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Unpacking the Self:

Sexual Self
February 17, 2021
I want to make it clear that when
approaching this topic on the sexual self, it
should not just be as a biological process,
but as a preparation to entering into and
sustain an intimate, happy, and long time
relationships in the future.
● Discuss the sexual development involving the human
reproductive system, erogenous zones, sexual behavior, and
human sexual responses.
● Demonstrate critical and reflective thought in understanding
one’s sexuality, chemistry of lust, love and attachment, and the
psychological aspect of being turned on.
● Examine the diversity of human sexuality, sexual health, sexually
transmitted diseases and methods of contraception.
Why do sexual topics
create discomfort when
discussed in public?
What is your sexual self?
Part of yourself where you learn and understand your
sexual development and how people’s sexual activity,
beliefs, misconceptions and unlimited access from the
internet on sex can influence your own sexual behaviors
and responses.
Sexual Development
3 Reasons as to why an Individual’s Sex is important in Lifelong

1. Each year children come under increasing cultural pressures…

2. Learning experiences are determined by the individual’s sex.
3. The attitude of parents and other significant family members
towards individuals because of their sex.
Freud Psychosocial
Stages & Erogenous
Zones of the body
Erogenous Fixations Conflicts Results
Oral Frustration – Schedule - fed
Incorporation fed on a – tight lipped
schedule to people who eat
Mouth meet nutritional only for
(centered on requirements nourishment
feeding Oral Overindulgence Demand - fed –
Aggressive – child is fed at gives rise to
any time the oral pleasures.
child wants
Erogenous Fixations Conflicts Results
Anal Retentive Frustration – Controlling
exacting control
Anus (centered of bowel habits
on toilet
training) Anal Expulsive Overindulgence Uncontrolled
– parents allow
child freedom
or is lenient in
Erogenous Fixations Conflicts Results
Oedipus/Elektra Heterosexualizing Homosexuality
Complex interactions. will occur if
are reversed
Castration Jealousy develops Boy will grow
Anxiety up seeking a
woman like his
Penis Envy Problems with Girl will grow
parent-identification up seeking a
man like her
father, or
wanting to have
a male child
Erogenous Fixations Conflicts Results
Repression of Reality principle
Oedipal and learning of
Attachments skills
Maturation Establishing
Reduction of gender identity
sexuality in the
Erogenous Fixations Conflicts Results

Sexual instincts Sublimate

and sexual sexual energy
conflicts reappear into emotional
commitment to
Mating, Death instincts Hostility,
Dating and reappears rebelliousness,
Whole body
Social juvenile
Interaction delinquency.
Sexual instincts Vows of
are repressed celibacy,
attractions to
Human Reproduction
The beginning of adolescence is marked by rapid physical changes

A. Maturation of the
reproductive system

B. Development of
different sex
Sex Characteristics:

1. Primary Sex Characteristics

2. Secondary Sex Characteristics
Primary Sex Characteristics
1 Prostate gland
2 Penis
3 Testicles & Scrotum

Vagina 1

3 Uterus 2
Ovaries 3

Secondary Sex Characteristics

Females: Enlargement of the breasts,

menstrual cycle, widening of hips,
enlargement of buttocks and growth of
pubic hair

Males: Testicular growth, sperm

production, appearance of facial pubic,
and other body hair, and deepening of
voice are some of the first signs of
puberty in men.
Natural Substance that is
produced in the body.

Influences the way the body

grows or develops.

Types of hormones:
- Testosterone (Male)
- Estrogen (Female)
- Progesterone
The Sexual Response
According to William Masters and Virginia Johnson
Human Sexuality
5 circles of Sexuality
Chemistry of Lust, Attraction & Attachment
The Diversity of
Human Sexuality
Sexual Orientation
Sexual Health and
Sexually Transmitted
Adolescents often have inadequate information about their own or their
partner’s body. Teens need this information so that can make informed
decisions about sexual expression and protect their health
Sexual intercourse is one of the most common behaviors among humans. It
is a behavior that may produce sexual pleasure that often culminates in
orgasm in females and in males.

Common misconceptions about having sex:

1. All teens are having sex.
2. Having sex makes you matured and an adult.
3. Something is wrong with an older teen who is not having sex.
4. A girl can’t get pregnant if she’s menstruating.
5. You are a virgin as long as you don’t have sexual intercourse.
6. Oral sex is not sex.
Premarital Sex
Factors that encourage having premarital sex:

1. Unsupportive family relationships

2. Lack of parental supervision
3. Friends who are sexually active
4. Engaged in risky leisure activities
Sexually Transmitted
Examples of STIs:

• Chlamydia
• Chancroid
• Crabs (Pubic lice) • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
• Hepatitis B • HIV/AIDS
• Molluscum Contagiosum • Genital Herpes
• Trichomoniasis (Trich) • Gonorrhea
• Human Papillomavirus (HPV) • Scabies
• Syphilis
Teenage Pregnancy
How do we prevent this?

Comprehensive Sex Education and access to birth controls

Family Planning
Also called responsible parenthood
Family Planning

1. Natural Birth Control

2. Artificial Birth Control


1. Implant, IUD, Vasectomy, Tubal methods – 99%

2. Birth Control Shot – 97%
3. Birth Control Pill, Vaginal Ring – 92 – 95%
4. Condom, Diaphragm, Cervical Cap, Sponge – 84 – 89%

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