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I tilil ililt il1il lllll tilil tilfl ililt ililt til til 020?

tl Semester 3 Year
Examination, December 2016
Duration :3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

lnstructions: 1. Answer Q. No.9 and any five of the remaining questions.

2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions
carry 16 markseach.
3, Answers should be written either in English or Kannada
dJot3ddsb : 1. dd*e d:Q e$ovd ddJddo- c>gde a* g{ddd: erudo:,0.
2. ddog d* 20 ercddq;b aarlo .ad)4ed
ddfe,i den 16 uodrldc.
3. w$dddd1 ero{ qradobeDd0 ufrao d{ddm;fO udo$dd*er:.

Q. No. 1. Explain the circumstances in whioh the "corporate veil,,of the

company will be lifted by the court. Marks : 16
anrC>e-ro$ood dod&e ioq{drDdd dr:xbddl doio Ded:d
udedd* dodz/rrldQ adot.
Q. No. 2. "company cannot be sued for pre-incorporation contracts."
Discuss. Marks : 16
"iona1ild-c dBdr -- ---6 oad
doad:derl dodpo$ adJd ----- dod.:do8e.:.,'
a ..

Q. No. 3. Explain the doctrine of lndoor Management with exceptions. Marks : 16

a4 erdmdrl$ooori edot.

Q. No. 4. Define "Prospectus". what are the remedies availabie for

misrepresentation in the prospectus ? Explain. Marks : 16
"dozSo;: dg"dq qs:Drel. dorSot dgde}J ddl deeEdpri qd:d
doaaddsodd; Z .)doxr.

020210621 I liltlt ilfi tilil lilll lllll lillr ilil lililt] ilr

Q. No. 5. State the powers dnd duties of directors in the company. Marks : 16
dodpc: &derddd erQrad $Q ddrdrdddle+x,0.

Q. No. 6. Explain the different types of share capital. Marks : 16

ded: z^:odaadd ocd {raddddl ado:,.

Q. No. 7. Discuss the members'voluntary winding up of the company. Marks : 16

Jddd {-q{rood dodco:: id>ddo$ d:o$ Czsrl.

Q. No" B, Write short notes on any two of the following : Marks : 8x2=16
Ednd ohdtoaddo add8* eFD rJqsd udoe:o:
a) Doctrine of ultra vires.
uQuaoaEed Rroa"od.

b) Forfeiture of shares.
ded:dd druu;{ro eu:.
c) Rule laid down in "Foss V/s Harbottle".
"dBen" ceq dderDu3s'" {ddrade! eo$"b.
Q. No. 9. Solve any two of the following problems : Marks : 2x1O=20
Ednd oJrod;oaddo od& i${ded doaad setuo

a) 'A'transferred certain land to 'B' on a condition that'B'would

never sell the land to coloured persons. 'B' sold the land to a
company composed exclusively of Negros. 'A'took action for
the annulment of the transfer on the ground that property had
passed to coloured persons. Will he succeed ?
'o'dq. qJ"aro$q drJreo3: xdori d>dz,rcddou dd.adooarf
'zJ'&ri dDdrddJ. 'aJ' dJ oriorerleodeJe d"ocd dodCri
dn&qd. 'e:' d) dq ddQ erue-:-o$doJ>fld aou u-odrad abeeJ
dnoauddl d*doeiodod ocd draCd$. edd: xoJ:
dpdodde ?
Iilililililtilil tilil ililtlilltlilfl ililtflil ilt 0202/0621

b) A Company's Articles provides that a becomes

bankrupt shall often for sale of his shares to other share holders
at the price fixed by the directors. Decide the validity of the

* z"oc dodpoj: osDd dgdctu dq ididdJ O"riecDRd€ eJdd:

-.1 .. dedcr(dd: .add dedccndorl dodCos: Dderddd.:
rtnQda,ld ddri d:acnu d>daiedo?J &o$abdd1 dooo&qd.
dl &o$d:Edect n,adrddoS:d: Pdro:,.
c) The directors of a company by two resolutions resolved to
make a call. But neither resolutions have specified the date
and amount of payment. ls the callvalld ?
z.ocb dodpc: &derdd& ded:dd .rdd:
c>eOd dod: dearc,A
rioddedd dme-:d dd *aadd>, e:dd cndde rf:aQdeOuq
ooaod abdl drad drqdq ddvoo:udcfrloo-. €i ddC>>
eruadrdde ?

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