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1. Briefly explain the below initial selection process:

The applicant first applies for a job and then he/she will undergo the initial selection –
they will submit initial selection devices for evaluation such as application forms, letters of
recommendation, background checks, etc. Based on these evaluations, it will be decided if the
applicant meets the basic qualifications needed for the job or not; if so, they will continue to the next
step. Next is the substantive selection which is what most consider as the heart of the selection
process, these include written tests, performance simulation tests and interviews. Based on these, a
select few applicants will then qualify to advance to the final step. Lastly is the contingent selection,
this is a final check before providing the job offer to the applicants; these include drug tests and
background checks. Those who fail this selection will be rejected, while those who qualify will receive
the job offering.

2. Why is training necessary? Defend your answer.

Employees who receive the necessary training become more able to perform in their
job. The training will provide them with a greater understanding of their responsibilities within their
role and build their confidence as well, which in turn will then enhance their overall performance thus
benefitting the company. Also, investing in training shows employees that they are valued; it creates a
supportive workplace. These employees who feel appreciated through these training opportunities
may feel more satisfaction toward their jobs and the organization; thus reducing employee turnover

A training program also allows to strengthen the skills that each employee needs to
improve. In addition to this, training enhances consistency, efficiency, creativity, etc. and all in all
molds employees to become better which in turn would be beneficial to the organization. Lastly,
training enhances the company’s reputation and profile, making the company more attractive to
potential new recruits who seek to improve their skills and the opportunities associated with those
new skills.
Training helps employees to learn new skills, enhance existing ones, have a better
performance, be more productive and improve leadership. A company is the sum total of what each
employee achieves individually, so therefore organizations should do everything they can to ensure
that employees perform at their best.

3. Give an example of a (1) formal and (2) informal training.

Examples of formal training would be a webinar/seminar or even a classroom-like
discussion/lecture; such that it is formally structured and planned dedicated solely for the
improvement of the employees. On the other hand, examples of informal training include watching
videos, reading articles, discussion with colleagues, and any other training activity that is not
necessarily structured or planned, and therefore easier to adapt to the situation.

4. Among the methods of Performance Evaluation, what do you think is the most effective? Explain.
The method of performance evaluation I deem to be most effective is the BARS
(behaviorally anchored rating scales) as it is a combination of the key elements of other methods. This
means that this method is much more effective than the others as it does not partake on a linear
approach; it makes use of both quantitative and qualitative data and applies it to the employee
appraisal process.
The results from this performance evaluation method are reliable as the results
remain the same even when different raters rate them, bias cannot ensue as they are rated based on a
continuum wherein the points are examples of actual behavior on the given job rather than general
descriptions or traits; thus giving an objective feedback. Lastly, these traits make it very accurate as an
appraisal method and therefore increases reliability and effectivity.

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