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Cong Ph Anh 4 More than a book B. BAI TAP VAN DUNG 1 Cau hot tinh tay (tt ce 48 thi cia BQ GD - DT) 4. Most geting cards are oting and tave a picture on the font and a message isi, A B c D 2.This carpet really needs. Gan you dot forme, sor? A cleaning 8. cleaned ©. being leaned D.clean 3.In ow hospital patents ___ every moming ‘Aare eaminad 8. have waned 6.can examine D. were examining 4.\Whon the old school fiends met, a lot of happy memories ___ back. A. had brought 8. were brought C. brought ‘D. had been brought 5. The headmaster has decided that three lecture halls in our school next semester. ‘A. will be building B. will build . are being buat . will be built 6. Only ane of four ited students to participate inthe final competion, ‘A. chosen ‘B. have been chosen C. has been chosen 1D. were choosing 7.No one can avoid ___by advertisements. A having intuenced 8. boing infuenced ©. tobe infuenced Dnfuencing 8. twas announced that nether the passengers northe diver ____inthe cash, A. were injured 8. are injured was inured have been injured 8. Not having written about the required topic, ____a low mark. AA the teacher gave me B.| was given ©. the teacher gave 1. my presentation was given 10. People say that Wr. Goldman gave neay a milfon pounds to chatty last year. ‘A. Nearly a milion pounds was said to have been given to charty by Mr. Goldman last year. 8. Mr. Goldman is said to have given neal a milion pounds to chart last year. ©. Neary a mifion pounds is std tobe given to charity by Mr. Gotan last yer. BD, Mr. Goldman was said to have glven nearly a milion pounds to charty last year. IL Bal tap : Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. EXERCISE 1. : 41. We can’t go along here because the road. Anas been played —_B has payed ‘Als repaiing 8. is repaired C. have been played D. have played being repaired D. repairs 5. An ineatona conference __in Hanoi next 2 Minerals __at ange quantities. A willbeld 1B. will be hold ‘A. were continued to explot ©.isgoingto hold wil beheld 5. continued to be expoitod 6. By the end of this year, abridge across the ver ©. ware continued t be exvoted wn byte engine D. continued to exploit Ais being constructed 3. Beehoven's ith Symphony ___next weskend, B. wilbe constructed ‘ALIs going to be performed . wil have been constructed 8. has been performed is going tobe constructed ©. wl be pertoring 7.The bates for iberation D. vl have perfor A. had be fought 8. had been fighted 4.How many games ____by the team? ©. had been fought (D. has been fought LOVEBOOK.VN1 31

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