64 Gerund Infinitive Elementary Pre Intermediate Test 13

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Gerund - infinitive (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate) Test 13

Gerund - infinitive
6. We must_____ back the mixer back to the shop. It
doesn’t work.
1. He wants _____ a cold drink.
A) taking
A) drink B) take
B) to drink C) took
C) drinking D) to take
D) drinks

7. She can _____ German and Italian.

2. He never _____ by plane.
A) speak
A) travels B) speaking
B) to travel C) to speak
C) traveling D) speaks
D) travel

8. Could you _____ more slowly?

3. Will you _____ off the photocopier?
A) speaking
A) to turn B) spoke
B) turning C) speak
C) turned D) speaks
D) turn

9. I hope _____ you soon.

4. Would she like _____ to the moon?
A) to see
A) going B) seeing
B) go C) see
C) to go D) saw
D) goes

10. We’d better _____ to the manager.

5. Do you like_____ football on TV?
A) to talk
A) watch B) talking
B) watched C) talked
C) watches D) talk
D) watching

11. It takes him an hour _____ to the bank.

A) getting
B) get
C) gets
D) to get

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Gerund - infinitive (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate) Test 13

17. A: This problem is too difficult. I can’t solve it. B: Is it

really too difficult for you _____?

12. I am sorry _____ you. A) solving

B) solve
A) disturbing
C) to solve
B) to disturb
D) solved
C) disturb
D) disturbed

18. A: He is a doctor. He looks very young. B: Yes. He

doesn’t look old enough _____ a doctor.
13. He spoke too quickly for us _____.
A) being
A) to understand B) be
B) understand C) been
C) understanding D) to be
D) understood

19. A: Shall I buy meat or fish? B: I’ve already told you

14. He’s not strong enough _____ me. what _____.

A) beating A) to buy
B) beats B) buying
C) to beat C) buy
D) beaten D) bought

15. She is able _____ 100 meters in 9 seconds. 20. A: What are you _____? B: I’m resting.
A) running A) done
B) run B) do
C) to run C) doing
D) ran D) to do

16. It is important _____. 21. Thank you for_____ me.

A) to win A) helping
B) winning B) help
C) win C) to help
D) won D) helped

22. Let’s _____ in the sun.

A) sitting
B) to sit
C) sat
D) sit

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Gerund - infinitive (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate) Test 13

23. A: Why do we go to school? B: _____. 29. A: I’ve got a headache. B: Well, why don’t you _____
an aspirin?
A) To learn
B) Learning A) to take
C) Learned B) take
D) Learn C) taken
D) taking

24. Could you _____ me the time?

30. Why are you _____ my tea?
A) telling
B) to tell A) drinking
C) tell B) to drink
D) told C) drunk
D) drink

25. There is nothing _____.

31. She typed the letters carefully without _____ any
A) to do mistakes.
B) doing
A) made
C) did
B) to make
D) do
C) makes
D) making

26. Have you got anything _____?

A) reading 32. I haven’t _____ Anna more than five years.

B) to read
A) seeing
C) read
B) seen
D) reads
C) to see
D) see

27. She is good at _____.

A) to swim 33. Why don’t we go and _____ the film at the Moonstar?
B) swimming
A) see
C) swims
B) seen
D) swum
C) to see
D) seeing

28. It takes a long time _____ a foreign language.

A) learning
B) learned
C) learns
D) to learn

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Gerund - infinitive (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate) Test 13

34. My son wants _____ a manager. 40. Shall I _____ you a glass of lemonade?

A) been A) making
B) to be B) made
C) be C) make
D) being D) to make

35. I’d rather not _____ late for my interview. 41. Do you lie in bed after _____?

A) be A) to wake up
B) to be B) waking up
C) been C) woken up
D) being D) wake up

36. A farmer uses tractors _____ fields with. 42. Let him _____ that for you.

A) ploughing A) to do
B) to plough B) do
C) ploughed C) doing
D) ploughs D) does

37. She wants _____ a complaint about the waiter. 43. How long has he _____ the manager?

A) to make A) been
B) making B) to be
C) makes C) being
D) made D) be

38. My father does the _____ himself. 44. She is _____ to school by her mother every morning.

A) ironing A) takes
B) irons B) taken
C) to iron C) to take
D) iron D) taking

39. My mother does all the _____. 45. A new factory is _____ here.

A) cleaning A) being built

B) to clean B) to build
C) cleans C) build
D) clean D) building

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Gerund - infinitive (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate) Test 13

46. I’m afraid of _____ mistakes. 52. I expect her _____.

A) to make A) to come
B) made B) comes
C) make C) coming
D) making D) come

47. I’m looking forward to _____ you next summer. 53. Hadn’t we better _____ soon?

A) visit A) leaving
B) visited B) leave
C) visiting C) leaves
D) visits D) left

48. It is not necessary for him _____ every page. 54. He usually goes _____ tennis at the weekend.

A) reading A) to play
B) read B) playing
C) to read C) plays
D) reads D) play

49. I don’t _____ sugar, thank you. 55. She can’t stand _____ to rock music.

A) take A) listening
B) to take B) to listen
C) taking C) listen
D) taken D) listens

50. He prefers walking to _____. 56. Will you _____ to what I’m saying?

A) driving A) listening
B) drive B) to listen
C) drives C) listen
D) drove D) listened

51. I expect she will _____. 57. Haven’t you _____ your calculator?

A) comes A) finding
B) coming B) find
C) come C) found
D) to come D) to find

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Gerund - infinitive (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate) Test 13

58. It is difficult _____ a good hotel, in this town. 64. Turkey is not an oil _____ country.

A) find A) producing
B) to find B) to produce
C) found C) produces
D) finding D) produced

59. May I _____ you tomorrow? 65. I’ve just eaten a _____ potato.

A) seeing A) boiling
B) to see B) to boil
C) seen C) boils
D) see D) boiled

60. I can see a man _____ towards us. 66. She didn’t get a _____ grade on the test.

A) come A) to pass
B) coming B) passing
C) comes C) passed
D) to come D) passes

61. Terry wants to read, but he hasn’t got a _____ lamp. 67. Let her _____ the potatoes.

A) read A) fry
B) to read B) fries
C) reading C) frying
D) read D) fried

62. They don’t have _____ water in their house. 68. We’ll eat the _____ potatoes with salt and pepper.

A) running A) fried
B) to run B) frying
C) run C) to fry
D) ran D) fry

63. Everyone is expected _____ to school. 69. Did somebody _____ the dishes?

A) going A) wash
B) goes B) washing
C) to go C) to wash
D) gone D) washed

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Gerund - infinitive (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate) Test 13

70. Yes, I saw the _____ soldiers.

A) wounding
B) wound 76. We are peace _____ people.
C) wounded A) love
D) to wound B) loved
C) loving
D) to love

71. The boy _____ in the dentist’s chair has got


A) sitting 77. He agreed _____ us with our assignment.

B) sat
A) to help
C) sit
B) helping
D) sits
C) helped
D) helps

72. Everything is _____.

A) changes 78. The doctor advised him _____ a little exercise every
B) to change
C) changing A) takes
D) change B) taking
C) to take
D) taken

73. Will you _____ here tomorrow?

A) to be
B) been 79. She told him not _____ too much noise.
C) being A) making
D) be B) make
C) to make
D) made

74. He should give up _____.

A) to smoke
B) smoking 80. Do you mind if I _____ you question?
C) smoke A) asked
D) smoked B) ask
C) to ask
D) asking

75. He would like _____ after dinner.

A) to rest
B) resting
C) rests
D) rested

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Gerund - infinitive (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate) Test 13

81. The plane has _____ off. 87. You ought _____ exercise regularly.

A) taken A) take
B) took B) to take
C) taking C) taking
D) takes D) takes

82. Our house was _____ in 1984. 88. The man _____ in that car is my father.

A) building A) sits
B) builds B) sit
C) built C) sitting
D) been built D) sat

83. He is too ill _____. 89. She punished the child for _____ lies.

A) moving A) telling
B) moves B) to tell
C) moved C) told
D) to move D) tells

84. Does she have _____ up early? 90. You can’t live without _____.

A) gets A) eat
B) getting B) to eat
C) got C) eating
D) to get D) eaten

85. _____ in Ankara is expensive. 91. They can _____ in now.

A) Don’t live A) to come

B) Living B) coming
C) Live C) came
D) Lived D) come

86. You must _____ at once. 92. I saw the bus _____ towards me.

A) apologize A) to come
B) to apologize B) comes
C) apologizing C) coming
D) apologized D) come

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Gerund - infinitive (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate) Test 13

93. His father was _____ in a car accident.

A) killing
B) kills 97. This problem is hard _____ because it is very
C) be killed
D) killed A) solving
B) to solve
C) solved
D) be solved
94. English is an easy language _____.

A) be learned
B) to learn
98. I expected Mary _____ me last night but she didn’t.
C) learning
D) learned A) to phone
B) phoning
C) phones
D) phone
95. Could you tell me where _____ off the bus?

A) to get
B) get
99. I’ll never again ask you _____ me.
C) getting
D) got A) helping
B) help
C) to help
D) helped
96. When I was young I used _____ to school on my

A) going
B) to going
C) to go
D) gone

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Gerund - infinitive (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate) Test 13

Answer Key:

1: B 51: C
2: A 52: A
3: D 53: B
4: C 54: B
5: D 55: A
6: B 56: C
7: A 57: C
8: C 58: B
9: A 59: D
10: D 60: B
11: D 61: C
12: B 62: A
13: A 63: C
14: C 64: A
15: C 65: D
16: A 66: B
17: C 67: A
18: D 68: A
19: A 69: A
20: C 70: C
21: A 71: A
22: D 72: C
23: A 73: D
24: C 74: B
25: A 75: A
26: B 76: C
27: B 77: A
28: D 78: C
29: B 79: C
30: A 80: B
31: D 81: A
32: B 82: C
33: A 83: D
34: B 84: D
35: A 85: B
36: B 86: A
37: A 87: B
38: A 88: C
39: A 89: A
40: C 90: C
41: B 91: D
42: B 92: C
43: A 93: D
44: B 94: B
45: A 95: A
46: D 96: C
47: C 97: B
48: C 98: A
49: A 99: C
50: A

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