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• Technical department/scouting.
• Chief trainer analyst.
• Performance analysts.
• Audio-visual technicians.
• Health and wellness coach for analyzing the player’s mental strength and helping


• Technical department / scouting
1. International scouts
2. National scouts
3. Local and regional scouts

• Chief-trainer analyst

• Performance analyst
1. Game analysts
2. Data analysts

• Audio-visual technicians
1. Image and sound professionals
2. IT professionals for info gathering and management

• Health and wellness

1. Physical health trainer
2. Mental health practioners

• The main objective of the scouting department is to identify talent , analyzing a player
individually , analyzing a player with collective context and generate a report of a
player. The workflow : work strategy is simple , identifying talent for the future .
Reception and production and information for identifying talents , Software and
storage space will be allocated and finally making of technical reports and submitting
it to the head of analysis department.
• The main objective of the chief trainer analyst is to serve as a liaison between the
department and other areas of the club, the chief trainer analyst is also in charge of
inter-departmental relations within the team and co-ordinates tasks to the other
analysts. The workflow : His work strategy is to be available for help for anybody in
the analysis , all the information gathered and technical reports must be submitted to
• The objectives of the performance analyst department is to observe the teams own
game and the opponent , collecting of data and creating technical reports out of them
is the main objective of this department. The workflow : The game analyst strategy is
analyze the game and observe the quantitative and qualitative information and the
data analyst scrutinises information using data analysis tools , Both have been
allocated storages and software for their work and their main work is gathering of
• The objective of the audio-visual technicians is to use the images and do graphics and
animations that can be communicated to the players. The workflow : Their main work
strategy is to create graphics and animations that can be communicated to the players
by the other analysts and coaches , software and storage spaces are allotted for these
technicians and they must focus on creating quality content to show to the players.
• The objective of the health and wellness department is to take care of the physical and
mental health of all the players and at cases even their co-staff.
Workflow : Their work strategy is simple , taking care of their players health and
providing them with proper nutrition and also manage their workload that might cause
stress. Anything about the players they will have to inform the trainer analyst.
All these departments work under supervison of the sports management.

1. Scouting department – Tools like wyscout , hardisks and cloud storages

2. Data analysts – Tools like power bi , r studio, tableau etc.

3. Audio visual technicians - Adobe editing tools will be given along to good computers
with a good graphics card to work with.

4.Game analysts – Video analysis software like longomatch and nacsport will be given to the
game analysts.

Microsoft products like word , excel , teams , outlook come as common for everyone and
computers are given as common.


• During the match we would like to like to observe the technical , tactical , mental and
physical attributes . How well the players respond emotionally , Are they playing
according to the given tactics , Is the spatial difference good and how well they are
able to do transitions , Is the defense going good , Opponent tactics and behavior ,
How well our team make use of the set pieces and throw ins etc… These are the
things that I would observe during a match.
• During practice , How much the team is working together for the improvement of
other players , Are all the players receiving the information correctly , Is the team
environment good , individually and as a team are they practicing well , Is the team
helping out each other etc.. These are the things I would observe during training
• The next question is how will I communicate and what will I communicate , The
answer is first of all we as analysts must create a proper and friendly environment for
the players as well as the coaches to come and share anything with us . If we work
together and be a friendly team and when the working environment is good any
victory is possible. To the coach I would show the analysis done and ask him what to
do , because he is main man who organizes the team , if he permits I would talk about
the analysis to the players individually or as a team . If we give equal importance to
all of them , they will feel part of the team and we can accomplish anything.

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