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Two social issues of Pakistan are listed below. You can choose any one of these issues for
analysis and recommendations as per the details that follow. Write short, to-the-point
answers. No copy-pasting is allowed. If you use any material from any source, give citation.
(10 marks).


1. Drug abuse
2. Climate change

a. Write a short statement defining the issue clearly, that is, what it is, how it is a social
issue, and why it is an important issue. (2 mark) 50 words

Ans: Drug addiction is a major social issue Men and women of different ages use drugs in
Pakistan since there are more than 8 million addicts in the country with approximately daily
deaths of 700 due to addiction related complications it becomes one of the major issues in

b. List its 5 major causes and describe each cause such that its logical causal relation with
the chosen social issue appears quite clear. Make sure that you list causes of the chosen
issue, not the effects. (2 mark) 100 words

Ans: Five major causes of Drug Addiction

 Poverty - Most of the country's population live below the poverty line unemployment
and illiteracy cause feelings of anxiety and frustration which lead them to start using
 Lack of awareness - There exists a prevalent lack of information on the effects of
drugs and how harmful drug use can be which makes people unaware to how drug
use can deteriorate their quality of life.
 Role of the media - The media portrays the usage of drugs as a status symbol of a
high society life. They portray heroes in films using drugs and being successful which
affects the young generation that looks up to such heroes.
 Family life - Children who grow up as victims of parents or other family members
who use drugs is also driven to drug use.
 Lack of treatment options for addicts - Even though drug abuse is such a relevant
problem in the society, the treatment options for addicts are very less which mediates
continued drug use.

c. Select any three causes and list them separately. For each cause, recommend institution
wise solutions (solutions at the level of 2-3 institution for each cause), making sure that
your solutions are practical, and you have described the logical steps of their
implementation. List each cause as a separate heading and under each cause put the
names of social institutions as sub-headings. (6 marks) 200 words

Ans: Recommended institution wise solutions for the causes


 The government can include initiatives to job opportunities for its citizens to earn a
decent wage which will decrease their anxieties and frustrations.
 Improving and expanding the education system and encouraging its citizens to get
educated can also increase the chances of employment and income in a family.

Lack of Awareness

 Education programs can be conducted throughout the country to make people aware of
the negative effects of drug use and advice against it.
 This information can be made part of school curriculum so children learn about the perils
of drug use at a younger age.

Lack of Treatment Options

 Since this is such a prevalent social issue, it is imperative to devote resources into
establishing effective treatment centers for treating people with drug abuse issues.
 Steps should also be taken to prevent relapse in individuals so that they can maintain

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