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RESEARCH PAPER REPORT OPTIMAL ALLOCATION OF FLOOD CONTROL CAPACITY FOR MULTI-RESERVOIR SYSTEMS USING MULTI - OBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION APPROACH . Prepared by: NEERAJ KUMAR MEENA ROLL NO : CE18B020 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TIRUPATI Professor : Dr. Roshan Srivastav Date : 09/04/2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. AIM OF THE PAPER 3 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 Intro : Floods and its control method . 3 2.2. Evolution :In optimization and simulation models for flood controls 3-4 3. Findings 3.1 Case study : location Area ete. 4-5 3.2. Data : Historical, hydrology information 4, Methodology 4.1 objective function and constraints 4.2 Analysis : Different benefits 5. Decision variables 6. Technique & Tools 7. Result and Discussion 8. Recommendation ( Future scope of the study ) 9. Summary 10. Reference List 1. Aim of the paper =: The aim of this paper was to provide and find efficiency of a multiobjective optimization mode! with new formulation ike control downstream damage while ensuring maximum energy generation and flood control of multireservoir systems by considering the release rate and flood control capacity as decision variables. * To solve the resulting nonlinear non - convex equation developed a e-constraint method with MILP. 2. BACKGROUND : 2.4 Intro: Floods or overflow of water that submerges dry land, is a major hydrological problem. To find the optimization method for reducing the flood damage in reservoir operation became an active research area for a long time One of the most practicable and workable methods of flood control is construction of dams on the rivers. But now many optimization and simulation models are developed for flood control .By using these models flood and flood damage can be prevented So it's very important to learn and study about optimization and simulation models Literature : 2.2 Evolution In optimization models for flood control: Windsor (1973) was the first person who studied the flood control problem in reservoirs by using linear programming and he also showed the importance of optimal size of flood storage capacity in multi-reservoir systems. Glanville(1976) was the first researcher who applied dynamic programming (DP) to solve flood problems. It is a popular model to solve reservoir problems because it contains nonlinear and stochastic characteristics of a reservoir. Unver and Mays (1990) solved the optimization problem with a nonlinear algorithm.lts short-term operating mode! because it updated reservoirs policies within each hour. Jones(1999) applied the MILP optimization model on Sacramento basin based ‘on two major floods recorded in 1995 and 1997. Ahmad and Simonovic (2000) provided a dynamic simulation method to minimize the damage of floods on single reservoirs Hsu and Wei (2007) developed a model based on real time .It includes three sub - models : (1)Quantitative rainfall forecasting (2)Reservoir operation optimization. (3) Prediction of river flow (inflow to the reservoir) Le Ngo et al. (2007) obtained the Mike11 hydraulic routing model .This model showed a reduction in maximum downstream flood discharge by preserving the water level in the reservoir to improve hydropower generation. Choudhury (2010) formulated a weighted goal programming model with a forecasting model based on the muskingum equation to optimize reservoir operation. Malekmohammadi et al. (2010) developed an integrating genetic algorithm based on the GIS database and a fuzzy inference system. Zhou et al. (2014) proposed dynamic programming and progressive optimality algorithms that can provide effective flood control and hydropower generation. Che and Mays (2017) developed a model for realtime flood control by integrating a rainfall forecast model ,hydraulic model and genetic algorithm Need of study : By following the above all listed optimization models, flood damages can be reduced for a reservoir system by regulating the inflow - outflow at flooding periods.But these models came with large reduction in energy generation and the portion of agricultural and urban water . Thus we have to find or study an optimization model for reservoir systems and water fall bodies which can decrease the losses in hydropower induced due to flood contro! without compromise in usable water storage This idea can be achieved by an optimization model with damage constraints and functions based on possible downstreams damages In this method the purpose of the new decision variable is related to the flood control capacity to hydropower loss for water release and downstream damage represented by time series. 3.Findings: 3.1 Case study : The study was done on Karkheh basin located in southwestern Iran with an area of about 50,000 km. The most basin area represents the arid and semi- arid areas of the region. Country : Iran Location :Karkheh basin Gps Coordinates : 1.Latitude: 25 - 32 to 00-35 (N) 2.Longitude: 00 - 46 to 00 - 49 (E) Pe _O Ktrtor Figure 1. Geographical location of Karkheh Basin in Iran Karkheh basin originates from the intersection of Kashkan and Seymareh Rivers and after 350 km long distance discharged at Iran-Iraq border to Horalazim wetland. Karkheh river has the highest amount of water in Iran after Karoun and Dez Rivers. 3.2 Data Historical information : In ancient times the karkheh river known as Eulzeus.This river was flow in Khuzestan Province ,Iran that rises in the Zagros Mountains and passes west of Shush than eventually falling into the Tigris just below confluence with the Euphrates very near to the Iran-Iraq border. The problem in the ancient times is that the Karkheh river and another major watercourse flow parallel to the Karkheh within a few kilometres east of Susa. So these rivers can flood the entire area of south susa at times of flood stage . Hydrological information : The main sub - basins of Reservoir systems of Karkheh basin are Garsha Seymareh,kuran - Buzan Kashkan and south karkheh. Figure2- Hydrographical network of the KRB The direction of flow in the Karkheh river basin is north to south because of the slope of basin land The Karkheh and Seymareh basins are in operation, others all currently under study. The total hydropower generation was 1827 MWh from all six reservoirs located in the Karkheh river basins . This study was done for optimal allocation of flood control capacity with return periods of 25 and 50 years 4.Methodology: In this study a multi- objective optimization model is developed for (1) Reducing the flood damage downstream (2) Reducing hydropower loss due to allocating flood control capacity 4.1 objective function : In this study,considering that the nature of hydropower loss(depending on demand ) is varying with time and it can't be added with flood damages at downstream sites . So in this study the objective functions consider : 1, Minimizing the damage due to flood peak discharge at susceptible downstream sites: min DPS = Dre max[O* 1) ) & k= subscript of susceptible site 1 = subscript of time . m = number of susceptible sites. Q'=time series of discharge ( m3/s) for site k = total damage( million dollar) due to pea flood discharge f damage discharge function for site k. 2. Minimizing the loss of hydropower generation of multi-reservoir system: ubscript of reservoir where i n =Number of reservoirs. SFC= flood control capacity allocated to reservoir i (MCM) DP = roral reduction in hydropower generation (MWh) fi, = function of reduced hydropower generation for reservoir i 4.2 Constraints : The model has three types of constraints: (1) Water balance equation for the reservoir: This equation relates the changes in water level to the natural inter-basin inflow and the artificial discharge released from upstream reservoir and the outflow released from the reservoir. So Balance equation for reservoir i ( (Basin, , + 01-1) + (Basin, + 0/-1)) 24 — (01,4 0) A* = 51,8) Vie ime interval ( selected according to routing of natural or artificial flows) ) = inter basin f low into reservoir i. (2)Physical constraints: These constraints represent limits on storage capacity , release rate and change in release rate in two consecutive time intervals for a reservoir. (1) Constraints on storage capacity : Sit SS1 Sige WEE (2) Release rate constraint related to the reservoir i Rm |r, +} — Lox (ax) + ar} "(ax (ox) ear where I,,, = inflows to the routing channel r during At. oO (2) = outf lows f rom the routing channel r during At. ood wave travel time across the routing channel r. K X=Muskingum dimensionless parameter (0 < Xr < 0.5) 4.Constraint related to variable sign: All variables are positive . RiSPCT!O1,S' 20 Vit Decision variables : In this study total five variables taken for reservoir systems: Release rate ( R,) Allocated f lood control capacity ( SFC) Natural inf tows( 1,) Out iows( 0,) Volume storage( S,) Also some other variables used like: To solve problem integer variables (X, ,) and (X, ,) Binary variables (y, ,) and ( Y, 1 6.Optimization technique : The optimization problem of this model is solved by €- constraint approach using a mixed integer linear programming technique. In this model one of the most effective MILP technique “ branch and bound” algorithms was used ‘® In€-constraint method optimization model run by several times © Inthe first run assume an objective function as a constraint with a fixed value and do optimization for another objective function © So in the next run that assumed or fixed objective function takes another value and another function again optimized. © For different values ,the fixed objective function gives a pareto curve . Tools : LINGO 11.0 (LINDO 2011) software was used. 10 7. Result and Discussion : This model was implemented in two different scenarios Scenario 1: Current Condition : Pareto curve was obtained by implementing the optimization model for return periods 25 and 50 years for floods. Optimal solution (as a form of Pareto curve) for current scenarios was only for two dams Karkheh and Seymareh ( only two dams are in operation). In this scenario : min. DS = 114, million dollars ) ¥- min D#P “ downstream damage is at least about 114 million dollars and cannot be mitigated any further no matter how much the hydropower generation is decreased.” and wax D2 = 400 — 511 (milion dllrs) 1 D4? =0 * The maximum downstream damage corresponding to zero reduction power generation is in the range between 400 and 571 million dollars.” * High level damages shows that no control measures for flood . It’s found that the increase of downstream damage & hydropower loss in flood damage required reduction in flood control capacity. Scenario 2: The Pareto curves obtained by implementing the optimization model for a full reservoir system ( operation of all six reservoirs) for flood with return periods of 25 and 50 years. The result are different from scenario 1 ‘© Downstream damages can be reduced to about zero. For Return period = 25 years * Hydropower loss = 100 MWh for Max. Damage mitigation For T = 50 years * Hydropower loss = 150 Mwh for Max. Damage mitigation 4 © So Hydropower loss < 10% Total hydropower generation. It found that reservoir Karkheh, Garsha and Kuran-Buzan are most responsible for the flood control and remaining reservoirs Sazbon Seymareh and Tang Mashureh have almost zero flood control capacity. Three main steps as follow are recommended for operation of the reservoirs: (1) antecedent release (2) flood control by reservoir storage (3) flood control by gate maneuver. These three steps show three solutions for downstream damage (maximum , moderate and minimum) as a pareto front. 12

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