(iii) Integrals • Integrals of the type:
Integration as inverse process of
differentiation. Integration of a variety of ,
functions by substitution, by partial fractions
and by parts, Evaluation of simple integrals
of the following types and problems based • Definite Integral
on them. - Fundamental theorem of calculus
(without proof)
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
(without proof). Basic properties of - Properties of definite integrals.
definite integrals and evaluation of definite - Problems based on the following
integrals. properties of definite integrals are to
be covered.
• Indefinite integral
b b
- Integration as the inverse of
differentiation. ∫
f ( x)dx = ∫ f (t )dt
- Anti-derivatives of polynomials and b a
functions (ax +b)n , sinx, cosx, sec2x,
cosec2x etc . ∫
f ( x)dx = − ∫ f ( x)dx
- Integrals of the type sin2x, sin3x,
sin4x, cos2x, cos3x, cos4x. b c b

- Integration of 1/x, ex. ∫ f ( x)dx = ∫ f ( x)dx + ∫ f ( x)dx

- Integration by substitution. a a c
where a < c < b
- Integrals of the type f ' (x)[f (x)]n, b b
f ′( x)
f ( x)
. ∫
f ( x)dx = ∫ f (a + b − x)dx

- Integration of tanx, cotx, secx, a a

cosecx. ∫
f (=
x)dx ∫ f (a − x)dx
- Integration by parts.
 a
- Integration using partial fractions. 2a 2 ∫ f ( x)dx, if f (2a − x) = f ( x)
f ( x) ∫ f ( x)dx =  0
Expressions of the form when 0  0, f (2a − x) =− f ( x)
g ( x) 
degree of f(x) < degree of g(x)  a

2 f ( x)dx,if f is an even function
B ∫ f ( x)dx =  0

( x − 3)( x + 1) x − 3 x + 1 −a
 0,if f is an odd function
(iv) Differential Equations
x+2 A B C Definition, order and degree, general and
= + +
( x − 2)( x − 1) 2
x − 1 ( x − 1) 2
x−2 particular solutions of a differential
equation. Solution of differential equations
by method of separation of variables
When degree of f (x) ≥ degree of g(x), solutions of homogeneous differential
e.g. equations of first order and first degree.
x2 +1  3x + 1  Solutions of linear differential equation of
= 1−  2 
x + 3x + 2  x + 3x + 2  dy
the type: +py= q, where p and q are
functions of x or constants. + px = q,
where p and q are functions of y or - Scalar (dot) product of vectors and its
constants. geometrical significance.
- Cross product - its properties - area of a
- Differential equations, order and degree. triangle, area of parallelogram, collinear
- Solution of differential equations. vectors.
- Variable separable. NOTE: Proofs of geometrical theorems by
- Homogeneous equations. using Vector algebra are excluded.
dy 6. Three - dimensional Geometry
- Linear form + Py = Q where P and Q
dx Direction cosines and direction ratios of a line
are functions of x only. Similarly, for joining two points. Cartesian equation and vector
dx/dy. equation of a line, coplanar and skew lines.
NOTE : The second order differential Cartesian and vector equation of a plane. Angle
equations are excluded. between two lines. Distance of a point from a
4. Probability - Equation of x-axis, y-axis, z axis and lines
parallel to them.
Conditional probability, multiplication theorem
on probability, independent events, total - Equation of xy - plane, yz – plane,
probability, Bayes’ theorem. zx – plane.
- Independent and dependent events - Direction cosines, direction ratios.
conditional events. - Angle between two lines in terms of direction
- Laws of Probability, addition theorem, cosines /direction ratios.
multiplication theorem, conditional - Condition for lines to be perpendicular/
probability. parallel.
- Theorem of Total Probability. • Lines
- Baye’s theorem. - Cartesian and vector equations of a line
through one and two points.
- Coplanar and skew lines.
5. Vectors
- Conditions for intersection of two lines.
Vectors and scalars, magnitude and direction
- Distance of a point from a line.
of a vector. Direction cosines and direction
ratios of a vector. Types of vectors (equal, unit, • Planes
zero, parallel and collinear vectors), position
- Cartesian and vector equation of a
vector of a point, negative of a vector,
components of a vector, addition of vectors, plane.
multiplication of a vector by a scalar. Definition, - Direction ratios of the normal to the
Geometrical Interpretation, properties and plane.
application of scalar (dot) product of vectors,
- One point form.
vector (cross) product of vectors.
- Normal form.
- As directed line segments.
- Magnitude and direction of a vector. - Intercept form.
- Types: equal vectors, unit vectors, zero - Distance of a point from a plane.
vector. - Intersection of the line and plane.
- Position vector.
- Components of a vector. 7. Application of Integrals
- Vectors in two and three dimensions. Application in finding the area bounded b y
- iˆ, ˆj , kˆ as unit vectors along the x, y and the simple curves and coordinate axes. Area
z axes; expressing a vector in terms of the enclosed between two curves.
unit vectors.

- Application of definite integrals - area problems in two variables, feasible and infeasible
bounded by curves, lines and coordinate axes regions (bounded and unbounded), feasible and
is required to be covered. infeasible solutions, optimal feasible solutions
- Simple curves: lines, parabolas, polynomial (up to three non-trivial constraints).
functions. Introduction, definition of related terminology
such as constraints, objective function,
SECTION C optimization, advantages of linear programming;
8. Application of Calculus limitations of linear programming; application
areas of linear programming; different types of
Application of Calculus in Commerce and linear programming (L.P.) problems,
Economics in the following: mathematical formulation of L.P problems,
- Cost function, graphical method of solution for problems in two
- average cost, variables, feasible and infeasible regions,
feasible and infeasible solutions, optimum
- marginal cost and its interpretation feasible solution.
- demand function,
Note: Transportation problem is excluded.
- revenue function,
- marginal revenue function and its PAPER II – PROJECT WORK – 20 Marks
interpretation, Candidates will be expected to have completed
- Profit function and breakeven point. two projects, one from Section A and one from
- AR, MR, R, C, AC, MC and their either Section B or Section C.
mathematical interpretation using the The project work will be assessed by the
concept of increasing- decreasing subject teacher and a Visiting Examiner
appointed locally and approved by the
Self-explanatory Council.
NOTE: Application involving differentiation, Mark allocation for each Project [10 marks]:
increasing and decreasing function to be
covered. Overall format 1 mark
Content 4 marks
9. Linear Regression
Findings 2 marks
- Lines of regression of x on y and y on x.
Viva-voce based on the Project 3 marks
- Lines of best fit.
Total 10 marks
- Regression coefficient of x on y and y on x.
- b xy × b yx = r 2 , 0 ≤ b xy × b yx ≤ 1 List of suggested assignments for Project
- Identification of regression equations Work:
- Estimation of the value of one variable using Section A
the value of other variable from appropriate
1. Using a graph, demonstrate a function which is
line of regression.
one-one but not onto.
2. Using a graph demonstrate a function which is
10. Linear Programming invertible.
Introduction, related terminology such as 3. Draw the graph of y = sin-1 x (or any other inverse
constraints, objective function, optimization, trigonometric function), using the graph of
different types of linear programming (L.P.) y = sin x (or any other relevant trigonometric
problems, mathematical formulation of L.P. function). Demonstrate the concept of mirror line
problems, graphical method of solution for (about y = x) and find its domain and range.
4. Explore the principal value of the function Section C
sin-1 x (or any other inverse trigonometric
function) using a unit circle. 12. Draw a rough sketch of Cost (C), Average Cost
(AC) and Marginal Cost (MC)
5. Explain the concepts of increasing and
decreasing functions, using geometrical Or
significance of dy/dx. Illustrate with proper Revenue (R), Average Revenue (AR) and
examples. Marginal Revenue (MR).
6. Explain and illustrate (with suitable examples) Give their mathematical interpretation using the
the concept of local maxima and local minima concept of increasing - decreasing functions.
using graph.
13. For a given data, find regression equations by the
7. Demonstrate application of differential equations method of least squares. Also find angles
to solve a given problem (example, population between regression lines.
increase or decrease, bacteria count in a culture,
etc.). 14. Using any suitable data, find the Optimum cost/
profit by formulating a linear programming
8. Explain the conditional probability, the theorem problem (LPP).
of total probability and the concept of Bayes’
theorem with suitable examples. NOTE: No question paper for Project Work will be
set by the Council.
Section B
9. Using vector algebra, find the area of a
parallelogram/triangle. Also, derive the area
analytically and verify the same.
10. Find the image of a line with respect to a given
11. Find the area bounded by a parabola and an
oblique line/parabola.
(Any other pair of curves which are specified in
the syllabus may also be taken.)

Identification MARKS
Number A B C D E F G H I J
(Unique ID) Teacher Visiting Average Viva-Voce Total Teacher Visiting Average Viva-Voce Total (E + J)
of the Examiner Marks by Visiting Marks Examiner Marks by Marks
candidate (A + B ÷ Examiner (C + D) (F + G ÷ Visiting (H + I)
2) 2) Examiner
7 Marks* 7 Marks* 7 Marks 3 Marks 10 Marks 7 Marks* 7 Marks* 7 Marks 3 Marks 10 Marks 20 Marks


*Breakup of 7 Marks to be awarded separately by

Name of Teacher:
the Teacher and the Visiting Examiner is as follows:
Signature: Date
Overall Format 1 Mark
Content 4 Marks Name of Visiting Examiner
Findings 2 Marks
Signature: Date
NOTE: VIVA-VOCE (3 Marks) for each Project is to be conducted only by the Visiting Examiner, and should be based on the Project only


There will be two papers in the subject: Paper II: Practical: 3 hours ... 15 marks
Paper I: Theory - 3 hours ... 70 marks Project Work … 10 marks
Practical File … 5 marks

PAPER I (THEORY) - 70 Marks

There will be no overall choice in the paper. Candidates will be required to answer all questions. Internal
choice will be available in two questions of 2 marks each, two questions of 3 marks each and all the three
questions of 5 marks each.


1. Solid State
2. Solutions
Physical Chemistry
3. Electrochemistry
25 Marks
4. Chemical Kinetics
5. Surface Chemistry
6. General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
7. p -Block Elements
Inorganic Chemistry
8. d -and f -Block Elements
20 Marks
9. Coordination Compounds
10. Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
11. Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
12. Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
Organic Chemistry
13. Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen 25 Marks
14. Biomolecules
15. Chemistry in Everyday Life
TOTAL 70 Marks

PAPER I –THEORY – 70 Marks solution. Azeotropic mixtures – definition
and types.
1. Solid State
(iii) Colligative properties – definition and
Solids: their classification based on different examples, and its use in determination of
binding forces such as: ionic, covalent molecular mass.
molecular; amorphous and crystalline solids
(difference), metals. Type of unit cell in two (a) Relative lowering of vapour pressure:
dimensional and three-dimensional lattices, Definition and mathematical expression
number of atoms per unit cell (all types). of Raoult’s Law. Determination of
Calculation of density of unit cell, packing in relative molecular mass by measurement
solids, packing efficiency, point defects and of lowering of vapour pressure.
magnetic properties. (b) Depression in freezing point: molal
(i) Crystalline and amorphous solids. depression constant (cryoscopic
constant) – definition and mathematical
(ii) Definition of crystal lattice, unit cell; types expression (derivation included).
of unit cell (scc, fcc, bcc); calculation of the
(c) Elevation in boiling point method: molal
number of atoms per unit cell; relationship
elevation constant (ebullioscopic
between radius, edge length and nearest
constant) definition and mathematical
neighbour distance. Calculation of density
expression (derivation included).
of unit cell, formula of the compound –
numericals based on it; packing in 3 – D, (d) Osmotic pressure: definition and
packing fraction in scc, fcc, bcc with explanation. Natural and chemical
derivation. semipermeable membranes, reverse
osmosis, isotonic, hypotonic and
(iii) Characteristics of crystalline solids; ionic
hypertonic solutions. Comparison
(NaCl), metallic (Cu), atomic (diamond and
between diffusion and osmosis.
graphite). Application of osmotic pressure in the
(iv) Point defects: Stoichiometric, non- determination of relative molecular
stoichiometric and impurity defects mass.
(F- centres).
Numerical problems based on all the above
(v) Magnetic properties: diamagnetic and methods. Experimental details not required.
3. Electrochemistry
2. Solutions
Electrolytic and electrochemical cells. Redox
Study of concentration of solutions of solids in
liquids, liquid in liquid, solubility of gases in reactions in electrochemical cells.
liquids, Colligative properties - Raoult's law of Electromotive Force (emf) of a cell, standard
relative lowering of electrode potential, Nernst equation and its
vapour pressure, elevation of boiling point, application to chemical cells. Relation between
depression of freezing Gibbs energy change and emf of a cell.
point, osmotic pressure. Use of colligative
properties in determining molecular masses of Conductance in electrolytic solutions, specific,
solutes. equivalent and molar conductivity, variations of
Normality, molality, molarity, mole fraction as conductivity with concentration, Kohlrausch's
measures of concentration. Definition of the Law of electrolysis and Faraday’s Laws of
above with examples. Simple problems based on electrolysis.
the above.
(i) Electrochemical cells: introduction, redox
(i) Solubility of gases in liquids – Henry’s Law.
reactions (principle of oxidation and
(ii) Raoult’s Law for volatile solutes and non- reduction in a cell).
volatile solutes, ideal solution, non-ideal

(ii) Galvanic cells - introduction; (vii) Faraday’s laws of Electrolysis.
representation, principle – oxidation Faraday’s First Law of electrolysis.
reduction. Mechanism of production of Statement, mathematical form. Simple
electric current in a galvanic cell. problems.
(iii) Measurement of potential. Single electrode Faraday’s Second Law of electrolysis:
potentials. Statement, mathematical form. Simple
Standard hydrogen electrode - definition, problems.
preparation, application and limitations. Relation between Faraday, Avogadro’s
Standard electrode potential (Eo) - number and charge on an electron. F = N A e
Measurement of standard electrode potential should be given (no details of Millikan’s
of Zn ++ / Zn, Cu ++ / Cu, half cell (using experiment are required).
standard hydrogen electrode).
Cell notation – representation. 4. Chemical Kinetics
Factors affecting electrode potential with Meaning of Chemical Kinetics – slow and fast
explanation - main emphasis on the reactions. Rate of a reaction - average and
temperature, concentration and nature of the instantaneous rate (graphical representation).
electrode. Factors affecting rate of reaction: surface area,
(iv) Electrochemical series. Its explanation on nature of reactants, concentration, temperature,
the basis of standard reduction potential. catalyst and radiation. Order and molecularity
Prediction of the feasibility of a reaction. of a reaction, rate law and specific rate constant.
(v) Nernst equation and correlation with the free Integrated rate equations and half-life (only for
energy of the reaction with suitable first order reactions). Concept of threshold and
examples. activation energy, Arrhenious equation.
Prediction of spontaneity of a reaction based (i) Meaning of chemical kinetics, Scope and
on the cell emf. importance of Kinetics of the reaction, slow
Numericals on standard electrode potential and fast reactions – explanation in terms of
of half-cells, cell emf, relationship between bonds.
free energy and equilibrium constant, (ii) Rate of Reaction: definition, representation
standard electrode potential and free energy. of rate of reaction in terms of reactants and
products, determination of rate of reactions
(vi) Comparison of metallic conductance and
graphically, instantaneous and average rate
electrolytic conductance. Relationship of reaction. Factors affecting rate of
between conductance and resistance. Specific reaction.
resistance and specific conductance.
(iii) Law of mass Action: statement and meaning
Cell constant: Calculation of cell constant. of active mass. Explanation with an example
Meaning of equivalent conductance. – general reactions.
Meaning of molar conductance. General (iv) Effect of concentration of reactants on the
relationship between specific conductance, rate of a reaction: Qualitative treatment,
molar conductance and equivalent based on the law of mass Action, statement of
conductance. rate law, General rate equation –
Units, numericals. Rate = k(concentration of the reactant)n,
where k is rate constant and n is the order of
Molar conductance of a weak electrolyte at a
the reaction, relationship between the rate of
given concentration and at infinite dilution. the reaction with rate constant with respect
Kohlrausch’s Law – definition, applications to various reactants.
and numericals.
(v) Order of a reaction: meaning, relation
between order and stoichiometric coefficients
in balanced equations, order as an
experimental quantity, rate equation,
characteristics of first order reaction – rate heterogeneous. lyophilic and lyophobic
constant is independent of the initial colloid; classification of colloidal solutions
concentration, units to be derived, definition as micro, macro and associated colloids.
of half-life period, derivation of expression of
half-life period from first order rate Properties of colloidal solutions: Brownian
equation. movement, Tyndall effect, coagulation,
electrophoresis (movement of dispersed
Problems based on first order rate equation
and half-life period. phase), Protection of colloids, Gold number
and Hardy- Schulze rule.
(vi) Molecularity of the reaction: Meaning –
physical picture, Relation between order, Application of colloids in daily life.
molecularity and the rate of a reaction,
Differences between order and molecularity 6. General Principles and Processes of Isolation
of a reaction. of Elements
(vii) The concept of energy: Exothermic and Metals: metallurgy, ores, principles and
endothermic reactions, concept of energy methods of extraction - concentration,
barrier, threshold and activation energy, oxidation, reduction, electrolytic refining.
formation of activated complex, effect of Occurrence and principles of extraction of
catalyst on activation energy and reaction copper, zinc, iron and silver.
(i) Definition of minerals, ores and metallurgy;
(viii) Effect of temperature on the rate constant
principle ores of iron, copper, zinc and
of a reaction: Arrhenius equation – K=Ae- silver.
, Meaning of the symbols of Arrhenius
equation, related graph, evaluation of E a and Methods of concentration of ores: hydraulic
washing, magnetic separation, froth
A from the graph, meaning of slope of the
floatation method.
graph, conversion from exponential to log
form of the equation, relationship between Extraction of metal from concentrated ore –
the increase in temperature and the number calcination, roasting and thermal reduction.
of collisions. Numerical based on Arrhenius Metallurgy of iron, copper, zinc and silver.
equation. Refining of metals.
(ii) Uses of metals and their alloys.
5. Surface Chemistry
Absorption and Adsorption - physisorption and 7. p-Block Elements
chemisorption, factors affecting adsorption of Group-15 Elements
gases on solids and liquids.
Colloidal state distinction between true solutions, Position in the periodic table, occurrence,
colloids and suspension; lyophilic, lyophobic electronic configuration, oxidation states, trends
multi-molecular, macromolecular and associated in physical and chemical properties. Nitrogen:
colloids; properties of colloids; Brownian preparation properties and its uses; compounds
movement, Tyndall effect, coagulation and of nitrogen. Ammonia and nitric acid –
electrophoresis. preparation and properties.
(i) Difference between absorption and (i) General introduction, electronic
adsorption: definition of physisorption and configuration, occurrence, oxidation states.
chemisorption and their differences. Trends in physical properties; chemical
Factors affecting adsorption of gases on properties with hydrogen, oxygen and
solids. halogens.
(ii) Colloidal State: Thomas Graham classified (ii) Nitrogen - Laboratory preparation,
the substances as crystalloid and colloid, decomposition (ammonium dichromate).
Properties and uses.
classification of substances on the basis of
the particle size i.e. true solution, sol and
suspension, colloidal system is
(iii)Ammonia – Preparation and manufacture. Group-18 Elements
Properties: reaction with oxygen, copper Position in the periodic table, occurrence,
oxide, chlorine, hydrochloric acid, formation electronic configuration, trends in physical and
of complexes. Uses. chemical properties, inert nature, uses.
(iv) Nitric Acid - Preparation and manufacture.
(i) General introduction, electronic
Properties: reaction with copper (dilute and
configuration, occurrence, trends in
concentrated HNO 3 ), carbon and sulphur.
physical; chemical properties, state and low
Group-16 Elements (ii) Hybridisation, shape and structure of xenon
Position in the periodic table, occurrence, compounds with fluorine and oxygen.
electronic configuration, oxidation states, (iii) Uses of noble gases.
trends in physical and chemical properties.
Ozone – methods of preparation. 8. d and f Block Elements
Compounds of sulphur: preparation,
properties and uses of sulphur-dioxide. Position in the periodic table, occurrence,
electronic configuration and characteristics of
(i) Electronic configuration, oxidation transition metals, general trends in properties of
states, occurrence. Trends in physical the 3d-series of transition metals - metallic
properties; chemical properties with character, ionisation enthalpy, oxidation states,
hydrogen, oxygen and halogens. ionic radii, colour of ions, catalytic property,
(ii) Ozone: manufacture by Siemen’s magnetic properties.
ozoniser, thermal decomposition of
Lanthanoids and actinoids.
ozone, its oxidising nature – reaction
with lead sulphide, potassium iodide and (i) d-Block: 3d, 4d and 5d series
mercury, its uses. Study in terms of metallic character, atomic
(iii) Sulphur dioxide: laboratory and and ionic radii, ionisation enthalpy,
industrial preparation from sulphites and oxidisation states, variable valency,
sulphide ores, reaction of sulphur formation of coloured compounds, formation
dioxide with NaOH, Cl 2 , KMnO 4. of complexes.
Group-17 Elements (ii) f-Block: 4f and 5f series
Position in the periodic table, occurrence, Electronic configuration, atomic and ionic
electronic configuration, oxidation states, radii, oxidisation states, formation of
trends in physical and chemical properties; coloured compounds, formation of
Preparation, properties and uses of chlorine, complexes. Lanthanoid contraction and its
Interhalogen compounds. consequences.
(i) General introduction, electronic Actinoids - oxidation states and comparison
configuration, oxidation states. Trends in with lanthanoids.
physical properties and chemical
properties (hydrogen, oxygen, halogens 9. Coordination Compounds
and metals). Concept of complexes, definition of ligands,
(ii) Chlorine – preparation from MnO 2 and coordination number, oxidation number. IUPAC
HCl, from NaCl, MnO 2 and conc. H 2 SO 4 nomenclature of mononuclear coordination
(only equations), reactions of chlorine compounds. Isomerism (structural). Bonding,
with H 2 S, NH 3, cold, dilute NaOH and Werner's theory, VBT and CFT. Colour,
hot, concentrated NaOH. magnetic properties and shapes. Importance of
(iii)Interhalogen compounds – structure, coordination compounds (in qualitative analysis,
hybridisation and shapes: XX′, XX′ 3 , extraction of metals and biological system).
XX′ 5 , XX′ 7 . (i) Definition of coordination compounds /
complex compounds, differences with a
double salt, study of ligands – mono-, bi-, tri-
, tetra-, penta-, hexa- and polydentate, Elimination reaction (Saytzeff’s rule) / β
chelating ligands, definition of coordination elimination.
number, its calculation for a complex
Reaction with metals: sodium and magnesium
coordination sphere, study of oxidation state
of an element in a complex, its calculation, (Wurtz’s reaction, Grignard’s reagent
IUPAC rules of nomenclature of preparation).
coordination compounds. Chloroform and iodoform: preparation and
(ii) Isomerism – structural types and examples. properties.
(iii) Valence bond theory of coordination Preparation of haloarenes by Sandmeyer’s and
compounds – examples of formation of inner Gattermann’s reaction, by electrophilic
orbital and outer orbital complexes (high substitution.
and low spin, octahedral, tetrahedral and Physical properties: State, melting point, boiling
square planar), prediction of magnetic point and solubility.
Chemical properties:
(iv) Crystal field theory – crystal field splitting in
- Electrophilic substitution (chlorination
tetra and octahedral systems. Explanation of
nitration and sulphonation).
colour and magnetic character.
- Nucleophilic substitution (replacement of
(v) Importance and uses.
chlorine with -OH, -NH 2 ).
10. Haloalkanes and Haloarenes. - Reduction to benzene.
Haloalkanes: General formula, nomenclature - Wurtz-Fittig reaction.
and classification. Nature of C–X bond, - Fittig reaction.
physical and chemical properties, mechanism - Addition reaction with magnesium
of substitution reactions, optical rotation. (formation of Grignard reagent).
Haloarenes: Basic idea, nature of C–X bond,
substitution reactions (directive influence of 11. Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
halogen in monosubstituted compounds only).
Alcohols: Classification, general formula,
Nature of C-X bond structure and nomenclature. Methods of
Naming the halogen derivatives of alkanes by preparation, physical and chemical properties
using common system and IUPAC system for (of primary alcohols only), identification of
mono, di and tri-halo derivatives. primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols.
Preparation of haloalkanes from: (i) Classification into monohydric, dihydric and
- Alkane and halogen. polyhydric alcohols, general formulae,
structure and nomenclature of alcohols.
- Alkene and hydrogen halide.
Difference between primary, secondary and
- Alcohols with PX 3 , PCl 5 and SOCl 2 . tertiary alcohols in terms of structure,
- Halide exchange method (Finkelstein and physical properties and chemical
Swarts) properties.
- Silver salt of fatty acids (Hunsdiecker). (ii) Methods of preparation:
Physical properties: State, melting point, boiling - Hydration of Alkenes – direct hydration,
point and solubility. indirect hydration, hydroboration
Chemical properties: nucleophilic substitution
reactions (S N 1, S N 2 mechanism in terms of - From Grignard’s reagent.
primary, secondary and tertiary halides) - Hydrolysis of alkyl halides.
Reaction with: sodium hydroxide, water, sodium - Reduction of carbonyl compounds.
iodide, ammonia, primary amine, secondary
- From primary amines.
amine, potassium cyanide, silver cyanide,
potassium nitrite, silver nitrite, silver salt of fatty Properties:
acid and lithium-aluminium hydride. - Acidic nature of alcohols:
- Reaction with sodium. − Oxidation (peroxide formation).
- Esterification. - Reaction with HI.
- Reaction with hydrogen halides. - Reaction with PCl 5 .
- Reaction with PCl 3, PCl 5 , and SOCl 2 .
- Reaction with acid chlorides and acid 12. Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
anhydrides Aldehydes and Ketones: Nomenclature,
structure of methods of preparation of
- Oxidation. aldehydes and ketones, physical and chemical
- Dehydration. properties, nucleophilic addition, reactivity of
(iii) Conversion of one alcohol into another. alpha hydrogen in aldehydes.
(iv) Distinction between primary, secondary and Preparation:
tertiary alcohols by Lucas’ Test. • From alcohol.
Phenols: Classification and nomenclature. • From alkenes (ozonolysis).
Methods of preparation, physical and chemical • From alkynes (hydration).
properties, acidic nature of phenol, electrophilic
• From acid chlorides (Rosenmund’s
substitution reactions. reduction).
− Preparation of phenol from diazonium salt, • From calcium salt of carboxylic acids.
chlorobenzene (Dow’s process) and from
• From nitriles (Stephen reaction, Grignard’s
benzene sulphonic acid.
− Manufacture from Cumene.
• From esters.
− Physical properties: state and solubility.
Physical properties – state and boiling point.
− Chemical properties:
Chemical properties:
− Acidic character of phenol.
• Nucleophilic addition reactions (ammonia
− Reaction with sodium hydroxide. and its derivatives, HCN, NaHSO 3 and
− Reaction with sodium. Grignard’s reagent).
− Reaction with zinc. • Oxidation reactions, iodoform reaction.
− Reaction with acetyl chloride and acetic • Reduction: reduction to alcohol and alkanes
anhydride. (Clemmensen’s reduction, Wolff-Kishner
− Reaction with phosphorus penta chloride. reduction, Red phosphorus and HI).
− Bromination, nitration and sulphonation • Base catalysed reactions: Aldol
(Electrophilic substitution reactions). condensation, cross Aldol condensation,
− Kolbe’s reaction (formation of salicylic Cannizzaro’s reaction.
Tests: difference between formaldehyde and
− Reimer – Tiemann reaction acetaldehyde; aldehydes and ketones.
− Test for phenol – FeCl 3 test, azo dye test.
Aliphatic Ethers: General formula, structure and Aromatic aldehyde (Benzaldehyde)
nomenclature. Methods of preparation, physical Lab preparation from toluene by oxidation with
and chemical properties. chromyl chloride.
Ethers: structure of ethereal group. Physical properties: state and stability.
Preparation from alcohol (Williamson’s Chemical properties:
synthesis). • Oxidation and reduction.
Physical properties: state, miscibility. • Nucleophilic addition reaction (hydrogen
Chemical properties: cyanide and sodium bisulphite).
− Reaction with chlorine.
• Reactions with ammonia and its derivatives 13. Organic compounds containing Nitrogen
(hydroxyl amine, hydrazine and phenyl
hydrazine). Aliphatic Amines: General formula and,
classification of amines. Structure of the amino
• Reaction with phosphorus pentachloride.
group, nomenclature. Methods of preparation,
• Cannizzaro reaction. physical and chemical properties, uses,
• Benzoin condensation. identification of primary, secondary and tertiary
• Perkin’s reaction. amines.
• Electrophilic substitution - halogenation, • Amines
nitration and sulphonation. Nomenclature, classification with examples,
Test: distinction between aromatic and aliphatic structure, general formula.
aldehydes. Methods of preparation:
Carboxylic Acids: Classification, general - From alcohol.
formula and structure of carboxylic group.
Nomenclature, acidic nature, methods of - From alkyl halide.
preparation, physical and chemical properties. - From cyanide.
Classification of mono and di carboxylic acids - From amide (Hofmann’s degradation).
with examples.
- From nitro compounds.
Preparation of aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic
acid: - Gabriel phthalimide Synthesis.
- From alcohols, aldehydes. Physical properties: comparison between
- From nitriles. primary, secondary and tertiary amines in
- From Grignard’s reagent. terms of – state, solubility, boiling point
(hydrogen bonding), comparison with
Physical properties: state, boiling point and
solubility. alcohols.
Chemical properties: Chemical properties:
- Basic character of amines – comparison
- Acidic character: (aliphatic, aromatic
between primary, secondary and tertiary
carboxylic acids with the effect of alkyl amines/ ammonia/ aniline. Effect of
substituents on the acidic character – to be substituents on the basic strength of
dealt with in detail) aniline
- Reaction with active metals, alkalies, - Alkylation and acylation.
carbonates and bicarbonates, - Reaction with nitrous acid.
- Formation of acid derivatives. - Carbylamine reaction.
- Decarboxylation (chemical and Kolbe’s Distinction between primary, secondary
electrolytic reaction). and tertiary amines (Hinsberg’s Test).
- HVZ reactions. Aniline
- Substitution of benzene ring (meta directive Preparation reduction of nitrobenzene.
effect of carboxylic acid group) nitration and Physical properties – state, solubility and boiling
sulphonation. point.
- Tests for acids: formic acid, acetic acid and Chemical properties:
benzoic acid. - Reaction with HCl and H 2 SO 4 .
- Acetylation, alkylation.
- Benzoylation.
- Carbylamine reaction.
- Diazotisation. In medicine: antipyretics, analgesics,
- Electrophilic substitution (bromination, tranquillisers, antiseptics, disinfectants,
nitration and sulphonation). anti-microbials, anti-fertility drugs,
antihistamines, antibiotics, antacids.
Tests for aniline.
Definition, common examples, uses.
Diazonium salts: Preparation, chemical Differences between antiseptics and
reactions and importance in synthetic organic disinfectants.
Structure not required.
Preparation from aniline;
Chemicals in food - preservatives, artificial
Properties: Sandmeyer’s reaction, Gattermann
sweetening agents, elementary idea of
reaction and replacement of diazo group by – H,
-OH, -NO 2 , coupling reaction with phenol and
aniline. Preservatives: role, example (Sodium benzoate).
Artificial sweetening agents: role, examples
14. Biomolecules (aspartame, saccharine, sucralose and alitame).
Carbohydrates – Definition, Classification
(aldoses and ketoses), monosaccahrides (glucose
and fructose), D-L configuration. PRACTICAL WORK – 15 Marks
Carbohydrates: definition, classification - mono Candidates are required to complete the following
(aldose, ketose): reducing sugars and non-
reducing sugars – examples. experiments:

Heating with HI, reaction with hydroxylamine, 1. Titrations

bromine water, acetic anhydride, nitric acid. Oxidation-reduction titrations: potassium
Test for glucose and fructose (bromine water test manganate (VII) / ammonium iron (II) sulphate;
with equation). potassium manganate (VII) / oxalic acid.
Proteins – structural units of proteins. Basic The candidate may be required to determine the
idea of - amino acids, peptide bond, percentage purity of a compound and the number
polypeptides, proteins.
of molecules of water of crystallization in
Proteins: Amino acids – general structure,
hydrated salts. In such experiments sufficient
classification and zwitter ion formation.
Isoelectric point. working details including recognition of the end
Classification of proteins on the basis of point will be given.
molecular shape; denaturation of proteins. Candidates will be required to calculate:
(Definitions only. Details and diagrams are not • Molarity
• Concentration in grams L-1 / molecular mass
Nucleic Acids - DNA and RNA. • Number of molecules of water of
Nucleic acids: basic unit – purine and
crystallisation/ percentage purity.
pyrimidine, DNA – structure (double helical),
RNA (No chemical structure required). NOTE: Molarity must be calculated upto 4
Differences between DNA and RNA. decimal places at least, in order to avoid error.

15. Chemistry in Everyday Life

Chemicals in medicines - analgesics,
tranquilizers antiseptics, disinfectants,
antimicrobials, antifertility drugs, antibiotics,
antacids, antihistamines.

OBSERVATION TABLE *Please Note: Carbylamine and acrolein tests
S. (A) (B) (B – A) should not be performed.
No. The student should learn to differentiate between
Initial Final Difference colours, solution, ring and precipitate.
burette burette (ml)
reading reading 4. Characteristic tests of carbohydrates and
(ml) (ml) proteins
1 • Carbohydrates – glucose
2 • Proteins – powdered milk
3 Identification should be of ‘Carbohydrate’ and
‘Protein’ not of individual substances.
• Concordant reading is to be used for titre
value. Concordant reading is two consecutive
values which are exactly the same. Average 5. Qualitative analysis
will not be accepted as titre value. Qualitative analysis: identification of single salt
• The table is to be completed in ink only. containing one anion and one cation:
Pencil is not to be used.
Anions: CO 3 2-, NO 2 -, S2-, SO 3 2-, SO 4 2-, NO 3 -,
• Overwriting will not be accepted in the
tabular column. CH 3 COO-, Cl-, Br-, I-, C 2 O 4 2-, PO 4 3-.
Observations: Cations: NH 4 +, Pb2+, Cu2+, Al3+, Fe3+, Zn2+, Mn2+
• Pipette size (should be same for all the , Ni2+, Co2+, Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+, Mg2+.
candidates at the centre).
• Titre value (concordant value). Chromyl chloride test not to be performed.
2. Study of the rate of reaction For wet test of anions, sodium carbonate
extract must be used (except for carbonate).
The candidates will be required, having been
(Insoluble salts such as lead sulphate, barium
given full instructions, to carry out an experiment
on the rate of reaction, e.g. reaction between sulphate, calcium sulphate, strontium sulphate
sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid will not be given).
(using different concentrations for either),
Anions: Dilute acid group – CO 3 2-, NO 2 -, S2-,
magnesium and dil. sulphuric acid/ dil.
hydrochloric acid (using different SO 3 2-
concentrations). Concentrated Acid Group – NO 3 -, Cl-,Br-, I-,
• Graph of volume vs. time and its CH 3 COO-.
interpretation. Special Group - SO 4 2-, PO 4 3-, C 2 O 4 2-.
Cations: Group Zero: NH 4 +
• Relationship between concentration and rate,
Group I: Pb2+
volume and rate and time and rate.
Group II : Cu2+, Pb2+
Group III: Al3+, Fe3+
3. Identification of the following compounds and
Group IV: Zn2+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Co2+
functional groups based on observations
Group V: Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+
• Alcoholic group - glycerol Group VI: Mg2+
• Aldehyde group- formaldehyde NOTE:
• Ketonic group – acetone • Formal analytical procedure is required for
• Carboxylic group – benzoic acid Qualitative Analysis.
• Specific solvent for O.S. to be used;
• Amino group - aniline
• Before adding Group III reagents to the • Presentation
filtrate of Group II, H 2 S must be removed
• Bibliography
followed by boiling with conc. Nitric acid.
• The right order for buffer (NH 4 Cl and Suggested Assignments:
NH 4 OH) must be used.
• The flame test with the precipitate obtained 1. Amino acids: Peptides, structure and
in Group V for Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+ will also be classification, proteins structure and their role in
accepted as a confirmatory test. the growth of living beings.
For wet test of anions, sodium carbonate 2. Nucleic Acid: DNA and RNA – their structure.
extract must be used (except for carbonate). Unique nature. Importance in evolution and their
characteristic features.
PATTERN OF CHEMISTRY 3. Carbohydrates and their metabolism, Blood -
PRACTICAL PAPER haemoglobin and respiration.
Questions in the practical paper will be set as 4. Vitamins and hormones
follows: 5. Simple idea of chemical evolution.
6. Natural polymers (any five) - structure,
Question 1 Volumetric Analysis
characteristics, uses. Synthetic polymers (any
Question 2 Any one or a combination of the five) - method of preparation, structure,
following experiments: characteristics and uses.
• Study of the rate of reaction.
7. Types of Dyes - methods of preparation,
• Identification of the organic characteristics and uses.
compounds and functional groups
based on observations. 8. Chemicals in medicines: antiseptics, antibiotics,
antacids, etc. and their uses.
• Characteristic tests of carbohydrates
and proteins. 9. Preparation of soap, nail polish, boot polish,
varnish, nail polish remover, shampoo and
Question 3 Qualitative Analysis (single salt).

PROJECT WORK AND PRACTICAL FILE - 10. Chemicals and chemical processes in forensic
15 Marks studies.
Project Work – 10 Marks 11. Insecticides, pesticides and chemical fertilisers.
The project work is to be assessed by a Visiting 12. Ancient Indian medicines and medicinal plants.
Examiner appointed locally and approved by the 13. Organic Chemistry in Nutrition, Food Science
Council. and Biotechnology.
The candidate is to creatively execute one 14. Effect of Green House Gases.
project/assignment on an aspect of Chemistry.
15. How Plastics have changed the world, both
Teachers may assign or students may select a topic of
socially and economically.
their choice. Following is only a suggestive list of
Practical File – 5 Marks
Suggested Evaluation criteria for Project Work:
The Visiting Examiner is required to assess students
• Introduction / purpose on the basis of the Chemistry Practical file
maintained by them during the academic year.
• Contents
• Analysis/ material aid (graph, data, structure, pie
charts, histograms, diagrams, etc.)

NOTE: According to the recommendation of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the
groups are numbered from 1 to 18 replacing the older notation of groups IA ….. VIIA, VIII, IB …… VIIB and
0. However, for the examination both notations will be accepted.

New 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


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