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The Parents’ Playful Role

Most important playmate.

Greatest plaything

 Through play you will encourage your child to see the world as a wonderful and exciting place.
 To develop physical and intellectual skills in the most pleasurable possible way.
 Not only child’s most important form of learning but also early play experiences help shape his outlook
on life and powerfully influence his later style of behavior.
 The more freedom and experiment in play you give to your child the more spirited and creative he is
likely to be as an adult.
Getting into it
1. Getting in touch – almost everything you do for your infant stimulates his senses and
encourages his curiosity; as you observe your child you will become aware of his
wonderfully unique nature, you will notice the games and toys he like best and what special things
he does with them – all of them will help you develop appropriate ways to play with him.

2. Setting as example – Babies learn by watching, will learn about play by observing your attitude
towards games and general fun. You show and consider play to be valuable activity.

3. Establishing dialogue – 3 months – babies become aware of their ability to communicate by using
sounds and gestures. Once you have the message he will love it when you respond by imitating
his sounds or making exaggerated noises and gestures.
By conversing with your baby in this manner, you will contribute greatly to his feelings of
competence. Can help build a sense of trusting fun between you and your child.

4. Watching for cues – you will want to encourage her to achieve new levels of physical, intellectual and
emotional growth without pushing her ahead too far too fast. Different ways at different stages
in their development.

How to play with your child?

1. Making sure that play is fun – parents place a premium on the educational value of play, selecting toys
and activities that develop skills. Parents have tendency to focus on performance rather than
enjoyment. Resulting to be less enthusiastic and defeat the purpose of play. Remember that
learning proceeds from fun.

2. When and how to become involved – activities requiring two people will need full participation.
Improvise a shorter and easier version, bend the rule a bit to let him win. Children learns
through imitating their parents, but it is better to let the youngster watch you and pick up ideas
on his own than to deliberately show him how something is done.

3. Expanding make-believe play – by taking her fantasy play seriously, you are indicating your support
and approval. Try not to laugh at, correct or show disapproval of her fantasies. Because adults tend
to think more realistically, it may not be a good idea to become too involved in child’s make
believe play. As well they may grow overly dependent on their parents for inspiration and lose
the ability to initiate or enjoy play by themselves.
Providing enough variety may be it toys, games or play will help them to be well-rounded and creative.
Expanding your child’s world to develop creativity and imagination.
Toys and props it influence in child’s play.

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