Psychology 7

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Read the following passage carefully and explain the steps of scientific method used in the
paragraph given below. Write down the name of the steps and pick up an example from the
passage to show where it has been used. (5

Q2. Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation plays a significant role in learning settings. Some experts
argue that the traditional emphasis on external rewards such as grades, report cards, and gold
stars undermines any existing intrinsic motivation that students might have. Others suggest that
these extrinsic motivators help students feel more competent in the classroom, thus enhancing
intrinsic motivation. From the perspective of an educator: Do you think that giving students
grades serves as an external reward that would decrease intrinsic motivation for the subject
matter? Why or why not? Also discuss the significance of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
in organizational and academic settings and share your opinion. (300
words Max., 5 marks)

Q3. Read the case study and answer the questions given below: (5 marks)

A 40-year-old male military former fighter visited a doctor with symptoms of poor sleep,
crying episodes, flashbacks, and nightmares. He also reports that his marriage and
friendships have been suffering and his work performance has also got effected badly.
When in a bad mood, he tends to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol. Initially, he has
tried to handle these symptoms on his own, but has been largely unsuccessful and now
recognizes a need for professional help. He speaks openly about his experiences and
recognizes a direct connection between his war zone exposure and current symptoms.

1. Identify the signs/symptoms in the above case. (02)

2. Name the disorder to which these symptoms belong. (01)

3. Identify the possible causes of this disorder. (01)

4. Which treatment method can be used to overcome this problem? (01)

Q4. What do you know about the construct of Personality? What is OCEAN Model and how it
can be applied in leadership? Also discuss in detail the personality traits you possess.
(300 words Max., 5 marks)
Q5. According to humanistic psychology, we all can be psychologically healthy and are able to
attain the highest possible state of contentment and happiness provided we can develop certain
characteristics. Discuss what characteristics you feel you have at present and elaborate that
which characteristics you would like to develop in your personality and why?
(300 words Max., 5 marks)

Q6. We are living in a metropolitan city where we face different challenges every day. Being an
intelligent individual (keep in mind the definitions and all the important theories of intelligence)
what issues you face most frequently in this megacity, and how do you try to resolve all those
issues. Also explain the genetic and environmental factors that determine intelligence?
(300 words Max., 5 marks)

Good Luck!

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