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Quarter 4 – Module 4:
Science – Grade 7
Quarter 4 – Module 4: Eclipse
First Edition, 2021

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Published by the Department of Education

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Rolando B. Gello-ano

Editors: Honey Lynne A. Boyles, Romel S. Villarubia
Reviewers: Erick Venn R. Rollon, Rolando B. Gello-ano, Wilgar M. Daria
Illustrator: Rolando B. Gello-ano
Layout Artist: Rolando B. Gello-ano
Management Team:
Josephine L. Fadul - Schools Division Superintendent
Melanie P. Estacio - Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Christine C. Bagacay - Chief - Curriculum Implementation Division
Honey Lynne A. Boyles - Education Program Supervisor in Science
Lorna C. Ragos - Education Program Supervisor in LRMS

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Department of Education – Division of Tagum City

Office Address: E-Park Apokon, Tagum City

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Quarter 4 – Module 4:
Introductory Message

can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions,
directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to
understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if
you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher's assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how
they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and
tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.

Let Us Learn!

This module welcomes you to the last module for the fourth quarter of
this subject. Previously, you have learned about the factors that cause
seasons. Now, you will explore a fantastic phenomenon brought by the
alignment of our earth, moon, and sun.

Learning the effects of such alignment and positioning can clear up the
clouds of your superstitions and wrong notions of such phenomenon. Let us
know more about these by completing this module!

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

Explain how solar and lunar eclipses occur using models (S7ES-IVj-11).

Specifically, you will learn to:

1. identify the parts of the shadow cast by earth and moon during an
2. describe the alignment of the earth, moon, and sun concerning solar
and lunar eclipse and;
3. evaluate some beliefs about eclipses.

Let Us Try!

Have you recently observed an eclipse? What are the belief and
practices in your community during an eclipse? Will for a starter, during a
lunar eclipse in the ancient Philippines, it was believed that a monstrous
crocodilian dragon named Bakunawa was the cause of the eclipses. The great
dragon dazzled by the moon's beauty would rise from the sea and swallow
moons whole. This folklore and other belief still lead few people nowadays to
be anxious and sometimes causes panic in some rural parts of our country.

Before we confirm what was really behind eclipses, let us answer the
following questions. It is highly encouraged to read each question carefully.
After honestly answering, you may check the answers in the last part of this

Multiple Choice. Identify the choice that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
1. When does the lunar eclipse occur?
a. When the sun is between Earth and Moon
b. When the earth is between Sun and Moon
c. When the moon is between Earth and Sun
d. When the earth is between the sun and Asteroid

2. The order of a lunar eclipse is__.

a. Sun-Earth-Moon c. Earth-Sun-Moon
b. Moon-Sun- Earth d. Earth-Moon-Sun

3. What is the central, darker part of a shadow called?

a. Penumbra
b. Antumbra
c. inner shadow
d. umbra

4. What is a solar eclipse?

a. When the moon comes in between Earth and Sun
b. When the earth comes in between Moon and Sun
c. When the sun comes in between Earth and Moon
d. When the earth is between the sun and Asteroid

5. What do you understand about the solar eclipse?
a. Partial or total blocking of light by an asteroid.
b. Partial or total blocking of light by the moon.
c. Partial or total blocking of light by the earth.
d. Partial or total blocking of light by the sun.

6. What type of eclipse is shown in the diagram?

a. Solar Eclipse b. Lunar Eclipse c. Total Eclipse d. Partial Eclipse

7. What type of eclipse is shown in the diagram?

a. Solar Eclipse b. Lunar Eclipse c. Total Eclipse d. Partial Eclipse

8. It is a dragon in Philippine mythology that is often represented as a

gigantic sea serpent. It is believed to be the cause of eclipses.
a. Bakunawa b. Banakon c. Dragon Fly d. Unyango

9. Is it necessary to take a bath after an eclipse?

a. Yes. It is necessary to take a bath after the eclipse to take all the particles
it brings.
b. Yes. If one does take a bath after an eclipse, it will keep him/her away
from harm.
c. No. because it only takes a little good luck.
d. No, because of an eclipse per se, there is no necessity of taking a bath

10. When does a lunar eclipse occur?

a. At noon.
b. When the moon comes between the sun and earth.
c. When the earth's shadow is on the moon.
d. During the day.

Let Us Study

Superstitions regarding eclipses were often painted with negative

connotations and often involving biting and eating practices. Sometimes
eclipse has been linked to other natural phenomena such as earthquakes and
tsunamis despite a lack of scientific evidence.

Some modern skywatchers believe that eclipses are signs from another
world. While humanity has made significant progress toward scientific
thinking and abolishing unfounded and ancient beliefs, some myths and
mistruths still run rampant regarding eclipses.

As we examine the real cause of an eclipse and if it has significant effects

on our world on its occurrence and the superstitions in our community, let
us first take our first activity for this module.

Activity 1: I believe!

Objective: Collect superstitions regarding the eclipse.

Direction: Collect some beliefs and practices regarding an eclipse. You may
ask older people in your family or the community or research some of these
beliefs using an internet browser. Then write what you have gathered on the

Table 1. Beliefs related to eclipses

Belief and Practices

1. Do you or your family practice or believe the superstitions you have

collected? Why?

2. Do you think these superstitions should still be followed? Why?

We will get back on those superstitions in the last part of this module.
For now, let us have a closer look at the eclipse.
Let Us Practice

Shadow of Eclipse

We usually only notice one type of eclipse known as a solar eclipse,

which is more evident and can be seen by almost all if ever it occurs. A solar
eclipse occurs when a new moon passes between Earth and Sun. This allows
the moon to cast its shadow on earth, which we perceive as the eclipse.

When the moon reaches its position and passes through the sun, the
shadows of the moon and even earth will cast a shadow with two distinct
parts: the umbra and the penumbra. The umbra refers to the darkest part of
the shadow. Penumbra refers to the lighter shading that hangs on the
outskirts of the umbra. The alignment of the three bodies determines the type
of eclipse, based on how much sun is covered for solar eclipse.

Another form of eclipse wherein we do not know or notice occasionally

is what we call a lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse occurs when a full moon
passes into the earth's shadow. Full moons are required since such
positioning puts earth between sun and moon, which is the alignment that
produces a lunar eclipse. When the moon moves entirely into the earth's
umbra, a total lunar eclipse will occur, wherein we will see the earth's shadow
creeping across the moon. The shadow will appear dark, like a bite taken out
of a cookie, until the shadow completely covers the moon. Then, during the
breathtaking time of a total lunar eclipse, the moon suddenly changes, from
darkness of shadow covering the moon it then turns to red we commonly
known as blood moon. Wondering why how is it not black after all? Well, it is
because of our earth atmosphere and refraction of light. If you have an
internet access, you may watch the following link for better understanding

Wow! That so much for shadowy information. Now let us take on this
activity to visualize the shadow's parts as mentioned earlier.

Activity 2. Shadow Cast

Objective: Identify the parts of a shadow.

Direction: Examine the image below which shows a shadow cast by an

object as presented.

Image source:


Figure 1. Object’s shadow

Guide Questions:

1. What do you observe in the edges of a shadow cast on the board

compared to the center of the shadow?

2. In Figure 1. Object's shadow, what part of the shadow was shown in the
area labeled as B?

3. In Figure 1. Object's shadow, what part of the shadow was demonstrated

in the area labeled as A?

4. What do you think is represented by the ball in the image provided?

Let Us Practice More

In the previous section of this module, you might be confused about the
position of earth, moon, and sun during an eclipse, so let us examine it.
Remember that it was previously shown to you the shadow cast by an
object on the board, take a look at it again and let us talk about solar eclipse.
Shown below is the position of earth, moon, and sun during the occurrence
of eclipses.
Note that the moon revolves around the earth while the earth also
revolves around the sun while rotating on its axis. Furthermore, the earth and
moon follow a path called orbits as they revolve. Did it make your brain turn
upside down for a while? Then reread this portion and accomplish the next

Activity 3. Eclipse sighted!
Objective: Describe the alignment of the earth, moon, and sun concerning
solar and lunar eclipse.

Direction: Examine the image below which shows the alignment of earth,
moon, and sun during a solar and lunar eclipse. Then answer the given
questions for this activity.

Image source: Science 7 Unit 4 module 8: seasons eclipses

Figure 2. Solar eclipse.

Image source: Science 7 Unit 4 module 8: seasons eclipses

Figure 3. Lunar eclipse.

Guide questions:
1. How will you describe the alignment of earth, moon, and sun in solar
2. How will you describe the alignment of earth, moon, and sun in lunar
Take note students! This is important. We must not look directly at
solar eclipse occurrence, for it will damage our eyes because of the sun's solar
radiation. We can only look at it during a brief total phase of a solar eclipse
when the moon entirely blocks the sun. Objects that must be used to observe
solar eclipse are solar-viewing glasses, solar filters, or shade number 14
welder's glass. You should never look directly at the sun while wearing
sunglasses, no matter how tinted your lenses may be.

Let Us Remember

Earlier we touch a little about earth's rotation and revolution. Let us

discuss it here a little more.
We all know now that the earth rotates once on its axis about every 24
hours. If you were to look at earth from the North Pole, it would be spinning
counterclockwise. As the earth rotates, observers on earth see the sun moving
across the sky from east to west with the beginning of each new day. When
we look at the moon at night, they also seem to rise in the east and set in the
west. Earth's rotation is also responsible for this. As the earth turns, the moon
and sun changes position in our sky (as we are in earth's surface).
So how about the eclipse? As our earth revolves around the sun that
would take a year on its orbit, the moon on the other hand would take about
29.5 earth days or a month to revolve around the earth. During such
revolution of earth and moon in their respective orbits their positions could
cause an eclipse, provided that their alignment must almost be in a straight
line. So why can't we witness solar and lunar eclipse each month or every
year? And what was in that straight alignment of earth, moon, and sun for an
eclipse to happen?
Take the activity below and reflect on the information provided in each
illustration to understand the eclipse better.

Activity 4. Top-side-view
Objective: Describe the position of the earth, moon, and sun during solar and
lunar eclipse.
Direction: Examine the illustrations given about the position of the earth,
moon, and sun in top view and side view. Then answer the given questions.


Figure 4. Top view of earth,

moon, and sun.
IIlustrated by: Rolando B. Gello-ano

Guide questions:
1. How can you describe the position or alignment of earth, moon, and sun
shown in Figure 4.?
2. What kind of eclipse is shown in Figure 4?
Even though the positions of earth, moon, and sun were ideal for an
eclipse to happen we cannot witness it often for it need a proper alignment.
Furthermore, moon orbit as it revolves around the earth was tilted by
approximately 5° from plane of the orbit of the earth.


Figure 5. side view of earth, moon, and sun part 1.

IIlustrated by: Rolando B. Gello-ano

3. How can you describe the position or alignment of earth, moon, and sun
shown in Figure 5?
4. Can we witness an eclipse as what Figure 5 shown?
5. If you are in earth's surface, what could be the phase or the looks of the
moon as shown on the illustration?


Figure 6. Side view of earth, moon, and sun part 2.

IIlustrated by: Rolando B. Gello-ano

6. How can you describe the position or alignment of the earth, moon, and
sun shown in Figure 6?
7. What kind of eclipse is shown in Figure 6?

Let Us Assess

Great! Now let see what you have gained so far. Answer the following
questions below.

Multiple Choice. Identify the choice that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
1. What is Solar Eclipse?
a. When the moon comes in between Earth and Sun
b. When the earth comes in between Moon and Sun
c. When the sun comes in between Earth and Moon
d. When Sun rays do not reach earth.

2. What do you understand by an eclipse?

a. Partial or total blocking of light of one celestial object by another.
b. Partial or total blocking of light by the moon.
c. Partial or total blocking of light by the earth.
d. Partial or total blocking of light by the sun.

3. We do NOT have a solar or lunar eclipse each month because__.

a. The tilt of the moon's orbit is at 5 degrees
b. The moon's orbital distance changes
c. The moon is too small
d. The moon is too small

4. When does the Lunar Eclipse occur?

a. When the sun is between Earth and Moon
b. When the earth is between Sun and Moon
c. When the moon is between Earth and Sun
d. When the earth is between the sun and other celestial bodies

5. Which of the following statement is true about a total solar eclipse?

a. It can be viewed once a year from every spot on earth
b. It can be viewed once a year from every spot on earth
c. It is dangerous to look at it without the proper device
d. It is okay to look at it without the proper device

6. What type of eclipse is shown in the diagram?

a. Solar Eclipse b. Lunar Eclipse c. Total Eclipse d. Partial Eclipse

7. What type of eclipse is shown in the diagram?

a. Solar Eclipse b. Lunar Eclipse c. Total Eclipse d. Partial Eclipse

8. A lunar eclipse only happens during a ____ moon.

a. New moon b. Gibbous c. Crescent d. Full moon

9. Is it necessary to take a bath after an eclipse?

a. Yes. It is necessary to take a bath after the eclipse to take all the particles
it brings.
b. Yes. If one does take a bath after an eclipse, it will keep him/her away
from harm.
c. No. because it only takes a little good luck.
d. No, because of an eclipse per se, there is no necessity of taking a bath

10. In thinking about a solar eclipse, what does the ball in the diagram

a. Earth
b. sun
c. moon
d. both a & c

11. A solar eclipse only happens during a ____ moon.

a. New moon b. Gibbous c. Crescent d. Full

12. It is a dragon in Philippine mythology that is often represented as a
gigantic sea serpent. It is believed to be the cause of eclipses.
a. Bakunawa b. Banakon c. Dragon Fly d. Unyango

13. The order of a lunar eclipse is__.

a. Sun-Earth-Moon c. Earth-Sun-Moon
b. Moon-Sun- Earth d. Earth-Moon-Sun

14. When does a lunar eclipse occur?

a. At noon.
b. When the moon comes between the sun and earth.
c. When the earth's shadow is on the moon.
d. During the day.

15. What is the central, darker part of a shadow called?

a. Penumbra
b. Antumbra
c. inner shadow
d. umbra

Let Us Enhance

Ho! another mind-boggling and brain-turning lesson for you, but let us
squeeze it a little more to complete this module. Answer the given activity

Activity 5: You filled me up!

Objective: Familiarize with eclipse-related words.

Direction: Complete the phrases below, which are related to the eclipse.
Choose your answer inside the box provided.

sun umbra full moon moon

penumbra new moon earth crescent

1. In solar eclipse the alignment must be _________, _________ as the center,

and __________.

2. In lunar eclipse the alignment must be _________, _________ as the center,

and __________.

3. The outer part of shadow is called __________.

4. The inner part of shadow is called __________.

5. The phase of the moon needed for a lunar eclipse must be a _________.

6. The phase of the moon needed for a solar eclipse must be a _________.

Let Us Reflect

Finally, we are here! So now, let us talk about what we have taken in
the first activity of this module by answering the question below.

1. Write down one superstition that you will still follow and briefly explain
why you will still follow it.

2. Write down one superstition that could have scientific bases.

3. What is the best thing that you have learned in this module?
Activity 5
1. sun, moon, earth
2. sun, earth, moon
3. penumbra
4. umbra
5. full moon
6. new moon
Let us Let us Activity 2 Let us
assess assess try
1. …
11. d 1. a 1. b
2. Penumbra
12. a 2. b 2. a
3. Umbra
13. a 3. a 3. d
4. earth/Moon
14. c 4. b 4. a
15. d 5. c 5. b
6. a 6. a
7. b 7. a
8. d 8. a.
9. d 9. d
10. d 10. c
Answer key to Activities


EarthSky, "Why does moon in total eclipse look red? - EarthSky."

Accessed May 7, 2021.

Khan Academy, "Solar and lunar eclipses (video) | Khan Academy."

Accessed May 7, 2021.

Lawrence, G., Sciencing, "What Is the Difference Between Umbra

and Penumbra?." Accessed May 7, 2021.

Lume, "The Sun and the Earth-Moon System | Earth Science."

Accessed May 7, 2021.

Space place, "Lunar Eclipses and Solar Eclipses | NASA Space

Place – NASA .." Accessed May 7, 2021.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Division of Tagum City

E-Park, Apokon, Tagum City

Telefax: (084)-216-3504

Email Address:


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