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1. What are the sources of environmental pollution? Explain with a suitable case

Answer: Development have led to faster depletion of natural resources, forestry, water, coal,
and petroleum etc have given impetus to growth and now with the fast depletion of resources
the crisis is approaching. Pollution, carbon and gaseous emission, are adding to crisis. Large
scale usage of natural resources is not only causing depletion but also leading to wide spread
air, water and noise pollution that is again leading to hazardous health problem and severe
consequences. The consequences have alarmed the society, organization and various other
institutions. Now organizations are aware of their environmental and social responsibility and
are taking various measures to safeguard environment.

Environmental sustainability involves making selections and taking action which are within
the pastimes of cautious the natural world, with novel emphasis on preserving the
functionality of the surroundings to aid human existence. It is a critical topic in right now, as
individuals are realizing the full impact that companies and individuals will have on the
environment. Environmental sustainability is set making responsible decisions to have the
option to diminish your commercial enterprise. It isn't honestly about reducing the quantity of
waste you produce or the usage of less quality, yet is involved with growing approaches in
order to lead to groups becoming absolutely sustainable within what's to come.

Pollution is not new but rather existed for remaining so many years. After the commercial
revolution, there may be a rapid increase in this form of pollution. Pollution happens while
the herbal surroundings can't crush a detail without creating damage or damage to itself. The
elements involved aren't created via nature, and the destroying procedure can range from a
couple of days to bunches of years that is, for the case for radioactive pollutants. In other
words, pollutants takes location while nature does now not realize how to deteriorate a
component that has been brought to it in an unnatural way.

Wellsprings of environmental pollution

Industries: Industries polluting our surroundings in particular since the beginning of the
commercial revolution, as alluded to above, notably because of the increasing utilization of
fills. In the nineteenth century and for a significant part of the 20 th century, coal has been
utilized to make machines work faster, replacing human force. In spite of the fact that
pollutants by industries specially causes air pollutants, soil and water infection can also
happen. This is particularly the case for power-producing industries, for example, plant life
generating power. Also, the transportation of this quality may be harmful to the environment.
We can take for instance of the transportation of petroleum through pipelines; if there is a
leak within the pipeline, the dirt will routinely be contaminated. At the equal time, if the
tanker transporting petroleum from its manufacturing plant to the region where it'll be ate up
leaks or sinks, the water will get contaminated.

Transportation: Men have abandoned animal solidarity to travel, pollutants of the

environment has end up being ever more elevated. Its levels have best been increasing as of
not long ago. Similarly to industries, pollution resulting from transport can mainly be
attributed to petroleum derivatives. Indeed, humans went from horse carriages to cars, trains,
and airplanes. As visitors is growing each day, pollutants follows that evolution.
Agricultural Activities: Agriculture is especially responsible for the contamination of water
and soil. This is caused by the increased utilization of pesticides, in addition to via the
intensive person of its production. Almost all insecticides are made from chemical materials
and are supposed to maintain diseases and dangerous animals away from the yields.
Nonetheless, by using retaining these kinds of life away, the harm is almost usually made to
the encircling surroundings as well. Furthermore, as agriculture gets increasingly more
intensive to take care of the increasing global population, greater environments and biological
systems are decimated to make space for the harvests. Some of them, similar to rapeseed –
used to make oil – demand various area for a surprisingly small yield.

Trading Activities: Trading sports including the manufacturing and exchange of items and
administrations. Concerning merchandise, pollution can be because of packaging (which
regularly includes using plastic) or transport, particularly.

The objection to keep environment, leads commercial enterprise agencies to take critical
initiative to manipulate surroundings and layout mode and technique to attain eco-
accommodating framework. Tata Group of Industries is one of the examples that watch eco
governance, the township of Jamshedpur and surrounding is model of eco governance. This
institution has marked eco governance for superior enterprise performance. The fine
environmental strategy emphasis corporation to take obligation to society and take a gander
at environmental issues through taking various advances, for example, making workers aware
of the need to manipulate and enhance environment and make them perceive the management
duty, for surroundings up gradation, and to feel them motivated and inspired to act.

Organizations want to recognize areas that require interest and monitor it to discharge, air
polluting units, waste disposal operation and so forth. Appropriate making plans and
documentation is required to manage the environment exceptional inside the company –, for
example, what is to be done, how and through whom. Facilities and abilties is to be advanced
for measuring controlling and improving all environment associated sports and procedures
via setting up emanating testing laboratories, disposal tanks and treatment flowers,
installation of pollutants controlling gadget and instruments. Individuals ought to be trained
enabled and endorsed to take initiative and give you the innovative musings to adapt to the
environmental difficulties and upgrades. Measuring, controlling the surroundings according
to planning and reviewing for continuous improvement and coping with the aspect results of

2. QFD is believed to be beneficial for implementing world class standards in

operations. Do you believe this? If yes justify your answer with examples.

Answer: QFD is a planning process to guide the design, manufacturing and marketing of
goods by integrating the voice of the customer throughout the organization. Through QFD,
every design, manufacturing and control decision is made to meet the expressed needs of
customers. It uses a type of matrix diagram to present data and information. Even though
QFD was originated in 1972 at Toyota has been the pioneer in deploying the tool extensively.
It is estimated that Toyota has realized 20% reduction in start-up costs on the launch of new
van in 1979.Xerox and Ford have started using the QFD process. Today, it is being deployed
in all most all of the leading companies in the world.QFD benefits companies through
improved communication and team work between all functions in the value chain, such as
between marketing and design, between design and manufacturing, and between purchase
and suppliers.

QFD centersaround customer necessities for example "Voice of the Customer‟. It

centersaround satisfying customer needs and places weight on techniques that help
understand those necessities and build up a result of superior value. Fids a logical
technique for translating voice of the customer into technical characteristics being
developed of item or administrations. It is a finished item planning process. Therefore,
QFD is a customer driven planning process which guides through the structure,
manufacture and marketing of item or administration.

QFD is primarily a lot of graphically oriented planning matrices that aroused as the basis
for decisions affecting the item advancement cycle. Consequences of a QFD are
measured on the basis of cost, quality, and number of plans, engineering changes and
time to market. It is considered as ideal blueprint for quality by structure. QFD is the most
evolved practical procedure and is a planning tool that defines a procedure for developing
items or administrations. Appropriate implementation of QFD improves engineering
information, efficiency, and quality and decreases cost, item advancement time and
engineering changes.

QFD is utilized to translate prerequisites of customers into engineering specifications. A

portion of the special features of QFD are as per the following:

● Focuses on customer expectations or prerequisites and is often alluded as the voice of

the customer.

● Translates customer expectations into technical characteristics. This procedure

consists of following activities:

● Product planning

● Part improvement

● Process planning

● Production planning

● Enables the plan phase to concentrate on the customer prerequisites and thereby
invests less energy in overhaul and modification using traditional means, subsequently
saving advancement cost.

● Helps distinguish new and quality innovation and occupation functions to carry out

● Defines a procedure for developing items or administrations as it is the most evolved

practical procedure and a planning tool.

● Performs serious analysis, which leads the company to find ways to sustain in the
serious world. This analysis improves performance measure of the company.
● Provides a way to set targets. Engineers utilize the data to concentrate on item
configuration features. Improving item quality using marketing strategies and operations
is crucial. Therefore QFD encourages inter-functional communication for improving the
quality of items and administrations. While designing, the features are also compared
with similar items in the market.

Use of QFD:
QFD focuses on drivers of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction, making it a useful tool
for competitive analysis of product quality by topmanagement.QFD ensures productivity and
quality improvement through comprehensive analysis and understanding of the customer
requirements, product requirements, and process requirements by all concerned.QFD
facilitates simulation of the effects of the new design ideas and concepts, which in turn
reduces the product development time thereby enabling the companies to introduce the new
products quickly and achieve competitive advantage.

Quality Function Deployment Phases

Product Planning: This includes marketplace research, expertise patron necessities, and
evaluating competing items in the marketplace. Before each item solution is accepted, it is
sifted through asset of necessities, for example, enterprise guidelines and primary
functionality. This manner distinguishes answers that give the favored serious blessings
without violating any expectations. Evaluation consists of adscription of the anticipated era
requirements for the new item. Organizations carefully don't forget the impact of generation
as there may be time agenda that should be followed in order to fit consumer necessities. In
the event that an over the top amount of time passes between arrangement of the voice of the
purchaser and implementation, the consumer necessities may also change.

Configuration Process: This fragment entails comparing engineering characteristics and

customer prerequisites. Based on the outcome, item traits are perceived and planned.

Item and Production Planning: This incorporates procedure structure, operations, framework
stream, production planning and amazing evaluation checks with admire to necessities.

Conveyance: This phase includes shipping, dispensing and servicing the item.

Examples of implementation of QFD

Barely any years ago, Rain star college from Arizona, actualized QFD to satisfy the
understudies' graduation and accreditation wishes. The course content and educational plan
were planned through QFD based totally on understudies' necessities. Moreover, emphasis
became laid on making sure the focal point of each instructional unit at the graduate.

Chrysler also applied QFD a couple of years back and that they utilized it within the
manufacturing arrangement of the enterprise. With the assistance of QFD, Chrysler
transformed into capable of include patron necessities all through the developing degree of
the items. Company used to initially select the customers' necessities and then translate these
prerequisites into the item engineering language. Later on, enterprise utilized the customer
voice and evaluations all through the item improvement manner. The yield generated from
this manner end up being valuable for the manufacturing operations of the vehicle.
3. A. You are the operations manager of the big manufacturing unit. You have been
asked by the Chief Operating Officer of the firm to prepare a white paper on
Benchmarking for the firm. In this regard explain the different types of Benchmarking.
3. B. You are the operations manager of the big manufacturing unit. You have been
asked by the Chief Operating Officer of the firm to prepare a white paper on
Benchmarking for the firm. In this regard explain the process of Benchmarking.

Answer: a) Benchmarking is the process of setting goals by looking into competitors and
finding out ways of achieving these goals by improving the process. To-do this, managers
have to play a significant and active role. They have to compare their company’s
performance with that of their competitor’s and tyro find out why their performance differs
from that of their competitors.

Types of Benchmarking
Functional benchmarking
Functional benchmarking involves the analysis of a particular function (core business
function) which may be common within amongst the two organisations. There is no focus of
direct competition, depending on the function that is benchmarked, the benchmark
organisation need to be in similar industry for the exact comparison. This is typical for
automated processes that use commercially available software.

Process benchmarking
Process benchmarking gives importance to the selected production processes in the business
rather than on the entire business. The objective of this analysis is to determine best practice
processes and to compare actual processes that organisations use; managers can improve the
performance of sub-systems–leading to better overall performance.
Example: Insurance claims

Product benchmarking
This form of benchmarking is commonly known as competitive product analysis. The
important purpose is to evaluate competitor costs, product concepts, sturdy and weak aspects
of alternative designs and competitor design may be obtained by means of analysing
competitor’s products

Global benchmarking
As commercial enterprise is expanding on a global foundation, not best for large however
also for medium-sized corporations, it follows that benchmarking studies will become more
international. If an enterprise has an objective of becoming an powerful global competitor, it
can't benchmark towards a local organisation unless it's miles the first-rate. Moreover,
advances in communications era has reduced the fee and time required to benchmark
companies across the globe.

Strategic benchmarking
Strategic benchmarking is performed with the assist of pinnacle control and it targets at long
term results. This benchmarking is the maximum recommended kind because it creates a
context and rationale that enhances all other benchmarking efforts. Strategic benchmarking
focuses on competition between the organizations and assessing the success of the strategies.
Strategic benchmarking can give valuable effects. If any employer neglects this
benchmarking, it could result in failure of the organisation. For example, some enterprise
observers trust that AT & T‟s failure inside the computer enterprise was due to a lack of
strategic perception into the key fulfillment factors for the industry. Strategic benchmarking
is ready comparing various organizations’ techniques and measuring the result of the ones
strategies in the marketplace.

Operational benchmarking
Operational benchmarking facilitates businesses to perceive numerous components of their
operations and evaluate them to enterprise standards. This then lets in businesses to determine
one of a kind parts in their business operations which are appearing properly and it
additionally lets in incorporating higher approaches to improve them. In a few operational
benchmarking studies, researchers systematically degree how competitors or leaders in
different companies obtain differentiation in the market area thru product features, product
quality, customer support and brand image.

B) A benchmark is a factor of reference in opposition to which something is measured.

Benchmarking is described as “measuring performance in opposition to that of first-rate-in-
class companies, figuring out how the first-class-in-class obtain the ones performance ranges
and the usage of the records as a foundation for our own enterprise’s targets, techniques and
implementation”. Benchmarking is the look for industries’ excellent practices that cause
superior overall performance. According to D. T. Kearns of Xerox, “benchmarking is the
continuous procedure of measuring our products, services and business practices in
opposition to the toughest competition or those corporations acknowledged as industry

Benchmarking procedure
Stage 1: Decide what to benchmark – we recognise that any feature or process in an
enterprise can be benchmarked. While there will be huge benefits in benchmarking positive
sports, for others there can be no enormous blessings. Thus, it is important to discover really
the ones activities which if benchmarked might cause large benefits. While doing so, even the
business enterprise ought to become aware of those important success factors which help a
firm to obtain its venture and goal and to benchmark these elements.

Stage 2: Understanding present day overall performance – before analysing the competitor’s
performance for comparison, it is critical to look upon our very own overall performance.
The agency need to first discover and analyse its own activities in phrases of performance.
This will be performed by way of the usage of the purpose and impact diagrams, waft
diagrams etc.

Stage 3: Planning – a team accountable for wearing out the benchmarking method need to be
formed. The essential features of the team could be to(a) decide on the kind of benchmarking
to be accomplished, the type of records tube accumulated and the extraordinary methods of
collecting information (b) to discover the companies to be able to function a benchmark.
Additionally, a time table must be organized wherein the sports could be scheduled properly
to ensure clean functioning of the method.

Stage 4: Studying others – while collecting records to locate the high-quality practices
prevalent inside the given enterprise, one has to look for two types of records:
a) Brief description of all the tactics involved.
B) Quantifiable results that the competition are achieving due to those procedures.
Stage 5: Learning from the facts – the gaps have to be identified from the statistics amassed
so that they can be bridged up. The following questions have to be requested for this activity:
a) Are there any gaps among the employer’s performance and the competitor’s performance?
B) How a good deal is the gap?
C) In which regions does the space exist?
D) What are the probably motives for the gap?
E) How in a different way are the competition performing the given activity?
F) If we follow the equal method, can we have the ability to achieve better outcomes?
In this stage, the company should continually pass for quantifiable statistics in order that it is
simple to do the comparisons.

Stage 6: Using the findings – Steps are taken to change the existing processes in order to
bridge the gaps. For this, it is essential for the managers to communicate the gaps to the
people concerned so that they can help in bridging the gaps.

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