Mrcs Part B Stations

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• Anatomy
1. Neck : examiner showed photos of anterior and posterior triangles of neck, asked about
submandibular gland, sub mandibular lymph nodes histology photo for malignant melanoma

2. Neck, Abdomen, Chest on Cadaver: infrahyoid muscles, azygous, sympatheicchain, papillary

muscles, coronary arteries, spleen and spleenic artery,

3. Lower Limb: gleuteal muscles and n supply, peroneal nervea, root value of common and
superficial peroneal nerve, femoral triangle

• Pathology and Critical Care

1. Nasopharyngeal ca: types, mets, immunohistochemistry, biposy result, lymph node
dissection, pet scan findings.

2: Malignant melanoma: types, specimen of lymph node positive in inguinal and big toe
excised(why), post lymph node disection wound infection most common 1 organism, Fournier
gangrene organism

3. Malignancy: define carcinoma, what is most reliable lab result, epithloid cells found what this
means, immunihistochemistry

4. Post hepatic jaundice: types, bile contents, radiological intervention for obstructive jaundice

5. Trauma: Patient with RTA Chest and Abdominal Trauma, management of Airway and
Breathing, explaination of patient charts with metabolic acidosis and raised urea

6. Pain Abdomen
Showed X Ray of transverse colon volvulus, and patient charts with inadequate IV fluid
management, Acidosis. CT Abdomen,

• Examination

1. Submandibular gland: patient had no findings, how to Ix, Causes of Submandibular gland
enlargement, non operative management of sub mandibular duct stone.

2. Median nerve: hand examination, what is tinnel's test, Ix, NCS, EMG, MRI C Spine

3. Acute abdomen in 65 years: suden onset left illiac and lumbar pain, tachycardia, tender
abdomen, ECG arrhythmias, Notes, Acidosis.
4. Pain abdomen: there was a laparoscopic scar, many DD he discussed, final diagnosis IBS
with toxic megacolon, how you will diagnose, Asked about X Ray, Barium, Colonoscopy,
Proctosigmoidoscopy, what surgical options,

• Communications

1. Call to senior +ve RTA, compound fracture tibia fibula and meta tarsals, suddenly developed
cold limb, labs showed Raised Urea, Amylase,

2. Counseling to mother with child under going Laparotomy with Spleenic Injury, (consultant
notes suggest may try to save spleen)(USG was not clear, divorced husband gave consent,
patient needed blood transfusion before operation, (my son will be ok : i am hopeful, my son will
die: i can not say, his vitals are not stable)

3. Impotnce: Smoker, Drinker, Taking Atenolol. 20 years of marriage with 2 children, asked me
whats ur Diagnosis, what you will do : examination and baseline Ix, needed Psychosocial,
Psychiatric and Urologist opinion,
According to History, what is your diagnosis)

4. Knee pain: swelling for 3 weeks, Limitation of movement, Functional Limitation, Pain on
Exertion, relieved by Pain killers, 20 years H/O Trauma. What Ix u will do, X Ray Knee Standing
or Supine, Why MRI, any other Ix : Joint Aspiration as there is swelling, what is management
plan, what surgery u will offer.

• Surgical
1. Stitching: Simple Interrupted Sutures, what Local Anesthetic, what is dose of lignocaine, what
is maximum dose of 1% lignocaine, what is better lignocaine, lignocaine with adrenaline or

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