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lllllilfllll llllililil lllil tftilililffiilt ililllil|||ilil ililililr illr,' 2047 102,0,'210621


ll,Semester 3 Year LL.BJVI Semester 5 Year B.A.LL.B.:(Maj.-Min.[

B.B.A.LL.B-IVI Semester 5 Year B,A./B.B.A.LL.B. (t*tiwlbta)
Examination, December 2017

Duration :3 Hours 100


lnstructions: 1. Answer Q. No..9 and any five of the remaining questions.

2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions
carry 16 marks each,
3. Answer should be written either in English or Kannada

Q. No. 1. Define company. Discuss the merits of incorporation. Marks: 16

ffiorrdl undeq0tu doah orlaldearinexr&ddood qrrbd enffidQa*,sra.
Q, No. 2: Explain tl,re doctrine of lndoor Management. State the exceptions,
if any. Marks : 1 6
?"soded ,tuqgddq oltoxr. odd* qedilrdrlwffi ge&.

Q, No.3, Who is a promoter ? What are his powers and liabilities ? Marks: 1 6
EaUr* oodd o$D& ? edd spod morlo dodnrodrlsodd tr
Q. No.4. What is prospectus ? What are the remedies available for
mis-representation in prospectus ? Marks : 16
doados: dg aodded> ? dodo$ dgdOJd ddtr Ododdri
dradolDd doaoddsadldl t

Q. No.5. Discuss the general principles and statutory restrictions for alfotment
of shares Marks:16 ,. . '
ded: doaido$ xodnd, Oor:d:rld oado mddu{ eurot'dd$n

Q. No.6. Explain the rule laid down in Foss V. Harbottle. State the exceptions,
if any. Marks: 16
qex," e.
dqeror"ler $ddeadO- d,eed poildod$lr, ado*.
. u' erdmdrlgd0 getu.
6Jca ',''.. : . ' ;''.i'
2M7iWAAO621 I llllllllllllilll lllltlilltililrilil ilil||ililllililffi ffilt liltilil

Q. No. 7. State the circumstances ufider which tribunal can order for winding up of
a oompany. Marks : 16
uorolneeddeodl otad dodqJrr(CO_ dod0oJrq od*rdep
' esdeg$ddr aoapeHr -4--Ben
Q. No. 8. Write short noteEon$ny two of the foilowing : Marks:2x8=16
#nd ohdcocldo odq ersu r^{pa udooro :


b) P re-i ncorpo ration contracts,

Ar1tueddea- dBdr doact)r{$b.

c) Dividend.

(\r).uJerod .DddE endots)
- :
t --o

a) During the war all the members of a private company while

in general meeting were kilted by a bomb.

Does the company cease to exist ? Decide.

obdd d&o$do,-pdt
l3hol"odd sodn$d?i ddo$goa;l
*q-f sn ao-dd{& 4O

dodCIo$ c&do SodriooBdoioe ? .9ednr&nr.

b) one of the objects oJ the company 'M' was to manufacture
mechanical spares and to market them.
The company 'M' intended to manufacture gotd ornaments
and to seltthem. Advise 'M' company.
d"naoa CIeqDrlrid&, do$Eo& $&
*adfd dD*d erudedaod'ao'
Jodo q{dod,Dnd?db, 'oo, doajp&}, xqai.a*rtde d&noa ile
c) A company's Articles provides that a member who becomes
bankrupt shall offer for sale of his shares to other share
holders at the price fixed by the directors. Decide the validity
of the provision.
r,oub doaho$ Osu? dr^ifoU dd dd{* oaoeolndd ed$ dde>
de&rl*r1.add de&cnaofr *m $*or&a> rtoq daxrd aierri *adaf
*nAsiedu po$& d,ao6d:$d. er oo$drDdeo$ fir*ruoo:xq odrorr.

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