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Day 7 (Customer Analysis)

Business plan on rice retailing

Virtually everyone feeds on rice. This makes the market for the rice retail store business a
very large one. These products are to be sold to:

Health-Conscious People - they are those people who wants to eat a good and healthy
food like the one who is not fertilized by so much plant medicine. We can assure them that our
product that we will sell to them are all good quality of rice from a good quality of palay.
Workers - they are those people who work for their family and provide food for them to
eat and also, they are the ones who are more likely to choose a good food for them. We can
assure them that our product is safe and can eat by all of their family members.
Students - those are the people who really need to have a good amount of nutrition in
their body since they need to go to school and send their time on school works. Food can give
them enough nutrition that their body needed and we can assure them that our product helps to
increase the nutrition and energy inside their body.
Schools - since school workers tend to help some students who needed help the most,
they choose to help them by giving a kilo of rice and groceries. We can assure them to give them
discounts and give them a good quality of rice that will make them want to buy in our store

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