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The long awaited announcement was about to be made. Everybody was

glued to the television waiting for the president; A battery of endless rhetoric
questions criss-crossed my gray matter. Everyone in the department of defence was
apprehensive. Thick silence smote the air.

As sudden as brambles, heavy artillery tanks and a convy of high – ranking

army officials made way into the social hall. We all stood with a salute ready “We
have faced so many trials and challenges” roared the colonel general. “As soon as
the president……………..” he was interrupted by a familiar voice.

A navy blue lectern holstered with velvet and high end leather finishes grace
the television set. Our honorable president confidently sashayed towards it cleared
his husky voice and began. “Fellow citizens our country is under attack” .Deep
wrinkles and sweat punctuated his visage. It was clear from his tone that all was
not well. “For long we have closed an eye and watched our adversaries pitch camp
on our soil. “As we gulped down a grass of water, I watched members of my
platoon clench their fist in anger.

“A Cat is friendly but once cornered turns hostile. This good for nothing
terrorist have razed, down our nation. Today they attacked Utulivu University;
hundreds of students have lost their lives as scores of others sustained serious
injuries. The country is full of hue and cry, condolences messages flowing in fast
and furious. He pulled down his jacket revealing his combat uniform we did not
need any other premonition to know we were at war. “I order and declare all
soldiers to be up in arms ready to defend their soil.”

It is then that I recalled that our arms had been serviced and re-serviced.
Pre-war drills had been order of the day. I had chosen this career as tribute to
grandfather who had passed on in the line of duty. Having passed out with the
highest accolades in flight school, I had vowed to defend my country come what
may. “ As you have heard what the president has commanded, get up and do what
you have to!” thundered the colonel .

Like well oiled pistons, we shot out. Being the best pilot, I was accorded
first priority. I hoped into my ‘bird’ – fighting falcon- as I had christened it.

Revered the engine and made contact with the control tower, “F-F to control tower,
ready for take off.” I buzzed on the inter-communication device. “Cleared, cruise
at a speed of 120m/h seventeen thousand meters above sea level. First target fifteen
kilometers north, came in the instructions. F-F took to the skies like a bullet.

Anger, determination and patriotism being my driving force. In a wink, I

spotted enemy camp. Lost in thoughts on what to do first. I aimed and locked
target, releasing a missile and a hail of bullets. I was proud of myself as soon as I
saw the havoc I had unleashed below. Pleased with myself, I took aim and was
ready to fire again when out of the blues; a familiar chopper hovered above me.

I was able to see the man on the cock-pit. Macharia, my Fidel achiels, his
gun pointing directly at me. He pulled his trigger unleashing a hail of bullets at me.
I froze momentarily, how could he, why him. We all along suspected a traitor was
amongst us. However, no one thought it would be Macharia. Verily not all that
glitters is gold.

A bullet got lodged in my midriff, as the plane came troubling down.

Nevertheless, I was able to eject of my seat and landed in a thick forest. I flew my
platoons kite with our insignia. Bleeding profusely, I blacked out. When I came to,
I was in a white room. Surrounded by members of the military from every rank and
file. The chief of general hierarchy and the commander in chief stood beside me.

Congratulatory messages flowing in hard and fast. “Soldier well done, we

owe our victory to you.” We had defeated our sworn enemies. Though some of my
mates succumbed, our country was terror- free.

I attentively listened to father (Major general) as with a broad smile, he

showed me various war medals and plaques. A feeling of admiration and pride
grew in me. Verily: Fortune favors only the brave.


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