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Read the case study and answer the questions given below: (5 marks)

A 40-year-old male military former fighter visited a doctor with symptoms of poor sleep,
crying episodes, flashbacks, and nightmares. He also reports that his marriage and
friendships have been suffering and his work performance has also got effected badly.
When in a bad mood, he tends to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol. Initially, he has
tried to handle these symptoms on his own, but has been largely unsuccessful and now
recognizes a need for professional help. He speaks openly about his experiences and
recognizes a direct connection between his war zone exposure and current symptoms.

1. Identify the signs/symptoms in the above case. (02)

Ans: The symptoms shows in the case are lack of sleep, crying episodes, flashbacks and

2. Name the disorder to which these symptoms belong. (01)

Ans: These symptoms belongs to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

3. Identify the possible causes of this disorder. (01)

Ans: The possible causes of this order is being in the military and maybe seeing war,
terror, killings and human suffering.

4. Which treatment method can be used to overcome this problem? (01)

Ans: Treatments that can be used for this problem is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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