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HỌC KÌ I - Năm học 2019-2020
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
Đề thi này có 08 trang
Điểm bài thi Họ, tên và chữ ký 2 giám khảo SỐ PHÁCH
(Do hội đồng
Bằng số: .................................... Giám khảo chấm thi ghi)
1: .................................................
Bằng chữ: .................................. Giám khảo
2: ..................................................
- Thí sinh điền đáp án vào khung kẻ trống trong đề.
- Thí sinh không được sử dụng bất kỳ loại tài liệu nào kể cả từ điển và điện thoại.
PART A - LISTENING (4.0 points)
Questions 1 – 10. You will hear a man called Tim and a woman called Laura discussing preparations for
their holiday. Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Things to do before we go
Example: Collect the currency.
* Cancel appointment with the 1 (Monday)
* Begin taking the 2 (Tuesday)
* Buy 3
a small bag,
a spare 4
an electrical 5
* Book a 6
Instructions for Laura's mum
* Feed the cat
Vet's details:
Name: Colin 7
Tel: 8
Address: Fore Street (opposite the 9)
* Water the plants
* Meet the heating engineer on 10.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
SECTION 2. Questions 11 – 20
Questions 11-15. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Write your answers into the box below.
Visit to Branley Castle
11. Before Queen Elizabeth I visited the castle in 1576
A. repairs were carried out to the guest rooms. B. a new building was constructed for her.
C. a fire damaged part of the main hall.
12. In 1982, the castle was sold to
A. the government. B. the Fenys family. C. an entertainment company.
13. In some of the rooms, visitors can
A. speak to experts on the history of the castle. B. interact with actors dressed as famous characters.
C. see models of historical figures moving and talking.
14. In the castle park, visitors can

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A. see an 800-year-old tree. B. go to an art exhibition. C. visit a small zoo.
15. At the end of the visit, the group will have
A. afternoon tea in the conservatory. B. the chance to meet the castle's owners.
C. a photograph together on the Great Staircase.
Questions 16-20. Label the plan below. Write the correct letter, A-H, next to questions 16-20.

16. Starting point for walking the walls 19 . Traditional dancing

17. Bow and arrow display 20. Shop
18. Hunting birds display
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
I. Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. (2.0 points)
1. The car was badly smashed up, but the driver escaped without serious…………
A. damage B. pain C. wound D. injury
2. He kept his marriage a secret for years, but eventually the truth…………
A. came out B. came through C. went out D. turned out
3. Mary’s father was very surprised when she told him all ………….
A. that had happened B. which had happened C. what had happened D. things had happened
4. It’s obvious that neither the workers …………to fight the new rules.
A. nor the manager intend B. nor the manager C. intend nor the manager D. or the manager intend
5. The weather is going to change soon; I feel it in my…………→ A. body B. legs C. skin D. bones
6. - “Would you like to have noodles, spaghetti or something different?” - “………….”
A. I don’t mind B. Yes, please C. Never mind D. Anything will do
7. I'll give you the phone number of my hotel so that you can reach me if anything happens.
…………anything happen. I want you lo look after my children.
A. Can B. Might C. Will D. Should
8. We've been together through…………in our friendship, and we won't desert each other now.
A. bad and good B. thick and thin C. odds and ends D. spick and span

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9. ………… he failed in the entrance exam caused his family much sadness.
A. Which B. That C.The thing D. What
10. We…………friends even after we grew up and left home.
A. became B. made C. struck up D. remained
11. Diana took a course in shorthand and typing…………applying for a secretary job
A. on account of B. with a view to C. with a reason for D. for fear of
12. …………Sam had was gone when she heard that nearly all her classmates had failed to answer the teacher's
question.→ A. A little confidence B. The little confidence C. Little confidence D. Little of
13. Professor Alan insisted that every student…………their report by Friday.
A. finish B. finishes C. finished D. to finish
14. Another …………will be drawn from the experiment.
A. attention B. contract C. inference D. conclusion
15. The hospital is trying to. . . . . ....funds for a new kidney machine.
A. built B. raise C. set up D. found
16. I failed to buy that nice dress, for I had forgotten to bring my…………
A. wallet B. purse C. bonnet D. trousers
17. Her Spanish has come on in…………this year.
A. leaps and bounds B. odds and ends C. sick and tired D. trial and error
18. …………should not open their exam papers until they are told to do so by the invigilators.
A. Participants B. Candidates C. Competitors D. Takers
19. ………… I bought the golden fish.
A. It was from this shop B. It was from this shop C. It was this shop D. It was this shop that
that where which
20. The price of fruit has increased recently, ………… the price of vegetables has gone down.
A. whereas B. whether C. when D. otherwise
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
II. Read the text below. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each gap of the text below.
(1.0 point). Write your answers into the box provided.
Bristleworms - a hobbyist's guide
Historically, Bristleworms have had a bad reputation among (1.WATER) aquarium aficionados. These marine worms
usually enter the hobbyist's aquarium by hitching a ride on a piece of coral. Once (2. ESTABLISHMENT) , they
become part of the tank's ecosystem. Bristleworms range greatly in size. The smallest ones are about an inch long, and
the large ones can grow to over 20 inches, although, being (3. SEGMENTAL) their bodies are often retracted and so
not usually seen at their greatest extent. Literature has frequently contented that bristleworms are harmful,
(4. ASSERTIVE) that they eat clams, anemones and even coral fish. However, most
(5. ENTHUSIASM) now conclude that small bristleworms pose no threat, and are merely (6. SCAVENGE) , clearing
the tank from detritus and carcasses of animals that are already dead. However, larger worms, particularly those of the
species known as fireworms, are (7.VORACITY) eaters and can do (8. REPAIR) damage. These worms are better
removed, although this is a challenge in itself, as the worms are (9. NOCTURNE) , sensitive to light and will go into
hiding at the slightest (10. DISTURB) .
1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

9. 10.

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III. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets. (1.0 point). Write your answers into the box below.
1. I didn’t do the test well. I (not/ prepare) it very carefully at home.
2. Had he been early, he (not/miss) the last train.
3. Where (you/be) all day? I (phone) you dozens of times.
4. Three days ago, Mr Brown ran out of money so he sold his car and one day later he won a lotterry ticket. He (sell) it.
5. The monitor (be) ill, we’d better put the meeting off. Maybe it will be on tomorrow.
6. They (have) English from nine to ten in this room. Don’t let anyone disturb them then.
7.She said she (want) all the dishes (wash) by the time she (come) home.
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
I. Read the following passage and fill in each blank with a suitable word. (1.5 points)
The human race is not the only one species of beings in the living (1) Many other species exist on this
planet. However, human beings have a great influence on the (2) of the world. They are changing the
environment by building cities and villages where forests (3) stood. They are affecting the water supply by
using water for industry and agriculture. They are changing (4) conditions by cutting down trees in the
forests and are destroying the air by adding pollutants to it.
It can be said that human beings are changing the environment in all respects (5) their actions and their
habits. This has (6) in two serious consequences. The first is that many species of animals are killed. The
second is that the environment (7) these animals are living is (8) destroyed. As a result, the number of
rare animals are decreasing so rapidly that they are in danger of becoming (9).
In order to make sure that these rare animals do not disappear, (10) have been made to protect endangered
nature. Scientists have made (11) of these species and suggested ways to save them. Many organizations
have been set up and funds have been (12).Thousands of national parks all over the world have been
established to protect endangered animals. (13) have been introduced to prohibit killing endangered animals
in the natural habitats where animals are living.
If people's interference with the environment decreases, more species will survive and (14) offspring. The
earth will be a happy planet where human beings, animals and plants peacefully (15) .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
II. Read the following passage and choose A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the blanks.
(2.0 points). Write your answers into the box below.
Television’s contribution to family life in the United States has been an equivocal one. For while it has, indeed,
kept the members of the family from dispersing, it has not served to bring them together. By dominating the time
families spend together, it destroys the special quality that distinguishes one family from another, a quality that
depends to a great extent on what a family does, what special rituals, games, recurrent jokes, familiar songs, and
shared activities it accumulates.
“Like the sorcerer of old,” writes Urie Bronfenbrenner, “the television set casts its magic spell, freezing speech
and action, turning the living into silent statues so long as the enchantment lasts. The primary danger of the
television screen lies not so much in the behavior it produces — although there is danger there — as in the
behavior it
prevents : the talks, games, the family festivities, and arguments through which much of the child’s learning takes
place and through which character is formed. Turning on the television set can turn off the process that
transforms children into people.”
Of course, families today still do special things together at times: go camping in the summer, go to the zoo on a
nice Sunday, take various trips and expeditions. But the ordinary daily life together is diminished — that sitting
around at the dinner table, that spontaneous taking up of an activity, those little games invented by children on
the spur of the moment when there is nothing else to do, the scribbling, the chatting, the quarreling, all the things
that form the fabric of a family, that define a childhood.

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Instead, the children have their regular schedule of television programs and bedtime, and the parents have their
peaceful dinner together. But surely the needs of adults are being better met than the needs of children, who are
effectively shunted away and rendered untroublesome.
If the family does not accumulate its backlog of shared experiences, shared everyday experiences that occur and
recur and change and develop, then it is not likely to survive as anything other than a caretaking institution.
1. Which of the following best represents the author’s argument in the passage?
A. Television has negative effects on family life. C. Television should be more educational.
B. Television has advantages and disadvantages for children. D. Television teaches children to be violent.
2. The word it in the passage refers to.......
A. dominating B. time C. television D. quality
3. Why is Urie Bronfenbrenner quoted in paragraph 2?
A. To present a different point of view from that of the author C. To expand the author’s argument
B. To provide an example of a television program that is D. To discuss the positive aspects of
harmful television
4. The word freezing in the passage is closest in meaning to........
A. controlling B. halting C. dramatizing D. encouraging
5. Urie Bronfenbrenner compares the television set to ........
A. a statue B. an educator C. a family member D. a magician
6. Which of the following would be an example of what the author means by a special thing that families do?
A. Going on vacation in the summertime C. Reading to the children at bedtime
B. Playing cards together in the evening D. Talking to each other
7. The thing that “form the fabric of a family” in paragraph 3 are........
A. special things B. ordinary things C. television programs D. children
8. The word it in the passage refers to ........
A. the television B. the family C. its backlog D. an institution
9. According to the author, what distinguishes one family from another?
A. Doing ordinary things together C. Celebrating holidays together
B. Watching television together D. Living together
10. It can be inferred from the passage that a caretaking institution is one in which care is given ........
A. charitably B. lovingly C. constantly D. impersonally
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
III.You are going to read a magazine article on space travel. Five paragraphs have been removed from the
article. Choose from the paragraphs A-G the one which fits each gap (1- 5). There is one extra paragraph
which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).(1.5points)
Charles Conrad went to the moon with Apollo 12 and circled the Earth in Skylab. But from now on, he is going to
aim high for himself. His company, Universal Space Lines, hopes to produce a more economic rocket that will be
able to go in space again and again.
(0) _____ G _____
NASA, the U.S, government-owned space program, plans to develop such a rocket. However, the immediate
priority is missions to Mars, which will require different technology. So it is more likely that people outside the
NASA program will develop re-useable rocket design. Rick Tumlinson runs an independent organization called
the Space Frontier Foundation and firmly believes that it is time for business to get involved.
(1) __________
So Tumlinson is also in business to prove a point. Space is our destiny, he says, so why not get on with it a bit
more eagerly? To this end, the SFF is holding a conference in Los Angeles shortly, to be called Space: Open for
(2) __________
Another company, Kistler Aerospace, has similar plans; “Our goal is to become a delivery service to low Earth
orbit that will radically re-align the economics of doing business in space. Satellites will be our parcels: our
vehicles will be operated in repeated flights with air freights efficiency.” (3) __________

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Their own view is that it is impossible for NASA, which is government-owned, to offer an “open frontier”. This is
not a matter of budgets or schedules, but of fundamental purpose and design. NASA is “elitist and exclusive”,
whereas the SFF believes in opportinities for everyone “a future of endlessly expanding new choices”.
(4) __________
Of course, the ex-astronaut and businessman Charles Conrad agrees. “I’m trying to get affordable space
transportation up and operative so that everybody can enjoy space. And by the way, the Japanese are hard at
work building a space hotel.”
(5) __________
If he is right, mass space travel will have arrived by 2050 and space tourism will have become a viable industry.
More importantly, the human race will have made serious progress in crossing that final frontier.
A.Companies will always be looking for profit. For this reason, the SFF is not in favor of American missions to Mars,
claiming that there’s nothing in it for investors. At the same time, they do accept that these missions could bring
scientific benefits.
B.He sees the NASA program as a bit of a dinosaur. “25 years after the Wright Brothers, people could buy a
commercial plane ticket ... but many years after landing on the moon, we sat around watching old astronauts on TV
talking about the good old days.”
C.In 1997, the SFF ran a survey on the Internet, called “Cheap Access to Space”, where it asked American taxpayers
for their views on the U.S space program and on what American’s future priorities should be in space
D.U.S government officials don’t see the future for space tourism. Here again, private companies may well prove
them wrong. David Ashford, director of Bristol Spaceplanes Limited, once said that space tourism would begin ten
years after people stopped laughing at the concept. Recently, he added this striking comment: “people have stopped
E.Charles Conrad is due to speak there. But his company is in fact only one of several that already have blueprints
for getting into space and back cheaply. Rotary is working on something that would be launched like a rocket but
return like a helicopter. Pioneer Rocket plane believes there could be a million dollar market in delivering packages
from one side of the planet to the other in an hour.
F.They would like to see “irreversible human settlement” in space as soon as possible and maintain that this will
only happen through free enterprise. “Building buildings and driving trucks is not what astronauts should be doing;
that’s what the private sector does.”
G.“Cheap” is an important word in space technology nowadays and re-useable rockets will be a key way of
controlling costs. They will deliver things to orbits, bring stuff back to Earth and then go up again, perhaps with
machinery for a space factory, or even carrying tourists.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
PART D – WRITING (5.0 points)
I. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the first sentence,
using the cues as the beginning of each sentence. (1.0 point)
1. It’s almost nine months since I stopped subscribing to that magazine.
I cancelled ..............................................................................................................................................................
2. Ann paints her landscapes with great pleasure.
Ann takes ................................................................................................................................................................
3. My mother was the person who started my interest in reading.
It was.......................................................................................................................................................................
4. If your parcel is delayed, contact us.
Should there ...........................................................................................................................................................
5. She doesn't usually eat three meals a day, so she got full pretty quickly.
She isn't.................................................................................................................................................................

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II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between three and five words, including the word given. (1.0
1. I wasn't expecting my colleagues to organise a farewell party on my last day at the company. (TAKEN)
I………………………………………………..........................………….when my colleagues organised a farewell party on my last
day at the company.
2. I was about to leave when she turned up. (POINT)
I was ………………………………………………………….............................................................when she turned up.
3. I am sure Maria finds reading interesting because she has lots of books. (MUST)
Maria ………………………………………………………..............................….reading because she has lots of books.
4. It’s ages since my sister and I had an argument.(OUT)
My sister and I ………………………………………………………....................................................................….ages.
5. The secretary connected me to the managing director. (PUT)
The secretary ……………………………………………….........................................…………. the managing director.
6.Mary felt happy after having a hard work out with her tennis instructor. (MOOD)
Mary …………………………………………………………. after having a good work out with her tennis instructor.
7. The coach’s tactics were directly responsible for the team’s defeat. (CONSEQUENCE)
The team’s ……………………………………………………...............................................…….of the coach’s tactics .
8. I couldn't make sense of the radio message because of the interference. (IMPOSSIBLE)
The interference on the radio…………………………….........…………………………….to make sense of the message.
9. What put me off the idea was simple how expensive it was going to be. (WAS)
 The sheer …………………………………………….................................................…………….put me off the idea.
10. As there are no more questions, we think we can end the meeting (NO)
There ………………………………………………….....................................………., we think we can end the meeting.
III. Write the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence, using the words given in
the brackets. The words must not be altered in any way. (1.0 point)
1. Economists say that the situation is bound to improve. DOUBT
Economists say that there is ............................................................................................................................................
2. Only a week later did we realize what had happened. FOLLOWING
It was not..........................................................................................................................................................................
3. I have never seen a dancer as talented as Helena. FAR
Helena is .........................................................................................................................................................................
4. The young girl stopped working though the salary was very high. GAVE
No matter ........................................................................................................................................................................
5.Students must not enter the exam late, whatever the reason might be. (CIRCUMSTANCES)
Under ..............................................................................................................................................................................
6.Were Ann not so beautiful a girl, John wouldn't be marrying her. (BEAUTY)

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But ..................................................................................................................................................................................
7.Waiting for buses irritates me. ( NERVES)
Waiting for buses ...........................................................................................................................................................
8.They tried hard so that they would pass the exam. (TO)
With ...............................................................................................................................................................................
9. There are several categories of people who do not have to pay the new tax. (EXEMPT)
There are .........................................................................................................................................................................
10. Ours is the only company allowed to import these chemicals. (MONOPOLY)
Our ..................................................................................................................................................................................
IV. Write an essay on the following topic (2.0 points)
Taking graduation photos to celebrate the end of a school year has been in fashion for some time. Certain classes
even spend much money, time and effort to have an impressive album. What is your opinion about this trend?
You should write about 200 -250 words.

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The end

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