Stanford Initial Visit Notes

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Tomʼs Notes

From Cheryl: Former members of Stanford lab founded 47

- Startup, uses Lab Guru.
- 14 members on the bench.
- They donʼt like lab guru.

Team Intros
Liz - Admin for Ag. Lab.
Emily - Med student
Shirley - Lab Member
Cindy/Cynthia - Manage multiple Labs, handles on boarding, helps labs get started
Patricia - Pharma/Biochem. 2 months with the group. Manage two labs.
Ginger - Supports a few labs.
Amelia - Senior student in Ag. Lab, handles replenishment for their lab.

Inventory Sharing - Ideas

– Have a small ‘Add Userʼ Icon indicate function to share inventory with a lab.
– Have a ʼTwo-User silloetteʼ Indicate that the material was added in another
– On hover, show which lab it exists in.

Alexa Preview
– Team was excited about Alexa integration.

How will they use it? What is success? What are they using now?
– Ag.: Use Paper Notebooks, Slack, Dropbox, Asana for project management
– Cindy: Cost to run experiment, budgeting.
– Use Slack mostly today.
– Prohibitive for other ELNs: Cost
– Didnʼt like Cost/User: Didnʼt like the idea of paying $1000/user to onboard
a high school student.
– Liked the idea of copying protocols.
– Stanford collaborates with Box to store data (including clinical): https://
– They want to View/Comment collaborate on the experiment that youʼre doing.
– These messages often gets lost in places like Slack/Email.
– Review / Notes section would serve this well.
– Important to be able to pull things out.
– In practical case: After being set up, itʼs only updated once a year, before itʼs
due. Not a tool that labs are really using.

– Bad for searching
– Donʼt often shop around, know what they want beforehand.
– Has Searchable requisitions: “Show me everything I bought for this project”.
– Linked to a funding account.
– Procurement doesnʼt like Blanket POs, because they donʼt have visibility into
whatʼs being bought.
– SciQuest-Based, so should have a URL where we can link to.
– The hosted catalog data isnʼt available to Cindy.

Idea from Ag.

– Ordering/Protocol: In the flow where youʼre doing an experiment that youʼve
done in the past, but with a different lot, could see a flag: “These two
materials were from different lot numbers.”

Ordering to Replace:
– Very frequently, orders are being placed to Replace an existing item.

Integration to Microsoft Office

– Big plus. The more connections we build the better.

– Going to use all 5 Levels.

Ideas Previously Brainstormed/Desired by the Lab

– Attaching Files
– Offline Use.
– Download protocols, say when you buy a KIT from Sigma, you could also
Download the protocol for that kit.
– Data Analysis within the platform?
– Report: Showing what progress has been made in the last week from Research

Feedback From Bulk Upload Process:

– Would like to see the list of users that were read from the batch upload, and
then approve it to execute the sending of the emails..
– Remove ‘Labʼ from ‘Lab Managerʼ and ‘Lab Memberʼ. (So just be ‘Memberʼ,
and ‘Managerʼ.)
– Bug: The ‘First Nameʼ field of the User Registration form was filled into
‘Usernameʼ field of the Login form after submitting the User Registration form.
Possible also the password, didnʼt investigate.
– User Batch Upload took a long time, ~ 45 seconds?

Tomʼs Notes @ Breakfast w/ team.

– Add Price/Unit to our product page & material page
– Cam have a price range on our platform.
– White Paper on bringing up the Stanford Lab.
– “Setting up the Lab as a Warehouse”
– Peter Schuelen: Warehousing Leader in Organization.
– Sell a Starter Kit: Barcode Reader/Printer, Bins?
– Equipment Scheduling will give us an edge on people who donʼt have the
connected lab.
– Show Estimated time to complete/progress bar for longer processes

– Need to make it clearer what was or wasnʼt created in the lab on the protocol

Notes From Demo:

f. Wanting to have multiple owners/editors for an experiment.
f. Add an Owner
g. Frequently have multiple people trading off/working on months long
g. Differentiate between users using colors. Similar to how Google docs shows
an icon with a color for each user on the document.
h. Default Settings
f. Protocols should always default to ‘Privateʼ
g. Need a ‘Lab Privateʼ option.
i. Reserving Materials which are added to an Experiment.
j. Adding Attachments to Requests.
k. Choosing Required fields.
l. Urgent Field - Maybe could be implemented as ‘Required by Date?ʼ
m. Date of Planning vs. Date of Execution for experiments.
f. Automatically generate requests based on if you are below the required
amount close to the Date of Execution.
n. Mouse/Animal/Cell model leads to time wasting if you donʼt have the
materials needed - a missing material can set back experiment days easily.
fo. Experiment Planning - Project Management Tools.
f. Complete by MM/DD/YYYY
ff. Equipment Scheduler - Positive Feedback, desired feature.
fg. Calendar in the Experiment page, for showing scheduled equipment, perhaps
fh. SDS Archiving - Needed feature.
fi. Lot Management - Wanted high visibility into Lots.
fj. OCR to select a bottle Popular feature - People were excited about this.
fk. Referencing a previously run experiment in an experiment.
fl. BUG: Protocols werenʼt showing up on the list while trying to Load a
Protocol. Possible misunderstanding of how Private works.
fm. Load Steps into Experiment from different Protocols.
fn. Conversation around Configurable Workflows - building templates that are a
sequence of experiment classes.
f. HPLC Step, ELIZA Step.
go. Draft Experiment was more resonant than Protocol Templates.
gf. BUG: Add Material wasnʼt working in Experiment page
gg. More Delete Safeguards
f. Should have a confirm for all of these.
gh. Restore Protocols
f. Soft Delete
gi. Make Contact Us Form have full text editor, similar to ‘Add Noteʼ or
Description for example.

Bug: Amelia & Cindy werenʼt added as Approvers and Procurers.

Bug: Agnieszka wasnʼt able to manage permissions on projects.
Bug: Everyone was added as a viewer on every project.

Liked the UX.

Feedback: Submit - Extra Checkmark step, should automatically be selected if I

search for and select their name.

Feedback: Experiment Submitted email didnʼt have a clickable link for the User to
view that.
– Should have a Call to Action link back to the platform in every email they send.

Feedback: An Approved Submission shouldnʼt Complete the Experiment.

– Need a way of saying “I want someone to look at this, but I donʼt want the
experiment to complete after they approve it”.
– Not sure how it factors into CFR compliance, if it is important, we should make
it more clear that the experiment will be locked afterwards.

Bug: System Hung on Ag. Approving the Experiment.

Rathnamʼs Notes
Amelia, Liz, Emily, Shirley, Patricia, Maite, Ginger, Noga
In June, they will be adding 4 more to the lab

Actions: Follow up in 2 weeks.

- Stanford center for Ruta Iʼve medicine has a stem cell clinical mfg for future
projects. They will probably need GMP, and also HIPAA compliant software
- Czechowicz Lab performs individual project, but collaborate in experiment.
- Currently use Box, Dropbox, Slack, Asana
- Use SmartMart (iprocurement) for ordering, Quartzy for request management
- Chemtracker updated every year, used only at building level
- PCard used only if product is not in SmartMart. Has to be <$2500
- Blanket PO is possible but not preferred
- Place to add supervisor comments
- Quartzy: checks price against entered and offers recommendation. Has Google

- They want this to be a home base for platform
- Would like to share drafts
- Would like to see cost of running experiment
- Export chemicals to chemtracker format
- Offline use
- Protocol template locking
- Be able to view activities in lab by custom date
- Batch upload email - show list before sending email
- Login page auto filled First name for some reason (maybe title should clearly say
- Experiments are month long, sometimes up to 24 weeks, done by different
- They have big projects, multiple experiments, and many protocols within steps
(note: terminology of protocol = Steps). Could be confused with Protocol
template. Need to let customers customize it.

Deployment is easier to implement at lab level (ELN + Inventory).
Level 2: Connections to Systems (B2B) - ordering, commerce
Level 3: Connections to other vendors

- White paper on “Transitioning lab from A-B” series
        - Best practices in inventory mgmt
        - Best practices in research etc.
- Monthly training to include product training, and feedback session
- INternal monthly training from P.O. to deployment team

Nice features identified during demo:

- Notes: different colors for different members
- Edit/annotate on images
- Experiment sharing (?? Not sure what i wrote down)
- Ability to put in attachments at order page for materials (eg. Cert of analysis per
lot etc). PDF/Pic
- Notice of disposed items
- Mandate type for material, Or have customizable “Required “ field
- Flag for notes @ order
- Add a “Required by” field for Orders
- Add a “Experiment start date”
- Add a “Lock state” for items to be used in experiment
- Integrate calendar to experiment
- Ability to link multiple experiments (results from previous experiments)
- Ability to create Steps as templates
- Restore functionality for delete
- On a project, show all users similar to how google doc shows all collaborative

Potential bug to look at:

- If step is completed, should not be able to add material or edit note
- Check the Approval workflow. Ability to add notes and edit notes during
- Check signature workflow. Looks like signature is needed upon request fo
approval. CFR part 11 needs are that approved should sign in as well.

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