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Reflexive Essay on Leadership Style

Name of the Student

Name of the University

Author Note

Table of Contents
Gibbs' reflective cycle:....................................................................................................................2

Discussion of the class activities you were part of, and what these mean for you as a leader:.......4

Areas need to be developed:............................................................................................................5

Style of my leadership:....................................................................................................................9



Gibbs' reflective cycle:

Numerous tools are available to reflect on the critical incident. Gibbs reflexive cycle is one of

them. It is used to reflect on the critical incidents (Potter 2015). A person taking part in such

event can gain a positive or negative impact. Learning from such event is evaluated through

Gibb's reflective cycle. The events are generally from the personal, practical or learning areas.

This tool is more useful for the new students (Husebø O'Regan and Nestel 2015). This tool is

used to describe the event properly. After that, the feelings and critical thinking of people are

measured. Then, the experience is evaluated. These experiences may be good or bad. Next step is

the very important step. In this step, analysis is done. This step helps the people to make sense

from the incident. Consequently, the learner can gain some important lessons. He can understand

what would be the better strategy to deal with the situation. Ultimately, the action plan is

derived. Thus, the person can learn what he should do in future if he falls in the similar situation.

Personal opinion and experiences are included in the reflexive essay. Here I have gotten an

opportunity to write about my personal experience as the leader. In this reflexive essay, my

strengths, as well as my weaknesses, have been discussed in details. After pointing out my

weaknesses, I have derived some necessary action plan to overcome these weaknesses. In order

to become a good leader, it is necessary to overcome such weaknesses. In this reflexive essay, I

have written about the negative or positive influence of the circumstances on me. This essay is

very useful to me to learn more about myself. In order to identify my style of learning, this essay

is helpful. After knowing learning style of me, I shall be able to recognize how to improve

myself. It is necessary to improve myself to be a good leader. A good leader can help his

followers. I can also overcome every situation without any difficulty.


Leadership is one of the most important individual traits (Paterson and Chapman 2013). An

organization or a group of people is lead by someone has the leadership ability. A person who

has the immense quality to lead an organization is called a leader. The theory of leadership can

be categorized according to the diverse features. In order to be a great leader, the person must

have some personal leadership traits. Trait theory, great man theory, Behavioural Theory,

transformational Theory and Transactional theory are the example of some popular theories of

leadership (Yukl 2013). Required personal traits to a great leader are described in the Trait

Theory. Physical characteristic, personality characteristic and intellectual characteristics are

described in Trait theory. These characteristics help to identify a true leader. In order to be a

great leader, he should be honest, ambitious, self-confident, enthusiastic, intelligent and most

importantly he must have to job related knowledge (Daft 2014). Like other theories, Trait

theories also have some limitations. To forecast the headship in every form of situation, there are

no common features. The behavioural condition can be predicted better in the weak situation

rather than the tough situations through the Trait theory.

In order to be a great leader, it is expected that the following characteristics are within him.

Honesty is one of the great virtues of a leader (Goleman 2017). The leader should communicate

with his followers very well. Therefore, communication skill is very important in leadership

(Fairhurst and Connaughton 2014). His confidence level should be very high. His commitment

toward works should be noticeable. He also has some positive attitude. Creativity is another

important personal trait of a leader.


I have involved in three class activities. Involving in this class activities, I have come to know

that I have to develop some areas. Comprehensible vision is needed to become a leader. I should

be patient enough to handle all situations. I should be passionate towards my work. I have to

develop some leadership characteristics to be the role model for my followers. I should be

involved in motivating others. I have to admit my faults and weakness. I have to take necessary

action plan to overcome these weaknesses.

Discussion of the class activities you were part of, and what these mean for you as a leader:

I have chosen three class activities. I have done all these activities in the class. The first activity

is about Zeppo. The second class activity is about Apple and Dyson picture. Finally, the third

activity is about the McDonalds OTJ.

Zeppo is a retail market (Vincent 2015). They value the customer satisfaction and customer

loyalty. Employees are very essential for increasing the customer satisfaction. Therefore, skillful

employees are appointed. Proper training is provided for the employees. They arrange some

form of entertainment for the employees. This helps to enhance their performances. Employees

should be allowed to spend some quality time with their colleagues. Those candidates can be

hired who can value the culture of Zeppo. According to the CEO, Core values of the employees

do not matter as long as they are committed to them. Core values are the important for the

success of the company. Employees of the organization are given opportunity to learn new things

and develop themselves. We can learn so many things about the practice of Zappo. They provide

value to the employees. They also try to satisfy the customers.

In this class activity of week 2, we were the group of 4 people. We have discussed to hire

product engineer to make Apple vacuum cleaner. Our task is come up with a workforce plan.

This plan includes how to choose appropriate people in the appropriate place. The employed

person should be skilful. We have to consider the right price for the product. We have also

thought the salary of 90k USD per year. I have understood the procedure of reflective learning.

In this class activity, we learn how to keep learning journal. To manage talent, we have

introduced different ways. I have understood the role and responsibility of learning within the

organization. Through this class activity, we can identify the process with succession planning.

Key talent should be developed. The process of leadership should be used to manage succession

within the organization. From this topic, we learn that it is very important to appoint employees

with great skills. It is necessary to spend enough money as the wage of the employees. It is

important to satisfy the employees.

In this class activity of week 5 lecture, we were group 6-7 members. And we had discussed how

to trained employees who will grow the business of McDonald's and also of different ways

which we learn from OTJ training. I have been appointed as the regional manager for McDonald

for 250 restaurants. I may learn from OTJ training from a list of 10 ways. OTJ training is very

beneficial because the training can be arranged and implemented timely at low cost. Problems

can be recognized very quickly.

Areas need to be developed:

Development area Why Future step

Communication I am little shy. Hence, I have Recently, I am talking with
lots of problem regarding so many persons. I think this
communication skills. I feel can be helpful to overcome
uncomfortable to my troubles. It will help to
communicate with my co- reduce my nervousness. I
workers and staffs. should build up a
I cannot talk properly in front forthcoming mentality. Thus
of huge audience. Thus I am I can communicate with my
suffering from lack of great co-workers without any

communication skill. hesitation.

Development of my
leadership is hindered due to
the lack of this skill.
Therefore, I need to make a
friendly platform so that I
can communicate with
Controlling emotion I am so much emotional by Therefore, I have to manage
nature. In order to be a good my emotions in the place of
leader, I should control my work. In order to be a leader,
emotion in the place of work. I have to be a little more
I have to control my anger. practical. Hence, I am
Sometimes I laugh at the top studying some useful
of my voice. It can weigh psychological books. I used
down my individuality as a to read some popular
leader. I react very roughly business magazine to resolve
when I get anger due to some this problem. Sometimes, I
little reason. My staffs can be watch motivational videos on
de-motivated due to my Youtube. I have enrolled
attitude. myself in some yoga classes.
I believe that these will be
helpful to become spiritually

Time management Time management is very In order to develop this skill,

essential to meet the goal at I have enrolled myself in
the exact timeframe. Entire some classes. This class
supervision will be provided helps me to learn how to
to deal with the team. complete a given task within
Sometimes, I am unable to a precise time. Of late try to
do perform the task within an divide the complete tasks into
exact period. Hence, I need several subgroups of tasks.
to develop my skill of time
Problem-solving To be a great leader, I In order to enhance my skill
should have the skill of of problem-solving, I
problem-solving. It is regularly study some useful
necessary to guide the staffs books. I am benefitted from
of an organization to resolve studying these books.
the existing issues. Problem-
solving skill can develop the
motive of leadership. I have
to increase my problem-
solving skills.

Analytical skill I am suffering from lack of I always take advice from

analytical skill. It is very my senior. It helps to
essential to guide the staffs of enhance my analytical skill.
the organization. I have to In order to get significant
able to analysis different information, I discuss the
circumstances. This will help problem with my seniors. I
me to motivate others and think that self-evaluation can
effectively guide them. be helpful to adopt the ability
of analytical skill.

Active listening In order to make out the Recently, I have started to

issue, it is necessary to listen watch numerous intellectual
actively. Active listening movies. I also follow
helps to understand my role different sound effects. I
and responsibility very always try to contemplate on
carefully. my task from the bottom of
your heart. Consequently, it
helps me to listen to every

Critical thinking I need to improve my skill of I have enrolled myself in

critical thinking. Critical some meditation classes. It
thinking helps to think any can help me to reflect
situation critically. It allows positively.
the leader to think

Style of my leadership:

Leadership is a broad concept. In order to be a good leader, leadership is to be understood. My

good-humoured nature has been highlighted in the report. It permits to improve the sturdy

situation. Through the leadership skill, I can create a very good relationship with my co-workers.

I have lack of communication skill, but my friendly attitude attracts my co-workers to


communicate with my staffs. Platforms are created by me to fix some issues. I can discuss every

issue with my team members. It is necessary to inform the impact of the issue to the team

member. Thus, the team member can easily understand the issue properly. Time management is

a great problem for me. Sometimes, I fail to guide my team members to perform the job within

the time period. My dedication towards the job is notable. I always value my work and position. I

am trying to improve my problem-solving skill. It is to be noted that the leadership traits are

accomplished by birth. It is necessary to practice the leadership skills sincerely. I like to work

hard. I always try to learn new things. I have improved my analytical skill. I am trying to gain the

necessary skills for leadership. I have understood that good relationship should be maintained

with the staffs and team members to be a good leader. I can say that I can maintain the leadership

qualities of mine. `


Daft, R.L., 2014. The leadership experience. Cengage Learning.

Fairhurst, G.T. and Connaughton, S.L., 2014. Leadership: A communicative

perspective. Leadership, 10(1), pp.7-35.

Goleman, D., 2017. Leadership That Gets Results (Harvard Business Review Classics). Harvard

Business Press.

Husebø, S.E., O'Regan, S. and Nestel, D., 2015. Reflective practice and its role in

simulation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 11(8), pp.368-375.

Paterson, C. and Chapman, J., 2013. Enhancing skills of critical reflection to evidence learning in

professional practice. Physical Therapy in Sport, 14(3), pp.133-138.

Potter, C., 2015. Leadership development: an applied comparison of Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle and

Scharmer’s Theory U. Industrial and Commercial Training, 47(6), pp.336-342.

Vincent, J., 2015. 'The Black Knights of Fortune': A Study of the Zappo-Zap and Euro-African

Encounters in the Late Nineteenth-Century Kasai (Doctoral dissertation, University of Kent,).

Yukl, G.A., 2013. Leadership in organizations. Pearson Education India.




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