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Just like time, life flies in an instant, death comes like a thief in the night.

cannot predict death’s occurrence and we can never escape to it. The short story
conveys that death is inevitable, it will still find its way whatever prevention we
insist, if it’s our time we cannot change it -no mortal, not even a prince nor a
queen can escape death. Even we have all the luxurious things in life and with all
the leverage to access from it, if it is your fate to die, then you will. The short
story of Edgar Allan Poe “The Masque of the Red Death” is an allegory of death and

The story revolves at the castellated abbey of the dauntless and sagacious
Prince Prospero. With his attempt to escape from the deadly plague known as
the red death, he guarded his kingdom with such an extensive and highly
provisioned security. However, without the knowledge of everyone the
contagious decease still find its way to crash into the castle living no one alive.

Poe uses different recognizable symbolism and literary context in the short story.
Basically the name of the main character Prospero means prosperous which
reflects his societal standing of the character as wealthy aristocrat using his fame
and intelligent in escaping the red death. Then the seven colored room in the
grandiose ball represents or personifies the seven developmental stages of the
human life. Wherein in his narration begins in the color blue which represents
birth of life and end at color black which symbolizes death.

Meanwhile the clock inside the black room signifies the fleeting time of the
Prospero and his dominion. The ringing of the bell in the ebony clock every 60
minutes that cease the party is a reminder of their remaining time and their final
judgement. Moreover the corpse-liked masked reveals as the death eater or the
red death leaving nobody’s breathing in just a glance.

What I learned from the story is that, death is an inevitable and unpredictable
game of fate- while we are living let’s make use the most out of it. Let us not
dwell on the material thing in life because what we have in earth like money and
fame, we can neither bring it to the death nor even in grave. Rather let’s utilize
our resources to help those who are in need and spread kindness because what
matter in life the most is the influence and the memories we share to humankind.

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